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Advanced Instrumentation and Experimental Methods Module code DME 811 Dr Riaz A Mufti (Bs M.Sc Bug UN, PRD (UK), CExg (WH, (ud, PE@EC) Sensor Technology NI LabVIEW Academy NATIONAL tational nstuments INSTRUMENTS Teresa NI Academyat SMME - NUST > Started since the start of Human civilization » Instruments needed for Trade for fair exchange of goods. > Industrial revolution in 19 Century > More need for Industrialize Production Techniques Electronics & Computers development in 20" Century, High Computation Power > Need forimore sophisticated instruments > Modern Production Techniques néeditightePat curacy limits, » Research for more accurate and cheaper instruments > competitions among manufacturers > Smart Instruments >9digitaheomputingpowenwithin instruments themselves. Vv Why is this being taught in Mechanical Engineering Department ? + Fields of engineering are merging + Mechanical Engineers required to use active instrumentation in their designs and research activities. NILA®VIEW Academy Dr Bias A Mut ae ar Tas Adee Somer and Expat Meds Nieto aE MET Indoor/outdoor temperature sensors Seat belt tension Tire pressure monitor Radar senso Anti thief sensors Wheel speed NI LabVIEW Aeadany De Ris A Mutt en as sed Een Mette Nicest * Oxygen sensor Oil sensors Fuel gauge Dip “stich Crank position Gear position AWE Te CEL MOK toes “Measurement - The quantitative determination of a physical characteristic. In practice, measurement SHiCCSHVEGGH OPA phyNal Guan OROENaLMMIOD Goma where @ human being or computer GANUSEAMNE MENATN e.g Temperature of a room, intensity of a light source, the pressure inside a chamber, the applied force Inctrumnentation - ARC EPCTR TCT MNMNTNy obser) (GPATAAASLABE (computer). For example, a mercury thermometer converts ‘eiipevatelto WEST TERRh thar cGATBESEER by the hmman eye Data Acquisition - Gathering information from measurement source’, stich as Sensors ‘and transducers Sensor - deviceithatesponclstolaphysicalstinnslus (heat, ight, sound, pressure, motion, flow and so on), at@iprocticestareonresponAingreleetricalSienal ‘Sesenlcmass Eta ———— De Rie AMaft Asa practical matter, the terms sensors and transducer are used interchangeably in modem usage. But technically, “a transducer is a device that GSaveHSlalsighal from one physical form ‘to a corresponding signal that has a different physical form. More generally the physical 2 2 f Therefore ifiSlaW energy converter. A transducer can be input oF output to anlelectticaly domain. | The term actuator is PHEREHEGWHEN an SSCHCAl Signal iS Converted tomechanicalaction More generally an actuator iSjai/electromechanical device that pliy sically movesian GbjeSt Actuators are often Classified bythe pOWENSOUICEMNey use sitehtashhyarawlic or pneumatic or electrical Both sensors and actuators are example of transducers. NILSBVEW Academy De Riss A Mufti ‘so et ack ‘sea! omen sd Feprnen tae ‘Sicteeys aime Physical Phenomena ae oe a i icalsignals that a DAQ system measures atte Nee aaa henomenon and Ninel teas © Phenomenon Transducer ‘Temperature Thermocouple. RTD. Thermistor Light Photo Sensor Sound Microphone in ‘Piezoelectric Transducer Position and Displacement — Potentiometer, LVDT. @pticaliBieodsr Acceleration ‘Accelerometer pH pH Electrode De iA Mt edu ae dene soon Geramenien sed penne Matde Wiaiemyeine Wt alog vs Digital © Transducers convert physical quantity into measurable signal. However different signal need to be measured in different way Definition of Analog: A signal. process or quantity Whoselamplitude can have ‘@COTENOUS TANASE VAMIRs (1V. 1.1V. 1.01V, 1.001V, 1.0001V. 1.00001V ete...) and is continuous in time Definition of an analog sensor: A sensing device that @@HVEHSMMGHAIOE physical “quantity (such as temperature or strain!) to a proportional analog electrical signal (such. as current, charge. or voltage) Definition of Digital : An €l&0tfOHielteehHology where a signal only has tOStates: GHUAHGID. most often called zero and one. In contrast, analog refers to a signal that can have a continuous range of values. NLARVEW Aca De Riaz Mutt ler Adve srcaton au Expinsn Neos ivan SINE ST Signal Classification Analog Digital ANAK om 4 om Anpitude Asignal can fall into one of two categories: * Digital + Analog og Signals © — Can be at any value with respect to time Unlike a digital signal, an analog signal can be at any:voltagerlevel\withrespect fOtiME. Since an analog signal can be at any state at any time, the physical quantities we want to measure differ from those of a digital signal De Rin A Mati emer ‘med Retest sin ‘waa aan st Ts © rity Cg ‘Voltage F PAC} ETI some real world examples of measuring the level of an analog signal Dr Rin A Moi omutareera et pce Sete Epi Made creer © Digital * Two possible levels: — High/On (2-5 Volts) — Low/Off (0— 0.8 Volts) eee eaae Time A digital signal has only two possible states: ON or OFF. ONisialsovealledihightlogic and OFF is also called (awilagic. Digital signals are often referred to as aUTTIN(Transistorto=Transistor Logic)signal. The specifications for a TTL signal state that a voltagellevellbetweenlO=0/e Volts it is consideredlowlogie, and a voltage level betweeni2= 5 Volislisiconsideredihigh logic? Most digital devices in industry accept a TTL compatible signal. ‘Ampttude nan NILAAMIEW Ready DeRiez A Mutt intent ‘Alkane srinencn aed Eetintl Mabds ‘Wasim Sst PVE ae ric Analog output signal 22 ig) as Signal ae Conditioning Time Process “Magnetic pick-up & l 42483 C ‘Ouiput display oe Register Time neal LEW Peace shaft Hub Wher Volts De Riaz A Mani ont ‘loool crue a Ess Mids Geo cs © Calibration: The relationship between the SAFC EAEAABIEAABH anc dhessignah Typically, a sensor (or an entire instrument system) is physical input to the system and recording the output. In this example, the sensor has 4llii€aPiSPORSE|POEVANIESof the physical input less than Xo Dr Rie A Moi SSE Reade ‘ce ate nd Experi Matt Physicalinput (xy ici sSad Sensitivity © ‘The sensitivity of the device is determined by the slope of the calibration curve. In this example, for values of the physical input greater than Xq . the calibration curve be comes less sensitive until it reaches a limiting value of the output signal. This behavior is (defetied folas Safiliatioh. and the sensor its saturation value. The difference between the smallest and largest physical inputs that can reliably be measured by an instrument Sensitivity of Thermocouple: Signal Output (S) Dr Raz Matt Xo aaa 2 mon oem nd epee! Nas Phyeloa! input (x) ‘exe sit Modifying and Interfering Inputs © In some cases, the sensor output will be influenced by phiysivaliwariablestotier thon thee TERS i> . ele 2 ot ot — > woes | mpc g => 3 ts _ i An example of an interfering input would be a $/Gftfal ‘bration within a force measurement system. Modifying inputs changesithe!behavior of the/sensor or imcasirenientsystem. thereby modifying the input/output relationship and calibration of the device. Acommon it is for this reason that many Dr Rin Mai omutareera et pce Sete Epi Made easy some The accuracy of an instrument is defined as the @ifferencebeweenihewaenaie ‘Typically. the For any particular measurement there will be SGiieleinorUuelto Wsvemalie (Dias) and random (also called noise) error sources. ‘The total error in each shot results from both systematic = x and random errors. The systematic (bias) error results in the grouping of shotsibeing offset fromthe bullseye) crror (presumably a e ). The Dr Ring A Mest saunter enh ned boven opr Ns preestad Ieee) | Precision is a term that describes an instrument’ S@2g@SOPASEdomIenGM (GRAAOATIETOR. If a LSE MUMTIDEMOFTATMs are taken of the same quantity by a igh PASO NSHUMEN, then the sprem@of readings WilNDEVE SAD High/peGsiowUSeSHobimply anything about migasireMentaccitacy. Aish (PRGMOH SAME may have a{fowaccuaey Systematic Random error error ias) (Precision) Dein A Matt wigulmers eh Advmeel erect se Beem Maio ime SENT Dacca) (a) Low precision, low accuracy Ae NUS Ee em Ee lihitG In practice. it is more usual to quote theiiaceinacy Higite rather than the accuracy figure for an instrument. Inaccuracy is the é#f@fibto which a xeadingymightbe ‘WOH and is often quoted as a percentagelofthewfullescalereadingiof anlinstrumem, If, for example, a pressure gauge of range 0-10 bar has a quoted inaccuracy of 1.0% fs. (1% of full-scale reading), then the maximum error to be expected in any reading is, (OWUGA. This means that when the instrument is reading 1.0 bar, the possible error is 10% of this value. Dr Riaz A Met ‘Adensed ements sa operat Neds { PAccuracy: #0.05%FS,20.1%F.S,40.2%FS i ¢ Témmperature compensating range: (D~SO/'C * ~ # Pressure range: (-1-0) bar, (0-700) bar #9 engineering units MPa, Pa, psi, kgf, bar, mbar, mmH20, + Password-protected "through the keypad” calibration *CE approved. + Provide NIM certificate with calibration data + Connection: M20%1.5 male & RS232 communication ¢ Overall dimensions: 130mmx94mmx40mm Display: 58mmx26mm # Weight:0.5kg Sea Reproducibili Repeatability describes the @OSeHeSs0f Olltputieadiigs when the samelinput is applied répetitivelwower alShoitpeniod Of tilite. with the same instrument and observer. same location and same conditions of use maintained throughout. RepROMUEIbIlify describes the closeness of output readings for the same input when there are changes in the method of measurement. observer. measuring instrument. location, conditions of use and time of measurement. > Both teimis thus describe theWpiead Of Output readings forthe Samelimput. This spread is referred to aSifepeatability ifthe tmicasurement|conditionsiare|constant and as *@PROGTELDILIEY if HE MEASTEMIeHE COMMONS Waly. Thé@EBES of repeatability or reproducibility in measurements from an instrument is aiilalteiiativie Mayon express its precision. Dr Riaz A Mufti NeW AGvacel soumestnice mol german Meio aso UME NST OUCH (i If the ip S NATE SSAA PATCHEASEMAHOTANZERO. the input wall have ‘o reach a certain minimum level before the change in the instrument output reading is of a large enough magnitude (IBEW, This Mammy level OP MpUt is mown as the threshold of the instrument. + Example: When the vehicle starts from rest and accelerates. no output reading is observed on the speedometer until the Speedeaches 15 kav De Rls Auf sonatas Teese ‘Adbacel oranestne ad Boerum Neha, COU When an instrument is SHOWinigialparticularoutputireadii, there isamlowenlimity on the magnitude of the changelin the input measured quantity:that produces an One of the majonfactorsiinfluencinig|theresolutionlof an instrument is how fiielWits Acar speedometer has subdivisions of typically 20 Rm/I This means that when the we(Gaiiit estimate speed niarelaccurately thin to the @i@aFeStISIKMW/D This ficure of (Gikin/h thus Fepresents the Fesolution of the instrument. needle is between the scale markins De ins A Mui soaatamere ee ‘epee emeton ed pel Mad tne Sea Sensitivity to Disturbance © All calibtatiGHSAHASPECHCATIONs of an instrument are only validimdENCOATOMED conditions of temperature, pressure etc. As vatiations occur in the ambient(iemperatte etc. certain static instrument characteristics change, and the sensitivity to disturbance is a measure of the magnitude of this change. Such eiivitoumientalichangesiaffect instruments in two main ways. known as zero drift (bias) aud sensitivity drift 1. Iniexcept Change ae = Lb Aca Dr Ring Mes ‘dvaced eran sn spr Maids Pressure “Siem sie st Zero Drift (Bias) © Zero drift or bias describes the effect WHSSTNS ZO Heading OF an iSmMenE AS ‘iGEM PALMAE ATAMBISANCOMONS. This causes a constanteronthat exists over the full range of measurement of the instrument The niSChatiGalOriOP bATOORISEAIDis a common example of an instrument that is prone to bias. Zero drift is Hommallywemovable by calibration Typical units by which such zero drift is measured areWOYOPO ale (eto drift coefficient related to temperature changes) ‘*3"¢ Boy weighted 70 kg will be displayed 71 kg If scale show 101 kg. the boy is 100 ke. 27” Nominal characteristic De Riss A Mufti Tein ‘Alegre! crams operat ds rE: Drift (Scale Factor Drift) SoisimnnanTnCcale facIoRArPaetines the amount by which an instrument's Iris quantified by GHRiGVTVMHMCSSMGEMSthat define HOWHINCH HIME is OH ila CHa GACH Shar oMTVSTIeal PAPAMeTEP MAL the instrument characteristics afeSensitivetd. Many components within an instrument are affected by environment al fluctuations, such as temperature changes Example: the modulus of elasticity of a spring is temperature dependent. Seale reading Nominal characteristic Dr Rin A Mai sr LE nt npr Meds Ter es © A spring balance is calibrated in an environment at a temperature of 20°C and has the following deflection/load characteristic. Load (kg) Deflection (mm) 1 2 3 20 40 60 oo It is then used in an environment at a temperature of 30°C and the following deflection/ load characteristic is measured, Load (kg) 0 1 2 3 Defiection (mm) 5 27 49 71 Determine the zero drift and sensitivity drift per °C change in ambient temperature De Ris AMafi wigulmers eh rece dotemcice maint Mts ieee Tan es © Load (kg) 0 2 3 Deflection (aun) 0 40 0 gece cee _- Nomiralaractorete Load (kg: 0 1 2 3 Deflection (mm) Presets At 20°C, deflection/load characteristic is a straight line. Sensitivity = 20 mm/kg. At 30°C, deflectionload characteristic is still a straight line. Sensitivity = 22 mmvkg. Bias (zero drift) = 5mm (the no-load deflection) Sensitivity drift = 2mm/ke Zero drifi/°C = 5/10 = 0.5 mm/C Sensitivity drift/*C = 2/10 = 0.2 (mm per kgy/C De Ries A Must ‘besser sd Epa atade — variable decreasing Output reading Maximum a output ~ variable hysteresis ~~| increasing Measured variable variable ___ Maximum input hysteresis ———— Dead space De Ree Mati autem et pee ates Eagan Mats prema + Atrensducer should be eapabley of following the changes of the input parameter regardless of which direction the change is made: + Hysteresis is the measure of this + Figure shows a typical hysteresis curve. + Note that ifimiatters from Which direction the change is made. + Approaching a fixed input value (Point B in Figure) from a higher value (point P) wil result ina different indication than approaching the same value from a lesser value (ptiffi@lor Dr Bins 4 Mai ‘dbaeed eres nd Epes Input Figure illustrates the output characteristic of an instrument that exhibits hysteresis. If the input measured quantity to the instrument is steadily ‘increased fromramnegativelvalue, the output reading varies in the manner shown in curve((a). If the input variable is then steadily decreased, the output varies in the manner shown in curve (b). The nlonseoincidence between these loading and unloading curves is known as hysteresis. Two quantities are defined, miaximunilinputlhysterésis and maximuin Output hysteresis, as shown in Figure. These are normally expressed asjaypercentagesofithe UZ 4 full-scale input or output reading respectively. - (e.g different friction force, residual field. ) Dead space is defined asithelrangetofidifferentinput De Rissa Matt tlle Abaca Ssruaestce noize Ds Nace sMe UT

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