Foods and Nutrition

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Name: Shakina Fyffe

Grade: 12B
Date: February 3, 2024
Subject: Food & Nutrition
Topic: Stomach Cancer
Teacher’s Name: Mrs. James
Center number:
Candidate number:
Territory: Jamaica
Year of Submition: 2024



Research Topic& Research question……………………………………1

Statement of the problem………………………………………………..2
Purpose of the study……………………………………………………..3


Literature Review………………………………………………………4




Presentation of data…………………………………………………….6


Analysis of Data…………………………………………………………7

Discussion of finding……………………………………………………8





Reference page……………………………………………………….. 11


Hi, my name is Shakina Fyffe. I’m 18 years old. I attended the

Spanish town primary school and is currently attending Central
High School 6th form. I am a goal- oriented individual who
display characteristics such as honesty, reliability and
I choose foods as a subject because it’s a very interesting and
informative subject areas such as chemistry and biology as they
some what relates to each other. This subject is a major part of
my career choice. Which is to become a doctor. Doctoring plays
a key role in nutrition education because it is apart of patient
outcomes. Foods also educates you know and to make healthy
life choices as it’s very essential for normal body functioning.
This IA focus on Stomach Cancer what type/types of nutrients in
food that is needed to prevent the cancer also this inform you on
which age group it is most volunerable.

I’m thankfully for my teacher who helped me by
providing the equipment that was necessary and vital,
without which i would not have been able to work
effectively on this assignment. I would also like to
express my sincere gratitude to my friends and parents,
who stood by me and encourage me to work on this



RESEARCH QUESTION: The impact of Stomach Cancer effects
on the lifestyle of females between the ages of 60-80 years old in
the portmore community??

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Stomach cancer develops

when cells in any parts of the stomach grow and divide
abnormally. Stomach Cancer can present itself in these several
different ways like: swallowing feeling bloated after, indigestion,
nausea, stomach cancer, weight loss and vomiting. To stop
stomach cancer, Reduce the amount of salty and smoked foods you
eat etc…..

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: My purpose of studying

stomach cancer is to find out what are the causes of
developing, and how can it be prevented and treated among

stomach cancer has been of interest to the scientific community for a long time.
Scientists agree that stomach cancer is a multifactorial and multistage process stretched in
time. Therefore, clarifying diagnostics in this context is crucial for effective treatment. On
the other hand, there is an opinion that the existing methods of diagnosis are not sufficiently
effective. Stomach cancer or gastric cancer affects around 7,000 people each year in the UK.
Stomach cancer is difficult to detect in the early stages because the initial symptoms are also seen
in less serious conditions such as persistent indigestion, heart burn, trapped wind, burping and
stomach ache ( Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer,
is a significant health concern globally, ranking as the fifth most common cancer and the third
leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. This literature review aims to provide an
overview of current knowledge regarding stomach cancer, including its epidemiology, risk factors,
pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, and treatment options.
Stomach cancer exhibits significant geographic variation in its incidence, with higher rates reported
in Eastern Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America compared to North America and Western
Europe. Men are generally more affected than women, and the incidence increases with age.
Risk Factors:
Several risk factors have been identified for stomach cancer, including Helicobacter pylori
infection, which is considered the most important risk factor. Other factors include a diet high in
salty or smoked foods, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, family history of stomach
cancer, and certain genetic syndromes such as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome.
The development of stomach cancer typically progresses through a series of histopathological
changes, beginning with chronic gastritis, followed by the development of gastric atrophy,
intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and finally, invasive carcinoma. Various genetic and molecular
alterations contribute to this multistep process, including mutations in tumor suppressor genes (e.g.,
TP53) and oncogenes (e.g., HER2/neu).
Diagnostic Methods:
Diagnosing stomach cancer often involves a combination of imaging studies (e.g., endoscopy, CT
scan, PET scan) and histopathological examination of biopsy specimens obtained during
endoscopy. Other diagnostic modalities include serum biomarker testing (e.g., CEA, CA 19-9) and
molecular testing for specific genetic mutations (e.g., HER2/neu amplification).
Treatment Options:
Treatment strategies for stomach cancer depend on various factors, including the stage of the
disease, the patient's overall health, and tumor characteristics. Surgical resection remains the
primary curative treatment for early-stage disease, often combined with chemotherapy and/or
radiation therapy. For advanced or metastatic disease, systemic chemotherapy, targeted therapy
(e.g., trastuzumab for HER2-positive tumors), and immunotherapy may be employed to improve
outcomes and quality of life.

The researcher decided to conduct an investigation The impact of

Stomach Cancer effects on the lifestyle of females between the ages of
60-80 years old in the portmore community?. This research method that
was employed throughout the research is a mixed method approach.
Qualitative refers to data or research that is descriptive and exploratory
in nature, or a standard of something, rather than it’s quantity.
The use of primary & secondary sources of data collection will be use
Primary source of data that was collected from a newspaper article, this
article provide raw information and first hand evidence. Secondary souce
of data that was used from Questionnaire, this provides data that is
collected by someone other than the primary user.
These methods are used to ensure that triangulation. Triangulation is use
of multiple methods or data sources in qualitative research to develop a
comprehensive understanding of phenomena.
The instrument that was used to collect the data is a Questionnaire.
A questionnaire is a research tool consisting of a set A questionnaire
is a research tool consisting of a set of questions designed to gather
information or opinions from respondents. It can be administered in
various formats, such as paper-based, online, or through interviews.
Researchers choose to use questionnaires for several The reason for
choosing Questionnaires is that it allow researchers to collect data
from a large number of respondents efficiently. This can be
particularly useful when studying a broad population or when aiming
for statistical significance. By using standardized questions,
researchers can ensure consistency in the data collection process.
This helps to minimize bias and allows for easier comparison of
responses across different individuals or groups.

The Question has 10 questions related to the topic of the I.A.

There is two open ended questions and Seven closed ended

The method of sample selection that is use is non probability. Non

probability sampling involves non-random selection based on
convenience or other criteria. This will be distribute/send to
individuals online on Febuary 23, 2024 using a laptop.
It was collected on the 31 of february
The information that is gathered will be presented by using graphs
These will be analyzed and discussed.

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