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TOEFL Structure Practice—Circle the Letter of Correct Answer

1. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

For homes in typically colder geographic regions, it is particularly important to have effective
and efficient heating systems.

 a. For homes in typically colder geographic regions

 b. For people in homes in typically colder geographic regions
 c. For homes in typically cold geographic regions
 d. People in typically colder geographic regions
 e. Homes in typically colder geographic regions

2. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Inside the glove compartment were legal documents, pictures, and there were a few napkins
from the coffee shop, but no gloves.

 a. and there were a few napkins from the coffee shop, but no gloves.
 b. and there were a few napkins from the coffee shop, but not any gloves.
 c. and napkins from the coffee shop, no gloves were there.
 d. and napkins from the coffee shop, but no gloves.
 e. and napkins from the coffee shop, there were no gloves.

3. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Concerns about global warming have grown into actual efforts sanctioned by non-
governmental organizations and governments that not only work to understand global
warming and also to prevent it.

 a. understand global warming and also to prevent it.

 b. understand global warming but also to prevent it.
 c. understand global warming yet also to prevent it.
 d. understand global warming but also to prevent its growth.
 e. understand global warming yet also to prevent it’s growth.
4. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Even though I have seen the movie countless times, I still laughed when the sheriff throws his

 a. laughed when the sheriff throws his mug.

 b. laugh when the sheriff throws his mug.
 c. laugh when the sheriff threw his mug.
 d. laughed whenever the sheriff throws his mug.
 e. laugh when the sheriff will throw his mug.

5. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked hard since
graduation and now consider themselves successful.

 a. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked
hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful.
 b. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni who have worked
hard since graduation and now consider themselves successful.
 c. Alumni who have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves
successful usually look forward to high school reunions.
 d. Alumnus that have worked hard since graduation and now consider themselves
successful usually look forward to high school reunions.
 e. High school reunions are usually looked forward to by alumni that have worked
hard since graduation and now consider yourselves successful.

6. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Yesterday I fell down the stairs and then tried to act like I did so on purpose.

 a. Yesterday I fell down the stairs and then

 b. Yesterday I fell down the stairs, I
 c. I fell down the stairs yesterday, I
 d. After I fell down the stairs yesterday; I
 e. Falling down the stairs; I
7. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Lockers in schools are often dilapidated, making student’s valuables susceptible to theft.

 a. making student’s valuables susceptible to theft

 b. which makes student’s valuables susceptible to theft
 c. that makes student’s valuables susceptible to theft
 d. that makes students’ valuables susceptible to theft
 e. making students’ valuables susceptible to theft

8. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Fleeing the horde of zombies on foot, an apparently safe building became visible to the
terrified couple.

 a. an apparently safe building became visible to the terrified couple.

 b. the terrified couple spotted a building that looked safe.
 c. a safe looking building was spotted by the terrified couple.
 d. the terrified couple's luck changed when they spotted a safe looking building.
 e. their fear subsided somewhat when the terrified couple would spot a safe looking

9. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Natural disasters have been increasingly effecting nearly every part of the world in the past
decade with catastrophic tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

 a. have been increasingly effecting

 b. has been increasingly effecting
 c. have been increasingly affecting
 d. will be increasingly effecting
 e. will be increasingly affecting
10. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

For every song that is a hit, it is critical to have a quality “beat” and quality lyrics; however,
music companies hire professional producers and song writers.

 a. however
 b. therefore
 c. nevertheless
 d. and
 e. yet

11. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Jewelry is an accessory used by members of all classes including watches, necklaces and

 a. Jewelry is an accessory used by members of all classes including watches, necklaces

and earrings.
 b. Jewelry, including watches, necklaces and earrings, is an accessory used by
members of all classes.
 c. Jewelry, including watches, necklaces and earrings, are an accessory used by
members of all classes.
 d. Jewelry is accessorized by members of all classes including watches, necklaces and
 e. Jewelry is an accessory used by members of all classes which includes watches,
necklaces and wearing earrings.

12. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

There are many reasons to see I Heart Huckabees, Jason Schwartzman’s performance being
one reason.

 a. Huckabees, Jason Schwartzman's performance being one reason.

 b. Huckabees, Jason Schwartzman's performance is only one of them.
 c. Huckabees; Jason Schwartzman's performance, for one.
 d. Huckabees, the performance of Jason Schwartzman is one of them.
 e. Huckabees, including Jason Schwartzman's performance.
13. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Fraternities are a great way to make friends and learn important lessons of loyalty and

 a. are a great way to make friends and

 b. is a great way to make friends and
 c. will have been a great way to make friends and
 d. will be a great way to make friends and
 e. is a great way to make friends however

14. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Lindsey knows that the reason people dislike her is because of her being a Philadelphia
Phillies fan.

 a. is because of her being a

 b. is because she is a
 c. is that she is a
 d. is her being a
 e. is that of her being a

15. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Sports commentators often provide informative and witty insight during games that enhance
the sports-watching experience.

 a. enhance the sports-watching experience.

 b. enhance the experience.
 c. enhances the sports-watching experience.
 d. enhances the sports-watching experience for fans.
 e. have enhanced the sports-watching experiences for fans.
16. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

A shockingly indelible moment, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I
found out that Kurt Cobain had died.

 a. A shockingly indelible moment,

 b. A shocking, indelible moment,
 c. It was a shocking and indelible moment;
 d. Shocked and indelible,
 e. Shocking and I will never forget it,

17. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Since the work force is becoming increasingly competitive in light of technological advances
and outsourcing, therefore, it is even more basic for students to complete high school and
attain at least a bachelor’s degree.

 a. therefore, it is even more basic for students to complete high school and attain at
least a bachelor’s degree.
 b. moreover, it is even more basic for students to complete high school and attain at
least a bachelor’s degree.
 c. but, it is even more basic for students to complete high school and attain at least a
bachelor’s degree.
 d. so it is even more basic for students to complete high school and attain at least a
bachelor’s degree.
 e. it is even more basic for students to complete high school and attain at least a
bachelor’s degree.

18. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Study the ancient fighting art of Hapkido and you will learn to avoid directly matching your
strength against your opponent’s.

 a. your strength against your opponent's.

 b. yours against your opponent.
 c. your strength against your opponent.
 d. your strength with your opponent.
 e. your opponent's strength against one's own.
19. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

Plenty of high school students spend their time involved in the community by working with
peers, young children and also helping senior citizens.

 a. spend their time involved in the community by working with peers, young children
and also helping senior citizens.
 b. spend his time involved in the community by working with peers, young children
and also helping senior citizens.
 c. spend one’s time involved in the community by working with peers, young children
and also helping senior citizens
 d. spend their time involved in the community by working with peers, young children
and senior citizens.
 e. spend their time involving in the community by working with peers, young children
and also helping senior citizens.

20. Question

Determine whether the underlined portion of the sentence below is correct or whether it needs
to be revised.

McCarthyism was an ideology and an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of the twentieth
century and targeted communists in the United States state department.

 a. McCarthyism was an ideology and an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of the
twentieth century and targeted communists in the United States state department
 b. McCarthyism was an ideology, an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of the
twentieth century, targeted communists in the United States state department
 c. McCarthyism was an ideology and an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of the
twentieth century and targeted Communists in the United States state department
 d. McCarthyism will be an ideology and an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of
the twentieth century and targeted communists in the United States State Department
 e. McCarthyism was an ideology and an applied pursuit that arose in the middle of the
twentieth century and targeted communists in the United States State Department

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