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Central Sulawesi is one of the islands in Indonesia that is home to many

ethnic groups, one of which is the Kaili tribe who live in Palu. The Kaili tribe of

Central Sulawesi has a royal system with social strata. The highest to lowest

social strata are kings, nobles, descendants of nobles with special skills (similar

to mantri), and also ordinary people. The Kaili tribe has a culture in the form of

art, traditional ceremonies, language, and also traditional houses.

Souraja or also known as Banua Oge is a traditional Indonesian house from

Lere Village, West Palu Subdistrict, Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province. This

traditional house was built in 1892 AD on the initiative of King Yodjokodi and

served as a residence for the king's family and also as the center of the royal

government.Souraja House is one of the cultural heritages of the Kaili traditional

house of Central Sulawesi. The Souraja House is a 368 square meter stilt house

whose construction is made of wood.

The Banua oge or Souraja building is a wooden construction with a blend of

Bugis and Kaili architecture. The roof is decorated with carved wooden boards

(panapiri) and crowns (bangko-bangko) which are also carved with typical Kaili

The floor is made of planks covered with mats. At the front there are two

stairs on the right and left that connect the ground with the hallway of the house.

The steps of the Souraja house are always odd in number, usually nine. The front

of the house is equipped with a hallway or terrace called gandaria. Lonta

Karavana is a room used to receive guests and traditional ceremonies.

Lonta Tatagana is a room for family and traditional deliberations as well as

the king's bedroom and Lonta Raragana is used as a dining room and princess

room. The kitchen and bathroom are located separately from the house, at the

back of the house. This Souraja traditional house, usually in a year can be visited

by up to 5000 tourists, both domestic and foreign.

This traditional house is one of the barometers of cultural heritage in Central

Sulawesi, especially in the city of Palu. This reserve has the nature of a living

monument, in contrast to other reserves that have the nature of a dead monument.
1. Faradillah 10. Chelsea Shelomita
2. Azizah Ajeng Aprilianih 11. Alfiah
3. Wafiq Azizah 12. Nurul Saskia
4. Nur Fadila 13. Tri Septiani
5. Renzo Forilom Sipasulta 14. Reva Meliani
6. Delvito Randalayuk 15. Prabu Erlangga
7. Nasya Radhiatan 16. Nemi Rahmatilah
8. Al fira Ashar 17. Mutiara Riski
9. Faurah Anandita 18. Nia Rahmadani

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