5e Caelan S Guide To Growth by Hokuhime Dewo6v4

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Permanent Growth

Creating a Perma character
Bulk and Growth Body Mechanics
Substances and Effects Manipulation
Armor and Clothing
Losing Bulk and Growth
Supernatural Gifts




Structural Integrity Rules
Element Replacements
Tracking Size




All Classes
Optional Features
Optional Class Features
Optional Class Features
Optional Class Features
Optional Class Features
Variant Classes : Archetypes



Mana Points


Bulk and Growth Substances and Effects

Bulk Food (bulk)
Bulk is the measure of how much weight Food is food. Eating more food than is
someone is carrying internally that they required daily gives 1 point of food growth
previously were not carrying. Things like per unit (lbs, day, etc.) of food eaten. Some
consuming large amounts of food and water, effects and creatures grant food growth.
or being filled with unusual substances, will
increase your bulk accordingly. Eating or being fed more food than is needed
may lead to weight gain (see Gaining Weight
and Muscle.)
Bulk Limit
Bulk Limit is how much bulk you can hold
inside yourself before you start suffering Fluid (bulk/growth)
penalties. Liquid is anything that is non-solid. Water,
At level 1 your bulk limit is equal to your juice, slime, etc. Some creatures and effects
Strength Score. Every level past 1 your bulk grant liquid growth.
limit increases by 2 plus your strength mod
(minimum 2). Gaseous (growth)
Gaseous refers to anything that is in a
When your bulk is higher than your bulk gaseous form. Air, Spores, magical effects,
limit, you gain the restrained condition until etc. Some creatures and effects grant
the additional bulk is shed. gaseous growth.

Growth Lifting (growth)

Growth is how much is within your body in Lifting refers to anything that causes the
forms of inflation, expansion, etc. Some person or creature full of it to float lighter
substances grant both bulk and growth. than air.

Growth Limit If your lifting growth is higher than your

Growth limit is how much growth you can bulk, your jump height and distance are both
hold inside yourself before suffering doubled.
penalties. At level 1 your growth limit is
equal to your Constitution Score. Every level If your lifting growth is higher than half
past 1 your growth limit increases by 2 plus your bulk limit, you float 10 feet off the
your constitution mod (minimum 2). ground and gain Hover. This does not grant
fly speed. Every 5 additional points causes
When your growth exceeds your growth you to rise an additional 10 feet from the
limit, you suffer a forfeit (See Forfeits.) ground.
Non-Ranged attacks made while floating are
made with disadvantage.

Gaining Weight and Muscle Creature Sizes
Multiple things within the world may affect Every size below medium reduces bulk limit
your weight and grant food growth. Each and growth limit by 2.
point of food growth that is not removed Every size above medium grants 4
before taking a long rest is converted into additional bulk and growth limits,
pounds of weight. If your size is reduced while filled,
your bulk and growth are doubled for each
Exercise points size category. If your size is increased.it is
Exercise points negate weight gained by food halved for each size category.
growth. Every hour of intentional exercise
grants 1 exercise point. 1 day of downtime is Shapeshifting allows the shifter to shed up
equal to 8 exercise points. to their con mod of non-permanent bulk and
growth as a part of the action of
At the end of the day, every point of weight shapeshifting.
and exercise cancel each other out. If more
weight is left over, each point of weight is Social Checks
turned into actual weight. Each point of Some people may find expanded anatomy
exercise left over, will remove 1 lb of actual attractive and, if they do, it can be beneficial
weight to a minimum of your starting in social encounters.
To determine how the person you’re
Accumulation of weight points and exercise conversing with finds your expanded
points can also have other utility uses anatomy impressive, roll an insight check
through other effects, classes, or races. against a DC set by the GM. If successful,
the GM will inform you of the NPC’s
disposition towards expanded anatomy. If it
Other Effects is positive, persuasion checks are made with
Underwater advantage.
When underwater, each point of Bulk NPCs can tell you’re sizing them up,
reduces your swim speed by 2 feet. however, so if it is not appropriate to do so,
Additionally, levels of gaseous growth count or if they turn out to be uninterested, then it
as lifting growth. may backfire and grant disadvantage
Armor and Clothing Durability
Armor and clothing can only hold growth or
bulk within the Armor’s AC as capacity. If it
is exceeded, the armor breaks off and needs
to be repaired for GP equal to half the
armor’s original cost, and 4 hours of work.

GROWTH FORFEITS The player or NPC takes damage equal to
There is such a thing as too much of a good their con mod multiplied by their proficiency
thing. Players can suffer from growth forfeits bonus. Typically, by bursting, though this
if their growth is higher than their growth could be from rapid deflation into an
limit. obstacle, or the sheer force of deflation
being particularly taxing.
Once growth limit is exceeded, the player
makes a con saving throw against a DC of NPC Forfeits
10. Players can burn a hit die to make this When an NPC’s growth limit is exceeded,
saving throw with advantage. they burst and are summarily defeated. This
means that players have the option of using
Passing the save will prevent the forfeit, but either hitpoints or growth points in combat,
any more growth over growth limit will or the use of inflationary methods in
force the player to roll again to avoid non-combat situations.
another forfeit, each time the player makes
this check again without going below their NPC Values
growth limit again, the DC of the check NPCs with no listed Bulk or Growth limit
increases by 2. have a bulk and growth limit equal to their
HP. Enemies with higher growth limits can
Failing the roll triggers a forfeit. By default, be given additional bulk/growth point limits
Forfeits grant fatigue, but there are other by adding their STR/CON plus their
options available based on player opinion STR/CON SCORE, or they can be given
and narrative in the moment. smaller Growth limits by subtracting that
same value.
The player or NPC deflates, bursts, or Losing Bulk and Growth
otherwise shrinks rapidly. This grants a level
of exhaustion. When you take a short or long rest, your
accumulated bulk and growth points drop
Narrative back to their respective limits. Additionally,
The player or NPC may or may not deflate. during a long rest, you can choose to shrink
Most significantly, something complicates for a number of points in both equal to your
the present situation. Such as a player hitpoints. You can also choose to shed all
getting stuck somewhere, or in the case of your bulk and growth points as a part of
an NPC something goes wrong on their side downtime longer than 2 days.
to the benefit or detriment of the party Permanent Bulk, is bulk that is not lost from
depending on the actual story-beats. resting or any other method and typically
represents long-term burdens or weight such
as pregnancy or curses.

Third Trimester
PREGNANCY ➢ Pregnancy is very obvious and can
Some players may seek to start families, or only be hidden with magical effects.
perhaps they have some form of ability that ➢ Adv. against poison and disease
triggers when they become or are pregnant. effects.
Standard pregnancy lasts for 9 months, but ➢ Player gains 3 permanent bulk
this length may be longer or shorter based ➢ Lactation may begin
on race. Egg-laying races may be edited to
give live birth in cannon, or treat the period Birth
of “pregnancy” as the “egg forming” period.
Birth happens at the end of the third
trimester, and requires 3 successful DC 10
Conception Constitution checks. Having a midwife
After intimacy or sex within the game, if the grants advantage to these rolls. Each
player/NPCs involved are able to be critically failed roll does 1d4 damage.
pregnant, the DM rolls a 1d20 in secret. If
the result is lower than the player or NPC’s
constitution score, they are impregnated.

The First Trimester starts after 1 week
following impregnation. Each trimester
typically lasts for 3 months, though can be
shorter or longer based on the player’s race.

During the first trimester:

➢ Pregnancy is not obvious
➢ Player has disadvantage against
poison and disease effects.
➢ Pregnancy can be detected with a DC
15 medicine check.

Second Trimester
➢ Pregnancy is more obvious, but can
be concealed by taking 5 additional
minutes when donning armor or
➢ Pregnancy can be detected with a DC
10 medicine check.
➢ Player gains 2 permanent bulk

Some creatures are capable of producing OTHER CREATURES
milk, many humanoid races among them.
Lactation can be started as a part of
pregnancy or intentionally started as a You can consume creatures 2 size levels
minor process. smaller than you. This is done by grappling
against them, and successfully rolling an
Every long rest or every 24 hours (keeping in active grapple check against them 3 times in
mind that parties can only long rest once per a row, regardless of if they attempt to escape
24 hours span) someone that is lactating or not.
produces up to their con modifier in fluid
growth as individual milk. Creatures consumed in this way take
damage equal to the consuming creature’s
Milking takes 10 minutes and cannot be con mod times their level every round.
done in combat. If the person being milked
is wearing armor, they must doff the armor Outside of combat, treat the creature as
to be milked successfully. This produces 1 holding its breath and suffocating within the
milk for every point of fluid growth milked creature or person holding it inside of them.
from the one being milked.
Creatures can attempt an athletics check to
Consuming milk heals HP equal to the escape against a DC of 10 plus the
drinker’s con mod, and milk spoils after 24 consumer’s con mod.
Consumed creatures grant bulk based on
Lactation can be induced by spending 10 their size.
minutes of daily preparation stimulating
someone for 1 week, or after one week of full VORE AND CONSUMPTION
on downtime.
Size Class Bulk when Consumed
Fine None
Diminutive None
Tiny 1 bulk
Small 4 bulk
Medium 8 bulk
Large 16 bulk
Huge 32 bulk
Gargantuan 64 bulk
Colossal 128 bulk

How big is 1 growth point or one bulk?
Included below are some interesting rule
Typically, that is left up to the DM. That
sets that can change up subtle parts of how
said, if you’re looking for something exact, I
the game is played between parties. These
can give a recommendation.
are largely quality of life changes that
Choose a value from the table below. 1
change up how the party interacts with
growth point equals to the listed value and is
certain mechanics, but overall they are
added to 1 of two spots.
meant to change how the party views the
world, setting, and mechanics to whatever If one body part is growing, add the
works best for everyone involved. amount to the diameter of that body part
(eg. if using the “large” option below, 1
growth point equals 1 foot of diameter for an
inflated belly.)
Structural Integrity Rules If the whole body is growing, add the
If it feels like the party is too divided on how amount to the radius of the body. (eg. If
they want to deal with enemies, expansion using the “large” option below, 10 growth
or damage, consider implementing this rule. points are equal to a round shape with a 10ft
With this rule, everything remains radius.)
the same, but Growth points and Hitpoints Types of Size
work together. IF HP is ever lower than Classification Amount per growth point
someone’s total growth points, they suffer a Small 1 inch
forfeit. This also has the additional effect of Medium 6 inches
making combat faster in some cases, Large 1 foot
depending on how HP and Limits play off
Huge 1 meter
one another in some creatures.

Element Replacements
This rule is great if you want casters
to be more viable for growth without waiting
for spells, or immerse yourself more in the
setting that you’re playing in.
Instead of dealing damage, all energy
damage (fire, cold, poison, etc.) instead deals
points of gaseous or fluid growth (DM
discretion.) This can be flavored to match
the setting however the DM needs it to
match, and leads to expansion/inflation
happening much more often.

Height and Weight
CHARACTER Due to the importance of things like weight
within this book, It would benefit players to
CREATION OPTIONS make characters with specific weights. It’s
recommended to use the random weight and
height tables in the Player’s handbook,
RACE OPTIONS either to roll them randomly, or pick one
that best suits your character
Creating Your Character
If you create a character using this book,
follow these additional rules

Ability Score Increases

When determining your character’s ability
scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and
increase a different score by 1, or increase 3
different scores by 1. Follow this rule
regardless of the method used to generate
ability scores.

Your character can speak, read, and write
Common and one other language that you
and your DM agree is appropriate for the
character. The Player’s Handbook offers a
list of widespread languages to choose from.
The DM is free to add or remove languages
from that list for a particular campaign.

Creature Type
Every creature in D&D, including every
player character, has a special tag in the
rules that identifies the type of creature they
are. Most humanoid characters are of the
humanoid type. Creature types don’t have
rules themselves, but some rules in the game
affect creatures in different ways.

The typical lifespan of a player character in
D&D is about a century, assuming the
character does not meet a violent end on an

Annelida Balloon Person
(idea by Phrax, Mechanics by Cae) Broadly, “balloon person” refers to any
Also known as the “leech women” of the number of a broad category of inflatable
unknown, The Annelida are a race of largely humanoids. Some look like regular humans,
feminine humanoids that themselves are Others look more anthropomorphic. Some
relatively unheard of in most places. Some are wholly smooth like latex, others have
coastal communities, however, have tales of visible seams and attachments. The only
“leech people” that come from the coast to thing they all have in common is being
steal away naughty children. VERY inflatable.
Annelida are MOSTLY human. By which Balloon People aren’t terribly common,
they look like humans to a tee, but instead of giving them a mystique that some people
having normal teeth, they have sharp, find attractive.Especially given their unusual
knife-like teeth that are made for cutting durability despite being (on first glance)
things. Not unlike that of a shark. The name little more than balloons in human shape.
“leech” comes from their love of blood as a Some speculate they’re the offshoot of some
form of sustenance. distant cousin of slimes and gels. Others
“Leech Women” is a bit of a misnomer. As argue that they must be some form of gift
there are male and female annelida. On from an unknown god or goddess of
average, however, both genders tend to look inflation.
much more feminine and/or androgynous,
though there are plenty of masculine Balloon Person Traits
Annelida in annelida communities in their You have the following racial traits.
homeland. Creature Type. You are a humanoid and a
Annelida Traits Size. You are either small or medium. This is
You have the following racial traits. chosen upon creating your character
Creature Type. You are a humanoid Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft.
Size. You are Medium Artificial Body. You have a unique and
Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft. strange body. You have the following
Barely Human. You are more monstrous benefits.
than most people realize. After a successful ➢ You don’t need to eat, drink, or
Bloodletting attack, you have advantage on breathe.
intimidation checks until you take a short or ➢ You are immune to disease
long rest. ➢ You don’t need to sleep, and magic
Bloodletting. You have the option of making can’t put you to sleep.
a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage. On a hit, Balloon Body. You have resistance against
you can choose to heal 1d4+con in hit points, bludgeoning damage and weakness against
but you gain half that amount as fluid piercing damage. You have advantage on
growth points. forfeit checks
Strong Swimmer. You have a swim speed Elastic. When calculating your starting
equal to your walk speed. Growth Limit, add your con modifier and
Voracious. You can consume creatures the proficiency bonus.
same size as you.

Cloud Genasi Clowns
Cloud Genasi are rare. Even by genasi Clowns are not an occupation, and many of
standards. Typically, a Cloud Genasi is born them will be very confused that you came to
to two air-genasi who are for some reason in that conclusion somehow. Though of course
the elemental plane of air without being they’d show up, the world’s full of balloons!
permanent residents of the plane. Effectively It’s an impossible test to resist.
getting a dose of “double air.” There’s typically a few clowns in any
Cloud Genasi are much more even singular town of big enough size. Not all of
tempered and calm, resembling air genasi in them have white faces and big red noses, but
all ways except their hair tends to resemble all of them have a general love of practical
clouds. Being fluffy or light, jokes, performance, and humor.

Cloud Genasi Traits Clown Traits

You have the following racial traits. You have the following racial traits.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid Creature Type. You are a Humanoid
Size. You are medium Size. You are Medium
Speed, Your walking speed is 30 ft. Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft.
Floater. You gain the levitate spell but can Balloon Maker. When you target a creature
only cast it on yourself once per long rest. or humanoid with effects that cause growth,
Passing Puff. You know the Puff Cantrip as you add half your level to the total of growth
an innate spell. Your puff deals lifting dealt (minimum 1)
inflation instead of gaseous inflation. Clown’s Cant. In addition to your starting
Stretchy. You have additional growth limit languages, you know the language “Clown’s
equal to your level. (+1 per level) Cant”
Natural Comedian. Even if you are not
proficient in performance, add your
proficiency bonus when using performance
for comedy. If you are proficient, double
your proficiency bonus.

Observer Red Orcs
If a town is abandoned in the middle of the Typically found in regions to the east, Red
woods and no one is around to see it, orcs are famous for 2 things: Their insane
observers are not far away. ability to fill any previously occupied space
Observers are a strange race of people. For with their homes and families in what seems
the most part, they look like cyclops of like no time at all, and their love of food of
various skin tones ranging across the visible almost all kinds.
spectrum of light, leading those that have While someone trying to insult an orc may
seen them to refer to them as “lesser call them “pig-like” red orcs are literally
cyclops” which is inaccurate. Observers are much more akin to a humanoid pig than
outsiders in the same vein as tieflings and they are an average orc. Some being merely
genasi, with heritage leaning closer towards big, humanoid pigs, and others being wooly
the aberrant side of things than normal. boar-like humanoids.
They have one large eye in the middle of Their love of food translates to many
their heads but also skin tones of various different things in their culture, and they
colors which some scholars believe hint to were said to be among the first to form what
some form of beholder/spectator ancestry would be later called “Gastromancy” given
though this has not been proven definitively. that they have some practices that are VERY
Observers are actually quite common similar to the practices that are performed
(comparatively) being more common per in many gastromantic rites.
capita than even genasi. Though 90% of
them reside solely in places where Red Orc Traits
civilization has left behind. Old towns and You have the following racial traits.
towers, run down taverns on the side of the Creature Type. You are a Humanoid
road. No one knows WHY they make their Size. You are Small or Medium
homes there, but whenever they can see Speed. Your walking speed is 25ft.
civilization approaching they move like
Glutton Gourmet. Food is something that
nomads to a new location
one can never have enough of. On your turn
as a bonus action, you can consume 1
Observer Traits food-like consumable from your inventory.
You have the following racial traits.
Impact. When you are full to your bulk limit,
Creature Type. you are a humanoid your attacks gain reach. Targets struck
Size. You are Small or Medium directly must pass a DC 15 strength check or
Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft. be pushed back 10ft.
Hyper Perceptive. You have advantage on Red Furnace. You know the Belly Drum
perception and investigation checks cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Chug a
involving sight. number of times equal to your proficiency
Outer Photographic Memory. If you spend modifier. At 5th level you can cast Crunch a
30 minutes observing a spot, you can tell number of times equal to your proficiency
when a creature enters that space or spot for modifier. Your spellcasting modifier for
24 hours as if under the effects of the Alarm these spells is Con.

Blimp Medic
Prerequisite: Proficiency in herbalism Kit
● Your wisdom score increases by +1 to
a maximum of 20
● When you are within 10 feet of an
ally who has gone over their growth
limit, they make forfeit checks with
● If they already have advantage, they
lose growth points equal to your level
plus your wisdom modifier starting
with the lowest source of growth

Mentally Active Gestation

● Your intelligence or wisdom score
increases by +1 to a maximum of 20.
● When you are pregnant, Rituals take
half as long to cast.
● Additionally, for the duration of your
pregnancy, you have proficiency in a
skill you do not have proficiency in

Wide Frame
Prerequisite: Strength of 12 or higher
● +1 to your strength score to a maxim
of 20
● At half your growth limit, your carry
limit doubles.
● When you are at your bulk limit, you
gain +1 AC

CLASS CONTENT Specialization: Aeronaut
In this book there are several optional
features and features that go with multiple With so many people taking off into the
classes. These features are available to you skies and flying off unintentionally, what’s to
as a part of your class’s appropriate level. stop someone from doing it on purpose?
(eg. All level 2 monks can take the deep Aeronauts seek to answer this question.
breathing feature) Typically through constant and regular
Ask your game master if these class practice and effort.
options are appropriate for your game.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd
All Classes level, you gain proficiency with
leatherworking tools. If you already have
this proficiency, you gain proficiency with
Optional Features one other type of artisan’s tools of your
Spell-Infusion choice.
Requires: A class or subclass with the
Aeronaut Spells
spellcasting feature
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain
Classes and subclasses that grant
spells prepared after you reach particular
spellcasting in their class features allow you
levels in this class, as shown in the Aeronaut
to use your spell casting modifier to
Spells table. These spells count as artificer
calculate growth point or bulk limit and for
spells for you, but they don’t count against
forfeit checks, provided the same ability is
the number of artificer spells you prepare.
not used twice.


Requires: A class or subclass with heavy Aeronaut

armor proficiency Level Aeronaut Spells
Your armor is fitted properly for your 3rd Faerie Fire, Relax
physical capabilities. Your armor does not 5th Gaseous Gaze, Gust of Wind
break off until you meet your growth or bulk 9th Hail, Wind Wall
limit 13th Locate Creature, Swell Geometry
17th Cloudkill, Sympathetic Burden

Aeronaut Harness Enhanced Latches
Starting at 3rd level, you perfect your Additionally at level 5, when wearing the
patented Aeronaut harness. The harness has Aeronaut Harness, your growth limit
the same stats as leather armor. Your first increases by your artificer level.
one is free, but subsequent ones cost your
artificer level in gold and 8 hours to replace. Advanced Targeting
While in the suit, you are not At level 9, when under the effects of the
affected by growth forfeits if the majority of Aeronaut Harness, enemies have
your growth is in lifting growth points and disadvantage against your spell effects that
you are below 2x your growth limit. If you require a saving throw.
have more of any other form of growth or go You can also cast magic missile at 3rd level
over 2x your growth limit you suffer a forfeit without expending a spell slot and without
as normal. preparing the spell a number of times equal
You also gain a fly speed equal to to your intelligence modifier
your land speed OR your swim speed,
whichever is highest between the two. Aerofleet Program
Due to its complexity, you are the At level 15, in addition to your prepared
only one that can use the Aeronaut harness. spells, you can prepare a number of
As a bonus action, you can activate the additional spells equal to your intelligence
harness to inflate to your growth limit with modifier that are built into your Aeronaut
lifting inflation. While wearing the suit, you harness. As a bonus action, these spells can
float at your growth limit instead of twice be released while under the effects of the
your bulk limit in growth. Aeronaut Harness.
This can be done a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus every short rest and Improved bracing
lasts for 1 minute. Afterwards you lose lifting Additionally, at level 15, your growth limit is
growth equal to your growth limit. increased by 2 times your artificer level
when wearing the Aeronaut harness.
At 5th level, While you are under the effects
of the Aeronaut harness, Spells that
normally target 1 creature can target
adjacent creatures as well.
Additionally, you no longer suffer attack
penalties when floating off the ground.

Head in the Clouds
Optional Class Features Finally at level 3, when you suffer a forfeit
Growing Muse after failing a forfeit check, you begin to rise,
all forms of growth and bulk converting into
1st-level Bard Feature
gaseous inflation. Each round, for 3 rounds,
If for any reason, you need inspiration to
you increase in size class each round. Any
give in a pinch, you gain your growth limit in
creatures holding onto you, also float up
gaseous growth for 10 minutes to grant
with you. After 3 rounds, if you are still
inspiration to another creature that can see
above your growth limit, you suffer the
you and does not already have inspiration.
effects of the normal forfeit and deflate.
This can trigger a forfeit
After this forfeit, a number of enemies equal
to your proficiency modifier are deafened for
College of the Uplifting Voice one round.

Uplifting Puff Heartening ballad

At level 3, your puff cantrip is modified. If At level 6, you can spend bardic inspiration
you didn’t know the puff cantrip previously, to heal up to 3 allies who can hear you by
you learn this enhanced version. 1d6 hit points. You can continue to perform
Your puff cantrip now deals lifting the ballad as if it were a concentration spell,
growth instead of gaseous growth and has a healing your allies for an additional amount
range of 120 feet. Additionally, the growth equal to your spellcasting modifier and gain
damage increases to 1d10 lifting growth. By 2d4 lifting inflation each round.
spending Bardic inspiration, or by gaining
1d10 lifting inflation as well, you can add Spare Growth
your spellcasting modifier to the damage of Additionally at level 6, if you have no
the spell as well. The damage increases to remaining bardic inspiration, you can give
2d10 at level 6, and 3d10 at level 14. bardic inspiration to a single creature. In
exchange, you gain half the total of your
Heightened Laughter growth limit in lifting inflation.
Also at level 3, you gain the “Tasha’s
Hideous Laughter” spell. It does not count Airbound Performance
towards your known spells. At level 14 you put on an astonishing if not
By spending Bardic inspiration, or by slightly chaotic performance. For a number
gaining 1d10 lifting inflation, targets that fail of rounds equal to your charisma modifier,
the wisdom saving throw go prone, but also you can cast any spell you know without
begin to gain 1d4 lifting inflation every expending a spell slot instead gaining lifting
round while under the effects of Hideous growth equal to the spell’s level times 10. If
Laughter. you go over your growth limit during this,
you immediately suffer a forfeit.
Additionally, Uplifting puff and
Heightened laughter are doubly effective, but
also give twice as much lifting growth.

Optional Class Features Also at level 3, you can use a ki point out of
Deep Breathing combat to gain advantage on your next
athletics or acrobatics check.
2nd-level Monk Feature
Deep breathing helps the Ki-flow, and can
even restore some of it back to you for quick Momentum
use. If you are out of Ki points, you can At 6th level, when you have previously spent
perform actions that require Ki points by at least one ki point to attack a target, you
gaining 1d6+your wisdom modifier in can use Ebb and Flow again as a free action.
gaseous growth points.
Deflect Blows At 11th Level, you can use Ebb and Flow
without moving, instead “bouncing” on the
3rd-level Monk Feature
same space and attacking the same target.
*replaces Deflect Missiles
Doing so grants this attack advantage.
Starting at level 3 you can use your reaction
to deflect or soften blows from melee
Additionally, targets the same size or smaller
attackers. When you do so, the damage you
than you must pass a DC 15 strength save, or
take is reduced by 1d10+your dex mod +monk
be knocked prone. Targets knocked prone in
this way cannot be knocked down again for 1
If you reduce the damage to 0 you can
counter attack with an unarmed strike. If
your spend 1 ki point, you can deal the
opponent’s damage back to them as gaseous Bound Back
growth points At 17th level, when you are struck by an
enemy attack you may use your reaction to
Use Ebb and Flow.
Way of the Bouncing Body
Additionally, if you use a ki point to attack in
When it comes to the way of the bouncing the same round of combat, you may use Ebb
body, monks meditate on questions of and flow a number of times equal to your
flexibility and elasticity. Both physically, and wisdom modifier for free.
spiritually, to come back from hardship not
unlike rubber rebounding back into its
original shape after an impact.

Ebb and Flow

At 3rd level, when you attack a target on
your turn after moving at least 5 feet, you
can “bounce” off of them, and move as if you
used the disengage action and make an
unarmed attack against another target. This
movement does not invoke an attack of

Rogue Treasure Chest Rogue

Optional Class Features Body of Holding Treasure

At third level, you become able to store
Looter things in or on your body like a genuine bag
1st-Level Rogue Feature of holding. This allows you to store your
You’re used to managing large amounts of prized loot in and on your person
goods. Either due to stealing them often, or Choose a part of your body. This part
lending your expertise in trades to various of your body acts as a bag of holding for all
operations. intents and purposes. Items stored inside
When calculating your starting bulk add their weight to your “bulk”.
limit, use your dexterity instead of your
strength. Generating Wealth
Additionally at 3rd level, whenever you
Sneak Puff sneak attack someone or pass a skill check
1st-Level Rogue Feature successfully, you gain a point of “wealth”
Sometimes you don’t ALWAYS want to deal which is “stored” in your “Body of Holding.”
damage to a target when you successfully Each point of wealth is calculated as fluid
sneak up on them, Sometimes, it’s better to growth, and increases your bulk limit by 1.
distract them, or get them out of the way.
When you make a sneak attack Faulty Gear
against and opponent, instead of dealing Finally at level 3, you gain uncanny control
normal damage, you can choose instead to over loot and goods. As a bonus action, on
deal gaseous growth equal to your sneak your turn, you can spend 4 points of wealth
attack value to your target to cause an opponent to make their next
attack at disadvantage. This can be done a
number of times equal to your proficiency
modifier per long rest.

Wealth Lining
At 9th Level you have become far more
attuned with the nature of money and
wealth in your vicinity.
As a bonus action on your turn for 8
wealth, you can apply the magical effects
from any armor you have stored in your
body to what you are currently wearing. This
lasts for 24 hours or until the armor is

Loan Out

Also at 9th level, you can aid your party
members with your control over loot and
As a bonus action on your turn, you Optional Class Features
can spend 6 wealth to grant 1 of 2 bonuses to
Deep Magic Reserves
a party member you can touch.
2nd-level Sorcerer Feature
Armor. You grant that party member +1 You have a deep well of magic within you
temporary AC for 1d4 rounds that you can pull on to practice your magic
Weapon. You grant the party member actively, even when you otherwise might not
additional dice equal to your dex modifier in be able to. By taking in more magic into that
damage on their next attack. reserve you can cast more. If you have no
sorcery points available you can gain more
Refinement by gaining 10 plus your sorcerer level in
At 13th level, you are more attuned with your growth per point. This can cause a forfeit.
wealth than ever before and can now make
use of weapons.
For 6 wealth and as a bonus action,
you can apply the magical effects of any
weapon in your body of holding to your
current weapon for a number of rounds
equal to your dex modifier.

Also at 13th level, you gain the ability to
support your team with your wealth. For 6
wealth as a bonus action, you can grant an
ally bonus HP equal to your rogue level. You
can use this ability a number of times equal
to your dexterity modifier per long rest.

Embody Wealth
At level 17, you are a master of loot. When
you store wondrous items in your body of
holding, you can apply one of the effects
from your collection to your own body as if it
were a magic item being activated for 10
wealth and a number of rounds equal to
your dexterity modifier. You can do this once
per long rest.

Wizard Confectioneer Wizard

Optional Class Features Baking Prodigy

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with
Magic Retention cook’s utensils and can use them as a spell
1st-level Wizard Feature casting focus.
Even novice wizards know the dangers of
both studying a spellbook absently or Candy From Mana
studying without focus. As you read and Also at 2nd level, whenever you cast a spell
reread each formula you absently welcome you can also channel residual energies to
more magic into yourself. This has its produce a confection. You can choose to
benefits and its flaws, though most sensible immediately infuse this candy energy into
wizards tend to avoid it.
someone else as a bonus action. Hostile
You can prepare additional spells
targets must roll a Constitution save VS your
after a long rest. These do not affect how
Spell DC mod to resist infusion. You can
many spell slots you have available. For each
also save it for later, producing a single
additional spell prepared, however, you gain
confection that spoils and turns into magical
Gaseous growth based on the level of the
dust in a number of hours equal to your
spell prepared.
Wizard level. You can produce a number of
confections equal to your proficiency bonus
Spell Slot
Level Growth Rudimentary Candies
1st - 2nd 6 points Additionally at 2nd level, you gain access to
3rd - 4th 8 points 3 basic candies you can produce with Candy
5th 10 points From Mana.
6th 14 points Berrylium. A delicious berry-flavored candy.
7th 18 points When consumed or infused, it grants the
8th 24 points
target fluid growth points equal to your spell
casting modifier
9th 30 points
Sugarmint. A fresh mint-flavored candy.
When consumed or infused, it grants the
target gaseous growth equal to your spell
casting modifier.
Mooncandy. A smooth mystery-flavored
candy. When consumed or infused it grants
the target lifting growth points equal to your
spell casting modifier.

Advanced Candies attack that strikes them for 1 round. If one
At level 6, you gain access to improved round passes without being struck, the effect
candies of your creation that bolster the is lost.
effects of previous candies.
Blueberrylium. A delicious, intense blueberry Dreamweave Baking
flavor. When consumed or infused into The ultimate in confectionery magic. The
yourself, the next effect of your rudimentary power to change the world around oneself
candies is multiplied by the level of the spell with the power of sweets alone.
cast to create it. Buttergold. The purest of butters available.
Jetmint. An overwhelming, cleansing Legend tells that it is rich enough to change
freshness. When consumed or infused into the fortunes of those who consume it. After
yourself, the next rudimentary candy effect consuming or being infused with it, the
you use heals the target for an amount equal target gains a weakness to one energy type
to how much they grow plus the level of the decided by the caster for a number of rounds
spell used to create it. equal to the spell slot used to cast it plus the
Astrofudge. A deeply worrying fudge flavor caster’s spellcasting modifier.
that is literally out of this world. When Hazelrald. They say Hazerald has such a
consumed or infused into yourself this will generous flavor that there was once a wizard
allow your next rudimentary candy effect to who built a city of it and gave precious gifts
deal psychic damage equal to your wizard to anyone who visited it. After consuming or
level being infused with it, the target and allies
around them start to gain gaseous growth
Intermediate Baking equal to the caster’s spellcasting modifier
At level 10 you gain the ability to craft baked while the caster concentrates.
goods in addition to candies with “Candy Iridyum. A dangerous flavor. Iridyum has
from Mana.” been the downfall of many an unwary
Chalcedhoney. A horribly sticky confection confectioner. Tasty as hell though. Iridyum
to be sure. But sweet to an insane degree. can only be infused. When infused, the
When consumed or infused into someone, target’s growth limit doubles, and they gain
the area 15 feet around them becomes rough half their new growth limit in lifting growth
terrain. Additionally, you have advantage on points while the caster focuses they gain
spell attack rolls against someone in the 1d10+Int lifting growth every round. They can
area of Chalcedhoney. If someone has been attempt to end this effect by rolling a
affected by Jetmint at some point during the successful constitution saving throw against
encounter, they are immune to the effects of the caster’s spell save DC. If the target is
chalcedhoney. overfilled by this effect, they explode
Cherrysilver. A cool, refreshing pastry. After violently dealing 8d6 damage to creatures
consuming or being infused into someone, around them. In a 5 ft radius. If the target
the target can instantly be moved to a spot successfully saves against it, the
of their choosing within line of sight of 10 confectioneer begins growing from it instead
feet. This movement does not invoke an as if under the effects of being infused with
attack of opportunity. iridyum. They can end the effect by rolling a
Alabascream. A very filling cream pastry. successful intelligence saving throw against
When consumed or infused, the target gains their own Spell save DC.
resistance against the next non-magical

Variant Classes : Archetypes Mirage Dancer (Fighter: Echo Knight)
You’re slightly intune with arcane energies,
but it’s more than a power, it’s a rhythm that
Archetypes are a way to adjust a class very you can feel in the heat of combat. Pulsing
subtly by changing the ways that the class is and pumping in the moment.
played. Inspired by a thread on Reddit’s ● Use charisma to make your attacks
Unearthed Arcana that did something instead. This must be done with
similar. finesse weapons
Each Archetype has a list of changes, ● Instead of “Dunamis” you feel “The
and some even have a single additional feat Pulse” in combat which empowers
that the players that use the class can make you.
use of. These are not for every table, so ask
your DM if they’d be okay with allowing
some of these at your table.

Cosmetologist (Artificer: Alchemist)

Rather than focusing on boring things like
elixirs and potions, you decided to apply
your talents to other more *interesting*
● Replace all int based abilities and
checks with Charisma.
● Your elixirs and potions are now
● When a creature gains an effect that
grants them hit points they can
instead choose to lose that many
growth points or bulk points.

Growth Frenzy(Barbarian: Berzerker)

You’ve grown quite a bit in the past. You’re
practically addicted to it. It’s such a
wonderful feeling that you can’t help but
lean into it when you’re in the heat of battle.
● Instead of suffering exhaustion, you
gain 1d10+ your barbarian level of
gaseous growth.
● You also become immune to growth
forfeits while raging.
● If you are full when you attempt to
intimidate, you make the check with
advantage once.

SPELLS Level-4
Swell Geometry
Beetle Haul Level-5
Belly Drum Sympathetic Burden
Gelogenic Splash Level-6
Glancing Blow Thermal Expansion
Produce Bubble
Puff Level-7
Toll of Pressure Contract

Level-1 Level-8
Absorb Expansion
Cause Swelling Hysteria Level-9
Expansion Spray Level-10
False Limits
Feoino’s Dubious Script -----
Flood Creature Absorb Expansion
Growing Charm 1st-level abjuration
Magic Puffs Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take
Pneumatic Armor when you gain gaseous or fluid growth, or
Radiant Rainbow Blast bulk.
Relax Range: Self
Oedematous Slime Tentacles Components S
Duration: 1 round
Level-2 Classes: Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer,
Belra’s Inflating Embrace
Bloat Balloon
The spell captures some of the incoming
growth energy, lessening its effect on you
Dwindle and Surge
and storing it for your next attack. You have
Expansion Ray
resistance to the triggering growth type until
Froth and Foam
the start of your next turn. Also, the first
time you hit a creature with an attack on
Gaseous Gaze
your next turn, the target gains an extra 1d6
Gelonic Ooze Arrow
growth of the triggering type, and the spell
Growth Weapon
Jane’s Growing Assets
Mind Expansion
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Shackles of Maddening Expansion
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
extra growth gain increases by 1d6 for each
slot level above the 1st.
Inspire Compassion

growth. On each of your turns you can use
Beetle Haul your action to maintain the grapple and
Transmutation Cantrip make the target gain 3d4 gaseous growth.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch To break out, the grappled target can make a
Components: V, S Strength check against your spell save DC.
On a success, the target escapes and is no
Duration: 1 hour
longer grappled.
Classes: Cleric, Druid, Wizard
You touch a living creature that has been
Bloat Balloon
immobilized by bulk. This creature is no
longer affected by bulk based restraint for 1 2nd-level Evocation
hour, but cannot gain additional bulk and Casting Time: 1 action
takes damage instead. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of
Belly Drum cotton string)
Evocation (Gastromancy) Cantrip, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting time: 1 action Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer,
Range: 60 ft. Warlock, Wizard
Components: S Choose a humanoid that you can see within
range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
Duration: Instantaneous
saving throw or gain gaseous growth until
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer
they reach their growth limit, making their
You gain 2 food growth points. After doing
body grow with gas, distending their shape
so, you pat your mid section with your hand.
and members until they become a spherical
Make a spell attack against one creature you
balloon at twice their growth limit. While
can see in range who will hear an impossibly
under this effect the target is bloated and
loud drum-like booming if the attack is
doesn't suffer forfeits. At the end of each of
successful, Dealing them 1d10 psychic
its turns, the target can make another
damage. This spell’s damage increases by
Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the
1d10 at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels.
spell ends and the shrink an amount equal
to the amount of gaseous growth gained by
Belra’s Inflating Embrace when this spell was cast.
2nd-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Range: Touch using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
Components: S can target one additional humanoid for each
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute. slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard be within 30 feet of each other when you
You latch onto a single humanoid to one target them.
size category larger than you. The Target
must make a Strength saving throw. On a
failed save, you grapple the target and lock
your lips with them, blowing air into their
lips and making them gain 3d4 gaseous

Cause Swelling Hysteria by 5 feet for every 2 additional points of
1st-level necromancy liquid growth you gain.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Contract
Components V 7th-level Evocation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Classes: Warlock, Wizard, Summoner Range: 20 feet.
You awaken the sense of pressure and dread Components: V, S
of a creature as they are about to pop to one Duration: Instantaneous
creature you can see within range. A Class: Artificer, Cleric, Paladin
construct or an undead is immune to this You cause the muscles of the target to
effect. The target must succeed on a Wisdom contract involuntarily. Dealing 10d10 force
saving throw or become frightened of you damage or half as much on a successful
until the spell ends. Affected creatures' strength saving throw. This also deals
worst fears come to fruition as they also damage equal to half the target’s current
start gaining 1d8 gaseous growth at the start bulk on a critical failure and forces targets to
of their turns. The frightened target can roll a forfeit check if they are over their
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of growth limit.
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
success. Creatures that have less than half Crunch
of their growth and bulk limit gain 2nd-level Evocation (Gastromancy)
advantage against this spell. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell Components: M(A crunchy food)
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute
can target one additional creature for each
Classes: Bard, Warlock, Wizard
slot level above 1st. The creatures must be
You bite into something hard with relative
within 30 feet of each other when you target
ease. Gain half your bulk in food growth
points A target that you can see within 120
feet must make a DC 13 wisdom saving
throw or make melee attacks at
1st-Level Evocation (Gastromancy) disadvantage. Targets who critically fail this
Casting Time: 1 action save gain a level of exhaustion.
Range: Varies
Components: S, M (An alcoholic beverage) Dwindle and Surge
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute 2nd-level Necromancy
Classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock Casting Time: 1 action
You begin chugging your drink while Range: 60 feet
infusing magic into it. You gain 4 points of Components: V, S, M (an empty balloon)
liquid growth. The area 10 feet around you
Duration: Instantaneous
becomes muddy and unstable turning into
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
difficult terrain for enemies within 10 feet of
You invoke dread and joy upon a 10-foot
you. The range of this effect can be extended
radius sphere centered on a point within

range. Each creature of your choice in that the filling immersion of the
area must make a Constitution saving affected creature.
throw, gaining 2d6 gaseous growth on a ● You can also change the
failed save, or half as much on a successful mood of the affected
one. creature. Making them feel
very soft pain or pleasure or
In addition, one creature of your choice in any other gentle moods. This
that area can choose to spend a roll of its effect can be paired with the
unspent Hit Dice to shrink a number of bulk previous effects. At the DM
of growth equal to the roll plus your discretion you can also gain
spellcasting ability modifier. advantage on all Charisma
checks directed at the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell affected creature.
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the When the spell ends, the creature realizes
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above that you used magic to influence its mood.
2nd, and the number of Hit Dice that can be The creature can become hostile toward you
spent and added to the shrinking roll at the DM discretion.This spell can’t make a
increases by one for each slot above 2nd. creature gain gaseous, fluid or bulk that
surpasses their limits.
Expansioncraft Expansion Ray
Transmutation cantrip 2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 120 feet
Components V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Summoner, Warlock, Wizard, You create three pink beams of energy and
hurls them at targets within range. You can
This spell is some basic tricks and minor hurl them at one target or several. Make a
magic effects used by apprentices of the ranged spell attack for each ray. On a hit, the
growth magics used for practice. You create target gains 2d6 gaseous growth.
one of the following magical effects within
range: At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
● You can make a willing using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
creature that you can touch create one additional ray for each slot level
gain gaseous, fluid or bulk at above 2nd.
a rate of 1 point per minute.
This effect does not work on
unwilling creatures.
● You can make hissing sounds,
gurgling sounds and other
auditory effects. This effect
can be paired with the
previous effect to increase

Expansion Spray False Limits
1st-level illusion 1st-level Necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (15-foot cone) Range: Self
Components V, S, M Components V, S, M (a small amount of
Duration: 1 round massage oil)
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Duration: 1 hour
A colorful fog full of flashing sparkles Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
springs from your hand. Roll 6d10, the total Bolstering yourself with a necromantic
is how many hit points of creatures this spell facsimile of stretch, you gain 1d4 + 4
can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot cone temporary growth and bulk limit for the
originating from you are affected in duration.
ascending order of their current hit points At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
(ignoring unconscious creatures and using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you
creatures that can’t see). gain 5 additional temporary points to the
Starting with the creature that has limit of your growth and bulk for each slot
the lowest current hit points, each creature level above 1st.
affected by this spell gains gaseous growth
or bulk until they reach their limit, swelling Feoino’s Dubious Script
into a round immobile balloon, unable to 1st-level Illusion
move until the end of your next turn. Casting Time: 1 minute
Subtract each creature’s hit points from the Range: Touch
total before moving on to the creature with
Components S, M (a lead-based ink worth
the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit
at least 10GP, which the spell consumes)
points must be equal to or less than the
Duration: 10 days
remaining total for the creature to be
affected. While under the effect of this spell Classes: Bard, Warlock, Wizard
the creature can’t be the target of forfeits, You write on parchment, paper, or some
even if they gain more growth through other other suitable writing material and imbue it
means. Upon the end of this effect, the with a potent illusion that lasts for the
creature loses growth or bulk by the same duration.
amount they gained when this spell initially To you and any creatures you designate
affected them. when you cast the spell, the writing appears
normal, written in your hand, and conveys
whatever meaning you intended when you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
wrote the text. To all others, the writing
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, roll
appears as if it were written in an unknown
an additional 2d10 for each slot level above
or magical script that is unintelligible.
the 1st.
Alternatively, you can trap the script,
causing any creature reading the script that
you didn’t designate when you cast the spell,
to be zapped with unstable growth magic.
The creature must make a Wisdom saving
throw, or grow half of their growth limit in

lifting growth and become immobile for 1
minute. As a bonus action, you can move the nixie
Should the spell be dispelled, the original up to 30 feet. You can also use your action
script and the illusion both disappear. A to attempt to force the nixie inside of a
creature with truesight can read the hidden creature that is adjacent to the nixie, that
message without triggering the scrolls trap. creature must make a Dexterity Saving
throw. On failure, the nixie enters that
Flood Creature creature's body and starts producing larger
1st-level Transmutation (Cleric, Druid) quantities of fluids making the target gain
Casting Time: 1 action 3d6 fluid growth at the start of every turn for
Range: 60 feet the rest of this spell’s duration. While inside
Components: V, S, M (a miniature jug made of a creature the nixie loses the ability to
flood other nearby creatures.
of gold worth at least 50 GP)
Duration: Instantaneous
When you move the nixie, you can direct it
Classes: Cleric, Druid, Ranger
over barriers up to 5 feet tall and jump it
An offense oriented subversion of create
across pits up to 10 feet wide. The nixie
water, Flood creature causes the water to
soaks objects wet, extinguishing flames, as
exist inside another creature. Target
long as these objects are not being worn or
creatures within spell range must make a
constitution save or gain 3d8 fluid growth.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
fluid growth increases by 1d6 for each slot
fluid growth increases by 1d8 for each slot
level above the 2nd.
level above 1st.
Froth and Foam
2nd-Level Evocation
2nd-level Conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a bellows)
Range: 60 feet
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Components: V, S, M (a bit of rainwater, a
You make the atmospheric pressure, of a
crystal ball, and shard of a blue crystal)
point of your choice within range, to change,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute expanding anyone in a 10-foot radius sphere
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard centered on that point. Each creature caught
You create a little rotund water sprite called by this spell must make a Constitution
‘Nixie' which appears in an unoccupied saving throw or gain 3d8 gaseous growth on
space of your choice within range and lasts a failed save, or half as much on a successful
for the duration. Any creature that ends its one. Creatures made of rubber, stretchy
turn within 5 feet of nixie must make a materials or that have less than half of their
Dexterity saving throw as nixie attempts to current growth lower than half of their
flood them with water. The creature gains growth limit, have disadvantage on this
2d6 fluid growth on a failed save, or half as saving throw.
much on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell caster can use this additional effect up to 3
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the times.
gaseous growth increases by 1d8 for each
slot level above 2nd. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
Gaseous Gaze fluid growth gain (both initial and later)
2nd-level Enchantment increases by 1d4 for each slot level above
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd.
Range 120 feet Gelogenic Splash
Components: V, S Evocation Cantrip
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer Range: 60 feet
You affix a creature with a peculiar gaze. Components: V, S, M (a handful of a viscous
Targets that fail a charisma saving throw substance)
gain 5 points of gaseous inflation. They gain Duration: Instantaneous
an additional 5 every round while line of Classes: Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer,
sight remains unbroken. Summoner, Warlock, Wizard
You fling an ooze like substance at a
Gelonic Ooze Arrow creature that is rapidly absorbed into their
2nd-level evocation bodies making them swell in size. The target
Casting Time: 1 action must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
Range: 90 feet failed save, the target gains 1d6 fluid growth,
Components: V, S, M (a piece of black ooze) and has their speed reduced by 10feet until
Duration: Instantaneous the end of its next turn.
Classes: Wizard
At Higher Levels. The spell’s fluid growth
A sticky viscous purple arrow streaks toward gain increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
a target within range and bursts in a spray of level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level
goo. Make a ranged spell attack against the (4d6).
target. On a hit, the target is soaked in goo
that is rapidly absorbed into their bodies Glancing Blow
gaining 4d4 fluid growth. On a miss, the Abjuration Cantrip
arrow splashes the target with goo for half Casting Time: 1 action
as much of the initial damage. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a whetstone)
If the arrow hits the target, as a bonus action Duration: 1 round
on their turn, the caster then can empower Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock. Wizard
the goo absorbed by the target making it You gain 2 times your spellcasting modifier
expand inside of the target’s body. The target in fluid growth. You gain resistance to
gets an additional 2d4 fluid growth while slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage
making the caster gain an amount equal to until your next turn at which point you lose
half as much as the result of the roll in the fluid growth you gained. These effects
liquid growth to sustain this effect. The can trigger a forfeit.

Growing Charm the type of growth chosen when casting this
1st-level enchantment spell.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Components V using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute magic weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack
rolls and damage rolls. When you use a spell
Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock,
slot of 6th or higher, the bonus increases to
Wizard, Summoner
+2 and when you use a spell slot of 9th level,
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can
the bonus increases to +3.
see within range with your alluring growth.
It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and it
Inspire Compassion
does so with advantage if you or your
companions are fighting it. If it fails the 3rd-Level Enchantment
saving throw, it is charmed by you until the Casting Time: 1 reaction; When an ally is
spell ends or you or your companions do attacked by a creature
anything harmful to it. The hostile creature Range: 60 feet
loses its advantage if you have twice their Components: S, M (A yellow flower)
size in either growth or bulk (minimum of Duration: Instantaneous
10). To maintain this spell you also gain 1 Classes: Bard, Druid, Warlock
bulk, gaseous or fluid growth every minute. A creature you see within 60 ft. that attacks
The charmed creature regards you as a an ally is overcome with compassion. IF
friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, your ally has less hp than the creature, is
the creature knows it was charmed by you. suffering from a condition, has a curse, a
disease, or is pregnant, the attack is made
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with disadvantage.
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you
can target one additional creature for each Jane’s Growing Assets
slot level above 1st. The creatures must be 2nd-level enchantment
within 30 feet of each other when you target Casting Time: 1 action
them. You also gain 1 extra bulk or growth Range: Self
per creature being charmed. Components: S
Duration: 1 minute
Growth Weapon
Classes: Wizard
2nd-level transmutation
When you cast this spell, you make your
Casting Time: 1 bonus action chest surge in size gaining 10 gaseous
Range: Touch growth instantly which you immediately use
Components: V, S to allure each creature of your choice that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour you can see within 30 feet of you. Each
Classes: Artificer, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving
Wizard throw or be distracted for the duration.
You touch a non-magical weapon and While distracted, a creature has
choose one between Bulk, Gaseous Growth, disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
Fluid Growth. Until the spell ends, that checks and initiative rolls.
weapon becomes a magic weapon and does

Magical Instability Blade simultaneously, and you can direct them to
Evocation Cantrip hit one creature or several.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (5-foot radius) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Components: S, M (a melee weapon worth using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
at least 1 sp) spell allows you to create one more dart for
Duration: Instantaneous each slot level above the 1st.
Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Summoner,
Mind Expansion
Warlock, Wizard
You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s 2nd-level divination
casting and make a melee attack with it Casting Time: 1 action
against one creature within 5 feet of you. On Range: 60 feet
hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s Components: S
normal effects, and you can cause the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
unstable magical energies to leap from the Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
target to a different creature of your choice You reach into the mind of one creature you
that you can see within 5 feet of it. The can see within range. The target must make
second creature gains gaseous growth equal a Wisdom saving throw, taking 2d6 psychic
to your spellcasting ability modifier. damage and gaining 2d6 gaseous growth, on
a failed save, as their mind starts making
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee their own body swell. The target takes half
attack causes the target hit to gain an extra as much damage and gains half as much
1d8 gaseous growth, and the gaseous growth growth, on a successful save. On a failed
gain of the second creature increases to 1d8 + save, you also always know the target’s
your spellcasting ability modifier. Both gains location until the spell ends, but only while
further increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and the two of you are in the same place of
2d8) and 17th level (3d8 and 3d8). existence. While in this condition you can
make the target and yourself gain 1 gaseous
Magic Puffs growth as a free action every minute.
1st-level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Range: 120 feet using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
Components: V, S damage and the growth gain increase by 1d6
for each slot level above 2nd. Your free
Duration: Instantaneous
action to make yourself and the target grow
Classes: Sorcerer Wizard
also increases by 1 per slot level above 2nd.
You create a glowing mass of gas that takes
the shape of a dart filled with magical force.
Oedematous Slime Tentacles
The dart hits a creature of your choice that
1st-level Evocation
you can see within range. A dart deals 1d4+1
gaseous growth to its target. You can create Casting Time: 1 action
up to 3 additional darts but to do so requires Range: Self (30-foot cone)
you to gain 1 gaseous growth per additional Components: V, S, M (a piece of gelatinous
dart created. The darts all strike substance)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard You produce a faint puff of air on the palm
A series of oozing tentacles sprouts around of your hand that dashes towards a target
you and try to latch to the creatures in a 30 creature after you give it a gentle blow. Do a
feet cone in a direction you choose. Each magical ranged attack and on success the
creature within the affected area must creature gains 1d8 gaseous growth points.
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or have
a tentacle latch at them for the spell’s At Higher Levels. This spell’s gaseous
duration or until a creature uses its action to growth amount increases by 1d8 when you
free themselves of the tentacle or another reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and
creature. A creature with a latched tentacle 17th level (4d8).
gains 2d4 fluid growth at the start of each of
its turns. Produce Bubble
Conjuration Cantrip
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell Casting Time: 1 action
using a spell slot 2nd level or higher, the Range: 30 feet
fluid growth increases by 2d4 for each slot Components: V, S
level above the 1st.
Duration: Until dispelled
Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer,
Pneumatic Armor
Summoner, Warlock, Wizard
1st-level Abjuration
You produce a small bubble of a mysterious
Casting Time: 1 action substance, which pops if it comes into
Range: Touch contact with a creature, inflicting 1d6 points
Components: V, S of fluid growth.
Duration: 8 hours When you create the bubble, you
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard may choose to either launch it at a creature
You touch a willing creature who isn’t within range, making a spell attack roll
wearing armor, and their body becomes against the target, or leave it in a space
more voluptuous and bouncy, able to absorb within range that is not occupied by a
the shock of attacks until the spell ends. The creature. Creatures that enter the same
target’s base AC becomes 14 + its Dexterity space occupied by one of the bubbles
modifier. The target also gains 1 gaseous forcibly gain 1d6 fluid growth.
growth every hour while under the effect of You may have a number of active
this spell. The spell ends if the target dons bubbles equal to your spellcasting ability
armor or if you dismiss the spell as an modifier. If you attempt to create bubbles
action. beyond the maximum, the oldest bubble is
immediately destroyed.
Puff Bubbles that are launched rapidly
Evocation Cantrip collapse if they miss their target, and placed
Casting Time: 1 action bubbles exist as a tiny object that are
Range: 120 feet destroyed if they take any sort of damage.
Components V, S
At Higher Levels. This spell’s fluid growth
Duration: Instantaneous
amount increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid,
Sorcerer, Summoner, Warlock, Wizard

level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level At higher levels. When casting this spell
(4d6). using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
growth point loss is increased by 3 for each
Radiant Rainbow Blast spell slot above 1st.
1st-level Evocation Shackles of Maddening Expansion
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level Enchantment
Range: 30 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components V, S, M (a wand with a string of Range: 120 feet
a unisharken hair or the horn of a Components: V, S
unisharken) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard One humanoid of your choice that you can
A spell made by a very particular unisharken see within range must succeed on a Wisdom
powerphage that acted as a protector of saving throw or suffer the effects of these
justice. A beam of glittering pastel colors, shackles. Depending on the caster this spell
lances out toward a creature within range, can take different shapes, some use magical
forming a sustained beam of light between shackles, other crowns and some even use
you and the target. Make a ranged spell clamps for the creature's nipples. Regardless
attack against that creature. On hit, the of the visual representation of this spell the
target gains 1d12 gaseous growth, and on creature can’t take these bindings physically.
each of yours for the duration, you can use
your action to make the creature further The bound target has the option to use its
gain 1d12 gaseous growth automatically. The action before moving on each of its turns to
spell ends if you use your action to do make a melee attack against a creature other
anything else. The spell also ends if the than itself that you mentally choose. If the
target is ever outside the spell’s range or if it target chooses to not attack the creature that
has total cover from you. has been assigned to them they are forced to
grow, gaining 3d8 liquid growth as their
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell bodies start over producing. The target can
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the act normally on its turn if you choose no
target gains an additional 1d12 gaseous creature or if none are within its reach.
growth for each slot level above the 1st.
On your subsequent turns, you must use
Relax your action to maintain control over the
1-st level evocation target, or the spell ends. Also, the target can
Casting time : 1 bonus action make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of
Range: Touch each of its turns. On a success, the spell
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Swell Geometry
Classes: Cleric. Bard, Druid, Paladin
4th-level Transmutation
A creature you touch loses growth points
form their highest source of growth points Casting time: 1 action
equal to your spellcasting ability modifier Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a fragment of writing You point at one creature you can see within
charcoal) range, and as you make a shill run down
Duration: 1 minute their spine as the dread fills more than just
You create 2, 30 foot lines across an area their minds. The target must succeed on a
you can see within 60 feet. When one of Wisdom saving throw or gain 1d8 gaseous
these lines are crossed by an enemy, they growth. If the target has more than half of
gain 8d6 points of gaseous inflation, or half its growth limit, it instead gains 1d12 gaseous
as much on a successful saving throw. growth.
Sympathetic Burden
5th-Level Enchantment At Higher Levels. The spell’s gaseous growth
Casting time: 1 action gain increases by one die when you reach
Range: Touch 5th level (2d8 and 2d12), 11th level (3d8 and
3d12), and 17th level (4d8 and 4d12).
Components: V. S
Duration: 1 minute
Classes: Cleric. Bard, Druid, Paladin
A target you touch is linked to you by a
connection of magic. Whenever you gain
growth points, the target gains bulk points
equal to the growth points you gained.

Thermal Expansion
6th-Level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V,S,M (A coal piece)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric. Bard, Druid, Paladin
You target a creature with a penetrating
warmth making them cozy and start to blow
up. The targeted creature makes a
constitution save and gains 6d8 gaseous
inflation or half as much on a successful
save. Water elementals take double damage
from this spell

Toll of the Pressure

Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard

Clothing Orc Gold
Threads of Growing Consumable, Rare
Clothing(any underwear), Uncommon Supposedly, the red orcs once had an ancient
empire that existed in the early centuries
(requires attunement)
after the time of giants and dragons. The
These undergarments function similarly to
treasure of this empire is long lost, but it is
the “Threads of Holding.”
said that these pieces of treasure grant
Curse. Once fully worn and attuned,
immense power.
the user begins to grow inside of the
Eating a Piece of orc gold fills the
garment. Over the course of the day, they
user to their growth limit with food growth
grow to their growth limit (the pace is set by
and makes them 2 sizes larger. On their next
the DM) The garments cannot be removed
turn, they can make 1 “melee” strike that
unless dispelled with a remove curse spell or
affects a 15x15 cube. All creatures inside that
similar effect. If the curse or the magic is
space take 1d20+10 damage or half on a
dispelled, while the garment’s wearer has
successful dexterity saving throw.
any growth or bulk, the garment is
Creatures killed by this effect are
immediately shredded and destroyed, dealing
turned into 1d4 units of “golden food” which
2d6 damage to the user and any creature
grants whoever eats it 1d4 temporary HP.
within 5 feet of them.
This effect ends once the user makes the
attack or after 1 round of combat. Whichever
Threads of Holding comes first. Once the effect ends, all
Clothing(any underwear), Uncommon additional points of food growth are lost.
(requires attunement) Including any from before consuming the
In a world where everyone keeps blowing up gold.
it helps to have bigger than average clothing. If the effect is nullified through
Threads of holding conceal your size in the anti-magic spells or effects that affect magic
astral plane depending on where you’re items, the user reverts back to their original
wearing them. Bras hold breasts, underwear size but does not shed the food growth
holds butts, etc. While wearing this , you are points.
not affected by size-related inconveniences
such as being too large to fit somewhere, Mana Rootstock Seeds
and signs of your growth are concealed from Consumable, Uncommon
outside viewers.. Additionally, those with the Seeds of a plant that natively pulls mana
Grand Anatomy Supernatural gift gain from the environment and stores the energy
advantage on deception and disguise kit for later use typically, when consumed, these
checks. seeds impart their stored mana. Improperly
If the wearer is subjected to treated ones can have risks, however.
anti-magic while weaning one of these Each seed has a level associated with
garments and they have any growth or bulk, it from 1 to 10. When consumed, the seed
the garment is shredded immediately and grants back a spell slot of the level of the

seed. Eg. Eating a level 1 Mana Rootstock When encountering his enemies in mass, the
Seed will grant back 1 spell slot. figure who made these weapons realized
Not all seeds treated this way are they weren’t quite strong enough. Something
safe to consume, however, and the more he rectified with additional enchantments
powerful the user, the more risky it can be. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage
When eating a seed, roll a 1d100 if rolls made with this magic weapon.
the shown amount is lower than their spell Damage dealt with a Taizo weapon instead
casting ability (Wis, Int, Cha) or they don’t of being its normal damage type is replaced
have a spell slot for the appropriate level with gaseous growth points.
(eating a level 8 seed when you have no level
8 spells) results in the seed swelling inside Weapon, Taizo +2
of the user. Granting them food growth Weapon (any), Uncommon
points equal to their spell casting modifier. Eventually, he became known as a hero of
the underdark, his expansionary weapons
Potions proving effective at defeating his enemies.
Sometimes with as few as 3 strikes of his
Potion of Minor Filling weapon
Potion, Common You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage
A watered down version of its larger rolls made with this magic weapon.
counterpart. When consumed, the drinker Damage dealt with a Taizo weapon instead
gains 1d4+cha mod fluid growth of being its normal damage type is replaced
with gaseous growth points.
Potion of Filling
Potion, Uncommon Weapon, Taizo +3
A fairly bog standard growth potion. It's not Weapon (any), Uncommon
very powerful but it is very popular among The most powerful variant of the Taizo
those who have trouble fitting into garments weapons. The first one was supposedly used
and other assorted enthusiasts. to make dragons of the underground burst
while Taizo himself dug underground,
Consuming this potion grants the drinker
dropping stones on his foes he didn’t blow
1d10+cha fluid growth
up with his weapons.
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage
Weapons rolls made with this magic weapon.
Damage dealt with a Taizo weapon instead
Weapon, Taizo of being its normal damage type is replaced
Weapon (any), Uncommon with gaseous growth point
There are legends of a mysterious figure who
used specially enchanted and built weapons
made to expand and bloat his enemies.
Damage dealt with a Taizo weapon instead
of being its normal damage type is replaced
with gaseous growth points.

Weapon, Taizo +1
Weapon (any), Uncommon

(Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)
Max Level Max MP for Single
Level MP Pool Slot Spell

Mana Points 1
1st 2MP

Mana points is an optional feature that 3 14 2nd 3MP

4 17
changes how spell slots work with a little
5 25 3rd 4MP
added pitch of growth to it.
6 29
7 34 4th 5MP
Why use these rules? 8 39
9 50 5th 6MP
The book rules state that spells spend a
10 56
resource called ‘spell slots’ each slot has a
11 63 6th Only 1 7MP Cast
different level associated to it and is from 12 63
this pool of slots that the magic users from 13 71 7th Only 1 8MP Cast
D&D 5e can cast their spells. Mana Points 14 71
take those away and make use of an unified 15 80 8th Only 1 9MP Cast
pool (or resource) that is used to cast spells. 16 80
Moreover, this set of rules try to make a 17 90 9th Only 1 10MP Cast
system that makes more sense than the one 18 96
presented at the DMG. 19 101 2nd 7MP Cast
20 111 2nd 8MP Cast

So how does this work? HALF CASTER TABLE

(Paladin, Ranger)
First let's take some things that don't change Max Level Max MP for Single
out of the way. Spellcasting modifier Level MP Pool Slot Spell
remains the same and all rules for attacking 1 — — —
and damage and saving throw stays the 2 4 1st 2MP
same. 3 6

That being said, instead of using the table 4 6

for spell slots, use these tables below to 5 14 2nd 3MP

6 14
identify how many MP do you have per level
7 17
and other limitations that we will talk more
8 17
about later. Warlocks should still use the
9 25 3rd 4MP
original mechanics for their class.
10 25
11 29
12 29
13 34 4th Only 1 5MP Cast
14 34
15 39 2nd 5MP Cast
16 39
17 50 5th Only 1 6MP Cast
18 50
19 56 2nd 6MP Cast
20 56

Mana Limits
(Eldritch Knight) Just because you have enough mana to cast
Max Level Max MP for Single a 9th level spell it doesn’t mean you know
Level MP Pool Slot Spell how to properly do it. Having enough mana
1 — — —
on your pool to cast powerful spells doesn’t
2 — — —
mean you have the capability to do such, a
3 4 1st 2MP
lot of that comes from training and studying
4 6
and as you level up, you can both cast spells
5 6
of higher levels (as seen in the Caster
6 6
7 14 2nd 3MP
Tables) and being able to use more MP on
8 14
your casts. Follow the appropriate caster
9 14 table to your class to know what is the
10 17 highest level of spell you can cast and how
11 17 much mana you can use in a single cast.
12 17 Moreover, spells that use 7MP or more are
13 25 3rd 4MP much more strenuous than the previous
14 25 levels. Whenever you get one of those as a
15 25 caster, you are limited to one cast of that MP
16 29 level cost before requiring a long rest.
17 29 Example.: Trix the amazing lv 18
18 29
sorceress can cast 1 spell using a total of
19 34 4th Only 1 5MP Cast
7MP, 1 spell using a total of 8MP, 1 spell
20 34
using a total of 9MP and 1 spell using a total
of 10MP.
Casting Spells
Cantrips are considered innate spells for Cooldown
your spell caster and as such doesn’t exert
The repeat casting of the same spell wears
any sort of strains on the caster to use them
one’s mind down and requires time for the
so no MP is required to cast them.
caster to recharge. Unless stated otherwise
Spells from the 1st level or higher will cost a
in the spell’s description, a caster must wait
total of Mana Points equivalent to the spells
a number of turns equivalent to 1 round per
level + 1.
base spell level or the casting time,
Example.: Nixie will consume 2 MP whichever is longer, before attempting to
when trying to cast the 1st level spell magic cast the same spell again. Cantrips don’t
missile at 1st level. have a cooldown and can be cast every
Spells of being cast as a higher level spell round.
will consume an amount of MP equivalent to
Example.: York the powerful magician
a spell of that level + 1.
must wait 3 turns after casting a 3rd level
Example.: Caelan will consume 4MP spell Fireball as a 5th level spell. He can still
when trying to cast the 2nd level spell cast other 3rd level spells on his subsequent
FWOOMP as a 3rd level spell. turn.

Recovering Mana A Word of Thank
A long rest fully restores your Mana Points. Mana Points for GtG take inspiration from
You can also, while taking a short rest, use Mana Points an article from GM Binder, you
one of your hit dice to recover a number of can check the original in the following link
MP equal to your spellcasting modifier, in https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MixecVud
place of recovering your health. cMI2KeNQvhy

Other Mana Sources

At the DMs discretion, potions and other
items that recover MP can be added to
campaigns, as well, magical items or
equipment that regenerate MP over time or
provide additional storage of MP from which
the caster can draw upon.

Growth and Mana

So where does the growth start with Mana
Well that depends on the DMs discretion to
add these sets of rules just as is or to add a
pitch of ‘growth’ to them.
Is suggested that for every point of MP that a
caster has in their campaign, they gain a
point of gaseous growth and a point to their
growth limit. Casting spells then shrinks
your character as they use spells and mana
is forced upon you, no matter the outcome,
whenever you take a long rest.
For campaigns that are more focused in
gameplay balance and low amounts of
growth you can choose to reduce the above
mentioned suggestion to half as much (or
even more!) and make the growth
permanent, making sure you don’t shrink
whenever you’re casting spells.

As a Perma character, you are BIG (Even
bigger than grand anatomy) pretty much all
Permanent Growth the time. At all times you are at least mostly
expanded. Your growth limit is much higher
than normal, but is always typically
Some growth is more persistent and long occupied. Track your original Growth limit
lasting. Functionally permanent. Whether it and it increases separately and increase it as
was natural, or by a magical effect, or even a you level up. Your size is the growth limit
curse. This has its benefits and its multiplied by the listed amount in this
drawbacks. section minus that growth limit.
(eg. Size 3 with growth limit 10 is 30 growth
limit, with 20 growth points as your base
Creating a Perma character
During character creation and with your You can shrink beyond this default
DM’s permission, your character becomes a number through spells or magical items, but
permablimp/permaberry/permballoon/etc. every day at sunset return to your base
Someone that is permanently expanded. The fullness. When you deflate after a long rest
following sections will help you determine you only shrink back to that base fullness
the type of perma character you are. Each regardless of how much growth you heal.
section’s features have a number rating from Finally, your size increases the lower
1 to 5. Once you select a number from that you go, which at DM discretion may mean
section, you can no longer select that there are some spaces you cannot fit into
number in a different section. For example, unless you take the “Eldritch”Trait.
taking number 3 in “Size” means that you
cannot pick “3” from any of the other 1 - Extreme Size
sections. Additionally you cannot pick You are tremendously massive. Your growth
multiple times from any section. After limit is multiplied by 6 and you always have
picking from Size, Speed, Body Mechanics, growth equal to 5 times your growth limit.
Manipulation, and Armor and Clothing, you Additionally you fit a size 3 size categories
pick a “Trait” which will change one thing larger than your base size (eg. Medium to
about your mechanics. Gargantuan) this does not affect your carry
capacity or bulk limit.

2 - High Size
You are huge and it shows. Your growth
limit is multiplied by 5 and you always have
growth equal to 4 times your growth limit.
Additionally you fit a size 2 size categories
larger than your base size (eg. Medium to
Huge) this does not affect your carry
capacity or bulk limit.

3 - Moderate Size Speed
You are significantly oversized. Your growth
limit is multiplied by 4 and you always have At these sizes, movement becomes less of a
growth equal to 3 times your growth limit. guarantee. From sizes 3 and up, you can also
Additionally you fit a size 1 size category move at half the speed of someone pushing
larger than your base size (eg. Medium to you.
Large) this does not affect your carry
capacity or bulk limit. 1 - Slowest
You do not move at any good speed your
4 - Large Size land movement speed is reduced by 15ft
You are very large. Your growth limit is
multiplied by 3 and you always have growth 2 - Slower
equal to 2 times your growth limit. You are quite lumbering compared to most
Additionally you fit a size 1 size category people. Your land movement speed is
larger than your base size (eg. Medium to reduced by 10ft
Large) this does not affect your carry
capacity or bulk limit. 3 - Slow
You are not fast but you could be slower.
5 - Big Size Your land movement speed is reduced by 5ft
You are quite big but not prohibitively so.
Your growth limit is multiplied by 2 and you 4 - Full Speed
always have growth equal to your growth You’re either used to your size, or your legs
limit. Additionally you fit a size 1 size are not terribly expanded, or some other
category larger than your base size (eg. reason. Either way, you move at your normal
Medium to Large) this does not affect your full speed.
carry capacity or bulk limit.
5 - Roll
You’re more than mobile, you're adaptive.
You can roll instead of walk. When you do,
you ignore rough terrain. IF you have an
effect that makes you ignore rough terrain
anyway, you instead gain 10ft or movement
speed when you roll.

Additionally, you may pick an alternative
Body Mechanics
option that deals with flight and floating in
lieu of ground motion. The way you move in battle can also have its
own benefits. Bludgeoning and bumping
1 - Ultra-Light opponents on the field. The higher you go,
You are always flying and uncontrollably the better you are at striking opponents with
move upwards at a rate of 20 feet a round if your mass.
you are not secured. If you are adjacent to a
surface you can grab onto you can move 10 1 - Average Damage
feet along it. You deal normal damage with your body
strikes. This damage is overridden by class
2 - Very Light features
You are always flying and uncontrollably
move upwards 5 feet each round you are not 2 - Improved Damage
secured. If you are adjacent to a solid object You deal slightly better damage with your
you may push off of it as a bonus action to body strikes. This damage is overridden by
move half your speed, or climb along it to class features. Your unarmed strikes deal 2
move half your speed if it has appropriate damage
hand holds.
3 - Skilled Damage
3 - Floating You are familiar with dealing damage and
You Are always flying and are incapable of interacting with opponents with your
moving under your own power. If you are increased size. Your unarmed strikes deal
adjacent to a solid object you may try to 1d4 damage.
push off of it as a bonus action to move half
your speed as a or climb along surfaces with 4 - Body Control
appropriate hand holds to move half your You are in full control of your body and its
speed. motions. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6
4 - Flight
You are always flying and are capable of 5 - Body Check
moving at 1/2 your base land speed, you You are a bit wild to be on the field with.
cannot walk so you cannot ever move faster Your bumping and checking people is
than this rate without some extraordinary surprisingly effective. You deal 1d6 damage
means. with your unarmed strikes. Additionally by
spending a hit die you can make an
5 - Controlled Flight opponent roll a strength save vs a DC of 13
You are always flying and are capable of or be knocked backwards 10 feet. Targets
moving at your base land speed. that critically fail this check are knocked
prone as well.

Manipulation Armor and Clothing
The next issue with being so big all the time Armor and clothing tend to be a costly
is the ability to actually interact with the endeavor. For some people it’s not worth
world at large. Especially when it comes to spending too much time and energy on.
weapons and making skill checks. It can be The upside is that any armor or
difficult. The lower you go the fewer options clothing you DO wear cannot be outgrown
you have. by you until you are 2 times your growth
limit in size.
1 - Magehand
You can interact with the world with the use 1 - No armor, clothing cost x4
of a mage hand. You learn the mage hand You are too big for armor. Additionally,
cantrip. clothing costs 4 times as much for you to
buy and repair
2 - Only Ranged
You can’t really use melee in your current 2 - Armor and Clothing cost x3
status. You can only use ranged weapons. Clothing and armor cost 3 times as much for
you to buy and repair
3 - Only Ranged and Melee w/reach
You are too big for conventional melee. You 3 - Clothing and Armor cost x2
can only use melee weapons with reach and Clothing and armor cost 2 times as much for
they lose the reach condition when you you to buy and repair.
wield them. You can also use ranged
weapons. 4 - Normal Clothing, Armor cost x2
You can still wear clothing normally and get
4 - Standard Manipulation them made in a large enough size for cheap,
You are adjusted to the use of your body to but armor costs 2 times as much for you to
interact with the world. Either because you buy and repair
still have use of your hands or because
you’re just that good. Your manipulation 5 - Normal Clothing and Armor
skills are not affected Your armor and clothing needs are
unaffected by your existence as a
5 - Advanced Magehands permanently expanded person.
You have a pair of advanced mage hands
that are by some metrics superior to other
hands. These hands can relay tactile sense,
be used to do complex actions like craft or
attack, and can reach 10 feet from your body.
In many ways it’s like having normal hands.
You lean the “mage hand” cantrip

Traits Non-Euclidian
You can fit through spaces most people
Once you have selected from all 5 of the would otherwise think you shouldn’t be able
categories you can pick one trait that will to. You can fit into any space that’s at least 3
change or affect the way you interact with feet on either side. To observers, this looks
the world as a perma character. like your body passes through the walls or
space around you. To you it looks like you
Acrobat just fit in the space. Creatures on the
You are buoyant, pliable , and have a good opposite side of the walls or ceilings cannot
bit of bounce to you. Your jump height and see you even if you are larger than the space
jump distance are doubled and you take half you are occupying.
fall damage. Additionally, creatures that
jump off of you or land on you have the
same benefits.

Battle Blimp
You are hard to navigate around. This is a
good thing for your allies and a bad thing for
your enemies. If you are size 1 - 3 allies have
half cover when you are standing between
them and an enemy. If you are size 4 or 5
they have full cover instead.

You are cozy the way you are and have had a
good time adjusting to life as someone that’s
permanently expanded. You gain 1 additional
skill proficiency, or expertise in one skill you
already have.

You are used to moving like this. You can
dash as a bonus action, as long as you are
moving in the same direction. If you have
speed 5, targets at your movement
destination must succeed on a strength save
VS a DC 12 or be knocked back into a space
you are not occupying.

level up, your hitpoints do not increase.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: Instead you add the hitpoint increase to your
growth limit at the same time you increase
your growth limit.
Supernatural Gifts Volatility. Whenever you would take
damage, instead you gain gaseous or fluid
(your choice) growth equal to the amount of
Some people that start adventuring do so damage you just took.
because of or in possession of a special form
of supernatural aid or divine gifts that grant
them special abilities or perks Descendant of Taizo [2 points]
Supernatural gifts have a ranking
between them. Each ranking has a set point You are supposedly the Descendant of a
value attached to them. For standard, special legendary humanoid who destroyed many
noteworthy, and Extraordinary games some enemies in the underdark using his unusual
point values will be allowed, With standard combat techniques that involved blowing up
values allowing for the fewest, and his foes and dropping hefty rocks upon them
extraordinary games allowing for the most. as well.
As a general rule, confirm with your DM Whether or not you are actually
which level your game is. You can have a descended from him may be hard to tell, or
number of supernatural gifts with a point something you’re very proud of. Regardless
value equal to what’s allowed in the game. of the reality, it has imparted some unique
abilities to you.
Quick Draw. You have advantage on
initiative rolls when you are wielding a Taizo
Game Points
Type Allowed
Standard 0 points Expansive Resilience. When you take
Special 1 points damage, you can use your reaction to roll a
Noteworthy 3 points 1d10, adding your constitution modifier to
Exceptional 4 points the number rolled and can convert that
damage taken into growth points instead.
Expansively Volatile [4 points]
Taizo Quick-switch
You are either highly gifted with magical 5th-level Descendant of Taizo Trait
power, are an extraplanar being somehow When you defeat an enemy using a Taizo
bound to this plane, or otherwise, just a little weapon, overflow damage passes into a
bit strange in how your anatomy works. different enemy.
You cannot be physically harmed in
the traditional sense. It’s both a blessing and Taizo Traveler
a curse, however, as any damage you 11th-level Descendant of Taizo Trait
WOULD take, instead turns into unstable You gain a dig speed equal to your walk
growth. It makes you much more flexible speed. Where you enter and exit the earth
than most people, but also means you’re becomes rough terrain. If you travel under
almost always blowing up dramatically. an enemy while traveling like this, the
Huge Capacity. You add your hitpoints at ground they are walking under also becomes
level 1 to your growth limit. Every time you

rough terrain. If there is a cavern or space When your number of power comes
under the space dug out (at DM discretion) up, you gain a 1d4 “Power Die.” You can use
they fall in and if they fall from high enough, this 1d4 to perform any of the actions you
take fall damage. are able to perform at your level. If your
number comes up again, that 1d4 increases
Taizo Reserves to a 1d6 and so on to a maximum of :
17th-level Descendant of Taizo Trait
When you attack with a Taizo weapon, your POWER DIE
attacks are impressively effective. When you Player Highest
deal damage with a Taizo-weapon, enemies Level Power Die

within 10 feet of your target gain gaseous Level 1 1d8

growth points equal to your strength or Level 5 1d10

Level 10 1d12
dexterity mod (depending on the weapon
Level 14 1d20
you use.) Additionally, when you critically
hit with a Taizo weapon, that gaseous
growth spread is doubled. For each die value, you gain gaseous growth
equal to the max amount on the die. (Eg.
Gaining 1 die of power gives you 4 points of
gaseous growth. When it becomes a 1d6, you
D6 Characteristic gain another 6 points of gaseous growth for
The Taizo family name should be respected
and defended at all costs.
a total of 10. These are not lost until the die
While some people always thought my
of power is spent.
2 ancestry was something special I was never
too sure
Addition. At level 1, you can use your power
I am not a Descendant of Taizo, but I still
3 die to add one of the following effects:
have these powers. I wish to know why.

Sometimes in times of great need, I ask ● Add the die’s value to an attack roll
Taizo for advice. Sometimes, he answers.
● Add half the die’s value to a damage
I will use my ancestry to achieve my own
5 roll
glory, greater than my Descendant

Taizo was a shameful Descendant to have. I ● Add the die’s value to a skill check.
am loath to share his blood.

Subtraction. At level 5 you can use your

Fractal Growth [2 points] power to remove things from the
Everything is governed by the forces of fate environment.
and probability. These probabilities have ● Heal an Ally for the die’s value
numbers and equations behind them. Even if ● Reduce incoming damage by the
most people can't see them. You can see die’s value
ONE of these numbers. And the fact that
you can gives you incredible power. Inverse Power Laws. At level 5 If your use of
subtraction sets the value of a number to a
Number of Power. Pick a number greater or number that contains your Number of
equal to 3 AND less than or equal to 9. Power, you gain another 1d4 power die.
Whenever this number comes up in a roll
(after modifiers) you gain special benefits Division. At level 10 you can use your power
and a little bit of growth. die to affect the world around you in

interesting ways that divest effects from one healing nearby allies by the same
another. amount.
● Reduce incoming damage towards
your allies by the die value, and then Education. Now, your allies rolls also can
cause the target to gain gaseous add to your numbers of power’s die if their
growth equal to the max value of the rolls contain your number of power. When
die. they make forfeit checks, they are also
● Split outgoing damage between your subjected to the effects of Multiplication if
targets and deal additional gaseous they are willing.
growth points equal to the die’s
● When you make a growth forfeit and D6 Characteristic
fail the check, instead of suffering a My understanding of numbers simply makes
1 me superior.
forfeit, you may shed the growth to
Math is confusing…But I do like this number
any willing creature nearby willing to 2 for some reason.
take it. The amount must be equal in Numbers are the only thing you can trust
3 unequivocally.
all participants, however. (Eg. if you I swear there’s something to all these
4 numbers!
have 60 points and 1 creature nearby
I picked up mathematics to help with my
is willing to take some, they gain 30 5 class’ education.
of the points. With 2 it becomes 20 6 Numbers, they’re everywhere!

each and so on.)

Grand Anatomy [1 point]
Negative Integers. At level 10 once per day,
when you take damage, you may instead You are not just big, you are BIG. Whereas
choose to lose growth points equal to the many people within your race may have an
damage taken. IF the damage was more than idea of what “big” is, you far exceed that by a
you have growth points to lose, however, you tangible amount. This has its flaws and its
instead grow to your Growth Limit. benefits.
What part of your anatomy is
Multiplication. Level 14, the final expanded varies, and can be potentially
advancement in simple mathematics your anything. The one unifying trait is that it is a
growth can achieve. Is it a fractal division? Is “body part” that at least some people
it Multiplication? Who *really* knows? The consider moderately attractive when it’s
laws of math are all but lost on you now. bigger. Which could effectively be anything.
● If your forfeit check has a 1 in it Attractive Size. When rolling to see if
alongside your number of power, someone is interested in your size (see Social
you may choose to fail the save Checks,) you make the check with
instead and explode, dealing 6 times advantage, and the person you are checking
the amount rolled on your power die. against cannot tell you made the check.
Taking no damage You can also make these checks without
being expanded or inflated previously. Your
● If your forfeit check has a 2 in it,
base size is already big enough to be
alongside your number of power, you
attention grabbing.
may choose to fail the save instead
and implode. Growing by 6 times the Custom Tailoring. Armor is 1.5x more
amount rolled on your power die and expensive for you, but cannot be destroyed

by growing inside of it due to its unique fit. At level 5 this becomes full immunity and
Instead it is doffed instead of destroyed. instead all damage is converted into growth
Stacked Body. Attacks made with this points.
expanded body part as an unarmed attack
deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. MAGNETIC MASS CHARACTERISTICS
D6 Characteristic
GRAND ANATOMY CHARACTERISTICS I am constantly careful around the element I
1 am resistant to.
D6 Characteristic My family suffered a tragedy from my
2 element. I am the result.
I learned early on people will let you get
1 away with a lot if you’re big enough. I have no idea how this happened but it’s
3 handy.
My growth was gradual. By the time I was
2 this big it had already been years. I know how this happened to me but no one
4 else can ever know…
I woke up like this one day. I’m not sure how
3 or why but eh. I was always taught to respect the elements.
5 And this is the best way to venerate them.
This is a gift from nature. It's my job to use
4 it responsibly. 6 I am invincible!
It’s always so amusing how dumbfounded
5 people get when they see me.
I never got used to the stares my figure
always garnered. Ungrowable [0 points]
For any number of reasons, you are unable
Magnetic Mass [2 points] to grow terribly much if at all. This has its
benefits and its drawbacks. But mostly
(idea by Anon, Mechanics by Cae)
benefits depending on who you ask.
Your body is unique. As a result of some
This “gift” is specifically for people
ritual in your youth or before your birth, or
who want to play in a growth based
perhaps because you were born under an
campaign, but do not strictly want to grow
auspicious star, your body is in tune with a
themselves while still availing themselves of
particular form of energy.
content within this book.
Instead of being harmed by this
Curable. This gift can be removed by
energy, you instead gain small benefits and
intentionally seeking out someone who can
relief from them. In a sense anyway.
“repair” or “cure” whatever makes someone
Resistantly Absorbent. At level 1 pick one
unable to grow.
type of non-physical damage. You gain
Inflexible. You cannot be expanded, inflated,
resistance against that damage type. Taking
or made grown at all. Any effect that
half damage, but also gaining the same
WOULD do growth damage, will instead do
amount in gaseous or fluid growth (your
regular damage.
choice) at the same time. If you come into
contact with a source of this damage type, Redirect. Whenever you are targeted by a
however, such as falling into a raging house growth effect, you can redirect the growth
fire with fire resistance, being exposed to you would gain to a different target, friend or
extreme cold with cold resistance, or foe. This can only be done once per long
entering the celestial plane/a sacred area rest.
with radiant resistance, you immediately
grow to your growth limit and (depending
on the situation) may immediately suffer a

Alpha 1
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Send me any and all feedback. I’d love to

hear what you have to say.

The only feedback I will not consider, is

feedback asking that a specific kink or
fetish included in this is not included in the
final product.

Additional Credits:

Contributing Writers:
Nuclear Poppi Bomb
Nixie Dreamstar

All suggestions given by users


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