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Probiotic & Prebiotic as Feed

Prof. Dr. Shahrul Razid Sarbini
Universiti Putra Malaysia Kampus Bintulu Sarawak
Pro-, Pre- & Syn-biotic
• Probiotics and prebiotics are important components of
animal feed that promote gut health and improve
overall animal performance.
• Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health
benefits to the host when consumed in adequate
amounts; Lactobacillus species, Bifidobacterium
species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)
• Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that
stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial
microorganisms in the gu; Fructo-oligosaccharides
(FOS), Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), Inulin, Mannan-
oligosaccharides (MOS)
Probiotic Administration
Feed Supplementation

Probiotic strains are incorporated into animal feed or water, ensuring regular intake by livestock.

Direct Oral

Probiotics are administered orally to livestock, either individually or as a group.


Coating on feed additives: Probiotic strains are coated onto other feed additives, such as pellets or granules, and
given to livestock.

Instra Muscular / Venous

In certain cases, probiotics may be administered via injection, particularly for individual animals requiring specific
Prebiotic Administration

Prebiotics can be The dosage and

Prebiotics are typically added at the feed concentration of
included in the animal manufacturing stage, prebiotics can vary
feed or water to mixed thoroughly to depending on the
ensure regular intake achieve uniform animal species, age,
by livestock. distribution and specific nutritional
throughout the feed. requirements.
Some Consideration
Storage and stability: Probiotics, being
Proper dosage: It is crucial to follow
live microorganisms, require proper
the recommended dosage guidelines
storage conditions to maintain
provided by the prebiotic or probiotic
viability. They should be stored in cool,
manufacturer or consult with a
dry environments and protected from
veterinarian or animal nutritionist for
exposure to extreme temperatures
accurate dosage information.
and direct sunlight.

Timing of administration: Probiotics Animal factors: Consideration should

and prebiotics are typically be given to factors such as animal
administered continuously or species, age, health status, and
intermittently depending on the production stage when determining
specific needs of the livestock and the appropriate administration of
production system. probiotics and prebiotics.

When used in Probiotics and

Probiotics and Their use in animal combination, prebiotics are
prebiotics are feed can improve probiotics and important
valuable tools for digestion, enhance prebiotics can have a components of
promoting gut health immunity, and synergistic effect, animal feed that
and optimizing reduce the risk of further improving gut promote gut health
animal performance. digestive disorders. health and overall and improve overall
animal well-being. animal performance.

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