Hammer Et Al 2013 Environmental Noise Pollution in The United States Developing An Effective Public Health Response

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Environmental Noise Pollution in the United States: Developing an Effective

Public Health Response
Monica S. Hammer,1 Tracy K. Swinburn,2 and Richard L. Neitzel 2,3
1The Network for Public Health Law—Mid-States Region, The University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA; 2The Risk Science Center, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; 3The Department of Environmental Health
Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

loss (NIHL), cardiovascular disease, endocrine

Background: Tens of millions of Americans suffer from a range of adverse health outcomes due to effects, and increased incidence of diabe-
noise exposure, including heart disease and hearing loss. Reducing environmental noise pollution tes (Passchier-Vermeer and Passchier 2000;
is achievable and consistent with national prevention goals, yet there is no national plan to reduce Sørensen et al. 2013). This commentary is not
environmental noise pollution. intended to provide a comprehensive review of
Objectives: We aimed to describe some of the most serious health effects associated with noise, all noise-related health effects, which is avail-
summarize exposures from several highly prevalent noise sources based on published estimates as able elsewhere (Goines and Hagler 2007).
well as extrapolations made using these estimates, and lay out proven mechanisms and strategies to Rather, we focus on several highly prevalent
reduce noise by incorporating scientific insight and technological innovations into existing public
health infrastructure.
health effects: sleep disruption and heart dis-
ease, stress, annoyance, and NIHL (Figure 1).
Discussion: We estimated that 104 million individuals had annual LEQ(24) levels > 70 dBA (equiva- It is important to note that the levels of noise
lent to a continuous average exposure level of >70 dBA over 24 hr) in 2013 and were at risk of noise-
induced hearing loss. Tens of millions more may be at risk of heart disease, and other noise-related
exposures associated with these health effects
health effects. Direct regulation, altering the informational environment, and altering the built environ- range widely; as a result, the prevention of dif-
ment are the least costly, most logistically feasible, and most effective noise reduction interventions. ferent health effects involves specification of
Conclusion: Significant public health benefit can be achieved by integrating interventions that
different exposure limits and metrics.
reduce environmental noise levels and exposures into the federal public health agenda. Sleep and heart disease. People in noisy
environments experience a subjective habitua­
Citation: Hammer MS, Swinburn TK, Neitzel RL. 2014. Environmental noise pollution in
the United States: developing an effective public health response. Environ Health Perspect
tion to noise, but their cardiovascular system
122:115–119; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1307272 does not habituate (Muzet 2002) and still
experiences activations of the sympathetic
nervous system and changes from deep sleep
Introduction to identify the health consequences of poten- to a lighter stage of sleep in response to noise.
Noise, or unwanted sound, is one of the tial projects by making public a national The body’s initial startle response to noise is
most common environmental exposures in sample of health impact assessments (HIP activation of the sympathetic (fight or flight)
the United States (García 2001). In 1981, the 2013). Dozens of recent health impact state- part of the nervous system, similar to the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ments in the HIP database have incorporated prepara­tions the body makes just before wak-
estimated that nearly 100 million people in noise, but none appeared to assess changes in ing in the morning. Although blood pressure
the United States (about 50% of the popu- sleep disturbance, learning, hypertension, or normally drops during sleep, people experienc-
lation) had annual exposures to traffic noise heart disease. Although HIP does not pro- ing sleep fragmentation from noise have dif-
that were high enough to be harmful to health vide a complete picture of U.S. health impact ficulty achieving a nadir for any length of time
(Simpson and Bruce 1981). However, despite assessments, it does indicate that decision because blood pressure rises with noise tran-
the widespread prevalence of exposure, noise makers lack the information they need to pro- sients and heart rate increases with noise level
has historically been treated differently than tect communities from noise-related health (Haralabidis et al. 2008). Decreased quality
pollutants of a chemical or radiological nature, effects. Environmental impact statements and quantity of sleep elevates cardio­vascular
and especially air pollution. Congress has not that calculate changes in noise levels also do strain, which manifests as increased blood
seriously discussed environmental noise in not necessarily provide information about pressure and disruptions in cardio­vascular
> 30 years, although noise exposure is a large adverse health impacts resulting from these circadian rhythms (Sforza et al. 2004).
public concern. For example, in New York changes (U.S. Department of Transportation, Disordered sleep is associated with
City noise is consistently the number one qual- Federal Highway Administration/Michigan increased levels of stress hormones (Joo et al.
ity of life issue, and authorities there received Department of Transportation 2008). Address correspondence to R.L. Neitzel, University
> 40,000 noise complaints in 2012 (Metcalfe In this commentary, we examine scien- of Michigan, Department of Environmental Health
2013). Very few communities appear to con- tific and policy aspects of noise exposure. We Sciences, 1415 Washington Heights, 6611 SPH I,
sider the health risks of noise in their policy first provide an overview of the relationship Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA. Telephone: (734) 763-
making (Network for Public Health Law between high-impact health effects and noise. 2870. E-mail: rneitzel@umich.edu
2013) despite the fact that the health effects of We then describe the most prevalent sources We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of
L.A. Schwankl and S.C. Betzler in preparing this
noise have been explored over many decades, of noise and estimate prevalence of exposure. manuscript.
and the body of evidence linking noise to vari- Finally, we explore policy approaches that can This work was made possible by the Robert Wood
ous health effects is, therefore, more extensive reduce the harmful effects of noise. Johnson Foundation Public Health Law Attorney
than for most other environmental hazards Fellow Program (N015293), the Network for Public
(Goines and Hagler 2007; Passchier-Vermeer Chronic Noise: A Health Law, and resources from the University of
and Passchier 2000). Biopsychosocial Model Michigan Risk Science Center.
The authors declare they have no actual or potential
Even when cities and counties do address of Disease competing financial interests.
noise in their planning efforts, the results are Chronic environmental noise causes a wide Received: 24 June 2013; Accepted: 25 November
disappointing. The Health Impacts Project variety of adverse health effects, including sleep 2013; Advance Publication: 5 December 2013; Final
(HIP) provides guidance for policy makers disturbance, annoyance, noise-induced hearing Publication: 1 February 2014.

Environmental Health Perspectives • volume 122 | number 2 | February 2014 115

Hammer et al.

2012). Microarousals appear to be associated to perceive sound (e.g., NIHL). Neuronal the public from all adverse effects on health
with increased lipids and cortisol levels, and destruction may also occur; in such cases, the and welfare in residential areas (U.S. EPA
feed into the same pathway of disordered ability to perceive sound may remain undimin- 1974). This limit is a day–night 24-hr aver-
sleep, even priming the neuroendocrine stress ished, but the ability to understand the mean- age noise level (LDN), with a 10-dBA penalty
response in some individuals to be more at ing of sound deteriorates (Lin 2012). Extreme applied to nighttime levels between 2200 and
risk for disorders such as depression (Meerlo exposures can cause direct mechanical damage 0700 hours to account for sleep disruption
et al. 2008). Increased blood lipid, heart (acoustic trauma) to cochlear hair cells (Newby and no penalty applied to daytime levels.
rate, blood pressure, and stress levels from and Popelka 1992). Noise exposure is also The U.S. EPA recommends a second
noise lead to atherosclerosis, which is causally associated with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) exposure limit of 70 dBA to prevent hear-
related to heart disease (Hoffman et al. 2013). and hyperacusis. NIHL has traditionally been ing loss (U.S. EPA 1974). The limit is an
Stress. The effects of noise on conscious associated with occupational noise, but there equivalent continuous average exposure level
subjects are insidious and result at least in is increasing evidence that music may play an over 24 hr [LEQ(24)]. Unlike the 55-dBA LDN
part from increased psychosocial stress and important role as well (Lewis et al. 2013). limit designed to protect against all long-
annoyance. Annoyance from continuous It is difficult to overstate the social cost term health effects, the 70-dBA limit con-
sound appears to vary substantially by indi- of NIHL and its impact on quality of life. siders daytime and nighttime exposures to
vidual (Babisch et al. 2013; Stansfeld 1992), The additional effort required to process be equally hazardous to hearing. This 24-hr
and there are a number of factors that may sound leads to fatigue, headaches, nervous- limit is equivalent to a 75-dBA 8-hr workday
influence annoyance (Babisch et al. 2012) ness, depression, and anger (Hetu et al. 1993). exposure, with no noise exposure (i.e., noise
and subsequent stress. Annoyance increases Functional limitations associated with a com- < 70 dBA) during the remaining 16 hr.
sympathetic tone, especially in noise-sensitive promised ability to communicate restrict The U.S. EPA recommendations—
individuals (Sandrock et al. 2009), and may mobility, self-direction, self-care, work toler- adopted in 1974 and mirrored by the World
be the non–sleep-mediated pathway that is ance, and work skills and increase isolation. Health Organization (WHO) (Berglund et al.
present in individuals with high occupational Assistive technologies can aid some individuals, 1999)—may be considered a truly “safe”
noise exposures who subsequently develop but in no way represent a cure. level for protection against hearing loss. In
heart disease (Ha et al. 2011). Children with NIHL suffer from decreased contrast, the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Environmental noise is not only a health educational achievement and impaired social– Health Administration’s 8-hr workplace regu-
risk to people who report being annoyed by emotional development, score significantly lation of 90 dBA may result in a 25% excess
noise, but these individuals are also at risk lower on basic skills, and exhibit behav- risk of hearing impairment among workers
for additional health effects (Sandrock et al. ioral problems and lower self-esteem (Bess exposed over a working lifetime [National
2009). Children in noisy environments have et al. 1998). Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
poor school performance, which leads to (NIOSH) 1998].
stress and misbehavior (Lercher et al. 2002). Exposure Limits and Sources Other limits may be needed or appropriate
They also have decreased learning, lower of Noise for preventing additional health effects not
reading comprehension, and concentration Exposure metrics and limits. Because of the described here or for emerging sources of noise
­deficits (Stansfeld et al. 2005). array of health effects caused by noise, and (e.g., wind turbines) that are substantially
NIHL. Long-term exposures to noise the relative importance of exposure timing for different from historical noise sources. For
levels > 75 dBA (U.S. EPA 1974) can cause some health effects, a variety of exposure met- example, the WHO recently adopted a set of
metabolic changes in sensory hair cells within rics and limits are in use today. The U.S. EPA health-based guidelines for nighttime noise
the cochlea, eventually leading to their demise recommends an average 24-hr exposure limit exposure that are much lower than previously
(Heinrich et al. 2006) and increasing inability of 55 A-weighted decibels (dBA) to protect recommended levels (WHO 2009).
Sources of noise. Primary sources of noise
in the United States include road and rail
Primary exposure Acute effects Chronic effects Long-term risks traffic, air transportation, and occupational
and industrial activities [National Academy
of Engineering (NAE) 2010]. Additional
Decreased Hypertension individual-level exposures include ampli-
sleep quality fied music, recreational activities (including
and quantity concerts and sporting events), and firearms.
Personal music player use appears to be com-
Reduced mon among adolescents (Kim et al. 2009;
Vogel et al. 2011) and may involve poten-
Increased and tially harmful sound levels (Breinbauer et al.
annoyance, productivity 2012). Exposures from recreational activities
Noise stress, and and music are not “noise” in the sense of being
unwanted sound, but adverse health effects are
Endocrine possible even from desirable sounds.
Prevalence of Harmful Noise
change in Permanent
hearing hearing loss Data on the prevalence of noise exposures in
and tinnitus the United States are dated and inadequate.
The most recent national surveys of com-
munity and occupational noise exposures
Figure 1. Select effects of noise. occurred in the early 1980s (NIOSH 1988;

116 volume 122 | number 2 | February 2014 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Noise and public health

Simpson and Bruce 1981). Current estimates levels of > 70 dBA in 2013 and were at risk of Source control through direct regulation.
of workers exposed to “hazardous” levels of NIHL and possibly other noise-related health Direct regulation that sets maximum emission
workplace noise (an 8-hr LEQ of ≥ 85 dBA) effects. Unfortunately, given the lack of assess- level for noise sources is the only interven-
range from 22 to 30 million (NIOSH 2001; ment of noise exposure in health surveillance tion that guarantees population-level expo-
Tak et al. 2009). This wide range in estimates programs in the United States, it is difficult to sure reductions. The NPS supports proven
for the working population, which is more evaluate these estimated health impacts against strategies, and source reduction is the most
closely tracked than the general public, should observed health effects, and for some health cost-effective intervention to protect health
give some indication as to the tremendous effects metrics other than the LEQ(24) (e.g., the (García 2001). There is already evidence of
uncertainty in community estimates. LDN) are likely more appropriate. the great potential for this approach in the
The limited data available suggest that a United States: annual U.S. air transport noise
substantial portion of the U.S. population may Health Protection Policy exposures > 65 dBA LDN have seen a remark-
be at risk of noise-related health effects and Given the substantial exposures to noise in able 90% reduction since 1981 (from affecting
that modern 24-hr societies are increasingly the United States, the severity of associated 4% of the population in 1981 to 0.015% in
encroaching on “quiet” periods (e.g., night). health consequences, and the limited power 2007) despite a sixfold increase in number
An annual level of 55- to 60-dBA LDN may of the public to protect themselves, there is a of person-miles travelled by air. This reduc-
increase risk of hypertension (van Kempen and clear need for policy aimed at reducing noise tion can be attributed in large part to direct
Babisch 2012). In 1981, Simpson and Bruce exposures. Because noise is expected to rise federal regulation, and subsequent techno-
(1981) estimated that at least 92.4 million with increasing urbanization (García 2001), logical ­improvements of jet engines (Waitz
people (46.2% of the U.S. population) were policy leaders need to explore the use of law et al. 2007).
exposed at or above this level. Applying the as a practical tool to manage and reduce noise The regulatory scheme for direct source
1981 U.S. EPA estimate of exposure prevalence exposures. Here we highlight the interven- regulation is straightforward. Congress gave
to the current U.S. popu­lation (315 million in tions we believe hold the most promise for power to the U.S. EPA to regulate noise
March 2013) (U.S. Census Bureau 2010), and policy leaders. We first explain how noise can emitted from construction equipment, trans-
assuming noise levels have not changed since be integrated into the federal public health portation equipment, any motor or engine,
then, we estimate that at least 145.5 million agenda and then explore the ways state and and electrical or electronic equipment in the
people were at potential risk of hyperten- local governments may use the law to respond Noise Control Act (NCA) of 1972 (NCA
sion due to noise in 2013. Lower levels (e.g., to and reduce noise. 1972a). Between 1972 and 1981 the U.S.
50–55 dBA, to which a larger fraction of the The federal public health agenda. The EPA Office of Noise Abatement and Control
population is exposed) may increase risk of United States National Prevention Strategy (ONAC) led efforts which resulted in noise
­myocardial infarction (Willich et al. 2006). (NPS) can provide leadership by putting emission limits on air compressors, motor-
Recent studies of individuals’ noise expo- noise on the national health policy agenda. cycles, medium and heavy trucks, and truck-
sures (Flamme et al. 2012) indicate that The NPS brings together 17 federal agencies mounted waste compactors. An attempt to
a substantial fraction of U.S. adults may be (including the Departments of Transportation, regulate lawn mowers was not well received
exposed to noise levels above the U.S. EPA Health and Human Services, Education, and (Shapiro 1991), and the agency lost fund-
70-dBA LEQ(24) limit. Neitzel et al. (2012) Labor as well as the U.S. EPA) to provide a ing in 1981, when the ONAC budget was
sampled > 4,500 adults in New York City and foundation for the nation’s prevention goal $12.7 million ($32.5 million in 2013 dollars)
estimated that 9 of 10 exceeded the recom- delineated under the Affordable Care Act: to (U.S. EPA 1982).
mended U.S. EPA limit. The Neitzel et al. increase the number of Americans who are The U.S. EPA could resume noise
(2012) study is the most comprehensive quan- healthy at every stage of life through focus on control work with support from Congress
titative estimate of annual noise exposures in a wellness and prevention (National Prevention and the NPS. The majority of the U.S. EPA’s
large sample of U.S. residents in decades, and Council 2011). Two of NPS’s priorities are funding ($7.1 billion in 2012) consists of
it represents a basis for developing contempo- a) to promote healthy and safe community discre­tionary appropriations from Congress,
rary estimates of urban U.S. noise exposures. settings that prevent injury, and b) to empower which means that the U.S. EPA can exer-
There are 16 metropolitan statistical people in ways that support positive physi- cise the full scope of its regulatory authority
areas in the United States with a population cal and mental health. In addition, some of under the NCA at any time. However, U.S.
of > 4 million for which the New York City the objectives of the Department of Health EPA funding in real dollars adjusted for
estimates might be considered representative. and Human Services (DHHS), as articulated inflation peaked in 1978 (Congressional
These areas comprised a total population of in their Healthy People 2020 goals, are to Research Service 2012), so it is likely that
80,621,123 in 2012 (U.S. Census Bureau decrease the proportion of adolescents who the U.S. EPA will resume activity on noise
2010), or 25.6% of the U.S. population. By have NIHL, reduce new cases of work-related control only when Congress and the NPS
applying the New York City exposure preva- noise-induced hearing loss (DHHS 2013a), support their efforts.
lence estimates of Neitzel et al. (2012) to these increase cardiovascular health, and reduce Altering the informational environment.
16 largest urban agglomerations, we estimate coronary heart disease deaths (DHHS 2013b). The NPS seeks to empower individual deci-
that at least 72.6 million urban U.S. resi- These federal objectives, designed to encourage sion making by addressing barriers to the
dents were exposed to annual LEQ(24) levels of collaboration and improve decision making, dissemination and use of reliable health infor-
> 70 dBA in 2010. By comparison, the U.S. can also be used to coordinate and measure the mation. Altering the informational environ-
EPA estimated in 1981 that 66 million peo- impact of prevention strategies set forth below. ment enables informed choice in partnership
ple, or 33% of the U.S. population (not just Although there is a large range of options for with direct regulation. Without source con-
urban dwellers), were exposed above the rec- addressing noise exposures in the United States trol, changing the informational environment
ommended limit (Simpson and Bruce 1981). (NAE 2010), we believe that direct regula- can only offer limited reductions in noise
Applying the 1981 U.S. EPA estimate to 2013 tion and altering the informational environ- because individuals often lack control over
census data, and again assuming no change in ment are the least costly, most logistically significant noise sources. However, several
noise levels over that time, we estimate that feasible, and most effective federal-level noise interventions have the potential to drastically
104 million individuals had annual L EQ(24) reduction interventions. alter the informational environment.

Environmental Health Perspectives • volume 122 | number 2 | February 2014 117

Hammer et al.

Product Disclosure enacted, industry groups asked for a defund- away from noise sources such as high traffic
Labels that disclose the noise emitted from ing of the NCA by asserting that it was best to roads and hospitals), and design can have a
products promote informed consumer control noise at the local level (Shapiro 1991). dramatic impact on noise levels inside build-
choice. Mandatory labeling of noise emis- State and local governments can enact ings—and improve the occupants’ quality of
sions is required for certain products in China, regulations on sources of noise not already life in the process.
Argentina, Brazil, and the European Union regulated by the U.S. EPA or another federal Although the Federal Highway Adminis­
(NAE 2010). Disclosure will inform consumer agency. Theoretically, a mixed system where tration does not currently provide federal
choice only if the consumer understands the federal and state jurisdiction overlap increases funding for low-noise pavement (NAE 2010),
implications of what the label discloses, so we functionality. In the case of noise control, such pavement can reduce noise by up to
discuss product disclosures with the assumption however, few states and localities attempt 6 dB in areas where vehicles travel at speeds
that they will be accompanied by education. direct regulations because they do not have > 35 miles/hr. For slower traffic, planning
The NCA requires that the U.S. EPA sufficient market power and resources and can reduce high noise from delivery trucks
adopt regulations that label products that emit because of preemption challenges from other within city limits by encouraging adoption of
noise capable of adversely affecting the public law (Air Transport Association of America v. smaller electric delivery vehicles. This scheme
health or welfare (NCA 1972b). The U.S. EPA Crotti 1975). Municipal regu­lation evolved has already been implemented in several
implemented this mandate only for portable into noise ordinances that regulate the timing other countries (Allen et al. 2012) and also
air compressors, even though there are many and intensity of noise, are expensive and dif- has the potential to reduce air pollution and
other, more noisy products, including chil- ficult to enforce, and have not proven to be traffic fatalities.
dren’s toys (Hawks 1998). Individuals without effective at reducing noise (Dunlap 2006).
access to education may still experience some Given these considerations, we believe Conclusion
benefit from product disclosures that are easily that the most cost-effective legal interven- We have identified a number of opportuni-
understood, such as warnings based on red, tions at the state and local levels are through ties to lower noise exposures and ultimately
yellow, and green colors. The U.S. EPA could a) spending and procurement, and b) altering improve public health while additional
resume its work mandating disclosures with the built environment. research is being conducted. Updated
NPS leadership and Congressional funding. Spending and procurement. A number of national-level estimates of individual noise
municipal noise sources, including emergency exposures are needed; our use of 1981 U.S.
Mapping sirens, transit vehicles, garbage and street main- EPA data introduces a substantial amount
Geographic noise maps alter the informa- tenance equipment, and construction equip- of uncertainty into our estimates and high-
tional environment and are one way to ensure ment (Bronzaft and Van Ryzin 2007), may lights the need for an updated national sur-
that noise control policy is based on objec- be reduced through careful purchasing and vey of noise exposures in the United States.
tive and accurate information. The NPS seeks contractual agreements. Some countries go so Although prevention of different health
to expand and increase access to informa- far as to require contractors to pay for tempo- effects will require additional research to
tion technology and integrated data systems. rary relocation of citizens seeking relief from identify appropriate exposure limits, once
Governments in the European Union have construction noise (BSM 2012). Adoption of informed and supported by ongoing research,
already prepared noise maps of roads, railways, procurement policies intended to reduce com- federal leaders can focus on lowering noise at
and airports (Commission to the European munity noise is an opportunity for government its source, and states can prioritize altering
Parliament and the Council 2011). Although to lead by example (Perdue et al. 2003). the built environment. Meanwhile, local gov-
the U.S. government does not map noise levels Altering the built environment. The NPS ernment can adjust their procurement poli-
to protect the public, the National Oceanic recommends that governments take steps to cies and encourage building approaches that
and Atmospheric Administration (2012) has ensure safe and healthy housing because health reduce community noise.
created a noise map of the world’s oceans to suffers when people live in poorly designed
investigate the impact of noise on marine physical environments (Perdue et al. 2003). Correction
species. Cities such as San Francisco have Although altering the built environment can
In the manuscript originally published
mapped traffic noise, but most cities and states influence individual noise exposures, it often
online, the reported annual noise level that
would need federal support and guidance to does not reduce noise source levels. In addition,
may increase risk for hypertension, the
initiate comprehensive mapping. Measurement it can be construed as inherently inequitable
reported estimate of the number of people
and mapping of noise levels—following the because the recipients of noise bear the burden
exposed at or above the annual noise level,
example of the CDC’s air and water quality of exposure reduction, and those creating the
and the authors’ estimate of the number
databases—would identify priorities for addi- noise continue to have no incentive to reduce
of people at potential risk of hypertension
tional evaluation and help inform protective emissions. Therefore, this intervention requires
due to noise in 2013 were incorrect in the
measures. Congress can appropriate funding thorough analysis and careful planning.
second paragraph of the “Prevalence of
to the U.S. EPA, ONAC, or CDC to sup- Sustainable building design programs, such
Harmful Noise Exposure” section. They
port this work. However, mapping efforts will as Leadership in Energy and Environmental
have been corrected here.
require a substantially increased and ongoing Design (LEED), offer the possibility of achiev-
noise monitoring effort. ing noise reductions through good acousti-
State and local action. The NPS addresses cal design (U.S. Green Building Council References
the complex interactions between federal, 2013). LEED standards incorporate American
state, tribal, local, and territorial policies National Standards Institute recommendations Air Transport Association of America v. Crotti. 1975. 389 F.
Supp. 58 (N.D. Cal. 1975). District Court, N.D. California.
addressing community environments. The regarding background noise and encourage Allen J, Browne M, Woodburn A, Leonardi J. 2012. The role of
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state and local standards. However, after it was tive structures such as homes and schools well cardiovascular health? Sci Total Environ 452–453:50–57.

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