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OPINION Anticipating ICU discharge and long-term follow-up
Regis Goulart Rosa a, Cassiano Teixeira a,b, Simone Piva c
and Alessandro Morandi d,e
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Purpose of review
This review aims to summarize recent literature findings on long-term outcomes following critical illness and to
highlight potential strategies for preventing and managing health deterioration in survivors of critical care.
Recent findings
A substantial number of critical care survivors experience new or exacerbated impairments in their
physical, cognitive or mental health, commonly named as postintensive care syndrome (PICS). Furthermore,
those who survive critical illness often face an elevated risk of adverse outcomes in the months following
their hospital stay, including infections, cardiovascular events, rehospitalizations and increased mortality.
These findings underscore the need for effective prevention and management of long-term health
deterioration in the critical care setting. While robust evidence from well designed randomized clinical
trials is limited, potential interventions encompass sedation limitation, early mobilization, delirium
prevention and family presence during intensive care unit (ICU) stay, as well as multicomponent transition
programs (from ICU to ward, and from hospital to home) and specialized posthospital discharge follow-up.
In this review, we offer a concise overview of recent insights into the long-term outcomes of critical care
survivors and advancements in the prevention and management of health deterioration after critical illness.
critical care outcomes, postintensive care syndrome, survivors

INTRODUCTION critical illness-related disabilities and other potential

The development of critical care has led to improved contributing factors for health deterioration follow-
patient outcomes over the last decades [1]. Together ing an ICU stay.
with advancements in life-sustaining technologies,
improvements in intensive care unit (ICU) organ- LONG-TERM OUTCOMES OF CRITICAL
ization have substantially contributed to reducing CARE SURVIVORS
short-term mortality among critically ill patients [2].
Nevertheless, this reduction in mortality has intro- Physical impairment
duced new challenges such as the emergence of new The etiology of physical impairment following
or exacerbated impairments in physical, cognitive critical illness is multifactorial, involving various
or mental health among survivors, commonly factors such as critical illness myopathy and
referred as postintensive care syndrome (PICS) [3],
and an increased risk of postdischarge complica-
tions such as exacerbation of chronic medical con- a
Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Moinhos de Vento, bCritical
ditions, major cardiovascular events, infections, Care Department, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre
rehospitalizations, and mortality (Fig. 1) [4]. (RS), Brazil, cDepartment of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radio-
Recently, professional society guidelines have logical Sciences and Public Health, University of Brescia, Brescia,
Rehabilitation and Intermediate Care, Azienda Speciale Cremona
highlighted the need to improve long-term outcomes
Solidale, Cremona, Italy and eREFiT Bcn Research Group, Parc Sanitari
for critical care survivors [5]. Consequently, the Pere Virgili and Vall d’Hebrón Institut de Recerca (VHIR), Barcelona,
implementation of strategies aimed to prevent and Spain
manage heath deterioration following an ICU stay Correspondence to Regis Goulart Rosa, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 630, 108
have become priority. Accordingly, this review aims andar, sala 1007, 90660-020 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
to elucidate key aspects of long-term outcomes for Tel: +55 51 994538804; e-mail:
critical care survivors, offering useful information on Curr Opin Crit Care 2024, 30:157–164
epidemiology, prevention, and management of DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000001136

1070-5295 Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Acute neurological problems

acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors in the

KEY POINTS United States (US), fatigue symptoms were very com-
mon, with 70% reporting them at the 6-month fol-
 New physical, cognitive or mental health impairments
low-up, 31% reporting no clinically important
are frequent long-term complications of critical illness,
and are associated with reduced quality of life. change, and 28% reporting worsening symptoms
by the 12-month follow-up [8]. The ability of patients
 Survivors of critical care are also at increased risk for to function independently after a critical illness is
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poor long-term outcomes including infections, often compromised as well. A recent study involving
cardiovascular events, rehospitalizations and
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hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Brazil revealed

increased mortality.
that the incidence of new disabilities in instrumental
 Potential interventions to prevent new disabilities during activities of daily living (such as telephone use, trans-
critical care include sedation limitation, delirium portation, shopping, managing medications, and
prevention, early mobilization, and family presence financial tasks) reached 40% one year after hospital
during ICU stay.
discharge among those who required mechanical
 Multicomponent transition programs and specialized ventilation [9 ]. Although there is a possibility of
posthospital discharge follow-up are promising improvement of physical function in the months
interventions to enhance recovery of critical following hospital discharge, physical function often
care survivors. remains below the normal levels observed in the
general population and may not fully return to
pre-ICU admission levels in a relevant portion of
patients [10]. A systematic review aiming to synthe-
polyneuropathy, respiratory impairments, and cog-
size data on the six-minute walk test after critical
nitive and mental health symptoms [6]. Findings
illness, identified a significant improvement in the
from a recent study of 2345 ICU survivors in Nether-
walked distance between 3 and 12 months [11].
lands indicate that one-year post-ICU discharge, new
Nevertheless, even the distance walked 60 months
physical problems are highly prevalent among med-
after critical illness remained below the population
ical, urgent surgical, and elective surgical ICU survi-
norms, indicating a slow recovery.
vors, with reported rates of 57%, 63%, and 43%,
respectively [7]. These physical problems encompass
a range of conditions, including weakness, joint stiff- Cognitive impairment
ness, joint pain, dyspnea, dizziness, paresthesia, and Critical care patients may experience neurological
swallowing difficulties. In a study involving 732 damage due to several mechanisms, including

FIGURE 1. Long-term complications of critical illness and critical care. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PTSD,
posttraumatic stress disorder.

158 Volume 30  Number 2  April 2024

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Anticipating ICU discharge and long-term follow-up Rosa et al.

cerebral ischemia, hypoxia, glucose dysregulation, 2.45] and the general population (HR, 21.09) [22]. In
and neuroinflammation [12]. Cognitive impair- another population-based cohort of 423 060 critical
ment is frequent among critical illness survivors, care survivors in Canada, there was an increased risk
with the prevalence ranging from 10% to 78% of suicide (HR, 1.22) and self-harm (HR, 1.15) com-
(pooled estimate, 43%) after one year, depending pared to a matched cohort of hospitalized patients
on the studied population [13]. In a study with 821 without ICU admission [23]. The presence of mental
ICU survivors with respiratory failure or shock con- health symptoms in critical care survivors is associ-
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ducted in US, 40% of patients exhibited global ated with a decrease in the quality of life. A recent
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cognition scores similar to those with moderate cohort study involving 579 adult ICU survivors
traumatic brain injury, while 26% had scores similar found that patients with post-ICU mental health
to those with mild Alzheimer’s disease at 3 months symptoms had lower health-related quality of life
[14]. Notably, this study showed that only 6% of scores in both physical and mental dimensions
patients had evidence of mild to moderate cognitive compared to those without symptoms [24]. Psychi-
impairment before ICU admission, suggesting that atric syndromes co-occurred in 70% of cases, and a
profound cognitive deficits in a quarter of patients higher number of psychiatric syndromes were asso-
were largely new. In another US study involving 174 ciated to an incremental deterioration in mental
survivors of acute lung injury, the findings at health-related quality of life with a dose-response
12 months indicated that 25% of survivors experi- effect. Predictors of mental illness among post-ICU
enced cognitive impairment, with significant patients included age, preexisting mental health
improvement from 36% at 6 months (P < 0.001). conditions, acute emotional stress, and physical
This suggests that cognitive impairment may be impairment experienced during the ICU stay.
reversible in a proportion of cases [15]. Commonly
affected cognitive domains in critical care survivors
include processing speed, memory, attention, and Rehospitalizations
executive function (i.e., ability to plan and perform Readmissions are common among survivors of crit-
multiple tasks) [16]. Potential risk factors for cogni- ical care [25]. A recent systematic review, including
tive impairment after ICU include the level of cog- data from 3 897 597 critical care survivors, found the
nitive reserve and delirium. In a study of 156 following pooled estimates for hospital readmis-
mechanically ventilated critically ill patients in sions after critical illness: 16.9% at 30 days, 31.0%
Spain, higher levels of cognitive reserve measured at 90 days, 29.6% at 6 months, and 53.3% at
by educational attainment and literacy, emerged as 12 months [26 ]. The systematic review identified
a protective factor against cognitive decline [odds three key risk factors associated with acute care
ratio (OR), 0.37] [17]. Additionally, a recent system- rehospitalization one year after discharge: the pres-
atic review found delirium as a predictor of a greater ence of comorbidities, events during the initial hos-
likelihood for chronic cognitive impairment among pitalization (e.g., the presence of delirium and
mechanically ventilated patients (OR, 3.76) [18]. duration of mechanical ventilation), and subse-
quent infections after hospital discharge. The pri-
mary reasons for readmission often involve
Mental health impairment potentially preventable conditions, such as sepsis,
After ICU discharge, around 32–40% of critical care heart failure exacerbation, acute worsening of
survivors experience anxiety [19], 29–34% deal with chronic kidney disease, and exacerbation of chronic
depression [20], and 16–23% exhibit symptoms of obstructive pulmonary disease [27]. Survivors of
posttraumatic stress disorder [21]. Although there is critical illness may experience impaired balance
variation in the prevalence of these symptoms over due to organic dysfunctions (e.g., declining renal
time, it is clear that these mental health disabilities or respiratory function) and disruption of homeo-
can persist for an extended period following ICU static mechanisms (e.g., blood pressure instability,
discharge. Accordingly, published studies have dem- fluid imbalance, immunosuppression, and dysregu-
onstrated that a significant proportion of patients lated inflammation). This susceptibility increases
continue to experience symptoms of anxiety, their risk of worsening chronic diseases and devel-
depression and posttraumatic stress even at the oping new conditions, such as infections and car-
one-year follow-up [19–21]. Additionally, a popula- diovascular events [28]. For instance, sepsis
tion-based cohort of 24 179 mechanically ventilated survivors have an elevated risk of recurrent infec-
critically ill patients in Denmark showed an tions in the year following their septic episode,
increased risk of new psychoactive medication pre- which is associated with increased mortality [29].
scriptions at 3 months compared to a matched Additionally, these patients exhibit a higher risk of
cohort of hospitalized patients [hazard ratio (HR), late cardiovascular events, such as myocardial

1070-5295 Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 159

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Acute neurological problems

infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death, or ventric- of the ICU liberation bundle (ABCDF) for instance,
ular arrhythmias, which may persist for up to 5 years which is aimed to reduce the occurrence of prevent-
following hospital discharge [30]. In a recent retro- able harms in ICU patients (e.g., delirium, muscle
spective cohort study involving 2 258 464 survivors weakness, PICS, and death) [40 ]
of nonsurgical hospitalizations in the US, sepsis was
associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
hospitalization (HR, 1.43) and heart failure hospital- Sedation limitation
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ization (HR, 1.51) [31 ]. Deep and prolonged sedation has been associated
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with delayed time to extubation, higher need for

tracheostomy, longer ICU length of stay, and
Mortality increased risk of hospital and long-term death
Recent published studies have shown mortality rates [41]. Moreover, evidence supports the use of less
in the year following discharge among ICU patients sedation to prevent long-term disabilities. In the
around 15.9% to 28% [32 ,33–35]. In a Brazilian randomized clinical trial of Treggiari et al. [42], light
cohort of ICU survivors with over 3 days of ICU stay, sedation (patient awake and cooperative) was asso-
28.2% died within the first-year postdischarge [35]. ciated with less depression at ICU discharge and a
Notably, infections were the main cause of death, reduced impairment in remembering the event and
suggesting that many of these deaths could be pre- disturbing memories of the ICU 4 weeks after hos-
ventable. Identified risk factors for 1-year mortality pital discharge than profound sedation (patient
in this study included older age, pre-ICU comorbid- asleep, awakening upon physical stimulation). In
ities, pre-ICU physical dependence, severity of ill- the study of Kress and colleagues, daily sedative
ness at ICU admission, and ICU readmission. interruption was associated with less symptoms of
Notably, potentially modifiable ICU factors like posttraumatic stress 6 months after hospital dis-
the duration of critical illness and intensive care charge [43]. Additionally, the study of Pandhari-
can influence mortality beyond one year after dis- pande et al. [14] found that higher benzodiazepine
charge. A study involving 4619 critical care patients doses were independently associated with executive
in Belgium revealed that a prolonged ICU stay dysfunction at 3 months.
(8 days) was associated with excess 5-year mortal-
ity compared to a brief ICU stay (<8 days) (40.8% vs.
29.7%) [36]. Similarly, published studies have dem- Delirium prevention
onstrated that ICU complications such as lower Given the association between delirium and poor
functional status at hospital discharge [37], neuro- long-term outcomes (e.g., cognitive impairment,
logic dysfunction [38], and ICU-acquired infections and posttraumatic stress) [14,44], the implementa-
[35] might contribute to an increased risk of long- tion of delirium prevention strategies becomes para-
term mortality. mount. Practices such as reorientation, cognitive
stimulation, improved sleep, early mobilization,
the timely removal of catheters and physical
PREVENTING DISABILITIES DURING restraints, and family presence are anticipated to
CRITICAL CARE enhance long-term outcomes associated with delir-
Pathophysiologic models of critical illness-related ium [45]. However, the need for well designed
disabilities often implicate both critical illness itself randomized clinical trials is evident to systemati-
and ICU interventions as potential contributors to cally assess the effectiveness of these interventions
PICS [39 ]. Accordingly, an appropriate acute critical in preventing cognitive dysfunction.
care aimed at controlling the cause of critical illness
and supporting organ dysfunctions, while minimiz-
ing potential iatrogenic effects of ICU treatments, Early mobilization
appears to be a reasonable component of a poten- Early mobilization strategies in the ICU have been
tially effective prevention strategy. While it is plau- associated with improved physical and cognitive
sible that the modulation of interventions in the outcomes among ICU survivors possibly by prevent-
critical care setting could mitigate the development ing muscle weakness, preserving joint and cardio-
of disabilities, the available evidence from rigor- pulmonary function and by sparing patients of
ously designed randomized clinical trials is cur- potentially excessive sedation or social isolation.
rently limited. Even so, some strategies deserve A recent systematic review of randomized clinical
particular attention such as sedation limitation, trials found that early mobilization in the ICU was
delirium prevention, early mobilization and family associated with a decreased incidence of ICU-
presence in the ICU. These strategies have been part acquired weakness and an improved strength and

160 Volume 30  Number 2  April 2024

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Anticipating ICU discharge and long-term follow-up Rosa et al.

functionality scores at hospital discharge [46]. In the patient- and family-centered process of rehabilita-
randomized clinical trial of Schweickert et al. [47] tion across different rehabilitation settings (e.g.,
early physical and occupational therapy in mechan- ICU, ward and home) is essential. Accordingly,
ically ventilated patients resulted in an increased the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guideline has sug-
chance to return to independent functional status at gested implementing screening, discharge plans and
hospital discharge. More recently, the Treatment of posthospital follow-ups for survivors of sepsis,
Mechanically Ventilated Adults with Early Activity although most of these recommendations are best
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and Mobilization (TEAM) randomized clinical trial practice statements or have a weak level of evidence
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demonstrated that an increase in early active mobi- [5]. For patients at high risk for long-term disabil-
lization did not result in a significantly greater ities, characterized as survivors with one or more
number of days that patients were alive and out potential risk factors, the Society of Critical Care
of the hospital compared to the usual level of mobi- Medicine task force recommends serial assessments
lization in the ICU among mechanically ventilated starting within 2–4 weeks of hospital discharge to
patients [48 ]. However, due to the high frequency identify and manage impairments after critical ill-
of early mobilization in the usual care group, it is ness. These assessments can utilize screening tools
reasonable to conclude that the TEAM trial actually such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment for cog-
assessed different ’doses’ of early mobilization rather nitive dysfunction, Hospital Anxiety and Depres-
than compared the realization of early mobilization sion Scale for anxiety and depression symptoms,
or not. The small difference found in the mean Impact of Event Scale-Revised for posttraumatic
duration of active mobilization per day between stress symptoms, 6-min walk test for physical func-
the two study groups (12 min) might explain the tion, and the EuroQol-5D-5L for health-related qual-
lack of impact on clinical outcomes. The random- ity of life [53]. Multicomponent interventions
ized clinical trial of Patel and colleagues showed a aimed to optimize recovery after critical illness have
significant reduction of cognitive impairment at been associated with improved outcomes. In a
1 year with early mobilization in comparison to recent randomized clinical trial with 691 survivors
usual care (24% vs. 43%) among mechanically ven- of sepsis, a 30-day multicomponent intervention
tilated critically ill patients [49 ]. At one year, the using a navigator to provide best practices for post-
early mobilization group also had fewer ICU- sepsis care (postdischarge medication review, evalu-
acquired weaknesses, and higher physical compo- ation for new impairments or symptoms, monitoring
nent scores on quality-of-life testing than did the comorbidities, and palliative care approach when
usual care group. appropriate) resulted in a significant reduction com-
posite of mortality or hospital readmission at 30 days
(OR, 0.80) [54 ]. Given the interdisciplinary nature
Family presence of these interventions, it is conceivable that team-
Extended family presence in the ICU has been asso- based approaches, incorporating multidisciplinary
ciated with less anxiety and delirium during ICU rounds and checklist utilization before hospital
stay in patients [50], and lower occurrence of symp- discharge, could improve adherence [55]. Other
toms of anxiety and depression among family mem- potential intervention is the posthospital discharge
bers [51]. Although these manifestations are follow-up, which can be conducted by either the
probably in the causal pathway for long-term men- multidisciplinary ICU team or a non-ICU team with
tal-health disability and cognitive impairment, specialized training. A systematic review analyzing
studies assessing the association between flexible post-ICU follow-up effects, the pooled analysis of
family visitation models and long-term outcomes randomized clinical trials showed improvement of
are scarce. A recent retrospective cohort with 14 344 depression symptoms and mental health-related
patients in Canada, found that in-person family quality of life in the short term for models focusing
visitation in the ICU was associated with a lower on physical therapy and posttraumatic stress symp-
risk of received a diagnosis of any incident psychi- toms in the medium term for models focusing on
atric disorder within 1 year after discharge (risk ratio, psychological or medical management interventions
0.79) [52 ]. [56]. In the context of post-ICU discharge, the clini-
cian should be aware that, besides new impairments,
infections, exacerbation of comorbidities and medi-
ENHANCING RECOVERY cation toxicity might contribute to deterioration of
Long-term disabilities among survivors of critical health in the months after hospital discharge.
care are typically underdiagnosed and long-lasting. Equally important is effective communication to
In such context, screening patients with disabilities ensure an appropriate patient transition across differ-
following a critical care (Table 1) and providing a ent levels of healthcare [5]. This strategy can

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Acute neurological problems

Table 1. Screening patients at high-risk for long-term physical, cognitive, mental health disabilities after critical illness
Disability Premorbid health
domain status risk factors Critical illness risk factors Clinical picture Suggested screening tools

Physical  Preexisting functional  High illness severity  Reduction of physical functional  6-min walking test or
disability, frailty, and  Multiple organ dysfunctions capacity Barthel index for physical
cognitive impairment  Prolonged use of sedatives,  Fatigue functional status
 Comorbidities neuromuscular blocking agents  Musculoskeletal complaints (e.g.,  Functional oral intake scale
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and corticosteroids joint stiffness, joint pain, muscle (FOIS) and/or eating
 Invasive mechanical ventilation pain) assessment tool-10 (EAT-10)
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need  Respiratory symptoms (e.g., for dysphagia

 ICU-acquired weakness shortness of breath)
 Symptoms of dysphagia
(coughing or choking when
eating or drinking, bringing
food back up, a sensation that
food is stuck in throat or chest,
persistent drooling of saliva)
Cognition  Advanced age  Incidence and duration of  Cognitive complaints such as  Montreal cognitive
 Preexisting cognitive delirium memory loss, brain fog, and assessment (MoCA)
dysfunction  Profound or prolonged sedation difficulties with attention and
 Low cognitive reserve (specially with benzodiazepines) execution of tasks
 Cardiac arrest
 Need for life support (e.g.,
invasive mechanical ventilation
or dialysis)
Mental health  Younger age,  Prolonged or profound sedation  Symptoms of anxiety (e.g.,  Hospital anxiety and
 Low education  Memories of frightening excessive anxiety and worry, depression scale (HADS)
 Low resilience experiences in ICU difficulty controlling the for anxiety and depression
 Preexisting mental  Absence of family visits worrying, restlessness or feeling symptoms
health disorders  Relevant decrease in physical keyed up or on edge, irritability,  Impact event scale revised
(e.g., anxiety or functional status in comparison muscle tension, palpitations) (IES-R) or the abbreviated
depression) to the pre-ICU period  Symptoms of depression (e.g., Impact event scale-6 (IES-6)
depressed mood, loss of
interest/pleasure, insomnia or
hypersomnia, fatigue, feeling
 Symptoms of posttraumatic stress
(e.g., unwanted upsetting
memories from the critical illness
period, nightmares, flashbacks,
emotional distress after exposure
to traumatic reminders, physical
reactivity after exposure to
traumatic reminders)

synergize with available resources, such as the care delirium prevention, early mobilization, and family
provided by general practitioners and community presence during critical illness management holds
caregivers, contributing to improved long-term promise in mitigating long-term disabilities. Equally
outcomes. important is the identification of patients at height-
ened risk for these disabilities, enabling interven-
tions aimed to improve quality of life. Furthermore,
CONCLUSION a well structured transition program, followed by
The multifaceted challenges faced by survivors of posthospitalization follow-up focusing on rehabil-
critical care underscore the critical need for a com- itation and support, can contribute significantly to
prehensive approach to their care. The extensive improve outcomes for these survivors.
burden of physical, cognitive, and mental health
impairments post-ICU discharge, along with their Acknowledgements
increased vulnerability to adverse outcomes, includ- None.
ing infections, cardiovascular events, rehospitaliza-
tions, and mortality cannot be overlooked. A Financial support and sponsorship
proactive strategy involving sedation limitation, None.

162 Volume 30  Number 2  April 2024

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Acute neurological problems

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who were undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. The mean daily diagnosis any incident psychiatric disorder within 1 year after discharge.
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