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Despite the fact that, as Shakespeare said, "The pen is mightier than the sword," the pen itself is not
enough to make an effective writer. In fact, though we may all like to think of ourselves as the next
Shakespeare, inspiration alone is not the key to effective essay writing. You see, the conventions of
English essays are more formulaic than you might think – and, in many ways, it can be as simple as
counting to five.
The Five Paragraph Essay
Though more advanced academic papers are a category on their own, the basic high school or
college essay has the following standardized, five paragraph structure:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Body 1
Paragraph 3: Body 2
Paragraph 4: Body 3
Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Taken together, then, the overall structure of a five paragraph essay should look something like this:

Introduction Paragraph

• An attention-grabbing "hook"
• Background information
• A thesis statement
• A preview of the three subtopics you will discuss in the body paragraphs.

First Body Paragraph

• Topic sentence which states the first subtopic and opens with a transition
• Supporting details or examples
• An explanation of how this example proves your thesis

Second Body Paragraph

• Topic sentence which states the second subtopic and opens with a transition
• Supporting details or examples
• An explanation of how this example proves your thesis

Third Body Paragraph

• Topic sentence which states the third subtopic and opens with a transition
• Supporting details or examples
• An explanation of how this example proves your thesis

Concluding Paragraph

• Concluding Transition, Reverse "hook," and restatement of thesis.

• Rephrasing main topic and subtopics.
• Global statement or call to action.

There are several techniques for writing an introduction. Many introductions use one or a
combination of the following techniques to provide background information and capture the
reader’s attention.
• Move from general to specific
• Use an anecdote
• Use a quotation
• Ask a question
• Present facts and statistics
Activity 1: Read the following sample introductions. Identify the technique or techniques
used in each one.
1. Karate, which literally means “the art of empty hands,” is the most widely practiced of all
the martial arts. It is primarily a means of self-defense that uses the body as a weapon for
striking, kicking, and blocking. Having originated in the ancient Orient, the art of karate is
more than 1,000 years old. It developed first as a form of monastic training and later became
a method of self-defense. During the seventeenth century, karate became highly developed
as an art on the Japanese island of Okinawa. Over the years, this ancient art has gained much
popularity, and today karate is practiced throughout the world. More than a method of
combat, karate emphasizes, self-discipline, positive attitude, and high moral purpose.
Technique: __________________________________________________________

2. Homicide is the cause of death for more children in Washington, D.C., than any other single
cause involving injury, including car accidents, house fires, and drowning. Unfortunately,
this phenomenon is not exclusive to Washington. The overcrowded neighborhoods of many
big U.S. cities, such as Detroit, Dallas, St. Louis, Atlanta, and Miami are all plagued with
senseless violent crime. Types of violent crime range from arson and burglary to assault,
rape, and murder. The solution to this growing problem is not to build more and bigger
prisons, but rather to examine and deal with the causes: access to guns, grudge use, and
Technique: __________________________________________________________
3. It is often said that “Two heads are better than one.” For the past two years, the job of
research assistant in my office has been shared very successfully by two people. This “job-
sharing” arrangement has worked out quite well for all involved. Throughout the business
world, the interest in flexible employment arrangements, such as job-sharing, is growing.
Employers are beginning to realize that there are many talented people out there who are
looking for alternatives to traditional patterns of employment. In a job-sharing arrangement,
a full-time job is shared by two people. As an executive in a multinational firm, I feel that
job-sharing is not only helpful to employees, but also offers several advantages to employers.
A job-sharing arrangement increases productivity, helps maintain diversity, and brings a
broader range of skills to the job.
Technique: _________________________________________________________
How to write a strong introduction:
A strong introduction as stated above introduces the topic clearly, gives several sentences of
information about the topic, and states the thesis (the main idea) of the essay.
Any of the following will make an introduction weak;
It doesn’t give enough information about the topic or gives too much information about it.
It talks about too many different topics.
It doesn’t state a clear thesis.
Activity 2: Read and discuss the following introductions with a partner. Mark the strong
introductions with a check (√). Mark the weak introductions with an (×). What could the
writers do to make the weak introductions strong?
a. The rate of babies being born in Japan and Korea has greatly decreased in the last fifty years.
The decrease in number has caused several changes.

b. The number of businesses using the Internet for selling products has increased greatly in recent
years. Shoppers, too are, using the Internet in greater numbers to buy all types of products, such
as books, cameras, and clothing. Although e-business has become popular, there are certain
risks involved in Internet shopping that are a concern for both businesses and consumers.

c. Stargazing –looking at the stars—is something everyone should try. I love it. When looking at
the night sky, most people observe that the moon, planets, and stars move from the east side of
the sky to the west over a period of several hours. In fact, this movement is actually the
movement of the Earth rotating on its axis. In addition, as the Earth revolves around the sun
throughout the year, different stars are visible at different times.

Thesis Statement
In the introduction, after you have presented some general background information, you need to
narrow your focus. This is done in the thesis statement. A thesis statement is similar to a topic
sentence. Just as a topic sentence controls the information for a paragraph, a thesis statement
controls the information for an entire essay.
The thesis statement is a sentence that tells the reader what the essay will be about and what points
you will make in the essay.
A good thesis statement:
• identifies the subject of the essay
• states the purpose of the essay
• tells the focus of the subject
Sample Thesis Statements:
1. Three of the highest-rated competition reality shows are Top Chef, Project Runaway, and
American Idol, each of which showcases contestants’ talents in a particular area-cooking,
fashion design, or singing.
2. The problems in getting to the theater, the theater itself, and the behavior of some patrons
are all reasons why I often wait for a movie to show up on TV.
3. Although machinery was devised to benefit mankind, it has also brought along many flaws
to match.
The body of an essay consists of several supporting paragraphs that support the thesis. Each
supporting paragraph develops one point about the subject. Each paragraph begins with a topic
sentence that is supported with specific details, facts, and examples.
Analyze the following supporting paragraphs in sample essays 1 & 2.
Prompt: Machines now play an important role in most people’s lives. Computers, cars, and
household machines (such as washing machines) have become very common. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of having so many machines in people’s lives? Use specific examples
in your answer.

Technology has highly evolved over time. In fact, nowadays almost everybody
Introductory has some sort of machine at hand, be it computers, cars, or even washing
paragraph machines. But although machinery was devised to benefit mankind, it has also
(Thesis) brought along many flaws to match.

Firstly, when it comes to technological equipment such as computers, disruption

most often arises between the person using the computer, and the household he
or she is surrounded by, or living with. For example, many old family traditions
such as eating meals with your relatives at the dining table seldom take place
now that one of the family members might be too busy working on his Mac.
Laptop. Thus, family values and morals have changed in order to adapt to this
technological age.

Secondly, having many kinds of machinery at hand is not only destroying family
traditions, but is also very harmful to our environment. Many people are careless
about allowing their car engines to run haphazardly, or leaving their laptops on
Second for long periods of time, however they do not seem aware of the fact that all this
supporting energy and electricity consumption is dangerous to not only our local
paragraph environment, but to the world as a whole. Additionally, it is the over-usage of
machinery, big or small that is bringing our society ever closer to Global
Warming, and we must stop.
Finally, as I mentioned in my introduction, technological equipment was never
programmed to damage nature per se, but to help people all around the globe.
Now that nuclear families aren’t as closely intact compared to the 1950s or
Third 1990s, technology has given us an alternative method to keep in touch with our
supporting relatives thanks to computer applications such as Skype, or even cell phone
paragraph applications such as VIBER or WhatsApp. Machinery has most definitely done
wonders in our lives, and we as people should be grateful to easily possess cars,
and/or phones when poorer countries do not even have the chance to.
All in all, with all the advantages machinery has brought to us all, I personally
believe that possessing too many cars or phones, or even consuming too much
of their energy and battery, is beginning to get out of hand and needs to be

The Hazards of Movie-going
I am a movie fanatic. When friends want to know what picture won the Oscar in
Introductory 1980 or who played the police chief in Jaws, they ask me. My friends, though, have
paragraph stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies. The problems in getting to the
(Thesis) theater, the theater itself, and the behavior of some patrons are all reasons why I
often wait for a movie to show up on TV.
First of all, just getting to the theater presents difficulties. Leaving a home equipped
with a TV and a video recorder isn't an attractive idea on a humid, cold, or rainy
First night. Even if the weather cooperates, there is still a thirty-minute drive to the
supporting theater down a congested highway, followed by the hassle of looking for a parking
paragraph space. And then there are the lines. After hooking yourself to the end of a human
chain, you worry about whether there will be enough tickets, whether you will get
seats together, and whether many people will sneak into the line ahead of you.
Once you have made it to the box office and gotten your tickets, you are confronted
with the problems of the theater itself. If you are in one of the run-down older
theaters, you must adjust to the musty smell of seldom-cleaned carpets. Escaped
springs lurk in the faded plush or cracked leather seats, and half the seats you sit in
seem loose or tilted so that you sit at a strange angle. The newer twin and quad
Second theaters offer their own problems. Sitting in an area only one-quarter the size of a
supporting regular theater, moviegoers often have to put up with the sound of the movie next
paragraph door. This is especially jarring when the other movie involves racing cars or a
karate war and you are trying to enjoy a quiet love story. And whether the theater
is old or new, it will have floors that seem to be coated with rubber cement. By the
end of a movie, shoes almost have to be pried off the floor because they have
become sealed to a deadly compound of spilled soda, hardening bubble gum, and
crushed Ju-Jubes.
Some of the patrons are even more of a problem than the theater itself. Little kids
race up and down the aisles, usually in giggling packs. Teenagers try to impress
their friends by talking back to the screen, whistling, and making what they
consider to be hilarious noises. Adults act as if they were at home in their own
living rooms and comment loudly on the ages of the stars or why movies aren't as
good anymore. And people of all ages crinkle candy wrappers, stick gum on their
seats, and drop popcorn tubs or cups of crushed ice and soda on the floor. They
also cough and burp, squirm endlessly in their seats, file out for repeated trips to
the rest rooms or concession stand, and elbow you out of the armrest on either side
of your seat.
After arriving home from the movies one night, I decided that I was not going to
be a moviegoer anymore. I was tired of the problems involved in getting to the
Concluding movies and dealing with the theater itself and some of the patrons. The next day I
paragraph arranged to have cable TV service installed in my home. I may now see movies a
bit later than other people, but I'll be more relaxed watching box office hits in the
comfort of my own living room.

The final paragraph of your essay is the conclusion. It is the last thing your readers will see, so you
want to make it interesting.
The purpose of this last paragraph is to summarize, without using the same words, the main points
you have made in your essay. Your concluding paragraph should also leave your reader agreeing,
disagreeing, or at least thinking about your thesis.
Many conclusions use one or a combination of the following techniques to wrap up the essay.
• Restate your main points
• Ask a question
• Suggest a solution; make a recommendation or prediction

Activity 3: Read the following conclusions. In small groups, identify the technique or
techniques used in each one.

1. Although John Lennon is no longer with us, his music is still very much a part of people’s
lives. He was a remarkable individual who spoke in a language that everyone could relate
to. During the turbulent 1960s and 1970s, his optimistic message of peace, love, and
happiness emerged. Today, perhaps more than ever, people recall the themes of his songs
and look to them for answers. In the years to come, I predict that Lennon’s message will
continue to inspire countless generations.
Technique (s): _________________________________________________________

2. As I have shown, low-income senior citizens make up approximately 30 percent of the

elderly population. These people are among the most vulnerable members of society because
they depend on heavily on government programs for food, shelter, and medical needs. They
are the ones who will suffer most severely if the government cuts back on its social programs.
Technique (s): _________________________________________________________

3. When the legendary Michael Jordan retired from the game that made him the richest, most
famous sportsman in the world, basketball lost one of its brightest stars. Jordan retired for
the third and final time on April 16, 2003, leaving a sporting legacy many people believe
will remain permanently unmatched. We will always remember him for his talent, his
competitive personality, and his unbelievable ability to stay in the air when all the other
players were already going down. Will there ever be another sports icon as great as Michael
Technique (s): __________________________________________________________

After introduction of the structure of an essay, let’s outline the essay titled “The Hazards of
Movie going” By John Langan:

Outline for a Five-Paragraph Essay ("The Hazards of Movie going")

Title: ____________________

I. Introduction
A. Introductory statement
B. Thesis statement: ____________________

II. Body

A. First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence):

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
B. Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence):

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
C. Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence):

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
III. Conclusion

A. Closing statement
B. Restate thesis: ____________________

EXAMPLE: The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world
cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use.
In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to
encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more. Discuss possible ways
to encourage the use of public transport.

In a world of increasing environmental awareness improved public transport represents the

way of the future. Although people do enjoy the convenience and privacy of traveling in their
own private vehicles, in my opinion they may choose public transport if it fulfills certain
conditions. These conditions fall into three broad categories: attitudinal, financial and

From an attitudinal perspective, people must first be convinced of the benefits of public
transportation. An educational or public relations campaign must be launched to sensitize
those who might have disregarded this possibility before. People should be familiarized with
the environmental, social and personal benefits for present and future generations. This is
one step.

From a financial perspective, public transportation must be a clear and viable benefit to
consumers. In other words, it must be more affordable than driving to work every day. For
example, if people know that by using bus and subway, they can save enough money to take
a free holiday each year, many more individuals would be persuaded to travel in this way.
This is another critical step.

From a logistical perspective, public transportation should be convenient for commuters. City
planners and transport officials must ensure that frequent and reliable public transportation
is available for each citizen. For people to make the habit of traveling by bus or subway, they
must know that they will be able to get to various places on time. Transport vehicles must be
well maintained, subway and bus drivers should be customer-oriented and service must be
punctual and efficient. This is an additional important step.

In conclusion, through a multi-pronged approach, it is possible to increase the use of public

transportation. City officials and politicians can lead the way by utilizing these forms of
transport themselves and bringing about change through personal example. Then, more
citizens will follow suit and we may all hope to live in a cleaner, less polluted environment.

The Benefits of Regular Exercise
Thesis Statement: Regular exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and increases stamina.
Sentence Outline:

I. One benefit is the release of tension.

A. An over accumulation of adrenaline produces tension.
B. Exercise or active participation in sports releases tension.

II. Another benefit is an improved appearance.

A. The figure becomes more firm and trim.
B. Clothes look better.
C. Skin may become clearer.

III. Still another benefit is increased stamina.

A. Better muscle tone and strength improve performance.
B. One may be better able to ward off illness.

ACTIVITY 3: THE BENEFITS OF REGULAR EXERCISE: Read the introduction and the
conclusion parts and write the second and third body paragraphs according to the outline of
the essay.


In recent years many people have become increasingly aware of the need for physical fitness.
Almost everywhere people turn, whether it is to a newsstand, television or billboard, advice for
guarding and improving health bombards them. Although much of this advice is commercially
motivated by those eager to sell vitamins, natural foods and reducing gimmicks , some of it,
especially that advocating a regular exercise program, merits serious attention. Such a program, if
it consists of at least thirty minutes three times a week and if a person's physician approves it,
provides numerous benefits. Regular exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and increases
The first of these benefits, the release of tension, is immediate. Tension builds in the body because
of an over accumulation of adrenaline produced by stress, anxiety, or fear. Doctors agree that
performing calisthenics or participating in an active sport such as tennis or volleyball for thirty
minutes releases tension. If a person swims, jogs or rides a bicycle for half that time, he or she
should sleep better at night and have a better temperament the next day. In addition, after the release
of tension, petty irritations and frustrations should be less troubling. For example, an employee
upset by the day's work and by traffic congestion may rush home, argue with the family, and eat
excessively. Taking about thirty minutes to release frustrations through physical exercise could help
him or her to avoid this behavior. Planned physical exercise, therefore, can eliminate, or at least
control, tension.

Although easy solutions to the goals of losing weight and achieving an attractive, energetic body
saturate the media, actually acquiring these benefits is not easy. The rewards, however, are fully
worth the effort of an established exercise program that makes a person feel relaxed, look healthy,
and have adequate strength for strenuous as well as routine activities.

Choose one of the topics below and write a well-organized essay.
0. What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to
explain your answer.
1. What are some important qualities of a good boss? Use specific details and examples to
explain why these qualities are important.


Choose one of the topics below and write a well-organized essay.

1. Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous
activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2. Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or hard work?
Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples.


An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing. It requires your opinion on a topic, which must be
stated clearly, giving various viewpoints on the topic supported by reasons, facts and/or examples.
In an opinion essay, the writer should convince the reader to agree with his/her point of view. You
should also include the opposing viewpoint in another paragraph to make it persuasive.2

A successful opinion essay should have:

a) An introductory paragraph: You state the topic and your opinion by “an anecdote, a question or
a surprising statement or a fact that makes reader want to know more.” At the end of the paragraph,
thesis statement should be presented to express writer’s point of view.3

b) A main body: It consists of several paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpoint supported
by reasons, examples, explanations and facts.4 You also include a paragraph presenting the opposing
viewpoint and reason why you think it is an unconvincing viewpoint.

c) A conclusion: You restate your opinion using different words. It may also offer a warning or a
prediction on the topic.



Paragraph 1

state the topic and your opinion clearly

Main Body

Paragraph 2

viewpoint 1 & reason, example

Paragraph 3

viewpoint 2 & reason, example

Paragraph 41

viewpoint 3 & reason/ example*2


Paragraph 5

Summarize/restate opinion

1. Rhetorical Focus:

a. Facts and Opinions

In an opinion essay, the writer can use facts to make his/her opinion more convincing. An opinion
is a point of view of an individual whereas a fact is a generally accepted or proven truth.
Fact: A smart phone allows the user to access the internet.
Opinion: Cellphones are destroying people’s privacy.
After opinion is backed up by a fact, the fact can be interpreted in order to make the opinion
stronger: 5
Opinion The internet takes too much time away from family life.
Factual The average adult in the United States spends 14 hours per week on the
Examples internet.
Interpretation Those 14 hours could be spent doing family activities such as gardening,
helping children with homework or playing games.

Exercise 1: Read each opinion and fact below then write a sentence interpreting the fact to
support the opinion.

1. Opinion: The government is doing an excellent job of protecting athletes from the pressure to
use performance-enhancing drugs.

Fact: Athletes are routinely tested for drug use.

2. Opinion: Going home to have a long lunch is good for a family.
Fact: According to a recent study, people who eat at home report a higher level of satisfaction
with life.

1, 3, 4
Savage A, Mayer P. Effective Academic Writing. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. 2012
Savage A, Mayer P. Effective Academic Writing. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. 2012
3. Opinion: Phone applications are a good financial investment.
Fact: One out of every four people owns a smart phone.
4.Opinion: People spend too much money on food.
Fact: Americans eat meals outside the home and an average of five times per week.

b. Counter-argument and Refutation

In an opinion essay, counter-arguments and refutations can be presented in order to make one’s
point of view persuasive. “The counter-argument is the opposing opinion which disagrees with the
writer’s position.” On the other hand refutation is the writer’s response to the counter-argument.” 6
In the refutation, the writer shows the weakness of the counter-argument and shows why his/her
position is strong.

Counter-argument Most people agree that a traditional home-cook meal is best.

Refutation However, convenience and low cost is making fast food more popular
with students.

Exercise 2: Read each statement below. Then underline the counter-argument and circle the
writer’s refutation.
1. Even though many drivers love the power of a big car, smaller cars are the cars of the future.
2. Train travel may be inexpensive and relaxing; however airplanes are a much more important
means of transportation because they are fast and efficient.
3. While some people believe online courses will never be as popular as traditional classrooms,
the demand for online instruction is increasing due to technology, cost and convenience.
4. Some people criticize credit cards for causing debt; however, it’s the irresponsibility of
customers, not credit cards, that causes credit cards debt.

2. Language and Grammar Focus:

a. Using Connectors to Show Support and Opposition
Connectors which can be used to express support or opposition about an opinion:
- for example: Most people are willing to spend money to make their lives easier; for example,
most new homes have wireless capabilities. (Support)

Savage A, Mayer P. Effective Academic Writing. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. 2012

- in particular: Children should avoid junk food; in particular, they should stay away from sugary
snacks. (Support)
- however: Electronic books are becoming more popular; however, many people still prefer to read
on paper. (Opposition)
- in contrast: Standard vacations promise relaxation; in contrast, extreme tours promise danger
and adventure. (Opposition)

Exercise 3: Read the sentences below and write “O” for opposition and “S” for support for the
given connectors.
____ 1) Kayaking can be a cold and wet sport; however, many people find it exciting and
____ 2) A mall is a pleasant place to spend a Saturday afternoon; in fact, many people enjoy
spending times at malls even if they are not shopping.
____ 3) Engineers must be precise in their thinking; in contrast, artists work by freeing their
____ 4) It’s true that some people become addicted to exercise; for example, I have a friend who
feels anxious if she cannot work out at gym every day.

b. Using quantity expressions in opinion essays

It is not suggested to make overgeneralizations in an opinion essay because a statement may be
true for some but may not be true for all members of a group or category.
Example: Cats hate water.
It may not be true for all the cat family because tigers are cats too and they are good swimmers.
Instead, you can say:
Most cates hate water.
The other quantity expressions that can be used: some, a lot of, much, a little, many, a few.

Exercise 4: Rewrite the overgeneralized sentences below by using quantity expressions.

Overgeneralization Appropriate Generalization
1. People do not like change. Some people do not like change.
2. Medications have side effects.
3. Population affects everything.
4. Asian countries have hot and humid
5. Schools are now wireless
6. People commute to their jobs.

c. Using modal auxiliaries
In an opinion essay, you use phrases like I think, I believe and in my opinion in order to talk about
your ideas. Using these phrases repeatedly may not make your essay seem very well. Instead of
them, you can express your opinions by using grammatical structures such as modal auxiliary
verbs. They can also show the strength of the argument.

The city could / should / has to- must add more bike paths.
weakest strongest
The city doesn’t have to / shouldn’t / can’t – must not allow more cars.

Weakest strongest

Sample Five-Paragraph Essay 1

Subject: Should students be required to write public exams?

Title Why Exams are Good

by an Anonymous Teacher

Paragraph One: Many students hate exams in their courses and wonder why they
Introduction have to write them. Although some students experience test anxiety and
Three reasons for my find it hard to prepare, I believe exams are a good thing. They force
opinion students to take the courses seriously, they force teachers to teach to a
standard, and they create a level playing field for all students. For these
Thesis statement reasons, I think students should continue to take exams.

Paragraph Two: As a student, I was nervous about my exams (Grade 11 in those

Develops the first days!) just as students today are. But I studied much harder for those
reason by giving an courses and probably learned the material better. As a teacher I notice
example students are far less likely to skip classes if they are taking an exam
course. Knowing that they have to write a major exam forces students to
Topic sentence take the course more seriously.

During my teaching years, I often wondered whether I was doing

Paragraph Three: as good a job as other teachers in the province. I hoped that my students
Develops the second were learning the same material others were learning. When they did well
reason, giving an on exams, I knew that what I was teaching was meeting the provincial
example standard. Exams helped me as a teacher because they showed me that my
students were achieving at the same level as students all over the province.
Topic Sentence
Exams create a level playing field. What if a teacher dislikes a
Topic Sentence particular student or doesn't grade them fairly? In their Level 3 course,
50% of the grade comes from exam, so even if there's a personality
Paragraph Four: conflict between the teacher and the student, the student gets half their
Develops third reason, grade from an unbiased source. This means everyone gets the same
giving an example treatment.

While students will probably always feel exams are unfair and too
Paragraph Five: hard, as a teacher I have to say I'm totally in favour of them. I like the
Conclusion fact that they make students study harder, teachers teach better, and give
Summary of reasons everyone a chance to be judged in a fair and unbiased way. I have taught
in other provinces without exams, and I hope exams continue to be part
Restatement of thesis of our education system.

Sample Five-Paragraph Essay 2

Subject: Should parents have their children vaccinated?

Title Why You Should Vaccinate Your Kids

Author’s Name
Paragraph One: Since Edward Jenner introduced the first successful smallpox
Introduction vaccine by injecting an eight-year-old boy with cowpox pus in 1796,
vaccines have been an important part of public health care around the
Three reasons for world (“Edward Jenner”). Yet today, many parents choose not to
my opinion vaccinate their children. Because vaccines are widely supported by
research, have few side effects, and have proven successful in halting
Thesis statement the spread of disease, I believe it is important that all parents continue
to vaccinate their children.

Paragraph Two: All major health organizations, including the Centres for
Develops the first Disease Control and the World Health Organization, recommend
reason by giving vaccination. The value of vaccination is supported by research from
examples around the world, and researchers are constantly working to improve
the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Epidemiologists, the scientists
Topic Sentence whose job is to study the outbreak of disease, all recommend

Paragraph Three: Many parents worry about the safety of vaccines. While side
Topic Sentence effects do occur, they are usually minor, like redness or swelling around
Develops the the site of an injection. In Canada, only about one in a million doses of
second reason, vaccine leads to serious side effects (“Fact and Fiction”). The most
giving facts and famous study linking vaccines to autism, one which got many parents
statistics to support worried about vaccination, has been proven false and the doctor who
the statement. conducted the study has had his medical license taken away (Triggle).

Paragraph Four: Around the world, increased vaccination leads to better public
Topic sentence health. Diseases like smallpox and polio which once killed and disabled
Develops third millions of people are virtually unknown today thanks to immunization
reason, giving an programs. Yet in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan where the
example Taliban discourage immunization, rates of polio are on the rise again

Paragraph If and when you have children, please get them vaccinated. The
Five:Conclusion risks are minimal and you’ll not only be following the best advice of
Restatement of medical science and protecting your own child from disease; you’ll be
thesis helping in the fight to eradicate infectious diseases in your community
Summary of and around the world. (Written by Trudy Morgan Cole)

ACTIVITY 1: Read the paragraphs and put them in a correct order.

Media and Private Lives of Famous People

In conclusion, it is believed that newspapers and magazines should not be allowed to freely
publish personal and private stories of famous people because this is their right to protect their

It seems that everyone loves to know more about the lives of famous people. Knowing the
tendency, many newspapers and magazines have been featuring stories about this. However, no one
would ever want to let his personal life be publicly available to other people. Hence, from a personal
viewpoint, it seems to be inappropriate for a magazine or newspaper to freely publish this kind of
private information.

Secondly, more constructive information should be available on newspapers and magazines.

Knowing a famous person’s personal life does not broaden one’s knowledge. For example, a
newspaper or magazine should have more information about the current development of its country
rather than having a great deal of useless information about a super model’s life.

Firstly, everyone has his own secrets. Undoubtedly, he will never want anyone rather than
the people he believes to know about these stories. Hence, it will be outrageous for those famous
people to lose their privacy.

Last but not least, people should give respects to other people by not disturbing their secrets.
As a matter of fact, it is greatly disrespectful when someone tries to disclose another person’s
secrets. Hence, it should not be acceptable for newspapers and magazines to publish private and
sensitive information of famous people.

ACTIVITY 2: Read the essays below and underline the thesis statement, topic sentences of
each supporting paragraphs and circle the transition words and conjunctions:

Punishment for Criminals

How to treat criminals, put them in jail or do something else, is a tough question for people.
Some people think they deserve to suffer strict punishments such as depriving of their freedom
because they need to pay for what they did. The rest think they should be treated in a better way as
not all criminals are bad. As for me, I cannot agree more with the view that imprisonment plays a
more effective role in rehabilitating them.
According to the question specified above there are two ways to treat criminals, the first one
is to send them to prison while the other is something else different from that, which I regard as not
imprisoning them. Hence, here comes the problem, how to guarantee people’s safety while the law
breakers are still around them. They will probably commit more crimes again. In other words,
imprisonment is a good method to prevent them from approach to other people and their properties.

From psychological aspects, people naturally cannot bear to stay in a small sealed room for
long because it makes them uncomfortable. The conditions in a prison are one example of that.
Therefore, a prison is a harsh environment for those people against laws. At the same time, it can
be used to warn them so that they will never try to do anything illegally. Moreover, it also deters
potential criminals from committing crimes. As a result, crime rates can be reduced and everybody
can embrace a brighter future.

From children’s upbringing aspect, sending criminals to prison makes a peaceful social
atmosphere wherein children can be nurtured better without having any distractions on unhealthy
information caused by those criminals such as violence and pornography on TV or on Internet. The
closer they get to bad information, the higher possibility it is for them to imitate those misdeeds. As
a consequence, they may become potential criminals and will cause damages to the society.

Being strict to those criminals is necessary for government. Firstly, they should be isolated
from the rest of the society in the interest of a brighter future. Alternatively, education and labor
jobs could play a supplementary role in this aspect.


Choose one of them and write an opinion essay

1. Should young people travel for a year before university life? In some countries young
people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting
university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide
to do this.
2. Who Should Be Responsible For Elder People? In many countries, when someone gets
old, they often go to live in a house with other old people where there are nurses to look after
them. Sometimes governments pay for this care. Who should be responsible for our old
people? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
3. Happiness In Life. Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to
define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?


Choose one of the topics below and write an opinion essay. Use counter arguments and
refutations in your essay.

1. Is Change a Good or Bad Thing? Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same
things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

2. In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this
as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for
learning and taking responsibilities. Discuss.

3. Some people argue that the amount of violence shown in films and on television has led to
an increase in violent crimes in society. Give reasons for your answer.



Cause and effect essays are another common essay type, either as an essay type on its own, or as
part of a larger essay which includes one or more paragraphs examining causes and effects. This
part gives information on what a cause and effect essay is, how to structure this type of essay, how
to use cause and effect structure words (transition signals) for this type of essay.
What are cause & effect essays?
A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the results
(or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as reason and result
essays. They are one of the most common forms of organization in academic writing. Sometimes
the whole essay will be cause and effect, though sometimes this may be only part of the whole essay.


e.g. Causes of air pollution (multiple factors leading to air pollution).
e.g. Effects of watching too much TV (many effects of a situation).
e.g. Use of deodorants will bring the end of the world.
There may be several causes or effects of a situation. However, in a student essay, it is advisable to
keep the number of major points to 2 or 3, which form separate developmental paragraphs.
Depending on the topic, there may be three patterns of organization:

1. Multiple causes-->effect
In this pattern, the organization is as follows:
Thesis statement: Air pollution is caused by the following factors: exhaust gases from cars,
uncontrolled factory releases, and burning of low-quality coal for heating.
I. exhaust gases from cars
A. Government does not have enough control
B. Citizens are not conscientious
II. uncontrolled factory gases
A. No regular checks on gases released
B. Factories are inside the borders of residential areas
III. burning of low-quality coal for heating
A. no governmental control
B. other forms of energy too expensive
Each developmental paragraph is devoted to one of the causes of air pollution. Each cause is
supported by two minor supports. While writing, these major and minor ideas should be adequately
explained and exemplified as well.

2. Cause-->multiple effects
In this pattern, the effects of a certain situation are explained in separate paragraphs, with the
following organization:
Thesis statement: Watching too much TV is one of the major sociological issues of this century,
which has many effects on the physiology and psychology of people.
I. eating disorders
A. TV meals
B. obesity
II. Communication problems
A. more violence
B. no interpersonal talk
Again, we have grouped related effects under two main points: physiological and psychological.
Then, we have supported each effect with two minor supports (A and B). While writing, we should
explain these major and minor supports by giving examples and/or defining what we mean, as well.

3. Causal chain / Domino

Sometimes an event causes something to happen, and that situation leads to another event, and it
causes another event to happen. This is called the causal chain or domino effect.
There are two main ways to structure a cause & effect essay. These are similar to the ways to
structure problem-solution essays, namely using a block or a chain structure. For the block structure,
all of the causes are listed first, and all of the effects are listed afterwards. For the chain structure,
each cause is followed immediately by the effect. Usually that effect will then be the cause of the
next effect, which is why this structure is called 'chain'.

Both types of structure have their merits. The former is generally clearer, especially for shorter
essays, while the latter ensures that any affects you present relate directly to the causes you have
The two types of structure, block and chain, are shown in the diagram below.

Block Chain

Introduction Introduction

Cause 1 & Effect of Cause 1

Cause 1
Cause 2 Cause 2 & Effect of Cause 2

Cause 3 & Effect of Cause 3

Effect 1
Effect 2
Conclusion (5 paragraph essay)
(4 paragraph essay)

Cause and Effect Structure Words

Cause and effect structure words are transition signals which show the cause and effect
relationships. It is important to be clear which is the cause (or reason) and which is the effect
(or result), and to use the correct transition word or phrase. Remember that a cause happens
first, and the effect happens later.

Below are some common cause and effect structure words. X is used to indicate a cause,
while Y is used to indicate the effect.

Cause Examples (cause)

• The first cause of (Y) is (X) • Worsening pollution levels in

• The next reason is (X) cities are due to the increased
• Because of (X), (Y) use of cars.
• As a result of (X), (Y) • Because of the increased use
• As a consequence of (X), (Y) of cars, pollution levels in
• because/since/as (X) cities are worsening.
• to result from (X) • As a result of the increased
• (X) results in (Y) use of cars, pollution levels in
• to be the result of (X) cities are worsening.
• (Y) is due to (X) • The effect of the increased use
• Owing to (X), (Y) of cars is a worsening of
• (Y) is because of (X) pollution levels in cities.
• (Y) is the effect of (X)
• (Y) is the consequence of (X)

Effect Examples (effect)

• The first effect of (X) is (Y) • Cars are used increasingly for
• Another result of (X) is (Y) urban transport. As a
• As a result, (Y) consequence, pollution levels
• As a consequence, (Y) in cities are worsening.
• Consequently (Y) • Increased use of cars for urban
• Therefore, (Y) transport adversely affects
• Thus (Y) pollution levels in cities.
• Hence (Y) • Increased use of cars for urban
• (X) results in (Y) transport is one of the causes
• (X) causes (Y) of worsening pollution levels
• (X) has an effect on (Y) in cities.
• (X) affects (Y)
• (X) is one of the causes of (Y)
• (X) is the reason for (Y)

Exercise 1: Match the causes and effects

Effects Causes
____1. We moved to the country.
a. It was faster than the train
____2. We bought a new car. b. He likes to get exercise in the
____3. They took an airplane
c. The city was too crowded.
____4. She doesn’t eat desserts. d. It didn’t rain enough this summer.
____5. The flowers in our garden died. e. The old one used too much gas.
f. She’s on a diet.
____6. We turned on the air conditioner
g. It’s very hot today.
____7. He rides his bike to work

Exercise 2: Combine the causes and effects to make new sentences. Use the cause and
effect connectors above.

Simplified organization of cause and effect essay:
Body 1: Causes
Body 2: Effects
Of course it is also possible to have a 3 body paragraph essay. For example:
Body 1: Causes
Body 2: Causes
Body 3: Effects
Body 1: Causes
Body 2: Effects
Body 3: Effects
However, remember not to write too little on one part.
For example, if you wrote one very short paragraph about 'causes' with little support and most
of your essay on 'effects', you may then be seen to have not fully answered both parts of the
Another possible way of organizing it is to put each cause and its effect within a separate
Body 1: Cause 1 - Effect
Body 2: Cause 2 - Effect
If you do this though, each particular cause must relate to that specific effect.

Below is a cause and effect essay. This essay uses the block structure.
Title: More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the
major salary earner in the family. What are the causes of this, and what effect is this
having on families and society?
In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking
or cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism (CAUSE) have meant that this situation has
been transformed. This has had significant consequences, both in terms of the
family(EFFECT), for example by improving quality of life(EFFECT) and increasing
children's sense of independence(EFFECT), and also for society(EFFECT) itself with
greater gender equality.(EFFECT)

C The main cause of more equal rights to women has been women's liberation and
A feminism. The women's liberation movement originated in the 1960s and was popularized by
U authors such as Simone de Beauvoir. As a consequence of this, new legislation emerged,
S granting women equal rights to men in many fields, in particular employment. Because of
feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only,
E most importantly those related to child rearing. As a result of this, women have more time to
pursue their own careers and interests.
These have led to some significant effects, both to family life and to society as a whole.
Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a
man, she can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most
important consequence of this is an improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady
income for the family, the pressure on the husband is considerably reduced, hence improving
F both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the purchasing power of
the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as
foreign travel and a family car.
A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some
C might argue that having both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a
lack of parental attention. However, such children have to learn to look after themselves at an
earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with the housework. This therefore
teaches them important life skills.
As regards society, the most significant impact of women going to work is greater
gender equality. There are an increasing number of women who are becoming politicians,
lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers. This in turn has led to greater equality for
women in all areas of life, not just employment. For example, women today have much stronger
legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual discrimination in the
In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some
important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased independence
for children, as well as affecting society itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from
being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps the challenge for the present century is to
ensure that this takes place.

Over the last ten years, western societies have seen close to a 20% rise in the number of
children who are overweight. This essay will discuss some reasons why this has occurred and
examine the consequences of this worrying trend.
The main cause of this problem is poor diet. Over the last decade there has been a prolific
increase in the number of fast food restaurants. For example, on nearly every high street there
is a MacDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut. The food in these places has been
proven to be very unhealthy, and much of the advertising is targeted at children, thus ensuring
that they constitute the bulk of the customers of these establishments. However, it is not only
due to eating out, but also the type of diet many children have at home. A lot of food consumed
is processed food, especially with regards to ready-made meals which are a quick and easy
option for parents who are working hard.

The effects of this have been and will continue to be very serious. Firstly, there has been
a large increase in health related diseases amongst children, especially diabetes. This
debilitating illness means a child has to be injected with insulin for the rest of their life. Not
only this, very overweight children often experience bullying from other children, which may
affect their mental health. The negative stigma of being overweight may also affect self-esteem.
To sum up, it is evident that there are several causes of obesity amongst children, and a
variety of negative effects. Society must ensure steps are taken to prevent this problem from
deteriorating further.

Smoking is one of the main issues that mankind today is confronted with in the world.
Smoking is known to have started as early as 1439 A.D. Rodrigo de Jerez was the first ever
smoker in Europe, and the development of cigars was originated by the Native American
people. In the twentieth century, cigars were advertised all over the world as a harmless, anti-
stress product with little or no side effects. Smoking was eventually become widespread all
over English-speaking continents and was even popular among women. As technology became
more advanced, the adverse effects of smoking on human health have increased exponentially.
Researchers officially declared smoking as a harmful habit that in most of the cases is fatal.
There are many reasons why people resort to smoking; many of the choices are based
on the individual’s decisions. Much of temptation to start smoking is based on the advertising
propaganda carried out by cigarette manufacturers. People at home see the images of smoking
people on their television screens, in newspapers, and magazines. Children are influenced by
their parents and may be misled to the thinking that smoking poses no danger. Statistics show
that about nine out of ten tobacco users start smoking before they are eighteen years old. Peer
pressure is another main reason why teenagers choose to do things they shouldn’t do:
befriending the wrong group of people who might represent a negative example. Quite often it
is the friends who persuade each other to start smoking or purchase a pack of cigarettes only to
try what smoking is all about.
Smoking is often portrayed in today’s society as a “cool” and “hip” thing to do.
Moreover, on many occasions, smoking can contribute to the status of a person. The fact that it
makes you look “cool” can tempt a person to light up and eventually harm his or her health.
Culture can also have a powerful impact on whether smoking is accepted by society. For
example, in Turkey it might not be as frowned upon as in Switzerland. Some surveys point out
that smoking is usually perceived as producing relaxing effect; this can particularly appeal to
businessmen and people who have stressful occupations.
The harmful effects of smoking usually manifest themselves in one’s health over a
long-term period. A cigarette contains three harmful substances that can lead to fatal illnesses.
Nicotine is one of the most harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Nicotine is an addictive substance
that can lead to having just one puff of a cigarette into buying numerous packets and smoking
them all. Addiction can also result in absolutely unnecessary expenses, but most importantly
this habit is very hard to part with which eventually leads to mostly irreversible damages to
health. Most adults who start smoking in their teen years never expected to become addicted.
Tar is another component in a cigarette which contributes to the harmful effects of smoking. It
is a brown, tacky chemical that is left behind on the end of the cigarette filter. It stains the
smoker’s teeth and fingers and it also coats everything with a brownish-yellow film. The build-
up of tar in lungs can eventually cause cancer; it is now the most common causes of death
among regular smokers. Moreover, cigarettes produce carbon monoxide which is, when
inhaled, reduces the oxygen intake by red blood cells. This leads to shortness of breath, overall
fatigue, and complications with heart and lungs. What makes smoking frowned upon by society
is that it not only affects the individual smoker’s health but also other civilians around. Second
hand smokers are also highly affected by the same damaging effects produced by cigarettes.
The causes and effects of smoking are being discussed frequently among our
society, and more and more solutions to resolve this issue are being brought up worldwide.
Being in the media-age, propaganda and commercial advertising plays a big part in the
indoctrination of our generation. People see what they believe about smoking and are led to
thinking it’s a solution to problems like peer pressure, stress, and feeling left out. However, the
actual effects of smoking include a high risk of cancer, addiction, and fatigue. Men, women
and children are informed constantly of these circumstances, but still today, smoking remains
as a recurring topic on the list of the main issues around the world.

Choose one of the topics below and generate some ideas by brainstorming. Then, write
them on the lines below.
1. The effects of moving to a new town or city
2. What causes some schools to fail to educate students?
3. Causes of racism and its effects on human relationships.
4. What causes some schools to fail to educate students and what are the effects of this
on students?
5. What are the main causes of divorce and its effects on children?
6. The effects of anger.
7. What are the causes of climate change and how does it affect people’s daily lives?

Choose one of the topics below and write a well-organized essay.

1. What are effects of the illiteracy?

2. What causes children to rebel against their parents?
3. Think of a person in this world whom you most like or dislike. Then write about the
reasons why you like/dislike this person
4. What were the causes AND the effects of the World War I?
5. Why is there violence against women and how does it affect women’s role in society?
6. What are the causes and effects of the computer revolution?
7. Why do some people spend so much time on social media and how does this affect
their daily lives and relationships with people?
8. What are the causes and effects of grandparent's raising a child?


Compare and contrast is a common form of academic writing, either as an essay type on
its own, or as part of a larger essay which includes one or more paragraphs which compare and
contrast. This part gives information on what a compare and contrast essay is, how to structure
this type of essay, how to use compare and contrast structure words, and how to make sure you
use appropriate criteria for comparison and contrast.
What are compare and contrast essays?
To compare is to examine how things are similar, while to contrast is to see how they
differ. A compare and contrast essay therefore looks at the similarities of two or more objects,
and the differences. This essay type is common at university, where lecturers frequently test
your understanding by asking you to compare and contrast two theories, two methods, two
historical periods, two characters in a novel, etc. Sometimes the whole essay will compare and
contrast, though sometimes the comparison and contrast may be only part of the essay.
There are two main ways to structure a compare and contrast essay, namely using a
block or a point-by-point structure. For the block structure, all of the information about one
of the objects being compared/contrasted is given first, and all of the information about the
other object is listed afterwards. This type of structure is similar to the block structure used for
cause and effect and problem-solution essays. For the point-by-point structure, each
similarity (or difference) for one object is followed immediately by the similarity (or difference)
for the other. Both types of structure have their merits. The former is easier to write, while the
latter is generally clearer as it ensures that the similarities/differences are more explicit.
The two types of structure, block and point-by-point, are shown in the diagram below.

Block Point-by-point

Introduction Introduction
Object 1 - Point 1 Point 1
Object 1 - Point 2 Object 1 ➤ Object 2
Object 1 - Point 3
Point 2
Object 2 - Point 1 Object 1 ➤ Object 2
Object 2 - Point 2
Object 2 - Point 3 Point 3
Object 1 ➤ Object 2


The following examples show:
1. A Block arrangement contrast essay
2. A Point by Point arrangement compare essay

1. Block Arrangement 2. Point by Point Arrangement

Thesis Statement: There are two main Thesis Statement: American and Turkish
differences between backpacking and fast foods are similar to each other in two
staying in hotels; cost and safety. main ways, they are both unhealthy and they
are both convenient.
1st Body: Backpacking 1st Body: They are unhealthy.
1. Cost 1. American Fast Food
2. Safety 2. Turkish Fast Food
2nd Body: Staying in a Hotel 2nd Body: They are convenient.
1. Cost 1. American Fast Food
2. Safety 2. Turkish Fast Food


Brainstorming for a Compare and Contrast Essay

1. Look at the topics written on each diagram. List attributes or qualities of that topic in the
circle, placing any shared qualities in the overlapping section. Be specific and use details.
(Example: details of living in Istanbul might include high cost of living, health facilities, good
schools, etc. Less effective qualities: not nice place, cool hangouts.)
2. Circle the most important qualities in each list and match at least three opposites from one
circle to another.
Istanbul Ankara

After completing
steps 1-3, list the
three categories or
aspects that both
items share:

3. Review the lists and identify three categories or aspects that describe these details.
(Example:” beach community” detail for one topic and “big city” detail for the other =
environment or setting as a category.) List the categories in the box above.

4. Then choose one option (point by point or block method) to structure your essay. See
examples in this handout.

Compare and Contrast Structure Words

Compare and contrast structure words are transition signals which show the similarities or
differences. Below are some common examples.

Compare Examples
• Similarly • Computers can be used to communicate
• Likewise easily, for example via email.
• also Similarly/Likewise, the mobile phone is a
• both... and... convenient tool for communication.
• not only... but also... • Both computers and mobile phones can be
• neither... nor... used to communicate easily with other
• (just) like (+ noun) people.
• similar to (+ noun) • Just like the computer, the mobile phone
• to be similar (to) can be used to communicate easily with
• to be the same as other people.
• to be alike • The computer is similar to the mobile
• to compare (to/with) phone in the way it can be used for easy

• However Examples
• In contrast • Computers, although increasing
• In comparison small, are not always easy to carry from
one place to another. However, the mobile
• By comparison phone can be carried with ease.
• On the other hand • Computers are generally not very
portable, whereas the mobile phone is.
• while
• Computers differ from mobile
• whereas
phones in their lack of portability.
• but
• Computers are unlike mobile
• to differ from phones in their lack of portability.
• to be different (from) • Even though the Sahar desert has a
dirty climate, some crops can be grown
• although/ even though there.
• unlike

Exercise 1: Write a thesis statement for a comparison OR/AND contrast essay on each of
the following topic. Use a variety of the connectors above
1. Topic: Working for a large corporation and working for a small company.
Thesis Statement: Working for a large corporation is different from working for a small
The conditions of working for a large corporation are very convenient whereas the
conditions of working for a small company can be limited.
2. Topic: Soccer and basketball
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________________
3. Topic: Education system in the United States and education system in your or another
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
4. Topic: Reality TV shows and scripted TV shows
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
5. Topic: Two of your classmates
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
6. Topic: Skiing and snowboarding
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
7. Topic: Modern architecture and classical architecture
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________
8. Topic: Living on campus and living off campus
Thesis Statement: ______________________________________________________

Exercise 2: Look at the two newspaper ads. Find several similarities and differences
between two ads. Write two sentences of comparison and two sentences of contrast.

Apartments for Rent

Large 2-bedroom apt., 2 bedrooms, eat-in Huron Towers. 10th floor-great view of
kitchen, large living room, air conditioning, river, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern
wall-to-wall carpeting. Great location on kitchen with new appliances, fireplace in
Monument Street. No pets. $700/month, all living room, hardwood floors, air
utilities included. Call Mr. Toll at (315) 555- conditioning, laundry facilities, utilities not
01 10. included. No pets. Pool and tennis courts on
premises. $995/month. Call for
appointment: (315) 555-0183.

a. The apartment on Monument Street has two bedrooms. However, the apartment in Huron
Towers has three bedrooms.
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________

Golden Retriever puppy for sale. 5-month- German Shepherd puppy needs home.
old male. Great with kids. One-year health Female, 7 months. House-trained. Excellent
guarantee. $100. Call (617) 555-0159. watch dog. Health guarantee for first year.
$100. Call (617) 555-0145 after 6 p.m.

a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________

Criteria for comparison and contrast

When making comparisons or contrasts, it is important to be clear what criteria you are using.
Study the following example, which contrasts two people. Here the criteria are unclear.
*Aaron is tall and strong. In contrast, Bruce is handsome and very intelligent.

Although this sentence has a contrast transition, the criteria for contrasting are not the same.
The criteria used for Aaron are height (tall) and strength (strong). We would expect similar
criteria to be used for Bruce (maybe he is short and weak), but instead we have new criteria,
namely appearance (handsome) and intelligence (intelligent). This is a common mistake for
students when writing this type of paragraph or essay. Compare the following, which has much
clearer criteria (contrast structure words shown in bold).
*Aaron and Bruce differ in four ways. The first difference is height. Aaron is tall, while
Bruce is short. A second difference is strength. Aaron is strong. In contrast, Bruce is weak.
A third difference is appearance. Aaron, who is average looking, differs from Bruce, who is
handsome. The final difference is intelligence. Aaron is of average intelligence. Bruce, on
the other hand, is very intelligent.

Below is a compare and contrast essay. This essay uses the point-by-point structure.
Title: There have been many advances in technology over the past fifty years. These have
revolutionized the way we communicate with people who are far away. Compare and contrast
methods of communication used today with those which were used in the past.
Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people communicating over
long distances used traditional means such as letters and the telephone. Nowadays we have a
vast array of communication tools which can complete this task, ranging from email to instant
messaging and video calls. While the present and previous means of communication are similar
in their general form, they differ in regard to their speed and the range of tools available.

COMPARE One similarity between current and previous methods of communication relates to the
form of communication. In the past, both written forms such as letters were frequently used, in
addition to oral forms such as telephone calls. Similarly, people nowadays use both of these
forms. Just as in the past, written forms of communication are prevalent, for example via email
and text messaging. In addition, oral forms are still used, including the telephone, mobile phone,
and voice messages via instant messaging services.
However, there are clearly many differences in the way we communicate over long
C distances, the most notable of which is speed. This is most evident in relation to written forms
O of communication. In the past, letters would take days to arrive at their destination. In contrast,
an email arrives almost instantaneously and can be read seconds after it was sent. In the past, if
N it was necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo could be passed around
T the office, which would take some time to circulate. This is different from the current situation,
in which a text message can be sent immediately.
Another significant difference is the range of communication methods. Fifty years ago,
the tools available for communicating over long distances were primarily the telephone and the
S letter. By comparison, there are a vast array of communication methods available today. These
T include not only the telephone, letter, email and text messages already mentioned, but also video
conferences via software such as Skype or mobile phone apps such as we chat, and social media
such as Facebook and Twitter.
In conclusion, methods of communication have greatly advanced over the past fifty
years. While there are some similarities, such as the forms of communication, there are
significant differences, chiefly in relation to the speed of communication and the range of
communication tools available. There is no doubt that technology will continue to progress in
future, and the advanced tools which we use today may one day also become outdated.

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure: Block Method
In the Block Method, each paragraph addresses ONE TOPIC ONLY from your pair of topics
and includes the SHARED ASPECTS you have chosen to Compare to topic 2. Use the
following chart to organize your ideas for your essay. (See Venn diagram steps 1 – 5 for
examples on topics, aspects, and details.)

Block Method My Essay

• Introduction
o introduction of general topic
o specific topic
o areas to be covered in this essay

Topic Sentence:
• Topic 1
o Aspect 1
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Aspect 2
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Aspect 3
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail

Topic Sentence:
• Topic 2
o Aspect 1
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Aspect 2
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Aspect 3
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail

• Conclusion
o Summary of main points
o Evaluation and/or possible future

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure: Point by Point Method
In the Point-by-Point Method, each paragraph contains details on ONE ASPECT of BOTH
TOPICS organized in the same order. Use the following chart to organize your ideas for your
essay. (See Venn diagram steps 1 – 5 for examples on topics, aspects, and details.)

Point by Point Method My Essay

o Introduction
o introduction of general topic
o specific topic
o areas to be covered in this essay

Topic Sentence:
o Topic 1 - Aspect 1
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Topic 2 - Aspect 1
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail

Topic Sentence:
o Topic 1 - Aspect 2
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Topic 2 - Aspect 2
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail

Topic Sentence:
o Topic 1 - Aspect 3
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail
o Topic 2 - Aspect 3
􀂃 Detail
􀂃 Detail

o Conclusion

Summary of main points

􀂃 Evaluation and/or possible
future developments

SAMPLE 2: Point by Point Arrangement

There have been many advances in technology over the past fifty years. These have
revolutionized the way we communicate with people who are far away. Compare and
contrast methods of communication used today with those which were used in the past.

Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people communicating over long
distances used traditional means such as letters and the telephone. Nowadays we have a vast
array of communication tools which can complete this task, ranging from email to instant
messaging and video calls. While the present and previous means of communication are
similar in their general form, they differ in regard to their speed and the range of tools

One similarity between current and previous methods of communication relates to the form
of communication. In the past, both written forms such as letters were frequently used, in
addition to oral forms such as telephone calls. Similarly, people nowadays use both of these
forms. Just as in the past, written forms of communication are prevalent, for example via email
and text messaging. In addition, oral forms are still used, including the telephone, mobile
phone, and voice messages via instant messaging services.

However, there are clearly many differences in the way we communicate over long distances,
the most notable of which is speed. This is most evident in relation to written forms of
communication. In the past, letters would take days to arrive at their destination. In contrast,
an email arrives almost instantaneously and can be read seconds after it was sent. In the past,
if it was necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo could be passed
around the office, which would take some time to circulate. This is different from the current
situation, in which a text message can be sent immediately.

Another significant difference is the range of communication methods. Fifty years ago, the
tools available for communicating over long distances were primarily the telephone and the
letter. By comparison, there are a vast array of communication methods available today.
These include not only the telephone, letter, email and text messages already mentioned, but
also video conferences via software such as Skype or mobile phone apps such as Wechat, and
social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

In conclusion, methods of communication have greatly advanced over the past fifty years.
While there are some similarities, such as the forms of communication, there are significant
differences, chiefly in relation to the speed of communication and the range of
communication tools available. There is no doubt that technology will continue to progress in
future, and the advanced tools which we use today may one day also become outdated.

SAMPLE 3: Block Arrangement
Contrast between Backpacking or Staying in Hotels

Traveling is a hobby which many people now enjoy. It is a hobby which is becoming more and
more popular as opportunities for travel become greater. These days there are several ways to
travel around the world; two of the most common are backpacking and staying in hotels. There
are two main differences between backpacking and staying in hotels; cost and safety.

First, backpacking is quite different from staying in hotels regarding costs and safety. To begin
with, backpacking has been popular for many years with young people who do not have a lot
of money to spend on traveling. By backpacking people can save a lot of money and see many
more places than if they spent the same money staying in a hotel. Furthermore, as backpackers
will need to sleep in a hostel or outside in a tent while backpacking, there will always be an
issue of safety and security because backpackers sleep in the same area as other people, many
of whom they do not know.

Second, staying in hotels, on the other hand, differs from backpacking in terms of cost and
safety. Unlike backpacking, staying in hotels requires a lot more money. Hotels are one of the
most comfortable ways of traveling, but only if you have enough money. By staying at a hotel
people will spend much more money than they would spend in a hostel. In addition, a hotel
provides a higher level of security to the traveler. Hotels require specific security details such
as flight, credit cards or passport numbers to ensure the correct identification of their customers.

In brief, there are differences in cost and safety between backpacking and staying in hotels. The
world is a much smaller place than it used to be, many people have the opportunity to travel
and they have many ways in which to travel. People should consider their budget and take
responsibility for their own safety and go out and see the world.


Avatar vs. Tarkan

Cinema, the seventh art, has been playing an incredible important role in all societies in
the world since it was introduced. Every country is doing its best to develop its cinema industry
because it is the most effective way to advertise its culture and language. Hollywood is known
to be the most popular cinema sector in the world while Turkish cinema sector has recently
started to become known. Even though there are some similarities between Hollywood and
Turkish films, there are also some differences.

To begin with, it is clear that there are some similarities between Turkish and
Hollywood films. First of all, both types of films, more or less, have similar themes. For
example, in Hollywood films romance and action are the best-selling themes. Similarly, in
Turkish films we see that romance and action are the most common themes. Another similarity
is that for both types of films similar advertising campaigns are carried out. To illustrate, in
Turkey advertisements can been seen on newspapers, magazines and billboards as well as buses
and metro. Likewise, Hollywood films are advertised on the same places and the same
ways. In short, themes and advertising are two of the similarities between Turkish and
Hollywood films.

Despite similarities, there are also several differences between Turkish and
Hollywood films. The primary difference is budget, of course. Turkish producers cannot
afford to invest as much as their American counterparts. For instance, Hollywood films are
known to cost around $200-300 million whereas Turkish films hardly cost more than $50
million. The second difference is the use of technology. As the United States extensively benefit
from technology in every field of business, cinema sector is no exception. The films Star Wars,
Matrix and Avatar are only some of the examples in which incredibly high technology was
used. However, Turkish films can only benefit from limited computer tricks. In brief,
budget and use of technology seem to be two of the differences between Turkish and
Hollywood films.

All in all, there are not only similarities but also differences between Turkish and
Hollywood films. I am of the opinion that Turkish cinema sector is on the rise and it will be
able to compete with the rest of the world soon.


Would you take your lesson alone?
Technological and social advances have led to a great many changes in all aspects of
life. People have changed their way of living, entertaining, working and studying. These
changes have created different forms of learning and teaching methods. Some students prefer
taking private lessons whereas some others prefer learning in a classroom. Even though
there are a great many similarities between private lesson and classroom lesson, there are
also important differences.

To begin with, there are significant similarities between learning through private
lesson and classroom studies. The first similarity is to have a schedule. For example,
students, both in private lessons and classroom, have to follow a certain schedule. Subjects are
taught according to a program, not randomly. The second similarity is that students have to
do homework in both situations. If students do not do homework, they cannot improve their
knowledge about that lesson. In brief, having a certain schedule and doing homework are
important similarities between private lesson and classroom studies.

Despite similarities, private lesson and classroom studies have some differences as
well. The first difference is to ask questions comfortably. In private lessons, students can ask
their questions comfortably whereas/while students in a classroom cannot do this because of
the high number of students in a classroom. Physical comfort is the second difference
between these two forms. Private lessons can be held in a comfortable room on comfortable
seats and desks or even in a café and the student and the teacher can have tea or
coffee. However, in a classroom, there are desks and chairs, which are usually no very
comfortable. As a result, asking questions comfortably and physical comfort are visible
differences between these two learning forms.

To sum up, there are not only similarities but also differences between private
lessons and classroom studies. As far as l am concerned, both forms of learning can work as
long as students are determined to achieve their goals.


My life is very different than the life that my parents led and, likewise, my children will
have very different experiences than I have had. In my opinion, future generations would be
better off with a lifestyle similar to my own rather than one similar to that of my parents. I
feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
To begin with, my generation enjoys a lot of leisure time, which makes our lives more
fulfilling and enables us to pursue our passions. I take longer vacations and have more paid
time-off from my job than either of my parents did while they were still employed. Similarly,
I have much shorter working days than they did. For example, I receive five weeks off from
my job each year. I can choose when to take those weeks, and I can even use them all at the
same time. This time-off has enabled me to pursue my love of travel. Unlike earlier
generations, I have been able to maintain steady professional employment and have also been
able to see the entire world over the past decade. My parents, in contrast, were only able to
travel following their retirement. At that time, because of their age and financial status, they
were not able to have the same experiences as I do now.
Moreover, today’s society has many more opportunities for women and minorities.
In the past, disadvantaged groups had a tough time achieving personal and professional
success. While this is still something of a concern, it is now much easier for members of such
group to live their dreams. My own experience, when compared to that of my mother, is a
good example of this. While as a young woman I was encouraged to attend university and
later enter the workforce, my mother was expected to raise children and be a homemaker.
She dreamed of being a business executive and making a lot of money, but these dreams were
not encourage by her parents, by her teachers or even by her husband. Unlike me, she was
pressured to give up all of her professional aspirations. Her example demonstrates why my
life is preferable to the life which my parents lived.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that future generations should enjoy a life similar to
my own, rather than one similar to that of my parents. This is because I enjoy much more
leisure time than they did and because women and minorities today have many more
opportunities than they did in the past.

Choose one of the topics below and brainstorm a list of similarities and differences
1. Character traits of your best friend compared to the character of your brother or
2. Two Places I have Visited
3. Your culture and another culture that you know about
4. Living on Campus and Living Off Campus
5. Being an Employee vs. Being Self-employed
6. Facebook vs. Twitter

Similarities Differences

Choose one of them and write a well-organized COMPARE / CONTRAST / COMPARE

1. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

2. Living in a dormitory to living in a flat
3. Winter vacation to summer vacation
4. Bringing up in a small town to a big city
5. Sam vs. Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
6. Knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books
7. Your hometown and İstanbul

Blanchard, K., Root, C. Ready to Write 2: Perfecting Paragraphs. USA: Pearson,
Longman. 2010.
Blanchard, K., Root, C. Ready To Write 3: From Paragraph to Essay. USA: Pearson,
Longman. 2010.
Savage, A., Mayer, P. Effective Academic Writing. New York: Oxford University Press.


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