Practical English Beginner WB

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“4 Y , Practical English How do you spell it? ‘checking nto a hotel, bodking/a table’ V the classroom P the alchabet 1 THE ALPHABET @ @ 16 Listen and write the words in the chart. a @1.4 Listen and Gircle the letter with a different vowel sound. a @ 0 ey @ £ : e EB) 3 hello help name please she spell Spain table Bozetnx ree e99 ain Ap RA Gk atl pl ion = # @17 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat ee the words. mec rts 2 VOCABULARY the classroom q a Write the words. (sel bAHIY ui meee Lea iar b_ @ 7.4 Listen again and repeat the letters. & € Say the letters in 1-5, —T | UG “a d_ O15 Listen and check. b Complete the classroom expressions with the words from the list. joks Excuse Go know late Look Open fepeat Sit Stand spell_understand I don't Sorry? Can you = at the board, please. that, please? 1 3 4 your books. 5 I don't 6 Houtds yout 7 topage 9, 8 Close your 9 ___ up, please. 10 _ down. " ‘me. What's grazie in English? 12 Sorry, 'm 3 CHECKING INTO A HOTEL Complete the conversation with the words from the list. evening name reservation spell surname room B Hello, | have a A What's your? B Wendy Mahoney. ‘A How do you *_ B M.A-H.O.N-EY. ‘A Thank you, Ms Mahoney. You're in ¢ _ 261 +B Tonks, please? your 2 4 BOOKING A TABLE Match the questions in the conversation to answers a-e below. ‘A Good morning. How can | help you? Bib ‘A What time? = A OK, that's fine. What's your name, please? oe A OK, How many people? ne ‘A Thank you, Mr Anderson. So, a table for three on Tuesday at seven? B a Three, b A table for Tuesday evening, please. Yes, that’s great. Thanks. d Steve Anderson, @ Seven o'clock. 5 USEFUL PHRASES Complete the conversations with a phrase from the lst. A table for tomorrow, please Good morning How-anthelp you How do you spell it Uhave a reservation Sorry Thank you That's right 1A Good morning. ‘How can |help you ? My name's Liam Sweeney. ? for a room for tonight. OK-Sweeney.?___? SW-EEN-EY. That's S-W-E-E-N-EY? >orer OK, you're in room 49, > The Green Tree restaurant. How can I help you? * ~ for four people. (OK. What time? 730, >orare 730, © Ge ontine to practise the Pectcal Engh phrases) (@H Go online to check your progress) (IGN : . , Can| have an Practical English orange juice, please? 4. UNDERSTANDING PRICES € Write the prices. a Write the numbers. Tas 725 2 |e 259 > 8% 1m see Ua = Sa emacs dolars —— Ma) Tes 5 ‘ Teta P1895 > 8 2 PRONUNCIATION (va, /s/, and /k/ a @2.4 Listen and Circle the word with a different sound. o ; Complete the prices. 2 twenty-one ninety-nine @® a a b- 3.4 Listen again and repeat the words. ¢ @3.5 Write the words in the chart. Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. ‘snake 2 pencil price coffee 3 $38.50 thirty-eight and fifty cents 4 B0p forty a city class close nice picture pence 5 ED ee __sinty WS seake | ci fifty Sr key 2 class 6 £2.50 two 3 BUYING LUNCH a Read the menu and write the prices. fi Barman Who's next? Sally ‘Hi, A chicken salad and a Diet Coke, please. Barman Anything else? Sally a Cow Barman Ice and lemon with your drinks? Sally > 7 “ een Patna Berman Thove you go. That's £7.65, Sally Steck lh pl. ihcwrc sec Barman Thanks. Here's your change. £750 1.25 Sally © Cheese, tuna, oF Grange juice : chicken sordwiches 22.60 2 ee a Aasistant Can help you rae saa Assistant Of course, 7 ee Coffee /Tea Dan No, thanks. ‘Chicken salad £1.70 Assistant There you go. £6.20 Dan Thanks. *___ Assistant $9.25 Dan Here you are. BESBSSB SESE HREE Assistant Thanks. ° Dan Thank you. Have ance day. 1A How much is a steak pie? B it's £750 __. USEFUL PHRASES 2 A How much is a burger? B it's 3A How much is a chicken salad? B it's 4 A How much is an orange juice? B k's 5 A Howmuch is a coffee? Be b Complete the conversations. @ Hi, yes.A chicken salad and a Diet Coke; please: Here you are. How much is it? Thanks, Can Ihave a burger and a beer, please? Here's your change. Yes, a mineral water. No, thanks. Anything else? -ser2a0c ‘Complete the missing words and phrases in the conversations. 1A Seb! Hi, how are you? B I'mfine thanks 2 A That's $1275, please. B Here you are. A Thanks. H_____your ch. BRAC. __Ih__acheese sandwich, please? B Yes, of course. Anything else? a AH. om _isit? B 8.70. 5A We can have lunch together at the pub. B Sure! Gr. a 6 AA e a B And 2 t03, plosco. © Ge online io practise the Practical English phrases) (J Go online to check your progress) NY telling the time V the time, saying how you feel_P in, silent consonants 41 TELLING THE TIME Complete the conversations. 1A What time is it? B It's quarter to eleven. 2 A It'stento five. What your train? B ___ five fifteen. 7 kts 8 its past nine. to seven, 3A What time is 2 B it's quarter_____four. 4 A Hello. I'm Vm late. B_ You're two hours late — 11.301 2 VOCABULARY the time a Complete the times. 9 es 10 Wes past five to twee. 1 les half past two. 1 i's 12 It's past three. to four 5.5 Listen and draw the times on the clocks. 3 tts past ten, tosix 5 t's 6 ts past eleven to one. PRONUNCIATION /n/, silent consonants @5.6 Listen and Gircle the word with a different sound. That Gal) bot inet ecioor Ene PB | Ovord coffee son Twatch old_orange 5 long want now @5.6 Listen again and repeat the words. 3 She's 4 She's 57 Listen and cross out the silent consonants in these words. 1 half 5 wo 2 hour 6 Wednesday 3 know 7 what 4 listen 8 write @5,7 Listen again and repeat the words. VOCABULARY saying how you feel Complete the sentences. 5 He's 5 USEFUL PHRASES ‘Complete the missing words and phrases in the conversation. A Hi, Adam. t'm ‘really samy Vm late. What time's the film? BD __w__ It's OK ~it's at half past seven. It's only ten past seven. Aw. aor. film! B Yes — fantastic! Do you want to go to the pub now? A But it’s half past ten. It's‘ and I'm BC ° know a really good pub near here. A Oh.OK. 1 a = (© Ge ontine to practise the Practical English phrases )(@ Go online to check your progress) 1 VOCABULARY months Write the months. 1 CRAHM 2YMA 3 ERRFABUY 4 TOBOCRE 5 UTGASU 6 EMDBECRE 7 NURAJAY 8 UENJ 9 SMEBREIEP 10 PAILR 11 EONBMERV 12 LUJY 2 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION ordinal numbers, (0 @ Complete the ordinal numbers. 1 2nd second 2 20m ew — 3 4a fr 4 Bde thot 5 Sm f_f__ 6 On nit 7 3a t _— a 12m tw 1 first, second 2 tenth 3 seventeenth, 4 fourteenth, 5 twenty-third, 6 fifteenth Practical English What's the date? saying the date, talking onthe phone Vimonths, ordinal numbers Ps 7.3 Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the sounds and rhythm. 1 It’s Thursday the thirteenth. 2 Ivothree thousand dollars, 3 | think its three thirty 4 His third birthday’s on the fifth. SAYING THE DATE Match the dates. 1 1912 a 2tst July _ b 7th November 327 © Mth January an d 6th May. 52a e 8th October 6en0 £ 19th February 765 4g 27th April am h 2nd September Cover anh and just look at 1-8. Practise saying the dates. Remember to say the and of, for example, } the nineteenth of February. , ¢ Write the answers using the dates in brackets. 1A What's the date today? (9/3) B 9th March — 2A What's the date on Saturday? (1/11) 8 3 A What's the date tomorrow? (2/6) 4A When's your birthday? (18/12), B 5 A When's your mother's birthday? (4/8) 6 A When's your best friend's birthday? (30/10) 8 d_ Answer 1-6 in ¢ with your own answers. 4 TALKING ON THE PHONE Put the conversation in the right order. 1. Atel. Ii Gloria. Listen, new isn't good timo. {'m in a meeting. Can | call you later? AYes. itis. Who's that? ___ KOK. Speak later. Bye. B This is Gloria Webster, from the New York office. B Yes, no problem. Call me on this number ‘this afternoon, B Hello, is that Dave Freeman? 5 USEFUL PHRASES ‘Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list. Galleon Monday at work | that It’s my dad's birthday Thisis for you What's the date today 4A We need to talk about our trip to Berlin. B_ OK. Call me on Monday at work. 24 ? B think it's the 10th. BARS. __our new teacher? B Yes. Her name's Mrs Mack. A Isitthe Sth today? B_ No, it's the éth pree®: 5A Happy Birthday! B Thank you. © Ge online to practise the Practical English phrases | (@ Go online to check your progress) BRI Practical English Would you like to come? 1_ INVITING AND OFFERING ‘a Complete the conversations. Are ‘d It Let's like see sugar time What Would 1A ‘Would you ike to come to a basketball 2 A Hidohn.? __ you hungry? ‘match on Saturday? B No, but like @ drink B What? _'s the match? nw would you like to drink? cat 's at 7.30 at the sports centre. B A coffee, please, B Id love to. Thanks. A Milk and ® 2 ‘A Would you to meet for a drink frst? B Just mik, please B Yes, OK.* meet at 6.30 in the bar. A OK,* you there. Complete the emails. ‘2 No problem. How about dinne:? @ Yes, Id love to come to dinner. 'b My daughter goes to swimming lessons at 2.00. f See you at 8.00 on Saturday. | ‘¢ Would yourlike-te-come-to my house for lunch on Saturcoy? 4g Sorry! Id love to, but Saturday lunchtime } d Can you come at about 8.00? isn't a. good time for me. HiMerta, ‘ like to come to my house for lunch on Saturday? Best wishes, Angela 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm 4 WRITING a @9.5 Listen and complete the sentences. a Read the email inviting you to do something. 1 Would you w 4 Circle the correct phrase. 2 Would you___to oan ne Would you to "(Aly Good moming (your name Do you tke *to come / come to dinner 4 Would you to 0 ea , “in / on Friday? *I'm inviting / vite tsabel too. 5 Would to play 7 some / Can come you at 7:30? | ove 6 Would you or Chinese food. Do you lke it b 9.5 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 3 USEFUL PHRASES Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list 1 AH. you lik B Yes, I'd love to! Where is on Saturday? 2A 2 B No, thanks. I'm not 4a a B OK. See you there. 5. A | don’t want breakfast, thanks. | don't eat in the morning, B Well 2 b Write a reply to the invitation. ask you something Yeah, Id love to hing. Would party on Friday? ‘ome ta the match with What time does it start? very hungry tthe entrance to the cinema (© Ge ontne io ractse the Practical Engish phases) (@ Go online co checkyour progress) Is there a bank fe) Practical English near here? 1 VOCABULARY prepositions of place ——_b Look at the map and complete the answers. a Complete the words and phrases. 1A Where's the park? B It's onthe comer of Park Road and East Steet oO = 2 A Where's the bank? po ff B it’s the chemist’ andthe 3. A Where's the hote? Taoxtt 2 st iia casa B it's the bookshop. a 4. A Where's the cinema? B its __the bank. 5 A Where's the train station? Bits of East Street and 3b tw n 4 onth coror Station Road. 6 A Where's the bookshop? B its the reise are the B @ Italian restaurant, Where's the hospital? Is ‘the chemist’. o> 2 ASKING FOR AND GIVING DIRECTIONS Look at the map again. The people are at the hotel (4}). Complete the conversations. 1A Excuse me. Where's the train station ? B Turn right, go straight on, and it's on the 2 A Excuse me. Where's the post office? B_ Tum right, and go straight on, and then turn Go_ __ on, and it’s onthe _ | next to the school 3A Excuse me. Where's the bank? B_ Tum eft, and go straight on, and then turn Turn again, and it’s on the ext to the cinema, 4 A Excuse me. Where's the park? B Tur right, and go straight and then turn Go straight on, and it's on the right, on the ___of Park Road and East Street 5 A Excuse me, Where's the 2 B Turn right, go straight on, and it’s on the left, opposite the train station, 3 USEFUL PHRASES Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list Hdon'tbelevet Is there a cash machine near here Ieonly takes about 15 minutes this cash machine isn’t working Thanks very much ‘Turn left when you leave the station 1. A. Ldon't believe it __! We're lost again, Excuse me, where's the bookshop? B_ Tur left and go straight on. i's next to the coffee shop, 2 A Excuseme, Is there another one near here? B_ Yes. There's one at the bank opposite the post office ‘A. Thank you, 3A Excuse me. Where's the museum? 8 and go straight on. Then ‘turn right and it’s next to the cinema, 4. A Excuse me. Where's the station? B it’s in West Street A Can | walk there? B Sure. 5 A Excuse me. =) B Yes, there's one on the corner of Bridge Street and Station Road, outside the bank. & A Excuce mo. Where's the hospital? B Turn right and go straight on. Then turn left and it’s on the right. ae _ B You're welcome. 6 online a praca the FocizalEngshphreser 9

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