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 Working of the Internet

When we open our favourite web app on our device and we’re
instantly connected to the world. This is all made possible
because two devices connect and communicate via a wired or
wireless connection, forming something called a network. We
can connect multiple devices to this network. But this becomes
very complicated very quickly, as each device needs to connect to
every other device to communicate effectively. This problem is
solved by something called a Network Switch that connects
multiple devices and allows them to communicate with each
other. The network switch can connect to other network
switches, and now two networks can connect. These network
switches then connect to more network switches until we have
something called an interconnected network. This
interconnected network has another name that we might be
familiar with. It's called the Internet. When we use websites or
video streaming services on the Internet, these are provided by
computers called servers. Our devices are called clients. This is
known as the client-server model. Internet connects the entire
world. If we ever had a video call with someone on another
continent that video data travel through large undersea cables
connecting the world's networks. These cables can transfer huge
volumes of data per second. There are a lot more technical
details that go into making the Internet possible.
 Webserver & Its Working
A web server is a software application or hardware device that
stores, processes, and delivers web content (such as web pages,
images, and files) to users' web browsers over the internet. It
listens for incoming requests, handles these requests, and sends
the requested data back to the user's browser, enabling users to
access websites and web applications hosted on the server.

A web server operates by listening for incoming requests from

users' web browsers. When a user enters a website's URL or
clicks a link, their browser sends a request to the web server
hosting that site. The server identifies the requested content,
whether it's a webpage, image, or file, and retrieves it from its
storage. It then generates an HTTP response containing the
requested data, along with metadata. This response is sent back
to the user's browser, which renders the web content. This
process repeats for each user request, enabling users worldwide
to access and interact with websites and web applications hosted
on the server.

 Websites & Webpages

Websites are collections of web pages and digital content that are
accessible over the internet through a specific domain name or
URL (Uniform Resource Locator). They can include text, images,
videos, and interactive elements, serving various purposes such
as information dissemination, e-commerce, entertainment, or
Webpages are individual documents or files on the internet that
are written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and are
designed to be displayed in web browsers. They contain text,
images, links, and multimedia elements, providing information
or interactive content to users when accessed through a web
browser. Webpages are the building blocks of websites.

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