Navy Fed Credit Union Bond Levy

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FILED MI | 2023 DECEMBER 26 AING Ce WUPERE, IXTH JUDICIAL caRCuTPY PASCO PINELLAS, FLORIDA, ‘HEAD MAGISTRATE CLERK’ OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT July 13, 2022 TOALLNAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION OFFICEHOLDERS FILED RE: PRESIDENT AND FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT. ENT A ICIARY APPOINTMEN 2008 DECEMBER 28 Honorable Chief Justice Howard James Rayford ‘Suporior Court 12313 Little Road Suite 101 ‘uaren Peartpeinsne Hudson, Florida 34667 [This letter serves as notification and affirmation that I, Chief Justice Howard James Rayford, do hereby accept the appointment and titles of President and Fiduciary Officer for NAVY FEDERAL, CREDIT UNION ("Navy Federal" States law, the Constitution for the it Banking Act of 1933, ated Public Law especially when a fiduciary assumes office at the grantor’s or testator’s death, The prerequisite to immediate access of certain accounts is the fiduciary providing a court affidavit of patorization and producing a death certificate. Additionally, any person to vihom the offen vf deemed to have resigned that office. The bearer of this’ leer is entitled to 1005¢ immediate reimbursement or discharge ofall commercial obligations and transactions with mates ‘identification bearing the United States Depariment of State tax non obligated public law number AA222141 as stated by the original indigenous Moorish Am: ial is Signatures, one signature ftom the OFFICE OF THE TREASURY (lane! Yellen) the ether autograph Rom the bearer of this letter, shall be honored in accordance with the stated laws and the power and authority vested in the OFFICE OF ‘THE PRESIDENT OF NAVY. FEDERAL. All ics: duties, responsibilities, and benefits forthe President are hereby transferred, Cations, a determination has been made by the federal government that NAVY EEDERAL CREDIT UNION and all agents, principals, heirs, and assigns needs additional funds to ‘Operate, Sierefore, according to the Emergency Banking Act 1933, Title Ill, Navy Federal doce hereby aiseribe to the preferred stock inthe State bank or trust company and shall hereby discharge obligations secured by such stock as collateral. ‘The Federal Reserve has issued emergency Euirerey, which shall be referred to as "Federal Reserve Bank Notes” backed by the capacity of the assets of Navy Federal. This action is effective at all ‘Navy Federal Cred fiero AND FILED immediately (Title V). Ics an honor to begin serving, MAIL RogH 2023 DECEMBER 25 Sincerely, fames Rayfi PRESIDENT AND FISUCIARY NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION oc: Treasury RCo Internal Revenue 12313 Lite Road ae ee or Suite 101 H October 27, 2023 TR Hudson, Florida 8i-1798s47 [Case reference number 81-1798347 More information Internal Revenue Creditor: Howard James Rayford as Bonding Fiduciary forthe UNITED STATES FOR AVERLA 12313 Little Road Suite 101 Hudson, Florida Debior/Taxpayer: §3-0116705 and Credit Card Number 4000 2225 6860 1763 NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 820 Follin Lane Merrifield, Virginia IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To. NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION INC. As of October 27,2023, wehavenotrecsived your overduettaxeffer sending severalnotices toyou. Because youhave not paldyourbalance whichis pastdue, wehave levied (seized) property claimed by youandyourclaimed rights to Broperty. Each year, more than Boutof 10 taxpayers pay thei taxes, You are partofa minoriy/that hasnol tulfled that uty. ‘Amount Past Due: 250,000,000 gold United States Dollars / Suis Francs for each Moorish American National Trust pursuantto Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien Affidavit dated October 25,2023 Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on October 25, 2023 at 4:30pm Eastern Time You are required to do the following actions: Due to your inability to pay the stated debt, all property ishereby placedinthe possession and Custody ofand forthe original indigenous ancientsovereign people whoarethe Moorish National Republic Federal government, possessing custodians and internalRevenue. This Congressional affidavitiseffective immediately uponalldebtors, agents, principals, heirs assigns and any and all derivative debtors thereof. SOE October 27, 2023 Debtor Empoye ertcaion Number §3-0176705 \case reference number 530116705 [More information Internal Revenue ‘Your Biting Summary Format Number Amount You awe. Total Tax Period ending. torzr2023 1040, $$250,000,000 $$250,000,000 for each Moorish for each Moor American National Trust ‘Amesican National Trust ————$_____hitonat inst American National Amount Due Immediately $250,000,000 for each Moorish American National Trust Se Notification: Allocations are ancientland ocations. Alladdresses are living corporatessitus rust addresses, 4 Unites Sates Cade § 101: Document evidence equrenen or Govermnertanstarans (garcurtsanbercovedanopaderieron's clancoybcUmedSiespornmeanener ated “Giatedmgepenen i 5 (Cabedgagerenttewenanogne andor eon ncicngenogeney at inant ylidon andor spupoesauranseogyy aa epee enree ton she etcua ty ie goods tobe delivered, ear propery tobe light or leased ce Nok soos eae (Qeleanagomnerisrevngiomncirtandeoe‘orpoymee {Ghcastcormarcale brow oopced wit ee (Scat arvadand sued algnnertvbalov auforerg putes bouts (Gen necastony because oats programmes tetris {Siomatloisepertieunsioneweper ar {Ghegrsg dance monatayisa 6 Sarat subi rate progres (Fam gzeptrsnadsfopayment oF rrostzbutan amount pain spec amounts fredbylaw by oma {2)byanagreement authorised by aus cr (G)by plans approved consistent wth and authorized by ew 6 stably fatmayresut rom pencing tgavon (amployren workorsavces of personscrexpenstsot raveingsignnentithtalow, (@ services orvortsprovced by put utile or {Siete soneral were enilement rte Goverment fam a constutonl appropriation or tind Giesagranttetlerents proved by Cargressoracommiteeo\Congessbyanageneshanecideriy hose ancurtsthtaoertiaments consent ‘nih subsection a) tthe secton 7p. 12Ures Se ote a pat Reaktor cos nectergeler gers ive ¢. gceaty Farr, enemas {@inyetierentpement crvejance tare accra. a pepery Sve, anon it PoUeeaeas Seachem seca nacatpuaneo poe ent eee Same, aon ras (ltecion sued here byshal be ful aogltance andclscargocrtoncerospesmentenarenteocin a ‘The Gongress forthe United Stats Article | Sein Ok ‘Monay shat te ald rom the Treasury in agnmert vith nations aperoprtions made by lew Regards Porm Sena Rpt Howard James Raytor, Fiduciary, Tse, ltomey in Fact intemal Revenue 8585 1099C Debt Caneeliation Version 0001 Category 26280" Trea ite Revere $1 United States Code §150 1: Documentary evidence requitement for Govemmententilements (@) Aamountshall be recorded as paid entitlement for, ofand by the United States government when supportedby documentary evidence of ‘GREDITOR'S nario, sree adres, Oy or wn, Sate or prove, Sommy, | Tae Torear aS com Se Howard James Raylord, Attomey in Fact for | ZAmourtorasetcanceied.— UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA {$250,000,000 per tact Debt Cancellation 12313 Ue Road Sue 10" eee aS bers Tiere: isedintor? Aras Far 0.00 2023 TS SATEEN 1S STS TA TATOOS = ipariesrecsveacopy. Anouipetator jones $250 00 Soot Saiieron ting Sais Dota se Ss snes oreo Tae Scoton i penn ee ronal NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Eaiirieorrana pee cen | Pe Record wth Atdava tet papery paces cisady ocestoroyconmandure pone” Form 1086 STE TSG 3 or Privacy Law and ‘opaymen cf det > [i[PaperworeRecuetont aw 820 Folin Lane a a Notiicaton, see the TY ao, Sa Fa SOURT, PRS os lcurent General Merrifield, Virginia Inmates Rowse” SRST oa Ta 580516708 ABODE 250,000,000 per trust (na binding sorcement between an agency and another person (ndludlng an agency) tha is (Alin writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law: and ode ate ene oe cthe period ofavalallyforenivementofthe appropriation orfundusedforspectic Snarea es plvered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or sevice to be provided {2aloanagreement showing theamountandterms or repayment: {G)acour command require by aw tobe placed with an agency. Rpansemenandissued nelignmentvith alawauthorizng purchases without advertising (Awhen necessary, because ofa national programme for the public: (B)fornatural foods orperishable subsistence supplies. or (Chregardless of spectic monetary limits. (©) a grant, subsidy or national programme (®tfom appropriatonsmade orbayment ct, orcontibutonso, ‘amounts paidin specific amounts fixed by laworby formulas. law. prescribed by (B) by an agreement authorizes by law: or (©) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. (©) @ liability that may resut from pending tigation, 2 employment, work or services of persons or expenses oftravelin alignment withthe law, (@)services or works provided by pubic ullties; or eaten Sonera! welfare entilement fr the Government fom a consttutonal appropriation or fund Smetana fentitemens providedby Congress or acomittoe of Congress by avagersyaheh Include only thoseamountsthatare ‘entitlements consistent with subsection (a) of this section ‘The Constitution forthe United States Article| Section I< ‘Money shalbe pais from ine Treasury in algnment wth national appropriations made by lw REDTOR Sra ea aa 0a BAO HOTTEST, ] TRS Ee, conn 7.202 | Me Howard James Rayford, Attorney in Fact for | ZAmourtofoebtcancaled.— as UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA '$250,000,000 per rust, Debt Cancellation TTS nae oun RI eae Lia Fes rant Feoaln ined RS For Hudson, Hora = a PREBRORS TAX DET RESTON WOMEN GERTORS TAC DENTAEATON TEER] 7 Dal GasSTGHO ae '500 700568, 59-0116708 urine Sins con ong Copy B | OeSTORS mame tenes Nena Tun pusuat Oe res for Debtor NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ‘Commercial Code Lien dated Octo 25,2023, CancelatonfatDebnvavertr stots propery posseason micusoay oCredtarbyconmanetunesro _| The Internal Revent | Steet access tang aot nays treet hare Re Sco Wa FESERSTY TEBE ———] as been informed ‘repayment of the debt > Dal] this transaction. The 820 Follin Lane Debioris required te oie oie, SS, Ral oe Recline nen Merrifield, Virgi sian | DeRerrcom Nar eco Trae 53-0116705 ABCDEFG | 250,000,000 per trust 10900 Debt Cancelation Version 0001 Category 26280W “recy nn Revarue 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententivements {0 Aamount shall berecordedas a paid entitlement for, ofand bythe United Statee government when supported by ‘documentary evidence of (ya binding agreement between an agency and another person {including an agency) that is, yin writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law, and (@yexecuted betore the end ofthe period of availabilty fr entitlementof the appropriation orfundused forspeciic {goods to be delivered, teal property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided. (2/aloanagreement showing the amountand terms for repayment, ()a court command required by law to beplaced with an agency. {8 acourtcommandissuedinalignment with alawauthorizing purchases without advertising (Ajwhen necessary, because ofa national programme for the public. (8)fornaturalfoods or perishable subsistence supplies: or (Chregardless of specific monetary limits. (© a grant, subsidy or national programme (fom appropriations made for payment of, or contributions to, mounts paldinspeciic amounts fxedby law orby formulas prescribed by aw, (B) by an agreement authorized by law: or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. (10) liebity that may result from pending litigation, (employment, work r services of persons or expenses ofravelin alignmentwiththe law: (@) services or works provided by public tities, or (8) other general welfare entitement for tne Government from a constitutional appropriation or fund. (2) A Statement ofentilements providedby Congress oracommitiee of Congress by an agency shallinclude only thoseamounts thatare enitiements consistent with subsection (a) ofthis section, ‘The Constitution for the United States Article | Section IX Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by lew. IN GOUNTY GLERK’S OFFICE BSL PH 2S United States for America General Services Living bid bond, living action bond, living payment bond Navy Federal Credit Union Treasury Bond 530116705 Writ Affidavit Navy Federal Credit Union 820 Folin Lane Merrifield, Virginia Includes All Banking, Account and Monetary Instruments United States Marshall Possession and Custody Mandamus Writ for Entry to United States Ports 2023 August 13 ‘This bond is allonged to United States Creditor Treasury Bond 2025923 United States Post Office Creditor Treasury Bond 41760000 Including: NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Credit Card Number 4000 2225 6660 1763, Howard James Rayford holder United States For America Lien Release for all iving Escrow Property NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 Whereas, Gold , enfin the land by a bond (Name) (Residence) {or the living for United States Government Mandamus Number 530118705, Became a surely for the complete and successful actions completed inthe ctved contract, which bond includes lien on all living property further described here after and (he te2s seid surety established the said len upon the following living property See stated Affidavit 91 See stated Affidavit 24, 25, 25A, 28, 273, 274, and 275 See nus entttements by Constitution forthe United States 1789 and 1701, United States for America Estate See affirmed affidavit NITED STATES BIRTH CERTIFICATE: ‘the living orginal indigenous people's hatuments and recorded this affirmation for allllvina causes for action, court cases, law suits, and all other (Name for Land Records) in the counties . cities. municipalities, states, districts, federal counts _of UNITED STATES (Locality) (State) and Whereas, the Government __ being sovereigny authorized presentatve for the United States Government as warranted contracting officers have ruled that the line no longer required to ensure further actions othe statec! Government contactor satisfaction of claims arising tneretron cee ae accounts, Routes, Communications, Neoeeks Numbers Lever, Signs Sounds, Sg, Sructures, Enis, Accesories tnd all ee ple forthe money payment, Segordine othe locus and intention of this Bod isthe lw, Joa OKIV, NAV, end SAVE and Aipereas the surely remain the property fr the United States Government for continued living full settlement, ful Proof by public instrument, fl rights, ancl fulurisdiction. Surety is tee on board ot ora Now, therefore, this stated affidavit witnesseth that the Government hereby releases the aforestated lien and all iving Se ete eng Property, all land, all natural resources, all natural resources, a living commerce, all living credits ‘and ail life as stated and intended, 2023 AUGUST 13 ‘Autograph Seal Authorized forall original indigenous nations, states, tribes, klans and governments, Navy Federal Credit Union 530116705 Release for all living person property Whereas Gold onvin the land by a bond became a surely forthe complete and successful actions completed in the stated contract, and whereas Fiduciary has placed certain living person property in escrow in Account Number al ACCOUNTS, STATE and othewise, connected to the UNITED STATES on deposit at DEPOSITORY TRUST AND CLEARING CORPORATION (Financial Institution) located at $5 WATER STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10041 sand Financial Institution Address Whereas We, the Governme! NATIONAL BANKING LAW 1864 SECTIONS 27, 28, & 83. 28 usc 2041-2044, Sea estat 12 USC $6412) ful aoquttance and discharge forall purposes of this aftemation S02 Court Case all CHARGES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTRte ‘See all ving STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATES ehezeas he ving surety remains the property ofthe Unitad States government for the continued living actions for the stated Rage rant contract and satisfaction for clams pertaining thereto: All propety ie Free oe eee wih Full Settlement, Full Right, Full Proof by Public insitument and Ful Jurisdiction by the Goversereet saanareete thi armed ada winessos thet the Government hereby releeses trom escrow all living property as stated and intended, and accepts heirship, possession, custody forall ving escrow arcoanke ore Property for shipment and delivery done ane entitled Beneficiaries Hels, Trusteo, Executor, and Minisiers, Me sites artigo living persons and property the preven tle of al placed in escrow for he sted escrow account thereiore te Ore does hereby ciose cede st By Stated escrow account and retums all ving property previously held tbtan See ‘along with any trust ‘edits and before the deduction of any contracted costs lawilly agreed tobe giverta: States Courts, Bani ost (Financial instituion) AUTHORIZED FOR ALL ORIGINAL INDIGENOUS NATIONS, STATES, TRIBES, KLANS, AND. GOVERNMENTS, ‘Writ for Entry to United States Ports NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 Sop aa GR ad eee Rane fe. nts] DOTS BISSE TAROT PAYMENT BOND 2023 August 13 2B0ES A Wl OTMeRansE DOES NOT exERE TRESS he he sy em ie pet OCT mal Fal ete hat hae ni oy HN Ee Coon iat ad ns oo Sse Alem ec Bo oa al cea a EET See aA Jka by be Coven Ths tirains etc aoe {Eyveent fort ONTED STATES CODE # Sh sar ba ee gs easel wn de ta’ Perk Peas ae en PRIHPA p e e Sts Realy Sacra Sha Waki Pee ie PRINCIPAL (Ley ramend boc) TYPE OF ORDAMZATONT way UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE INDIVIDUAL PARTNERS 2uONT Treasury VENTURE CORPORATION VOTER Speci) Internal Revenue ee STATE OF CORPORATION Austin, Texas Cerae of Tile AL RANG HOWARD sates BAYEORD ACCOUNTS UREN ae ad aoa ae T Bond Sum Geld (€$668.000,000,000,00 got dotlaes and ($666,000,000,000,000 ia oe bank credits) TR a SE DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION Gest a ae anes 55 WATER STREET Sarid nour IEW yop ee cone 2023 August rowrtornen | s30116705 AHOLY COVENANT FOR THE ASIATIC NATION 2 La erage er voy vied by his cand he es foe moth hen you suck, 3 And tense casters hes ne he wi ty bes and sth peal ses within thy mothers empire ARs RSLs ni in te cart, emenber the eat tha nde ya loves sg ee 4 Ty ther shal no more be in adversity, hfe ans ha pent oe § So sal the forunes of thy meter support her whole tation cere he ‘Wheres and theefine frceproees ai emaly wi,stnding nds von aspect byte Govemmat he id sac shove. This bi is asepted now fr then soe naga atts esi aloe atv, wr and crmanas peas enn by the end eis. The Government cntamen i ea ets Buse i aint wh he id actos and purer i Lon et exereising this instrument agrees tht he his ‘Miaconoas rt. meaning scptnce invoke te wil of sed crate tne oe Points is time. paymern onde aeration, Netors, Number, eters Ses, Sounds, Sigs Stacey Er Accesories and all ote, The pce forthe mney Weegee rane © he oes ad intention of tis ond she law oe Ie XXIV. SRY eae eae WITNESS IE Que Warano Madam Minis Reina wit adv wives athe Pcp sd Suc i ext i law on the date stated above PANO, 7 ALE AFFIDAVITS AND DOCUMENTS PLACED: Poe Cpe ON THE PUBLIC RECORD BY SSONATURES setae | Ero oes tien nae — | =——_—_ 7 es z —> HANES\& | UNITED STATES rOR AMERICA ‘Chef Tastice Howard = TRLES\Gma | AUTHORITY Anes ae ie TRoNbaL SURETY 1 Haag Fae 4 aN, Dae StowaTunes) | * Dateronomy 818 Gea) RAEN E [Tod z Ime) Om | SURETY LETIME PRATT 3] kage, [1 UNTEDSTATESFORaMERICA T STATERCORPORATON TREE by Mores SURETY / LIFETIME, | All States limit | swarms | 7 Haan 28 Erk 284, aa ET, Da E 5 | my 8 i Masses Gir z ae AL metre |" SURETY UreTIME ‘Sener Dans Remedi ito SST Gan: ln A RSG IF CSET on ‘thorized fr all orginal indigenous nations states, tribes, klans and governments United States Work Statement NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 ‘Sovereign Vahl Ol Cag DATE BOND ACTIVATED now foram nuns po ae BID BOND 2023 August 13 these Al popeay cca ae Pa a Ste over ite sonined ing cs Bn Has GSTS SOT TTS SS pag rtm UNESP Rig Fal Posy Fb una an fl sdcin re Cees Re PRINCIPAL (Lagann ed Sos ‘TYPE OF ORGANIZATION oy UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE INDIVIDUAL 2 PaRTGRSHP BJOINT VENTURE Tea GCORFORATION VOOTHER(Sesf) ESTATE Intemal Revenue, Austin, Texas ['STxEOF CORORATON en STATE __ | Certfate of Tle: ALL LIVING STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATES ‘SURET HES) Dems a tis aay ‘Gel ($666,000 00,000,000 gold dors and ($665,000,00,000,000 in bank credits nominated in gold cons and Moorish Soverciga Dotlarium) DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION SS WATER STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK oo SS Bene Bond Sum: this bond has no lit which is 100 percent ofthe | SDDATE TRVITATION NUMBER Lake Ih 5, Devooaany BE, ‘bond value. 2023 August 13 now forthen_| Haggai 28 Plas BEG ante FOR Cnsioxon, Sappisice | CASE ND Serves all living property 530116705 eaters sean to he Cirle 7 Holy Koran forte Moorish Holy Temple for Sens Chapter KV GS eee Roms, Communications, Networks, Number, Lets, Sens, Sod Si, Suuctaca Ents, hecsovis wd aloe hcg aca Suis ermine ake United Sa fo Anan het sd te Corre ols he hoe sated ld sum. For hms benefice sucesso, ages, signs and any davai here bah obey tis PRINCIPALS te outseives to Faly poses have Full Custody, Fl Setlement. ull Righ ie he ig ante Princo fo fl inertance of he sam shown non the suc name above Fash Meda ne a whole estlements Gover de gaat ek Moors America or Mor Aran, ofA Merce Anne I Nato sae an by Moons Goveenment Affidavit created by the stated hero autogrape by the satel hone (Chapter XXV Circe 7 Holy Koran for the Mocish Holy Temp for Ssienee ABOLY COVENANT FOR THE ASIATIC NATION, Freee etc of Oe father previously provided for by his car: and he beast of one mother ha given you suck 5 aoa ier Craton rte ne he wih hy brothers eS, tt pase rd happncy ay de iin hy mobs epic 1 yang Mite cath ember te elon abn yout et and win an pes nats ee eee hae 5 Sent il no mas be in versiy, terete asi im peachy sister tal mo oe be hee ge reigns erates fh ther sro er Wl naton epi an aay be conus Yoral eer ‘hiereas and therefore; te bonds mad algal i anes wets, and command a ecilynended od sated cated eas. This ere publishes ean cea wamET hh bid tons and payment mv. Each Pack exerci ths ised apes athe he thea, meaning acceptance js invoked at he wil ofthe stated hat tary time. times and ara poe perme aa saeco, Neworts, Number, Leer, igs, Sounds, ig, Scns, Ee, Acesrc ad al eh The, place fo the money Payment according to the fens and itso of his bond ithe law Joel Tt XXIV:XHV. coe ee witness Tus Qu aano Manas Mins Keto it ev wines hale ocps n Sures Gi ess his ow on he de sa shove mance Aur AfrAvIS ano Docunrs acen ow tae puaLic Wow eee ippe— SKNATURES) | RicoaoBy THE UNITED STATES TOR Atineren Cons iY = : z 7 — NAMES(S) de ‘UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ‘Chief Fustice Howard —- on —— TIMES) | AUTHORITY PRESENTOR James Rayford RADA es gaa, EAE NTT, Oa : seman | perce Ean sea (Seah RAEN God SURETY CRETE 7 mugen EATER, Tee, Nas SEATE ENCORRRATON —— [TASTY CDF 1 Sons. ‘Teeasuy,Inemal Revenue, Austin, Tess All Sates no ini £) ounnaa, PY Heaps 2 Racer aoe be Dee Te 7 Hi Deuisonemy #18 AT Want, [Gout suey FETE : ‘Atenas aaa nl Dibaan, eel Ga Se eal AS Regn Ta RST ‘Authorized for al orginal indigenous nations, sates, ies, Kans and governments, United States Marshall Possession and Custody Mandamus NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 Seven Ua Opal Cg "BATEBOND ACTIVATED wow fr, ine pS ACTION BOND 2023 August 13 owe Al poets a es Ban aan SS ETN ir Gnidia he as Coe a GATTO TORS PST Ieuan Be SUNT aah Stlnen Fl Rig, Fl rofty Pb inset nd Fl rst ye Ooenenet Res nites aa ae of ns aman acy eri a cPeernthPodcon Law Al commit ad saps earn ete Pepernth Pes Lane fis iafamaton maybe sto. General Servos, Relay Secrest 10 F Suet Neh West Wechngn Bares ee ee oa ieee es SS ao So omar aa sence ee OTE smal Revenue ‘STATE OF CORPORATION ie ew Se ee eemrserreamaee soar cy ae Gale (($566,000,000,000,000 gold dollars and ($666,000,000,000.000 in 0 tt costae = eae Be cere cae Face aon eran [ORR a Trust Eatthermens according fo the Cele 7 Holy Kora for he Moorsh Holy Temple for Scienoa Chapter XXV 5) Inrtng ee cer uz mally ihe te Unind Sts Aerie (heat sted a the Goverment incl he above sted gold sm For (Chapler XXV Cirle 7 Holy Koran fo the Moaris Holy Temple for Science: AHOLY COVENANT FOR THE ASIATIC NATION. 1 Year th cs of one father, previously provided fo by his care: and he breast of one mother bad given you suck Fant mnense cues theefre, unite de with thy bers and sisters tht peace and happiest ay Gel within hy thers np 3:Aal wien ye unity ithe earth remember th relation ha inde you t ove and nity: and pcr oo sense beter yo east 5 sree ano mor ben advry thee asst him peacfily hy site sal no mae be noua ertre be wit fro sh lg, j posh fruts of thy motber supporter whole natin empte; and her authority be ontinued within you al, Im Sour ove @ aed eee, ‘Whereas and theefre tun) te ae cl nding ed ithe upon acta bythe Gvsrnet fhe bid ad shove, This bi zee no fr then un ro fhe bonds ranted tage Ci evi i, wd command seal needed sated he ete as. Tis Covers sent enaeeeace aang aca nakgnnent wih bi, eos and payne It Ech Pipa eeng hs insane pes aero oat fee meaning acceptance invoked atthe wil ofthe sated hea ny tne, a all ines and at al pots inne rman ea Cammuncatons, Networks Nbr, Lee, Sign, Sounds, Sis, Sauces, Energies Acres andl ote. The place fr the money Payment, according tthe locus and inteatin ofthis bands the lav Joel XXIV, NV, nd WITNESS "hs Quo Wanrnto Mandan Misimus Restuio wnt affidavit witnesseth tha the Prnepas and Suri di execute this aw on the dt stated shove PENCE [© ALL AFHDAVITS AND DOCUMENTS PLACED ON i SIGNATURES) | THE PUBLICRECORD BY. Vin bed Vang pee UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA Manssaya [UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA 1 Ghiet Sostes Howard 1 TRUS Crew _| "AUTHORITY AND PRESENTOR James Rayford ‘REWDUATSURETVIES cranes) | Haag 8 Fae SA, Baba, Desa ? SonaTIRe®) | ettronony 818 Set) Nanese [7 Gait tesco |" SuRery siren | SA ese ae STATE NCORORATON | CASEY | Mets All Sates no limit BY sovaronaay | © Hoe 28, EEG DRA, 7, Daa Ta, = 5 Deutronory 818 1) Base 1 Goa z emigre | SURETY /LIFETIME ‘ai Ura Rees st on Sebel CRT Sas Fle A Ran ECs FT RapaToS TE Authorized for all original indigenous nations, states, tribes, klans and governments, United States Levy Mandamus NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 SURETY AFFIDAVIT Rinses nos | NET CONTE EXPIRES AT WILL OTHERWISE DOES NOT EXPIRE uses ie eager 44 UNITED STATES CODE § 250, Ppervort Pmduion Law All OMEN tnd supine ei fees Sang a8 LAW o anyother spect oft information ay be sent Oe Sevoes, Reglaoy Secretar 1800 F Seat None West Westies hese ae 2oaos stare FLORIDA and UNITED STATES cousry_PASCO (AND ALL OTHERS) ‘NEEDED Signed aya end site tw awe (1) Pra Fac Tx he Swe ated br the atached bonds) We ae Ennio] OSG BTS UAT SIS Sa a fll td lesa compen We, he pip do peel. compete acon th sedan bth ly ond seven aneciin soe ae ro Sesame he er) fl fu Each Pipa rs br self ori, nly and severly me acer sun paeulyencongceee Tee Seals he Ppl Testers re aemely cca rth usin fr te Untied Saks Al sumer loee atin ee ea f.Gnte Sats Coe Sections 100 snd #34, The Ute Su fr Amen does ey cep th aida nen end neden eee a {LRAME Gold ($666,000,00,000.000 gold dalars and "2A. Domise/Land Aderess {$666,000,000,000,000 legal ender bank credits) 12313 Lite Road Suite 101, Hudson, Florida 3 SURETY "oie Cerrar 2C. ENAIL ADDRESS SURETY / LIFETIME 2023 and 2024 now for then 1-813+56255553, iegou.chief@oreton me FASERE ND ADDRESS OF EMFLOVER unr, Sex, Cy, Sai Cais | 3X NAME AND NODRESS FOR STASIS, st at SoA RTE (ethene 0a ATIORNEYINCT lume SC Sta Py Office for UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE, SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT PASCO PINELLAS COURT Attention: owerd ams Reyfrd, daca; Orginal Creditor, Taso, Trustee 14250 49th STREET NORTH, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 14250 49th Street Nort, Clearater, Florida | 3S SURETY Remy BRT ASSESS owardnvit com {WS EMPLOYER ENA, ADDRESS nba Sire Cp, Sam OP Cay 3C: HONE TEERVORE NUNGER | 30. BUSES THLERTONE MOVER NAME ANG ADDRESS OF FINANCIAL RSTHTUTION SNONG @ ANANCALRSHRTON —] 36 OUTS ONT NERA) NOMEICATION OF TRUST ENTITLEMENT ASSETS Dumber See EMAIL ADDRESS aehi@ec.con 026002066 ‘ip, St iP Cg) "©. CONTACT PERSON NAME | @E“CONTACT PERSON TELERTGNE WOME DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION 885438242721 55 WATER STREET ‘CONTACT PERSON PNA REDRESS NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10041 achat. corm 1. The following 5A True Presentment OF The Trust Entilemenis That AW The Property For The Uniod Sass See Standard Form 24 ‘See Standard Form 25 See Standard Form 25 See Optional Form 90 ‘See Optional Form 91 See Standatd Form 273 See Standard Form 274 See Standard Form 275 ‘See certificate copy of BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR UNITED STATES NATURAL PERSONS See Statement information, CAUSE NUMBER: TRUST ENTITLEMENTS FOR UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE See the Public record forthe RECORD NUMBER, OR STATE SECURITY NUMBER AND PAR (FACE) AMOUNT FOR EACH SECURITY, INSTRUMENT, OR ALL OTHER. All accounts, Reuss, Commis ‘The pace for he mney payment ns Networks, Number, Ltrs, Signs, Sounds, igi, Structures, Energiss, Accesories an ll ther. cording to the fous and intention of this Band ee as. Joel IL XXIV, RY. and NOV ‘etn Tr Une Peso Sad By Geral Sener Fell dean RGGacn A Cos a Rega STH) Gl FG TP ‘Authorized forall orginal indigenous nations, states, tribes, Kans and governments, NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 {UST THE TRUST ENTITLEMENT ASSETS THAT ARE THE PROPERTY FOR THE UNITED STATES See Standard Form 24 See Standard Form 25, See Standard Form 254, See Optional Form 90 ‘See Optional Form 91 ‘See Standard Form 273 See Standard Form 274 See Standard Form 275 See certificate copy of BIRTH CERT See Statement information, CAUSE ESTATE See the Public record for tae RECORD NUMB! INSTRUMENT, OR ALL OTHER. qctinumts Routes, Communications, Networks, Numbers, Lets, Signs, Sounds, Sigil, Stucttes, Energies, Accessories and al other. The place forthe money payment, acording to the lacus an intetons ofthis bond isthe law acl AGIV, WO TL IFICATE FOR UNITED STATES NATURAL PERSONS NUMBER: TRUST ENTITLEMENTS FOR UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA }FR, OR STATE SECURITY NUMBER AND PAR (FACE) AMOUNT FOR EACH SECURITY, 9 LIST-THE TRUST ENTITLEMENT ASSETS FOR WHICH See Standand Form 24 ‘See Standard Form 25 See Standard Form 254 See Optional Form 90 ‘See Optional Form 91 ‘See Standard Form 273 See Standard Form 274 ‘See Standard Porm 275 ‘See certificate copy of BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR UNITED STATES NATURAL PERSONS Se= Statement information, CAUSE NUMBER: TRUST ENTITLEMENTS FOR UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE See the Public record for the RECORD NUMBER, OR STATE SECU! ‘SECURITY, INSTRUMENT, OR ALL OTHER. THE GOLD THATS THE SURETY ARE ATTACHED. 'RITY NUMBER AND PAR (FACE) AMOUNT FOR EACH The pags tes Communications, Networks Numbers, Leters, Signs, Sounds Sigs, Stuctucs, Energies, Accessories and al ther. ‘The plac for the money payment according othe locus and ination a this bond isthe law Toe] XXIV AAV ra ‘DOCUMENTATION FOR THE TRUST ENT CEMENT ASSET AST WE ATER a Tose SS Mae DT Ha ric Ses rior Tes Bon 174000 a Unt Sat reli Fens asp Dae enamemae ee . ae Chars Year Month ‘Day 5 MED BY | arm =a SE OTE EE TTT aE >= Howard James Rayford, Chief Justice Howard Avigdor Rayford Lloyd Fl, Chief Justice Prd jaraheypoed ee ‘eB ay Ge er Fe Aa Rep Cs rT RSG 1 Ori Fate ‘Authorized forall original indigenous nations, states, bes, Kans and governments NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 REINSURANCE AFFIDAVIT FOR BONDS STATUTE PAYMENT ‘Wests Ting sey rena "tert All rope Frc on Board wih Fl Selement Fell Righe Euler equine fort UNITED STATES CODE § 3507, Paperwork Frodoston La en Gold ($666,000,000,000,000 0,000 gotd doers and ($666,000,000,000,000, trust credits) ‘Treasury. intemal Revenue, Austin, Texas ERENSORNG COMPANY UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA STATE. dollars) DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION 55 WATER STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10041 3 DESCRIPTION for Mandamus 3A AMOUNT for Mandareus Bond Sum: this bond has no limit which is 100 percent ofthe bond value. 3H. ANGUNT OF CONTRACT" AND ALL OTHER PLACED ON THE PUBLIC RECORD BY THE PRINCIPALS, ($656,000,000,000,000 gold ENTITLEMENTS, CREDITS, AND PAYMENTS TO THE PRINCIPALS ARE CONVEYED FROM THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST ACCOUNTS. SE.CONTRACTING AGENCY UNITED STATES. Enitement Affimation Aidavit (A) The Direct Weng Company sated above i he tt ‘hats the custodial possession, emiled inher, an Principals forthe bond. The action bond covers alle aligament wih 40 United States Code chapter XXX1, Holy Tempe for Science chapter XXV ended the Reinsating Company forthe aplication by ‘in the amount shown next tthe name ofthe Torthis Reinsurance” that the Direct Wing property and surety stared proper forthe per) fis Usd Sie governs fr the Somme Wing acho aS comments ed sugaestons of information enn be enw GeneralServies, Ropar Soctaret 1800 FSisct Now West Wakes 1 DIRECT WRITING COMPANY include public wars, pubic ‘subsheptr Il, Bonds AND IN ALIGNMENT “A Holy Covenant forthe Asiatic Nation’, The Bonds ‘the Dios Wang Compaay bas been demonstrated. ‘eimuring Company (Stated the "Amount fr this Reinsurance”) ofr te amount leat tthe “Ascot Company i eeceuntble to payin alignment withthe ae ‘OFFICE FOR BUDGET MANAGEMENT CONTROL ‘Nena ston 04s EXPIRES AT WILL OTHERWISE DOES NOT EXPE mer cose abd sation fr las peraing Government. This information olson mews DE regarding the sated PaperwotkProgicion Law or any ther pecs TA DATE DIRECT WRITING COMPANY ACTIVATES AND THIS AGREEMENTS 2023 August 13 now for then nune pro tune starent and Ful urdcon byte 1 STATEOF INCORPORATION 2A, AMOUNT OF THIS RENNSURANCE No mit [is DATE REINSURING COMPANY ACTIVATES THIS AGREE ————— 2023 August 13 now for thes, nune pro ne 726 STATEINCORPORATION All sales “All sates TRO DSCRPTON 4A.GOLDSUMFORBOND The Bond Mandamus covers Navy Fodeeal Credit Union. andall agents principals, hers assigns and any and all derivatives thereof and all Mobile Devices, Communications, Accounts, Structures, ‘Transportation, Travel, Networks, Numbers, Letters, Signs, Sounds, Sigil Energies, Accessories and al other ae United States propery in ‘o perpewity. Bond Sum: this bond has no limit which is 100 percent of ‘the bond value, Treasury Creditor Bond number 953551121 All scvounts, Routes, Communications, Networks, Numbers. Les, Siens, Sounds Sigs ‘Structures, Energies, Accessories and all other. The place for the money ‘yment according tothe locus and intention ofthis bond Is the law. Jo! Lt XXIV. XXVand XVI All states 4€ STATE OF INCORPORATION (/Carpoae Principal) forthe Unita States for America as intended within the action bond. Gold ‘United Sates for Amerie is the srey forthe ation bond asiatendedby he Services constuction, public propery, and ll cher as intended and in ‘WITH THE Carle 7 Holy Koran fo te Morocean hasbeen handed tothe United Stas, Aoseptance by The Diret Wrting Compeny is reinsused and secured ton bond (@) For asum mutually agreed upon, pid by te Dizect Weng Company tothe Reinsuring Company a stated “TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 4) The purpse and intention of this aida "Amount fortis Reinsurance” er ny su States in aligawent with he action hod. 2) pares have affiraed that by virtue ofthese bonds ‘commitment to pay the United Sta thc which may be (©) The United Ses sal nod ll SWUINESS: The Direct Writing Company andthe Reinsring Official seal demonstrated by Ors Leder, Sian, Somes, Sigi, St sll commitments ae he du, The Direct Wilting C artis aocountable inthe favor o the Principal ostesing the power o sign tis instrument ruses, Energies, Acessories anal oer ‘Rane or vera pro ana 1 Company to hereby accept tis offer by the Lied States. Each does bere demons thei o sas thatthe United States s secure, indemnified and gusraeed to gan bythe ction and tote exe of the oF ess than the~Amoune fortis Reinsurance” tat the Dist Wrng Company sal pay to the Uniod reby honoured. The Diret Writing Company will Honoute her ‘ompany shall Honoure her corsmitmeat pay the United States: Frio by os sted. All acount, Rovkes, Communications, Networks. Numbers, Sandee ATT ‘Authorized for ll orginal indigenous nations states, tives, klens and goveenments. 38: (1) NANE AND TTTLE ped HOWARD JAMES RAYFOI OFFICER UNITED STATES United States Work Statement NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 DIRECT WAITING COMPAR ‘VAGTEST: SIGNATURE HOWARD JAMES RAYFORD OFFICER UNITED STATES “¢ RENSURING COMFANT AT) STONATORE a) ( AITEST SGNATURE >= ree pe NAMIE AND THEE Typed HOWARD JAMES RAYFORD HOWARD JAMES RAYFORD, OFFICER UNITED STATES OFFICER UNITED STATES INSTRUCTIONS, Howard James Ruyford is also Allaccounts, Routes, Communicator Howard Rayford and all agents principals, heits, assigns and any and all derivatives thereof Howard Lloyd Elis also Howard Avigdor Rayford Lloyd El and all agents principals hers asigns and any and sll desntves thereof ns Networks, Numbers, Leters, Signs, Sounds, Sigs, Siucures, Energies, Payment, according tothe locus and intention ofthis bondi the law. Joe I: XXIV, XXV, and XVI. ‘Authorized forall eriginal indigenous nations, sates, tribes, Nene and governments, lw’ Accessories and ll other. The place fr the money NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705 oF TRENTON REINSURANCE FOR TRUST ENTITLEMENT BOND PAYMENT NUbER swoon EXPIRES AT WIL OnRWS DOES NOT ExPRE Sa pty sag OUP el Si vera rca ran ri Grane as ra ND STATES CODE § 3507 Paperwork Fraction Law Allcommentsand sugar ong eoreies Pe ois eration ay be set x oneal Servins, Raul Secretar 1400 F Sus Now Went Weshigies Bae esa ea 1 DIRECT WRITING COMPANY TA DATE DIRECT WRITING COMPANY ACIIVATES AND EXEROSES Gold ($556,000,000,000.000 gold dotars and ($666,000,000,000,000 bank | THS atFIDAv credits) 2023 August 13 now for then ‘Treasury TH STATEOF INCORPORATION Internal Revenue, Austin, Texas all stares 2 RENSTRING COMBINT TK. AMOURT OF THs RENGURANCE no limit, DEPORT RATES FOR AMERICA ($666,00,000,000.000 gol dollars) [55 DRTETIRSURING CONBANY REIN ATES NG ERENCES TS —— DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION AsmDAvIE, 2023 August 13 now for then 55 WATER STREET eee NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10041 23C-STATE OF INCORPORATION all states CONTAC BECTON ERD DSI 3A CONTRACT AMOUNT BOND Ee this bond mandamus has no limit no limit “38. CONTRACT DATE IE CONTRACT NONE WB. BOND DATE 3 BOND NUDE 2023 August 13, 530116705, 2023 August 13 BIRTH CERTIFICATE now for then nune pro tune _| RECORD NUMBERS 202101 3 DESCRIPTION GF CONTRACT “D PRINCAL ALL AFFIDAVITS, STATEMENTS, DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENTS, ‘AND ALL OTHER PLACED ON THE PUBLIC RECORD BY THE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA ESTATE PRINCIPALS, Treasury ENTITLEMENTS, CREDITS, AND PAYMENTS TO THE PRINCIPALS | internal Revenue ARE CONVEYED FROM THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST Austin, Texas ACCOUNTS. eCONTRACTING AGENCY “FE STATE OF ROORFORATION Corps Panga United States all states Aas (A) me Dic Wee Com set Sts fr Arner tended win ho ston bond. Cold ats te est poten, fed eras ads ‘hr stn bond a iad by the Pineal orth bond. Te aon bed cera eka Pubs works, pu serves concen, lrment with 40 Unied Stu Cade chager 302L, nutter Bente AND ‘ALIGNMENT ea lly Tele Sie chapter XXV erated “Aly Covetan ke Asas Naor” Pe oases ‘ole Unie Sex. asconane by the Recutng Comp, by he Pc Wing Company hs buen demonstnted. The Die Wang Comoe entre oe (©) Fora sun sts seed won, iy the Diet Weng Company tothe Reitring Copy sid ‘TERNS Axo CONDITIONS, ee yt ts in a Ge Une Ste sce, ndemodan ui ton byte cin lot ex of he “Ano it "stoner any ulm “Amount is Retasranec”the Det Wing Campa tal ry ke Unies intestine ad ae hk aT ny eo hee tnd, l commie sh be eve The De Wing Conary wi! ncn oy Ur Si tg “heh may be ds: The Res Conny al te Und Sts neve tt te Dest Weng Company crs hon Se asin ene (©) Toe sitet Stes dnt ld ats seconble athe ive Pra wrnvess: ian pong toenail hyn! Stes. ah os ey moe mu by lll lena ty (Of poset th pve san his mater sed, inownd concen ie Lt Sgs Sout Sg, Set, Ea, Acer a he. The lf ony pen, wr te {oes ition ofthc bond he an Jost HREV, AV. ead ‘SSE oy anal Servis Fetal Aion Regan cals Bz Foal Regina SSE) Faas ART ‘Authorized forall original indigenous nations, states, tribes, Klans and governments NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 530116705, United States for America 2. The supreme Article IT authority overall person isthe United States for America, All persons are under the jurisdiction ofthe United States, All rights, powers and privileges arc in addition to or supplemental to or in alignment with all other rights, powers, and privileges stated by the law. 3. The Reinsuring Company and the Direct Writing Company affirm that this contract is governed by the UnitedStates, The Reinsuring Company and the Direet Writing Company affirm that this affidavit is part ofthe paymentbond, WITNESS: ‘The Reinsuring Company andthe Direct Writing Company affirm that this affidavit is hereby signed and sealed with their corporete seals by officers who possess the power to sign tis instrument, ‘Alaccouns, Rais, Conmuricatons Networks Nanbes, Lets Sis, Sounds, Sighs, Stucurs Energies Acts andl ote, The ple forthe money payment cording ‘thc loausandintesian oftisbord theta ell. XXIV. XV, and NNVE = DIRECT WRITING COMPANY. SA) SONATE sa NAME Hoard James Reyford Principal and Agent Principal and Agent TRERSTRNNG coMANY 3 RRATRE—— ey Ser cE te RRO TE Soe brane ano wide aS coe ald SURETY / LIFETIME SURETY / LIFETIME “ein iver Reprton an Dion SCAERE By Cea Se ee Fora Aagulon Reston (coe Be Fadel Rego ‘Authorized fo all orginal indigenous nations, states, tribes, Kans and governments,

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