G 3 Ones and Tens BCWS

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G 3 Ones and Tens BCWS

What is the value of the digit 3 in 3428?

1. 3 30 300 3000

194 tens less than 3892 is

1. 1952 2152 3698 4086

The sum of 78 tens and 5 hundreds is

1)578 2)830 3)1280 4)1380
____________is 908 more than 2639.
1. 1731 2. 2347 3)2331 4)3547

Which one of the following is 2 more than 4 groups of 6 ?

1) 12 2) 20 3) 26 4) 48

F ind the missing number in the box below.

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