PPJB Sewa Menyewa Gudang English

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The rental agreement rent a day today, date ....... Moon ......

2024 In Tangerang, Umarked Under: This

page.Thp: Next referred to as the first party / owner k The name of the office: no KTP / KIMS: Next
referred to as Second / Tenants with this Second Party Holding a Property Alert located at: s SERFIikat

▁: luas s g luas g fasilitas

▁: fasilitas

▁: masa masa masa masa cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara cara
cara cara cara cara: cara:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Total price of the warehouse
rental: Payment transferred to the Bank B / A: CHECK ACTION: ACTION: 1 :. (A. on, ... 2 .... .... Next
time ... Next Agreement This rental rental agreement is held by using the terms & agreements as below:
Article 1 When it is time to date, the payment can not be paid by the second party and or the
cancellation of the second party, the rental agreement shall be canceled and the payment received by
the first party can not be withdrawn by the second and second part to be handled to the warehouse to
return to the first party. Article 2 When the first party declare the cancel of the transaction then the first
party must refund the money paid by the second party plus a fine of 100% (SerRatus Percent) from
which he has paid by the second party. Article 3 The second parties shall comply with the regulatory
authorities including blessed, general idy, cleanliness and health on what is rented and the second party
ensures that the first party will not get a reprimand or claim in any form and anywhere is also pleasing
to such. The second party promises to not use the warehouse for an effort to violate the law on and and
in the warehouse then the second party has promised to be fully responsible without involving the first
party. Article 4 Only by prior written consent from the first party, then the second party is allowed to
hold changes / additions to the permanent warehouse, and the second party promises not to disappear
everything that has been permanently installed on the warehouse building. While non-permanently can
be performed without the first party consent, and the change / addition of the holy warehouse is all at
the cost and on the second party's responsibilities, and any of the non-permanent change / end at the
end of the rent will be returned by the second party with the Second Participation obligation to further
rehabil the warehouse, so that is rented by this Act is returned at the end of the rent to the first party in
good standing. Article 5 The monthly fees that are responsible for the Second Party, calculated upon
proportion of the warehouse of the warehouse rented by the Second Party: Security / Security fee.
Warehouse environmental hygiene cost. The cost of the RT / RW costs of electricity and water costs for
the use of tenants during the lease period which is obliged to pay for the land and building (UN) taxes
with what the rented is the first party. Article 6 The second parties shall observe the consequences of
the present and preferably as well as repairing damages that have arisen for the second partial
negligence with the second party's liability. When during the rental period occurred an event or event
beyond the second part of the bond such as a fire (except fires from the secondary negligence), riot /
chaos, sabotase, hydration, flood, flood, which is caused by the agreement, the parties, the other
ceremony of the first time, the relevant of the first time, the notice is the right to the other party, and
the second party is in terms of the case of the relevant, the duty of the agreement, the second party will
not be a disturbance and the laws that have noted the right to the rights to the reign of the claims for
the claims to the other claims and disruptions of the other. When the second party has suffered a loss
due to the claims / interruptions in the above, with the provision of such disruptions based on sufficient
evidence in accordance with other laws of the undertaking party to show its validity of its legal
ownership, the first party has binding and required to pay for the loss of the loss in the second party.
Article 8 The second parties are not permitted by the first party, diverting, transferring rental rights
under this agreement, to other parties both partly and entirely during the rental period. Article 9 The
first and second parties oblige to mortem in contact with the end or extended the agreement to the
second party by 3 (three) months before the end of the agreement. . Article 10 The second party obliged
to surrender to the first party at the end of the rental time what he contained in good condition and its
time and empty and all the seconds of the second party and its obligators. After the rental time ends the
first party to give a secondary grace to the empire for 7th (seven) days from the end of the rental
agreement. When the second party is still in the return, then calculated since the end of the given grace
period, which is quite evident at the time, so it is no longer a warnings, then the second party is fined at
$ 10,000, - (ten million rupiah) for every day of delay in instant and at least only for 7 (seven) days. By
not reducing the provisions of the fine, the first party hereby authorized by the second party for the
second part of the default in the submission of the merchandise, emptying the warehouses of its
second-party items to rebelieve that it is well-or without the aid of the Power Tools, with all its
consequences being searched by the second party. Article 11 The rent rent of this rent will not be
disconnected because of his death or for being transferred to what it is rented and the party who
obtained the right to object to these terms in this Agreement. Article 12 Deposit (Guarantee Money)
Rent a Rp .........., - (.......... Rupiah). The guarantee is paid by the second party. That the money will be
used for the payment of the accounts above the last month of the rental time, as well as to repair the
warehouse damage due to the negligence of the second party, with the provisions of the money after
the payment is required to be submitted to the second party, whereas the amount of accounting and
irregular payment periods and the cost of the warehouse damage is greater than the amount of the
guarantee, then the second party must increase its payment to the first party, so by showing its proof of
payment to the second party. The deposit money for repairing damage is due to the negligence of the
second party, the first time must be approved by both parties before the repair of the referred. When
there is no day arrears for accounting payments and repair costs then the guarantee will be returned by
the first party to the second party and submitted to the second party by no later after the debt of the
account / otherwise or / computant of the mandatory at the warehouse at the end of the rental and / or
period of the grace of clashes. Article 13 All things that have not been or not enough are arranged in this
rental agreement, will be resolved in a discharge, or other additional treatment may be required. Such a
warehouse rental agreement is made and approved by both parties. The I,
▁pihak II, (..............)

▁( ..............) Witness (.............) (.. ........)

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