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Creativity has always been the compass Growing up, I often mused about the
by which I navigate my life, a boundless resource thrill of experiencing a video game set in my
that has never failed me. From the simple joys of hometown. Would it be a gritty RTS, echoing the
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i •• J drawing custom artwork for my peers in strategic depths of Command & Conquer, or
elementary school to the complex worlds crafted perhaps an open-world adventure akin to Grand
in my short stories and digital art, creating has Theft Auto? Or maybe, I speculated, it would take
always been synonymous with happiness for me. the form of an intricate RPG, complete with stat
This innate drive, combined with a lifelong blocks and inventory management. As it turns
adoration of video games and fantasy, has out, the RPG format was a perfect match, and the
naturally culminated in the creation of my own setting couldn't be more fitting.
campaign sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons. Choosing the largely uncharted continent
My fascination with the D&D universe is of Anchorome within the Forgotten Realms was
deep-rooted and multifaceted, spanning the an inspired decision. With Toril mirroring an
arcane lore to the boundless possibilities of alternate Earth, Anchorome represents our North
roleplaying. It wasn't until my late 30s, however, America, providing a rich and familiar backdrop
that I truly embarked on the journey of playing for the fantastical. The Tisdale region, nestled
and understanding the game that had long within this vast continent, is the fruit of my labor
intrigued me. This exploration has been a —a labor born of love, nostalgia, and an
revelation, marrying my love for storytelling with unquenchable thirst for creativity.
the mechanics of gameplay in ways I had only In crafting the Tisdale region, I have
dreamed of. poured into it not just my skills and imagination,
but my heart. It's a reflection of my journey, a
blend of the worlds I've loved and the experiences
that have shaped me. As you delve into this
sourcebook, my greatest hope is that you find not
only enjoyment in exploration and gameplay but
also a spark of inspiration to create your own
worlds and adventures.
May the Tisdale region be a canvas for
your imagination, a space where the boundaries
of reality blur with the boundless potential of
fantasy. I invite you to explore, to play, and most
importantly, to dream. Thank you for embarking
on this journey with me. Enjoy every moment of
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discovery and adventure that awaits.

t;.· - Em Beaulieu


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