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Word of God

Verbum Dei

COPYRIGHT HOLDER-P.A. Janitha Chandula Perera
All Rights Reserved
Enhanced edition
In the year 2023, a profound journey began, guided by a search for
God's light and teachings. This book is a testament to the unyielding
quest for spiritual truth undertaken by one named Chauwa, a journey
that has led to the discovery of words so divine that they can
illuminate even the darkest corners of our souls.

Within these pages lies a collection of revelations and wisdom that

have been found, cherished, and now shared with you, the seeker of
God's word. Chauwa's earnest pursuit of these divine teachings is an
inspiration to all those who yearn for a deeper understanding of their
faith and a stronger connection to the divine.

As you embark on the pages of this book, may you find the solace,
guidance, and enlightenment you seek. May you discover a path to
God's light, and may the words within serve as a beacon, leading you
to a deeper communion with the divine.

For it is in the earnest search for God's word that we find our own
purpose, and it is through our shared journey that we are connected,
strengthened, and elevated. May the words within these pages be a
source of inspiration and illumination on your own spiritual voyage.

May this book be a vessel of God's grace, and may you be forever
touched by the words of God that Chauwa has uncovered, preserved,
and graciously shared with the world.

With an open heart and a humble spirit, may you find solace,
enlightenment, and the ever-glowing light of God's teachings within
these sacred words.
‘’In a manner most profound, if thou shalt cast a stone upon another, verily,
tenfold shall stones assail thee.’’

‘’Should one partake in the act of adultery and yield to the allure of lust, it is
foretold that in the life to come, they shall be reborn as a progeny of the canine

‘’Desist from transgressions, for in the realm of the hereafter, all deeds shall
bear weight and find their worth. Upon the final day, I, the judge, shall
scrutinize each action, and with discernment, allocate your rightful station.’’

‘’Avoid the path of adultery, for it grants only fleeting, sinful pleasures, leading
to a sorrowful future in the infernal fires of hell.’’

‘’You, my child, must ponder your current state and identity. You have
transgressed and bear a countenance of shame before me, your father. Gaze
upon my visage, for I shall forever be your creator, and in my divine justice, I
am compelled to render judgment. Do not hold me responsible if my verdict
falls against you.’’

‘’Fear not your father, but rather, harbor apprehension for the infernal
tempter, the beast spawned from the depths of forbidden knowledge.’’

‘’In the realm of divine guidance, I beseech you, my child, to eschew

trepidation in my presence, for I am your benevolent creator. Instead, let your
trepidation be directed towards the malevolent adversary, the beast born of
forbidden wisdom and the harbinger of spiritual turmoil.’’

‘’Become a radiant beacon amid the shadows and guide the wayward souls
toward my divine embrace.’’

‘’As a chosen emissary of mine, your sacred duty is to impart the teachings
about my divine presence to those who seek enlightenment.’’
“In times long past, I, the Creator, fashioned the planet known as Earth, an
arid expanse veiled in dust. I endowed it with the precious gift of water and
adorned its surface with an array of diverse flora. Amongst my creations, I
sculpted a being known as you, a terrestrial dweller. You were bestowed with
limbs to walk, hands to craft and gather the fruits from the lush trees. Yet,
the shadow of darkness enveloped you.

This malevolence taught you to commit sins, but in your ignorance, I

extended forgiveness, for I recognized that you acted without knowing the
true nature of your actions. To restore equilibrium, I granted you the
knowledge to distinguish between right and wrong. You veered into worship
of inanimate stones and other man-made deities, but I was undisturbed, for I
sought not your sins but your redemption. Your counterfeit gods failed to
shield you from life's adversities, prompting my divine intervention.

I rescued you from the clutches of slavery, spared you from the wrath of
volcanoes, and shielded you from impending calamities. I dispatched
prophets to disseminate my sacred word and guide you toward
righteousness, endeavoring to harmonize the cosmic scales. In due course, a
profound battle emerged, pitting the forces of good against those of evil.

Now, as the divide between righteousness and wickedness deepens, the time
has come for you to choose your path, determining your destiny. In the final
reckoning, on the last day, I shall adjudicate, for you have made your choice,
and your life's course will shape the verdict that awaits you.”

“Thou shalt not commit adultery, for thy soul must stand resolute in defense
of thy mortal vessel against the sinister allure of evil. Wickedness seeks to
manipulate your emotions as weapons. Should your soul falter in strength, it
is vulnerable to being pilfered by malevolence. If ever you find your spirit
weakened, turn to prayer, and it shall mend your soul's fortitude. My celestial
angels shall stand as sentinels, shielding both your body and soul from the
malevolent forces of darkness.”
“The gates of heaven remain closed to those who harbor racism and
discrimination in their hearts. Such attitudes and behaviors are not aligned
with the virtues that grant entry to the divine abode.”

“Seek not the light in the glaring brightness, but rather, explore the shadowy
recesses, for therein, you may more effortlessly unveil the presence of light.”

“Human parents may depart from your side, but I, the eternal Creator, shall
never abandon you. In return, let your heart be steadfast, and never forsake
the divine presence, for I am your constant companion and guardian
throughout all of time.”

“Shun idleness and diligently fulfill your duties, for once life ceases, the
opportunity for further action eludes you, and the work cannot be resumed
beyond the veil of death.”

“Shun idleness and diligently fulfill your duties, for once life ceases, the
opportunity for further action eludes you, and the work cannot be resumed
beyond the veil of death.”

“My child, you are a radiant beacon, a luminous presence that shines brightly
in the eyes of both worlds and humanity.”

“You, the chosen one, possess great power. Your words shall carry divine
wisdom, guiding others towards holiness. I acknowledge that I, too, may not
be inherently pure, but through unwavering faith, the soul can attain purity.
Share your wisdom and inspire others to embrace the path of holiness and

“Do not dwell solely on the manner of my birth, for the understanding of it is
akin to expecting a pot to contain the vast expanse of the sea.”

“The era of relying on the blood of the lamb draws to a close, for faith has
weakened, allowing darkness to descend upon the earth once more.”
“Look into my eyes, for I am your divine father, and pledge to uphold these
sacred commandments:

1. Let no other gods precede Me.

2. Craft no idols to worship.
3. Utter not the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Sanctify the Sabbath day.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Abstain from murder.
7. Refrain from committing adultery.
8. Steal not from another.
9. Speak no false witness against your neighbor.
10. Covet not what is not rightfully yours.
11. Uphold the sanctity of genders, as ordained by divine decree.”

“Strive to genuinely be good rather than merely appearing so on the surface.

Authentic goodness surpasses any facade or pretense.”

“The one who takes the lives of others unjustly embodies the essence of evil,
often referred to as Satan. Similarly, anyone who opposes or works against
the divine purpose is also considered to align with the adversarial forces.”

“The one who takes the lives of others unjustly embodies the essence of evil,
often referred to as Satan. Similarly, anyone who opposes or works against
the divine purpose is also considered to align with the adversarial forces.”

“As the omnipotent Creator and Father, no one can deceive me. Yet, my child,
I extend my forgiveness to those who repent their sins, urging them to feel
remorse for their transgressions. Though some may turn away, I, as a loving
Father, continue to harbor affection for them. Remember, I am the path you
seek, the genuine sustenance of life.”

“Sin often disguises itself in an appealing guise, but its true nature remains.
It's your responsibility to recognize and eliminate it, for it thrives on
“In human understanding, gender may not apply to my divine nature, yet
many refer to me as "Father" to express a nurturing and guiding role, akin to
a paternal figure.”

“It is foretold that the era of relying on the blood of the lamb is nearing its
end due to the banishment of humanity. The ominous return of the dark lord,
Neo, looms once more over the horizon.”

“On that day, they shall remark, "Behold this creation, unaware of how to honor their
Creator. Has their Creator forsaken them? Why do they engage in conflict instead of
seeking peace? They are foolish beings, causing harm to their own kind. May the divine
grant them forgiveness and rescue them from darkness. God bestowed upon them the holy
scriptures—the Bible, the Quran—they were enlightened by Buddha's teachings, yet they
failed to embody goodness. May the Lord show them mercy."
As these sacred words reach their conclusion, may they continue to echo
within the chambers of your soul, resonating with the timeless wisdom
they carry. Let them not merely be words on paper but seeds planted in
the fertile grounds of your heart, awaiting the nurturing touch of your
Remember, dear seeker of truth, that this journey does not end with the
closing of this book. Rather, it extends beyond these pages into the vast
expanse of your existence. Carry forth the teachings you have
encountered, allowing them to shape your thoughts, deeds, and the very
essence of your being.
Let the luminous guidance imparted here be a compass directing you on
the path of righteousness and enlightenment. Embrace the virtues of
compassion, kindness, and empathy, for in these virtues lies the essence
of the divine.
In your quest for spiritual fulfillment, may you find solace in prayer,
strength in faith, and wisdom in contemplation. Let love be your guiding
light, illuminating the darkest corners of existence and uniting all in a
harmonious embrace.
As you step beyond these written words into the tapestry of life, may
you be a beacon of hope, spreading the divine teachings to those in need
and nurturing the seeds of goodness wherever you tread.
The journey towards understanding the divine is an eternal voyage, an
odyssey without end. May your pursuit of truth and connection with the
divine be ceaseless, and may the grace of the Almighty accompany you
every step of the way.
With heartfelt blessings and the eternal hope for your spiritual
“Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual
enlightenment guided by the profound revelations
unearthed by Chauwa. Within these pages lie timeless
teachings and divine wisdom that illuminate the path
toward a deeper communion with the divine.
Discover a treasury of moral insights and spiritual
guidance, offering solace, enlightenment, and a
renewed connection to the sacred. Chauwa's
unwavering pursuit of truth inspires all seekers to
delve deeper into their faith and embrace a life guided
by moral principles.
As you immerse yourself in these sacred words, may
you find guidance, solace, and the ever-glowing light of
divine teachings. Let this book be your companion in
the quest for spiritual fulfillment and a testament to
the unyielding pursuit of God's eternal grace.
Join the journey, embrace the teachings, and walk the
path toward spiritual awakening and divine


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