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Definition, Symptoms & Treatments



The autism is a condition that many people have. According to WHO, autism is like a group of conditions which

are different in each person, and they have problems with the interactions with other people and

communication too. Also, an autistic person has other behaviors like repeat activities, or organize things without

feeling tired or bored about it. The autistics people have many symptoms and, in this essay, I am going to

describe them, and this means that I talk about their activities and who they interact with other ones in our

society and also talk about the treatments that we need to have when we interact with autistic people. That is,

the way in which we should behave with them, how we should act, how we should speak to have a fluid

conversation with whoever we are dealing with and what small details we can contribute to maintain a good


The symptoms of the autistic people are varied, because each person experiment the autism in different forms.

According to CDC, an organization in Spanish language, in the communication the autistic people when they are

children usually don’t look to your eyes when they speak, don’t response when they are called, don’t salute or

show emotions, don’t notice when people around them are angry, sad or hurt, don’t play with their parents,

don’t share interest with other, and even don’t play or dance like normal children do, but these characteristics

are not the only ones, because children autistics can also play, but in a different way, because they tend to have

very marked tendencies, such as constantly repeating actions, since, when they play, they usually do it the same

way all the time, as if they were following a specific playing routine. Children autistic always play with the same

things, and have a hyper focus in determined things in their toys, like wheels in cars for example, and also

organize their toys, and by organize, I mean stack, align or organize by color, and if you make the slightest

change to them, they will get angry, because when they play also, they concentrate so much on what they do

until the point of losing the notion of everything around them. When autistics became into adults their traits

stay, like being obsessive with those things that they like, seem that they only have a single like, very strong that

excites them, although, as I have been reiterated several times, not all of them are like that, since, despite

having their main like, they can also show interest about other things. Other extra characteristics of autistic

people are: have a certain delay in communication skills, which has already been mentioned in this essay before,

but here I highlight that there are other characteristics such as not understanding double meanings, because

autistic people used to interpret statements made by others in a very literal way, for that reason, when

someone uses double meaning they feel confuse, other thing are their movement skills, which are usually,

without the intention to offend, not very good, and also can have a hyperactive, impulsive or distracted

behaviors, since an autistic person doesn’t always fit with the stereotype of being smart and focused.

For autism there is no cure or diagnosis that involves any physical testing. The fact that there is no cure does not

mean that there are no ways to treat it and how to live a full life. To deal with autistic people, according to tea.

som360, communicating successfully with an autistic person is to start with their family first, asking them how

they communicate with them, what things make them nervous or what things excite them a so on. One thing

that can be done is to keep a simple language, without double meaning or use of sarcasm, since in this way the

conversation will be more fluid between you, and for greater comfort an environment free of distractions or

noises that may disturb them when they are trying to express what they are feeling. It is also important to give

them their time to process the information satisfactorily, and as a final detail, always have patience. Patience

when dealing with autistic people can be easily lost, but an effort must be made, since they are also part of our

society. As extra treats that can be had, it is to maintain eye contact in order to make them understand that

their attention is sought. On the other hand, you can also anticipate to the autistic person that their full

attention is required and that they will be able to continue their activities later and finally you can also maintain

closeness with the person, that’s mean that when you try to talk to them, be close, although not so close as to

make them uncomfortable, since they could feel uncomfortable, therefore, try to be friendly and empathetic.

It can be said, in conclusion, that autism is a very complex disorder. Not all people experience it in the same way,

therefore, emphasis should be placed on the different symptoms that autistic people have, such as having a very

low tolerance for certain things that make them uncomfortable or difficulty understanding the messages that

other people give them, Since thanks to knowing how they act or behave, we can get an idea of how to act and

react to their way of being, by being patient, giving them their time to process the information given and making

them feel comfortable when they interact with us, because autistic people are also part of our society and

therefore they should be helped with things in which they may have problems.


1. What was your reason to talk about autism?

R: My reason was very unclear; I just only want to talk about a different topic that not only are abortion or


2. Do you meet an autistic person?

R: No, I don’t, I only have met disable people that use wheelchairs or don’t a specific part of their body.

3. Which were your founts of information?

R: My founts of information were CDC, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a web portal called

tea. Som360.

4. What do you think about the stereotypes of the autistic people?

R: I think that are gross because they put a pression in autistic people to be smart and focused when autistic

people cannot be like that in all the cases.

5. Do you think that we must be patient with autistic people?

R: Yes, I do, we must be patient and delicate we them, knowing our boundaries and how we must act with them.

6. If you meet an autistic person, will you be patient?

R: Yes, I will, maybe I don’t how difficult could be treat with them but I can try to do my best.

7. What do you think about people that don’t treat autistic people with kindness?

R: I think that they are horrible and don’t feel empathy for anyone in their life and also they don’t think how bad

are their behaviors.

8. Do you think that an autistic person deserves more privileges than normal people?

R: This question is difficult because, yes, I think that autistic people need a different treat but I don’t think that

this statement is an excuse to all of their action, that could hurt someone.

9. Do you know about a famous person that actually is autistic?

R: Yes, I do, but all of them are very smart people like Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Elon Musk and so on.

10. What was your favorite part of make this essay?

R: My favorite part was research about the treatments and how to act in the case to meet a real autistic person.

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