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Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

1 A special day! Birthday party: cake, Happy birthday! Be kind.
pp4–11 candles, hot dogs, juice, How old are you?
pizza, popcorn, sweets I´m 8 years old.
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp58 & 59 Revision: big / small, A present for you!
toys and numbers 1–10 Thank you.

Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

2 What’s wrong? Parts of the body: Touch your (foot). Let’s exercise.
pp12–19 arm/arms, eye/eyes Move your (foot).
foot/feet, finger/fingers, Raise your (head).
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp60 & 61 hand/hands, head,
leg/legs, ear/ears,
mouth, nose, toe/toes
Numbers 11–15

Revision game A pp20 & 21

Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

3 Are you scared? Feelings: angry, happy, How are you today? Share your
pp22–29 hungry, sad, scared, I’m (thirsty). emotions.
surprised, thirsty, tired She’s (happy).
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp62 & 63 He’s (scared).

Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

4 At Grandma’s Family members: He’s (Dad)! Help at home.
pp30–37 grandma, grandpa Where’s (Grandma)?
Revision: baby, dad, She’s in the (living room).
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp64 & 65 mum, sister He’s in the (bathroom).
Parts of the house:
bathroom, bedroom,
dining room, garage,
kitchen, living room

Revision game B pp38 & 39

Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

5 Favourite animals! Wild animals: crocodile, What’s your favourite Respect animals.
pp40–47 elephant, giraffe, hippo, animal?
lion, monkey, snake, I like (elephants).
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp66 & 67 zebra Is it the (lion)?
Numbers 16–20 Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Twelve monkeys.

Vocabulary: Language focus: Social skills:

6 Who wants salad? Fruit and vegetables: My favourite fruit is Eat healthily.
pp48–55 apples, broccoli, carrots, (green grapes).
corn, grapes, lettuce, I like (fruit)!
MY PRACTICE TRIP pp68 & 69 pears, pineapples, I don’t like (salad).
potatoes, strawberries, I love (tomatoes)!
tomatoes, watermelons

Revision Game C pp56 & 57

Special Days: Earth Day & World Book Day pp70 & 71 Final game pp72

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