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Question 26: No sooner had we arrived than the performance began.

A. When we arrived the performance had already started.

B. The performance had started before we arrived.
C. The performance started sooner than we arrived.
D. Hardly had we arrived when the performance began.
Question 27: No sooner ______ than the class starts.
A. do Max arrive B. does Max arrive
C. Max arrives D. Max does arrive
Question 28: Scarcely had Jake ______ the book report when Alan came in.
A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finished
Question 29: ____ such a talented singer.
A. Have we enjoyed seldom B. Seldom we have enjoyed
C. Seldom have we enjoyed D. Have we seldom enjoyed
Question 30: _______ circumstances should you call the police.
A. In B. Under C. Under no D. In no
Question 31: Only after you obtain a driving licence _______ a car.
A. you are able to drive B. can you drive
C. you will be able to drive D. did you drive
Question 32: Hardly ever _______ far from home.
A. she traveled B. she has traveled
C. did she travel D. she did travel
Question 33: Hardly _______ the phone down when the boss rang back.
A. did I put B. have I put C. had I put D. I had put
Question 34: No sooner _______ the soldiers leaped into the water.
A. had the ship touched the shore than
B. had the ship touched the shore when
C. the ship had touched the shore then
D. the ship touched the shore than
Question 35: Only by working hard _______ your goal
A. you can achieve B. you will achieve
C. can you achieve D. will help you achieve
Question 36: Only when I have free time _______ television.
A. I watch B. will I watch C. do I watch D. I watched
Question 37: Not only is she intelligent _______.
A. but also she is kind B. but is she also kind
C. but also is she kind D. but she is also kind
Question 38: _______ that she couldn’t go on working.
A. So was his pain B. Such was his pain
C. He has so pain D. His pain was such
Question 39: Never ______ to school late.
A. I go B. do I go C. I do go D. go I
Question 40: Not until I came home ______ that I had lost everything.
A. I realized B. I did realize C. did I realize D. I did realized
Question 41: I have never seen this film before.
A. Never before have I seen this film.
B. Never before I have seen this film.
C. Before have never I seen this film.
D. Have I never before seen this film.
Question 42: She rarely makes a mistake.
A. Rarely she makes a mistake.
B. Rarely she does make a mistake.
C. Rarely does she make a mistake.
D. Does she rarely make a mistake.
Question 43: Not until Andrew stopped smoking ______ healthy again.
A. did he feel
B. that he started to feel
C. then he felt
D. that he did feel
Question 44: Rarely _______ anyone using typewriters now-a-days.
A. you see
B. will you see
C. you will see
D. you have seen
Question 45: ________ received law degrees as today.
A. Never so many women have
B. Never have so many women
C. The women aren’t ever
D. Women who have never
Question 46: _______ but also it filters out harmful rays.
A. The environment gives us air to breathe
B. Not only the environment gives us air to breathe
C. The environment which gives us air to breathe
D. Not only does the environment give us air to breathe
Question 47: _____ have goods returned to us because they are faulty.
A. Seldom we do
B. Seldom do we
C. Rarely we
D. Hardly we
Question 48: Hardly _______ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his
A. we had
B. he was
C. had he
D. did he
Question 49: Never _______ such a heinous crime.
A. he has committed B. has he done C. he has done D. has he committed
Question 50: Only after the food has been dried or canned_______.
A. that it should be stored for later consumption
B. should be stored for later consumption
C. should it be stored for later consumption
D. it should be stored for later consumption

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