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one Worksheet RAS-1 Content: reading and stoning, present pertect Part A Instructions: Read the given tort, Helo, my namais Steve. We are having a busy day today, because my famly and are doing a lot of household chores. Luckly everyone is helping each other and sharing the work. have just given « short break to have © cup of feo and rest. have helped my mum with the loundry and ickon out the rubbish so far. |have ao tidied my room and placed all my ‘books on the bookshelves. | have fed our dog. Cooper but | haven't washed him yet because there fn’t any shampoo left. | need to go to supermarket and ouy some, My father Henty is working in the garden now. He has cleaned all the windows and mowed: the lawn, He hasn't watered the trees as it wasrainy oll day yesterday. He has washed our car and planted now red rosesinto the gots. Ho hesn’t cleared the bathrcom yet. | thinkhe will do it otter lunch, Instructions: Read the folloaing statements ond answer Tue oF False, 1. At he fomiy hos decided fo cloan the hove Gwe rao 2. Stove hasn't helpedin enyting. Dive Fase] 2: Stove hos chunk. Dive raselll 4. Stoves fed he dog, Bie Fase 5. Tey hove washed the dog. Sh we raselll 6: He father has watered the pions Gwe roel 7; Stee Re edeorad avin Dive rose 6. Hs father has weshed the cor Give rose 61 stator planed new owes Gwe Fooly 10.His father hasn't cleaned Ihe bathroom yet, Biwe rasell rats | Insttuetions: sien fo the cuio and answer complete or answer the folowing, 1. He hos been @ student for can yeors, He has graduated from High School akeady. (Gici=D) He hos GES university student since _ (C27) Ho hos played cilferent sports ois ite. Gea) 5. He hos [BBE voleybal a couple of ies. 4, Hashe played basebat PEFR) 7. Has he done rating? == 8. Hashe done skycving? (aries) 9. He has broken his orm while playing football with his tends. Gaga) 10.He has BESH88 two dogs and a fish

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