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1. Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe
that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a
positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both
sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

3. Some people think that exercise is the key to health while others feel that having a balanced
diet is more important.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

1. Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however,
believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

I. Introduction

- Background statement: People have different opinions about zoos, with some believing they
are cruel and should be closed, while others think they play an important role in protecting wild
- Thesis statement: This essay will discuss the arguments against zoos and their closure, as well
as the arguments in favor of zoos and their role in wildlife protection.
II. Body

A. Arguments against zoos and their closure

✓ Main idea 1: Zoos as cruel environments
- Animals experience stress and boredom due to confinement and restricted habitats.
- Example: Large predators kept in small enclosures, unable to roam freely.

✓ Main idea 2: Ethical concerns

- Animals are exploited for entertainment and profit.

- Example: Animals performing tricks for visitors.

B. Arguments in favor of zoos and their role in wildlife protection

✓ Main idea 1: Conservation and education

- Zoos help preserve endangered species through breeding programs. (Example: Successful
breeding of rare animals like the giant panda).
- Zoos educate visitors about wildlife conservation. (Example: Educational exhibits and
programs for children).
✓ Main idea 2: Scientific research and species survival

- Zoos provide controlled environments for studying animal behavior and biology. (Example:
Research on animal reproduction and social interactions).

- Zoos act as a safety net for endangered species. (Example: Reintroduction of captive-bred
animals into protected habitats).

III. Conclusion
- Acknowledge the concerns against zoos while recognizing their potential benefits.

- Propose responsible and ethical zoo practices.

- Recap the arguments for and against zoos.

- Emphasize the importance of ethical practices and ongoing improvement in the role of zoos.

Zoos have been a subject of debate and conflicting opinions. Some argue that they are cruel and
should be shut down, while others believe they serve a vital purpose in protecting wild animals.
This essay will explore both perspectives and provide a balanced viewpoint on the matter.

Critics of zoos highlight the potential cruelty associated with them. They argue that animals kept
in zoos experience stress and boredom due to confinement in small spaces. For instance, large
predators are often confined to tiny enclosures, depriving them of the opportunity to roam freely
and exhibit natural behaviors. This confinement can have negative effects on the physical and
mental well-being of the animals. Additionally, ethical concerns arise as animals are exploited
for entertainment and profit. The use of animals to perform tricks for visitors is seen as
objectifying them and disregarding their natural instincts and rights.

On the other hand, proponents of zoos emphasize their role in wildlife protection and education.
They contend that zoos contribute significantly to the conservation of endangered species
through breeding programs. A notable example is the successful breeding of rare animals like the
giant panda, which has helped increase their population and ensure their survival. Furthermore,
zoos serve as educational institutions, raising awareness about wildlife conservation and
inspiring visitors to take action. They provide educational exhibits and programs, specifically
designed for children, to promote environmental awareness and responsibility.

In summary, we should think about the real worries people have about how animals are treated in
zoos. Taking care of the animals and making sure they are healthy should be the main focus for
zoos. They should give the animals the right homes and things to do that keep them happy. But
zoos can still be good if they do things responsibly and ethically. This means they need to work
on protecting wildlife and teaching people about it, instead of just focusing on entertainment.

Topic 2. Recently, some office workers have begun to work from home instead of commuting
to an office each day, and this idea is growing in popularity. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this trend of working from home?

I. Introduction
- Background statement: Computers are increasingly used in education.

- Thesis statement: This essay will explore the positive and negative aspects of using computers
in education and share my own viewpoint.
II Body

A. Positive aspects of using computers in education

✓ Main idea 1: Improved accessibility and flexibility
- Computers provide access to a wide range of educational resources, like online libraries and
research databases.

- Online learning platforms allow students to study at their own pace, benefiting non-traditional
students and those in remote areas.

✓ Main idea 2: Enhanced engagement and interactive learning

- Educational software with multimedia elements makes learning more interesting and
- Virtual reality technology offers immersive learning experiences.

B. Negative consequences of using computers in education

✓ Main idea 1: Overdependence and reduced human interaction

- Excessive screen time can hinder social and emotional development.

- Lack of physical presence and direct interaction may impact social skills and collaboration.

✓ Main idea 2: Potential distractions and misuse of technology

- Students can be easily distracted by non-educational content and multitasking.

- Online platforms may pose privacy and cybersecurity risks.

C. My own opinion and reasoning

✓ Main idea 1: Balanced approach and responsible use

- Computers should be used purposefully and in moderation, not replacing human interaction.

- Digital literacy skills should be taught to navigate the online world safely.
✓ Main idea 2: Importance of effective pedagogy

- Technology should complement effective teaching methods, not replace them.

- Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students and facilitating discussions.

III. Conclusion
- Recap the positive and negative aspects of using computers in education.

- Emphasize the need for a balanced approach and responsible use of technology.
- Highlight the importance of effective teaching methods alongside computer integration.
Computers have become increasingly prevalent in education, and opinions about their impact
vary. Some argue that this trend is positive, while others believe it leads to negative
consequences. This essay will examine both perspectives and provide my own opinion.

On the positive side, computers offer improved accessibility and flexibility in education.
Students can access a wealth of educational resources, such as online libraries and research
databases. Additionally, online learning platforms enable students to study at their own pace,
benefiting non-traditional students and those in remote areas. Furthermore, computers enhance
engagement and interactive learning. Educational software with multimedia elements makes
learning more interesting and memorable. Virtual reality technology provides immersive
experiences that deepen understanding.

However, there are negative consequences to consider. Overdependence on computers can

reduce human interaction. Excessive screen time may hinder social and emotional development.
Additionally, the absence of physical presence and direct interaction can impact social skills and
collaboration. Another concern is the potential for distractions and misuse of technology.
Students can easily be sidetracked by non-educational content and multitasking. Moreover,
online platforms may pose privacy and cybersecurity risks.

In my opinion, a balanced approach and responsible use of computers in education are crucial.
Computers should serve a purpose and not replace human interaction. Teaching digital literacy
skills is essential for students to navigate the online world safely. Furthermore, effective
pedagogy remains paramount. Technology should complement and enhance effective teaching
methods rather than replace them. Teachers play a vital role in guiding students and facilitating

In conclusion, the use of computers in education has both positive and negative aspects. A
balanced approach and responsible use of technology are necessary. Effective teaching methods
should be upheld, and students must develop digital literacy skills. By striking the right balance,
we can harness the benefits of computer integration while ensuring a holistic and effective
educational experience.
Topic 3. Some people think that exercise is the key to health while others feel that having a
balanced diet is more important.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

I. Introduction
- Background statement: The debate between exercise and balanced diet as the key to health

- Thesis statement: Brief overview of the importance of exercise and balanced diet for overall

II. Body
A. Argument in favor of exercise as the key to health

✓ Main idea 1: Physical benefits of exercise

- Improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart disease

- Helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity

- Enhances muscle strength and flexibility

✓ Main idea 2: Mental benefits of exercise

- Releases endorphins, promoting feelings of happiness and reducing stress

- Improves cognitive function and reduces the risk of mental health issues
- Enhances overall energy levels and promotes better sleep

B. Argument in favor of a balanced diet as the key to health

✓ Main idea 1: Nutritional benefits of a balanced diet

- Provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for overall well-being

- Supports a strong immune system and reduces the risk of chronic diseases
- Promotes healthy digestion and gut health

✓ Main idea 2: Weight management and disease preventio

- Helps maintain a healthy weight and prevents obesity-related issues
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers
- Supports healthy aging and improves longevity
III. Conclusion

- Recap of the arguments for exercise and a balanced diet

- Personal opinion: The importance of a balanced approach

✓ Emphasizing the need for both exercise and a balanced diet

✓ Recognizing individual variations and preferences

✓ Encouraging moderation and consistency in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

- Final thoughts on the importance of exercise and a balanced diet for achieving optimal health.

The debate surrounding exercise and a balanced diet as the primary factors for attaining good
health has long been a topic of interest. While some argue in favor of exercise as the key to
health, others emphasize the importance of a balanced diet. This essay aims to shed light on the
significance of both exercise and a balanced diet in achieving overall well-being.

To begin with, exercise offers numerous advantages to physical health. Firstly, it improves
cardiovascular health, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Secondly, exercise plays a
pivotal role in weight management, helping individuals maintain a healthy weight and preventing
obesity-related complications. Lastly, engaging in regular physical activity enhances muscle
strength and flexibility, fostering better physical fitness.

Furthermore, exercise provides remarkable mental health benefits. Firstly, it stimulates the
release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and reduce
stress levels. Secondly, exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, reducing the risk
of mental health issues. Lastly, it enhances overall energy levels and facilitates better sleep
patterns, contributing to improved mental well-being.
On the other hand, a balanced diet plays a crucial role in providing essential nutrients, vitamins,
and minerals necessary for overall well-being. It supports a robust immune system, thereby
reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, a balanced diet promotes healthy digestion
and maintains optimal gut health.
Moreover, a balanced diet is instrumental in effective weight management, preventing obesity-
related complications. It significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and
certain types of cancer. Additionally, it supports healthy aging and contributes to longevity.
In conclusion, exercise and a balanced diet are both integral to achieving optimal health. By
recognizing the importance of a balanced approach, individuals can harness the benefits of both
aspects. Ultimately, the synergy between exercise and a balanced diet paves the way for
improved well-being, providing the foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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