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SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

Mobile: 71700890/73609221;
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Background Information ....................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Market Niche ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 Profiles of shareholders........................................................................................................ 4
4.0 Project concept .................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Project objectives ............................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Commencement date ....................................................................................................... 5
5.0 Our Mission Statement ......................................................................................................... 5
6.0 Our Vision Statement ........................................................................................................... 5
7.0 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ........................................................ 5
8.0 OPERATIONAL PLAN ......................................................................................................... 6
8.1 Location ............................................................................................................................ 6
8.2 Description of production/manufacturing process ............................................................. 6
8.3 Classroom layout .............................................................................................................. 6
8.4 Startup Expenses and Capitalization ................................................................................ 7
8.4.1 Accreditation .............................................................................................................. 7
8.4.2 Purchases .................................................................................................................. 7
8.4.3 Equipment .................................................................................................................. 7
8.4.4 Operational plan ......................................................................................................... 7
9.0 MARKETING PLAN ............................................................................................................. 7
A) Market .......................................................................................................................... 7
9.1 Description of the market for the product or service ..................................................... 7
9.2 Benefits that the products/services meet...................................................................... 7
9.3 Market segments targeted by the products/services .................................................... 7
9.4 Key customers and demand levels .............................................................................. 8
9.5 Competitive advantage. ............................................................................................... 8
9.6 Estimated Market Share/Size ........................................................................................... 8
9.8 Competition ...................................................................................................................... 8
9.9 Marketing strategies ......................................................................................................... 9
9.10 Critical success factors for the business ......................................................................... 9
9.11 Distribution channels ...................................................................................................... 9
9.12 Supply channels ............................................................................................................. 9
9.13 Pricing ............................................................................................................................ 9

9.13 Promotions ..................................................................................................................... 9
9.14 Possible market risks analysis ........................................................................................ 9
9.15 Implementation schedule. ..............................................................................................10
9.16 Project benefits ..............................................................................................................10
9.17 Inputs and Employment .................................................................................................10
10.0 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ...........................................11
11.0 FINANCING STRUCTURE ...............................................................................................12


Zebra Training Institute (ZTI) (Proprietary) Limited is a company legally constituted in Botswana.
ZTI (Pty) Ltd is a limited liability company registered under Companies Act and re-registered as
BW00001461822 under Section 4 of the Companies Re- registration Act on the 24th February
2020. The company offers training in taxation management, Customs Clearing and Freight
Forwarding and basic business skills. The company is BQA accredited under Education and
Training Provider registration number ETP0243.

Having noted that Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding is not regarded as a profession in
Botswana, ZTI (Pty) Ltd saw it essential to introduce a training in this area. Clearing agency
countrywide work with Botswana Unified Revenue Service authorities to help collect taxes on
behalf of the Government of Botswana, hence this is a very important task in the revenue
circulation of the country. A number of clearing agents are licensed to provide customs services
to the importers, exporters, manufacturers and other related stakeholders but lack the required

ZTI (Pty) Ltd will be offering training in Customs Clearing and freight forwarding and advise on
tax management. The training is on Customs Laws, Tarrif Classification, Valuation, Customs
Clearance procedures, Duty Computation and Basic Management Skills. The Customs Clearing
Agents training programme is a broad training that will give a minimum level of proficiency in
terms of Customs Laws, Regulations and Procedures in order for clearing agents to assist their
clients comply with Customs provisions.

The programme will enable trainees to have basic theoretical and operational knowledge of
Customs clearing and freight forwarding and be able to demonstrate basic cognitive skills and
practical skills in Customs clearing, freight forwarding and basic management skills and be able
to perform routine work with minimum supervision.

1.0 Background Information

Business Name : Zebra Training Institute (Pty) Ltd

Nature of business : Training Institution

Date of incorporation : 9th November 2016

Company registration number: BW00001461822

Business contacts : P.O. Box 50452,

Rail Park Gaborone

Phone : +26 31167795

Fax : +267 3116795

Email :

2.0 Market Niche

Our Primary Line of Business : Training of Clearing Agents and Tax Management

Our Primary Audience : Clearing and Freight Forwarding companies.

3.0 Profiles of shareholders

Mr Siwe is the sole director of the entity who holds a Degree in Customs and Tax
Management from Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. ITA
is ISO accredited Institution that offers courses in tax management. Mr Siwe also holds a
Diploma in Accounting and Business Studies (DABS) from University of Botswana (UB).
He also has AAT Level 3 and 4. Mr Siwe has been in the Customs environment for more
than twenty (20) years and has worked in different sections and is conversant with the
customs Laws and procedures.

4.0 Project concept
4.1 Project objectives
The main objective of the company is to offer high quality training while maximising
stakeholder value.
The Customs Clearing Agents training programme is a broad training that will give a minimum
level of proficiency in terms of Customs Laws, Regulations and Procedures in order for
clearing agents to assist their clients comply with Customs provisions.
The programme will enable trainees to have basic theoretical and operational knowledge of
Customs clearing and freight forwarding and be able to demonstrate basic cognitive skills and
practical skills in Customs clearing, freight forwarding and basic management skills and be
able to perform routine work with minimum supervision.

4.2 Commencement date

The Institution was supposed to start it is training early 2020, but due to monetary constraints,
it is still struggling to accredit the learning materials.

5.0 Our Mission Statement

Training taxation to various clients, clearing agents and freight forwarding companies to
understanding how to apply Customs laws and procedures efficiently and correctly in the
clearing of goods profession.

6.0 Our Vision Statement

To be the leading training provider in tax, Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding agency
by providing professional and high-quality training to the clearing agency worldwide.


A) Organogram

The proposed organogram is as shown below:

Managing Director
Governance (Mr Siwe)

Trainers/Facilitators Accountant
Management Manager
(position vacant) (position vacant)
(position vacant)

Trainers/Facilitators Research Marketing Officer Accounts Officer Operational

(position vacant) (position vacant) (position vacant) (position vacant)

B) Management structure
Name Qualification Age Nationality Share Position Experience
holding %
Alakanani BCTM (Bachelor 52 Motswana 100 Director Work under
Siwe in Customs and customs
Tax Management environment for
more than 25 years.


8.1 Location
The business is currently renting at Plot 27 Unit 9 Commerce court and if the loan is approved
it will buy its own building in Gaborone.
8.2 Description of production/manufacturing process
The training is done on consultancy basis. The consultancy will be running short courses and
issuing skills certificate of attendance.
8.3 Classroom layout
The horseshoe arrangement of desks is the best classroom layout in a training environment.
This is ideal for group discussions and allows trainees/students to see each other when speaking
and encourage face-to-face dialogue.

8.4 Startup Expenses and Capitalization
8.4.1 Accreditation
Training institutions in Botswana are required to register with the education quality assurance
body, the Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA). ZTI was able to complete the first part,
thus the registration of the company as a Educations and Training Provider (ETP). The next
phase is to register the training courses or programme at a cost of P5 000 per courses and
development costs of P5 000 each.
8.4.2 Purchases
The business do require some office furniture and fixtures and the fact that it is close to the
suppliers do make it feasible to develop. The major services needed are readily available in the
area, that is water, power, roads, telephone etc.
8.4.3 Equipment
The institution will require equipment like projectors and other fixtures and fittings for offices.
8.4.4 Operational plan
The training is done on consultancy basis. The consultancy will be running short courses and
issuing skills certificate of attendance.


A) Market
9.1 Description of the market for the product or service
Our target market is well defined and in view of that we have positioned our training institution
to service everyone in/around Gaborone and other locations where we intend distributing our
9.2 Benefits that the products/services meet
Participants who undergo this training will be equipped with the necessary skills in the
Customs Clearing field. They will be able to demonstrate competence to correctly apply the
provisions of Customs Laws and regulations and comply with the Customs procedures in the
process of clearing and freight forwarding in order to enhance ethical conduct, good
governance and integrity in the profession and to facilitate trade.
9.3 Market segments targeted by the products/services
We have conducted our feasibility studies and we have identified three categories:
➢ Primary target are employees of clearing agents registered with BURS.
➢ The public at large; those not in the clearing field and want to join the profession
especially those who are finishing school.

➢ Other Institutions who require our services on training of customs clearance
9.4 Key customers and demand levels
Our target market is well defined and in view of that, the institution has positioned itself to
service all clearing agency in Botswana. We have conducted our market research and
feasibility studies and we have ideas of what our target market will be expecting from us.
9.5 Competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage is a set of unique features of a company and its products that are
perceived by the target market as significant and superior to the competition.
Research has shown that the work done by Customs Clearing agents is not of satisfactory
quality and their services are not provided in a professional standard. This makes the work of
Customs Administration difficult and unsatisfactory to their customers. ZTI (Pty) Ltd had
designed a programme to provide high quality and responsive services to various customers
such as importers, exporters, travelers and other stakeholders. As agents of the Commissioner
for Customs and Excise, clearing agents need to have a certain minimum level of proficiency
in customs laws, regulations and procedures in order to assist their clients comply easily with
Customs provisions.

9.6 Estimated Market Share/Size

The Institute anticipates a 20% market share with the remaining 80% going to other
institutions which are already established. As the Institution is offering training in Customs
Clearing and freight forwarding, there are other institutions that offers courses on logistics
and do on-the job training on clearance to their employees. The Institution is using the
prevailing market prices for training, i.e, P4,500.00 for a week workshop and P2,500 for
three days workshop per individual.

9.8 Competition
The Institution will be the only one offering such training in Botswana except established
institutions that are offering courses on taxation. Most of the clearing agents do on-the job
training to their employees. However, the institution offers a training programmes that gives a
minimum level of proficiency in terms of Customs Laws, Regulations and Procedures that
enable trainees to have basic theoretical and operational knowledge of Customs clearing and
freight forwarding and be able to demonstrate basic cognitive skills and practical skills and be
able to perform routine work with minimum supervision.

9.9 Marketing strategies
The Institution is marketed through advertising in the print medias (newspapers) and other
electronic medias (face book, twitter and whatsapp) as well as putting up billboards all over
the country. However, we are using the market prices but we are offering the best training.
9.10 Critical success factors for the business
The company’s critical issues will include:

• Building brand awareness

• Developing strong relationships with potential customer.
• Ensure trainees complaints are attended to in the shortest possible time
9.11 Distribution channels
The services will be distributed through direct channel, where the marketing department will
produce flyers and make advertisement through print and electronic medias. No intermediaries
will be engaged.
9.12 Supply channels
Since we provide training, the products are learning materials that would be prepared by the
9.13 Pricing
The prevailing market fees for short courses training is P4,500.00 per five days, our institute
will use the prevailing market price of P4,500.00 per five days workshop and P2,500.00 for
two days workshop per individual.
9.13 Promotions
Promotions will be done by advertising through media, flyer distribution in public places. We
will also put some stalls at consumer shows, free market and other events. We also consider
discount for people who training with us for more than two times or organizations who training
more than ten people at a time.

9.14 Possible market risks analysis

The biggest market risks that we can encounter are value risk and business viability risks. Since
we are the only institution offering training on customs clearing and freight forwarding, we do
not have a competitor in this field. However, other institutions offer courses on taxation and
business management skills.

9.15 Implementation schedule.
The Institution was BQA accredited in September 2019 and it has submitted learning
programmes for accreditation. The institution need money to add more learning programmes
for accreditation.
The accreditation process includes designing the modules at a cost of P5 000 and submitting
to BQA for accreditation with a P5,000.00 fee for each module.

9.16 Project benefits

Participants who undergo this training will be equipped with the necessary skills in the
Customs Clearing field. They will be able to demonstrate competence to correctly apply the
provisions of Customs Laws and regulations and comply with the Customs procedures in the
process of clearing and freight forwarding in order to enhance ethical conduct, good
governance and integrity in the profession and to facilitate trade.

Clearing agency countrywide work with Botswana Unified Revenue Service authorities to help
collect taxes on behalf of the Government of Botswana, hence this is a very important task in
the revenue circulation of the country. This will help to collect the correct amount of revenue
for the development of Botswana.

9.17 Inputs and Employment

Training is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an
employee's ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee's attitude or
increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The inputs in this case will include offices to be
used for training, furniture and fixtures and training materials.


The Institution will employ people who are BQA accredited as facilitators and moderators. The
number of facilitators/moderators will be three and will increase as we add more courses. Other
employees are (1) administration, (1) human resource, (1) receptionist, (1) cleaner, (1)
marketing, (1) research and accounts officers. We will add the number of facilitators as the
institution grows.

10 | P a g e
Employees who need to be trained will go training. However, we will be recommending
refresher courses for our employees.


1.Great location
2. Fantastic facilities
3. Accredited facilitators/trainers


1. Competition
from already established
SWOT 1. Government initiatives and incentives
for enterpreneurship development e.g
institutions CEDA
2. Slump in the economy Analysis 2. Business Develeopment and Support
services e.g LEA

1. Limited finances
2. Facilitators/Trainers

11 | P a g e
Projected Cash flow Statement
Particulars / Years YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5
Expected Training Income 1 700,000 910,000 1,050,000 1,260,000 1,400,000
Loan 80,000 - - - -
Total Inflow 780,000 910,000 1,050,000 1,260,000 1,400,000
Outflows for Direct Expenses 2 209,900 336,890 407,679 527,947 591,342
Bank charges 3,229 3,552 3,907 4,298 4,728
Electricity & water 6,923 7,615 8,377 9,215 10,136
Accounting & Secretarial 10,200 11,220 12,342 13,576 14,934
Licences & insurances 18,006 19,807 21,787 23,966 26,363
Loan Repayments 45,415 45,415 - - -
Motor Vehicle Expenses 47,233 51,957 57,152 62,867 69,154
Office Expenses 12,228 13,450 14,795 16,275 17,902
Rent 33,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
Printing & stationary 8,926 9,819 10,801 11,881 13,069
Postage/telephones & fax 6,808 7,489 8,238 9,062 9,968
Rates & Taxes 6,698 7,367 8,104 8,915 9,806
Salaries & wages 72,600 79,860 87,846 96,631 106,294
Travelling Accomodation 18,200 20,020 22,022 24,224 26,647
Taxation - 50,530 75,801 86,262 96,958
Total Outflow 499,366 699,992 773,852 930,118 1,032,300
Net Inflow / outflow 280,634 210,008 276,148 329,882 367,700
Balance b/f - 280,634 490,642 766,790 1,096,672
Balance c/f 280,634 490,642 766,790 1,096,672 1,464,372

Please turnover to next page for notes to the financials

12 | P a g e
1 Expected Training Income


Expected Participants 100 130 150 180 200
Training Fees (5 day course) 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
Training Fees (3 day course) 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Expected Training Income 700,000 910,000 1,050,000 1,260,000 1,400,000
2 Direct Expenses
Training Material 100 110 121 133 146
Food & Venue 160,000 208,000 240,000 288,000 320,000
Trainer 320,000 352,000 387,200 425,920 468,512
Certificates 10,000 13,000 15,000 18,000 20,000
490,100 573,110 642,321 732,053 808,658
Expected Net Training Income 209,900 336,890 407,679 527,947 591,342

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