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 Take a post it and write down all the adjectives you association with the idea : Green
 With your partner write a definition of green IT.
 With your partner look at the following domains in the sustainable technology world and try
and give an example/device for each:
 Eco-friendly technology devices
 Transport
 Buildings
 Smart Home technology
 Renewable energy sources
 Recycling technology
 Environmental benefits

Task One: Photolanguage

You will work in a group of 4. Each group receives a picture linked to the topic of Grenn IT below.

From your pictures, you discuss in your group the impact your picture has on the environment.

You can then make a group presentation to the class.

Group One:

Group Two:

1 Maxine PASQUET 2024

Group three:

Group four:

Task Two
Grammar: You are going to look at modals of advice and obligation

Obligatory Have to – must

Not obligatory Don’t have to
Forbidden Mustn’t
Certain Must
Ability Can/could in the past/is- are able to
Possible Can/could – may - might
Impossible Can’t
Request/offer Can/could
Permission Can/could – is/are allowed to
Advice Should – ought to – had better
Necessary Needs to
Not necessary Don’t/doesn’t need to

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Task three
You are now going to write a charter for a company on how you can embrace Green IT practices in
the company. Try and aim for 10 sentences. Use the modals of advice and obligation

Task Four Green computing using next-generation nanotechnology

1) How have digital devices revolutionized our lives?

2) In this digital revolution what are the three negative consequences that we should identify
and try to fix?

3) In the manufacturing of our devices how do we get them so light and yet so powerful?

4) Where are data centres normally situated and why?

5) What does he say about the energy consumption of these data centers?

6) What is nanotechnology?

7) What can we compare a micron to, in size?

8) How could we make memory storage more efficient on a silicon chip?

9) What are the advantages of magnetic nanostructure wires?

10) What is an electron microscope and how will it be used? What are the advantages of using

11) In using nanotechnology why is a green technology?

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