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TITLE: PRESTIGE CLASS: 수완고1 Teacher: 조누리 원장

MATERIAL: 2022년 고1 6월 모의고사 NAME: DATE:

22년 6월

On March 15, my family was on one of your Glass Bottom Boat [Tour / Tours]. When we returned to our

hotel, I discovered [whether / that] I [left / was left] behind my cell phone case. The case

_________________________________(3단어로: 떨어졌음에 틀림없다) off my lap and onto the floor when I took it off

my phone to clean it. I would like to ask you [check / to check] [that / if / whether] it is on your boat.

Its color is black and it has my name on the inside. If you find the case, I would appreciate it [if /

whether] you would let me [know / to know].

22년 6월
주제: X

One Saturday morning, Matthew’s mother told Matthew [what / that] she was going to take him to the

park. A big smile came across his face. As he loved to play outside, he ate his breakfast and got dressed

quickly so they could go. When they got to the park, Matthew ran all the way over to the swing set.

That(=가리키는 것: ) was his favorite thing to do at the park. But the swings were all

____________________(use). His mother explained that he could use the slide until a swing became [available

/ affected], but it was broken. Suddenly, his mother got a phone call and she told Matthew they had to

leave. His heart sank.

인성이 먼저입니다. 광주광역시 광산구 358번길 20 프레스티지수시영어전문학원

그 인성이 당신의 지성을 더 밝게 합니다. 062.955.8505
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22년 6월

Meetings e_______________ creative thinking and can give you ideas that you may never _______________(think)

of on your own. [Therefore / However], on average, meeting participants consider about one third of

meeting time to be [productive / unproductive]. But you can make your meetings more [productive /

unproductive] and more [useful / useless] by p_______________ w_______________ in a_______________. You

should create a list of items to _______________(discuss) and share your list with other participants [before /

after] a meeting. *It allows them _______________(know) what to expect in your meeting and [prepare /

prepares] to participate.

# 밑줄 친 *it이 가리키는 것을 우리말로 쓰세요.

22년 6월

A psychology professor raised a glass of water while _______________(teach) stress management [principals /

principles] to her students, and _______________(ask) them, “How [heavy / heavily] is this glass of water I’m

[holding / held]?” Students shouted out [similar / various / diverse] answers. The professor replied, “The

absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter. It depends on ______________________________[5단어로 영작: 내가 그것

을 얼마나 오래 들고 있느냐]. If I hold it for a minute, it’s quite [light / heavy]. But, if I hold it for a day

straight, it will cause severe [benefit / pain] in my arm, _______________(force) me [drop / to drop] the

glass to the floor. In each case, the weight of the glass is the [same / different], but ______________________

___________________________________________________________________[hold, long, feel to me, heavy 이용해 11단어로 영작 / 제

가 그것을 오래 들고 있을수록, 그것은 저에게 더 무겁게 느껴진다]” As the class nodded their heads in [agreement /

disagreement], she continued, “Your stresses in life [is / are] like this glass of water. If you still feel the

weight of yesterday’s stress, it’s a strong sign [which / that] it’s time to put the glass down.”

#밑줄 친 put the glass down 의미를 영어와 우리말로 쓰세요.

[let go / in your / of / mind / the stress]

1) 영어:
2) 우리말:

인성이 먼저입니다. 광주광역시 광산구 358번길 20 프레스티지수시영어전문학원

그 인성이 당신의 지성을 더 밝게 합니다. 062.955.8505
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22년 6월

Your emotions deserve attention and give you important pieces of information. [However / Furthermore],

they(=가리키는 것: ) can also sometimes be a(n) [reliable / unreliable], [accurate / inaccurate]

source of information. You may feel a certain way, but that(=가리키는 것 우리말로: )

does not mean those feelings are r_________________s of the t_______________. You may feel sad and

conclude that your friend is angry with you when her behavior [simply / hardly] reflects that she’s having

a [good / bad] day. You may feel depressed and decide that you did poorly in an interview when you

did just fine. Your feelings can [guide / mislead] you into thinking things that [is / are] not

s_______________ by f_______________s.

22년 6월

Every day, children explore and construct relationships among objects. Frequently, these relationships focus

on how much or how many of something exists. [Meanwhile / Thus], children c_______________ ― “One

cookie, two shoes, three candles on the birthday cake, four children in the sandbox.” Children [compare /

compete] ― “Which has more? Which has fewer? Will there be enough?” Children [calculate / conclude]

― “How many will fit? Now, I have five. I need one more.” In *all of these instances, children are

developing a notion of [quality / quantity]. Children [reveal / conceal] and investigate mathematical

concepts through their own activities or experiences, such as figuring out how many crackers to take at

snack time or [sort / sorting] shells into piles.

#밑줄 친 *all of these instances가 가리키는 것을 우리말로 간단하게 쓰시오.

인성이 먼저입니다. 광주광역시 광산구 358번길 20 프레스티지수시영어전문학원

그 인성이 당신의 지성을 더 밝게 합니다. 062.955.8505
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