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5.1 Establishing a new market

5.2 Establishing quality strategy

5.3 Establishing cost Strategy

5.4 Establishing innovation strategy

3.2 Rating the Relevance of Success Criteria – Follow up Questions

Efficiency and Capability:
What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
In a project-based start-up, are short-term or long-term goals more important? Why?
Impact on Team:
What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
Which is most important for start-up success: The entrepreneur (project manager) or
team? Why?
Is the success of a start-up contingent on the people involved, or is the process and idea
behind it more relevant?
Impact on Customer/Client
What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
How to customers or clients influence the start-up?
Business and Financial Success
What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
Despite the importance for creativity and innovation often associated with start-ups and
new ventures, why is it important to consider economic measures?
Nevertheless, when can economic measures be disregarded in favor of other measures?
Competitive Strategy
What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
Start-ups often worry more about surviving the initial phase and do not consider the future
beyond start-up, is this the right move or should more focus be placed on the long-term
as much as it is placed on the short-term?
What is the role of innovation in the long-term success of start-ups?
How do you prioritize short-term and long-term goals in your organization?
4. Critical Success Factors
Before administering questionnaire, question guidelines:
Critical success factors can be defined as the independent variables that can be
influenced to increase the chances of success; or what needs to be done in order to fulfil
success criteria.

With this definition in mind, what would you consider to be the most relevant critical
success factors for your start-up? What are the things your start-up needs to do in order
achieve its success criteria?
4.1 Rating the Relevance of Critical Success Factors
Using the rating scale below (1 to 5), please rate the relevance of the given critical success
factors according to their importance for start-ups, in your opinion.

Rating Scale
1 – Not relevant 2 - Somewhat 3 - Moderately 4 - Very 5 - Extremely
at all relevant relevant relevant relevant

# CSF - Description Explanation
Project or Start-Up Mission (Clearly defined
Support from (formal and/or informal)
A strong detailed schedule and/or plans which
are kept up to date and realistic
Consulting with your customer/client and
involving them in the process
The quality of the people involved in the
6 Availability of skills and technology

7 Acceptance from the customer/client

Monitoring and feedback throughout the
9 Communication
Efficient problem solving throughout the

4.2 Rating the Relevance of Critical Success Factors – Follow up Questions

What makes the higher factor more important than lower (5 more relevant than 1?)
What do these CSF’s affect in your start-up?


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