Pyramid 4-004 Fantasy - Magic II

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­In This Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Alchemists’ Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
By Alden Loveshade
The Social Delver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
By Matt Riggsby Burn While Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
By J. Edward Tremlett
Clerics of Ice and of Time and Fate . . . . . 8
By Phil Masters Technomagic Ritual Path
Magic Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Tome Raiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 By Christopher R. Rice
By Peter V. Dell’Orto
I Make My Fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A Few From Faeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 By Sean Punch
By Christopher R. Rice
Random Thought Table:
Dungeon Diving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
By Aleksei Isachenko The Noble Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
By Steven Marsh, Pyramid Editor
Your Own Worst Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
By Sean Punch About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Orbs of Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 About GURPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
By Anders Starmark

­From the Editor

For many gamers, “roleplaying game” is synonymous
with “fantasy gaming.” Indeed, the fantasy genre (especially Article Colors
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy) remains a perennial bestseller Each article is color-coded to help you find your favorite
for the GURPS corner of the cosmos. For those who enjoy sections. Not all themes appear in every volume.
print, there’s been a particularly interesting uptick in options,
including the Pyramid Dungeon Collection and the more- Red-Brown: In every issue.
recent Dungeon Fantasy Companion 3, GURPS Dungeon Dark Blue: Character options.
Fantasy Setting: Caverntown, and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Light Blue: Powers and magic.
Adventure 1: Mirror of the Fire Demon. Orange: Monsters and creatures.
It’s easy to see why fantasy is so popular! It’s a remark-
Dark Pink: Gear.
ably versatile genre, allowing for epic heroism, tactical
combat, horror, intrigue, mysteries, magic, espionage, and Purple: GM advice and adventure ideas.
goblins. This Pyramid, too, covers the depth and breadth of
fantasy campaigns. It offers a range of experience, from arti-
cles and ideas that are newbie friendly, to those that really
Write Here, Write Now
benefit from practical knowledge (and, we humbly note, a Your comments help us give you what you want! How
wide-ranging GURPS library). are you using this material in your campaign? What do you
Whether you’re delving places unknown, channeling pre- wish we’d write about? Let us know via private feedback at
viously untapped forces in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, or fac-, or join the public discussion online
ing foes a bit too familiar, you should find something that fits at
almost any pre-modern fantastic interests.
– Steven Marsh, Pyramid Editor

GURPS System Design z STEVE JACKSON Editorial Assistance, Production Artist, President/Editor-in-Chief z STEVE JACKSON
GURPS Line Editor z SEAN PUNCH & Prepress Checker z NIKOLA VRTIS Chief Executive Officer z PHILIP REED
GURPS Project Manager z STEVEN MARSH Additional Editorial Assistance z Chief Creative Officer z SAM MITSCHKE
Production Manager z SABRINA GONZALEZ RACHEL MERRILL Chief Operating Officer z SUSAN BUENO
Director of Sales z ROSS JEPSON Page Design z PHIL REED & JUSTIN DE WITT Project Manager z DARRYLL SILVA

Pyramid Magazine 2 Fantasy/Magic II

­In This Issue
The flicker of a firefly in a gloomy glen. The crack of light- Thanks to the Orbs of Power, there’s no “can’t” in “incanta-
ning defining an empty sky. The glow of an unknown creature tion”! Tantalizing spheres are here, with eight magical artifacts
swimming in the murky depths. Magic comes into focus as from Anders Starmark to strategically place in your GURPS
new worlds await in this installment of Pyramid devoted to all campaign – each with their own powers and problems.
things fantastical and magical. Mix things up – literally – in your fantasy campaign, thanks
Make friends and influence villagers by becoming The to The Alchemists’ Guild. Alden Loveshade, author of GURPS
Social Delver. Matt Riggsby, author of GURPS Fantasy-Tech Fantasy Folk: Elves, offers insight into bringing the alchemi-
1: The Edge of Reality, suggests new lenses for GURPS cal world into different settings, as well as a sample alchemist
Dungeon Fantasy that tie into the gregarious side of engag- complete with GURPS stats.
ing goblins and grabbing gold. Unleash your inner aristocrat! Destroying that sensitive info after you see it is sensible,
When the future to know meets the realm of snow, you need but some books are so sinister that perhaps the best advice
the Clerics of Ice and Time and Fate. Phil Masters – author of is to Burn While Reading. GURPS Horror: Beyond the Pale
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics – adds co-author J. Edward Tremlett brings
two new divine domains for that supplement, you three terrifying tomes that show
covering the bitter cold and things foretold. that with terrific knowledge comes
Insight into the unknown comes to your terrifying possibilities.
dungeon delvers, courtesy of the Tome Raiders. Magic is not incompatible with
Make rumors and details more significant in technology, as shown by Technomagic
your GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign with Ritual Path Magic Spells. Christopher
the help of Peter V. Dell’Orto, author of GURPS R. Rice draws on the expertise that
Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons. let him craft How to Be a GURPS
Magic items! Many are from antiquity, some GM: Ritual Path Magic to present 19
from beyond, and A Few From Faeries. GURPS new magical rituals that allow you to
Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic “mage” against the machine.
author Christopher R. Rice presents a trove of Some GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
new artifacts for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, all heroes are at the mercy of chance;
of which add some fae to your fate. others look to the stars and say:
Not all treasure-teeming tombs have the I Make My Fate. GURPS mastermind
courtesy to stay high and dry (well, low and Sean Punch introduces you to the
dry); sometimes you need to go Dungeon Diving. fate-bender, a new profession that
Aleksei Isachenko – co-author of GURPS manipulates reality itself to turn
Sorcery: Sound Spells – explores and expands the tide.
on some of the perils and pitfalls of being a loot-getter down This installment of Random Thought Table peeks at the
where it’s wetter. potential of putting noble ties into your game, including some
No, you’re not seeing double; you’re facing off against unusual ways to shake up some fundamental assumptions
Your Own Worst Enemy. Sean Punch provides insight into of aristocracy.
including duplicates in your fantastical games. Heroes can With this issue of Pyramid, the dungeons became more
now come up against foes who know them better than any dangerous, the heroes become more heroic, and inspiration
other adversaries. splashes across your vision like the sparks of a wizard’s wand.

Cover Art: Tithi Luadthong

Additional Material: Drew Bittner, Roger Burton West, Phil Masters, and Sean Punch
Interior Art: agsandrew (pp. 42, 43), AXpop (pp. 30, 51), Alden Loveshade (p. 35), Tithi Luadthong (pp. 15, 21, 26, 38),
newsteach (p. 49), Bruce Rolff (p. 11), Dean Spencer (pp. 6, 18), and Warm_Tail (p. 46)
Pyramid, GURPS, Warehouse 23, the pyramid logo, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. Pyramid is copyright © 2022 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
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Pyramid Magazine 3 Fantasy/Magic II

The Social
Delver By Matt Riggsby

Killing things and taking their stuff, along with the inevi- templates from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen
table resource management, are noble fantasy-gaming goals, and build up from there rather than trying to scavenge for
but a lot of long-running dungeon-crawling campaigns even- points in a 250-point delver template.
tually experience what might be called mission creep. Sure,
it’s mostly about tunnels and small rooms crowded with storm
giants, but every now and again, other situations show up Aristocrats
on the menu. The adventurers must solve a murder mystery While GURPS Dungeon Fantasy usually associates aris-
while fighting off monsters; then they must escort a grumpy tocracy with knights and maybe swashbucklers, anybody
princeling to his wedding through a dungeon-like wilderness can come from an aristocratic background. Indeed, one of
(and keep him from running away without tying him up or the most notable magicians in history, Prospero from The
turning him into stone along the way); and so on. Tempest, was a duke and the ruler of a major city before
While GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is a fairly pure exercise his exile. But, of course, there are always greater and lesser
in grave robbing and murder for profit, the GM and players aristocrats.
alike may want eventually to use it as the basis for a somewhat
broader kind of fantasy campaign. And that means doing
something about certain character traits. GURPS Dungeon
Lesser Gentry
Fantasy 17: Guilds, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 23: Twists, 34 points
and Traits for Town in Pyramid #3/58: Urban Fantasy II pro- The aristocracy is full of minor nobles, cadet branches, and
vide descriptions of how several socially related traits work in younger scions of greater houses. These constitute the lesser
a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy setting. This article more specif- gentry. This lens is suitable for those who are technically
ically explores how to build characters for a campaign which, from a noble background but aren’t themselves particularly
if not socially oriented, at least admits to the possibility of important.
social interaction while killing things and taking their stuff. The Ally here is typically a servant from Henchmen, p. 23,
Moreover, it offers other adventurers aside from the bard a though others are options, like laborer and guard. However,
chance to do some talking. see Twists, p. 6, for the effects of frequency of appearance.
For a mostly dungeon-crawling campaign, delvers don’t
Advantages: Ally (25% of point total) [1]; Status 2 [10]; and
need a lot of social traits. Character templates can mostly
Wealthy [20]
remain as they are. Rather, like the profession-mixing lenses
Skills: Savoir-Faire (A) IQ [2]. • One of Administration (A)
in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level, a handful
IQ-1 [1], Connoisseur (A) IQ-1 [1], or Leadership (A) IQ-1
of social traits can be tacked on to any existing template to
reflect the individual’s social position or expand on their
social capabilities. Here, then, are several lenses to provide
an interface between GURPS Dungeon Fantasy adventur- Patrician
ers and more socially complex games. All skill levels include 58 points
bonuses from talents. The patrician is a significantly more important figure than
the lesser gentry. Patricians have significant status and wealth
Adding Lenses and rather more followers. They’re also somewhat more
involved in the work of being an administrator or a ruler, so
The lenses here can variously provide GURPS Dungeon they have at least a modicum of skill in those areas.
Fantasy adventurers with a little more depth when dealing This template offers the maximum Status possible for a
with people in a nonviolent way, or even give them a job standard starting character in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.
description which isn’t limited to sneaking and killing. Many Rising to higher levels of Status may be possible, but requires
are quite cheap. For the more expensive ones, most char- significant expenditure of money, which is an excellent rea-
acter templates have enough discretionary points to cover son for adventuring (see Twists, p. 5). The patrician may
the expense; see The Next Level, p. 4, for specifics. For the buy more Allies, up to the limits indicated on Twists, p. 5.
most expensive, a player could start with one of the costlier

Pyramid Magazine 4 Fantasy/Magic II

This lens includes the bare minimum. A pair of squires and Bad Example
three servants (Henchmen, pp. 17 and 23, respectively) is typ-
ical, but other options are certainly possible. 30 points
The bad example is the dubious character gone pro. Rather
Advantages: Allies (Two totaling 50% of point total) [4]; Allies than just having a smattering of socially dubious skills, the
(Three totaling 25% of point total) [3]; Status 3 [15]; and bad example has them at significant levels plus a few advan-
Very Wealthy [30]. tages to back them up.
Skills: Savoir-Faire (A) IQ [2]. • Two of Administration (A) IQ
[2], Connoisseur (A) IQ [2], Leadership (A) IQ [2], or Poli- Advantages: Smooth Operator 1 [15]. • One of Charisma 1 [5],
tics (A) IQ [2]. Fashion Sense [5], or Social Chameleon [5]
Skills: Acting (A) IQ+2 [4]; Fast-Talk (A) IQ+2 [4]; and Street-
wise (A) IQ+1 [2].
Brokers mediate interactions – from arranged
marriages between families of villagers to commer-
cial transactions to peace treaties. They form a buffer Who Should Buy These Lenses?
between possibly hostile parties. They help negotiate
Unlike the profession-mixing lenses in The Next Level,
win-win situations while sheltering each side from
which have different synergies with different templates,
unfortunate interactions with the other.
nearly all these lenses fit best with characters who have
higher IQ scores. Even so, barbarians, knights, and the like
Go-Between should not ignore them. Intelligence, after all, isn’t the only
9 points trait social adventurers need. Selection of disadvantages is
Go-betweens are at least modestly engaging on also important; a well-dressed, well-behaved swashbuckler
their own and largely inoffensive. They may not be can be a better operator than a wizard with Frightens Ani-
able to make things better, but they tend not to make mals, Unnatural Features, and Bad Temper despite the nom-
them worse. inal IQ difference. And for many of these lenses, proficiency
in social skills isn’t the reason for them. Rather, while the
Advantages: Charisma 1 [5]. higher-point versions of the lenses below suggest professional
Skills: Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2] • Two of Carousing (E) specialization, the lower-point versions are here to provide
HT [1], Gesture (E) IQ [1], or Merchant (A) IQ-1 [1]. delvers with the bare minimum of social competence so that
they don’t have to roll against defaults whenever they open
Diplomat their mouths. A few points in social skills, simply used to
avoid saying the wrong thing, can go a long way.
24 points
The diplomat is particularly socially flexible, capa-
ble of inserting their measured responses into any What About Bards?
conversation. They’ll be fine. These lenses are designed to provide a
focused bit of social capability, whereas bards have broad
Advantages: Charisma 1 [5] and Cultural Adaptability capabilities. Any given lens here might allow someone to be,
[10]. for example, a functional smooth talker, a competent mer-
Skills: Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]; Merchant (A) IQ [2]; and chant, or someone with a decent shot of getting answers out
Savoir-Faire (A) IQ [2]. • Either Carousing (E) HT of people, but only one of those at a time. Bards, meanwhile,
[1] or Gesture (E) IQ [1]. have skills covering all of those bases, and advantages like
high levels of Appearance and/or Charisma to boot, The bard
Disreputable Figures is still the go-to choice for an all-around social adventurer.

Some people are suited for larceny. Even if they

aren’t customarily dishonest, they’re ready if the need
arises. These lenses are for adventurers who may need
to talk their way into or out of situations, whether it involves
telling the truth or not. Fixer
12 points
Dubious Character Fixers have just enough capability to seal a deal, but mostly
they know someone who can get them out of a jam. And if they
4 points don’t know someone who can do that, they know someone
Whether it’s a product of coming from the wrong side of who knows someone.
town or from the cut-throat social scene of the right side of
town, the dubious character has picked up a little about how Advantages: 10 points in Allies, Ally Groups, Contacts, and/or
to be superficially convincing. Contact groups, spread over at least three different individ-
uals or groups.
Skills: Acting (A) IQ-1 [1] and Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2]. • Either Skills: One of Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2], Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2], or
Streetwise (A) IQ-1 [1] or Panhandling (E) IQ [1]. Merchant (A) IQ [2].

Pyramid Magazine 5 Fantasy/Magic II

Interrogator Advantages: Rank 3 [15] and Very Wealthy [30].
Skills: Administration (A) IQ [2]. • 2 points in one skill appro-
5 points priate for the chosen guild. • One of Diplomacy (H) IQ-1
The interrogator gets information from individuals, even [2], Politics (A) IQ [2] or Savoir-Faire (A) IQ [2].
those who don’t want to reveal it. It’s not necessarily a friendly
way of dealing with others, but it is a good skill set for finding
out certain kinds of knowledge. Party People
Party people are great at having a good time, which in the
Skills: Body Language (A) Per-1 [1]; Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]; tavern-heavy milieu of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaigns
and Interrogation (A) IQ [2]. is a useful ability.

Official Party Animal

51 points 5 points
Anyone can enjoy the benefits of an association with a Party animals are natural fits for raucous social occasions.
church, martial-arts school, mystical brotherhood, or the like They’re comfortable in relaxed surroundings, can hold their
by taking it as a Patron or buying a low level of Rank, with- liquor tolerably well, and they’re a little bit entertaining or
out becoming involved in the regular operation of that group. sexy on their own.
But somebody needs to actually run the place, which is where Perks: Either Alcohol Tolerance [1] or No Hangover [1].
the official comes in. The official is a member of a group (see Skills: Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]. • Two of Dancing (A) DX-1,
Guilds for a long list of possibilities) who helps with day-to- Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1], Musical Instrument (any) IQ-2 [1],
day management and operations. In addition to the perqui- Sex Appeal (A) IQ-1 [1], or Singing (E) HT [1].
sites of the position, the official has several skills necessary to
administer that or any other organization.
This lens includes the maximum Rank possible for a stan- Party Monster
dard starting adventurer in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. As 28 points
with aristocrats, rising to higher levels may be possible, but Party monsters are capable of withstanding and enjoying
requires significant expenditure of money. The player and GM the most epic of ragers. They can party all night and feel a
must also decide on a skill suitable to the guild in question, minimum of ill effects the next morning.
which any senior member would be expected to have. For
example, it might be Theology for a congregation or Merchant Attributes: HT +1 [10]
for a merchant house. Advantages: Less Sleep 2 [4].
Perks: Alcohol Tolerance [1] and No Hangover [1].

Pyramid Magazine 6 Fantasy/Magic II

Skills: Carousing (E) HT+2 [4]; Dancing (A) DX [2]; and Sex Skills: Sex Appeal (A) HT+1 [4]. • Two of Carousing (E) HT+1
Appeal (A) IQ [2]. • Two of Gambling (A) IQ [2], Musical [2], Dancing (A) DX [2], Erotic Art (A) DX [2], or Poetry
Instrument (H) IQ-1 [2], or Singing (E) HT+1 [2]. (A) IQ [2].

Regular Pal Social Scientist

4 points 10 points
Everybody comes from somewhere. Unless they’re com- Social scientists may not be great with individuals, but has
pletely useless in any kind of social situation at all (which, to a good understanding of people in general. While social scien-
be fair, is not out of the question for many GURPS Dungeon tists might not be ideal for direct social interaction, they can
Fantasy adventurers), they’re going to have at least a few advise others on the best course of action.
social skills and connections. The regular pal lens provides
Skills: Anthropology (H) IQ [4] and Psychology (H) IQ [4].
the barest minimum of social capabilities, connections, and
• Either Archaeology (H) IQ-1 [2] or Linguistics (H) IQ-1
The player and GM should come up with a skill reflecting
a typical occupation or activity in the adventurer’s homeland.
This might be a skill for a popular sport or hobby everybody
participates in (for example, lots of people in the modern
world have a point in a sport like soccer), a common every- 18 points
day skill (say, Riding for a steppe nomad even if they aren’t a Traders can buy and sell pretty much anything, but since
hard-riding warrior), or frequently used craft skill (for exam- every merchant has an area of specialty, they know some type
ple, Calligraphy in a society where good writing is prized, or of merchandise particularly well.
Smith skill in a dwarven society).
Advantages: Business Acumen 1 [10].
Perks: Either Ally (25% of point total) [1] or Friend (GURPS Skills: Merchant (A) IQ+2 [4] and Connoisseur (A) IQ [2].
Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 18) [1]. • Two of Administration (A) IQ [1], Fast-Talk (A) IQ [1], or
Skills: Area Knowledge (A) IQ-1 [1]. • One of Carousing (E) Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1],
HT [1], Savoir-Faire (A) IQ-1 [1], or Streetwise (A) IQ-1 [1].
• 1 point in one local or cultural skill.
War Leaders
Romantic War leaders command others in battle. They inspire those
under them when they can and scare them if they must. But
Romantics are lovers, whether they’re fighters as well. the higher up the chain of command, the greater capabilities
They’re good-looking and otherwise appealing to members of the officer needs.
suitable genders (and species) An actual war leader actively serving in an army should
have Rank; these lenses only represent abilities needed to
command and not the authority to do so. Rank 3 for the ser-
Average Admirer jeant and Rank 4 for the captain (as suggested on Guilds,
8 points p. 29) are plausible, but by no means guaranteed.
The an average admirer is attractive enough, but not over-
whelmingly so.
Advantages: Appearance (Attractive) [4]. 6 points
Skills: Sex Appeal (A) HT [2]. • Two of Carousing (E) HT [1], The serjeant is a low-level commander, directing smaller
Dancing (A) DX-1, Erotic Art (A) DX-1, or Poetry (A) IQ-1 groups and focusing on the basic tactical situation rather than
[1]. the big picture.
Perks: Penetrating Voice [1].
Love Machine Skills: Leadership (A) IQ [2]; Intimidation (A) IQ-1 [1]; and
25 points Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2].
Love machines are overwhelmingly attractive. They don’t
simply seduce bartenders and shopkeepers. They’re smooth
and seductive enough to fend off significant competition in
pursuit of their intended. 16 points
The GM may require other secondary skills that are cul- The captain is a higher-level officer, capable of not just
turally appropriate in the courting practices of other races. leading nearby soldiers, but also directing entire battles and
Perhaps elves produce elaborate garments for their intended, campaigns.
leading to weaving or sewing being habitual occupations of
Advantages: Born War Leader 1 [5].
lovers, while goblins might find doubles tennis the epitome
Perks: Penetrating Voice [1].
of romance.
Skills: Leadership (A) IQ+2 [4]; Intimidation (A) IQ [2]; Strat-
Advantages: Appearance (Handsome/Beautiful) [12]. • Either egy (H) IQ [2]; and Tactics (H) IQ [2].
Charisma [5] or Fashion Sense [5].

Pyramid Magazine 7 Fantasy/Magic II

Clerics of Ice
and of Time
and Fate
By Phil Masters

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies describes supernat- more possibilities: devotees of the powers of cold or winter,
ural allies for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy druids and clerics, and worshipers of the powers of destiny and time. Refer to the
with specific abilities linked to those characters’ areas of reli- two supplements for general information and explanations of
gious interest. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics provides the formats followed here.
template modifications, special powers, spell lists, and other Incidentally, for alternative treatments of similar themes in
details for priests and holy warriors of various types of deity, the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game format, see Hand
from agricultural to war gods. This article expands the range of Asgard, published by Gaming Ballistic.
of divine domains covered by those supplements with two

Chorus: Who then is the helmsman of Necessity?

Prometheus: The three-shaped Fates and mindful Furies.
Chorus: Can it be that Zeus has less power than they do?
Prometheus: Yes, in that even he cannot escape what is foretold.
– Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound

New Divine Elements

In GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 5 terms, these deities require (Ice and Snow) [10]; Temperature Tolerance (Cold) 10 [10];
a couple of new “elements.” Terrain Adaptation (Ice and Snow) [10].

Ice Ice (Doubled)

As above, plus:
Servants of the powers of snow, winter, and ice are largely
unconcerned by cold and can move freely on or through ice. Advantages: Binding 14 (Costs Fatigue 2,

They can also see through up to 18” of it as if it wasn’t there. ‑10%; Engulfing, +60%)* [42]; Slippery 2
The most keenly focused servants of these powers can also [4].
freeze opponents in blocks of ice with a glance (at a cost of Skills: Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX+2 [4]‑14.
2 FP), and they are slippery as ice.
* Treat FP lost to failed attempts to break
free as freezing (see Cold, p. B430), but the
Ice victim doesn’t become helplessly entangled
Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe (Only when in ice, ‑60%) [8]; on 17-18. This trade-off is a special effect.
Penetrating Vision 3 (Specific, Ice, ‑60%) [12]; Permeation

Pyramid Magazine 8 Fantasy/Magic II

Time maneuver per turn for the next minute. Keeping the effect
going costs 3 FP per additional minute.
Gods of time grant a tiny fraction of that power to their
servitors, including some ability to see the future. Precognitive
abilities are generally excluded from GURPS Dungeon
Fantasy games, as they tend to short-circuit adventures too Advantages: Chronolocation [5]; Combat Reflexes* [15];
easily, but in this case, the advance knowledge that they grant Detect (Temporal Anomalies and Defiance of Destiny) [5];
is limited to that which may become known to a summoned Precognition [25].
supernatural being and then communicated to the summoner. * If this element is combined with another that also gives
Because the GM always has control over the information Combat Reflexes, replace one instance with Enhanced Dodge
obtained by Precognition anyway, the information can be lim- [15].
ited to cryptic hints that serve to keep the delvers on the most
interesting path. Note that Precognition also includes Danger
Sense, and even if the servitor is surprised, they adjust quickly
Time (Doubled)
(Combat Reflexes). As above, plus:
Devotees of time also have a perfect sense of time and can Advantages: Altered Time Rate 1 (Costs Fatigue, 6 FP, ‑30%;
identify threats to the patterns of destiny. The most powerful Preparation Required, 1 minute, ‑20%) [50].
of them can also concentrate for a minute and then spend 6
FP to accelerate their personal time rate, gaining an additional

Gods of Ice, Cold, and Winter

Any mortals who live close enough to arctic realms or to
vast mountain ranges develop respect for the sheer, paralyz-
Ice Gods and Morality
ing, deadly power of cold. Few people wish to invoke such All this suggests that the moral status of ice gods could
powers – nobody wants to call down winter on their crops or range from bleak, nihilistic Evil to a druidic-style Nature-
homes – but anyone who must live with cold winters cannot oriented Neutrality. They could be anywhere on the Law-
but acknowledge the powers who rule them. Chaos spectrum; a goal of freezing the universe solid could be
In their purest form, the powers of cold may be not so the ultimate in Evil-flavored lawfulness, but winter storms can
much gods as enemies of the gods and of all life. Hence, for be supremely chaotic. At the other end, a god of winter sports
example, the frost giants of Norse myth are the sworn foes and hunting could be an amiable, boisterous, Good figure
(and implicitly near-equals) of the gods, destined to bring with a taste for energetic exercise and feasting in the evening.
them down come Ragnarök. Even the stern Vikings didn’t
worship them. However, in the sorts of worlds where some
people insist on following demons or gods of evil, a cult dedi- The days are cold, the nights
cated to the frost giants might not seem too implausible; fight-
ing alongside them at Ragnarök might be better than being are long, The North wind sings
trampled beneath their cold feet, and in the meantime, per-
haps a few prayers and sacrifices would turn winter storms
a doleful song . . .
aside from one’s home.
Other gods of cold or winter were less inimical or had influ-
– Dorothy Wordsworth
ence over certain practical concerns. For example, the Greeks
respected Boreas, god of the north wind and of winter. Cold
winds were usually bad news for farmers and sailors (unless Elements
the latter needed to travel south in a hurry), but they were Aside from Ice (p. 8), of course, storm gods might be
part of life, and there was no sense in annoying the being in related to Air or to lightning as a variation of Fire, while those
charge of them. The god might even do worshipers the odd worshiped by sailors might be associated with Water. Gods
favor, such as making mares pregnant with demi-divine foals, out to bring the universe down to eternal winter could be
or sending storms to sink an enemy’s fleet at sea. The Norse openly Evil, while those concerned with hunting and travel
may have worshiped Ullr as god of skiing and the northern might have a focus on Nature. Travel is also an element in its
lights, and treated the giant Skadi as a goddess of skiing, own right, of course, and War suits both enemies of the gods
bow-hunting, and mountains. Hunters and travelers could and some hunters.
appeal to such deities for safe travel and success in the chase.
In GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7 terms, they might be treated
as gods of storms, hunting, or even messengers and rogues,
but they might alternatively have more of an explicit focus on
Special Powers
Powers granted to devotees of the ice or winter depend on
ice and cold. They might see delvers as worthy worshipers for
the specific concerns of the cult. In all cases, add Penetrating
their toughness, self-reliance, and willingness to travel; bar-
Vision 1‑20 (PM, ‑10%; Specific, Ice, ‑60%) [3/level], and Tem-
barians from the archetypal Frozen North especially might
perature Tolerance (Cold) 1‑7 (PM, ‑10%) [1/level].
swear by them.

Pyramid Magazine 9 Fantasy/Magic II

Broadly Benevolent Gods (of the north wind or win- the background skills options and add Body Sense (H) DX‑2
ter travel): Use the Holy power modifier and Holy abilities [1]‑10, Skiing (H) HT‑2 [1]‑10, Survival (Arctic or Mountain)
(GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers, p. 22); add Ter- (A) Per‑1 [1]‑13, and Weather Sense (A) IQ‑1 [1]‑13 to that
rain Adaptation (Ice or Snow; PM, ‑10%) [5]. same list.
Nature-Oriented Gods (of skiing, winter hunting, or general Nature-Oriented Gods: Start with the druid template (see
“being outdoors in the cold”): Use the Druidic power modifier GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1, p. 7). Delete all references to
and Holy abilities (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1, p. 22), but Green Thumb from the advantages (adjusting any skill lev-
delete the Mind Control option and limit the Terrain Adapta- els accordingly) and the Vows from the disadvantages. Add
tion to a choice of Ice or Snow. Skiing (H) HT‑1 [2]‑12 and Survival (Arctic) (A) Per [2]‑14 to
Gods of Evil Winter: Use the Unholy power modifier and the mandatory primary skills. Choose four background skills
Unholy abilities (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3, p. 41). Change options rather than three, and add Body Sense (H) DX‑2 [1]‑10
all references to Demons to “Cold and Weather Spirits,” add to that same options list.
Terrain Adaptation (Ice or Snow; PM, ‑10%) [5], and delete Gods of Evil Winter: Start with the cleric template and
Dread Touch. add the evil cleric lens (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3, p. 23).
Within primary skills, add Thrown Weapon (Spear) (E) DX+2

Priests of the Ice [4]‑14 to the list of ranged combat options and replace the
optional “flail and shield” melee skills package with Spear (A)
Adapt standard templates for these priests as follows. DX+2 [8]‑14 and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]‑14. Delete Panhandling
from the background skills options, and add Body Sense
Broadly Benevolent Gods: Start with the cleric template (H) DX‑2 [1]‑10, Skiing (H) HT‑2 [1]‑10, Survival (Arctic or
(see GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1, p. 6). Within primary skills, Mountain) (A) Per‑1 [1]‑13, and Weather Sense (A) IQ‑1 [1]‑13
add Thrown Weapon (Spear) (E) DX+2 [4]‑14 to the ranged to that same list.
combat options and replace the optional Flail and Shield
melee skills package with Spear (A) DX+2 [8]‑14 and Shield In some games where any of these priest types appear, skat-
(E) DX+2 [4]‑14. Delete Panhandling and Scrounging from ing may well be a viable means of travel at times. In that case,
add Skating (H) HT‑2 [1] to the background skills options.

Holy Warriors Ice Priest Spells

The versions of many spells used by these priests
of the Ice incorporate appropriate special effects. For example,
Warrior-servants of cold and ice should often be unnerving the protection granted by Hardiness or Armor looks like
people who seek to emulate the raw crushing power of gla- armor of translucent ice, while the touch of a cleric cast-
ciers or the fury of a winter storm, though gods with more of ing Steal Energy will be distinctly chilling.
a focus on travel and hunting may be served more by self-re- PI 1: Frost (Required), Bravery, Colors, Coolness, Detect
liant hunters with excellent survival abilities. Base these Magic, Freeze, Icy Weapon, Recover Energy, Resist
characters on the standard holy warrior template (GURPS Cold, Seek Water, Sense Spirit, Share Vitality, and
Dungeon Fantasy 1, pp. 7-8). Apply the unholy warrior lens Snow Shoes.
(GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3, p. 27) if the ice cult is of the PI 2: Cold (Required), Condense Steam, Cool, Extinguish
“Freeze the Universe!” persuasion. Make the following modi- Fire, Final Rest, Grease, Icy Missiles, Lend Energy,
fications to the template and the lens. Lend Vitality, Light, Minor Healing, Slide, Summon
Advantages: Adjust the Higher Purpose to suit the specific Spirit, Turn Spirit, and Water Vision.
cult. Add Outdoorsman 1‑4 [10/level] to the list of options. PI 3: Air Jet, Armor, Aura, Create Ice, Fog, Hardiness,
Disadvantages: Nature-oriented cults can replace the first Ice Slick, Ice Sphere, Icy Touch, Melt Ice, Purify
(‑10-point) section with Sense of Duty (Arctic Wilder- Water, Resist Fire, Resist Water, Shape Water, Snow
ness) [‑10] or Vow (Never sleep more than three nights Jet, Strike Numb, Umbrella, Walk Through Water,
in the same building or community) [‑10]. Add Berserk and Wind.
[‑10*] and Pyrophobia [‑5*] to the second section. Delete PI 4: Air Jet, Body of Ice, Fog, Frostbite, Hail, Ice Dag-
Charitable from the holy warrior template list and Lazi- ger, Iron Arm, Major Healing, Night Vision, Predict
ness from the unholy warrior lens list. Weather, Snow, Steal Energy, Storm, Strengthen Will,
Skills: In the primary skills list, replace the Hidden Lore Warm, and Warmth.
(Demons or Undead) with Survival (Arctic) Per [2]‑12, PI 5: Breathe Water, Control Air Elemental, Control
and add Bow (A) DX+1 [4]‑14 to the list of optional Water Elemental, Curse, Dry Spring, Fear, Icy Breath,
ranged weapon skills. In the background skills options Neutralize Poison, Pain, Rain of Ice Daggers, Relieve
list, add Hidden Lore (Demons or Undead) (A) IQ‑1 [1]‑11 Madness, Slow Fire, Suspend Curse, Suspend Spell,
and Survival (Mountain) and Tracking, both (A) Per‑1 Walk on Water, Weather Dome, and Wither Plant.
[1]‑11. In some games where these characters appear, PI 6: Create Air Elemental, Flesh to Ice, Instant Neu-
skating may be a viable means of travel; in that case, tralize Poison, Partial Shapeshifting (Feathered
also add Skating (H) HT‑2 [1]‑11 to the background Arms) (VH), Pentagram, Planar Summons (Divine
skills options. Servitor), Remove Curse, Sanctuary, Suspend
Magic, Suspended Animation, and Terror.

Pyramid Magazine 10 Fantasy/Magic II

Gods of Time and Fate
Some gods represent time as one of the most basic elements be tasked with ensuring that misuse of magic doesn’t screw
in the makeup of the universe, as with the rather abstract reality up too severely or with observing that certain desti-
Greek Chronos, the personification of linear time (later con- nies work out.
fused with the brutal ancient Titan Cronus), and Aion, god of
cyclic, ritual time. Cronus was also conflated with the Roman Fate and Time Gods and Morality
god Saturn, god of calendars, seasons, and harvests – a god
Gods of fate and time may well precede and stand above
for farmers. Other mythologies emphasize the power of time
such mortal concerns as Good or Evil. Perhaps time is the
to annihilate everything; for example, the Hindu Shiva, in his
framework within which the clash of moralities takes place.
aspect as god of death and destruction, is identified with time.
Likewise, Nature is simply something that operates because
Still other gods are to varying extents concerned with fate and
time permits it. However, these gods mostly stand for Law
prophecy; these deities oversee oracles and prophets, perhaps
against Chaos; time imposes iron rules of causality on raw
even providing the powers. While in principle any god might
potential, and fate dictates what will be, dismissing mor-
grant peeks into the future, the more strongly associated with
tal delusions of free will. (Chaos sometimes creeps back in,
fate a deity is, the stranger and more unnerving they might
though, making prophecy more complex and conditional!)
be. For example, both the Greek Moirai and the Norse Norns
Undeath may offend such gods as messing up the essential
appeared as trios of ugly elderly women, but could command
structures of reality – unless it’s someone’s destiny to come
the mightiest warrior gods with a word.
back as a ghost or serve some purpose after death, of course.
None of these types of gods are of much interest to delvers,
who like to make their own destinies and prefer deities who
provide direct aid rather than abstract theories. Prophetic Elements
powers rarely work well around adventurers, whose careers The element of Time (p. 9) is of course natural for these
depend (more literally than they know) on rolls of the dice. deities, but others can also fit. Fear could reflect the terror
However, austere noninterventionist deities might actually of unyielding fate. Wisdom would be appropriate for a great
appeal to philosophical adventurers. Priests and warriors oracular god. Weirdly, both Chaos and Order sometimes
of such deities might seek to extirpate dangerously random appear as aspects of the same god; Order represents the iron
monsters and threats (especially Elder Things, which may laws of destiny and causality, but the passage of time always
actually come from outside of time and make a mess of the brings entropy, and prophecy may be more about revealing
weave of fate). Additionally, these warriors and priest could the most likely fate, rather than the only one.

Pyramid Magazine 11 Fantasy/Magic II

Special Powers worshipers and assist the most important of them. Hence,
those priests tend to be austere, stern, and precise, though
Use the Holy power modifier and Holy abilities (GURPS sometimes they may step back and just observe destiny
Dungeon Fantasy 1, p. 22) for devotees of these deities. The working itself out.
moral code required for the Holy power modifier becomes To create such a priest as an adventurer, start with the
absolute submission to fate or a devotion to the laws of reality standard cleric template, and then apply the following lens.
through a Sense of Duty to all oracles and true prophets, a
major Vow, etc. In the Holy abilities, the only Detect available Advantages: In the options list, delete Healer and add Higher
is Detect (Temporal Anomalies and Defiance of Destiny; PM, Purpose (Maintain the Order of Destiny) [5].
‑10%) [5]. Resistant to Evil Supernatural Powers is replaced Disadvantages: In the first list of options, replace Honesty
by Resistant to the Powers of Raw Chaos and Elder Things with Truthfulness (6) [‑10]. In the second set of options,
(+3) or (+8) (PM, ‑10%) [3 or 5]. Add Altered Time Rate 1 change the ‑5-point Intolerance to “Chaotic” religions,
(Costs Fatigue, 6 FP, ‑30%; PM, ‑10%; Preparation Required, and delete the optional Vegetarianism. In the third set of
1 minute, ‑20%) [40] and Chronolocation (PM, ‑10%) [5]. options, add Callous [‑5], Honesty [‑10*], and Oblivious
[‑5], and delete Charitable, Compulsive Generosity, and
Skills: In the secondary skills, the subjects of the mandatory
Holy Warriors Hidden Lore become “Elder Things or Oracles, Prophecies,
and Cosmic Patterns,” and replace Surgery with Observa-
of Time or Destiny tion (A) Per [2]‑14. In the background skills, delete Obser-
vation and add Hazardous Materials (Magical) (A) IQ‑1
Holy warriors of these deities are typically austere [1]‑13 and Surgery and Thaumatology, both (VH) IQ‑3
guardians. They defend oracles from those who would [1]‑11.
abuse their powers, or they go out to prevent tangles
in the weave of fate. Use the standard holy warrior
template with the following modifications. Time and Destiny
Advantages: The Higher Purpose becomes “Protect
genuine oracles, Maintain the order of destiny, or
Priest Spells
Slay Elder Things and other intruders from out- The effects of some of these spells may take unusual, per-
side reality,” and the Shtick is replaced by a perk, haps slightly disturbing forms. In particular, healing effects
Warded from Prophecy (Opponents cannot use may be experienced as massively accelerated natural healing,
prophecies or oracular visions against you). feeling odd and uncomfortable for the patient, while pro-
Disadvantages: The first set of options become Sense tective spells like Armor may involve reality itself warping
of Duty (Legitimate prophets, genuine oracles, and slightly to divert the attack. Conversely, some effects look like
supernatural agents of destiny) [‑10], Truthfulness pure coincidence, as the cleric adjusts fate just enough to turn
(6) [‑10], or Vow (Own no more than your horse a blade or evade a lightning bolt.
can carry) [‑10]. Then add Callous [‑5], Honesty PI 1: Haste, Hinder, Recover Energy, Scryguard, Seek Gate,
[‑10*], and Oblivious [‑5] to the second list of Sense Danger, Sense Mana, Slow, and Tell Time.
options, delete Charitable and Compulsive Gener- PI 2: Death Vision, Decay, Deflect Energy, Deflect Missile,
osity, and change the optional ‑5-point Intolerance Detect Magic, Divination, Fast Fire, Know Illusion, Mea-
to “Chaotic” religions. surement, Minor Healing, Scrywall, Sense Foes, Slow Fire,
Skills: In the primary skills, the subjects of the man- Slow Healing, Stop Bleeding, and Trace Teleport.
datory Hidden Lore become “Elder Things or PI 3: Affect Spirits, Age (VH), Aura, Block, Curse, Echoes of
Oracles, Prophecies, and Cosmic Patterns.” In the the Past, Grace, Great Haste, Healing Slumber, Images of
secondary skills, replace Physiology and Psychol- the Past, Lend Energy, Light, Long March, Mature, Oath,
ogy with Religious Ritual (H) IQ [4]‑12 and Med- Projection, Quick March, Scryfool, See Secrets, Slow Fall,
itation (H) Will [4]‑14. Lastly, in the background Stop Healing, Summon Spirit, Suspend Curse, Turn Blade,
skills, delete Religious Ritual and Meditation, and Wisdom, and Wither Plant.
raise Theology and Esoteric Medicine by +1 for 1 PI 4: Bladeturning, Continual Light, Dispel Magic, Extinguish
point each. Fire, Final Rest, History, Major Healing (VH), Lend Vital-
ity, Mindlessness, Mystic Mark, Pathfinder, Pentagram,
Remove Curse, Retrogression, Sense Observation, Telecast,
Timeslip, and Weaken Blood.
Priests of Time PI 5: Ancient History, Armor, Banish, Bless, Cure Disease,
Find Direction, Fumble, Great Healing (VH), Hide, Lesser
or Destiny Geas (VH), Mapmaker, Pathfinder, Sense Spirit, Terror, and
The priesthoods of time and destiny serve to preserve Timeslip Other.
the web of reality itself and guide the cults of those pow- PI 6: Disintegrate, Disorient, Ethereal Body (VH), Great Geas
ers. Their cultists understand that nothing is more import- (VH), Identify Spell, Know Location, Know True Shape,
ant, sometimes because they are oracles or seers who can Missile Shield, Prehistory, Relieve Madness, and Wall of
see such things directly, and the priests guide the lesser Silence.

Pyramid Magazine 12 Fantasy/Magic II

Tome Raiders By Peter V. Dell’Orto

Information is power, they say. Forewarned is forearmed. The GM may have other sources of rumors. In general,
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is about taking treasure from mon- rumor sources don’t have a specific, original source for the
sters that live in dungeons. But no sane delvers will risk their information. No one can track down the ultimate source or
lives unless they have reason to think that the treasure in the verify a rumor as true or false except by adventuring.
dungeon is worth their time – and they’ll want to know what
kind of monsters are there, too. And no sane players will risk
having to make new paper people without information about
Generating Rumors
Rumors are bite-sized back stories. They provide nug-
what’s waiting in that monster-filled hole in the ground.
gets of information about what the locals think of the world
That information comes in two main forms – rumors and
around the delvers. What makes a good rumor for an adven-
details. Details are more factual, generally, than rumors,
ture? Good rumors are specific, memorable, and actionable.
and are gathered through research and hired sages. Rumors
They should drive play forward.
are bar-talk and hearsay, and are often worth less than the
time taken to hear them . . . but not always. Gathering them Okay rumor: Bandits live in the woods between town and
takes several forms. The simple way to deal with rumors and the dungeon.
research is to use the rules under Tavern Tales and Moldy Better rumor: The bandits between the town and the dun-
Books (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons, p. 17). But geon are led by the bandit chief Sherven of Grey Woods.
players who demand more rumors and in-depth research, and Great rumor: The bandits between town and the dungeon
the GM who likes to create them and wishes to supply more, are led by the band chief Sherven of Grey Woods, and some
need guidance that is more detailed. say the local merchants would pay good money for proof of
his death!
The first is just some general information – if
After designing the dungeon, the GM should
the PCs will go through the woods anyway, they’ll
decide what delvers can learn about it through expect bandits based on experience. The second
hearsay and/or research. puts a name on the bandits . . . any highwaymen
they encounter will be seen as either Sherven or his
– GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons murderous men! The third gives the PCs options. Do
they question the merchants? Do they spend some
time hunting down Sherven? Do they take Sherven’s
Rumors head if he appears? Do they offer to let Sherven go if he’ll
match the reward they expect?
Rumors are the bits and pieces of information that can be
All of these are useful, but the third is the most interest-
found on the streets, in taverns, written on the walls of alleys,
ing for driving play forward. And that’s the case even if some
and overheard in bazaars. They’re rarely completely correct,
or all of the rumor is false. Pity any thugs the PCs encounter
often at least somewhat misleading, and tend to exaggerate
by happenstance – they’ll cheerfully jump “Sherven’s bandits”
risk, reward, and the extent of the topic. Even so, delvers can’t
with gold coins dancing in their imaginations.
ever seem to get enough of them, particularly since gossip is
Rumors should at least seem like they contain a germ of
so much easier to gather than research.
truth. There must be some reason why it feels or seems true
Rumors represent the filtered nuggets of potentially useful
to the source of the gossip. This can be reflecting a popular
information someone can get from:
thought (“the deeper the deadlier”), a stereotype (“everyone
• Hearing the latest news and chitchat. knows orcs love dogs, so they must have pet wolves”), or
• Talking with old-timers and veteran adventurers or read- an actual fact. It’s not necessary for the PCs to understand
ing tales of past adventures. which portion of the rumor is actually true. “The second
• Interacting with people in the same profession (wizards level down is full of lightning-throwing blue goblins” might
at the guild while getting power item charges or learning be wrong, but only because the lightning-throwing goblins
spells, fellow guards for knights, conventuals at the church for have blue tattoos, not blue skin; dwell on the third level and
clerics or devout PCs, etc.). only visit the second level occasionally; and aren’t actually,
• Information stumbled across in general research or other technically, goblins, but rather goblin-resembling faeries.
activities (scraps of maps found in the marketplace, notes in Totally false rumors should be reserved for critical fail-
margins of books, talk between hired sages, etc.). ures, per GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2, p. 17. Don’t punish
• Official pronouncements. successful rolls with completely inaccurate information.

Pyramid Magazine 13 Fantasy/Magic II

Moreover, totally false rumors should sound true – enough so etc. Another option is to offer one additional rumor per two
that even with 20/20 hindsight, players can justify how it could points (for those times when discovering many rumors is nec-
be true. essary for adventuring success), but cap the rumors at a fixed
number – three to five rumors is suggested.
Gathering Rumors
Every delver who stays in town potentially picks up rumors. Random Rumors
Those who live off the land or otherwise bypass upkeep costs Not all rumors need to be tailored to the skill or the sit-
by avoiding town also miss out on a chance to gain informa- uation. Old-school gamers may fondly remember random
tion between delves! rumor tables. If doing random rumors, the GM can treat
Gathering rumors takes a roll against one of Carousing, all duplicates as already heard, and allow a reroll. However,
Current Affairs, Propaganda, Research, or Streetwise. Rumors interesting interactions can happen if people hear gossip
could be random (see below) or tailored to the skill used. For again. Delvers may say, “Oh, we must have been at the bar
example, Carousing or Current Affairs might bring in gen- together” or “You must have heard that from me!” Repetition
eral news; Propaganda political news; Research finds margin also makes the information feel truer. This is pure gold from
notes, cryptic hints in old books, and the scuttlebutt among a world-building perspective. Even if the players know they
sages; and Streetwise unearths the word on the streets from all just rolled the same rumor, it has the same effect as hear-
the criminal set. This isn’t strictly necessary; in fact, it adds ing it multiple times over multiple sessions – it’s hard to dis-
verisimilitude if some rumors just make their away around count it.
town to everyone. Good gossip knows no skill boundaries!

Unlike the hearsay of rumors, research turns up details.
Dead Men Research can be done by delvers, using the rules on GURPS

Tell Tall Tales Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons, p. 17. But what if they
lack the skills, time, or inclination to do it themselves?
Keep mind that in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, thanks to
Divination and Summon Spirit spells, even the unknowable Finding a Sage
can be researched and the dead questioned. This also
Find a sage like any other hireling; see Where Did You
justifies rumors with no known source, knowledge about
Find These Guys?, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15, p. 29.
Total Party Kills, and even “secret” actions delvers try to
Typically, they are located with an IQ roll. To find a spe-
hide but are making the rounds. These spells also allow for
cific type, a skill can be substituted. For sages in general,
the possibility of researching on such topics.
use Research. For a magical or theological scholar, rely on
Players might wish to have their adventurers cast
Thaumatology or Theology (respectively). If the subject of
such spells themselves to gather information. Let them!
research is illegal, opt for Streetwise.
Remember to enforce all appropriate costs and penalties.
When relying on a skill, use the rules from Where Did
It’s much easier if the magic user has the appropriate
You Find These Guys?, with the following special modifi-
divination spell, or knows the name of a dead delver to ers. Trying to find someone with a specific but reasonably
summon and ask about the perils in the Tomb of the common skill or specialty is no penalty to the roll; rare
Trapmaster. However, gaining the information might be skills (as decided by the GM) warrant a modifier of -1 to
effectively impossible – most spells don’t let the caster -5. For example, specialties in skills that PCs can acquire
specify what is learned, only how or from whom it is should warrant at worst -1 to the roll. Specifying multiple
discovered. For knowing the unknowable from a source skills is at -2 for each skill – “We need a sage with Hidden
the adventurers can’t pinpoint, rumors and research are Lore (Demons) and Hidden Lore (Spirits)” – and addi-
paths with more reliable outcomes. tional specifications are also at -2 – “. . . and the person
must be a halfling.” In addition, delvers can seek a more
knowledgeable sage. For each point of skill above the base
15, the roll to find the sage is at a cumulative -1.
Multiple Rumors Success locates a sage (or group of sages) with an effec-
The GM who really enjoys passing on rumors can give one tive skill of 15 (plus any additional levels from looking for
to every delver that stays in town, plus one for any appropriate a knowledgeable sage. On a critical success, the sage’s skill
Ally or long-term henchman, regardless of a roll. Additional is 18, instead. On a critical failure, the sage is a fraud or a
information can be found with skill rolls. crackpot, and anything they say or find will turn out to be at
Roll one of the skills listed under Gathering Rumors (above). best misleading and at worst dangerously false. A successful
With a success, the adventurer gains one rumor; success by roll against the sage’s skill gives an answer to the question,
5 or more reveals two rumors, and critical success indicates yielding one detail for a sage paid at the one-day rate (see
three rumors. Failure means no rumors, and critical failure Hiring Sages, p. 15).
leads to a false rumor! A GM is free to decide that no one knows the answers
Providing one additional rumor per two points of success to the PCs’ questions, or that no one can find it out without
tends to lead to unrealistically high number of rumors, even in long-term research. The goal is to get delvers into dungeons,
a party that only marginally emphasizes Carousing, Streetwise, not to short-circuit adventures with in-town rolls.

Pyramid Magazine 14 Fantasy/Magic II

Hiring Sages Top People Working on It
The group can hire a sage by the day, week, or month or A long-term hire allows the sage to spend a week or month
as a long-term hireling. Short-term hires are scholars, vet- looking into the question. This gives time to consult other
eran adventurers, wise women, strange oracular stone heads, sages, peer into moldy tomes of forbidden knowledge, and
or whatever, who are paid a small amount for their time and ruminate on the question. The weekly rate for a sage is $400;
answers. They don’t spend much time doing research, so the monthly is $1,500.
delvers get only a single, unmodified roll. If it succeeds, the Roll against the hired skill once per week (or four rolls per
querent gets one answer about the question. month). A success answers one question or gives one piece
Pay rates are set per GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15: of information, plus one more answer or hint for every two
Henchmen, p. 32; treat sages as 125-point henchmen. No points the skill roll is made by.
sage will work for hourly pay – professional pride and guild
rules demand a minimum of $60 for research, even if it’s just Generating Details
answering a simple question!
Like rumors, details should be actionable and drive
Paying extra effectively provides a sage more resources;
adventures forward. Unlike rumors, they should be entirely
every doubling of the usual pay rate is worth +1 to effective
(or almost entirely) factual. Save false information and half-
skill. Offering reduced pay is possible; this gives -1 to the effec-
truths for rumors or failed skill rolls. Adventurers pay good
tive skill of the sage per 10% less offered, and there is no chance
money up front for this information and should not feel like
of specifying an unusual skill. Asking for free advice – offering
they wasted their gold.
-100% - is possible but gives the querent an effective skill of 5.
You get what you pay for . . .

Pyramid Magazine 15 Fantasy/Magic II

A Few From
Faeries By Christopher R. Rice

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 6: 40 Artifacts offers a com- two allies, everyone would gain a third of their normal HP,
pletely new approach for looking at items with supernatu- FP, ER; regrow body parts over a proportionately longer time;
ral abilities. It’s not based on any magic system per se, but etc. Happily, consuming even a portion ends sickness, poison
rather authorial or GM fiat. Artifacts work the way they do effects, etc.
because that’s how they work. It also ignores things like
Weight: 1 lb.
how to manufacture them – in most cases, they are one-offs
or limited runs. This article supplies several new GURPS
Dungeon Fantasy artifacts, all of them created by faeries
in some manner. 40 Artifacts is required to use this article. If an instant cure-all is overpowered, the GM can reduce
Due to the supernatural nature of the items, all of these it to healing a portion of the eater’s resources (e.g., 50% of
artifacts mystically resize themselves for the user unless oth- maximum HP, FP, ER, etc.). To make it more powerful, the GM
erwise noted. could have the bacon fully heal the subject
and then add 3d “temporary” HP, FP, ER,
etc., which last until used.
Bacon of Restoration . . . according
Power Item: N/A to Welsh myth, Faeblade
Suggested Origins: Cosmic and Racial.
pigs were given to Power Item: 30 FP
Tales are told of the faerie who blessed mortals as a gift Suggested Origins: Magical and Racial.
a farmer with prosperity, bestowing a
pair of pigs that could be slaughtered and from the faerie Faeblades look like swords made of fan-
tastic material such as glass, stone, gems,
return alive the next morning. The Bacon realms.
of Restoration is from those pigs and is or even moonlight or blood. They can take
coveted by adventurers and noblemen – GURPS Faerie the shape of any sword the GM likes, but
alike. Eating it cures most ills and heal are usually thrusting broadswords. Even
the diner of any injuries. the least exotic faeblade shines, glints,
sparkles, or has some other visual cues as to its supernatural
Qualities nature. Due to their drawbacks, faeblades are often found in
the hands of sword spirits, who were their former owners.
• Quality: Bacon of Restoration is incredibly rare and
is highly sought after. Selling it yields five times the usual
amount (minimum of $75,000 for the rasher) to those who
know what it is, even before any Merchant rolls to get a bet- • Blade Quality: Treat faeblades as balanced very fine
ter price. Moreover, the bacon won’t spoil and can be kept at thrusting broadswords (+2 to damage, -2 to breakage, and +1
room temperature with no ill effects. It resists rotting effects, to skill). The weapon loses all special properties if it breaks.
and dirt won’t cling to it. To determine a blade’s appearance randomly, use the Visible
• Restoration: Eating a full 1 lb. serving is eaten (this takes Trail and Implausible Material tables from GURPS Dungeon
at least a minute) provides a number of benefits. The food Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables, p. 56, to determine its material
restores all lost HP, FP, and ER. It ends ill effects from poisons, and visible indicator.
alchemical agents, diseases, and so on. It also regrows lost • Sometimes They Come Back: If the wielder of a faeb-
limbs, eyes, etc. It renews any advantage, racial ability, etc. lade dies while using it, they must roll 3d. On 12 or less, they
that has a certain number of uses per day. Finally, all hungers die and can be resurrected normally. On 13 or higher, they
or desires in the subject are suppressed for 1d days – they can become a sword spirit (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters
still eat if they wish, but there is no need, and addictions (e.g., 1, p. 29) under the GM’s control. This transformation takes
alcoholism) are quieted for the duration. Dividing a serving 1d seconds, which is short enough that a newly minted faerie
between multiple people reduces some of its effectiveness pro- might attack their former allies! If the faeblade is destroyed
portionally. For example, if someone shared the bacon with before the transformation occurs, the person dies normally.

Pyramid Magazine 16 Fantasy/Magic II

• Wicked Sharp: Faeblades do enhanced damage when Qualities
wielded by a skilled user. Add +1/die to damage for a skill • Adaptability: The bow adapts to the ST of any archer who
of DX+1, +2/die for DX+2, +3/die for DX+4, and +4/die for has at least ST 10. This includes any bonus ST, such as Arm
DX+7. This stacks with other damage modifiers, such as from ST, that affects bow use. Even Power Blow counts, if, during
Weapon Master. each turn drawing the Bow, the archer makes the skill roll and
Weight: 3 lbs. pays 1 FP. Damage is thrust+7(2) impaling, figured for the
archer’s ST, however high it may be. Additionally, restringing
Variations the bow takes the minimum amount of time.
• Bow Quality: Heartseeker is similar to a balanced com-
Faeblades might not have a usual form! They could
posite bow. It has an Accuracy 7, a Range of ×30/×50, and
appear as any sword imaginable: bastard sword, cavalry
a Bulk of -6. Because of its ornate filigree, any attack made
saber, edged rapier, katana, longsword, or another suffi-
using the bow as a melee weapon also adds a silver follow-up
ciently eldritch or cinematic blade. For even more exotic fae-
to the damage (see GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1, p. 27).
blades, pick a suitable weapon from 40 Artifacts or GURPS
• Deadly Precision: The user critically succeeds on a roll of
Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy and combine them!
6 or less, regardless of skill. Furthermore, for 3 FP, they may
For example, one version might also have Flashing Sunblade
reroll any result on the Critical Hit Table (p. B556) twice and
abilities (40 Artifacts, p. 13). These “greater” weapons
take their choice of the three results.
should be unique, with their own legends and place in the
• Elf-Shot: All arrows fired from Heartseeker have -10 to
campaign’s history.
see or hear them after they are fired. Additionally, the bow
More prosaically, if the GM feels that the damage increase
itself never makes any noise, allowing it to be shot soundlessly.
is too great for the campaign for adventurers with extreme
• Seeker: Reduce penalties to target hit locations by 2
skill and Weapon Master, use the better damage modifier
(allowing the heart to be hit with mere -3). Additionally, when
instead of stacking them.
hitting the torso, roll again at skill-10. On a success, the vitals
are hit instead. On a critical success, it’s the target’s heart.
Faerie Mead • True Shot: Arrows fired from the bow can navigate around
Power Item: N/A obstacles as if they were a homing (p. B413) attack with the
Suggested Origins: Magical and Racial. Detect advantage for that specific target. Once fired, the arrow
will find its target, unless they can somehow get out of range
The fae love their mead, a thick golden drink that lets them of the bow (see above). Arrows have an effective skill of 15.
carouse long into the night without harm – but woe to mortals Using this feature of the bow costs 3 FP per arrow.
caught in these parties without the enchanted mead, for they
may dance themselves to literal death. (Of course, drinking Weight: 3 lbs.
anything in the fae realms has its own hazards, too.) The fae
present their mead to those who win their Variations
favor. Each barrel contains 4d draughts. Heartseeker is supposed
to be a legendary weapon
Qualities . . . faerie magic can be with multiple deeds and
• Party Hardy: When a tankard of faerie banished by the touch of iron. heroes tied to it, not a
mead is drunk, it gives the imbiber Doesn’t common artifact. The GM
Sleep for a number of HT/3 days, restores – GURPS Fantasy can opt to tone down the
any lost FP due to fatigue, and gives +5 to effects if desired. If lesser
Carousing rolls. Moreover, triple the ST of “heartseeker bows” exist,
the subject for the purposes of intoxication (pp. B439-440) remove True Shot and any other overly powerful abilities; the
and add +5 to HT rolls to resist the negative effects of being GM may also wish to require minimum levels of Bow skill to
drunk (see Pink Elephants and The Heaves, both p. B440). access the weapon’s abilities.
Regardless of how intoxicated the partier is, they can never
go into a coma. The downside is that the subject must make a Mana Apple
Will roll at -5, as per Compulsive Carousing (p. B128).
Power Item: N/A
Weight: 10 lbs. Suggested Origins: Magical.
Plucked from the trees of the legendary Isle of Malus,
Heartseeker mana apples are potent items for wizardly spellcasters thanks
Power Item: 50 FP to their magical properties. Eating them both replenishes lost
Suggested Origins: Magical and Racial. energies and enhances spells for a time.

Heartseeker, Foebane, Trueshot, Silverpoint, Gilded Wings. Qualities

These are all names for the same bow. Made for a mortal • Mana Channel: Eating a mana apple grants the eater +3
hunter of one of the faerie monarchs, it has since seen use by to all spellcasting rolls for the next 1d hours and allows any
many others. Whole wars have been fought over it, and this critical failures to be rerolled (up to 1d times). Each additional
suits the faerie just fine. Gilded in silver and gold and glit- apple devoured (up to six total) gives a further +1 to spellcast-
tering with jewels, the bow is a prize beyond compare in the ing rolls, but does not extend the duration.
right hands.

Pyramid Magazine 17 Fantasy/Magic II

• Mana Regenerator: Each fruit consumed fully restores the made of precious metals. Some look like butterflies or flowers
subject’s FP and ER (Magic). Additionally, success at a Will- wrapped into a ring shape, while others look like coiled ser-
based Thaumatology roll bestows a further 1d+1 ER per point pents or ferrets with glittering jewels for eyes. Regardless of
of margin of success (minimum of 2 FP). This excess ER lasts appearance, they are highly sought after by mortals, thanks to
until the caster uses it. their enormous power and despite their drawbacks.
• Quality: Mana apples are incredibly rare. Selling one
yields five times the usual amount (minimum of $75,000 for a Qualities
single apple) to those who know what it is – even before any • Affixed: Once placed on a finger, removing it is impossible
Merchant rolls to get a better price. Mana apples won’t spoil without a Remove Curse spell or the amputation of the entire
and can be kept at room temperature with no ill effects. They hand it was on. The ring itself resists Remove Curse with a
resist rotting effects, and dirt won’t cling to them. skill of 25.
• Bushwalker: In areas with heavy vegetation, the ring’s
Weight: 0.25 lbs.
wearer can easily move up to 10 yards in any direction as if the
vegetation wasn’t there. Moving this way requires a normal
Ring of the Faerie Monarch maneuver that allows it. The bearer is also under the effects of
Power Item: 50 FP Light Tread when using normal movement.
Suggested Origins: Magical and Racial. • Feth Fiada: This functions exactly like the Invisibility
spell, but unlike other forms of invisibility in GURPS Dungeon
The faerie monarch sometimes called Iolanthe had 13 rings Fantasy, it does not end when the wearer attacks others and
made by a dozen smiths to test their skills and then took the the effects cannot be ended by others with anything short of
best one to keep. All have a similar appearance: bejeweled and a cosmic ability. Alas, it never works against any of the
faerie, though they might pretend otherwise. This
obscuring effect can be turned on or off at will as
a free action.
• Glamour: The ring’s wearer can cast the fol-
lowing spells at skill level 25 (or their own skill
level, if better): Complex Illusion, Dispel Illusion,
Illusion Shell, Illusion Disguise, Know Illusion,
Simple Illusion, and Perfect Illusion. Additionally,
the ring gives +3 to spells pertaining to illusions of
all types.
• Highly Magical: For non-faerie characters,
wearing the ring causes a few problems (which
some fae use to trap mortals in their realm).
Weapons made of meteoric iron do double dam-
age if they hit the ringer’s wearer. The bearer
acquires Dependency (Mana; Constantly) – mean-
ing they lose 1 HP per minute when in a no mana
zone. In low-mana zones, a HT-5 roll can be made
to resist; if successful, they instead lose 1 HP per
hour. Finally, the ring itself is so magical that oth-
ers have +5 to track, trace, or otherwise locate it
through supernatural means.
• Tongue of the Birds and the Trees: The ring’s
wearer can speak with any animal or plant who
communicate with them, as if they shared the
wearer’s IQ score. They may also speak with faer-
ies or fairy creatures in the same way, except that
they do not get a boost to their IQ. If the wearer
already possesses this capability, due to magic or
innate ability, they get +5 to influence skill rolls
and reactions from such beings.
Weight: 0.25 lbs.

To weaken these rings, give them all the draw-
backs, but only one or two of the benefits – only the
monarch’s own ring has them all. Or the GM might
decide that the ring isn’t nearly legendary enough
and add another trait.

Pyramid Magazine 18 Fantasy/Magic II

• Druidcraft: The bearer can also cast the following druidic Qualities
spells at skill level 25 (or their own skill level, if better): Ani- • Divining: The stone is held in the palm of the hand and
mal Control, Beast-Soother, Beast Summoning, Identify Plant, asked a simple question. The GM makes an IQ roll for the
Repel Animal, Seek Plant, Shape Plant, and Tangle Growth. questioner with all appropriate modifiers; for example, if ask-
Additionally, the ring gives +3 to druidic spells and abilities, as ing about a subject with Magic Resistance (p. B67), the roll is
if the bearer had high levels of Power Investiture. at the usual penalty to use magic on them. If successful, the
stone gives an honest answer and turns hot (yes), cold (no),
The Shield of Cu Chulainn or cycles between both (maybe/unknown/too complicated).
Failure means the diviner suffers -1 to further questions. Crit-
Power Item: 30 FP ical success grants additional information in a brief vision in
Suggested Origins: Magical and Materials. the coils of the snake or through the hagstone’s hole. Critical
Also called Duban (meaning “Blackie”), the shield of Cu failure means the stone doesn’t know and cannot ever answer
Chulainn is a priceless treasure of one of the greatest heroes that question. The stone can be used multiple times per day,
of all time. A smith constructed the shield after the half-fae attempts are at -1 per question asked beyond the first in each
Cu Chulainn saved his daughter from a dragon; it took the 24-hour period.
smith a year to create the alloy, and another year to forge it • True Sight: Looking through a seerstone (even one techni-
to perfection. When used as a heroic power item (see GURPS cally without a hole to peer through) ignores all forms of invis-
Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items, p. 8), it can store 50 FP ibility, obfuscation, deceptions, and visual illusion. No matter
instead of the normal 30! the source, even including the Feth Fiada ability (see p. 18),
the effect appears only as a ghostly glow over the subject’s true
Qualities appearance. While this ability is active, the user cannot see the
• Anti-Magic: The shield is completely impervious to real world out of that eye, only the things trying to trick the
magic. Combined with its Supreme Block ability (see below), person! This functions as One Eye (p. B147). It takes a Ready
it can attempt to block even magical attacks such as mis- maneuver to bring the stone up to an eye and hold it there,
siles or a Mana Bolt. When used as a weapon, it ignores and precludes doing anything else with that hand.
protections like Steel Wraith and enchantments like Fortify • Warning: The stone has a limited ability to alert its holder
or Deflect. to threats; treat as Danger Sense (p. B47) with Perception 12.
• Elemental Shield: While it’s carried, the bearer gains When it detects an imminent peril, it glows a soft red. On a
DR 10 against all elemental attacks. This includes, but is not critical success, the glow’s color holds an obvious clue – e.g.,
limited to, cold, electricity, fire, heat, damage from weather a steely glint, like swords; or an icy gleam, like an avalanche
spells or abilities, and similar attacks that can be found in of snow.
nature. This never includes any attack by Elder Things! Weight: 0.25 lbs.
• Shield Quality: Treat the shield as a fine, balanced
medium shield. It is made of a strange, black, alloyed metal
that combines the features of both orichalcum and mete- Tathlum
oric iron. It weighs half as much as steel and is impervious Power Item: N/A
to magic. Suggested Origins: Magical, Materials, and Racial.
• Supreme Block: The shield can be used to block any sort
of attack against the wielder, including area effects, cones, Tathlum, or “brain balls,” are sling stones that can slay
etc. This also allows for a chance to block magical jets, with a single shot. They are made from stones carved to look
Missile spells, and so on. Finally, the wielder can block mul- like tiny brains and crusted with a paste of herbs and human
tiple times per turn, at a -5 per additional block, or -3 with a brains. Tathlum are usually found in lots of 2d-1 kept in a
Weapon Master trait that includes shields. leather ammo pouches.

Weight: 7.5 lbs. Qualities

• Killing Blow: The wielder must target a foe’s head. If the
Seerstone shot hits, the victim must make an immediate HT roll at -1
per 2 points of basic damage rolled. Failure means the tar-
Power Item: 10 FP get dies. Success means they take maximum normal damage.
Suggested Origins: Magical. This affects anything corporeal, whether it’s alive or not! If the
Seerstones are created by imbuing snakestones (ammo- wielder kills the target, the user may attempt a free Intimi-
nites with snake-heads carved at the end of the curl) or hag- dation roll against onlookers at +4 and ignore the penalty for
stones (stones with a hole naturally worn into them) and crowd size! If the target dies, the tathlum turns into a normal
imbuing them with the magical ability to divine the future stone. If the target does not die, it still holds its abilities and
and see through supernatural obfuscation. They are not can be retrieved.
necessarily made by faeries, but mortals find them useful Weight: 0.05 lbs.
when living near faeries – though offended fae might kidnap
or curse someone who revealed they could see through a Variations
glamour! While not common, most places have one for sale
The GM might also give tathlum the Elf-Shot ability (see
for $20,000.
p. 17), making them extremely deadly tools of assassination.

Pyramid Magazine 19 Fantasy/Magic II

Dungeon Diving By Aleksei Isachenko

While most adventurers delve into dungeons, caves, and

other underground complexes, some are lured by the perils Water Hazards
and riches offered by water. Sunken cities, marine caverns, A hero who wants to dive for treasure has to think about
and undersea civilizations that mirror those on the land pro- the various water hazards before undertaking such a feat.
vide many opportunities for adventure. While the treasures of Even an aquatic character has to keep these in mind, just
the underwater realms are tempting, they often are guarded as a land-bound character is always on the lookout for bad
by aquatic beasts, undead pirates, alien monsters, vigilant weather and other dangers their environment presents.
merfolk, and other adversaries (see All Wet in Pyramid #3/113: GURPS Fathom Five in Pyramid #3/26: Underwater Adventures
Dungeon Fantasies for examples). Even without any mon- provides detailed rules for underwater hazards and activities,
strosities, the descent into the lightless depths is a dangerous but some of them require adjustment to be appropriate for
endeavor that no adventurer should undertake without care- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.
ful preparation. This article describes new possibilities that
underwater adventures open and the challenges they present Pressure
in the context of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.
One of the main hazards of deep water is extreme pressure
(p. B435). In the context of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, rules
Aquatic Adventures for water pressure and the bends should be based only on
whether or not an adventurer has Pressure Support (p. B77):
Aquatic adventures can be broadly split into two categories. no Pressure Support limits the depth of diving to 35’, Pressure
The first type is the so-called diving adventure, where Support 1 to 100 yards, Pressure Support 2 to 1,090 yards,
heroes accustomed to life on land have to descend into the and Pressure Support 3 removes the limit. The detailed rules
sea or other body of water. This could be a long voyage to a for negative effects should only apply when someone is taken
sunken city that requires meticulous preparation, or it could below the depth limit involuntarily, for example, by a giant
be a dungeon or another area with water obstacles, such as squid, or if they decide to do so voluntarily for any reason.
flooded rooms, moats, ponds, or rivers. The Resist Pressure spell is valuable for those who need to
Such situations present interesting challenges for some descend to the depths.
characters but could make certain characters feel powerless.
A druid might navigate an aquatic obstacle with relative ease
by casting Shapeshifting, but a knight without the Swimming Breathing
skill, wielding a long weapon and wearing heavy armor, would The inability to breathe underwater is a major concern
be in serious trouble. Thus, when designing diving adventures, for those who plan to dive. Those without Doesn’t Breathe
the GM should avoid making water hazards all-or-nothing sit- (Gills) must hold their breath (p. B351) to avoid drowning.
uations that some adventurers cannot overcome. Such traits as increased HT, FP, and Breath-Holding become
Providing access to temporary means of breathing in important in such situations. The martial artist has access
water – such as from potions, magic items, or spells – imposes to the Breath Control skill (p. B182), which is helpful when
a time limit on dungeon exploration, especially if there is no there is no choice but to hold one’s breath. The same applies
way to prolong the duration once underwater. See Tactical to aquatic heroes venturing on land.
Looting in Pyramid #4/1: Fantasy/Magic I for detailed rules on
what’s involved in such dungeon speed runs.
The second type is the undersea adventure, where the Underwater Magic
heroes are native to the underwater environments and have Magic plays a big role in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, and
their characters built according to the requirements of their it is the main means by which air-breathing heroes can enter
home. In this case, such hazards as the lack of air and limited the aquatic dungeons. However, not all magic works the same
mobility become irrelevant, as the adventurers are in their way in water as it does in air. This section lists special rules
native environment. Instead, other aspects of underwater for magic and useful spells for navigating water environments.
activities become more prominent. Diving casters must either have the Speak Underwater
Undersea adventures allow characters to explore exotic advantage (p. B87) or know their spells at skill 15 or higher
locales and players to explore the new rules and possibilities to use them without incantations. Bards only have the for-
that such campaigns provide. When a change of pace feels mer option, since they must be able to sing to cast spells. It
necessary, the GM may include reverse diving adventures, is suggested to add Mer-Speech (GURPS Magic: The Least of
where aquatic heroes have to move on land. Spells, p. 17) to the list of spells available to wizards, bards,
and druids (requiring Power Investiture 1).

Pyramid Magazine 20 Fantasy/Magic II

Spells that make something rain from the sky, such as Rain Fire magic is severely hampered underwater, with most
of Fire or Rain of Stones, only work if the caster is not fully offensive spells harmlessly fizzling out. Ignite Fire cast at the
submerged under the water surface. Missile spells that create fourth heat level might ignite some exotic substances that can
physical projectiles (such as Stone Missile) or throw existing burn even underwater. A fire wizard diving into cold water
ones (such as Winged Knife) take the normal underwater pen- may use Heat (for a portable heat source), Resist Cold, or
alties for thrown and missile weapons; see Thrown Weapons, Warmth to keep safe. The reverse is true for Cold and Resist
Pyramid #3/26, p. 7. Fire. Unlike most fire creation spells, Essential Flame does
Air magic is useful underwater. Create Air can temporarily burn underwater and is even more effective against watery
generate a supply of breathable air, while Seek Air can direct creatures! Internal fires, such as from the Burning Death
the caster toward an existing underwater source of air. Breathe spell, work normally underwater. Body of Flames can be used
Water and Breathe Air circumvent the need for air and water offensively, since the Body of Fire meta-trait (p. B262) has
to breathe, respectively, making the recipient amphibious. Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Combustion) and Weakness (Water;
Watery locations in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy are often 1d/minute).
home to various carnivorous fish and other aquatic beasts that While Create Gate usually is outside of wizardly capa-
a druid can control with Animal spells. Even in the absence bilities in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaigns (GURPS
of dolphins, sharks, and other potential animal allies, a druid Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers, p. 20), in campaigns
can navigate aquatic obstacles with Shapeshifting and help where this spell is allowed, it can be used in ingenious ways
companions with Shapeshift Others. to drain water or otherwise circumnavigate aquatic obsta-
Hold Breath from the Body Control college is a temporary cles, often turning a diving adventure into a normal one. For
measure against the lack of breathable air. Alter Body, Trans- more information on gate-hopping campaigns, see GURPS
form Body, and Transform Other can grant the subject webbed Dungeon Fantasy 22: Gates.
fingers and toes, adapting them as per Amphibious (p. B40). Create Animal and Create Mount already are capable of
Corpulence can be used as an emergency spell to gain bonus producing aquatic beings. Create Servant and Create Warrior,
to Swimming rolls. however, produce air-breathing creatures. The GM may per-
Wizards and bards can employ spells in the Communica- mit wizards to learn merfolk-developed variants that have fish
tion and Empathy college to explore the depths indirectly, tak- tails instead of legs and can breathe water, but not air. Such
ing over aquatic beings with Permanent Possession, Control spells have the same costs, but also require the caster to know
Person, or Exchange Bodies. two Water spells in addition to the normal prerequisites.

Pyramid Magazine 21 Fantasy/Magic II

Knowledge spells provide minor utility in campaigns with not rust. Bronze weapons (p. B275) have -0.6 CF. For +3 CF,
aquatic elements. Alarm is helpful for alerting the user when other metal items can be made of bronze. The magical alter-
a potion of water breathing runs out. Test Load can be used native is an item enchanted with the Soilproof or Waterproof
when traversing thin ice to prevent the campaign turning into spell (GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves, p. 20).
a diving adventure! Undersea civilizations often use alternative materials for
Bows and crossbows do not work at all underwater unless weapons, such as horn/tooth (GURPS Low-Tech, p. 71) or
built with materials that will not stretch or warp when wet. coral (equivalent to stone, p. B275).
Resist Water, Soilproof, or Waterproof (GURPS Fantasy Folk: Bows and crossbows normally do not work underwater.
Elves, p. 20) cast on a normal bow or crossbow allows it to be However, sea elves and merfolk have developed special mate-
used underwater with normal penalties; see Thrown Weapons rials that allow such weapons to be used underwater with
in Pyramid #3/26, p. 7. The same spells protect metal objects normal penalties. Bows, crossbows, and arrows made of such
from rusting. materials have +1 CF. Resist Water, Soilproof, or Waterproof
The most important Movement spell in aquatic campaigns (GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves, p. 20) accomplish the same
is Swim. While this spell permits the subject to act without thing. This option can also be applied to string instruments
penalties underwater, it does not allow them to perform for bards.
actions that are not possible at all. Flight and Hawk
Flight allow the subject to “fly” at half-speed underwa-
ter. The subject of the Ethereal Body spell is unaffected Soon, soon my dear Undina, your undersea
by water. city will be one more jewel to be added to my
Most Plant spells affect seaweed and algae the same
way they affect land plants. Druids that specialize in collection of conquests.
Plant magic can use Body of Wood or Body of Slime to – Ming the Merciless, in Flash Gordon #1.6
adapt themselves temporarily to water environments.
Sound spells work underwater, but hearing works
differently. See GURPS Fathom Five in Pyramid #3/26:
Underwater Adventures for details. U ndersea aces R
Water spells, obviously, have a wide variety of useful effects Folklore and fantasy literature is full of various undersea
in watery environments, unlike the Weather college, where civilization examples, but the racial template lineup in GURPS
only Current, Waves, and Tide can be used effectively within Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level has only two amphibi-
water. ous races – the sea elf and the water-infused. None of them
Lightning spells work differently in water. A Lightning have the Speak Underwater advantage. Thus, if the GM wants
cast from air into water deals 1 point of burning surge dam- to treat them as native underwater dwellers, the templates
age to everyone in the water within a number of yards equal should either include this advantage, specify that they use a
to the number of dice of damage the spell would have dealt sign language for communication, or add a free “Can’t speak
otherwise. Vertical distance to the water surface is divided by in air” feature. The sea elf template also appears in GURPS
three for this purpose. Treat this damage as Large-Area Injury Fantasy Folk: Elves. All Wet in Pyramid #3/113: Dungeon
(p. B400). Everyone within twice that distance does not take Fantasies introduces the merfolk racial template. Alternatively,
any damage, but feels an electric jolt that can disrupt concen- the merfolk racial template from GURPS Banestorm can be
tration on a failed Will roll. Lightning or a similar electric used without any changes, or with Nictitating Membrane
spell cast in water produces the same effects, but in a sphere being reduced from 5 to 3, to bring the total cost from 52 to
centered on the spell’s point of origin, which usually is the 50 points.
caster’s hand. Distilled water (such as created with Purify If the GM wants to include additional racial template
Water) does not conduct electricity; thus, Lightning spells options for undersea adventures, they can apply one of the
work normally in it. following lenses to any existing racial template.

Underwater Equipment Aquatic

The default material for metal weapons and armor is steel. +5 points
Steel and iron (including meteoric iron) are vulnerable to rust. A member of this race is adapted to water, but cannot sur-
For every day that the item spends at least an hour immersed vive on land.
in water, roll against HT+4 of the item. For weapons, fail- Advantages: Pressure Support 1 [5].
ure means that their quality degrades by one step – very fine Features: Can’t speak in air; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); No Legs
weapon becomes fine, fine becomes good, good becomes (Aquatic).
cheap. Armor instead has its DR decreased by 1, up to a max-
imum of -3. This cannot bring DR below 1. For other items,
decrease HT by 1, up to a maximum of -3. Mirrored shields Amphibious
(GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers, p. 27) lose this +25 points
quality after a single failed roll. A member of this race can act normally both in water and
Any type of armor that can be made from iron can instead air, but cannot dive as deep as native aquatic dwellers.
be made of bronze. Bronze armor (GURPS Low-Tech, p. 108)
has the same statistics as iron armor, but with +3 CF and does Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%)
[10]; Speak Underwater [5].

Pyramid Magazine 22 Fantasy/Magic II

Dungeon Divers they would on land. In combat, they typically prefer thrusting
weapons with Reach 1, so they are not penalized as harshly as
Running a campaign with only occasional water hazards barbarians.
offers additional, but temporary challenges to characters with Clerics also need to overcome the speech requirement when
certain occupational templates. When underwater activities casting spells underwater. Their first melee skill package is the
are common or even ubiquitous, like in fully aquatic cam- most optimal one for aquatic combat, as it includes thrusting
paigns, some templates require adjustments to make them broadswords (with Reach 1) and shields. Clerics generally are
more useful in underwater environments. support spellcasters, so they are unlikely to have spells that
Unless made of special materials or protected by spells, are impeded by water.
ranged weapons are ineffective in water (see Underwater Druids function great underwater (if they can overcome
Equipment, p. 22, for details). Even then, they are more dif- the speech requirement for spells), as all of their spells can
ficult to use; see Thrown Weapons in Pyramid #3/26, p. 7. be useful. Animal spells can pacify some enemies, find new
Likewise, certain skills are more difficult to use. allies, help with movement, and even transform the druid
Thus, in a largely aquatic campaign, if a template presents into an aquatic animal whose bites and claws take no pen-
an option to take Armoury (Missile Weapons), Bolas, Bow, alties underwater. If the GM likes the concept of such shape-
Climbing, Crossbow, Fast-Draw (Arrow), Hiking, Jumping, shifting adventurers, they may allow the druid to spend skill
Lasso, Mimicry (Animal Sounds or Bird Calls), Running, points (freed by the “unnecessary” skills listed under Dungeon
Skiing, Sling, Spear Thrower, Thrown Weapon, or Throw- Divers, above) on Brawling.
ing, the GM should allow the designer to spend these points Holy warriors and knights suffer from similar problems.
on other skills from the lists of secondary and background They should not rely on heavy armor that might limit their
skills, advantages, spells (if available), Swimming, or the swimming ability in addition to being very expensive. Thus,
Underwater Combat power-up (see below). Riding (Horses) melee weapon skill packages that offer Shield and a one-
should be replaced with a specialty appropriate for underwa- handed thrust weapon are most attractive for underwater
ter environments, such as hippocampi, dolphins, or sharks. campaigns.
Acrobatics should be replaced with Aquabatics. Martial artists have a chance to shine in underwater adven-
tures. They gain an edge in combat by being agile, unbur-
Underwater Combat dened by armor, having automatic access to Aquabatics,
and having their punches, kicks, and knives not penalized
4/6/10 points for levels 1-3* underwater. Most of their chi abilities and esoteric skills are
Prerequisites: Any weapon skill. of use in aquatic environments, such as Breath Control to
This power-up decreases the penalties on rolls to hit with stay underwater longer and Blind Fighting to fight in murky
melee weapons underwater by 2 per level, up to the half of water. The GM may allow martial artists to take the Terrain
the usual penalty. The penalties are summarized in the table Adaptation (Underwater) advantage (GURPS Martial Arts:
below. You must specialize by skill. Yrth Fighting Styles, p. 24).

Level Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3

1 -2 -6 -10 The Pool of Nightmares isn’t just a
2 -2 -4 -8
3 -2 -4 -6 depository of all aquatic evil.
Perks: Unique Technique (Underwater Combat (chosen skill))
– Beatrice,
[1]. in Life as a Mermaid #3.6
Technique: Underwater Combat (chosen skill) (H) Skill-2 [3*].
* The cost and relative skill level listed for level 1 assumes Scouts have a tough time underwater due to their reliance
a Reach 1 weapon. Level 2 adds two more points spent on the on ranged weapons. The GM should either discourage this
Underwater Combat technique, allowing maximum penalty template or permit redistributing skill points from the ranged
reduction for Reach 2 weapons. Level 3 adds four more points weapon skills not only to secondary and background skills,
spent on the Underwater Combat technique, allowing maxi- but also to the melee weapon skills. This will make the scout a
mum penalty reduction for Reach 3 weapons. highly mobile fighter.
Swashbucklers and thieves are highly mobile combatants
Individual Challenges who focus on thrust attacks with short weapons. The GM
Here are ways to adjust specific templates from GURPS should allow Knife as a “sword” skill for these templates, as
Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers. it becomes an attractive choice due to Reach C attacks having
Barbarians are known to wield large weapons that often are no penalties in underwater environments.
swung. Both of these aspects make them much less effective in Wizards are varied, with their usefulness underwater
underwater combat. An underwater barbarian using a shorter heavily dependent on their choice of spells and whether they
weapon can still deal significant damage due to high ST. Being know a given spell well enough to cast it without an incanta-
physically strong also helps with grappling, which is unpenal- tion. In general, they should avoid missile spells as those deal
ized underwater. less damage, have shorter range, and sometimes do not work
Bards who overcome their speech requirement to cast at all underwater. They also need to overcome the challenges
spells underwater can contribute as much to the party as described in Underwater Magic (pp. 20-22).

Pyramid Magazine 23 Fantasy/Magic II

Your Own
Worst Enemy By Sean Punch

You kick down the door, ready to kill monsters and take their GURPS GM: Combat Encounters offers handy advice – but
stuff, only to find . . . yourself? What? How? No time to ponder, an enemy with exactly the same traits and equipment as the
because you’re coming right for you! adventurer(s) is guaranteed to be an even match! (This strat-
agem is extra-rewarding when munchkin-level abilities and
Pitting heroes against their doubles is a classic fantasy
gear have made finding suitable challenges difficult.)
trick. It can work in any kind of game, but magic obviates
• It’s dramatic. “You find yourself facing . . . yourself!” can
many limits – as you’ll soon see. However, you can adapt
be alarming when heroes who believe they’re the toughest kids
these ideas to other genres courtesy of clones, robot or “holo-
on the block must fight a true nemesis: themselves. It can be
gram” replicas, virtual duplicates in cyberspace, teleportation
creepy if the setting mythology hints that slaying one’s double
glitches that transmit the original and leave behind a copy (or
obliterates part of one’s soul. It raises doubts about who or
vice versa), alternate-timeline selves with jaunty beards, or
what else is a duplicate. It can trigger existential crises. It’s
just top-notch impersonators.
never boring!
But why do this in any genre?
• It’s quick! Players love to go places and do things the GM
didn’t anticipate. While supporting player agency is admira- Where Did I Come From?
ble, such hijinks can paralyze the action. Raymond Chandler’s In fantasy, duplicates inevitably originate from potent
advice concerning such developments is famous: “When in magic. What magic sometimes suggests alternative ways to
doubt, have a man come through a door with a gun in his beat your match.
hand.” Orcs or ninjas suit fantasy better – but what if the GM
Spells. Several GURPS Magic spells (e.g., Doppelgänger,
doesn’t have stats prepared for any foes that fit the situation?
Simulacrum, and Phantom with Initiative) can create entities
Well, the PCs’ character sheets are right there . . .
that resemble someone and even have some of their abilities.
• It’s balanced. Even in well-planned encounters, it’s tricky
However, the quickest spells don’t produce close copies, while
to get the opposition just right. If they’re too wimpy or too
the best replicas involve lengthy enchantments that target spe-
tough, the GM ends up fudging frantically. How to Be a
cific victims in advance. In a world where Wiz-
ards’ Guild masters, ancient liches, and similar
figures wield spells PCs can’t learn, there may
be a way to copy anyone and their gear
Y C ’ T
ou an t ell s part U A quickly, on sight, but only temporarily. The
caster needn’t be in the area – linking spells
When a duplicate replaces someone, detecting the impostor or distin- (Magic, pp. 130-132) can set traps, and one-
guishing between the two requires tricks like the Empathy advantage or shot enchantments might lurk in places or
the Aura spell. The chosen ability must be one that can affect the entity. on artifacts (like a magic mirror, below). It’s
The GM should be firm but fair. sometimes possible to avoid a fight by fleeing,
When a duplicate materializes in the original’s presence, it’s obvi- hiding, or otherwise delaying until the spell
ous who’s who . . . until they grapple with each other or disappear from ends (say, after one minute); casting Dispel
sight. Then it’s time to play “I’m the real me!”, “No, I am!”, etc. For Magic (against high skill); or finding and kill-
witnesses without special abilities, spotting subtle differences – e.g., ing the caster.
whose shirt was torn in the struggle – requires a roll against Observa- Protean Golems. A weird, creepy riff on
tion (defaults to Per-5). In combat, this is at ‑5 unless the viewer takes a the Simulacrum and Doppelgänger spells is a
Concentrate maneuver to do nothing else. The GM rolls secretly. Failure faceless, initially lifeless thing – an unfinished
means “You can’t tell”; critical failure means a lie. flesh golem, say – that quickly assumes the
Ignore all this if the duplication process produces obvious differ- form of the first person to touch it or stray too
ences; e.g., beings from the Mirror Dimension are visibly reversed, or near. To pose a challenge, the monster needs
have evil little beards. protection against being ganked mid-transi-
tion, plus a way to replicate its victim’s gear.

Pyramid Magazine 24 Fantasy/Magic II

Perhaps it’s made from primordial matter, even the stuff of replica was created by an enemy spell and compelled to serve
Creation, that becomes flesh, leather, wood, metal, etc.; until its creator, or by a god’s will to test the victim. Alternatively, the
fully formed, it’s Diffuse (p. B380) and difficult to injure, and/ entity might be a foe, as is the case for protean golems, doppel-
or regenerates as part of its transformation. After the heroes gängers, and beings summoned by mirrors, gates, or critical
have witnessed this once, they can research alternatives to failures; if so, it’s a perfect copy save for its mental disadvan-
waiting for a fight; immersion in acid or fire is customary. tages, which are aggressive and bloodthirsty. It may make
Doppelgängers. “Doppelgänger” isn’t just the name of a spell. sense to “flip” powers – e.g., holy gifts become unholy – but
The term also refers to monsters that can take others’ forms; that changes their justification, not what they do. This is the
see GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3: Born of Myth & simplest option despite its level of detail, as you can swipe the
Magic, pp. 7-8. A doppelgänger doesn’t become an exact copy, PC’s character sheet wholesale and just roleplay personality.
as it retains racial abilities its subject doesn’t have, and can’t
duplicate memories, mental abilities, spellcasting ability,
etc. It must also sneak up on and touch a lone victim,
with the goal of replacing them, possibly forever – which Erifkcab!
demands serious encounter planning! However, there When magic backfires, the GM can roll on the Critical
could be similar creatures that truly become someone Spell Failure Table (p. B236), or its equivalent for another
else on sight, but that cannot transition between forms in magic system, but that grows predictable and thus boring.
a “memory bank.” These might have racial flaws heroes That’s why GURPS encourages GMs to improvise appro-
can exploit. priate results. However, that can be as tough as ad-libbing
Magic Mirrors. A mirror that duplicates whoever it combat encounters – so here as there, you could always
reflects is an old-school trick. It might be an enchanted arti- duplicate the heroes! This best suits castings intended to
fact created using a spell (above), with limited “charges” create or summon an entity (real or illusionary), teleport
or “uses” – customarily one per mirror, although several someone, interact with another plane of existence, use a
strategically placed magic mirrors can create simultane- mirror for divination, or conjure a mirror. It’s harder to jus-
ous copies of an unwary adventurer! More in keeping with tify for fireballs and healing spells. It needn’t happen each
folklore, there could be a Mirror Dimension, to which a time – on the Critical Spell Failure Table, it would be a great
cursed mirror – perhaps any mirror, When The Stars Are alternative for a roll of 18 (a monster appears) – but it might
Right – is a portal. Either way, the duplicate steps swiftly be more likely with Illusion and Creation spells, Gate spells,
from the mirror (which, for added challenge, needn’t be and attempts to enchant golems and simulacra.
in plain sight). Destroying the mirror is a tried-and-true
way to beat the encounter, but that’s hard if the mirror
is polished metal rather than fragile glass, and a fight is
unavoidable if its creation is defending it. Physical Duplicate. The copy has the original’s gear, phys-
Magic Gates. This magic-mirror variant resembles a door ical traits, and anything else an observer could see or plausi-
or swirling magical portal, detectable using whatever methods bly deduce – but not their memories, mental abilities, skills,
are standard for gate-hunting in the setting. When someone or magical powers. This is how Dungeon Fantasy’s doppel-
traverses it, they aren’t teleported . . . they step right through, gängers work, and could be adapted to similar entities that
while a double appears, going in the opposite direction! The “sample” the target, like protean golems. It’s also reasonable
two are initially back-to-back and unaware of one another, but for magic mirrors, if they reflect light but not the soul (in
that will change soon enough. For an added twist, the GM may some folklore, they do!), and for spells that rely on the cast-
rule that walking back (and possibly backwards) through the er’s knowledge of the subject. It’s harder to justify for magic
opposite side dispels the duplicate – or that each trip through gates and divine challenges – why would a version from an
creates another replica. alternative timeline or an all-knowing god be so superficial?
Divine Challenges. Gods enjoy having heroes demonstrate This calls for more work, because the GM must decide what’s
worthiness by defeating their inner demons. In folklore, this physical and/or observable; the PC’s character sheet is just a
challenge is allegorical – the greedy person must refuse easy starting point.
wealth, the wrathful one must stay calm while taunted, and Reskinned Monster. The “copy” is some alien thing that hap-
so forth – but in games, deities might be as literal-minded as pens to resemble the original . . . which is still creepy! Many
gamers. Any being powerful enough to resurrect the dead is spells work this way, including anything in the Illusion and
likely powerful enough to create a shade of the living, throw- Creation college; so might magical backfires. Doppelgängers
ing a straight-up duplicate at the faithful (or faithless). and protean golems could alter their looks to put prey at ease,
but retain monstrous abilities. A god or demon may do this if

What Am I Like? cosmic law forbids them from duplicating free-willed beings,
or if they dress up a servitor or lesser demon for some ineffa-
There are duplicates and then there are duplicates. Here ble reason. However, this isn’t a good match to beings from
are some representative types. Any could be used with any- the Mirror Dimension, a universe traditionally like ours but
thing in Where Did I Come From? (pp. 24-25), but some com- reversed, complete with copies of us that differ primarily in
bos make more sense. outlook. If you already have monster stats, its trivial to use
those but describe the thing creatively; without such stats, you
True Duplicate. The copy has all of the original’s abilities lose the benefit of speed. Regardless, a balanced encounter is
and gear, even supposedly “unique” things. The sole difference no longer guaranteed.
is that it’s hostile. The cause of this antagonism is obvious if the

Pyramid Magazine 25 Fantasy/Magic II

Adjusting the Challenge armor. Such approaches suit how most reskinned monsters
and some physical duplicates work, but are less appropriate
It’s difficult to imagine a more even match for someone for true duplicates. The enemy’s inferior hardware inevitably
than their perfect-but-hostile duplicate! Yet the GM might makes the encounter easier.
not want “even.” A quick, random, or incidental encounter is Tactical Considerations. Then there are all the externali-
often meant to be easier; a climactic one, harder. Some dials ties that worry warriors, like surprise, numbers, and terrain.
to twiddle: Duplicates often appear in ways that raise such concerns.
First, a copy’s abrupt appearance – conjured by a spell, step-
Different Abilities. Physical duplicates and reskinned mon-
ping from a mirror, etc. – can justify checking for Partial Sur-
sters might have “racial” abilities instead of or as well as the
prise (p. B393) or, in suitable circumstances (“Your reflection
original’s. Even true duplicates could vary some, if created by
leaps for your throat!”), Fright Checks (pp. B360-361). Next, if
exceptionally powerful spells, or gods – or if Mirror Dimen-
the entity is summoned behind the hero, steps from a magic
sion dwellers need different intrinsic capabilities to survive
mirror reflected in a labyrinth of ordinary mirrors, exits the
there. “The PC, plus” and “the PC, minus” are clearest, as the
far side of gate, etc., its victim could be unaware of it. Lastly,
encounter grows unambiguously harder when adding advan-
an adventurer reflected in several magic mirrors, running back
tageous traits, easier when adding disadvantageous ones.
and forth through a gate, or dashing past alcoves containing
Complex lists of differences make gauging the difficulty level
many protean golems could end up outnumbered. Such fac-
tricky; do this only if you have time.
tors can only make the encounter tougher.
Different Gear. The assumption that the copy has the same
Magical Flaws. Separate from any intrinsic disadvantages
equipment as the subject needn’t be true. Its gear might
the duplicate possesses, the forces that brought it into being
resemble the original’s, but lack special properties; e.g., a fine,
may have exploitable weaknesses: Spells might have a limited
magical sword “reflects” as a plain old sword. Such fiddling
duration to wait out, or be subject to countermagic; entities
is easier for objects than for people – removing bonuses and
created or controlled by someone might vanish or cease hos-
benefits from specific items is straightforward. More radi-
tilities if their master is slain; copies produced by mirrors,
cally, the entity is unequipped, and “artifacts” are illusions
gates, etc. might be unsummoned by destroying the artifact
or morphed body parts. This is trivial to do – ignore the PC’s
or manipulating it correctly; or the duplication process could
equipment list, have the monster attack with natural weap-
take time (10 seconds, like Shapeshifting on pp. B83-85, seems
ons, and use its innate DR even if it appears to be wearing
fair), during which the entity is vulnerable before it can fight.

Pyramid Magazine 26 Fantasy/Magic II

These offer characters with rarely used skills like Hidden Lore introduce multiple copies of whoever stumbled into the situa-
and Occultism chances to shine, and reward player cleverness. tion, stepping from several mirrors or huge golem test tubes,
Such flaws make the encounter easier if the heroes have a or materializing from each magical seal they blundered
chance of exploiting them; to restore balance, consider giving across. This won’t lead to a balanced encounter – PC parties
the enemy extra abilities, gear, or tactical advantages. compensate for each other’s weaknesses, so duplicates are
likely to go down quickly unless they’re of the most overpow-
Playing It Out ered adventurer – but it can still be a quick one, because all
the enemies share one character sheet.
Whatever the encounter’s challenge level, one “fuzzy” fac-
This Is Us. Or, copy the whole group! Maybe the duplica-
tor is tricky to correct for: player tactics vs. GM tactics.
tion spell is an Area spell, or everybody is reflected in the huge
Abilities, gear, and tactical advantages do nothing unless
magic mirror or piles through the magic gate. Perhaps there
used properly! The player of a long-established character will
are lots of protean golems or doppelgängers. And a god has
be more skilled than the GM at making their alter-ego shine
no need to play fair. In this case, the entire encounter will be
in combat. The GM who runs many diverse encounters is
balanced, though individual matchups won’t be unless every-
likely to be more adept with the combat rules than a player
body opts to go one-on-one with their double. Per Playing It
new to GURPS or their latest character.
Out (above), try to mirror tactics, too – if people really do
A suggestion: For a free-willed copy – particularly a true
break off into duels, have the monsters go along with it, but if
duplicate that shares aspects of its target’s mind – the GM
they gang up on someone, well, their rivals will try that.
should mirror not only the player’s character but also their
tactics. If the player is employing rarely used items and abil-
ities, exploiting obscure rules, squeezing out every possible
edge, and generally playing for keeps, the GM can do all the
same stuff. If the player is less aggressive, the GM ought to
No time to ponder,
follow suit.
Doubles that are under somebody’s control – or that aren’t
because you’re coming
true duplicates – won’t work this way. They’ll fight however
their master or their kind always fights. They’ll use mirrored
right for you!
capabilities as best their intelligence allows, and ought to get
Perception rolls to notice their rival doing clever things with
their abilities and gear; success lets them ape that. These Leftovers
rolls might become Per-based Tactics for complex combat If the heroes prevail, the players’ first questions will include
moves, Per-based Thaumatology for spellcasting, and so on. “Can I loot dupes of all my cool gear?” and “Is there a dead
copy of me that I can zombify, resurrect for fun, or use to fake
All for One, One for All! my death in order to escape the Assassins’ Guild contract or
collect insurance money?” It’s wisest to reply, “No and no.”
This advice tacitly assumes one duplicated PC: An advance
Still, there are subtleties:
scout meets their double, a laggard faces a doppelgänger, the
point person is trapped in the magic-mirror chamber, the • Entities created by spells – including critical spell fail-
warrior accepts an arena duel only to see themselves walk in ures – vanish when the magic does. Usually, the body and any
the far gate, the cleric’s god commands them to face them- gear cease to exist after one minute.
selves singlehanded, etc. That makes encounter balance easi- • Protean golems revert. There’s something left, but it’s a
est – it’s Jane vs. her copy (we’ll call her Enaj), not Jane, Argh gruesome glob of goo, not a corpse – although it may be of
the Barbarian, Sister Sunshine, and Stabby McMurderton interest to the right (meaning wrong) necromancer. Gear
dogpiling the monster. instantly rots, rusts, or otherwise decays into nothing.
Still, experienced fantasy adventurers stick together in a • A doppelgänger leaves a dead doppelgänger in its natural
tight marching order. Players of such heroes have a burning form. A wizard might buy the corpse. Gear decays as for pro-
desire to be wherever the action is, and will charge or even tean golems.
cheat their way to their ally’s side. This complicates matters. • Doubles from the Mirror Dimension – however they were
Some ways to address this: summoned – are banished there, along with their gear. They
might be forever dead, but it’s more fun to say they get a rough
Just Say No. It doesn’t take much extra effort to describe
trip home, where they plot their revenge.
the situation in a way that ensures a one-on-one matchup.
• Any copy created by a deity dies however the god, as role-
On the meta-game level, the encounter might be a spur-of-the-
played by the GM, wants it to die. It’ll probably be unsum-
moment response to unexpected player action, but in the
moned, like a mirror being, but a mad god may leave a corpse
game world, the duplicate, its master, or whoever made the
for mortals to get into trouble with. If victory promised a
magic mirror or gate presumably gave some thought to suc-
reward, this might be a copy of the hero’s gear – or perhaps
ceeding! If the players don’t check their surroundings and rein
only one item remains, but it’s upgraded.
in wandering friends, they can’t complain when a shifting bar-
ricade isolates someone, a magical gate teleports an adven- This applies strictly to the monster and its gear, not to
turer away and then duplicates them, or a scout or straggler things (or people) it picks up. Those remain afterward. Well,
meanders so far away that nobody can reach them quickly. unless the heroes chase off the entity instead of killing it, in
All Of Me. If there’s no fair way to cut someone off, don’t. which case it may flee with important items – which can get
Instead, take a page from Tactical Considerations (p. 26) and hairy if it escapes to the Mirror Dimension.

Pyramid Magazine 27 Fantasy/Magic II

Orbs of Power
By Anders Starmark
Orbs of Power are potent magical artifacts, possibly Only one person can dominate an Orb at a time, and the
of divine origin. The path of each Orb is strewn with the artifact has a psychic link to that individual as long as they are
corpses of the foolish. Yet few can resist the siren song of on the same plane of existence. The owner will know if some-
power – the Orbs promise so much and seem to demand so one touches the Orb (even if they are not an incanter), and if
little. There are eight known Orbs in existence, one for each the Orb is damaged or destroyed. They will also know if the
Path in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic. Orb challenges someone for mastery, and whether the attempt
These Orbs of Power are variations on the ones that first succeeds or fails.
appeared in GURPS Magic Items 2. No one can dominate more than one Orb at a time.

Immediate Changes
General Traits Immediately upon mastering the Orb, the caster gets a
All orbs have certain characteristics in common. Sense of Duty toward the Orb’s kind of magic – a mission to
preserve and guard against attempts to weaken that magic in
Appearance the world. For instance, the owner of the Orb of Death would
oppose any attempt to ban necromantic magic.
Orbs of Power are clear crystal globes 3” in diameter. Until
Second, the possessor gains Addiction (Orb Magic). Treat
an incanter touches them, they appear to be ordinary crys-
Orb magic as a legal, cheap, highly addictive drug that causes
tal balls. When someone with magical talent holds an Orb
physiological dependency (worth -5 points). This is primarily
and looks at it, the Orb changes to its identifying color and
a behavior problem if indulged. However, withdrawal leads to
displays its icon within its depth. Only the holder sees the
painful effects (see p. B440).
changes in the Orb.
Thirdly, each Orb has its own set of drawbacks that it grants
If the incanter does not put down the Orb immediately,
its owner. For instance, the Orb of Death makes its master cal-
then the Orb “challenges” the bearer to a contest of mastery;
lous and fascinated with death and the dead.
see below. Someone who is not aware of the Orb’s nature may
Finally, the caster becomes fixated on the Orb. They may
be drawn into such a challenge without understanding what
absentmindedly caress it while speaking, and become visibly
is happening.
agitated if the Orb is out of reach. Sometimes they develop
Someone who does not have Incantation Gift (Incantation
the habit of speaking to the Orb and listening to it. If someone
Magic, p. 4) can freely hold an Orb; it is not interested in
tries to remove it from their grasp, they may become violent.
minds without the potential for magic. Non-incanters can-
not attempt to master an Orb, and the Orb does not change
appearance for them. Abilities
All Orbs have certain abilities in common. The owner does
Statistics not have to use the Orb when casting spells, but the traits are
there if they wish to use them. Relying on an Orb’s ability does
Orbs of Power are SM -6 and weigh 2 lbs. They have Will
not use it up.
25 and are practically indestructible. If the GM wants a way to
The Orb works as an extra-powerful magical component
destroy them, that should be difficult. For instance, maybe the
(Incantation Magic, p. 19), which gives +5 to spells related to
sap of the Tree of Life is corrosive to the Orb of Death.
the Path it governs and which aids in creating related scripts
and infusions. The Orb also grants +4 to resist spells of the
Mastery Orb’s Path.
To master an Orb requires a Quick Contest of the incanter’s The possessor can attach 10 spells as incantations
Will-based Path skill vs. the Orb’s Will of 25. The rule of 16 (Incantation Magic, p. 19) to the Orb. These follow all the
does not apply. normal rules outlined in the supplement, except that with
If the Orb wins, it completely dominates the victim’s mind. the right Orb, the attempt automatically succeeds.
The puppet gains a Dependency (p. B130) to the Orb itself. Orbs contain chained spirits, and the owner can com-
This is a weekly dependency – lose 1 HP every six hours if the mune with the spirit inside the Orb. The spirit acts as a
puppet has not communed with the Orb for one hour in the Contact Group (p. B44), specializing in magic and occult
past week. The dependency is worth -60 points. knowledge. It has effective skill 21 and is always available
If the incanter wins, they now can access the Orb’s power and completely reliable. Communing with the Orb takes one
and gain the benefits and disadvantages that come from mas- minute per question and requires the user to touch the Orb.
tering a particular Orb. Each Orb also has a set of individual abilities that it grants
its master; see specific descriptions.

Pyramid Magazine 28 Fantasy/Magic II

Drawing on the Orb’s abilities carries certain draw-
The Orbs
All Orbs are described in the same manner. Appearance
backs. Many of these are like The Price of Power (GURPS specifies what happens to the Orb when an incanter holds
Thaumatology, pp. 93-94). The Orb’s spirit is ever-ready to it. Changes describes the changes an incanter goes through
assert its dominance over anyone presumptuous enough to after they master an Orb; these changes take place over a
think they can master it. period of 1d weeks. Abilities and Drawbacks detail the unique
abilities and drawbacks of the Orb, beyond the ones given
The Price of Power above. Goals delves into the goals of the Orb, should it dom-
inate someone’s mind.
At the end of any day in which an incanter uses any of the Each Orb also includes a suggested bit of background
Orb’s abilities, they must make a Will + Incantation Gift roll, at detail. The GM should adjust this information to suit the
a penalty equal to the most complex spell they have prepared campaign.
or used over the last 24 hours. This is regardless of whether
the spell has been cast “on the fly” (Incantation Magic, p.
17) or as a prepared casting (Incantation Magic, p. 19).
Example: Tatasha has used the Orb of Demons three The Orbs promise
so much and seem
times to cast spells with a penalty of 0, -3, and -8. At the
end of the day, she needs to make a roll vs. (Will + Incan-
tation Gift)‑8.
Success means that nothing happens. Failure gives to demand so little.
the mage one level of Spiritual Distortion (below). This
is a taint on their soul, a warping on a fundamental level.
Critical success removes one level of Spiritual Distortion, and Orb of Arcanum
critical failure gives 1d+1 levels.
Appearance: Someone holding Arcanum smells burning
incense and sees clay tablets covered in an arcane script. The
New Disadvantage: Spiritual Distortion script crackles and glows with power, and the mage immedi-
The more a mage uses certain kinds of magical artifacts, ately gets a sense of great power and profound mystery.
the more those artifacts impact the user’s ability, as repre- Changes: A person who masters the Orb of Magic becomes
sented by Spiritual Distortion. This disadvantage imposes a slightly translucent. This affects the skin and inner organs, as
skill penalty to any spell cast without the artifact’s assistance well as any clothes or armor the person is wearing, and it can-
(including all spells that use other Paths). This can cause the not be masked with makeup. Most people react to the caster
owner to increasingly see the magic item’s Path as a hammer, at -1.
and every problem as a nail. Abilities: Arcanum’s possessor gains three levels of Incan-
Spiritual Distortion is visible to anyone who can see tation Gift (this can exceed the normal maximum for the
auras (such as with a Sense Arcanum effect). As well, other campaign world; this is an artifact, after all). A long as the
individuals with Incantation Gift 3+ can use Perception-3, owner touches the Orb, their own personal mana level never
with a bonus equal to their own Incantation Gift, to notice goes below normal. They are also unaffected by twisted mana
something weird and uncanny – even by the standards of zones (GURPS Thaumatology, p. 60). Finally, a caster relying
magic – on first encountering an owner of an artifact that on this Orb takes no penalty for using other forms of incanta-
imposes Spiritual Distortion. tion magic; this Orb is master of all magic!
Drawbacks: The owner of the Orb gains an overwhelm-
Long-Term Consequences ing lust for magical knowledge and power. Treat this as an
Spiritual Distortion is limited to 10 levels. Once the Obsession (6) to master all forms of magic. The Sense of Duty
incanter reaches this point, the artifact takes total control of all owners of an Orb get is broader for the one who possesses
them just as if they had lost the initial Quick Contest. For Arcanum: it is a Sense of Duty toward magic itself.
Orbs of Power, see Mastery (p. 28) for the consequences of Goals: The Orb seeks magic in all its forms. The puppet
being reduced to an Orb’s puppet. spends all its time collecting magical items, books, scrolls,
and the like. If attacked, the Orb can use the magical
Soul-Cleansing items to defend itself, but it’s usually more powerful than
Recovery from Spiritual Distortion is painful and difficult. anything else.
Restoring one’s soul requires total abstinence from all magical
activity. After a period of (20 - Will) days per level of Spiritual Orb of Augury
Distortion, one level is lost. Minimum is one day per level. So Appearance: Upon holding the Orb, a mage experiences a
far, no one has been able to rid themselves completely of their feeling that they had an epiphany, but they are not quite clear
dependency on the artifact. on what they realized.
The person must also buy off the Addiction (see Immediate Changes: The person exudes an almost palpable aura of
Changes, p. 28) and survive the withdrawal. Even so, they may knowledge. People tend to seek them out for answers to ques-
need to make a Will roll to resist the temptation to control the tions and are visibly surprised when the incanter doesn’t know
artifact again if they are even in its presence again. the answer to a question.

Pyramid Magazine 29 Fantasy/Magic II

Abilities: The Orb’s master gets Very Blessed (p. B41) and aligned with Good or Evil (as determined by the GM and,
Extraordinary Luck (p. B66). if relevant, the player). The incanter sees a vision of either
Drawbacks: The one who possesses this Orb gains an Heaven or Hell and knows that the legions of that region are
Obsession (p. B146) to seek out new knowledge, no matter at their command.
how dangerous and no matter how trivial. The self-control Changes: Upon mastering the Orb, the artifact makes
number is 6. a decision about whether its master is closer to Heaven or
Goals: The Orb wants to collect all the world’s sources of Hell. It then changes the person’s appearance so that they
knowledge (books, scrolls, tablets, sages, etc.) into one, easily look more like a being from that plane. Disadvantages suit-
accessible place. able for the “wrong” system of ethics are replaced with more
appropriate disadvantages.
Orb of Demonology Abilities: Demons and angels must win a Quick
Contest of Will against the Orb’s owner to be able to harm
Appearance: What happens when a person holds the Orb
the person, regardless of the disposition of the mage.
depends on whether the person holding the Orb is more

Pyramid Magazine 30 Fantasy/Magic II

If the Orb’s master orders them to do something, the enti- Goals: Mesmerism’s goals are rather simple – it desires
ties must make a Will roll to disobey them. In addition, the dominance over the world and everyone in it. It is not particu-
incanter is immune to hellfire and other forms of energy larly interested in controlling the bodies or material resources;
derived from the infernal or celestial realms. it wants to influence people’s mind.
Drawbacks: The owner of this Orb shines like a beacon to
angels and demons, allowing these entities to sense where Orb of Necromancy
the mage is at any moment, up to a mile away.
Appearance: When held by an incanter, the Orb displays
Goals: Depending on the puppet’s alignment, the Orb
the person’s visage rapidly aging and decaying into a skull.
desires to bring the normal plane into either the infernal or
The skull’s eye sockets gleam with an unholy light. The
celestial realms. This usually involves the conversion or mass
incanter also senses the strong scent of embalming fluids
murder of everyone who is on the “wrong” side.
and damp earth.
Changes: The possessor’s skin takes on a sickly, sal-
Orb of Elementalism low color and their body becomes skeletally thin (treat as
Appearance: Upon gazing into the Orb, an incanter can see Skinny). Their bones become unpleasantly prominent, low-
a confluence of all the elements, a blinding flash, and then . . . ering their Appearance by one step.
nothing. Drawbacks: The Orb’s owner becomes fascinated with
Changes: The skin of the owner of the Orb takes on a key the study of the death and the dead. People exposed to this
visual feature reminiscent of their preferred base element. For morbidity react to the person at -3. The mage also becomes
instance, someone who chooses metal gains a metallic sheen Callous (p. B125), completely disregarding the emotions of
to their skin, while one who picks fire looks like they are con- others. In addition, any creature of death within 100 yards
stantly glowing and they radiate heat. knows exactly where the Orb’s master is at any time.
Abilities: The Orb grants the possessor total immunity to Abilities: The Death Orb slowly turn its possessor into an
all elements. Fire does not scorch them, lightning leaves them undead monstrosity, something equal to a lich (if they exist
untouched, metal weapons bounce off them, etc. Unarmed in the setting). The individual cannot be killed until they
attacks by living beings (fists, kicks, grapples, etc.) still affect lose the Orb; their bodies will reconstitute somewhere else
them normally. (treat this as Unkillable 3, p. B95, but without costing 25
Drawbacks: The owner gains a fickle temperament, a mind points per death).
that changes as the elements fight for control over their psy- Goals: The Orb of Death seeks nothing less than the
che. One moment, the person is as unyielding as steel only to destruction of all living beings. It begins with sapient beings,
become as movable as air the next. as they are more likely to disturb the Orb’s plans.
Goals: The Orb strives to reduce the world to its elements,
literally, and then take that condition one step further. It
ultimately seeks the apeiron, the undifferentiated state that Orb of Transfiguration
existed before the world was formed.
Appearance: Upon holding the Orb, a mage sees an impres-
sion of themselves as a perfect specimen of their race.
Orb of Mesmerism Changes: The person changes to become more attractive,
Appearance: Upon holding the Orb, an incanter sees rep- taking on the appearance of an ideal specimen of their race.
resentatives of all the different sapient races of the world in Hair, skin, and eye color do not change, but the individual
the Orb. They bow before the viewer, and that person feels a loses scars and blemishes, becomes the perfect height and
sense of dominance. physique, etc.
Changes: The owner’s eyes become the color of molten Abilities: The Orb makes its master’s body stronger, grant-
gold and glow with an inner light. Their body seems to radi- ing +1 to ST, DX, and HT if the mage has the artifact. The
ate an inner light of authority, a light which leaves the area individual loses any build-related disadvantages (Skinny,
in darkness but illuminates people’s souls. Fat, etc.). It also grants the bearer Appearance (Transcen-
Abilities: Any living member of a sapient race must win dent; Impressive) (p. B21). People who see the owner marvel
a Quick Contest of Will against the Orb’s master to be able at the person’s regal bearing.
to hurt that person. The Orb grants four levels of Charisma Drawbacks: The one who possesses this Orb become fas-
and 8 points in Leadership to its possessor. If the mage cinated with appearance and the many facets of ugliness
desires, they can manifest their power as Terror (Awe) 1 (see and beauty. They try to “improve” the people around them.
GURPS Powers, p. 84) toward living natural beings (that At first, they stick to locally accepted standards of beauty,
is, not elementals, demons, angels, etc.). For those with- but as the Orb grows in influence over the owner, the mage
out GURPS Powers, this ability works the same as stan- explores various grotesqueries (people with two heads, faces
dard Terror except that reactions are based on amazement with a ring of eyes surrounding a central orifice, etc.).
and reverence. Goals: The Orb itself is intrigued by bodies and how the
Drawbacks: Mesmerism’s owner gains an exaggerated Path of Transfiguration can alter them. Melding bodies,
sense of their own worth and capabilities. Treat this as Meg- dividing them, experimenting on the human (and non-hu-
alomania (p. B144) – although with the abilities granted by man) form. There seems to be very little thought to this, and
the Orb, this may be well-founded! The incanter develops there is no concern for what the people experimented on
an overwhelming curiosity about the world of the mind and want or need.
seeks to explore it using any means possible.

Pyramid Magazine 31 Fantasy/Magic II

The Alchemists’
Guild By Alden Loveshade

“Congratulations, Master Gribiik, on your elevation to can help with any of the listed historical goals. GURPS
guildmaster,” said the human woman Leyim. “We hope – “ Thaumatology, GURPS Thaumatology: Age of Gold,
“Those ‘exotic’ lemon seeds I do not need,” interrupted GURPS Thaumatology: Alchemical Baroque, and GURPS
the goblin Grand Master Gribiik the Alchemist. “They aren’t Technomancer have more ideas for using Alchemy skill.
significantly different from what I can get cheaply from Cardiel. For ideas on inventing new elixirs in any campaign, and
But these cloves, interesting . . . You say these came from central for related alchemical issues, consider pp. B473-477, GURPS
al-Wazif?” Magic, pp. 210-222, and GURPS Thaumatology, pp. 100-107.
Lemissa began, “Oh, no. We picked those up in – “
“We did not say where we got them, Grand Master,”
interrupted Leyim, scowling at her cousin Lemissa. The Alchemists’
Gribiik chuckled. “You’d be surprised how many people fall
for that trick . . . I’ll take the cloves – and if you tell me exactly Guild Organization
where they came from, I’ll pay you double.” The beginning of guilds goes back thousands of years. Tra-
ditionally, a guild is an association of crafters or merchants
When most people think of magic, they think of wizards who oversee the practice of their craft or trade in a particular
and witches. But alchemists have a definite advantage, espe- area. Guilds may set prices, make sure their members are pro-
cially for the customer. A mage casting a helpful spell could viding quality products and services, and keep control of their
suffer from a magical backfire – and so could the person the practice in their area.
mage is trying to help! But an elixir from a reputable alche- But an alchemists’ guild is more than that. A button in a
mists’ guild was already tested and found both effective shirt made by an unqualified tailor might fall out at an embar-
and safe. rassing moment. But it’s not likely to poison the wearer or
This article has suggestions for building alchemists’ guilds blow up his house! To protect both their reputation and poten-
and alchemist adventurers in campaigns from low-tech to tial clients from unguilded, underqualified miscreant mix-
high-tech . . . and beyond! ers, alchemists’ guilds may assert their exclusive rights very
Note that the terms “journeyman” and “master” are tradi- strongly, often with constabulary support.
tional; in this article, they aren’t limited to a particular gender. Alchemists’ and other guilds typically have three primary
For alternatives to journeyman, the GM could use journey- levels: apprentice, journeyman, and master. Apprentices do
woman, or the genderless journeyworker, journeyer, or jour- cleaning and other household chores while being taught. A
neyist. Instead of master, the GM could use mistress or the journeyman has learned enough to work independently, but
nonbinary mistrum or mastress. sometimes works with a master to further improve tech-
niques. After many successful years, a journeyman could be
What Is Alchemy? promoted to master.
Some guilds further divide their members based on expe-
Alchemy had three early forms: Chinese, Indian, and rience. They may have junior and senior apprentices, and one
Western. It largely began as a mixture of natural philosophy or a few masters classified as grand masters. Senior appren-
and protoscience, and was practiced in China, Europe, India, tices have less onerous duties than their juniors, and more
and the Muslim world. Alchemists longed to transform “base” time to focus on learning alchemy. Grand Master alchemists
metals such as lead into “noble” ones such as gold. They may have exclusive rights to very rare formulas, and can be
hoped to achieve a panacea to cure any disease, and an elixir very rare themselves, even in a large city.
of immortality. In almost all cases, an alchemists’ guild is a secret soci-
In fantasy games, any of the above goals could be possible. ety. It might be unknown, or the guild might be known but
Using GURPS Magic, alchemists could make elixirs (potions, keep secrets – especially its formulas. Some “Alchemists’”
powders, pastilles, ointments), charms (protective amulets guilds protect the formulas of both Alchemy and Herb Lore
and empowering talismans), alkahest (the universal solvent because they include experts in both. To the customer, the
which can eat through virtually anything), the homunculus, specific skill used isn’t nearly as important as the magical
and the philosopher’s stone or lapis philosopharum, which elixir produced.

Pyramid Magazine 32 Fantasy/Magic II

Guild dues can support the guild, benefit an alchemist in Modern/Action and Science Fiction: In campaigns set in
need, or help a late member’s survivors. In different times and modern day and later, most magical elixirs might be pro-
places, guilds and guild-like groups could be classified as a duced in large batches in industrial, environmentally con-
collegium, trade union, cartel, gremio, livery company, associ- trolled labs using precision instruments, possibly with
ation, or secret society. computer/robotic monitoring. A “guild” could be a trade
For more ideas on using guilds in campaigns, see GURPS union associated with a national trade union. Or it could
Boardroom and Curia, GURPS City Stats, GURPS Dungeon be a department of a university, or associated with such a
Fantasy 17: Guilds, and GURPS Social Engineering. department. Alchemical disasters are extremely rare – but
some might occur because of secret experimentation or

Alchemy and Technology sabotage! Some alchemists might have their own (well-reg-
ulated) shops, while black-market alchemists could thrive
What technology levels fit an alchemists’ guild? by creating and selling legally restricted or forbidden elix-
The lost Four Books of Pseudo-Democritus, which appar- irs. GURPS Technomancer offers a campaign frame that
ently included the works of early alchemists, was likely writ- includes high-tech alchemy.
ten in the first century A.D. (TL2). The Roman collegium also Supers: At any tech level, an alchemists’ guild in a supers
existed in the first century A.D. While some collegia were campaign is probably very secret – and a target for villains
largely social clubs, others functioned as guilds. (or, depending on its nature, for heroes!). A person might use
Alchemists’ guilds still exist today (TL8), although they typ- a particular secret formula to transform a mere mortal into
ically focus more on the philosophical side of alchemy while a super-being. The transformation could be permanent, or
chemists focus more on the natural science. A modern-day or just until the time runs out (or could end when the individ-
futuristic-fantasy campaign could mix the philosophy with ual swallows an antidote). Some well-known superheroes
the “science” of magic, or just focus on the magic. and supervillains use alchemy, and some are known for con-
trolling one or more traditional alchemical elements such as
earth, air, fire, or water. See GURPS Thaumatology: Age of
Different Campaigns Gold for a campaign that involves alchemy and super heroes.
Alchemists’ guilds can vary with the campaign. Here are
some suggestions.
Medieval and Renaissance Fantasy: A medieval guild typ-
What About the Women?
A historical campaign might be set in a male-dominated
ically covers a local area such as a city, although the guilds society with mostly all-male guilds. It can be tricky staying
themselves might cooperate with similar associations in true to known history while providing enough opportunities
neighboring cities or even the nation. Names could range for female PCs to shine beyond “woman’s work.”
from something simple like the Springfield Alchemists’ Fortunately, this is not a problem with alchemists. Some
Guild to something grandiose like the Megalan Alchemicale of history’s most famous were women. Mary the Jewess (also
Gilda Imperium Corpus. The division of apprentice/journey- known as Mary the Prophetess and likely of the first century
man/master is very likely. Members are generally natural A.D. in Alexandria) is perhaps the first true alchemist of the
philosophers and may work to suppress outside knowledge Western world.
of both magical and related formulas such as gunpowder, Other early female alchemists include Cleopatra the
as happened on Yrth (GURPS Banestorm). A guild in the Alchemist (Greek, circa third century A.D.) and Paphnutia the
Renaissance era would be similar to its medieval counter- Virgin (Egypt, circa 300 A.D.). While women as alchemists
part, though mundane related formulas, such as gunpowder, become relatively less well-known during the Middle Ages and
are probably public. Renaissance periods, they rise in prominence again later.
Old West: In the historical American Old West, settlers
from the East Coast bring European traditions to western
areas long inhabited by American Indians. Sometimes this
causes a mixture of traditions, including medical, philosoph-
Alchemist Adventurers
Alchemist and adventurer don’t seem to mix. Stirring and
ical, and what might be called “magical.” In a fantasy game,
staring into a cauldron for hours a day or attending weekly
a western big-city guild could find itself in cooperation or
guild meetings aren’t exactly conducive to action. But there
competition with Indigenous peoples practicing Alchemy or
are ways to make this combination work.
Herb Lore.
Victorian Era: Contrary to its restrained and prudish City Alchemist: A number of popular comic-book series,
image, this is a time of secretly examining the weird and movies, and television programs focus on the adventures
arcane. Guilds are active, and secret societies are prominent. within a single city. A city-based campaign can move beyond
The occult revival that began in the early 19th century is going killing monsters and taking their stuff to social intrigue, polit-
strong, and that includes alchemy. A fantasy alchemists’ guild ical maneuvering, family matters, rogue alchemists, rival
in this era could well be both philosophical and experimental. guilds, or even dealing with rivals in the adventurer’s own
World War II: Many societies changed radically from the guild. Then there’s making deals with those who fight mon-
Roaring Twenties to the Great Depression, then through the sters and take their stuff. City-based campaigns could use
war and after. In real life, alchemy is practiced; in a game, the GURPS Banestorm, GURPS Banestorm: Abydos, books
work of alchemist’s guilds could be a cause of disasters, or a in the GURPS Locations or GURPS Hot Spots series, or
force that strives to fix them! Guilds could follow the medieval GURPS Fantasy: Tredroy.
form or be secret governmental or criminal agencies.

Pyramid Magazine 33 Fantasy/Magic II

Alchemist Guard: Any ordinary guard can keep an eye on includes basic cooking, cleaning, and routine household
an alchemists’ guild’s shipment of elixirs or valuable ingre- maintenance). IQ 12+ is recommended. A journeyman or
dients. But will such a guard know what to do if a wooden master alchemist must also sponsor the individual.
box of Alexandrian chalk gets wet, or if a jar of black dragon’s First Aid, Research, and Thaumatology are helpful. Acute
blood spills? A guard who knows alchemy could save a criti- Taste and Smell are useful in a low-tech and some high-tech
cally important shipment! Guilded alchemical guards might settings. Alchemical Ability (above) is highly beneficial.
travel a great distance or protect important shipments going In a medieval guild, the apprentice would generally have
through their city. a master as a Patron, and would have a Duty to the master
Alchemist Explorer: A merchant guild doesn’t need an alche- and possibly to the guild. This could also be true in a mod-
mist to tell a purple cockatrice egg from a red one. But they ern-day or futuristic campaign, or alchemy might be consid-
might need one to properly preserve Bitter Gorge mistletoe for ered more of a standard occupation, with no more duty – or
safe transport through the acid rains of Bad Canyon Springs. help – than a standard profession.
Few other than an alchemist could tell if the feathers of a cer- Unless magic or technology can compensate, several
tain bird need to be bathed in more moonlight before they’re disadvantages are disallowed, including Cannot Learn,
ready to be plucked, or if certain lemon trees grew from the Dyslexia, Innumerate, No Fine or No Manipulators, Short
desired seeds of the Elysian Fields and not from the unpredict- Attention Span, and Total Klutz. Cursed or Klutz are prob-
able Erisian Fields. lematic. No Sense of Smell/Taste and Non-Iconographic
could be career-stopping disadvantages for a medieval
alchemist, but might not hurt one’s career working in a
high- or ultra-tech alchemical lab.
New Talent: Alchemical Ability
see pp. B89-91 Journeyman
Alchemy, Chemistry, Hazardous Materials (Mag- The prerequisites for a journeyman are the same as for
ical), Pharmacy, Poisons, Thaumatology. Reaction an apprentice. To attain the journeyman level, the appren-
bonus: Customers and other alchemists. 5 points/level. tice must gain a decent skill in Chemistry and expert level in
Alchemy (skill 14+). Historically, Expert Skill (Natural Philos-
ophy) is mandatory; a fantasy, high-tech, or ultra-tech guild
may not require it. Skills such as Biology (for animal and
plant ingredients), Hazardous Materials (Magical), Merchant,
Guild Requirements Occultism, Poisons, Research, Teaching, and Thaumatology
are helpful (and any of these might be required to gain the
Requirements for joining and being elevated in an alche-
rank). Alchemical techniques for known elixirs may be learned
mists’ guild vary with the guild. Below are suggestions.
in campaigns that use them.
How rank is handled can differ by the campaign. Where
Depending on the guild, promotion to journeyman needs
an alchemist organization is secret or little known and has
approval of one or more masters. It also typically demands
no significant social influence, or where members are sim-
successfully analyzing one or more elixirs.
ply employees, there may be no publicly recognized Rank.
(In GURPS terms, there would be no point cost to be called
apprentice, journeyman, or master – but the person would Master
need to get others to go along with the title.) For a guild with The prerequisites for a master are the same as for a jour-
more recognition but without exclusive access to formulas, neyman, but with higher Alchemy (skill 16+). Teaching is
members might have Courtesy Rank, which gives them social likely required. Generally most, if not all, of a guild’s masters
recognition but no real authority outside of guild matters. must approve a journeyman’s elevation to this position.
These could be 0 for apprentice, 1 for journeyman, 2 for mas-
ter/grand master, and 3 for the guildmaster, if there is one.
In a campaign where only masters have access to formulas
Grand Master
worth more than $1,000, and only grand masters can produce The prerequisites for grand master are the same as for a
those worth over $10,000, then Administrative or Merchant master, but with even higher Alchemy (skill 18+). Furthermore,
Rank levels could be 0 for apprentice, 1 for journeyman, 2 for approval for this level could need agreement of a guild’s cur-
master, and 3 for grand master. For variations with more than rent masters or grand masters. In a guild associated with a
Courtesy Rank but less than full Rank, see Guild Rank, Magical much larger organization, such as a national union, it might
Rank, and other possibilities in GURPS Social Engineering. need approval by that organization’s grand masters.

Apprentice Guildmaster
To be an apprentice alchemist, the person must have full To be a guildmaster, a person must first attain the master
fluency, spoken and written, in one language. Literacy in level in a guild with no grand masters; otherwise, the grand
a second written language may be required; this could be master level is necessary. Typically, the majority of masters
an uncommon one used for alchemical texts. Additionally, must agree, although in some guilds, a retiring guildmaster
acceptance requires some skill in Cooking (especially bever- might select the successor. In a highly bureaucratic society,
age making) or Professional Skill (Distilling) or Professional the guildmaster could be a political appointee – which may
Skill (Brewer) or decent skill level in Housekeeping (which not be a wise decision . . .

Pyramid Magazine 34 Fantasy/Magic II

Gribiik the Alchemist Skills
Accounting (H) IQ-2 [1]‑12; Administration (A) IQ-1 [1]‑13;
164 points Alchemy/TL3 (VH) IQ+6 [16]‑20*; Area Knowledge (Tredroy)
Even as a young child, Gribiik ibn-Faataa loved stirring (E) IQ [1]‑14; Astronomy/TL3 (H) IQ-2 [1]‑12; Biology/TL3
and mixing things in pots – much to the annoyance of his (Earthlike) (H) IQ-2 [1]‑12; Chemistry/TL3 (H) IQ+3 [1]‑17*;
meal-fixing mother. Now, Grand Master Gribiik the Alchemist Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Expert Skill (Natural Philosophy)
(also known as Gribiik Alchemista) is the guildmaster of the (H) IQ [4]-14; First Aid/TL3 (Goblin) (E) IQ+0 [1]-14; Games
Alchemists’ Guild of Tredroy – much to the chagrin of his (Chess) (E) IQ [1]‑14; Games (Go/Weichi) (E) IQ [1]‑14;
human guild rival Grand Master Bilal. Unlike many alche- Gardening (E) IQ+1 [1]‑14; Hazardous Materials/TL3 (Mag-
mists, Gribiik is good in politics and public speaking. Unlike ical) (A) IQ+3 [1]‑17*; Housekeeping (E) IQ [1]‑14; Mathe-
most Yrth goblins, he’s not Impulsive (well, except for the matics/TL3 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1]‑12; Merchant (A) IQ [2]‑14;
impulse-buying on his weekly visits to Tredroy’s Chinatown). Naturalist (Yrth) (H) IQ-2 [1]‑12; Pharmacy/TL3 (Herbal) (H)
Master Gribiik has two goblin wives, Baataa and Cheecho; IQ+3 [2]‑17*; Poisons/TL3 (H) IQ+2 [1]‑16*; Politics (A) IQ
three goblin daughters, April, May, and June; and servants [2]‑14; Professional Skill (Brewer) (A) IQ-1 [1]‑13; Professional
(including a gardener). April, unlike her magic-resistant Skill (Distiller) (A) IQ [2]‑14; Public Speaking (Rhetoric) (E)
father, is a highly gifted mage and an apprentice in Tredroy’s IQ [1]‑14; Research/TL3 (A) IQ [2]‑14; Riding (Equines) (A)
Mages’ Guild. DX+0 [2]‑10; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ [1]‑14; Street-
Gribiik has green skin, blue-black eyes, and long, thick wise (A) IQ-1 [1]‑13; Teaching (A) IQ-1 [1]‑13; Thaumatology
black hair, which he wears in a ponytail. He claims his hefty (VH) IQ+2 [2]‑16*; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]‑13.
hair comes from being part human; some suspect it comes
from an alchemical bottle. * Includes +4 from Alchemical Ability.
His Area Knowledge, Cultural Familiarity (CF), languages, † Includes +1 from Wealth.
tech level, and other traits can be adjusted to fit a
particular campaign. Note that some of his traits,
including Night Vision and low ST, reflect those
typical of Yrth goblins (Banestorm, p. 192).
Alchemical techniques for known elixirs can
be added for campaigns that use techniques,
increasing the point total.
ST 7 [-30]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 10 [0].
Damage 1d-3/1d-2; BL 9.8 lbs.; HP 9 [4]; Will 14
[0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 10 [0].
Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
5’5”; 110 lbs.

Social Background
TL: 3 [0].
CF: Christian [0]; Muslim [1].
Languages: Anglish (Native) [0]; Arabic
(Accented) [4]; Chinese (Spoken) (Accented) [2];
Tredroy Patois (Spoken) (Accented) [2].

Administrative Rank (Alchemists’ Guild of
Tredroy) 3 [15]; Alchemical Ability 4 [20]; Eidetic
Memory [5]; Magic Resistance 1 [2]; Night Vision
9 [9]; Reputation +4* (Alchemists and customers)
[0]; Status +2 [5†]; Wealth (Wealthy) [20].

Absent-Mindedness [-15]; Addiction (Tobacco)
(Cheap) [-5]; Enemy (Grand Master Bilal ibn-
Muhammid ibn-Yusaf al-Tredroy; Rival; 9 or less)
[-5]; Extra Sleep 1 [-2].
Quirks: Claims he’s part human on his
mother’s side; Likes magic, tricks, and practical
jokes; Likes visiting and shopping in Tredroy’s
Chinatown; Obsession (Have the best garden in
Tredroy); Talkative. [-5]

Pyramid Magazine 35 Fantasy/Magic II

Burn While
Reading By J. Edward Tremlett

They say knowledge is a dangerous thing. They don’t know making swift inroads into the other. Enraged to just now
the half of it. There are some grimoires too terrible to con- learn this, the Paladin granted commendation, but ordered
sider reading, much less speak of. And yet those who seek the his second-in-command to make the priests suffer for 365
ultimate knowledge are ready to pay the ultimate price. Or so days of lies.
they think. Nymandus rode back to warn the king, who immediately
This article details three malign tomes of possible inter- outlawed the corrupted faith and ordered the other one
est to those running fantasy or dark fantasy games. It gives scoured. The faithful Paladin was named Royal Inquisitor,
their histories, physical descriptions, types of spells, possible entrusted with overseeing these commands. Meanwhile,
locations, and ideas for use. Gradually increasing dangers of a legion of scribes were set to work transcribing what he’d
reading each book are also provided; whether they happen learned at the fortress.
automatically, after failing resistance rolls, or at all is up to Half a month later, Nymandus’ retinue returned to find
the GM. Aachenlund had become an abattoir. His second-in-com-
mand sought a private audience, compelled to show him a

Das Buch der Demonen final, haunting confession. He’d thought the fortress’ chief
priest had more to say and, pressing him in Nymandus’
Behold Izchel of the Six Thousand Towers – Lord of lies and absence, got it.
fear. He is served chiefly by Hisswhisper, whose true name is Nymandus silently read the confession, then asked to be
Klr-agh-opf-onn. One may directly approach both him and his left alone. After hours of smashing furniture and scream-
servants, but have a ready bargain . . . ing, he leaped from the castle’s tallest tower – praying for
forgiveness all the way down. Soon after, the slaughter and
Why, following the 10-year war against Zward, did investigation of the two other faiths was mysteriously cur-
Aachenlund’s king declare the smallest of its four major faiths tailed, though survivors were told to leave Aachenlund and
anathema? It was true they’d been annoying – calling for never return.
mercy in a time of war – but now they were charged with con-
sorting with proscribed gods and making demonic bargains.
Their clergy were ordered executed, their lands and temples Description
seized, and their followers branded and banished. Three versions of Das Buch der Demonen exist: two com-
The Paladins of the three remaining faiths were charged mon but incomplete versions, and the extremely rare full
with carrying this out. Nymandus the Zealous, of the largest version. Common versions are nine inches tall, seven inches
faith, did so with vehemence – searching the countryside for a long, and either 100 or 110 vellum pages, depending on
full year. His retinue found nothing, but he remained certain whether it contains the blessing of the new High Inquisitor of
the foe was still there. Aachenlund. The binding could be any number of materials.
One night, a shooting star revealed a ruined fortress. Tak- The writing is black ink, with no illustrations.
ing this as a sign, Nymandus immediately attacked, fighting The full version has the same dimensions, is 160 pages,
through twisted guards to enter. Inside lurked their long- and contains no blessing. It’s bound in red leather with
sought foe: a coven of now-proscribed priests, too warped by black iron corner rests and three hasps for small locks, and
dark bargains to escape. bears the royal seal of Aachenlund. It’s also written in black
Doomed, the priests begged to repent, offering information ink, with hideous illustrations of the evil gods and demons
in exchange for divine commendation, and a swift, merciful described within.
death. Thus began a year of long, complicated interviews.
It took many sessions of skillful torture, interrogation, and Location
cross-examination to winnow lies from truth, and determine
Common versions are frequently found in the libraries
what was worthy of writing down.
of those who hunt the servants of evil gods – or wish to join
Then, on the last day, Nymandus learned that the lead-
them. Only three full versions remain. The original is in the
ership of another state-sanctioned faith had also made
reduced kingdom of Aachenlund, locked away with other pro-
bargains with the same foul gods, and that demons were
scribed books by the only remaining state-sponsored faith.

Pyramid Magazine 36 Fantasy/Magic II

A copy belongs to Cylus Murg of Kyln – infamous collector of Venvao spoke of vast ruins, hewn from the gray stone that
objects rare and gruesome. Another is rumored to be in the gave the sands its name. He described crumbled temple pil-
hoard of the Great Wyrm of the Larenthian Wastes, though lars once taller than Olonon’s highest castles, surrounding zig-
some say the beast was slain, and its treasure taken. gurats the size of mountains. And he told of a large, covered
chasm atop the largest pyramid, leading to a nexus of cyclo-
Contents pean tunnels, deep inside the world.
In its center stood 100 pillars, arranged in a strange geo-
The common versions give the names of evil gods, their
metrical formation, and carved in the ancient language of the
unholy days, and preferred rites. It also names their demons,
Serpent Empires. Venvao and his scribes spent years painstak-
and explains what they do, what they promise, and a long
ingly copying those writings, while armed members protected
list of deformities, both subtle and revolting, gained from
them from the tunnels’ many dangers, and found strange trea-
demonic bargains.
sures in their darker corners. Only when the last pillar was
The full version gives the true names of demons (though
copied did they return home.
some are misapplied), the rituals to summon them, and spells
The subsequent translation work took a decade, and it was
to invoke them to curse, smite, transform, control, and tempt.
not a kind one. What was uncovered was so disturbing that
It lists non-demonic spells to twist perceptions – making it
the expedition’s remaining survivors all quit in horror, ended
easier to control others or lead them to damnation. It also
their own lives, or vanished. Venvao alone persevered, slowly
reveals what one gains from demonic bargains.
descending from pompous affability to furtive hermitry, never
Last, it contains the horrible final confession: nonmagical
venturing from his door.
techniques that destroy entire kingdoms by spreading uncer-
Those few colleagues allowed into his home later remarked
tainty and suspicion. Kinship and love become division and
that he’d grown both haunted and paranoid – hearing strange
hate, evil can seem good, and the kind and innocent can be
noises, and rarely sleeping. He insisted he’d been followed
scapegoated with but a few words, such as “That one god’s
back from Ramad, but dared not say by whom. They begged
priests are so annoyingly virtuous. What are they really up to?”
him to stop the translation, but he refused, always saying that
he was so very close . . .
Dangers Venvao’s death was unsurprising, but what was found in his
Light and color vanish. Scratching sounds intermittently home haunted its discoverers to their graves. His house was
heard. Fixation on one demon’s name, substituting it for one’s fouled and ransacked, his servants slaughtered, his corpse left
own god or gods. Seeing that demon’s visage out of the cor- in truly gruesome fashion. And the book he’d been working
ner of the eye, or mirrors. Love becomes usury; hate becomes on – indeed, all notes and treasures from Ramad – were gone.
strength. A bargain struck in dreams is given, and paid for,
upon awakening.

Idea: To Silence the Darkness

A large religious order hires the party to travel to neighbor-
They say knowledge
ing Aachenlund, invade a rival faith’s collection of prohibited
works, and steal the original copy of Das Buch der Demonen. is a dangerous thing.
They don’t know
Their leaders claim they desire to destroy it, but there are
whispers of some ancient wrong done to them – the proof of
which lies within. Or is there a darker goal?
the half of it.
Ab Serpentum
Hear now the words of your (lords/masters), (ancient/for-
ever). Torpid we lie in our (tombs/cities) below, battened on (?) Description
and dreaming. We now sleep so you may rise. And we will rise
According to those who saw the book before it disap-
so you may serve . . .
peared, it’s 2’ tall, 1.75’ long, and bound in thick, scaly verdi-
Those who study antiquity might call the great Serpent gris leather. Ab Serpentum is embossed across the top, stained
Empires a myth, or not nearly as awful as described. That is rust-brown with what might be Venvao’s blood. Between
folly: long-vanished civilizations recorded their great and ter- 200-250 pages, it’s written in black ink with numerous illus-
rible ways, ancient when they were young. Older races and trations: the Gray Wastes, the ruins, and every pillar at the
preternatural beings speak of them with terror, or perhaps bottom of the ziggurat. The penmanship begins lovely and
admiration. Others wisely speak of them not at all; many florid, but turns increasingly crabbed, as if the author knew
ancient evils slumber within the world, but not all sleep lightly. he was racing death.
When Master Q.P. Venvao of Olonon announced his intent Knowing its dread reputation, numerous possessors of
to travel to the Gray Wastes, home of their largest known the book have tried to copy it or write commentaries. None
ruins, many warned him off. He blithely ignored them, taking ever finished, so these “copies” are woefully incomplete – full
a small army of explorers to far-off Ramad. His triumphant of omissions or distortions, and usually lacking illustrations.
return five years later, albeit with a reduced retinue, was con- The more valuable ones have at least a few spells of varying
sidered miraculous. It was anything but. accuracy.

Pyramid Magazine 37 Fantasy/Magic II

Location the captured, ensorcelled, and altered were their cities built,
armies raised, and hunger sated.
Ab Serpentum is like a mirage: those who have it never do
In time, the Serpents grew torpid, letting their servants run
for long. It’s either abandoned in horror, or brutally stolen.
the Empire into the ground. But after eons they awoke, and
Some say a band of fanatics seeks to protect the secrets of
their subjects’ descendants felt the need to return and do their
the Serpents, or save the world from a dangerous knowledge.
bidding. So the Empire rose once more, only to fall and rise
The unfinished copies and commentaries are rare, occasion-
time and again. The last pillar indicated that there were four
ally surfacing in the magical libraries of powerful wizards or
such establishments, but the date for each is uncertain.
slaughtered scholars.
The book has spells to directly control individuals and
subtly influence entire kingdoms. There are magics to alter
Contents the minds and forms of others, thus establishing generations
The 100 pillars were a broad overview of the history and of control. It teaches how to remain fully aware in the deep-
learning of the Serpent Empire. Carved by servants at the twi- est sleep; to observe, inform, and command others through
light of the first establishment to educate future generations, dreams; and to subtly sway nations whose forebears were
they describe how their masters burrowed up to the world altered. One can also mark those who learn too much – alter-
from beyond. Folk nearby were stolen in dreams, and forced ing their perceptions, sending horrid dreams, and even
to build, conquer, and rule in their name. On the backs of digesting them as they sleep.

Pyramid Magazine 38 Fantasy/Magic II

Dangers surrounded by a circle of animal bones and beetle carapaces.
The author’s visage must have something live crushed above
Slithering noises are heard. Snakes are noticed more fre-
its mouth, then her green eyes will reappear to stare at the
quently. Solid surfaces undulate, stopping when touched.
reader, and her mouth regrows teeth to devour the offering.
Dreaming of the Gray Wastes, only the ruins are new. Dream-
Only then may the book be opened, revealing it to be made of
ing of the pillars, the tunnels beyond, and the impossibly
Vayalenan’s own flesh – torn from her willowy frame, sheet by
large, serpentlike beings who dug them. Waking up to acid
sheet, and written upon while more grew back. The script is
burns all over one’s body.
an iridescent green-black, but the book boasts lush, full-color
illustrations that are both helpful and hideous. There’s also an
Idea: Return to the Gray odd, musty smell, like the meat of a crushed puffball . . .
In the ages since Venvao, many have sought the ruins,
but all have failed. Wealthy financier K.P. Tartuffe desires to Location
succeed, both to prove the veracity of the tales and find the
Stories abound; none are confirmed. Some say the Wood
treasures Venvao spoke of. This person requires more infor-
Elves of Tharnanon stole it before burning down the forest,
mation, however, so the party has been charged with secur-
and locked it away with other heretical works and cursed
ing copies of Ab Serpentum, relying on a list of owners that
objects. Some say the book was there, but overtook one of
Tartuffe’s assembled. Their quest soon attracts unwanted
its curious jailers, who abandoned their order and stole the
attention from the fanatics – but what is their true goal? And
book. Others say that fool died long ago, but another forest
what awaits Tartuffe in Ramad?
elsewhere is rife with blasphemous Graylife, and is ruled from
a creaking fortress of thick black trees, upon whose wooden
The Shadow Tree throne sits Vayalenan, reborn.
Beneath warm, lush grass lies cold, damp earth where sleeps
quietly the knowledge of those whose death created it. So many Contents
stories, so many songs! Listen and you will hear. Speak and it The book is the central defining work on Graylife. It con-
will reply. Command and it will obey. But never forget you too tains Vayalenan’s philosophy and insights, gathered over sev-
must die, in time – unless . . . eral centuries of experiments and practice. Any nature-based
and necromantic spells the reader might know or seek are
The cycle of the green is well-known: just as all life comes there in a sometimes grossly altered form – the green often
from death, so must death come to all life. To understand doing the work of the black, and vice versa. Souls can be put
this is wisdom; to subvert this is dangerous. But no one ever into vegetable matter, and impressions of one’s will placed in
accused magicians of being cautious, especially not Vayalenan fungal spores to infect others with one’s consciousness. It’s
of the Wood Elves of Tharnanon. also a trove of Wood Elf lore, wisdom, and magic, all taken
Her early aptitude for magic was good, as she’d have made from ghosts Vayalenan summoned and bound into trees.
a horrible forest guardian. She avoided the sun and delighted Perhaps the most notorious spell is a novel variation on
in shadow, and shunned flowers for the muck in which they lichdom. An entire forest becomes a phylactery, with the
grew. The dark, scrabbling things of the forests were her “body” a half-dead focus for observation, communication,
friends, and she spent many hours whispering to them, curled and work. Should the body die, a new one grows elsewhere.
up with bones and offal in the dank, dark grottoes of the wood. Should the forest be destroyed, the soul hides in a seed, deep
The more Vayalenan learned of their nature-based magics, underground, waiting to infest new growth.
the farther astray her mind wandered. Thus began the prac-
tice of Graylife: interrupting the cyclical flow between death
and life to work a dark and dangerous magic. She planted Dangers
grotesque seeds in fresh graves, then ate their fruit to learn Weird, fungal smell that never goes away. Freshly turned
the secrets of their occupants. She grew special trees that earth whispers incoherently. Animals are uneasy around the
trapped the spirits of the dead, creating wood-bound shades; person; plants sicken in their care. Dreams of crawling in the
and raised servants of mud, stone, and bone from the death- dirt. Missing time and a sense of having done something. Ani-
soaked earth. mals flee the person’s presence; plants wither at the person’s
The more hybrid magic she worked, the more she learned, touch. Missing time increases, with more disturbing (occa-
to where she became almost impossible to confront. After sionally murderous) deeds.
several horrendous skirmishes, the Wood Elves had to burn
down the forest she’d claimed and corrupted, much to their Idea: Within the Green
grief. To this day the Blight of Vayalenan’s Doom is a cursed,
Yetharlan’s fellow Tree-Priests should have known bet-
burned-out scab upon the landscape: nothing grows, no ani-
ter than to let him read that book. But he claimed he could
mals go there, and the sun refuses to shine. No Wood Elves
find some good in it, somewhere, and they relented. Now he
go there, either, for they fear her evil merely sleeps within
and the book are missing, his estate is soiled and empty, and
the blackened earth, in anticipation of a dark spring to come.
word spreads that he leads a small force of mushroom-pim-
pled corpses (once his family and servants) into a burned
Description and blighted forest. The party must intercept the little army
The Shadow Tree is huge: 3.5’ tall, 1’ wide, and 7” deep, and before they get there, and take back the book. Can they fight
bound in the black, still-living wood of a blood oak. The cover Vayalenan reborn? And if so, can they secure the book without
is gruesomely adorned with the face of Vayalenan herself, succumbing to its fungal sorcery?

Pyramid Magazine 39 Fantasy/Magic II

Ritual Path
Magic Spells By Christopher R. Rice

Lots of fiction caters to magic and technology being oppo- hygiene and self-care, the subject must roll a 6 or less. This
sites of one another, but the real fun begins when you combine ends when the invention is finished or when the spell is up,
the two. Alchemical lasers, magically awakened computers, whichever comes first.
and much more await technomages.
Typical Casting: Greater Strengthen Mind (5) + Altered
For ease of design, some spells in this article use the mod-
Traits, Obsession (Perfect my invention!) (6) and Quick Gad-
ifier option from Repercussive Rituals (in Pyramid #3/66: The
geteer (48) + Bestows a Bonus, +5 to invention rolls (80) +
Laws of Magic, p. 38), which introduced the idea of adding
Duration, 1 week (9). 444 energy (148×3).
modifiers that affect the entire casting.

New Spells Spell Effects: Lesser Create Energy.
These spells affect technology that is TL6 or higher. Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Puppet.
Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
Abort/Retry/Fail? This spell allows the caster to reenter a compromised sys-
Spell Effects: Lesser Control Chance. tem with no roll, though they must have somehow accessed
Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Bonus, Operation rolls. the system first. They automatically gain system administra-
Greater Effects: 0 (×1). tor privileges and are treated as if they had just hacked it.
This backdoor lasts for a year, but can be detected via an
The caster can immediately reroll a failed operation skill
Expert Skill (Computer Security); this margin of the roll for
roll for an electronic device twice, take the best roll, and
detection must exceed the caster’s original margin.
include +5 in their final margin of success (if that matters).
This is often cast as a charm with a Lesser Sense Mind Typical Casting: Lesser Create Energy (6) + Altered Traits,
effect so that it activates whenever the user fails an opera- Puppet (10) + Duration, 1 year (22). 38 energy (38×1).
tion skill roll.
Typical Casting: Lesser Control Chance (5) + Bestows a Daemon Copilot
Bonus, +5 to device operation rolls (32). 37 energy (37×1). Spell Effects: Greater Create Mind + Lesser Strengthen
A Fine Line Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Bonus, Operation rolls.
Greater Effects: 1 (×3).
Spell Effects: Greater Strengthen Mind.
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Obsession (Perfect my When cast on a device containing even rudimentary elec-
invention!) and Quick Gadgeteer + Bestows a Bonus, Inven- tronics, weighing no more than 150 tons, it summons a small
tion rolls. “daemon” that gives +5 on all rolls to use the target, including
Greater Effects: 1 (×3). Computer Operation, Driving, Electronics Operation (Sen-
sors), Gunner (for computer-assisted targeting aids), Pilot-
The subject of the spell can rapidly invent a single spe-
ing, and so on. The daemon has IQ 8 and can offer options
cific item. This gives them Quick Gadgeteer and +5 to rolls
and use suggestions for the device it’s currently bound to.
to build their invention for the duration. The bonus comes
This automatically removes familiarity penalties for the
at a price: they must make self-control rolls to do anything
operator, and the daemon counts as a copilot if needed.
but work on their invention. To do anything but the barest of

Pyramid Magazine 40 Fantasy/Magic II

Typical Casting: Greater Create Mind (6) + Lesser Strengthen object gets a HT roll plus its SM (if large enough) and can be
Matter (3) + Bestows a Bonus, +5 to device operation rolls (32) fixed given enough time.
+ Duration, 3 hours (4) + Subject Weight, 150 tons (7). 156
energy (52×3). Gas, Food, Lodging
Spell Effects: Lesser Sense Chance.
Digital Virus Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Bonus, Navigation rolls.
Spell Effects: Greater Transform Matter + Greater Destroy Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
Body + Lesser Destroy Matter + Lesser Sense Matter.
This spell directs the caster to the nearest source of fuel,
Inherent Modifiers: Affliction, Hallucinating + Damage,
food, shelter, etc., giving an exact route and +5 to any Naviga-
Internal Toxic (Cyclic, 1 hour, 12 cycles, Highly Contagious,
tion rolls required.
Resistible; Symptoms, Coughing and Drowsy, 1/3 HP).
Greater Effects: 2 (×5). Typical Casting: Lesser Sense Chance (2) + Bestows a
Bonus, +5 to Navigation rolls (16). 18 energy (18×1).
This spell creates a computer virus as a software charm
(below) that the caster then uploads to a computer (weigh-
ing up to five tons). After being uploaded, the spell remains
inert until a simple condition is met (e.g., “activate when a
specific user logs on”). Once activated, the system it’s occu- Software Charms
pying must make a HT roll vs. the spell or go haywire. This Casters may opt to use a computer program to
is equivalent to the Hallucinating condition (p. B429), with store a magical charm. This requires a roll against
the computer rolling against its HT instead of Will. Once the the lower of the caster’s Path skill and Computer Pro-
virus is activated on the computer, all current users on the gramming. Success creates a charm which can be
system must roll the better of HT or Will to resist the spell. activated on whatever device it resides on. This takes
Failure means the virus has infected them. They immediately a Ready maneuver per normal charms. Each ritual
suffer 1d toxic damage and must make another roll to resist takes up (energy × 10) GB at TL8. For playability, this
at the caster’s effective skill every hour for the next 12 hours. should scale to the setting (e.g., at TL6, GB become
Failure inflicts another 1d toxic damage. If the infected loses KB, while at TL9, GB become TB). Having access to
more than 1/3 HP to this spell, they suffer from Coughing higher TL storage doesn’t affect this. For example, if
(p. B428) condition and become Drowsy (p. B428). a caster got their hands on a TL9 personal computer
Worse, this spell can go on to affect others who haven’t with storage measured in terabytes, but were other-
touched the infected computer (which stays infected for an wise in a TL8 campaign setting, they are still limited
hour after it’s been used), but have come into physical contact to software charms measured in gigabytes.
with infected users. Make a HT roll adjusted by the applica- Technomagic scripts (from GURPS Monster
ble contagion modifier (p. B443). Failure means the subject is Hunters 5: Applied Xenology, p. 16) are a different
now infected with the virus, immediately takes damage, and way to represent this. The GM may wish to use those
must beat the caster’s original margin of success to resist fur- rules instead.
ther damage.
Typical Casting: Greater Transform Matter (8) + Greater
Destroy Body (5) + Lesser Destroy Matter (5) + Lesser Sense
Matter (2) + Affliction, Hallucinating (10) + Damage, Inter- Infinite Fuel
nal Toxic 1d (Cyclic, 1 hour, 12 cycles, Highly Contagious, Spell Effects: Lesser Create Matter.
Resistible, +270%; Symptoms, Coughing and Drowsy*, 1/3 HP, Inherent Modifiers: None.
+240%) (102) + Duration, 1 hour (3) + Subject Weight, 5 tons Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
(6). 705 energy (141×5).
For the next 24 hours, this spell generates liquid fuel for a
* This is worth +40% as a modifier. vehicle. The fuel appears “just in time,” as the engine requires
it, and does not reside in a fuel tank.
Fatal Exception Typical Casting: Lesser Create Matter (6) + Subject Weight,
Spell Effects: Greater Destroy Matter. 150 tons (9). 15 energy (15×1).
Inherent Modifiers: Affliction, Instant Destruction.
Greater Effects: 1 (×3).
Instant Troubleshooting
This spell instantly destroys a machine if it fails its HT roll Spell Effects: Greater Sense Matter.
to resist (add SM if the subject is SM+3 or greater). It can be Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Bonus, Repair rolls.
repaired normally. Greater Effects: 1 (×3).
Typical Casting: Lesser Control Chance (5) + Affliction, If successful, the caster automatically knows everything
Instant Destruction* (60) + Subject Weight, 5 tons (6). 213 wrong with the targeted machine. This gives +5 on rolls to
energy (71×1). repair it.
* Instant Destruction is comparable to Heart Attack, but for Typical Casting: Greater Sense Matter (2) + Bestows a
non-living objects. This is further balanced as the inanimate Bonus, +5 to Repair rolls (32). 102 energy (34×3).

Pyramid Magazine 41 Fantasy/Magic II

It’ll Buff Right Out This spell locks down any electronic device with a built
in-access control (e.g., keyboard, touch-screen, voice-input,
Spell Effects: Greater Strengthen Matter.
etc.). All attempts to gain access are at -5. This effect lasts until
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Regeneration (Fast) and
the encryption is bypassed or the caster either cancels the
spell or accesses the device. Combined with a software charm
Greater Effects: 1 (×3).
(p. 41), this is a powerful “ransomware” attack.
This spell allows the targeted machine to regenerate 1
Typical Casting: Lesser Control Matter (5) + Bestows a Pen-
HP per minute for the next 24 hours, without requiring a
alty, -5 to rolls to bypass lock (32) + Duration, 1 month (11).
repair roll. The device can even “regrow” minor lost parts
48 energy (48×1).
such as side mirrors and tires, or computer screens and
keyboards, etc.
Typical Casting: Greater Strengthen Matter (3) + Altered
Traits, Regeneration (Fast) and Regrowth (90) + Duration, 1
day (7) + Subject Weight, 5 tons (6). 318 energy (106×3).

Leech Power
Spell Effects: Greater Transform Energy + Greater Trans-
form Magic.
Inherent Modifiers: None.
Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
This spell enables the caster to drain energy from batter-
ies or other electrical devices to power other rituals. It lasts
for up to 10 minutes, but the caster cannot draw more power
than Path of Energy × 100 per casting. Treat groups of similar
power sources (e.g., loose batteries, cell phones, calculators,
etc.) as one subject for the purposes of drawing off the power
within them. Tapping a source works normally; see GURPS
Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic, p. 21. Energy gained
from this spell must be used while the spell is active; it dissi-
pates after the spell ends.
Casters may opt to restore their own lost HP or FP instead.
In this case, this requires a Greater Transform Body effect.
Every 6 mana drained equals 3 HP or 2 FP. The caster may
restore either or both with the same spell, as long as there is
Machine Control
enough energy in the source. Spell Effects: Greater Control Matter.
Use this table to determine the amount of mana a given Inherent Modifiers: None.
source has. Greater Effects: 1 (×3).

Power Source Available Mana* The caster can control any mechanical or electrical device
AA or T or XS 0.001 mana without actually touching it. Everything but computers resist
A or S 0.01 mana with HT (plus SM if SM+3 or larger); computers resist using
B or M 0.1 mana their Complexity × 2.
C 1 mana Typical Casting: Greater Control Matter (5) + Duration, 1
D or L 10 mana hour (3) + Subject Weight, 5 tons (6). 42 energy (14×3).
E or VL 100 mana
F or External Power 1,000 mana or 10 mana/second
Mana Hotspot
* Assumes TL8 energy storage/power. Reduce these values Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy.
by 1/10 for TL7 batteries, 1/100 for TL6 batteries, and 1/1000 Inherent Modifiers: None.
for TL5 batteries. For TL9 batteries, multiply mana by 10. For Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
TL10 batteries, multiply by 100; for TL11, multiply by 1,000;
and for TL12, multiply by 10,000. This spell uses the astral plane to find a Wi-Fi signal for
number of devices up to the caster’s Path of Energy skill. Use
Typical Casting: Greater Transform Energy (8) + Greater the margin of success to determine how fast the Internet is.
Transform Magic (8) + Duration, 10 minutes (1) + Subject, For example, a success by three might result in high-end
1,000 lbs. (5). 110 energy (22×5). DSL, while a five or more might give gigabit fiber speeds.
This comes at a cost: roll 3d once every hour. On 6 or less,
Lockscreen a curious astral entity is attracted to those using the mana
Spell Effects: Lesser Control Matter. hotspot. These are usually ghosts of some type, but spiri-
Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Penalty, Rolls to bypass lock. tual machine entities (e.g., “net spiders” or “web daemons”)
Greater Effects: 0 (×1). might be come instead.

Pyramid Magazine 42 Fantasy/Magic II

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (6) + Range, Extrad- Shadow Profile
imensional (10). Notes: That this spell can attract ghosts on a
Spell Effects: Greater Control Chance + Lesser Strengthen
6 or less is a feature. 16 energy (16×1).
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Traits, Zeroed (Accessibility,
Mechanic’s Bane Online only; Alias) + Bestows a Penalty, Data mining rolls
Spell Effects: Lesser Destroy Matter. against subject.
Inherent Modifiers: Affliction, Cursed. Greater Effects: 0 (×3).
Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
This spell instantly scrubs the subject’s online presence.
The target vehicle instantly suffers multiple catastrophic This gets rid of social media accounts, posts, pictures, and so
failures in its systems. Onboard computers go haywire, tires on. Use the margin of success of this spell to determine how
spring leaks, head gaskets blow, and so on. Whatever could effective this is, with 10 or more or a critical success result-
go wrong with the vehicle does – and continues to go wrong ing in the target being completely wiped from the searchable
for the next week. Every time the vehicle is used, it requires Internet. This doesn’t work on personal devices like cell phones
a 3d roll. On 12 or less, it suffers a breakdown requir- (including private email or photos “in the cloud”) or hardcopy
ing a minor repair (p. B484); on a 6 or less, it requires a like physical records. Moreover, for the next year, any attempt
major repair. to upload information about the ritual’s subject to the public
Internet fails: files are not saved, data is corrupted, security
Typical Casting: Lesser Destroy Matter (5) + Altered Traits, camera images are too blurry to use, and so on. Others trying
Cursed (15) + Duration, 1 week (9) + Subject Weight, 5 tons to use data mining techniques have -5 to rolls to find anything
(6). Notes: This spell can only be about the target.
used on vehicles, which is worth
-15% as an Accessibility, reducing Typical Casting: Greater Control Chance (5) + Lesser
the base cost. 30 energy (30×1). Strengthen Chance (3) + Altered Traits, Zeroed (Accessibility,
Online only, -40%; Alias*, +100%) (16) + Bestows a Penalty,
Mx. Mana -5 to data mining rolls against subject (32) + Duration, 1 year
(22). Notes: This spell adds “Cosmic, Ignores Spell Stacking
Spell Effects: Lesser Transform Limit” (+100%), doubling base cost. 468 energy (156×3).
Energy + Lesser Transform Magic.
Inherent Modifiers: None. * You do not have to deal in strictly cash or commodi-
Greater Effects: 0 (×1). ties; you can have a legal ID, etc. When someone begins to
investigate or research you, the files mysteriously disappear
This spell can power a machine or there is so little evidence that it’s unusable. This allows
with magical energy. This spell you to have a normal life, while also being protected. This is
allows one full charge for devices worth +100%.
that need a D power cell or a large
battery. To determine the energy cost for a given device, com-
pare the battery it needs to function using the table on p. 42 Sorcerous Scanner
and buy enough dice of Healing to cover it. For example, a Spell Effects: Lesser Transform Matter.
TL10^ grav bike (p. B465) requires one E cell to function. Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Bonus, Computer Operation
This needs 28d+2 dice of Healing to fully restore the battery rolls.
and let it function for 1,000 miles before requiring a charge. Greater Effects: 0 (×1).
Typical Casting: Lesser Transform Energy (8) + Lesser This spell automatically transcribes the contents of a
Transform Magic (8) + Healing, 10 points (8) + Subject Weight, book, hardcopy of a file, magazine, or similar material to
5 tons (6). 30 energy (30×1). a digital format of the caster’s choice. Roll against Computer
Operation+5 or IQ-1. Use the margin of success to determine
Phreak how clear the digital copy is. Any margin over 5, or a critical
success, results in a perfect digital replica. Grimoires can
Spell Effects: Lesser Sense Matter + Lesser Sense Mind. also be spell-scanned, but the process destroys the physical
Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Penalty, Signal tracking. book and the copy is useless without a properly enchanted
Greater Effects: 0 (×1). device to display it. (See Ugh, Hardcopy! in Pyramid #3/66:
The caster can tap into communication devices or trans- The Laws of Magic, p. 5, for details on such devices.) Fur-
mission lines. This allows the person to “hear” and “see” the thermore, the bonus that the digitized grimoire offers is
data passing through it, translated into an understandable equal to its original bonus or the spell’s margin of success,
language and requiring no roll to decipher. The caster can also whichever is lower.
send information at the maximum rate of whatever the subject Example: Scanning a grimoire that gave +10 to Digital
can allow. Additionally, those trying to track the signal roll at Virus (p. 41) requires a margin of success of 10 (or a critical
-5. This lasts for an hour. success) to retain the entire bonus. If the spell were succeeded
Typical Casting: Lesser Sense Matter (2) + Lesser Sense by only 5, the resulting “e-grimoire” would only give +5.
Mind (2) + Area Effect, 1 mile (36) + Bestows a Penalty, -5 to Typical Casting: Lesser Transform Matter (8) + Bestows a
signal tracking rolls (16) + Duration, 1 hours (3). 59 energy Bonus, +5 to Computer Operation rolls (16). 24 energy (24×1).

Pyramid Magazine 43 Fantasy/Magic II

I Make
My Fate By Sean Punch

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy makes sparing use of the Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP
idea of spending character points to achieve outcomes. It 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 14 [10]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00
practically overlooks GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys, [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].
with its alternative points (Destiny Points, Impulse Points, Advantages: Fate-Bender [0]; Impulse Points 10 [50]; and
etc.) and their applications. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Impulse Points Refresh Rate +1 [10]. • Another 60 points
19: Incantation Magic, p. 30, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy chosen from among Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15],
Denizens: Swashbucklers, pp. 25, 26, and Pyramid Enhanced Dodge 1-3 [15/level], Gizmos 1-3 [5/level],
Dungeon Fantasy Collected, pp. 31, 62 nod in this general Intuition [15], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30] or
direction – but always in the form of abilities that mention Ridiculous Luck [60], Serendipity 1-4 [15/level], Wild Tal-
special points in a footnote that places heavy constraints on ent 1-3 [20/level], additional Impulse Points [5/level], or
their use. higher Impulse Points Refresh Rate [10/level]. • A further
Some gamers would argue that this is for the best. Many 40 points chosen from the previous list or ST +1 to +4
balk at the mere thought of such “meta-gaming.” Others feel [10/level], DX +1 or +2 [20/level], IQ +1 or +2 [20/level],
that letting people spend points to do nearly anything would HT +1 to +4 [10/level], Will +1 to +8 [5/level], Per +1 to +6
steal the thunder of professions that do specific things, and [5/level], Basic Speed +1.00 [20], Fearlessness [2/level] or
thus undercut GURPS Dungeon Fantasy’s vision of niche Unfazeable [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Magic Resistance
protection. A few find GURPS Dungeon Fantasy to be a [2/level], Signature Gear [Varies], or Wealth (Comfortable
nightmare of resource management – what with HP, FP, sun- or Wealthy) [10 or 20].
dry Energy Reserves, abilities with uses per session or per Disadvantages: Weirdness Magnet [‑15]. • ‑20 points chosen
day, arrows, potions, and so on – and aren’t keen on tracking from among Compulsive Gambling [‑5*], Curious [‑5*],
yet one more thing. Delusion (“Everything happens for a reason!”) [‑5], Disci-
Yet the ability to step outside of a situation, assess it, and plines of Faith (Ritualism) [‑5], Gullibility [‑10*], Impul-
then bend reality to alter it is common in fantasy, so it could siveness [‑10*], Klutz [‑5] or Total Klutz [‑15], Laziness
be argued that it deserves a place in kitchen-sink fantasy. If [‑10], Odious Personal Habit (“I told you so!”) [‑5], Over-
it does, then surely a delver whose possesses this gift rates a confidence [‑5*], Stubbornness [‑5], Trickster [‑15*], or
niche of their own? After all, fantasy is full of serendipitous Unnatural Features 1-5 [‑1/level]. • Another ‑15 points cho-
heroes, cryptic seers, and magic that doesn’t easily fit any stan- sen from the previous list or Chummy [‑5] or Gregarious
dard magic system! [‑10], Compulsive Carousing [‑5*], Greed [‑15*], Lecher-
For those who agree, here’s a new profession that bends ousness [‑15*], Post-Combat Shakes [‑5*], or Sense of Duty
reality itself. (Adventuring companions) [‑5].
Primary Skills: Six of Panhandling (E) IQ+2 [4]‑14; Fast-

Fate-Bender Talk, Gambling, Hidden Lore (any), Occultism, or Weather

Sense, all (A) IQ+1 [4]‑13; Meditation (H) Will [4]‑12;
250 points Scrounging (E) Per+2 [4]‑16; Observation, Search, or Sur-
You were born with the capacity to see the “big pic- vival (any), all (A) Per+1 [4]‑15; or 4 points to raise one of
ture.” In your case, this means not a spellcaster’s mind those skills by one level.
for the supernatural, a warrior’s knack for visualizing the Secondary Skills: One of Crossbow or Thrown Weapon
battlefield, or a rogue’s gift for complex capers, but the (Axe/Mace, Knife, or Spear), both (E) DX+2 [4]‑13; Bow or
mental faculty to view reality from outside, as if it were a Throwing, both (A) DX+1 [4]‑12; or Sling (H) DX [4]‑11.
game. Even better, you have the ability to move the playing • One of these two 12-point melee skills packages:
pieces – to put your finger on the scale. This is no mere 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword,
magic . . . indeed, whatever it is, it doesn’t play nicely with Smallsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8]‑13. • One of Shield
spells and enchantments! or Shield (Buckler) (E) DX+2 [4]‑13, or Cloak or Main-
Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 12 [20]. Gauche, both (A) DX+1 [4]‑12.
2. Either Spear or Staff, both (A) DX+3 [12]‑14.

Pyramid Magazine 44 Fantasy/Magic II

Background Skills: Five of Climbing, Riding (Horse), or Danger Sense for avoiding bad situations, Daredevil for get-
Stealth, all (A) DX-1 [1]‑10; First Aid or Gesture, both (E) ting into trouble with style, and Enhanced Dodge to simulate
IQ [1]‑12; Carousing (E) HT [1]‑12; Hiking or Sex Appeal, the way the blows of angry victims miraculously miss. A bit of
both (A) HT-1 [1]‑11; or 1 point to raise one of those skills Wealth fits the image, too. Downsides tend to be roguish: Com-
by one level. pulsive Gambling, Laziness (again), Overconfidence, Trickster,
and of course Greed. This kind of fate-bender actively uses
* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.
Observation to find marks, and then Fast-Talk, Gambling, and
Panhandling to scam them; Scrounging and Search to seek
Customization Notes out treasures; and Climbing and Stealth for more hands-on
Fate-benders differ from members of most professions criminality.
in that their definitive abilities are all-purpose: a bunch of Rarest is the fate-bender who doesn’t just know about their
Impulse Points (pp. 46-47) alongside chance-flavored advan- abilities, but also realizes that the universe has cast them as a
tages. They lack a structured power, spells, or an optimized kind of mystic or seer. They might improve Impulse Points and
group of combat capabilities. Don’t take this to imply that Impulse Points Refresh Rate somewhat, but simply knowing
fate-benders are unfocused or all the same. Three archetypes the right answers and actions is vital, suggesting Intuition and
(at least!) are common. Wild Talent – and often superior IQ or Per. Such people have
Some don’t fully appreciate their gifts’ significance, and bizarre minds; they ritualize their lives (Disciplines of Faith),
consider themselves “born lucky.” They’re unlikely to improve look for signs constantly (Curious), imagine links where none
Impulse Points or Impulse Points Refresh Rate, but typically exist (Delusion), are convinced that what they’ve perceived
have lots of Luck (maybe even Ridiculous Luck), Gizmos if is how events will unfold (Stubbornness), and love to say “I
they always seem to have brought appropriate gear, and Ser- told you so!” to doubters (Odious Personal Habit). Their skills
endipity if they’re regularly in the right place at the right time. focus on the strange, usually encompassing several Hidden
As they rarely suffer unpleasant turns of fate, they exhibit Lore specialties, Meditation, and Occultism for unraveling the
naïveté and go with the flow, leading to several of Chummy universe’s mysteries – a path that can have both upsides like
(or Gregarious), Gullibility, Impulsiveness, Laziness, and Magic Resistance and downsides like Unnatural Features.
Post-Combat Shakes. Bad weather rarely plagues them, Whatever your outlook, as a delver, you need to survive
money and goods fall into their lap (as do berries and game monsters and traps! Attribute levels are modest, so consider
on the road), and they discover treasures and secrets by acci- improving the ones that appeal to you the most – they’re
dent (conceivably owing to Klutz). To reflect this, select Pan- all options, though ST, DX, and HT are best for those who
handling, Scrounging, Search, Survival, Weather Sense, and intend to do most of their fate-bending in combat, while IQ
so on, but roleplay these as natural talents rather than skills. and Per are better for pure treasure-hunters who hope to rely
Those who also stumble into favorable social situations add on Danger Sense and Intuition (and, gasp, actual skills) for
Carousing and Sex Appeal. negotiating the dungeon’s dangers. Combat skills are some-
Those who realize they’re blessed often aim to profit from thing of an afterthought, but you do need them; higher levels
their gifts – as might you, if you knew the universe would let you absorb bigger penalties and still have enough effective
guarantee you winning hands at cards and make dubious skill to get a dice roll to spend Impulse Points on, so easier
schemes pay off! This lifestyle works best with lots of Impulse ranged skills (like Crossbow) and a single good two-handed
Points and Impulse Points Refresh Rate to exploit mercilessly, melee skill (like Staff) are most effective.

Making Weirdness Magnet Matter

All fate-benders have Weirdness Magnet. Like spend- • When a bizarre NPC – especially a supernatural
ing character points to affect game play, this trait is con- being – takes an unsettling interest in someone, it’s always
troversial – adventurers sign up for weirdness, so how’s an the one(s) with Weirdness Magnet.
extra dose a disadvantage? Here are a few ways to keep • Whenever strangeness that’s going to happen anyway
this from seeming like free points: would usually choose a victim at random (e.g., an interdi-
mensional portal opens in someone’s path), it’s never ran-
• Anyone with spellcasting ability can sense Weirdness
dom – it singles out the person or people with Weirdness
Magnet. Priests at the temple, Wizards’ Guild members,
and similar NPCs in town consider it a liability, and react
at ‑2. Monstrous beings instead get +2 to spells and spell- The GM who wants a more game-mechanical approach
like senses to detect the delver. can treat Weirdness Magnet as three Impulse Points the
• If an enchanted throne, magical fountain, mysteri- universe gets to spend on messing with the character each
ous prismatic ray, or other artifact causes random effects, session. Use these to buy inconvenient coincidences (e.g.,
don’t roll dice for people with Weirdness Magnet. They doors slamming shut for no reason) or enhanced effect
get whatever result seems strangest (GM’s opinion). This on the delver’s Fright Checks – or to have the adventurer’s
needn’t be bad, but it should be inconvenient – and, pref- mere presence supply 25 energy points per IP that weird
erably, disturbing. creatures want to tap or feed on!

Pyramid Magazine 45 Fantasy/Magic II

While spending quirk points on gear is always an option,
be aware that Fate-Bender (below) limits your ability to profit Fate-Bender Abilities
from magic items. Often, spending those 5 points on an addi- Fate-benders have few special abilities – but those they do
tional Impulse Point works out best. Or, keep them unspent have are game-changers that require considerable explanation.
and use them to alter outcomes in play – because there, Fate-
Bender works in your favor! Fate-Bender
0 points
This trait is what makes a fate-bender a fate-
bender! Members of other professions cannot
take it during character creation or acquire it
later – you’re born with it or you aren’t. It has
two profound effects on what you can and can-
not do:
1. You can spend character points, Impulse
Points, and any similar points used in the
campaign on a wider variety of options than
Influencing Success Rolls (p. B347) – and you
can buy critical successes in combat, a power-
ful feat forbidden to others! (You must still be
able to roll to do this; if final, effective skill isn’t
at least 3, too bad.)
2. You, personally, cannot activate or use
magic. You cannot turn on enchanted items,
and passive ones don’t work for you – magic
armor and weapons behave like nonmagical
specimens, beneficial potions you drink do
nothing, scrolls you read produce no effects,
and so on. Moreover, you can never gain the
talent to cast any kind of spell, and cannot be
or turn into an elf, faerie, or half-spirit of any
variety. This is worthless as a defense; unless
you buy Magic Resistance (or spend Impulse
Points on resistance!), others use magic on
you unhindered, and magical traps, swirling
gates, cursed altars, etc. affect you. Thus, you
can be buffed, cursed, gated, healed, or what-
ever; it’s just that such things are never under
your control.
You can consider this a meta-trait made up
of Unusual Background (Can spend IP on just
about anything) and Divine Curse (Can’t acti-
vate or use magic). They’re assumed to cancel
out. Their individual point value is left to the
GM – they could easily be worth 30 and ‑30
points on their own, although splitting them
up isn’t recommended.

Impulse Points
5 points/level
Prerequisite: Fate-Bender.
These are the points defined on Impulse
Buys, p. 18. You can spend IP like character
points on the options in that supplement. At
the beginning of each game session, 1 IP – plus
1 IP per level of Impulse Points Refresh Rate
(p. 47) – regenerates. You can neither overspend
to negative IP nor regenerate to above your
purchased IP maximum.

Pyramid Magazine 46 Fantasy/Magic II

Example: You have 10 IP and Impulse Points Refresh
Rate +1. You can spend at most 10 IP. If you do, then
at the start of next session, you’ll regenerate to 2 IP. No
matter how long you wait, you’ll never have more than Fate-Bender Power-Ups
10 IP without buying more. Like any delver, a fate-bender can spend earned points
The GM decides what options are available, but these on everything in their template – notably, they can rack up
should include: unlimited Impulse Points and Impulse Points Refresh Rate to
perform more feats per game session, and push their Luck up
• Buying Effect and Defense vs. Effect (Impulse Buys, to Ridiculous Luck. Other power-ups are:
p. 6) on damage rolls, Fright Checks, and rolls on tables.
• Buying Success (Impulse Buys, p. 4) – including • Every One’s a Critical [15], as per the swashbuckler pow-
critical success, even in combat – and Buying Failure. er-up (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Swashbucklers,
• Divine Intervention (Impulse Buys, p. 9). p. 26) – but without its usual prerequisites.
• Dooming Foes (Impulse Buys, pp. 5-6) against • Extra Life 1 [25] – no matter how dead you seem to be,
monsters the GM agrees are “fodder” (never worthy or fate has other plans for you!
boss monsters!). • Gizmos [5/level] up to 6.
• Flesh Wounds (Impulse Buys, p. 10). • Karma Bank [1], as per the shaman power-up (GURPS
• Player Guidance (Impulse Buys, pp. 7-8). Dungeon Fantasy 11: Power-Ups, p. 34).
• Points for Energy (Impulse Buys, pp. 12-13), for • Perception up to 25 before racial modifiers [5/level].
things that aren’t magic. • Serendipity [15/level], with no upper limit.
• Wealth up to Very Wealthy [30].
This shouldn’t short-circuit the adventure! If getting • Wild Talent [20/level], with no upper limit.
a critical success, dooming a foe, changing the scen-
ery, or whatever would do that, the GM ought to tone The GM decides whether these are available to starting
it down to a more sensible level (or forbid it, though characters or must be purchased in play.
that’s less interesting); e.g., perhaps an arrow pierces the
monster’s eye and inflicts massive injury, but the crea- Crossover Characters?
ture’s HT roll to keep fighting is unpenalized. As the Fate-Bender trait is inborn, there’s no normal way
It’s best to forbid Trading Points for Money (Impulse for members of other professions to branch out into this one.
Buys, p. 8), or dungeon delving becomes pointless. Fate- If the GM permits this under extraordinary circumstances,
benders can get rich buying success or critical success they decide how it works. Slapping Fate-Bender [0] and
at Scoring Extra Cash (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Impulse Points 10 [50] onto any non-spellcaster is as good as
Dungeons, p. 4) and benefiting from Margins (Impulse anything else!
Buys, p. 5). Going the other way, fate-benders can buy lenses that add
Most people have 0 IP. To affect fate, they must non-spellcasting professions. Treat them as spellcasters for
burn unspent character points. The only options open the purpose of choosing which lenses. They can acquire chi
to them are buying success – which cannot buy critical and psi powers this way – those aren’t magic.
successes in combat! – and player guidance.

Impulse Points Refresh Rate

player guidance, or straight-up divine intervention, can bail
10 points/level
the whole party out of a dead end. Once in a rare while, toss in
Prerequisite: Fate-Bender and Impulse Points 2+.
a problem that calls for a sacrifice of character points, simply
Normally, you regenerate 1 IP at the start of each game to let the fate-bender “cheat” with IP.
session. Each level of this trait improves that by 1 IP/session. Also don’t limit interesting situations to those that only
You cannot buy more levels of this advantage than you have spending IP can solve. A well-rounded fate-bender has other
IP, nor can you regenerate to above your IP level. tricks up their sleeve: If they have Danger Sense, let them
“feel ripples in the fabric of fate” and warn their allies. If they
bought Intuition, include puzzles where a lucky choice mat-
Making the Fate-Bender ters a lot but won’t short-circuit the adventure. If they took

Useful Wild Talent, have certain problems positively require obscure

skills nobody has.
This is easy! The fate-bender needs only the smallest odds Treasure demands finesse. The Fate-Bender trait makes
of success to buy a critical success, so modest skill levels – con- magic items worthless . . . but that’s a necessary evil for a
ceivably even defaults – can be enough to save the day. What delver who can buy a string of critical successes in combat and
matters is that the situation is one that a success roll can cover any gaps by invoking Luck or Daredevil for rerolls. Still,
resolve, and that final, effective skill is at least 3. This is true looting is the heart of the genre, so give out flashy mundane
in or out of combat. goodies, such as fine, meteoric, or orichalcum armor, shields,
To avoid a one-note character, make feats other than buying and weapons. Balanced weapons are especially nice – the skill
successes matter. Buying effect on or against damage rolls – or bonus can ensure that effective skill is high enough to roll
invoking the Flesh Wounds rule – can turn the tide in a fight. against. Indeed, any equipment that grants a nonmagical skill
Off the battlefield, set up occasional situations where clever bonus is a great find.

Pyramid Magazine 47 Fantasy/Magic II

Thought Table
The Noble Prize
By Steven Marsh, Pyramid Editor

From Aragorn to Thor to Princess Leia to protagonists in set out immediately or spend the time and resources to check
countless novels, comics, and movies beyond, many charac- the accuracy of this intelligence.”
ters have some kind of tie to the nobility. Considering this level
of popularity, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of doing
so, especially from adventure, story, and campaign viewpoints. A Place to Call Home
But this is Random Thought Table, and we like to shake things Perhaps one of the most-compelling reasons to have a
up. By examining those assumptions, we can look for ways to noble in the party is to have a definitive spot to hang your
tweak or subvert these ideas, coming up with new possibilities hat on, as far as the geographical location of the campaign.
and complications. Many fantasy settings are big, and it can often be difficult to
If you want to add some “noble” elements to your adven- have a compelling reason to decide between the arctic tundra
turers, take inspiration from The Social Delver, pp. 4-7. of Brrritscoldistan, the tropical Drinkwithumbrella Islands, or
any of the countless places in between. This can be fun for

Information, Please! some players, where the “city of the week” campaign is a trope.
But it’s a pain for the GM, who either needs to do excess work
Having a noble in the party is a great way to facilitate get- to maintain the same level of verisimilitude among the various
ting information to the adventurers – especially if it’s secret locales, or come up with only the most vital details needed to
or sensitive. After all, if the adventurers are just schmoes off muddle through the adventure (and possibly lose out on some
the street, why would they be entrusted with knowledge that world depth and adventure possibilities due to not including
the king is dying from an ailment and needs a rare herb, or cool elements at the time the location is established). And
information that there’s a dangerous horde approaching the some players miss the fun that comes from long-running char-
kingdom? In a vacuum, those without ties to the kingdom acters and established backgrounds.
would just as likely seek to profit from such knowledge as they In contrast, a noble probably has a place to call home,
would help. even if much of the time is spent away from there. This means
that the bulk of the GM’s efforts can be spent more efficiently
The Flip Side building up the kingdom and “home base,” along with the
immediate areas. Subplots also flow more easily when NPCs
However, being trusted with specific privileged informa-
have backgrounds and personalities.
tion typically means being given specific information. In other
words, those with ties to the noble information flow often con-
trol that flow – even if it’s erroneous, or spun to put certain The Flip Side
facts in the best possible light. Thus, the heroes may know However, it’s not essential that a noble have a literal place
there’s an invading orcish horde before anyone else, but the to call home. Both Princess Leia (after Star Wars: A New Hope)
headstrong commander of the army may misjudge the oppo- and Thor (after Thor: Ragnarok) are definitely nobles, but
nent’s relative strength. Or the trusted seneschal Sinestero von they don’t have “kingdoms” anymore because their homes are
Callousblood may downplay the king’s illness for some unfath- destroyed. If you can provide a compelling reason for a noble
omable reason. to not have access to their homeland, you add a tragic back-
In this case, adventuring possibilities turn from finding story in lieu of a kingdom. Some examples include:
information to verifying or codifying information, turning it
• Destroyed. This one is hard to come back from. However,
from a binary “we know this/we don’t know this” situation
it does leave open the option of finding and establishing a new
into a more-interesting “here’s what the entrenched bureau-
homeland, assuming the people of that kingdom still exist.
cracy is willing to tell us, and now we need to decide if we

Pyramid Magazine 48 Fantasy/Magic II

• Conquered by other people . . . or something else. This and still have a place to return to. Sure, the heroes (or at least
option is particularly good if the setting has supernatural the poor sap who’s the noble) may be tasked with doing cer-
evil such as undead or non-sapient forces like slime, since it tain functions or keeping the kingdom safe, but the perks out-
sidesteps any of the unsavory aspects of killing intelligent life weigh the costs. From a story standpoint, this means that the
forms for land. campaign can include adventures that originate from decades
• Inaccessible. This includes mythical or other-dimensional or even centuries ago, but still have ties to the area and noble
places such as Shangri-La (GURPS Places of Mystery, p. 54), family (and, by extension, at least one of the PCs).
as well as more mundane places (such as a city or community
that’s completely cut off due to an avalanche). The Flip Side
In all cases, a “kingdom” that doesn’t exist provides a Of course, plenty of royal regimes are anything but stable.
ready-made adventure hook for at least one of the PCs (and From political unrest to unhappy citizens to disasters (natural
hopefully any friends along for the ride). Admittedly, going or otherwise), being in charge can be a real pain.
this route means that all those promises of “less work, more Unless a campaign centers around political and internal
established locations” suggested mere paragraphs ago evapo- intrigues, it’s best to limit such elements to occasional fla-
rate. But you can’t have everything. voring or background element; keeping a kingdom on the
brink from fully collapsing is a full-time job. However, it

The Stability of Nobility can be a fun subversion of the trope to have a kingdom that
seems to delight in more chaos than the usual regions: “Of
From a gaming standpoint, nobility provides stability. In course the citizens are trying to overthrow us. It is spring;
addition to a place to call home, it’s assumed the fair kingdom rebirth is in the air! Still, it is best if I remain away for a time.
of Goodville is secure enough that PCs can go off gallivanting Perhaps if we leave, we can give them a chance to calm down.

Pyramid Magazine 49 Fantasy/Magic II

a princess; outside of GM fiat, it’d be tricky to have the
amassed forces give the heroes the time of day in that

The Benefits scene without Leia’s involvement.

Similarly, royal attachments give the group the chance
of Friendship
to explore larger objectives, such as “the heroes are tasked
with planning a royal jubilee” or “the royal dam must be
In GURPS, the noble character is the one who pays the protected at all costs.” Many different flavors of larger-
points for the benefits they receive. That is, they’re the one than-life adventure are possible when someone else is
with Rank, high Wealth levels, and so on. footing the bill.
However, from a game standpoint, those who are part
of the inner circle often get the benefits of these noble ties The Flip Side
without contributing to the costs. Sure, they might not
command an army, but the odds are decent that they get There’s a saying about academia: “The fights are so
good lodgings, decent food, access to information and vicious because the stakes are so small.” The same can
favors, and other tangential boons of privilege. apply to the halls of power: Having one’s immediate needs
This tends to balance with the drawbacks of having many entirely met can lead to a lot of empty space in which
missions dictated by the aristocratic connections. However, petty squabbles and “meaningless” clashes can erupt into
if one PC spends a lot more points on something that all the overblown conflicts.
players benefit from, the GM could choose to compensate If one or more of the heroes have ties to the aristocracy,
that adventurer with something extra, roughly equal to the they can get entangled in all kinds of tiny intrigues that
value made use of by the other players. Or, conversely, if just are about as far from “the armies amassed” as possible.
one of the non-noble PCs is taking too much advantage of • A noble visiting another kingdom tries to commu-
these fringe benefits, that person could a Reputation (leech), nicate in an unfamiliar language, but uses a verb mood
with a value equivalent to the bonuses received. that expresses greater familiarity: the difference between
coolly respected peers, and family members or intimate
“I Didn’t lovers. Is it a slip of the tongue? A sign of disrespect?
An attempt at friendliness? An expression of romantic
Vote for You!” interest?
• A certain type of seasoning preferred by a neigh-
Widespread nobility is easier to swallow for modern boring noble is completely unavailable to the host court.
gamers in fantasy campaigns. Nonetheless, it’s possible To not have such would be a sign of weakness or disre-
to concoct science-fiction or even modern-day campaigns spect. However, one of the chefs swears that the flavor
where someone could have ties to nobility. (unfamiliar to the PCs) is easily replicated with salt and
Alternatively, organizational constructs could have the charred garlic. Do the heroes go on a long, arduous quest
flavor of nobility, but sidestep some of the problematic to acquire the true seasoning? Come clean to the visitor
aspects of aristocracy. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and face the consequences? Go along with the chef’s sug-
demonstrates this with having the planet of Naboo ruled gestion of deception?
by a queen, which is somehow an elected position that can • A servant ends up in possession of a handkerchief
elevate a young teenager to such a supreme level. (It’s best belonging to young noble. Neither one is talking or offer-
not to think about it too much.) ing explanations, so the entire court explodes with its own
The core elements of what make the nobility compelling theories and implications.
from a gaming perspective – power, bureaucracy, social
interactions – can be translated to other political forms; In the same way that other courtly actions can be
simply tweak the titles and methods of attaining power. amplified above their importance, the noble PC’s own
Probably the biggest challenge (again, from a gaming actions can have significant consequences. Preferring one
standpoint) is that the nobility is a relatively rare method stall at the mart over another can lead to rumors of favor-
to have someone receive power and authority who doesn’t itism or affairs. Failing to appear at an important function
necessarily want it. (say, because the person is off being a hero elsewhere) can
become a scandal. It’s up to the preferences of the gaming
table how serious these repercussions are; some groups
wouldn’t appreciate going to war over a failed Dancing
You mentioned a ‘dragon hoard’? We should investigate. If I roll. But some groups might . . .
bring some back, the people may be happier. For a while.”

About the Editor

Let’s Get Epic! Steven Marsh is a freelance writer and editor. He has con-
Being a noble often means having access to your own tributed to roleplaying game releases from Green Ronin, West
ready-to-go army. This is an opportunity to dig up GURPS End Games, White Wolf, Hogshead Publishing, and others.
Mass Combat and go to town – err, war. In Star Wars: A New He has been editing Pyramid for almost 20 years; during that
Hope, notice how efficiently in the final act the heroes are time, he has won four Origins awards. He lives in Indiana with
inserted into the . . . star war. It’s primarily because they have his wife, Nikola Vrtis, and their son.

Pyramid Magazine 50 Fantasy/Magic II

About the
Peter V. Dell’Orto was raised in New Jersey. He started many articles from old Pyramid and new. Of course, if he’s
roleplaying in 1981, with Dungeons & Dragons, and has not writing about GURPS, he’s blogging about it. Visit his
played GURPS since Man to Man. He has been active as site, “Ravens N’ Pennies” (, for
a GURPS playtester, editor, and contributing author since more GURPS goodies. He wishes to thank L.A., for being the
1996. Peter is the author of numerous GURPS articles for wonderful, amazing, inspiring woman that she is – not every
Pyramid magazine, and author or co-author of several man gets his muse personified in the flesh! He also thanks
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy supplements as well as GURPS his gaming group – the Headhunters – for alpha testing, his
Martial Arts. Peter has run the same hack-and-slash GURPS family (especially his mother), and Elizabeth “Archangel
Dungeon Fantasy game for over five years and more than Beth” McCoy, his Sith Editrix mentor.
80 sessions mostly using one town and one megadungeon.
You can read about it on his blog Dungeon Fantastic at
Aleksei Isachenko worked as an engineer at an aircraft
plant and is now an associate professor in the department
of manufacturing engineering. He wishes to thank his
gaming group for support in this foray into writing.
Alden Loveshade longed to play an alchemist PC since
his very early roleplaying days; since finding GURPS,
he’s played a dozen. Author of GURPS Fantasy Folk:
Elves, he created the alchemists’ guild for the Strategicon
(Orccon, Gateway, Gamex) multi-GM GURPS Davenford
campaign set on Yrth. But his most vivid “alchemical”
experience took place in a university chemistry lab when
another student poured the wrong liquid into the wrong
sink. Fortunately, the resulting roaring column of flame didn’t
set the chemistry building on fire. Matt Riggsby is trained in anthropology and archaeology
Phil Masters is the author of numerous GURPS books, and, like the rest of his generation, has a job in computers. He
including GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics and the works for an international healthcare IT company and lives
Discworld Roleplaying Game, as well as of many books with his lovely and talented wife, an above-average child, and
for other games and a roleplaying game of his own creation, a pack of dogs.
The Small Folk, which can be found at Anders Starmark is a veteran of the Steve Jackson Games
products/the-small-folk. He has more works coming from forums, having joined in 2005. He is a trained pharmacologist
Steve Jackson Games and Pelgrane Press, among others, in and game enthusiast who has been playing roleplaying games
the near future. since 1984. He lives in Gothenburg, Sweden together with two
Sean Punch set out to become a particle physicist in 1985 cats, Alfons and Nisse.
and ended up as GURPS Line Editor in 1995. In that capacity, J. Edward Tremlett (a.k.a. the Lurker in Lansing) has had
he has written, edited, or contributed to hundreds of GURPS some interesting times. In addition to his numerous credits at
releases, revised the game into its fourth edition (2004), Pyramid Magazine, he co-wrote GURPS Horror: Beyond the
and been a regular contributor to Pyramid magazine. From Pale with Christopher R. Rice for Steve Jackson Games, and
2008, he has served as lead creator of the GURPS Action and teamed up with the same author for the Olan-Pok Quintology
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy series; work on the latter led to his for Gaming Ballistic. He’s been featured in the anthologies
design of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, released Spring Forward Fall Back, Upon a Thrice Time, and Ride the
in 2017. Sean has been a gamer since 1979, but devotes most Star Wind, and in the magazines Bleed Error, Underbelly,
of his spare time to Argentine tango. He lives in Montréal, and The End is Nigh. He was also webmaster of The Wraith
Québec with son amour, Geneviève. Project. A former guest of Dubai and South Korea, he cur-
Christopher R. Rice has run numerous games in GURPS. rently resides in Lansing, Michigan, with a cat and enough
He’s also authored, co-authored, or contributed to 15 GURPS Lego bricks to assemble a Great Old One. Hopefully it will not
supplements (and counting!) on a range of subjects and come to that . . .

Pyramid Magazine 51 Fantasy/Magic II

Steve Jackson Games is committed to full sup- ideas to add to your own game! The Pyramid web page is
port of GURPS players. We can be reached by email: Our address is SJ Games, P.O. Box Store Finder ( Discover
18957, Austin, TX 78760. Resources include: nearby places to buy GURPS items and other Steve
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Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, including us – but
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You can also join us at or Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the Share your brief campaign teasers GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition. Page references that
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Pyramid Magazine 52 Fantasy/Magic II

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