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When Romeo was informed that Juliet had arrived, instead of going crazy, he went straight to the Friar.

While there, he asked what was happening and the Friar explains that he has put Juliet to sleep. Then the
three of them head to her tomb to find Paris there. The Friar tells the whole story of Romeo and Juliet to
him, which causes Paris to become very sad and runs off to find help. When the Friar and Romeo go into
the tomb, they see that Juliet has started waking up. Romeo goes up to Juliet and gives her a quick kiss
and the Friar tells them to run now. When the watchmen arrive, because Paris screamed for help, they
see that the tomb is open. By the time they arrive to the tomb Romeo, Juliet, the Friar, and Romeo’s
friend had left already. One week after they escape, they come to the Montague house. Romeo explains
everything to his father. His father was about to scream, but he thought of the possible good outcomes of
this alliance, so he approves to this marriage. The Montagues, plus Juliet, go to the Capulet house.
Romeo apologizes for killing Tybalt and begs, on his knees, for their approval. Out of the blue, Paris
comes and tries to kill Romeo. While he aims for Romeo, all Romeo does is protect Juliet. In the scuffle
Romeo gets stabbed and falls tot he ground. Juliet covers his body as Paris is about give the finishing
blow. Then Paris, Capulet and Lady Capulet see how much Juliet cares for Romeo. After one week
Romeo has recovered from his wound and is getting married to Juliet. The Prince was bribed by both the
Montagues and the Capulets to let Romeo to stay in Verona. Paris finds a very pretty lady and has 4
children with her. Friar Lawrence is still taking care of his plants. Benvolio is now living a peaceful life in
the Montague house with Romeo and Juliet and their two children. The nurse takes care of the children of
course. Montague and Capulet have evening parties together every once in a while and Lady Capulet and
Lady Montague are now “Market-mates”. The whole family has dinner together every night. All is well in

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