ECE Placement - One Page Introduction

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Personal Introduction Page

Purvi Manek
RECE MSc ECS (Hon), CA ED(Hon)

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Purvi Manek:
Personal Profile:
• WHAT IS A PERSONAL Introduction page?

• A personal introduction gives a brief and clear account on someone's

life. On the one hand, you can write it in a form of a description,
giving the most important information such as personal data, your
education, and career achievements. You also might add a few
words about your interests. Can add a picture.
• Your personal profile may make it easier for the agency to learn
more about you. (Like families, other teachers etc.)
• You may use a word Doc to use one page Introduction page
• Add your professional picture
Personal Profile:
• Personal Introduction Page
Students will create a one-page Introduction
page to post in the Agency during the field
It is posted where stakeholders (a party that has
an interest in a company) can see your profile.
You will consult with your mentor, where to post
your profile.
The purpose of this profile is to inform the staff
and parents of your placement and share a little
information about you.
Tips to create a personal profile: Your write up
should be relating
• Include a brief description of your self
• Mention your skills & abilities
• Include relevant certificates, education and /or experience
• Include your career goals
• Keep your profile short & concise and tailor to fit your job (our field)
• Use professional format- Use a business font such as Times New
Roman, Arial or Calibri. You can gain the attention of readers, by
making your personal statement a different font, italicizing it or
making it bold. Consider using a different color.
• Remember do not use dark color background nor white color text.
Do not add:
1) Your gender
2) Your age
3) Address
4) Contact information
5) Email
6) Marital status

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