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Chapter 3: Neuroscience and Behavior

Reflective Essay

Amnah Tariq, 26632

Human psychology is a deeply complex structure consisting of a myriad of intricate emotions, behaviors,
and thinking processes that are influenced by internal and external factors. Chapter 3 delves deeper in
to the study of human cognition and how intertwined our biology is with our behavior. Behavioral
neuroscience shows how human psychology is not only a product of environment influences, but rather
also a product of hereditary genetics and biological factors.

How neurons, despite their negligible size, are the fundaments of our nervous systems and play an
indispensable role of transmitting information which goes on to be the basis of our perceptions and
emotions is incredibly fascinating. Moreover, the electrical and chemical transmissions and the synaptic
gaps between neurons paves way for new psychotherapeutic medicine.

The nervous system itself is divided into two; the central nervous system which is related to the brain
and medulla oblongata, and the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is further
branched into two; somatic division (voluntary actions and sensory information), and the autonomic
division (involuntary actions such as breathing or heart rate). The autonomic division is further
fractioned into sympathetic and parasympathetic division which control bodily functions and mental
emotions in flight or fight situations. This goes to show how complex and sophisticated the nervous
system is, and how despite being biological holds a great impact over our cognition.

Furthermore, the nervous system also regulates the endocrine system, or simply put it controls our
hormones. Hormones are chemicals that are necessary for numerous biological functions, both
psychological and physiological. For examples, it is via hormones such as dopamine or adrenaline that
we experience a multitude of emotions.

However it is not only hormones that play a part in our mental states, the brain itself has a lot of
influence on our perceptions. Mental disorders such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease are known
to alter the reality of the patient. On a milder note, placebo drugs or psychotherapy can make the body
feel physical symptoms that have no real cause.

It is truly remarkable how our brain works in such mystical ways, not only is it an incredibly interesting
topic to study and learn about, but also a great science to explore for humanity’s greater good.
Neuroscientists have devised non-penetrative techniques such as EEG and PET to learn more about
brain functioning, which has greatly helped in the process of giving medical aid to numerous patients.

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