Techsavvys 2024

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IDEA: Exis ng greenhouse gas emission trackers o en face challenges

related to scalability, accessibility, and user engagement, hindering
widespread adop on and efficient mi ga on efforts. So our submission
for the hackathon is a GUI and a command line tool that calculates the
CO2 emissions associated with the transport of a specific product,
specified by the user.

CONNECTION TO THEME: A greenhouse gas emi er tracker is

essen al for monitoring emissions, se ng targets, and promo ng
transparency in sustainability efforts. It enables policy development,
incen vizes innova on, and fosters global collabora on on climate
change mi ga on. By accurately measuring emissions and holding
en es accountable, these trackers play a cri cal role in driving progress
towards a more sustainable future.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: We use a publicly-available API to find the

straight-line distance between two points. For ground transport, this
straight-line distance is mul plied by a scalar that accounts for the ra o
of straight-line distance and travel distance. This distance value is then
used to find the total emissions created by the transport of a product of
a given mass that distance based on the efficiency of various modes of
transport. Our program uses number of experimental values for
transport efficiency to calculate the CO2 emissions associated with the
transporta on of that cargo. This solu on designed to address the
challenges of scalability, accessibility, and user engagement in
greenhouse gas emission tracking.

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