Masonry and Plaster Handbook 22 Apr 2014

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Masonry and
Creating Better Communities Cement Plaster (R1 –
22. 4 . 2014)

Hiranandani Constructions
P. Ltd.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 1

This handbook describes basic requirements, norms, good construction practices,
detailing and general guidelines to be followed for masonry and cement plaster. Concerned
engineer shall re confirm same before starting activity since in finishing items, these details keeps
changing depending on location, availability of materials and any specific requirements of
particular building or project. This hand book shall be referred along with other related hand
books, tender documents, and activity flow charts.


Types of Block Masonry:

i). Hollow Concrete Block Masonary.
ii). Solid Concrete Block Masonary.
iii). Cellular / light weight / AAC Block Masonary.

Rubble Masonry:
i). Course (chipped)
ii). Un-coursed (Irregular Shape)

Generally in Residential and Commercial buildings, we are using hollow and solid Concrete Block
masonry as per site requirement.
1. Typical dimensions of Concrete Hollow Blocks available in Mumbai region are given below.

Standard sizes of blocks available in Mumbai are 4”, 5”, 6” and 8”.
Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 2
 Specification And General Guidelines For Concrete Block Masonry

2. Before starting any blockwork, prepare masonry layout on Typical Floor Plan (Architecture Plan.)
which is called “ chapkam drawing”or Starter Block Masonry . Thickness of each wall to be
marked on plan in different colours (Legend Type) and to be approved by the Director-
Engineering. Drawing is prepared before starting of first slab so that accordingly Electrical
Conduits can be placed in correct position on site, depending on thickness and position of walls.
Below picture shows example of typical “ chapkam “ plan. If at any location double walls
touching each other are shown, same will have to carried out by contractor. Factors which decide
wall thickness are described in this hand book.

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3. Slenderness Ratio ( H/B ) of block masonry - Following are the norms to be followed for
deciding thickness of block masonry (internal, external and exterior).

A) Residential buildings

1- H/t or L /t ratio to be considered is max 36. Where t is block masonry width without plaster, H is
height of wall and L is length of wall. Refer sketch given below (with elevation a and b). Hence
max height of wall should be 36t or Max. length of wall should be 36t. Length of wall is from
perpendicular wall to perpendicular wall or column as the case may be. If H/t or L/t both is not
within 36, then increase thickness of block masonry, but if either of one is meeting the criteria,
then block masonry width is not required to be increased.

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2- All external walls having windows ( except small A/C window) , Internal walls having D.B./
FTTH board , Internal walls having Firefighting /Plumbing downtakes , main door walls should
be 125mm ( 5” ) in thickness .

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2a) For A/C windows, having boxing on both the sides, we will provide 4” wall
(90mm/100mm) for entire length of wall. For A/C windows, NOT having boxing walls on both
sides, we will use 5“ thick block masonary to accommodate sub frame of window.

2b) In case of large height windows , having window sill height of 390mm / 300mm , we should
provide 4"+4" blockmasonry only for the width of the window & continue 4" wall inside boxing .
This is required as it is observed that mason is not able to carry out external cement plaster on the
wall below window sill due to less space. Hence, in drawing, a different colour nomenclature
should be added in legend while preparing chapkam drawing.

2c) In case of sliding door opening to Balcony/ verandah etc. 4” walls on sides to be provided if
boxing walls, on both the sides are available.

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2d) In case of fire fighting door, thickness of walls will be based on width of fire fighting
door frame, as per local Byelaws.

2e) In case of walls with door, please ensure that width of walls on both the sides of door frame
should be same.

2f) Please note that separate drawing to be prepared for toilets and kitchen showing pali (ledge)
walls – if any. These ledge walls shall be erected along with other walls.

2g) Thickness of wall which is common for two different flats should be decided on case to case

2h) Any small length wall ( say less than 200mm) which is touching RCC columns/ shear walls
should be avoided as far as possible. Solutions in such cases will be given on case to case basis.

3- Example
• Floor Height = 3100 mm
• Flat slab Thickness= 200mm
• Hence Wall Height t= 3100 – 200 = 2900mm
• For 90mm th. hollow block , max height and length of wall permitted is 36 x 90 = 3240mm
>2900mm .
• Hence Ok.

B) Commercial buildings
4- H/t or L /t ratio to be considered is 36. Where t is block masonary width without plaster. Hence
max height of wall should be 36t or Max. length of wall should be 36t. Length of wall is from
perpendicular wall to perpendicular wall or column as the case may be. . If H/t or L/t both is not
within 36, then increase thickness of block masonary, but if either of one is meeting criteria, then
block masonry width is not required to be increased.

1- Example

For External Walls

• Floor Height = 4200 mm

• External Beam Depth = 750 mm
• Hence Wall Height = 4200 – 750 = 3450mm.
• For 125mm thick blocks, max height and length permitted is 125 x 36 = 4500mm > 3450mm.
• Hence OK.
• Hence 125mm block masonary can be done instead of 150mm done in earlier cases.

2 - For External Walls

• Floor Height = 4200 mm

• External Beam Depth = 750 mm
• Hence Wall Height = 4200 – 750 = 3450mm.
• For 100mm thick blocks, max height and length permitted is 100 x 36 = 3600mm > 3450mm.
• Hence OK.
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• Hence 100 mm block masonary can be done instead of 150mm done in earlier cases.

3 - For External Walls

• Floor Height = 4200 mm

• External Beam Depth = 750 mm
• Hence Wall Height = 4200 – 750 = 3450mm.
• For 90mm thick blocks, max height and length permitted is 90 x 36 = 3240mm < 3450mm.
• Hence not OK.
• Hence 90 mm block masonary cannot be done.

Similarly for internal walls.

• Floor height = 4200 mm

• Slab th. = 325mm
• Hence wall ht. = 4200 – 325 = 3875mm.
• For 125mm thick blocks, max height and length permitted is 125 x 36 = 4500mm > 3875mm.
• Hence OK and now 125mm thick hollow block masonary can be done instead of 200mm being
done presently.

Note :-

I. Please note that as per our current practice, in case of block masonary, we are applying bonding
chemical ( Flexicrete or Hackaid) on RCC surfaces touching block masonary with rough chaat
coat of cement plaster to ensure good bond between block masonary and RCC surfaces like shear
walls, columns, slab ceiling , beam bottom etc. All engineers are requested to ensure that same is
done properly as it helps to enhance strength of wall and connection of block masonary with
surrounding RCC surfaces.

II. Thus with immediate effect above mentioned criteria for block masonary to be followed for new
buildings coming up in future. All chapkam drawing to be accordingly prepared. Order of hollow
concrete blocks to be done accordingly.

III. For existing buildings also above criteria to be implemented wherever possible keeping in mind
placement of electrical conduits already done in beams / slab.

IV. Existing practice like placing rebar at every third layer, to be continued. Providing vertical stiffer
rebar in hollow block masonary to be continued for walls exceeding 36t in length i.e. 12mm dia
rebar @ 4m c/c or 10mm dia rebar @ every 1.5m c/c, to be grouted with mortar having proportion
1 part cement : 2 parts CA 1 : 1 part sand . Also separate nomenclature to be made indicating long
walls in legend given in chapkam drawing.

V. For any clarification in case of some unique details, please contact Director- Engineering.

VI. Please note the Elevator shaft Entrance door wall thickness will be provided, as per the Elevator
Vendors requirement, which again will depend on the accuracy of Elevator shaft , Plumb , Line ,
Level etc . Also, wherever the back portion of Elevator shaft is constructed in Block masonry, the
same should be in 125mm solid blocks only.

VII. Also, it should be noted that for Architectural purpose, the thickness of wall may be changed, for
example: for Villa’s & Cottages.

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4. External wall masonry - Due to wind factor, following criteria to be followed as far as
External /Exterior block masonry walls are concerned.

a- For Exterior walls up to 2400mm height, we should provide 90mm thick hollow block

b- For height of exterior walls from 2400mm to 3500mm, we should provide 125mm hollow
block masonary.

c- For wall height greater than 3500mm H/T or L/t criteria of 28 should be applicable.

d- External wall should be treated as internal wall, in case we have double walls. Hence the
min. width of wall should be 90mm and the H/T or L/t criteria of 36 can be applied.

e- For walls having windows on external walls, and also below the window not being
protected by double wall we will continue to provide 125mm hollow block masonary as per
current practice, so as to get adequate Sill.

5. 5” Hollow block masonry compulsorily to be used at window sill (external wall), D.B./ FTTH
Board wall and Toilet down-take line wall.

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6. No hacking on RCC surface is permitted. Approved bonding agents / chemicals shall be used for
all chaat / bond coats. Also it shall be noted that chaat coat shall be applied wherever block
masonary is touching RCC surface and the entire chaat coat shall be completed in all respects.
Chaat coat on vertical surfaces shall be completed for the full height in one operation. Also
make sure that location of chaat coat shall be accurate. Also it shall be ensured that this chaat
coat is not too thick and also not too thin. Upmost care shall be taken to ensure good bond
between chaat coat and block masonary to avoid any crack, separation and de bonding.

7. Before starting the block work for the first time on site, Chhapkam (masonry layout) to be done
for complete floor and to be approved by Engineering Head / Project In charge before going
ahead with block work. Below picture shows first layer of Block Masonry.

Drawing shall be studied and checked that at no location blockwork is partly overlapping with column
/ shear wall as seen in picture below. Also column shall be reduced at upper floor in such a way that
any block masonary touching shall not have part thickness of wall touching column / shear wall etc.

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8. All electrical conduits shall be checked up for any blockage and nylon wire shall be passed and
taken out before chaat coat application.

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9. For typical floor, Chhapkam must be done on every floor and before starting of block work,
concerned Site Engineer must check the opening, room dimensions, position of door Frames and
windows as per Architecture working drawings.
10. Patli concrete ( PCC ) to be cast with shuttering where block masonry is coming in 50 / 250 mm
sunk, to maintain the block masonry in one level and to avoid cutting the block for the same.

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Patli Concrete

11. After approval of typical masonry layout, necessary material arrangement for block masonry work
i.e. Concrete Blocks, Cement, Sand , Flyash, Chemical/ additives for mortar, bonding agent, Door
frame, Hold fasts, Nails & screws, Coal tar -black Japan, Precast RCC Grill, etc. shall be carried

12. Erect the door frame immediately after approval of Chhapkam and then start the block masonry.
No Block Masonry shall continue without door frames to prevent gap between wall & door frame.

Picture showing gap behind door frame which shall be avoid.

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13. All opening dimensions for windows shall be maintained accurately to ensure max. 5mm gap on
both sides between block masonary opening and window sub frame.
14. Wherever boxing is not shown on the sides of the window in the architectural drawing, then the
same should be brought to the notice of the concerned project In-charge before starting block

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15. In case any elevation feature is coming from column / Shear wall (which are smaller in
size say 4” etc.) as shown in the sketch, same should be brought to the notice of the Project In
charge. Such features shall be avoided as far possible from strength / durability point of view.

16. All cornices coming on floor just above the floor where block masonary is to be started shall be
completed from shuttering/ staging of these mould shuttering point of view.
17. Cover all the ducts/ shafts and lift shaft opening by preferably block masonry up to 1200mm (6
nos. block height) for safety purpose.

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18. Generally we are not plastering shear wall /column surfaces in basement & lower stilt car parking
in building area, except double height level / entrance canopy level. For places where we have
combination of column and internal block masonry, we can avoid plastering on shear wall /
column surface by having at least 20mm offset between column & internal block masonry, or by
keeping walls in center of beam wherever possible. Plastering on masonry will be done as usual.

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Offset between wall and column
to be kept instead of flush

No plastering to be done one columns

Plastering to be done on walls

All inaccessible ducts should not have any plaster internally, but the pointing of block masonry
especially at beam/ slab bottom, should be done very carefully & cautiously to prevent any
leakage due to water falling from upper floor.

19. Canopy wall between two flats

Wherever there are two flats coming adjacent to each other above canopy / terrace etc, dividing
wall- if any shall be provided for privacy of each flat as per architectural drawing.

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20. Clean the RCC surface (floor, ceiling, shear walls etc) with Ghadai & water (removing
masking tape, cement slurry, plywood pieces, nails, etc.) before starting chaapkam.

21. Plugging of column bolt holes to be carried out with block masonry mortar. For this, there is no
need to remove PVC pipes- if any provided for shuttering. But in case of Aluminium shuttering
and locations where columns and shear walls are on exterior side, separate instructions / method
study/ procedure for bolt hole filling process will have to be followed to ensure no leakage from
these holes.

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22. Typical application of bonding agent (Flexecrete or Hack-aid Plast) is given below.

a) Application of Hack-aid / Flexecrete with chaat coat of 1:5 (175 lit) (OPC/ PPC :
Manufactured sand) with adding 14.5 kg fly ash & McMischoel or Cebex 112 - 350 ml.
NOTE :Hack-aid Plast = Hack-aid is a single component bonding chemical in liquid form which
can be applied directly on the RCC surface with brush. After application of Hack-aid wait up to 10
minutes and when it is tacky, apply chaat coat over it. Consumption of Hack-aid is approx. 10
sq.m / liter. single coat. (Hack-aidplast Manufactured by: Sunanda Chemicals Company)

b) Flexecrete = Flexecrete is also a bonding chemical from M/s. Apurva Buildcare Technologies
Pvt. Ltd. which can be used in place of Hack-aid.

Procedure of mixing and application of Flexecrete is given below:

Mixing Proportion:

Flexecrete liquid: Water: Cement = 1: 4: 1

First dilute Flexecrete with water and then add cement for best mixing.

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All the Engineers are requested to be careful as far as mixing of Flexecrete is concerned.

 Clean the RCC surface.
 Apply above mention slurry with brush.
 2 coats of application is required.
 Consumption of Flexecrete is approx. 235 sq.ft/ltr.
 Minimum 2 hrs. are required before application of chaat coat.

Below pictures shows application of bonding chemical and chaat coat. Excess chaat to be finished
using template (kanda).

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23. Pre-wetting of block should be done before 2 hrs. of starting work & it should be surface dry at
the time of using it.

24. Use metal tray or Kundi to prepare cement mortar and water should be compulsorily measured
and added by 5 ltr. measuring jar and not randomly by PVC pipe.

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25. Preparing of mortar for block masonry 1:5 (175 lit) (OPC/ PPC : Manufactured sand) with 14.5
kg fly ash & McMischoel or Cebex 112 - 350 ml , depending on discretion of Site In charge , with
proper judgment regarding the gradation of manufactured sand i . e . whether fines are excessive
or fines are less & also site conditions .

Also, the Mortar should be mixed properly i.e. a balance of coarse & fines in manufactured Sand
is maintained ( proper quartering should be done using correct discretion) .

26. Carry out pre-wetting of chaat coat done on the column and beam / slab ceiling. It should be
saturated surface dry at the time of starting block masonry so that there is a good bond between
block and chaat coat since many times it is found that mortar between chaat coat and adjacent
block is of poor quality and becomes powder when removed, indicating insufficient curing of the

27. While doing block masonry, empty cement bags must be laid at bottom to collect falling mortar
(Padtal maal) which should be remixed along with fresh mortar and to be consumed within one

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28. In one day, block work to be done up to 1.2 meter (1200mm) Maximum to be carried out.

29. Thickness of mortar joint (both vertical and horizontal) should be between Minimum 9 mm to
Maximum 18 mm. For maintaining this thickness of joints, all masons should have Thickness
gauge (Kanda) made out of wood as per below given details.

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30. Vertical joints of the block masonry, should be Staggered.

Below picture shows incorrect vertical joints which are not staggered.

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31. At the time of hollow block masonry, mason must use Wooden Patti to prevent mortar falling in
the cavity of hollow block masonry. Thus wastage of mortar is reduced.

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32. Complete all long block masonary walls (length more than 4m) except last joint of masonary
(between last block and beam bottom) which shall be kept 10mm min & filled up only after one
month of masonary is done on the above floor.

33. Provide 8 or 10 mm dia. Rebar on every 3rd layer of block masonry. For 4”, 5” and 6” hollow
concrete block masonry / 4” & 6” solid AAC block. This provision, to be done only for internal
walls (irrespective of length and height).
NOTE: Use Rebar in cut pieces ( may be from scrap ) with min. 300 mm lap.

Rebar at
1st layer

Care shall be taken to ensure that these rebar are well inside blockwork face and shall not be
visible as seen below.

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34. Provide 8 or 10 mm dia. Rebar at every layer with 300 mm anchorage on each wall, if two walls
are touching to each other but not in right angle.

35. Provide vertical stiffener in wall which is greater than 4 meter in length as per procedure given
 Insert 2 nos. of 12 mm dia. Bars vertically at every 4 meter through hollow cavity in the block.
These bars shall be grouted by cement grout with 1 part cement, 1 part FA-II & 2 parts CA-I. This
will act as stiffener in case of long wall
 Provide 1 no of 10 mm dia. Bar at every 1.5 meter and grout same as above.
NOTE: The above instructions to be followed only for 4”, 5” & 6” hollow block masonry and
not applicable for solid Siporex block masonry.

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36. For long wall (wall greater than 4 meter) and beam depth lesser than 500mm preferably provide
4” or 6” solid AAC block masonry above this beam or slab to reduce dead load on beam , only
after such cases should be brought to the notice of concerned authority or RCC Consultant .

37. As far as possible, plumb of block work must be checked on the same day, so that if any defects
can be rectified immediately with minimum loss of block and mortar.

38. Raking of joints should be done on the same day, since raking can be done properly, as joints are
freshly filled.

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39. Dantta ( Teeth ) to be left for future extension block masonry- if any.

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40. Some times due to location of column and block masonary coming on exterior side in front of the
column, one may not be able to carry out block masonary. In such cases this block masonary will
have to carried out when scaffolding for external cement plaster is available. Care must be taken
to ensure required curing period of this masonary is over before starting plaster on these walls.

41. Door frame Hold-fast concreting to be done simultaneously with block work on same day with the
help of M.S. hold fast concreting farma ( shuttering) as seen in below picture.

42. Breaking of concrete block must be done with the help of rebar . For cutting of block (keep rebar
on the particular portion from where we want to cut the block will be cut without wastage of
block) and also block can be cut by Tachha.

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43. Place electrical conduits into the block cavity during block work simultaneously to avoid chasing.

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a) Proper co ordination shall be carried out between mason and electrician for this
activity. Mason shall not proceed with block masonary , if electrical conduits and boxes
are not available.

b) Also it shall be ensured that electrical boxes are kept flush with the face of block masonary
and shall not project out.

c) Finishing around these electrical boxes and any chasing shall be responsibility of mason
and such finishing shall be carried out properly.
44. Switch box opening in the block masonry , to be cut and then fix same along with block work

If at locations where number of electrical conduits coming in walls are more, chasing of wall shall be
carried out followed by concreting with Metal no 1 , will have to be provided to encase these

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If chasing for one or two conduits are carried out for any reason, than same to be properly filled up by
cement mortar by civil contractor with light groove on surface to receive GVP.
45. Hollow made solid block on site to be used at:
1. Top most layer of wall i.e. block touching beam bottom or slab ceiling.
2. Below RCC window sill.
3. Below Precast RCC grill.
4. GI Door frame side masonry.

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46. In case if cut block is coming in the wall for height adjustment, than same to be placed at 2nd last
layer only and not in last layer.
Picture showing correct method of providing last block.

Picture showing incorrect way of providing last block.

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47. Top most blocks , below beam bottom should be tightly placed with mortar and course
48. Date of work should be written on block masonry on mortar pad provided on the same day to
ensure required period of curing.

49. Complete the block masonry within 07 days of application of Flexecrete & Chaat coat.
50. All required sleeves for services like HVAC, firefighting, Toilet exhaust fan etc coming in
masonary shall be provided at required location/ position, invert level and slope during masonary.
51. Before fixing of RCC precast grill, flexecrete / hack aid with chat coat to be carried out with
proper curing to ensure required bond between masonary and Precast RCC grills.

52. Fix the RCC grill simultaneously with block work.

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53. All our precast grills (all types and all sizes) will be 75mm in thickness instead of
100mm. (except one which is already 50mm thick as seen in picture given below).

These 75mm thick precast grills will be placed in the center of wall. External and internal plaster will
turn inside and touch RCC grills as shown in below sketch.

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54. Picture showing toilet Pali/ ledge wall Block Masonry. (for Plumbing) wherever indicated in toilet
layout. These ledge walls shall be erected along with main walls.

Make sure that all these ledge walls are erected with precision so that no mismatch take place , when
plumbing and other finishing items starts. Below pictures show wrong dimensions and position of
ledge wall with respect to plumbing points for wash basin counter.

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55. Correct Use of Cut Block.

56. Proper platform / stand (ghoda) to be used for 2nd lift of Block Masonry. No walls shall be
punctured by inserting rebar to make platform for working.

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57. Picture showing D.B. Board shuttering arrangements for Concreting and Finishing. It is the
responsibility of civil contractor to provide proper shuttering and carry out concreting of required
workability to ensure no leakage of slurry , no honeycombing, bulging etc.

58. Stacking of Hollow Blocks on slabs is given in below table, for ready reference: This criteria is
to be followed to avoid overloading of slab.

A ] For Residential Building

Sr. Size of No. of layers of dry block-stack

No. Block
1 4" 5 layers
2 5" 4 layers
3 6" 4 layers
4 8" 3 layers

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B] For Commercial Building

Sr. Size of Nos of layers of dry block-stack

No. Block
1 4" 6 layers
2 5" 5 layers
3 6" 5 layers
4 8" 4 layers

Note : Blocks should be stacked vertically i.e. blocks , to be stacked with 190mm / 200mm side
vertical , to minimize breakage / wastage of blocks.

59. Clean the entire flat after block masonry is over. Remove all kundi made for mortar mixing as
soon as block masonary of that particular floor is over. Please note that no breaker or heavy
hammering is permitted for clearing debris.

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60. Lift Entrance wall masonry (thickness and location of wall ) will be carried out as per
requirements of lift vendor.

61. Carry out Chasing (Zari)- if any in block masonry only after curing period of minimum 07 days
of top most layer of block masonry is over.
62. Any CI plumbing pipes coming in closed – inaccessible shafts, shall be erected first and then only
proceed with the surrounding block work. Accordingly required arrangement / coordination
between civil and plumbing agency shall be ensured.

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63. Terrace parapet wall, Over head tank and above lift machine room walls to be done in
combination of 5” & 8” solid block as shown in drawing. Typical section is given below.

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64. As far as toilet ducts are concerned, the vent pipe and down-take pipeline location on
terrace should be from the side of the duct (8” Thk. and 24” Height wall) and also for that provide
sleeves , to avoid breaking of the parapet wall for any maintenance.

65. As far as Terrace parapet wall D.P.C is concerned, we will follow case-2 where double walls are
coming and case-1 in case where single wall is coming e.g. Cupboard space. The purpose of case-
2 is to prevent horizontal as well as vertical seepage of water at the joint of 8” & 5” masonry. At
the same time ensure proper overlap of D.P.C. (125 micron PVC sheet, black colour, virgin
quality) along the length of parapet wall.

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66. Curing of block work to be done , for atleast 07 days before starting any activities over it
67. It must be noted that no block masonary shall be carried out on PCC or on VDF at ground floor
level. All masonary at ground floor level must have RCC beam to avoid any possible settlement in

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68. Block work check list to be prepared in the below given format.


FORM/FORMAT Checklist no. 10
Title: Checklist For Block Masonry. Rev.1, dated 24-8-09

Building Location


Activity Acceptance Criteria Observation
1 Chaapkaam of Block Masonry Chaapkaam of 1 block height shall be
checked as per Approved chaapkaam drg.
drg for
room dimensions, block thickness,
plumb/offset with respect to beam bottom,
door opening & diagonal with a Tolerance of
+ 5 mm.
2 Application of Bonding Agent Bonding agents shall be applied on clean &
dry RCC surfaces, where the block work is
ouching to RCC surface. It shall be followed
by chaat coat.
3 Pre-wetting
wetting of concrete surfaces Concrete surfaces shall be saturated surface
(2 hrs in advance) dry.
4 Slab portion to be clean of No dirt/ waste/ oil shall be seen.
5 Pre-wetting
wetting of Blocks (Surface Blocks shall be saturated surface dry
6 Cement mortar proportion 1:5 (175 lit) (OPC/ PPC : Manufactured
sand) with 14.5 kg fly ash & McMischoel or
Cebex 112 - 350 ml , depending on discretion
of Site In charge
7 Masons to have mortar joint Kanda shall have 18mm thickness (NO GO)
thickness "Kandas". on one end & 9mm (GO) on other side. Size
of kanda shall be 65mm.
8 Collection of fallen mortar for Empty cement bags on both sides of wall
Re use shall be provided to collect waste mortar

FOREMAN: ____________________________________________________________________

JR.ENGR/SITE ENGINEER: _______________________________________________________

SENIOR/SECTOR ENGINEER: _____________________________________________________

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 46

NB: Checklist, to be completed in all respects and signed with date by all concerned, as designated above.

Erection of Door Frame

Following points to be considered and care to be taken while erecting the door frame:

 Before fixing of door frame, apply black Japan (coal tar) over the rough surface of the door frame
which is touching to the RCC member / block masonry and Primer to be applied on finished
surface of door frame, if painting is proposed on the door frame. Application of black Japan (coal
tar) and primer to be done at ground level only. Do not take door frames up without application of
black Japan (coal tar) and primer.

 Different types of Hold fast and their uses

Case 1 - Wherever gap between door frame and adjacent RCC column is less than 100mm.
1. Provide Bolt of suitable length through door frame by drilling holes in RCC column behind with
Hilti machine. Bolt shall be counter sunk and to be finished from top so that it is not seen from the
2. Fill up the gap between door frame and RCC column with concrete & Vertical Rebars.

Case 2 - wherever gap between door frame and adjacent RCC column is more than 100mm but
less than or equal to 200mm.

1. If possible extend column so that it touches the door frame.


2. Provide anchore fastener with holdfast patti of 50mm x 5 mm flat.& concrete filled in the gap.

Case 3- For gap more than 200mm in width.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 47

Provide regular block masonary with G.I hold fast patti as per current practice.

Case 4- For existing buildings where columns are already cast and gap is less than 200mm .
1. Provide anchor fastener with holdfast patti of 50mm x 5 mm flat.

2. Fill up the gap between door frame and column with concrete & Vertical rebar , as being done

Case 5 – For two adjacent doors coming with only max 200mm space , between the door frames .
Provide G.I holdfast patti with concrete & Vertical Rebar in between as being done at

 Fix the holdfast to the door frame for both 7’ & 8’ door frame as per below figure for different
case of block masonry.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 48

3. Now erect the door frame keeping margin of internal plaster and check the plumb of both, inside
(Rebate portion area) and outside of the door frame. (which is flush with the plaster finish).

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 49

4. Sometimes door frames width may be same for different locations i.e. Kitchen and Bedroom, but
Rebate size may be different. For eg. Kitchen door frame Rebate = 47mm, & Bedroom door frame
Rebate = 42mm. Hence one has to ensure that door frame of correct rebate is erected. It is

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 50

sometimes observed that door frame rebates are not checked and frame of wrong rebate is

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 51

5. Give the necessary support by props to the frame , to keep it in correct position and level till
holdfast concrete is cast.

6. Provide concrete around door leg bottom. (which is inserted ½” in the slab to avoid displacement
of door frame leg).

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 52

7. Carry out block work up to approx. 3’6” height touching door frames.

8. Carry out holdfast concreting with farma simultaneously with block masonry as per required
height, on same day. Next day carry out balance block work up to required height maintaining of
door frame plumb. If it is found that door frame is not in plumb, than give necessary support and
get it in correct position and plumb and continue block masonry with holdfast concreting up to
beam / slab bottom.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 53

9. During the block masonry, do not disturb the door frame. Also do not remove door frame bracing
patti till holdfast concrete is cast.


Following points are to be noted while casting RCC Window Sill.

1. Window RCC sill to be cast with proper shuttering, line and level along with surrounding block
2. Upstand portion of sill to be cast simultaneously with main part of RCC window sill without
having any joints between the main parts and up stand.
3. For better finish and correct alignment of up stand use M.S. angle (ISA 40x40x5 mm).

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd. / Masonry and Cement plaster 54

4. Window sill to be cast up to the column face, & if column is far away from window face ( say 5’ )
window sill will be cast minimum up to 2 ft. from the face of window.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 55
5. Window sill to be cured for 7 days by covering with Hessian cloth.

6. Dimensions on window sill depends on dimensions of window sub frame. Hence before starting
block masonary, RCC window sill dimensions shall be reconfirmed. Wherever living room
windows has M.S. / G.I. Grill with wooden railing on top, the upstand width of the RCC window
sill will be 75 mm, so that Grill fits properly in the side wall provided the window has boxing wall
on both sides and the beam is 75 mm outside building line so that rough ground ( sub frame ) do
not hang outside.
Below cases are typical details which are normally followed on site.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 56
Calculation of window sill upstand width (y)

For example
(A). Finding of window sill upstand width (Y)
Window sill width = Thickness of wall + Projection of window sill
= 125 + 75
= 200 mm
X = 110 mm
Plaster Margin = 15 mm
Y =?
Therefore Y = 200 – (110+15)
= 200 – 125
= 75 mm
Therefore Window sill upstand width = 75 mm.

(B). Height of upstand (Z) will be height of track

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Case I

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Case II

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Case III

Case IV

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Rubble masonry (Stone masonry)

There are t wo t yp es of s t one m as onr y

 Course Rubble Masonry: We are using this type of masonry for construction of Compound
walls, Cladding to hide the rough surface & for beautification like Malad Stone. 1:4 (cement:
sand) mix to be used for Malad Stone masonry.

 Uncoursed Random Rubble Masonry (U.C.R.R.) - (Irregular Shape): This type of masonry is
generally used for compound wall, Retaining wall and also used for base of load bearing structure.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 63
Specifications And General Guidelines For U.C.R.R. Masonry Work:
1. Construction is done strictly as per the detailed cross section given by Structural consultant for
that particular height of wall (masonry wall with vehicle load or without vehicle load). Masonry
wall is also a load bearing member and cannot be neglected, hence concerned Engineer has to
cross check the works when it is in progress , since afterwards it becomes difficult to check the
width of the Retaining wall once backfilling is over. For Retaining wall details, refer General
Drawing , of Structural Consultant .

For Example:

2. All concreting and mortar mixing with 10/7 concrete mixer & Pharma (measuring boxes) only.
3. Proportion of mortar for UCRR masonry – 1:7 (Cement (50 kg) : Manufactured sand (245 lit))
4. Make sure that base of masonry wall is sufficiently compacted so that in future no settlement
cracks takes place.
5. Kundi must be made to store mortar mixed by concrete mixer.
6. Empty cement bags must be laid at the bottom to collect Padtal maal which is to be remixed along
with fresh mortar and to be consumed within one hour.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 64
7. Keep weep hole inclined (pointing downward) and not horizontal for proper drainage of water and
place in staggered manner as shown in Photograph.

8. In stone masonry, kapchi should be filled in large void to reduce mortar being filled up in voids. If
required special kapchi shall be supplied on site. At present it is observed that mason tend to fill
mortar in voids if kapchi is not available nearby which will increase consumption of cement
mortar which is not desirable.

9. Concrete header 6”x 6” (M15) to be provided @ 6’ c/c horizontally where the cross section of the
wall changes as shown in the Photograph.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 65
10. Key stone to be provided for bonding of further layer as shown in the Photograph.

11. Fix 500mm x 500mm x 200 GSM Geo-membrane (poly propylene type) to weep holes and the
entire area of retaining wall to be filled with gravel (FA-II) OR bags filled with coarse aggregate
,to be stacked , touching of weep hole as shown in the figure & Photograph.

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12. Make proper construction joint in vertical and stepped manner as shown in the figure.

13. Joint should be properly filled and there should not be any hollow cavity left inside. Mortar should
ooze-out while placing rubble which is an indication that void is completely filled with mortar and
there is sufficient bond between mortar and stone. Above mix proportion, ensure sufficient
cohesion and workability.
14. During the stone masonry Kapchi (small stone) to be filled inside the gap of stone masonry to
avoid voids inside of the masonry.
15. Curing of stone masonry work to be done up to 7 days.
16. After removing of excess mortar, joints to be finished with neat cement.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 69
Note : Henceforth we will not provide expansion joints in Retaining walls (RCC or Masonry).
Wherever RCC coping is provided above Retaining wall, we will provide expansion joints at
every 40 meters (in coping only).

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 70
2 . Ce me n t p l a s t e r

(a). Internal Plaster.

(b). External Plaster.

(a) Internal plaster:

Internal Cement plaster finish & number of coats shall be as per location & requirement.

 Single coat plaster with scratch finish :- (Average Thickness 15 to 20 mm)

Location: Kitchen, Toilet & lift lobby where GVP application is required and also where we have
tiles fixing with cement paste ( for eg. below kitchen platform).

 Single coat plaster with Sponge finish :-(Average Thickness 15 to 20 mm) Wood float
finish fine grain near to Ghotai.
Location: Kitchen & Toilet where we have dado tile fixing with tile adhesive.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 71
 Single coat Plaster with Tyrolene (Gudgudi) finish: (Average Thickness 15 to 20 mm)
Location : Electrical duct & meter room, Telephone duct, Watchman cabin, Substation, Pump
room, Lift machine room, Fire fighting duct & etc.

 Double coat plaster with Tyrolene (Gudgudi) finish:- (Double coat plaster minimum -thickness 20
Location : Toilet ducts, Staircase (where GVP is not applied), Refuge area & Public area.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 72
 Note that following common areas where plaster is not aesthetically required in ceiling.
 Refuge flat ceiling
 Sub-station ceiling
 Pump-room ceiling
 Security cabin ceiling
 Plumbing duct service slab ceiling
 Lift machine room ceiling
 Podium ceiling & it’s same level building car parking area ceiling
 At entrance level double height slab ceiling
 Building Canopy ceiling
 Lift shaft RCC wall beam & ceiling
 Servant toilet ceiling. At staircase mid landing level.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 73
 Those areas where false ceiling is coming.
NOTE: For above said areas, where plaster is not aesthetically required, care should be taken
during RCC shuttering works and if any offset has come, than same shall be grinded and finished.
In plumbing duct service slab ceiling, Drip Mould (Pani Patti) to be made around the cutouts
simultaneously with plumbing duct plaster & curing should be done for drip mould (Pani Patti)
along with duct plaster curing.

S p e c i f i c a t i on & ge n e r a l gu i d e l i n e s f o r i n t e r n a l c e m e n t p l a s t e r

1. Note that plaster to be started only after completion of block masonry and electrical works in all
2. Plaster to be started only after complete curing of electrical Chasing (Zari) repair works- if any, is
3. Check the door and window frames alignment, level and plumb before starting the plaster with
reference of plaster Level Pads (Dhada).
4. Kitchen window sub frame and toilet service doors, window sub-frame to be fixed before starting
the internal plaster to avoid repair work of internal plaster and ensure curing.
5. If there is sand face finish plaster coming on staircase wall and ceiling, it should be done only
after completion of internal & external plaster work in all respects.
6. Clean the RCC surface with Ghadai and water. Also remove masking tapes, nails, slurry leakage,
shuttering oil and repairing of honeycomb, filling of joints between beam bottom/ slab and last
block and racking of joints.
7. Application of Hack-aid / Flexecrete to be done over RCC surface with chaat coat of cement
mortar 1:5 ratio for OPC /PPC cement (50kg)with screened sand (200 liters). And flyash 14.5kg
with adding of chemical Cebex 112 – 150ml / bag OR MC Mischoel A.E.A.- 150ml / bag.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 74
7. Making of level pads ( Dhadas) with strips should be completed one day in advance and to be
checked by concerned foreman and engineer before starting plaster.

8. Level pads to be made by right angle method to get plaster in perfect right angle and line , to
avoid excess tile adhesive coming behind the tile during tile fixing and non uniform offset seen
from finished wall face to tile.

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9. Strip type level pads to be taken for kitchen and toilet only.

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10. Internal plaster to be carried out within 7 days after application of chaat coat with
chemical (Hack-aid / Flexecrete).

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 77
11. Internal plaster shall be finished in line, level, plumb and equal distance (Jutta) of Beam &
Column offset and also sunk projection offset ( below kitchen & toilet sunk)

12. RCC surface and block work to be pre-wetted and surface dry before starting plaster.
13. For internal plaster average thickness should not be more than 20 mm.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 78
14. If average thickness is coming more than 20 mm, carry out chaat coat application before starting
plaster, after making level pads.

15. While carrying out hand mixing in the tray for plaster mortar, it should be thoroughly mixed and
mortar colour should be seen uniform.
16. Padtal maal ( falling mortar) to be used simultaneously with fresh mortar within half an hour.

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17. During the plaster, don’t use dry cement mortar or sprinkle dry cement over the plaster
surface to prevent cracking of plaster.

18. Wherever two different types of plaster finish are touching each other, groove shall be done
between the two different finish plasters. (Groove width should not be more than 15 mm).

19. Carry out scratch or sponge finish wet in wet condition and mark the area with line dori where it is
required, especially in toilets, kitchen and lift lobby.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 80
20. In toilet and kitchen wall, plaster to be cut 300 mm from FFL and also cut 900 mm from FFL
where Bath Tub is coming for water-proofing.

21. In plumbing duct, cut the plaster 6” or one block height above service slab for making of coving
(Goliya ) while carrying out the service slab finishing.

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22. After completion of internal plaster, clean the door and window frames, electrical switch box etc.

23. Write the date of plaster over plaster surface and carryout min 07 days curing.
Picture showing providing brick pali around plumbing cut out finished with plaster.

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24. Drip mould (pani patti) to be made in the duct ceiling around cutout simultaneously with duct

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25. Check list to be prepared.


FORM/FORMAT Checklist no. 12
Title: Checklist For Internal Plaster Rev.1, dated 24-8-09
Building Location
Activity Acceptance Criteria Observation
1 Proper Raking of Shall be done immediately, when mortar is fresh.
Masonry Joints Brooming shall be done after raking of joint.
2 Slab soffit surface No dirt/ waste/ oil or loose concrete shall be
preparation seen
3 Doors/Windows Frames Shall be fixed as per
Fixing Dr. No.______,
& Rev. No. _____.
To be in Plumb ,line and level with tolerance
of + 2 mm
4 Hold-fast fixing Shall be fixed simultaneously with block work
using M.S. Pharma.
5 Electrical concealed work All electrical points shall be provided As per
along with Switch box, Drg. No.:_______,
Brackets, Distribution Rev. No.:________
6 Fixing of Sub frame for Shall be in Line, Level & Plumb with tolerance
Aluminium windows of + 2 mm
7 Pre-wetting of Concrete/Masonry surfaces shall be saturated
Concrete/Masonry surface dry
8 Cement mortar proportion For PPC cement use 1:6 & for OPC use 1:8
(Cement: Screened sand) ratio with 300ml/bag
mortar plasticizer.
9 Thickness of Level Pads a) 20mm + 5mm (Walls)
for Cement Plaster b) 10mm + 3mm (Ceiling)
10 Tie bolt holes in Bolt hole filling as per circular No.200608 &
Column/Pardi to be dated 20.06.08Bolt
Bolt holes for columns, lift
closed pardi, beams etc ( other than water retaining
structures, lift pit below plinth level and
retaining walls ) are to be plugged using
cement mortar1:8 for OPC and 1:6 for PPC
11 All honey-combs to be For depth up to 2” shall be repaired with Mc-
repaired Crete Type A (red color) & for depth above 2”
shall be repaired by letter box method.
12 Application for Bonding Bonding agents shall be applied on clean & dry
Agent RCC surfaces.
Note: All drawing. numbers, to be referred should be filled in , before the Checklist is
referred to , at location , for Acceptance Criteria , by the Senior Engineer/Sector Engineer .

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 85
FOREMAN ____________ JR/SITE ENGR_________SR/SECTOR
NB: Checklist, to be completed in all respects and signed with date by all concerned, as designated above.

Procedure for toilet duct slab finishing

1. Clean the toilet duct slab area thoroughly.

2. Pre wet the slab area.
3. Cement slurry application to be carried out over slab area and wall. (up to 6”).
4. Carry out metal screed 50 mm thick in M20 without CA-II and finish with square line dory
impression of 1’x 1’ pattern with proper slope towards drain outlet / cutout.
5. Carry out curing to final finished area for 7 days.

NOTE: Concrete mix for M20 without CA-II for One Bag:
FA-II -- 115 ltr.
CA-I -- 145 ltr.
Fly-ash -- 30 kg.
W/B -- 0.49
C/C -- 244 kg/Cu.m

Note: This activity to be done by Civil Contractor.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 86
C) External cement plaster
External plaster is generally done in two coats.
1st coat - Approx 12 mm th. (leveling coat)
2nd coat - Approx 8 mm th. (finishing coat)

S p e c i f i c a t i on & ge n e r a l gu i d e l i n e s f o r E x t e r n a l P l a s t e r :
1. Before starting external plaster, all plumbing, electrical duct plaster to be completed on that phase
to give work front ( chaal ) to other agencies (plumbing contractors and water proofing
contractors, etc.)
2. Before starting the external plaster, first fix the aluminum window sub frame in position.

3. Multifoam application in gap of block masonary and sub frame shall be carried out max. one
month in advance prior to starting of External plaster.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 87
4. Carry out double scaffolding ( Bamboo or H-frame ) up to the required phase where plaster is to
be carried out.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 88
Ensure that no sway take place in bamboo scaffolding as seen in picture.

5. Cover the scaffolding with Hessian cloth, Tarpaulin in case of heat, rain and from safety point of

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 89
6. After completion of scaffolding, complete the balance Elevation Features as per elevation drawing
– if any.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 90
7. Before starting the external plaster, cover the elevation features, like Round column base
moulding etc. to avoid falling down of padtal maal over it and for easy removal of padtal maal
without breaking / damaging of elevation features like edges and corners.
8. Where external plaster is coming in 2 to 3 phases, and if there is no cut-off (moulding projection)
between the phase, carry out single coat plaster up to 1 meter above the below phase cut-off line
and carry out the 2nd coat plaster up to required cut-off level leaving one meter single coat plaster (
this system avoid leakage and cracks at the junction of required cut-off level and also minimize
joint patches.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 91
9. After completion of elevation work, clean the RCC surface with wire brush and carry out ghadai
(chipping) of excess concrete surface, if required.
10. Cement mortar to be used for external plaster to be mixed compulsory in 10/7 mixer machine
11. Plaster mortar proportion to be used is same as of internal plaster i.e. 1:5 ratio for PPC/OPC
cement with screened sand (200 ltrs.) with adding of chemical Cebex 112 – 150ml/bag or MC
Mischoel AEA 150ml/bag.

12. Fill up the balance block masonry joints, and then apply the neat cement paste at the junction of
block masonry and RCC. And fix the coarse aggregate (CA-I) over it.

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13. Repair the honeycomb if any and carry out raking of joints, if any.
14. Wash the whole surface with water. After drying , apply Hack-aid with brush on RCC surface.
After 10 minutes do the chaat coat over it or apply the Flexecrete (one part Flexecrete, 4 part
water, 1 part cement) with 02 coats on the RCC surface by brush. Minimum 2 hours required
before starting the chaat coat over Flexecrete application.

15. Note that external plaster to be carried out within 7 days after application of chaat coat with
chemical (Hack-aid / Flexecrete).
16. Note that for 1st and 2nd coat plaster cement mortar mix shall be same.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 93
17. External plaster in last phase, plaster to be carried out above terrace level, including
parapet wall, without leaving any joints to avoid leakage at the junction of plaster.

18. Wherever 2 different types of plaster finish are touching each other, groove has to be provided
between the two different finish plaster (groove width should not be more than 15 mm)

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 94
19. Level pads (dhada) to be made where plaster is to be carried out. Level pads to be made in line
only, and not in plumb.

20. After making level pads, carry out chaat coat , if plaster thickness is more than 12 mm
21. Carry out one day curing to chaat coat.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 95
22. Next day of the curing of chaat coat, carry out 1st coat plaster 12 mm thick. After making
line, level of plaster, with scratch over it for 2nd coat plaster bonding.

23. Carry out one day curing to 1st coat plaster.

24. During the plaster, don’t use dry cement mortar over the plaster surface otherwise it may crack
over the plaster surface.
25. Do not take plaster chaal above 1st coat or below the 1st coat during one day curing.
26. Next day carry out 2nd coat 8mm thick plaster with light scratches where textured paint is
proposed. If there is no textured paint coming, carry out Tyrolene finish (Gudgudi) over 2nd coat

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 96
27. Double coat plaster to be done in line & level only and not in plumb.

28. Check line and level of plaster before removing the line dori, of elevation features and carry out
application of Tyrolene / light scratches in wet condition of plaster.

29. External plaster to be cut over the chhajja wall upto 6 “ or one block height for making coving / goliya.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 97
30. Finishing of Chhajja less than 2’6” to be carried out by civil contractor.
31. All horizontal surfaces i.e. Top of chajjas, Top of beams, Nibs, Top of architectural
mouldings, Top of parapet etc. will be smooth plaster, and no scratch are required. The reason for
doing this is, is that we will carry out directly Overcoats Paint, without textured Plaster (Renova),
over all possible horizontal surfaces, so that the dust collection is minimized.

32. Chhajja finishing. (Chhajja less than 2’6”).

a) Clean the chhajja area thoroughly.
b) Pre wet the chhajja area.
c) Cement slurry application to be carried out over chhajja area.
d) Carry out chhaat coat plaster over chhajja and fix CA II at the junction of chhajja and wall/beam.
e) Next day carry out cement mortar screed and plaster over chhajja and wall/beam (up to 6” golia
Portion.) with smooth finish and proper slop.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 98
f) Carry out curing to final finished area for 7 days.

33. Drip mould (pani patti) to be done at bottom of exterior beam / chhajja in 2nd coat plaster. Drip
mould should have uniform thickness and width. (30 mm width and 8 mm thk.).

Drip Mould below Nib

34. Cure double coat plaster up to 7 days.

35. Carry out repair work if any, within the curing period to get proper curing of that patch before
removal of scafolding.
36. Care to be taken during the removing of scaffolding to avoid breaking of external surface or
37. Note: It has been noticed that whenever we are doing the repair of external plaster the repaired
plaster patches are seen different from the original plaster. It is highly objectionable as after the
final painting, these patches are seen separately which completely spoil the external beauty of the
building. It is seen while repairing the cracks, generally the contractor is doing the smooth plaster
or using hand sponge which gives different finish than the entire plaster. So all the Engineers and
foreman’s are requested to see that whenever external plaster repairing is going on, they have to
open the wider crack, provide same finish and not smooth finish or hand sponge finish.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 99
38. Format of Check list to be prepared is given below.


FORM/FORMAT Checklist no. 13
Title: Checklist For External Plaster Rev.1, dated 24-8-
Building Location
Sr. Activity Acceptance Criteria Observati
No on
1 Details of elevation features As per Drg. No________,
2 Application of Bonding Agents Bonding agents shall be applied on clean &
dry RCC surfaces, where the block work is
touching to RCC surface. It shall be followed
by chaat coat.
3 Filling of masonry joints and Filling of masonry joints balance shall be
raking of joints done from scaffolding outside & racking
shall be done immediately. No joint shall be
seen open.
4 Doors/Windows Frames Fixing Shall be fixed as per
Dr. No.______, & Rev. No. _____.
To be in Plumb ,line and level with tolerance
of + 2 mm
5 Electrical concealed work along All electrical points shall be provided As per
with Switch boxs, Brackets Drg. No.:_______,
Rev. No.:________ & Shall be fixed as per
Handbook of Masonry & Plaster
6 Tie-bolt
bolt holes in col./Beams to Bolt hole filling as per circular No.200608 &
be plugged dated 20.06.08
7 Thickness of Level Pads for a) 20mm + 5mm (Walls)
Cement Plaster b) 10mm + 3mm (Ceiling)
8 Pre-wetting of Concrete/Masonry surfaces shall be saturated
concrete/masonry surface dry.
9 Cement mortar proportion For PPC cement use 1:6 & for OPC use 1:8
(Cement: Screened sand) ratio with
300ml/bag mortar plasticizer.

Note :All drawing numbers , to be referred should be filled in , before the Checklist is referred
to , at location , for Acceptance Criteria , by the Senior Engineer/Sector Engineer .

FOREMAN __________________ JR/SITE ENGR_______________

SR/SECTOR ENGR________________

NB: Checklist, to be completed in all respects and signed with date by all concerned, as designated above.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 100
Checklist no. 14
Title: Post Checklist For Plastering Rev.1, dated 24-8-
(Internal/External) 09
Building Location
Sr. Activity Acceptance Criteria Observation
1. Waviness in plaster For Internal plaster + 2 mm
For External Plaster + 4 mm.
2. Soundness of plaster No hollowness shall be observed
3. Location, dimension and finish of grooves. As per
Grooves shall be cleaned & a brush of
thin cement paste shall be applied on it.
4. Surface texture of plaster finish –

4 a. Internal Areas where GVP to be done on the Single coat plaster with light scratch
plaster & tiles to be fixed using cement paste.
( Kitchen, toilets etc. )
4 b. Internal Areas where tiles/ marble / granite to Single coat plaster with sponge fine
be fixed using adhesive. ( Kitchen, toilet dado ) grain finish
4 c. Internal plaster where painting to be done Single coat plaster with tyrolene finish.
directly on plaster.
(Electrical duct, Meter room, Fire fighting duct,
pump room, substation, watchman cabin & non
public areas. )
4 d. Internal Toilet ducts, staircase, Refuge area & Double coat plaster with tyrolene finish
public area
4 e. External plaster where there is Texture paint ( Double coat plaster with light scratch.
Renova ) to be done on it
4 f. External plaster where there is painting to be Double coat plaster with tyrolene finish
done directly on plaster ( Cement or acrylic
paint )
5. Cracks in Plaster. Shall be approved by Project Manager
for concession/Repair/ OR Rework
6. Post Cleaning, of plaster droppings both on :
a) Cleaning of Plastered surface. Shall be Completely free from

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 101
b) Waste Plaster material fallen at base, where Shall be removed immediately.
plastering is in progress.
7 Finishing around Electrical Points (especially Shall be in line & level with tolerance
junction box, switch plate, etc.) of + 2 mm
8 Line and level of plaster. For Internal plaster + 2 mm
For External Plaster + 5 mm.
9. Diagonal & right angle of plaster at edges & Shall be in right angle with tolerance
corners. For Internal plaster + 2 mm
For External Plaster + 5 mm.
10. Internal Corners of plaster. No waviness shall be seen in internal
11 Curing of first coat plaster. 1st coat plaster shall be cured for 1 day
before starting 2nd coat plaster
12. Curing of plaster Shall be done for 7 days from date of
plaster done

13. Internal Plaster :

a Shall be terminated 9“above structural
GV Plaster termination level on wall. finish level of slab.
b Shall be terminated 6 “ around Al.
GV Plaster termination around Al. windows & windows & openings
c Next flat or room, plaster shall not be
Work front for Next flat/ room commenced without completing
previous flat or room.

FOREMAN: _______________ JR.SITE ENGINEER: ____________________

SENIOR / SECTOR ENGINEER: ________________________

NB: Checklist, to be completed in all respects and signed with date by all concerned, as
designated above.

Hiranandani Constructions Pvt. Ltd / Handbook on Masonary and Cement plaster Page 102
Chemical Application Guide for Block Masonry and Plaster
Sr. Name Of Comp Shelf
Manufacturer Application Pack Proportion Coat Coverage/Coverage
No Chemical -onent Life
Hack-aid- Bonding agent for plaster on 01
Sunanda RCC surface
Single 1,5,20 ltr. Direct apply Single 10 / ltr.
Flexecrete:cement: 235 sft/ ltr of slurry.
Bonding agent for plaster on 5,10,20,3 01
02 Flexecrete Apurva RCC surface
0 Kg.
water (25kg : 7-9 Two (including water &
ltr.) cement)
150 ml/bag of
To improve workability & 150 ml/bag of cement
100ml, cement for 1:4
for 1:4 proportion, 300
Trowelling properties of 1,5,20 & proportion, 300 01
03 Cebex 112 Fosroc cement / sand mortar during
200 ltr. ml/bag of cement
N.A ml/bag of cement for
1:8 proportion
application Container for 1:8 proportion
150 ml/bag of
150 ml/bag of cement
To improve workability & air 220 kg. cement for 1:4
MC for 1:4 proportion, 300
MC drum, proportion, 300 01
04 Mischoel entraining agent of cement Single
30kg. ml/bag of cement
N.A ml/bag of cement for
AEA Bauchemie mortar 1:8 proportion
Container for 1:8 proportion
25 kg in
Classic Bond GP
Classic Bonding agent for GVP Polythin 3
Adhesive : Water One 18 Sq.Ft / kg / mm
05 Bond GP Prema Board plaster on RCC surface Single e lined mths
Adhesive (100:45)
(ceiling). HDPE
Applied rough surface of
Coal Tar 6
door frame which is mths.
06 (Black Omega Steel Single 20 ltr. Ready to use. One 7 Sq.m/ltr.
Japan) connecting to the wall/RCC
Hiranandani Constructions Pvt ltd/ Handbook on Block Masonary and Cement Plaster. Page 103
Hiranandani Constructions Pvt ltd/ Handbook on Block Masonary and Cement Plaster. Page 104

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