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Credentia ImageCard III

Magnetic Stripe Plug-in

Assigning Printer Plug-ins 2

Designing an ID Works Project to Encode Magnetic Stripes 3

Creating a New Encoder Configuration 4

Changing an Encoder Configuration 6

Deleting an Encoder Configuration 7

Distributing Encoder Configurations 9

2 Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in

This document explains how to use the Credentia™ ImageCard® III

Magnetic Stripe Plug-in with ID Works™ photo ID software. A plug-in
is a software module that provides an interface between the main ID
Works applications and a peripheral device (such as a card printer)
or between the peripheral device and a component within the device
(such as an encoder for magnetic stripes).

ID Works Printer Encoder

Application Plug-in Plug-in

The printer plug-in connects to the ID Works application and the

ImageCard III magnetic stripe plug-in connects to the printer plug-in.

You can create and save multiple configurations for the

ImageCard III magnetic stripe plug-in. A configuration is a group of
settings tailored to the way you use the device. For each
configuration, you can specify certain options to suit your needs.

Assigning Printer Plug-ins

You specify associations between available printer plug-ins and
installed printers by using the Assign Printer Plug-in utility in the ID
Works Administrator application. See the online help topic “Assign
printer plug-ins” for step-by-step instructions.

If the printer driver was installed on the computer before the ID

Works software was installed, the assignment is made automatically.
Printer plug-ins must be assigned on each computer that prints cards
with your ID Works project.
Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in 3

Designing an ID Works Project to

Encode Magnetic Stripes
Follow these steps to design an ID Works project that includes
magnetic stripe encoding:
1 On your Production form, insert a field for each magnetic stripe
track you want to encode. To combine information from two or
more fields on a track, create a composite field. See the online
help topic “Add and format a composite field to a Production
form” for step-by-step instructions.

2 On your Card design, insert a magnetic stripe field. See the

online help topic “Add and format a magnetic stripe field to a
card” for step-by-step instructions.

3 Double-click on the magnetic stripe field. The Edit Field

Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog box opens.

4 On the Encoding tab, select ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe

Plug-in in the Device list.

5 Also on the Encoding tab, select an encoder configuration.

See procedures for changing an encoder configuration on page

6 and for creating a new encoder configuration on page 4.

6 Click OK. The Edit Field Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog box

7 Using the Field Connector, connect Production form fields to the

appropriate tracks in the Production Output area. See the online
help topic “Connect fields” for step-by-step instructions.
4 Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in

8 Print a test card for your project using the ID Works Production

Test cards printed in the ID Works Designer application are not


Creating a New Encoder Configuration

To create a new configuration by copying an existing configuration,
see Changing an Encoder Configuration on page 6.

Follow these steps to create a new encoder configuration:

1 Open or create an ID Works project that has a Card design with
a magnetic stripe field.

2 Select the magnetic stripe field and open the Edit Field
Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog box. See the online help topic
Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in 5
“Add and format a magnetic stripe field to a card” for step-by-
step instructions.

3 On the Encoding tab of the Edit Field Properties [Magnetic

Stripe] dialog box, select ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-
in in the Device list.

4 Click the Edit Configurations button. The ImageCard III

MagStripe Configurations dialog box opens.

5 Click the New button. The New IC III MagStripe Configuration

dialog box opens.

6 Type a name and click OK. The ImageCard III MagStripe

Configuration : [name] dialog box opens.
6 Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in

It may be helpful to give the configuration the same name as the

ID Works project that will use it.

7 (Optional) In the Designer Field Names area, change the track

names from the default values (Track 1, Track 2, Track 3) to the
names of the Production form fields that will supply data for the

8 In the Setting area, for each track, select the type of encoding
required by the equipment that will read the cards.

9 Click Save. The MagStripe Configuration : [name] dialog box

closes. Click Exit. The ImageCard III MagStripe Configurations
dialog box closes.

Changing an Encoder Configuration

Follow these steps to change an encoder configuration:
1 Open or create an ID Works project that has a Card design with
a magnetic stripe field.

2 Select the magnetic stripe field and open the Edit Field
Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog box. See the online help topic
“Add and format a magnetic stripe field to a card” for step-by-
step instructions.

3 On the Encoding tab of the Edit Field Properties [Magnetic

Stripe] dialog box, select ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-
in in the Device list.

4 Click the Edit Configurations button. The ImageCard III

MagStripe Configurations dialog box opens.
Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in 7

5 Select the configuration you want to change and click Edit. The
MagStripe Configuration : [name] dialog box opens.

6 Make the necessary changes.

7 Click Save to save your changes with the current configuration

name. The MagStripe Configuration : [name] dialog box closes.

– or –

Click Save As to save your changes under a new configuration

name without changing the original configuration. The Save
Configuration as dialog box opens. Type a configuration name
and click OK.

8 Click Exit to close the MagStripe Configurations dialog box. Click

OK to close the Edit Field Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog

Deleting an Encoder Configuration

Follow these steps to delete an encoder configuration:
1 Open an ID Works project that has a Card design with a
magnetic stripe field.

2 Select the magnetic stripe field and open the Edit Field
Properties [Magnetic Stripe] dialog box. See the online help topic
“Add and format a magnetic stripe field to a card” for step-by-
step instructions.
8 Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in

3 On the Encoding tab of the Edit Field Properties [Magnetic

Stripe] dialog box, select ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-
in in the Device list.

4 Click the Edit Configurations button. The ImageCard III

MagStripe Configurations dialog box opens.

5 Select the configuration you want to delete and click Remove. A

confirmation dialog box opens.

6 Click Yes to remove the configuration. Click Exit to close the

ImageCard III MagStripe Configurations dialog box and then
click OK to close the Edit Field Properties [Magnetic Stripe]
dialog box.
Credentia ImageCard III Magnetic Stripe Plug-in 9

Distributing Encoder Configurations

The ImageCard III magnetic stripe plug-in stores configurations in
the ID Works\bin directory in a file named IC3MagStripe.INI. The
default location for the ID Works\bin directory is in C:\Program
Files\DataCard, but the ID Works installation program gave you the
option to install the ID Works files to a different location.

Because configurations are not stored with ID Works projects, the

Export utility in ID Works Administrator does not include any encoder
configurations you may have changed or created for your card
designs. If you will distribute your ID Works project to other
computers in your system, you must ensure that the encoder
configurations are available on those computers. There are two ways
to accomplish this:
• Recreate the encoder configurations on each computer in your
system (requires a copy of ID Works Designer on each
• Distribute the IC3MagStripe.INI by copying it (using Windows
Explorer) from the computer on which it was created to the other
computers in your system.

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