Observation Logs

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Learning P to
I first got to know the students that I observed by doing an
introduction activity with the students on my first day in field. I
had them fill out a heart with their favorite things and then we
discussed them. After this, I began working with both of these
students in small groups on a daily basis. In addition to these,
every morning the students start their day with social emotional
learning. The will sit on the carpet and go around saying how they
are feeling and something interesting about them. I was able to do
this with them and became very familiar with these students, their
personalities, as well as their learning behaviors.
Observation 1
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 Math: Focus is on money. Student 1 is a very outgoing

1-29-24 Student 1 is having issues with the and talkative child that always
amounts that each coin represents. wants help. She gets lost with
The students need to add the coins directions she is given which
to find the total and Aubree is may be a lack of focus.
struggling with the addition of the
Strengths: This student really loves
to participate in class. We never
struggle to get them to raise their
hand or answer questions that we
ask them.
Weaknesses: This student
struggles with basic math skills
such as adding and subtracting.
The student also was struggling to
identify the value of each coin.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 1-29-24 ELA: The focus of this lesson was sight The teacher has a sight word wall in
words. The student worked with me in a the room. I noticed if the student did
small group to spell sight words. The not know the word they would try to
student was given a word and asked to
look for the word on the wall to
write it on a whiteboard. The student
struggled with identifying the vowels of
avoid sounding out the word. Once
words. For example, the word was wash the student tried sounding out words
and the student spelled it wosh. She does they were able to spell it correctly.
try to sound out the words, but gets They did need a few prompts to help
confused if the vowel makes a different them along.
Strengths: The student is able to write
most of the cite words provided after
sounding them out. The student does
well with long vowels and identifying
Weakness: The student struggled which
vowel belongs in the word if the vowel
was short. If the vowel was an A the
student would write O.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 1-31-24 ELA: Student 1 was working on sight Student 1 seems to not pay attention
words. She was asked to spell and when given help. I worked with her
write different words out. She on her sight words and she got stuck
struggled with words that the vowel on spelling the word “want”. She
makes different sounds that what it kept saying the wrong vowel even
would normally sound like such as the after I corrected and helped her. I
word “want”. would tell her it was supposed to be
Strength: The student really does try to an a and then ask her to spell it
read the words at first. She tries to again. She would say the wrong
sound out the word but then says vowel again.
something completely different. She
knows the different sounds that the
letters make, but cannot put them all
Weakness: This student struggles with
blending sounds together. They sound
out each sound but cannot put them
all together. They also will get the
word, and when asked to say it again
will not remember the word.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 1-31-24 Math: The focus of this lesson is money. Student 2 seems to be confused on
The student is having trouble with the the difference between the shapes.
value of each coin. They also struggle to They do not ask questions when they
identify which coin is being pictured on
are struggling or when asked if they
the board or on the worksheet that was
provided. When adding the coins, this
need help. The student will look at
student struggles with adding the values the teacher after the question is
together to find the total of the coins asked with a confused look and then
provided. For example if the student is just write down an answer.
given two quarters and a nickel, the
student is struggling to remember that
Strengths: The student is very strong in
basic addition and subtraction. The
student is able to add or subtract the
values of the coins when they are given to
the student.
Weakness: The student is struggling with
identifying the value of the coins. They
also are struggling with identifying the
differences of the coins to be able to
decide which coin is which.
Observation 2
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per Name the content area and state You may now add some
week depending on days in only what you observed (hear personal interpretation here.
the field) and see)

Child 1 2-5-24 Math: For this lesson the students are The student really seemed to be
working identifying shapes. They need attentive during these lessons. The
to identify triangles, quadrilaterals, student raised their hand to answer
and parallelograms. The student raised questions on the board and was
their hand to answer questions aloud asking question throughout the
and was frequently asking questions lessons. It seems as though the
when they were confused. student experiences different levels
Strengths: The student is not afraid to of attention on different days.
ask for help. They seems like they want
to know the answer to the questions.
The student was very good at
identifying the triangles and got all of
them correct.
Weaknesses: The student was
struggling with telling the difference
between parallelograms and
quadrilaterals. The student seems to
not be able to identify the difference
between the to and was asking frequent
questions about them.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-5-24
ELA: The focus of this lesson is The mentor teacher read each
identifying similarities and question in the workbook aloud to
differences between two stories. the students so the ones that
The students read two stories and struggled with reading knew what
then were asked to answer the questions were asking. The
questions in their work books student seemed to not be paying
about the stories. attention when the teacher read the
Strengths: Student was able to question aloud. They would then
identify the differences in the two ask for the question to be repeated
given texts. but still wrote nothing down. The
Weakness: The student was not class goes over the answers of the
able to identify different workbook as a class after everyone
similarities between the two has been given time to answer. I
passages. The student also believe this student just waits for
struggled to follow along with the the answers and then writes them
stories as the were being read. down off the board.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-7-24 ELA: The student was working with I believe the student did not follow
reading a passage and then along to the story as it was read. She
answering questions based on what was unable to tell really anything
they read. Because this student has a that took place in the story. They did
reading need, the passage was read provide a few same details of the
to her. She was not able to identify story, but did not get the overall
main events that took place in the concept of the story.
story or different characters that
were in the story.
Strength: When asked to read a
small portion of the text on their
own, the student was able to read
quite a bit of the text.
Weakness: Student was not able to
identify the main events that took
place in the story. The student was
able to answer a few minor details
but did not understand the overall
meaning of the text.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-7-24 Math: The lesson focus is on Student 2 seems to be confused on

shapes. The student worked in a the difference between the shapes.
small group with the teacher and They do not ask questions when they
the teacher candidate. The class is are struggling or when asked if they
working on triangles, need help. The student will look at
quadrilaterals, and parallelograms. the teacher after the question is
asked with a confused look and then
Strengths: The student was able to
just write down an answer.
identify the triangles and most of
the parallelograms. The student
raised their hand to provided
answers on the board.
Weaknesses: The student was
struggling on remembering the
difference between a quadrilateral
and parallelograms. The students
were to color the quadrilaterals
green and the parallelograms were
to be colored red.
Observation 3
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-12-24 Math: Focus was on money. Student The student is given manipulative of
1 is still struggling with the value of the coins to help them. The student
the coins. The student will say the was struggling with identifying
wrong coin for the picture that is which coin was which. They often
provided to them. When adding the confused dimes and nickels.
value of the coins, the student often
provides the wrong value of that
coin. For example, if the student is
shown a quarter, they will say that
the value of the coin is 5 cents rather
than 25 cents.
Strengths: Once the student had the
manipulatives, it seemed to help the
understand the difference between
the coins a little better.
Weaknesses: The student is
struggling with remembering how
much each coin is worth. They are
also struggling with adding and
subtracting the amounts.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-12-24 ELA: The focus of this lesson This student was working with me in
was to practice the students a small group. As I was working
with them, I noticed that they would
decoding skills.
look at the word wall behind them if
Strengths: The student was they were struggling with the word. I
able to decode most of the cite had to ask them to stop on multiple
words that was provided to occasions. I would work with them
them. The student correctly to sound out the word. They would
often sound out the word and say
identified 6 out of 10 words
something completely different then
given to them. what they sounded out.
Weaknesses: The student
struggled with remembering
that short vowels do not say
the name of the vowel. They
were pronouncing short
vowels as long vowels.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-14-24 Math: For this lesson the students For this lesson the student was
are still working on identifying attentive during the lesson and was
shapes. The students went up to the actively participating. The students
board and had to create a sort of all seem to be struggling with
quilt using the shapes provided. identifying the difference between
They would move the shapes into the shapes. The mentor teacher
spots to try to get them to represent discussed with me that this lesson
halves and wholes. Student 1 really was difficult and most students
struggled with this activity. They did struggle with it.
not understand that the different
shapes would fit together the create a
Strengths: The student was able to
identify triangles and put them in the
correct spot on the board.
Weaknesses: The student is still
struggling with identifying
parallelograms and quadrilaterals.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-14-24 Math: The focus of this lesson The student has been
was money. The students were progressing with addition and
working with me in a small group subtracting. Once given the
setting. manipulative, the student was
Strengths: The student was able able to identify the coins easier.
to tell the difference between the We will continue to work on
coins once given a coin coin values in the future.
manipulative. The student was
also about to add and subtract
the problems given with little to
no difficulty.
Weakness: The student is still
struggling with remembering the
value of the coins. Remembering
the value of the coins in critical
to be able to create the problem
to get the answer.
Observation 4
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-19-24 ELA: Focus is on decoding. Student 1 tries very hard to read on
She struggles with decoding. She their own. They do not ask for help
confuses long and short vowels. She when struggling so if they get stuck,
just started learning high frequency they just sit and wait for the passage
words. Writing is another struggling to be read aloud to the class. When
factor. She has trouble completing answering questions about the
complete thoughts. passage in their workbook, the
Strengths: The student often will ask student will often ask if they do not
questions about the topics to try to know the answer and that they
help them get to the answer. They cannot find the answer. They wait
are not afraid to ask for help and for the teacher to go over the answer
tries to get to the answer on their to write them in their workbook
Weakness: The student struggles
with identifying whether the vowels
in a word are long or short. They
often for get that if there is a e at the
end of a word, the vowel in the word
will be long.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-19-24 Math: The focus of this lesson was The student has been progressing
money. The students were working with addition and subtracting. Once
with me in a small group setting. given the manipulative, the student
Strengths: The student was able to was able to identify the coins easier.
tell the difference between the coins We will continue to work on coin
once given a coin manipulative. The values in the future.
student was also about to add and
subtract the problems given with
little to no difficulty.
Weakness: The student is still
struggling with remembering the
value of the coins. Remembering the
value of the coins in critical to be
able to create the problem to get the
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-21-24 Math: For this lesson the students I believe this student was not paying
are still working on identifying attention when the teacher was
shapes. The students went up to the giving instruction about the shape.
board and had to create a sort of She seemed to be looking around the
quilt using the shapes provided. room at the time that the directions
They would move the shapes into were given. When at the board it
spots to try to get them to represent seemed that she had no idea what to
halves and wholes. Student 1 really do.
struggled with this activity. They did
not understand that the different
shapes would fit together the create a
Strengths: The student was able to
identify triangles and put them in the
correct spot on the board.
Weaknesses: The student is still
struggling with identifying
parallelograms and quadrilaterals.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-21-24 ELA: For this lesson the students There was a lot of confusion with
worked on identifying character what an actual character trait is for
traits of a character in a story. most of the students. They have been
Strengths: The student understood working on major events in the
what the student did and ways she stories so there was a bit of
changed throughout the story. confusion with that and actual
Weaknesses: The student struggled character traits.
with identifying the actual traits that
the character possessed in the story
to help him become a good friend to
other character in the story.
Observation 5
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-26-24 Math: For this lesson the students are The student has gotten better
still working on identifying shapes. with identifying the differences
The students went up to the board in the shapes, and
and had to create a sort of quilt using
understanding why a
the shapes provided. They would
move the shapes into spots to try to parallelogram is a
get them to represent halves and parallelogram. The student was
wholes. Student 1 really struggled struggling when it came to
with this activity. They did not plugging pieces into the other to
understand that the different shapes create the shape they needed to
would fit together the create a quilt. make the shape of the quilt.
Strengths: Student was able to identify
most of the shapes correctly on their
Weaknesses: When the student went
up to the board the struggled with
putting the shapes in the matching
spots to create the quilt.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 2-26-24 Math: For this lesson the focus is Due to us being in a small group I
small groups. The students are put was able to see exactly were the
into groups based on the level they student needed help. This was
are on. The student was working on helpful for not only me to help the
double-digit subtractions with student, but for the student to
borrowing. receive the help they needed as an
Strengths: The student knows how to individual.
subtract. They were able to get the
correct answer when the number on
the top was larger than the number
on the bottom.
Weaknesses: The student was
struggling with borrowing. They
kept forgetting to take away from
the number next to it when the
number on the bottom was larger
than the number on the top. When
they did remember they would forget
to take away from the tens place
when adding to the ones place.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-28-24 ELA: The focus of this lesson There was a lot of confusion
was identifying character traits with what an actual character
of a character in a story. trait is for most of the students.
Strength: The student was able They have been working on
to tell what the character was major events in the stories so
doing in the story. They there was a bit of confusion
identified events that took place with that and actual character
in the story. traits.
Weakness: The student
struggled to know the
difference between a trait and
an action that took place in the
story. Once explained again the
student was able to identify a
few traits that the character
possessed such as that the
character was nice.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 2-28-24 Math: The focus on this The students have been working on
subtracting throughout the year.
lesson was solving word
This is the first time however the
problems with subtraction. students have worked with work
Strengths: The student was problems and had to create the
equation from the given word
able to read the word
problem and identifying the
numbers in the word
Weaknesses: The student
was struggling to decide
what order the numbers
needed to go in and what
sign to use to solve the
Observation 6
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-11-24 Math: The focus of this lesson The students did this activity on
was to work with a clock to the board. The clock would
tell time. The students were show a time and the students
using analog clocks for this would come up to the board
activities. and enter the time. Most of the
Strengths: The student was students seemed to struggle if
able to identify the time if it the hands were not telling an
exact time of an exact hour or
was exactly the time, such as
half passed the hour.
8:00 or 7:30.
Weakness: The student
struggled if the clock hand
was in in between to hours.
They also got confused if the
minute hand was on one of
the small lines indicating 1-4
or 6-9.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-11-24 ELA: For this lesson the The student does struggle in read
students worked on oral so this was difficult for this
reading. The students had to particular student. The student
read a small passage aloud to sounds out most of the words
the teachers. that they read so it takes a while
Strengths: The student was able to read words. This was a timed
to read cite words almost assessment so they student got
immediately.The student was expended time to read because
able to sound out some of the they are on a 504 plan.
words in the passage as well.
Weaknesses: The student was
then asked to answer questions
about what they had read and
the student was not able to this
because they were not able to
read very far in the passage.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-12-24 Math: For this lesson the students The student was able to tell me the
were working on telling time on time after being told the hour. They
analog clock. They needed to would then tell the minutes of the
identify the hour and minute hand time and put them together to tell
on the clock as well. the time.
Strength: The student was able to
identify the minute hand as well as
the hour hand. If the clock was on
an exact hour the student was able to
identify the time easily.
Weakness: The student struggled
when the clock did not show an
exact time. For example, if the clock
said 8:49 the student was not able to
identify the exact time.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-12-24 ELA: The students were working on Examples: If the teacher said hope
a Heggerty lesson. The students have add less to the end the student
to repeat back to the teacher what should say helpless. This student
she tells them. They would then do struggled with identifying what the
some on their own. new word was meant to be in this
Strengths: The student was able to situation.
repeat what the teacher sai with no
difficulty. When removing parts of a
word to make a new word, the
student knew the answers and
answered them verbally.
Weakness: The student struggled
with adding prefixes and suffixes to
the word.
Observation 7
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-13-24 ELA: The focus of this lesson The student did very well on this
was proper nouns. The assignment. They knew what the
words that were provided to them
students worked on a
were. The student got a bit confused
worksheet to identify which on businessess and days of the week
words were proper nouns. but once they were told that they
Strength: The student knew needed to capitalized they did the
that names of people were rest on the worksheet.

meant to be capitalized so
they got all of those
Weakness: The student did
not know that days of the
week were meant to be
capitalized. The student also
did not capitalize names of
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-13-24 Math: The focus for this lesson was The student was asking frequent
working in small groups based on questions and asked for help
the level of the child. For this small multiple times. The student did very
group the students were working well with addition. The student new
addition and subtraction of multi- how to subtracted but did not
digit numbers. borrow when needed.
Strength: The student did very well
with addition. They were able to
correctly carry the number to the
text place value. The also did very
well with subtracting numbers were
the numerator was more than the
Weakness: The student struggled
with subtracting numbers that
required them to borrow. The
student would make mistakes by
either not borrowing or not reducing
the number that they were
borrowing from.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-18-24 ELA: The focus on this lesson The student understood the
was on possessive nouns. The difference for when something
students completed a worksheet belonged to them or did not belong
to them. They just needed to work
correcting nouns to make the
more on the possessive endings that
possessive. they needed to add to the end of the
Strengths: The student did very word.
well with identifying when an
item did not belong to them.
They would correctly use S
whenever it did need it.
Weakness: The student
struggled with identifying what
to put if the item did not belong
to them. They would put S were
it was not required in some
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-18-24 Math: For this lesson focus was The student was able to do the first
on counting forward by 25. The couple of turns that they got with the
students were in a whole group numbers. Once they got up to 400
the students would get confused on
on the carpet and went one by
which number would come next.
one counting on by 25.
Strength: The student was able to
remember what number the
person in front of them said by
repeating it back before saying
the number they were meant to
Weakness: The student would
often not know the next number
that they were meant to say. For
example if the student before
them said 175, the student would
say 215.
Observation 8
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-21-24 ELA: The focus of this lesson is This student struggles with reading,
adding commas in sentences. The so when they are reading the tend
students were given a worksheet that not to have natural pauses. I think
they would add commas to to fix the that this affected the run on
sentences. sentences because the student does
Strengths: The student asked a lot of not take natural pauses when they
questions and raised their hand read aloud.
whenever they needed help. The were
able to put multiple commas in the
correct stop.
Weakness: The student struggled
with putting commas in to break up
run on sentences. They did not read
the sentences with pauses, so they
would miss the commas for run on
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 1 3-21-24 Math: The focus of this lesson was Drawing the symbol is always a
comparing numbers with greater struggle to students. The student
than, less than, or equal to. The asked for help. They were given help
students were given a worksheet to by saying the greater than symbol
complete this assignment. will eat the first number, the less
Strength: The student was able to than symbol will eat the second
identify whether the number was number.
greater/less than or equal to orally.
Weakness: The student struggled
with the symbol they were meant to
draw in between the two numbers.
The student seemed to get confused
on which way the symbol was meant
to be to represent greater than or
lesson than.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-21-24 ELA: The focus on this lesson was The student were given definitions
on prefixes and suffixes. The on what the different prefixes and
students were given a worksheet that suffixes meant but when asked what
they were required to add either a the new word meant the student
prefix or suffix and then stating what struggled to give the answer.
the word meant.
Strength: The student did very well
with putting the correct prefix or
suffix on the word. They were given
a word bank for the different
prefixes or suffixes to add which
seemed to help the student.
Weakness: The student struggled
with stating what the word meant
after adding the prefix or suffix to
the word.
Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
CHILD DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(choose 1 or 2 days per week Name the content area and You may now add some
depending on days in the state only what you observed personal interpretation here.
field) (hear and see)

Child 2 3-21-24 Math: The focus of this lesson This was a review to practice the
was to review what the knowledge the students gain from
previous lessons. The student seemed
students had previously
to still be struggling with the same
learned about money. issue as before. The student just
Strength: The student was able seemed to struggle with the values of
to remember the different the different coins.
coins as well as adding or
subtracting the problem given
to them to give change.
Weakness: The student was
still struggling with
remembering the value of each
coin. They are confusing
dimes and nickels.

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