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Energy Transformations

Teach 1 Names of student(s) teaching:

Teach date: Title of lesson: Energy Transformations

Teach time: Source (Kit, Lesson, Page #):
Teach length: 45 minutes

Concept statement/Main idea:

This lab is to expose students to the physical concept of energy transformations. Students will
explore the different types of energy forms, how they are transferred in a system, and the
basic principle of energy conservation.

Standards for the lesson:

Students are to have heard the law of conservation of energy.

Objectives Evaluation

Write at least one question to match the

Write objectives in SWBAT form objective you listed or describe what you will
look at to be sure that students can do this.

SWBAT understand that energy cannot be Scientists say that energy cannot be created
created or destroyed, but it can be or destroyed. Interpret this quote in your
transferred. own words. When scientists state that energy
cannot be created or destroyed, it means that
energy can be transferred or transformed into
another type of energy. This means if there is
additional energy added to a system, it must
have come from another source; it was not

SWBAT analyze how energy gets transferred

and what it transforms to.

Estimated time: 10 minutes

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

Description of activity:
Possible questions to ask
students — think like a student
What the teacher does What the student does
and consider possible student

Teacher will introduce an Students will listen to the How does the bulb from a
activity that allows students instructions. flashlight get its light?
to investigate the flow of
energy in the system. Students will also answer What kinds of energy does
questions or ask questions the sun give?
Teacher will go over the regarding the curriculum.
technical steps so the When driving a car, what
students will become familiar happens when you step on
with the program. the acceleration petal?

Teacher will also ask

questions that allows them to
grasp the students’ prior

Resources needed:
Computer and powerpoint

Safety considerations:

Estimated time: 25 minutes
Description of activity:
Possible questions to ask
students — think like a student
What the teacher does What the student does
and consider possible student

The teacher explains what Students will analyze how What does temperature
the students will do with the energy changes forms in a measure? Temperature
simulations. system. measures the average kinetic
energy of the particles in the
object. The higher the
temperature, the faster the

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

molecules of the substance

are moving.

What happens when you

heat the brick and place it
into the container of water?
The temperature of the water

What happens when you cool

the brick and place it into the
container of water? The
temperature of the water

What happens when the

water is placed on top of the
flame? The energy is
“flowing” away from the
water container, meaning it is
transforming into heat. The
water is evaporating.

Resources needed:

Safety considerations:

Estimated time: 20 minutes
Description of activity:
Possible questions to ask
students — think like a student
What the teacher does What the student does
and consider possible student

Teacher instructs the Students will create their What are the transformations
students to make their own own system and explain what of energy and where are they
is happening.

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

system and describe what is happening? Each of the

happening in that system. students’ will vary.

Resources needed:

Safety considerations:

Estimated time: 15 minutes
Description of activity:
Possible questions to ask
students — think like a student
What the teacher does What the student does
and consider possible student

Teacher will pass out a card The students will have to Where do the energy
sort that contains pictures of match the picture to the right transformations happen?
a system and the phases of energy transformation.
the energy transformation. Can there be multiple energy
transformations occurring at
the same time?

Where does the rest of the

energy get converted to?

Resources needed:
Card sort WS

Safety considerations:

Estimated time: 10 minutes
Description of activity:
Possible questions to ask
students — think like a student
What the teacher does What the student does
and consider possible student

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

Teacher will pass out a Students will take the

formative assessment to formative assessment.
measure what the
students understood
from the lesson.

Resources needed:
Evaluation Quiz

Safety considerations:

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

July 2021
Step 1: Energy Transformations Lesson Plan Template

July 2021

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