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4/4/22, 11:26 AM AWS Pricing Calculator

Contact your AWS representative:

Export date: 4/4/2022 Language: English

Estimate title: My Estimate

Estimate summary
Upfront cost Monthly cost Total 12 months
0.00 USD 328.50 USD
3,942.00 USD
*Includes upfront

Detailed Estimate
Name Group Region Upfront cost Monthly cost

AWS Elemental No group US East (Ohio) 0.00 USD 328.50 USD

MediaConvert applied

Config summary: Output usage (730 Hours per month), Tier (Basic), Video Quality Setting
(Single pass), Video Resolution (SD), Video Codec (AVC), Video Frame Rate (<=30fps), Tier (Basic),
Video Quality Setting (Single pass), Video Resolution (SD), Video Codec (AVC), Video Frame Rate

AWS Pricing Calculator provides only an estimate of your AWS fees and doesn't include any taxes that might apply.
Your actual fees depend on a variety of factors, including your actual usage of AWS services. Learn more . 1/1

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