Farmers Market Slides

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La Petite Boulangerie

By: Luci Wynn, Megan Murzell

Details of our Business
Name of our Business: La Petite Boulangerie

Product: We are selling bakery sweets that are healthy and delicious! These include muffins,
croissants, cupcakes, bread, pies, and bundt cakes

Our products are bakery sweets that are healthy and delicious for customers. They are made with no
GMOs so it is safe and nutritious.
3-5 Reasons:
- Everyone loves pastries and can be healthy and happy while eating them
- Our target is a better alternative for when you want a sweet treat
-We are working to better and make the bakery market more affordable
-Our Target Market are those who are looking for a healthier alternative to the baked goods they
snack on and for those looking for more affordable marketing.The biggest problem our marketing is
addressing would be the unaccessablity bakeries have and how expensive that can be.
- We have a wide variety of products and prices can vary however, we do offer package deals on
each of our items as well as cost per baked good
- An example of our prices would be our donuts, you could by one for 1$ or a dozen for $10
- for our discounts, if you buy more than 14 donuts you get any 2 completely free, as well as a 15%
discount for senior citizens and a %10 discount for kids under 8.
-We actively search for ways to make our products more accessible for
everyone, one way being not only doing farmers markets but also offering
online delivery
-we also have other locations, small bakeries scattered around towns
-Our online business has pick up and delivery and our in store locations
have the most variety of our sweet treats
Farmer’s market tent
-We will try and set up our tent in a more central part of the market
-we will offer small samples of packaged foods, and more unique products deserts we offer.
-Our setup will be an open layout to ensure productivity amount those working our booth
and so out booth can be as sanitary as possible.
-We will try and post posters and add across all social media platforms
-we will hang fliers in neighborhoods as well as try to get our products into grocery stores
to entice customers toward us.
-We will try and have the most affordable baked goods possible will still profiting off of the
booth and other locations

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