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Traceability ReARMed

Joern David, Maximilian Koegel, Helmut Naughton, Jonas Helming

Technical University Munich

Institute of Computer Science / I1
D-85748 Garching, Germany
{david, koegel, naughton, helming}

Abstract to the iterative nature of software development, the man-

ual detection and maintenance of traceability links has to
Traceability links connect artifacts in software engineer- be performed frequently and is costly [4]. The need for
ing models to allow tracing in a variety of use cases. Com- tools to support finding and maintaining traceability links
mon to any of these use cases is that one can easily find is widely recognized in academia [9] [25] [21] [22]. Ex-
related artifacts by following these links. Traceability links isting approaches for recovering traceability links are based
can significantly reduce the risk and cost of change in a on content and rely on the hypothesis that related artifacts
software development project. However, finding, creating are also related in content. Traceability links can therefore
and maintaining these links is costly in most cases. In any only be found if the two artifacts that are to be linked have
real-world project of significant size the creation and main- similar content. This is a major drawback and either results
tenance of traceability links requires tool support. in many false positives if the content similarity threshold is
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to support low, or in many false negatives if it is high. During the case
the automation of traceability link recovery based on Asso- study presented in section 5, we also observed that related
ciation Rule Mining and operation-based change tracking. artifacts must not be similar in their content at all, especially
Traceability link recovery is the activity of finding missing if the content is sparse and the model is still under develop-
or lost traceability links. Our approach automatically gen- ment. De Lucia et al. [18] explicitly suggest to solve the
erates a list of candidate links based on the project history limitations of content-based approaches by complementing
along with a score of support and confidence for every can- them with other approaches.
didate link. We transformed the data from an operation-
based change tracking system to sets of frequent items,
which serve as input for Association Rule Mining (ARM).
We applied our approach to data from a software develop- In this paper, we propose a novel approach to traceabil-
ment project with more than 40 developers and assessed the ity link recovery called ReARM (Recovery of traceability
quality of the candidate links in interviews. links based on Association Rule Mining). ReARM does
not rely on content similarity, but on the history of a soft-
ware model, overcoming the limitations of content-based
1 Motivation approaches [18]. Especially in models under development,
where content may still be sparse, content-based similar-
Traceability is an important property of any software ity is not an appropriate indicator for related artifacts. By
model and can be defined as follows: “Software artifact recovering links from the previous change and navigation
traceability is the ability to describe and follow the life behavior on the model, the candidate links are restricted to
of an artifact (requirements, code, tests, models, reports, relevant parts of the model and to links that would have been
plans, etc.) developed during the software life cycle in both of use in the past. Our approach is also applicable to unified
forward and backward directions (e.g., from requirements models, which incorporate a broader range of software en-
to the modules of the software architecture and the code gineering artifacts than previous software models. Further,
components implementing them and vice-versa)” [12] [18]. ReARM can be used in addition to existing content-based
Missing support for traceability has been recognized as a approaches, completing their results with links that are not
major cause for project overruns and failures [7] [16]. Due related in content but according to their change history.
2 Related Work indexing, showing that latent semantic indexing performs
better than vector space or probabilistic models and does
For tool-supported traceability link recovery, there are not rely on stemming either. Maletic et al. [20] extend
two types of approaches in general, content-based and the latent semantic indexing approach by creating a for-
non content-based ones. Several content-based approaches mal hypertext model for link recovery and maintenance of
make use of methods from Information Retrieval (IR) such the conformance of the links over time. Lormans and van
as Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), deriving traceability Deursen [17] reconstruct links between requirements on the
link candidates from content similarity. Non content-based one side and design artifacts and test case specifications on
approaches often use data mining techniques, such as Asso- the other side also using latent semantic indexing. They
ciation Rule Mining (ARM), to discover traceability links discuss two possible link selection strategies, which include
symbolically. to apply a 1-dimensional as well as a 2-dimensional filter
to the term-document matrix. De Lucia et al. [18] cre-
ated an artifact management system with traceability re-
Content-based Approaches The majority of existing
covery based on latent semantic indexing called ADAMS.
approaches is based on content. Several content-based ap-
They conclude that in order to go beyond the limitations of
proaches employ basic matching techniques as done by
information retrieval methods, a combination with syntax-
Murphy et al. [21], where regular expressions and nam-
based approaches would be necessary. Summing up the ex-
ing conventions are leveraged to map the developer’s model
isting approaches in the field of traceability link discovery,
to the source model, using the “reflection model technique”.
content-based approaches mainly use information retrieval
The tool QuaTrace by Maletic et al. [25] integrates the com-
methods based on the vector space model such as LSI.
mercial tools RequisitePro and Rhapsody to provide trace-
These techniques rely on static similarity between differ-
able requirements using guidelines during document cre-
ent development artifacts (entity-centric). Sparse or miss-
ation and name matching. Zisman et al.[29] also use syn-
ing artifact contents imply a need for non content-based ap-
tactical matching of related terms in requirements and in the
proaches such as syntax-based analysis or association rule
source code of the system. All these approaches depend on
mining. These methods often address traceability from an
naming conventions and adherence to guidelines.
activity-centric point of view, discovering traceability links
As mentioned before, many content-based approaches
from the traces of different development activities.
are based on information retrieval methods. According to
Antoniol et al. [2], the probabilistic model and the vector
space model from information retrieval are both suitable for Non Content-based Approaches The CAESAR ap-
traceability recovery and show similar performance in this proach developed by Gall et al. [10] attempts to measure the
field. These methods require a prior stemming step, i.e. the coupling of multiple releases of a system – based on empiri-
reduction of words in a text to their corresponding stems to cal analysis. Using a product release database, they identify
make comparisons easier. Settimi et al. [24] utilize the vec- change patterns using change sequence analysis and change
tor space model to trace requirements to UML artifacts and report analysis and employ these patterns to detect coupling
code. In [13], Hayes et al. introduce the RETRO tool which between subsystems. Egyed and Grünbacher [9] utilize a
utilizes an improved vector space model technique as well graph of nodes, which can be built by observing the classes
as latent semantic indexing (as an extension of the vector and methods used while testing a scenario. Trace analysis is
space model). David proposes a recommendation system, then performed by iteratively manipulating this graph. Gall
which is based on a recurrent neural network as well as on et al. [11] exploit CVS (Concurrent Versions System) data
LSI, to predict likely further changes – given a set of already by quantitative analysis, change sequence analysis, and re-
changed software artifacts [6]. lation analysis to analyze software evolution and to display
Cleland-Huang et al. [5] introduce three strategies for change behavior. CVS data is also the basis for the work
improving probabilistic retrieval algorithms, i.e. hierarchi- of Ying et al. [27], who utilize association rule mining to
cal enhancement, clustering enhancement and graph prun- determine change patterns from the change history of the
ing enhancement. Richardson and Green [22] use a method CVS repository. They exploit this information to recom-
called surface traceability, in which small perturbations are mend possibly relevant artifacts to the programmer. ROSE,
made and the corresponding changes are observed to au- as presented in Zimmermann et al. [28], also makes use of
tomatically discover traceability links between the specifi- association rule mining on a CVS repository to predict fu-
cation and parts of a program – generated from this spec- ture changes, to reveal the coupling of entities, and to pre-
ification using program synthesis. While this technique is vent errors occurring due to the incompleteness of changes.
interesting for generated programs, it was not developed for Both approaches operate on the source code only.
traceability discovery in manually coded programs. Non-content based approaches traditionally determine
Maletic and Marcus [19] make use of latent semantic change patterns based on the changes to a CVS-like repos-
itory. Change-impact mining on a unified model using Since several models can describe the same system under
a broader range of software engineering artifacts, as de- development, it is often useful to add additional links con-
scribed in section 3.1, can help to improve these ap- necting elements of these different models. For example, it
proaches. can be essential to link a requirement from a requirement
model with a use case from a use case model to express that
the use case is describing the requirement in greater detail.
3 Prerequisites of the ReARM Approach A unified model defines models with their model elements
and links among the model elements from the same or dif-
In this section we will introduce prerequisites for our ap- ferent models.
proach. The traceability links we recover are instances of a
unified model that combines models from different domains 3.2 Operation-based Change Tracking
such as UML models, rationale models, or schedules. In
section 3.1, we describe the idea of a unified model and de- Commonly instances of a model are stored in a Software
fine its terminology [26]. Since we recover traceability links Configuration Management (SCM) system. Our approach
from the history of the models, our approach is based on is based on the history provided by an SCM system, which
Software Configuration Management (SCM), more specifi- serves as input for the association rule mining algorithm.
cally, on a operation-based versioning system (section 3.2, For the ReARM approach, we need to analyze the changes
[15]). Finally, we introduce association rule mining as the that were performed on the granularity of model elements
data mining technique used to process the history data (sec- and links. Most existing SCM systems however provide
tion 3.3). data about the evolution of a model on the granularity of
files. We therefore rely on the SCM system presented in
3.1 Unified Model [15] and implemented in Sysiphus [8]. This SCM system
works in an operation-based way and provides change in-
In software engineering, a model can describe the system formation on the granularity of model elements and their
under development on different levels of abstraction, at dif- attributes. Each change is called an operation and describes
ferent points in time, and from different points of view. Typ- the attribute that was changed, the respective model ele-
ically, in a software development life-cycle, many models of ment, and the old and new value of the attribute. All model
the system under development are produced. These models elements also contain reader information, that is informa-
range from requirements models to class models of the enti- tion about the time a user has last read the element, if at
ties involved in the system. However, models in a software all. Since reading a model element will update its reader
development project may also build an abstraction of the information, reading a model element is also recorded as a
software development project itself in terms of the organi- change which we will exploit in the following.
zation, resources, or schedules. Many management artifacts
fall into this category, such as work breakdown structures or
organizational charts. We therefore define the term system version2: Version ModelOperation
model as the entirety of models describing the system un- changesFrom1To2: createRequirementA
der development, while the project model is the entirety of ChangePackage : ModelOperation

models describing the development project itself. version1: Version createUseCaseB:

Models define model elements and links, in the termi-
nology of a unified model they represent an aggregation
of model elements and model links. Model elements are
nodes that have a certain number of attributes of a certain
type. For example, in a UML class model, there are class Figure 1. Instance of a version graph.
nodes including but not limited to the attributes name, is-
Abstract, and package. The requirements model contains The SCM system records the history of an instance of
requirement nodes with attributes such as stakeholder or a unified model in a version graph. Figure 1 shows an in-
priority. Model links define the connections that are valid stance of a version graph. Each instance of Version rep-
among nodes. In the UML class model example, links in- resents a project state, having a predecessor and a succes-
clude association, aggregation, and composition links, in sor Version instance. Modifying version version1 creates
the requirements model links might specify a refiningRe- version version2. The modifications on the model that oc-
quirements relation. Essentially, all instances of models curred in version1 transforming it into version2 are repre-
are graphs with instances of model elements as nodes and sented by the instance changesFrom1To2 of the association
instances of links as edges. class ChangePackage. From a technical point of view, we
say applying changesFrom1To2 to version1 results in ver- • Items I = {i1 , i2 , . . . , im }: The set of all existing
sion2. The ChangePackage changesFrom1To2 is a com- items each represented by a unique symbol.
posite of three ModelOperation instances. The ModelOp-
eration linkAtoB is an operation that was performed on the • Itemset X ⊆ I: A subset of the globally available
model between version1 and version2. It describes the cre- items, e.g. a shopping cart of goods to be bought. For
ation of a link between two model elements A and B, where facilitating the mining process, the items are ordered
A is a requirement and B is a use case. lexicographically, (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) with x1 ≤ x2 ≤
. . . ≤ xn . A k-itemset is an itemset containing k items
On the basis of this change tracking infrastructure, the
x1 , . . . , x k .
PAUSE framework [14] was constructed. It provides ac-
cess to project iterators returning the project state and the • Transaction T = (tid, X): Each transaction is a 2-
changes applied to the project on any day of the project life- tuple consisting of a tid, which is simply an identifier
cycle. in form of a natural number, and an itemset X.

• Database D = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn }: A database is the

3.3 Association Rule Mining
collection of transactions, which were captured and
stored in a transaction table < tid, X >.
Association rule mining (ARM) is a data mining tech-
nique usually applied to large databases of sets of co- • The cover of an itemset X is a set of identifiers, de-
occurring items. The technique was first introduced by Ar- nominating the transactions that contain X:
gawal, Imielinski, and Swami [1], who used it for market cover(X) := {tid|(tid, Y ) ∈ D, Y ⊆ X}.
basket analysis. Its goal is to discover buying patterns of • The frequency of an itemset X in the database D is
the form “85% of the purchases including diapers also in- the probability of its occurrence within a transaction
cluded beer”. Such probabilistic rules can then be used for
T ∈ D: f req(X) = support(X) |D| = P(X), where
decision support systems regarding price promotion or store
layout. Figure 2 shows the functionality of ARM from a support(X) := |cover(X)|.
blackbox perspective, receiving itemsets as input and pro- • Itemsets X ∈ D that satisfy a given frequency thresh-
viding discovered rules as output. old t, f req(X) ≥ t ∈ [0, 1], are of special interest.

The concrete values of these terms are typically measured

by counting the entries of a transaction database, which rep-
resents the dataset to be analyzed. ARM works upon un-
ordered sets and not upon ordered sequences, which is a
fundamental premise and constraint of this technique. Thus
order-sensitive sequences such as words of a grammar can-
not be represented without loss of information.
Figure 2. Blackbox view of association rule mining with The ARM process consists of two subsequent steps; first,
generic input and output representation that is applicable to all frequent itemsets in the database have to be discovered.
many different domains and their problems. In the second step, the actual association rules are derived
from the set of frequent itemsets: 1. Mining of Frequent
Itemsets: There are |I|
k -many k-itemsets that all have to be
checked for minimum support in case of a naive approach
Recently, association rule mining has also been applied
to itemset mining. Thus the worst case costs sum up to
to software engineering. One contribution was made by P|I|
O( k=1 |I| |I|

Zimmermann and his colleagues, who mined version his- k ) = O(2 ); 2. Association Rule Mining:
tories to guide software changes [28]. When a developer • An association rule is an implication of the form X ⇒
works on a programming task, relevant software artifacts Y , X ∩ Y = ∅. X is the rule’s body, Y is the head.
such as documents, source code, multimedia files, etc. that
might require corresponding changes, can be proactively • The support of an association rule A ≡ X ⇒ Y is
recommended: “Programmers who changed these artifacts computed based on the support of (frequent) itemsets:
also changed ...”. supp(A) = supp(X ∪ Y ).
In this paper, we also use an association rule mining tech-
• The confidence of an association rule A ≡ X ⇒ Y is
nique based on the apriori algorithm [23]. We define the
fundamental concepts of association rule mining [3] by the defined as: conf (A) = supp(X∪Y
supp(X) .

following terminology. The confidence can also be interpreted as condi-

tional probability of the rule’s head: P(Y |X) = fine-grained than only mining the file-based version histo-
P(Y,X) ries provided by the respective versioning system. Our hy-
P(X) , P(X) 6= 0. The desired minimal confidence is
chosen by domain experts before starting the frequent pothesis is that reading one or several artifacts often repre-
itemset mining. sents the initial point for a user to change related artifacts.
The “initial” artifacts do not necessarily have to be changed
The association rule mining step requires a set of frequent in order to cause an intra- or inter-model change, since in
itemsets as input, which is the output of step 1. Based on many cases, reading them within the same session already
the discovered k-itemsets, which are frequent in the under- reminds the user of related changes to be carried out.
lying database, association rules A of the form A := (Y ⇒ In the following, we describe our approach to recover
X − Y ) are computed. Only rules with the desired min- traceability links, presenting a short overview of the recov-
imal confidence are considered. The confidence conf (A) ery process and then describing the details of each step. Fig-
can be calculated ∀ Y ⊂ X in the following simple way: ure 3 shows an overview over the process that consists of
∪(X\Y ))
conf (A) = supp(Ysupp(Y ) = supp(X)
supp(Y ) . three major steps: session mining, read-read partitioning,
and association rule mining.
Apriori Algorithm To solve the frequent itemset prob- As outlined in section 3.2, the history of a model instance
lem in a more efficient way than checking each k-itemset is recorded in change packages. Our first step is to cluster
X = {(x1 , x2 , . . . , xk )}, xi ∈ {i1 , i2 , . . . , im }, i ∈ the change packages into sessions per author. A session is
{1, 2, . . . , k} regarding its support (a total of 2m − 1 eval- a list of change packages from one author, where the time
uations), a dynamic programming approach is carried out. between two consecutive change packages remains below
This technique is known as the apriori algorithm for ARM, a given threshold, the session timeout. In a further step,
which exploits a monotony property. The monotony prop- certain changes are filtered from the sessions, e.g. those
erty states that all supersets X 0 of an itemset X, X ⊂ X 0 , that relate to deleted elements and thus are useless. Each
cannot be frequent, if X is not frequent. This property nar- session represents a set of model operations, which is parti-
rows the search space significantly and thus speeds up the tioned according to a read-read heuristic in the second step.
computation of frequent itemsets. The constrained search Finally, the association rule mining procedure results in a
space corresponds to the set of candidate itemsets, whose set of rules. Each rule is given by a set of model elements
support has to be computed. Since the candidate generation on the left hand side and a set of model elements on the right
can be additionally pruned by discarding those candidates hand side of the rule. Each rule represents a candidate for a
not contained in the transaction database, the whole ARM traceability link, which is annotated with a confidence and
algorithm is very fast (magnitude of several seconds) for up a support value.
to several hundred thousands of itemsets, which addition-
ally qualifies this technique for traceability link discovery. Session Mining
Read-Read Association
Partitioning Rule Mining

4 Traceability Link Discovery Approach

In the ReARM approach, we apply association rule min- Figure 3. Coarse-grained work flow of the ReARM trace-
ing (ARM) to the history and therefore also to the user ability link discovery approach.
navigation traces of software models to recover traceability
links. Our main contribution is the combination of ARM
and operation-based change tracking as well as their appli-
cation to recover traceability links. Also we apply ReARM Step 1: Session Mining The history of a model in-
to a broad set of artifacts from a unified model (cf. section stance consists of a list of change packages representing all
3.1). Thereby, we only rely on the history of the models changes that ever occurred on this model instance. Each
not on the content of any model element, overcoming the change package is a list of model operations. Each change
limitations of content-based approaches [18]. Especially package was created by exactly one author and was com-
in models under development, where content may still be mitted at a given point in time. We define a session as a list
sparse, content-based similarity is not an appropriate in- of model operations from one author so that the period of
dicator for related artifacts. By recovering links from the time in between two succeeding change packages is within
previous change and navigation behavior on the model, the a given session timeout. This way, we are able to trans-
candidate links are restricted to relevant parts of the model form the list of change packages into a list of sessions. If
and to links that would have been of use in the past. As two commits from one author occur within a few minutes or
opposed to previous approaches, ReARM exploits the his- even seconds, we observed that the authors are working on
tory of read-activities upon model elements, which is more similar modeling tasks in most cases. In an ideal scenario, a
commit would be equal to a session and each author would point from the first element to the second element in any tu-
commit only after and also immediately after completing ple. In other words, we discard those rules, whose left hand
one modeling task. The session timeout represents a degree side (body) as well as right hand side (head) are never the
of freedom in this step, thus we vary this parameter in our first or second element in a tuple respectively. This way,
evaluation. we obtain rules with the following meaning: Reading the
model element on the left hand side often results in reading
Step 2: Read-Read Partitioning In the second step, the model element on the right hand side. Each rule rep-
we need to filter the model operations in the sessions to resents one traceability link candidate. Each candidate is
avoid some unwanted results. As we are only able to find annotated with a support and a confidence value from ARM
traceability links between existing elements, we filter all (cf. section 3.3). In the following evaluation, we discuss
model operations referring to deleted elements. Addition- several instances of links discovered by the ARM mech-
ally, we remove changes that refer to administrative model anism and present the quantitative results of the ReARM
elements, such as project configuration data. On every read approach within an industrial case study.
of a model element, its reader information is updated and
recorded as a change. Based on the hypothesis that users 5 Evaluation
trace artifacts even if they are not connected by a link, we
filter the changes to reader information changes. Thereby, We evaluated the ReARM approach within a case study
we model the navigation of a traceability link by frequent on a project named DOLLI (Distributed Online Logistics
and sequential reader information changes on model ele- and Location Infrastructure) at a major European Airport.
ments to be linked. As input for ARM, we use a set of tuples The objective of the DOLLI project was to improve the air-
of model elements. Each pair of succeeding reader informa- port’s existing tracking and locating capabilities and to inte-
tion changes on two model elements that are not yet linked grate all available location data into a central database. Lug-
represents such a tuple within the session timeframe. In the gage tracking and dispatching of service personal as well as
case a traceability link is absent, the user may take several a 3D visualization of the aggregated data were developed.
approaches to find the correct element, therefore we also More than 40 developers worked on the project for about
include transitive links up to a certain depth (transitivity- five months. All modeling was performed in the Sysiphus
depth). In other words, for a fixed model element, we gen- CASE tool [8]. This resulted in a comprehensive project
erate n pairs with the n succeeding elements that were read model consisting of about 15.000 model elements and a his-
– not only with the direct successor. As result of step 2, we tory of over 53.000 versions.
obtain a set of tuples of model elements that were read in Before presenting the quantitative results of our evalu-
sequence for each session obtained from step 1. ation, we give concrete examples of link candidates gen-
erated by ReARM based on the history of the DOLLI
Step 3: Association Rule Mining In the final prepro- project. One of the traceability link types within the sys-
cessing step, the two model elements from each tuple are tem model points from use cases to UML classes and to
joined to get one itemset. The collection of all of these UML class diagrams, respectively, which are an aggrega-
itemsets is fed into the ARM mechanism as a set of sets. tion of classes. We discovered a link from an use case de-
Before starting the mining process, the two parameters sup- scribing the recording of object movements on the airport
port and confidence are chosen, e.g. minSupp = 0.015 to a class diagram representing the entity model of track-
and minConf = 0.7, which means that the items that able objects and their location data. This link allows to up-
take part in an association rule occur in at least 1.5% of date the entity model in case the use case is changed or to
all itemsets. The more itemsets are contained in the un- trace from the use case to the classes in order to get a more
derlying database, the lower the minSupp value has to be detailed view on the system. While the use case contains
chosen, since otherwise very few association rules would be only the short text “The user should have the possibility to
found. Now consider the association rule A := (X ⇒ Y ), record the movement of objects for short periods of his/her
where supp(X ∪ Y ) ≥ minSupp (frequent itemset). The absence so that he/she can plot them at a later time. (Not
value minConf is the minimal fraction of itemsets (here available for normal employees).”, the class diagram con-
70%) that also contain the elements of itemset Y , given tains many classes (over 20), most of them only containing
that they already contain those of itemset X, more formally, a class name such as Car, which is a subtype of trackable
conf (A) = supp(X∪Y )
supp(Y ) ≥ minConf . objects. For a content-based approach, it is likely to be dif-
Finally, the ARM algorithm returns a set of rules ficult to relate the use case with the diagram, since content
{A1 , . . . , An }, each of them fulfilling the minConf con- is sparse in both entities and the only relationship between
straint. Since our input only contained tuples the cardinal- them is that all the objects in the diagram are movable.
ity is two for each Ai . We only keep those rules, which In the unified model, an ActionItem dealing with imple-
mentation can be linked to the requirements from the sys- LinkSourceType LinkTargetType Fwd Bwd Total
tem model which it partially implements. We recovered one Action Item Functional Requirement 38 17 55
instance of this link type. The task is about the implemen- Action Item System Model Element 6 0 6
Action Item Meeting 4 0 4
tation of a timeout detection for an RFID reader antenna. Action Item Rationale 21 6 27
The functional requirement is about the detection of RFID Action Item Workpackage 15 0 15
tags. Without the suggested link, a project manager cannot Class Action Item 6 0 6
trace from the requirement to the tasks that are still open Class Subsystem 17 0 17
and that refer to this requirement. The content of the action Class Scenario 1 0 1
Class UML Diagram 9 2 11
item is only “Implement antenna timeout detection”, while Design Goal Scenario 4 0 4
the content of the requirement is “Detection of RFID tag”. Meeting Action Item 5 0 5
For a content-based approach, there is hardly any relation Meeting Comment 4 0 4
detectable using only this sparse information. Meeting System Model Artifact 8 1 9
Rationale Meeting 17 7 24
For the quantitative part of our evaluation, we ran the link Rationale Rationale 20 0 20
recovery with different parameters to optimize the results. Rationale System Model Element 5 1 6
UML Diagram Project Model Element 3 0 3
The best result generated by a run with a session timeout of UML Diagram System Model Element 12 0 12
20 minutes, a transitivity-depth of 10, and support as well Use Case Class 4 0 4
as confidence thresholds of 1.5E-3% and 30%, respectively, Use Case UML Diagram 4 0 4
is shown in table 1. The table lists source and target element Total 203 34 237
types and the number of links in forward and backward
direction of these link candidates as well as a total count Table 1. Classification of the discovered traceability links.
for each link type. Although we consider the links to be Fwd/Bwd denotes the number of traceability links in for-
bidirectional, it is interesting to see in which direction they ward/backward direction.
were discovered since this also implies the most frequent
direction of usage. Links with only few instances were ag-
gregated into classes such as System Model Element and
Project Model Element (see 3.1. Unexpectedly, many of
actual usage of the model. We can only derive traceability
the traceability links originate from or point to elements of
links which are frequently used. This may sound like a dis-
the Project Model. We would have expected more links
advantage, but indeed it is an advantage: we only discover
within the system model, especially from requirements to
traceability links, which would have been used frequently.
use cases. By examining the input data, we figured out
that there are only few navigation instances from require- To assess the quality of the recovered links, we inter-
ments to use cases and vice versa. The requirement and use viewed several project participants. The test set was ran-
case model are not consistent with each other. There are re- domly selected from all candidate links. From a total of
quirements that are not required for any use case; in other 43 links, 5 links were rejected. For 12 links the probands
words, use cases are missing. By contrast, there are use could not tell whether these actually represent traceability
cases that are not reflected in the requirements. We discov- links. The remaining 26 links were accepted. In the over-
ered the reason for this mismatch by means of the conducted all experiment, the probands considered more than 60% of
interviews. While some of the teams worked mostly with the candidates as meaningful traceability links, even when
use cases, other teams relied on requirements as primary discarding the links the probands were not sure about. The
representation for the customer’s requirements. Therefore problem with evaluating the overall quality of our approach
there has been hardly any navigation from requirements to is that by design the overall number of traceability links is
use cases. On the other hand, it was a prerequisite from unknown and very hard to estimate. Nevertheless, any re-
project management to report on the completion of the sys- covered traceability link represents value added for the re-
tem in terms of open tasks. This is probably the reason for spective development project, unless the effort to review the
many navigation instances from Project Model to System recommended candidate links is overwhelming. Therefore
Model, resulting in many recovered links in this segment. the number of recommended candidate links can be con-
This is also reflected in the resulting model, in which almost trolled via the mining parameters support and confidence.
50% of the action items are related to a requirement, but Since it is likely that a higher confidence value of an associ-
less than 10% of the requirements are linked to use cases. ation rule implies a higher applicability of the correspond-
In summary, 22% of the recovered links belong to the sys- ing traceability link, we can cut down the result size by
tem model, 36% point from the system model to the project increasing the minimal confidence. Furthermore, a higher
model, and 42% belong to the project model. From these re- support value implies a higher applicability of the discov-
sults, we conclude that our approach is very sensitive to the ered rule within the space of all model elements.
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