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Choose the job you love, then you'llnever bave to worka ‘day in your life Confucius How manyhoursdo you workeach week? Learning objectives: Unit 2 Business communication skill Discussing work-life balance; uence Talking about ‘work routines Completing 2 questionnaire on exercise Decutiing cessed ways torelax Reading Article about work Ke balance; Profile of a business executive's typical day. Article out xercineand lifectylo Listening Conversaticn about someone's new job Phrase bank Talking bout Vocabulary Work and eoutines, Phrasal verbs, do as an auxiliary Grammar Adverbs of ae ae life of Work-life balance 1 Complete this extract from an artide about work-life balance with the numbers in the box. zy 1,625 48 76,700 Anew study shows that full-time male workers in Britain work (a) ours per seek longer than the European average, The long houre culture ie sill a problem for many workers in this country, despite the recent growth of part-time jobs. Despite a fallin the number of people working very long hours, (b) million employees still work more than (c) hours ~ around 1 in8. Excessive working time is linked with the development cf health prabloms like heart disoase, diabotes, stress and depression. It can also lead to poor performance and absenteeism, and takes time away from things like training and education, which are necessary for economic success. The average UK worker spends (d) (e)$ in GDP value. hours a year at work, yet only produces Source tpl touhatonelogorgak/2013101Jbritch men are working theonget tour n-op! 2 vookat page 130 to cheek your answers in 1. Then discuss the questions with a partner, a b 3 a b c a e or What is the situation like in your country? Do you think this situation will change in the future? Read the profile ofa leading executive and answer the questions. ‘What time does Sally McDermott start work in the morning? ‘What time does she normally get to the office? How long does she take off for lunch? Why does she prefer to eall people rather than send an email? How often does she have to work at the weekend? A day in the m il Sally McDermott is the intemational operations manager of a ‘major telecoms company, with operations in most of Europe and Latin America. Her career has included periods of work in Portugal, Paris and London. She speaks Spanish, French and Russian, as well as English. ‘People often ask me how | menage to combine successful career with family life. The secret is that | con't need much sleeo! Five hours is ‘enough, so by 5.30 am lam usually up, reading reports and checking ‘emais on my smartphone. Then | have breakfast at 8 am, together with my husband, Derek, and my 15-year-old daughter, Kate. 1 go to work ina taxi which picks me up at 830 am every day. On the way 10 work I Iook through the daily papers. Itnormally takes us about 20 ‘minutos to get to tho offco. Whon | arrive my secretary joins me and we {00 through any correspondence and plan the day. | make decisions about appointments and organize meetings. | drink a lot of coffee and mineral water. | usually have just a sandwich for lunch, or sometimes something in a nearby restaurant, but | am never ‘out for more than an hour Then, in the afternoon, i's back to the office and more meetings, although once month | take an afternoon off, fits possible. When I'm not in ameeting | ‘am constantly on the phone. | use the phone whenever possible because it's nearly always quicker than using email. Even ifm in the office, | prefer to use my smartphone. | hardly ever send text massages except to my daughter— it's just too time-consuming, Like to pick Katie up from school when I can, but most days I work unt atleast 8 pm. Weekends are reserved for my family. }don't often have to work, but sometimes something ‘comes up which | just can't avoid Al in ll, i's hati work, but | enjoy my job." 02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 13, (02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 4 How typical do you think Sally McDermott's life is? Does she havea good work-life Balance? Why / Why not? 5 Underline all the phrases inthe profile on page 13 which say how often something happens. The first one has been done for you 6 Read the rales below and underline the correct option 2 In most cases, adverbs of frequency (sometimes, often, never, etc) go before / after themain verb, b Adverbs of frequency go before / after the verb to be. © Time phrases (avice ayear, every day) can go at the beginning / end / beginning or end of a sentence or dause. 7 Add a word or phrase from the box to each sentence so that it is true for you. You may need to change the verb form, once a month never notoften always every day every week hardly a [goto work by car. I get home late. b © Twork at the weekend, 4d. Lhave a holiday € | feel bored with my job. a f g h i i Myboss leaves work before me. ene — My computer crashes — _ I find time to relax and enjoy myself have arguments with people at work = Tread the financial papers. — ee 8 Complete the ‘Action’ and You’ clu complete the Your partner column Action You Your partner [onto H in the chart below. ‘Then ask questions to How often do you...? | | al Do you ... much? | 7 Do you ever ..? 9 Present your partner's routine to the rest of the class. What's in a new job? 1. @ 1103 ‘two friends meet and talk about someone's new job, Listen to their conversation and answer the questions a Whatis the relationship between Bddie (the man) and Fiona (the person with the new job)? b_ How does Eadie feel about the new job? 2 @ 1.03 Write questions for the answers using the prompts. Listen again to check your answers. a. (involve / Tong hours?) Devs: it el Officially 40 hours, but she often works late. We don’t see her at home much. b (What / do?) lov hows she's regional marketing manager for Latin America now. © (What / involve?) Quite a lot! (mean / lot / travelling?) It seems to. At least a couple of trips a month. (have / work / weekends?) Not every weekend, but we can never make plans. f (How / holiday?) Three weeks a year. & (he /enjoy?) It's hard work, but I think she enjoys the challenge. 3 Workwith a partner. Ask questions like the ones you wrote in 2 te complete your chart. Speaker A: Look at the chart on page 132. Speaker B: Look at the chart on page 140, A. Ask your partner similar questions about thelr job oF the jo of someone they know. 02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 15 Taking things easy 1 Doyyou take regular exercise? Do you think it’s important? Work with a partner and complete the questionnaire below. a | Taking exercise is the best solution for stress. true [J | false [7] b | Sportis the key toa healthy and | [false [-} lite [true ¢ | People who get up early suffer fom stress [true [J [false |] “a | People who have a sleep during the day ive longer. | true |] [false [_] «| People in their 50s need to save their energy. true |_| | false | f | Brisk walks are the healthiest form of exercise. | true] | false [_] 2 Now read the article to see if your answers are the sameas the author's hey say that a healthy body is a healthy ‘maintain body functions, and is in favour of moderate mind, but according to a German expert exercise like ‘meditative’ jogging or brisk walks to it is lazy people who lead longer and healthier “relax body and spirit at the same time! lives. Professor Peter Axt recommends avoiding strenuous activity like aerobics or working out in a gym. ‘People who prefer to laze in a hammock instead of running a marathon or who take a midday nap instead of playing squash have a better chance of living into old age’ says this scientist.They are also less likely to suffer from professionel stress. On the other hand, any exertion is not recommended, especially for middle-aged people whe should be particularly careful about doing too much sport. Professor Axt believes we have only a limited amount of energy, and people who use up their supply more quickly five shorter lives. ‘Research shows that people who run long distances into their 50s are using up He co-wrote On the Joy of Laziness with his daughter, _energy they need for other purposes. who is also a doctor. In the book he advises people to ‘waste half your time. Just enjoy lazing around Those who get up early in the morning usually feel stressed for the rest of the day, so his advice is to take it easy. However, Professor Axt stresses that laziness is only ‘one of the keys to a longer life. In fact, the subtitle of his book is How best to use your energies. He argues that if you are too fat. you need more energy to Underline two expressions in the article which mean to relax or to rest Choose the best title for the article, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy Health risks for the over 50s Siesta or marathon? (your own idea) Discuss the following questions with other peoplein the class, Do you agree with any of Professor Axt's suggestions? Which ones? ‘What do you do to relax? Do you find it easy to relax? Do youdo more or less exercise than you would like to? Do you do more or le exercise than you think is good for you? Why? aera acco mk YW 16 02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE O02 Work-life balance Phrase bank: Talking about routines We work (37) hours a wool They work an average of (five) hours of overtime, The average user saves (45) minutesa day by being able to check emails on the move [always go to werk (by cat) | Tesually just have (a sandwich) for linch, hardly ever send (text messag cs). She sometimes has to work at theweekends, Ie involves long hous emeans a lotof travelling We get (three] weeks’ holiday a year. ey Work and routines 1 Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in the box. Gheck+ emails fulltime work get+off productive + day ratio-to takes vhour work + overtime a Weonly____halfan hour = for lunch, More than four million employees more than 48 hours a week, aa an average of 6 hours — a week It mean to get to work. I my atleast ten times a day. ' the of men to women istwo = one in my job. Nobody can be sixteen hours a 2 Match the sentence beginnings (ah) with the endings (1-8). Professor Axt thinks that lizing Deing aslittle as possible is better Being lazy is the key.. Take a midday break instead He's in favour Try to take We only have a limited Ifyou get up early, you are likely to around is good foryou. of playing equash or going for a run. . amount of energy. it easy this weekend. than going to the gym. +» toa long and healthy life. of moderate exercise like walking. feel stressed for the rest of the day. dh ce a oe fF x Oh Do as an auxiliary 3 Complete the conversation using do, does, don't ordoesnt. Aw you do alot of exercise? B Yes, 1suppose | 6) Why do you ask? A. Well ie's better ifyou (©) , according to a German scientist. B What (@) he say about i? A He (o) say that exercise is bad for you exactly, but that if you do toa much, you use up all your energy. B ‘hat() make sense. Sports good for you and makes you feel better. A_ Yes, but according to him people who run a lot and play squash (g) ____usually live to an old age. B Well, (h) believe it, He probably just @ like sport. Phrasal verbs 4 Combine a verb from box A with a preposition from box B to complete each sentence below. You may need to change the verb form. sive go pick switch use work, Db off out through up up up a Please can you before the presentation begins? b Aftera long day atthe office. [ike to ______a the gym before 1 go home, your mobile phones © Twant to smoking because I know its bad for my health, d Thetxi___me every morning athalf past nine. @ don't want to strenuous exercise f She secretary every morning, _____all my energy doing her correspondence with her (02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 17 18 Expressing frequency ‘To say how often something happens you can use adverbs of frequency, always hardlyever “never notoften often sometimes “The adverb comes before the main verb suseally butafter the verb 20 he You | (don'e/doesn't) usually am (vot) usually He (don't/docsn't) often | drive(s) to work, (not) often late, She | sometimes go(es) out for lunch, sometimes tied. We | never ss never They “They You can also use time phrases every diy every wick onceaday onceaveck tiiseamonth three times year ‘These phrases come at the beginning or end of the sentence/cluse, | | excess Ey day Me He | have (has) a break ae ee he have (has) a break. e 0 (goes) on holiday | Pe ee ea a £0 (goes) on holiday They four times a year. Four times ayear | - Practice 1 Practice 2 Reorganize the words to make correct sentences. a abroad times I a year travel four b a on department meeting we always have Monday morning Rewrite the questions using question words what, who, when, how long, etc Do you go to work by car? On foot? Hows do yong to er? a4, b Do you use the phone a lot? Ever? © often he to Germany doesn’t go manager the department usually leaves on. Friday early @ I use the car never can't because drive I f has the office canteen she always Iunch in © Da you get to work at 8.30 am? 9 am? d_ Does he do the housework because he likes it? Because he has to? © Does he play squash every day? Every week? f Does she go to work with her husband? A friend? € often they for work aren’t late fh always Microsoft® is the news in 1 my every I change mobile year ever do you have parties office? k often to how gym you the do go? I you your do use much laptop? 02 WORK-LIFE BALANCE Do you spend the morning making plans? Having meetings? h Do you work 35 hours aweek? 40 hours a week? i Does it take you 20 minutes to read the newspaper? Half an how? J Do you work so hard because it's fun? Because you need the money?

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