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E-Material in English Comprehension: Improved English Performance
in Grade Four Learners

Thesis Adviser:
Leonila P. Clamo, Ed.D

November 2023
I. Context and Rationale:

E-material in is an excellent alternative to traditional teaching

materials used to improve the English performance of the learners.

It is computer-mediated learning and teaching that can be used to

improve the English performance of the learners. Rohwer (2017)

found out that E-learning approach have been broadly adopted by

numerous teachers. According to Kai Ruggeri et al. (2013), the

presentation of instructional material through the use of

information technology (ICT) could improve the learner’s

performance and it could be more engaging and interactive. It is

extremely appreciated by both learners and the teachers since

teaching and learning are more engaging in their work when

technology is integrated into lessons. This is because utilizing

technology to teach the same concepts in multiple ways can make

learning more entertaining and fun.

The integration of e-material in improving the English

performance of the learners is an essential material to utilize by the

teacher because it motivates learners more. Motivated learners are

more likely to participate in reading activities that will help them

gain knowledge and achieve their learning goals. According to

Salehi et al. (2012), numerous ICT studies, ICT integration in

teaching and learning improves instruction and provides greater

opportunities to both teachers and learners in terms of teaching

and learning process.

In a recent study from 2018 by the Program for International

Student Assessment (PISA), it was shown that the Philippines

obtained the lowest overall rating (340) in reading comprehension.

In all the countries that were surveyed, this is the lowest ranking. It

is obvious that one of the main challenges our students face is

reading comprehension.

This worrying situation motivates the researchers to

incorporate the electronic material into the students' activities in

order to improve their English performance. For the students'

reading tasks, the researchers compiled internet short story videos.

To evaluate the students' understanding, these videos provide

questions for them to respond to. According to Kirna (2014) that

many studies show the advantages of computer media integration

in classroom instruction such as pictures, animations, and movies

during the process of learning. The learning opportunities provided

by these engaging, productive, and interactive activities will allow

students to enjoy and learn while the researchers simultaneously

working towards their primary objectives to improve the English

performance of the learners.

Teachers, parents, and students will all benefit from the

study's findings. It will assist teachers in developing their lesson

plans and methods. Additionally, because it will be interactive and

student-centered, learning will be enjoyable for students.

II. Action Research Questions:

This study aims to measure the effectiveness of improving the

English performance of the learners using the E-material on

English Comprehension: Improved English Performance in Grade

Four Ruby at Bayugan Central Elementary School SPED Center,

Bayugan City.

Particularly, it will respond to the following questions:

1. What is the performance of the learners before

implementing the use of e-material for the improvement of their

English performance?

2. What is the performance of the learners after implementing

the use of e-material for the improvement of their English


3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of

the learners before and after implementing the use of e-material in

English comprehension?
III. Proposed Intervention, Innovation and Strategy


In order to address this alarming problem, the researchers

utilize e-materials. This is a compilation of short story videos from

the internet. The e-material was conceptualized and designed to

provide support for the learners who needed it to improve their

English performance. Both teacher and learners will benefit from

this teaching and learning strategy. The e-material contains short

story videos with comprehension that can motivate and stir up the

attention and interests of the learners. In order to help Grade 4

Ruby learners, understand English text more efficiently, reading

comprehension lessons were put together through videos collected.

The gathered videos will be used by all of the Ruby pupils in Grade

4 during their reading comprehension lesson. The respondents to

the study will be requested to join three times a week for their class
schedule starting November 2023 until the second week of

December 2023.


This innovative e-material also enables pupils to study at

home without even the assistance of a parent or teacher to check

their answers because the provided videos include the answer keys

so they can independently assess their work. This e-material gave

the learners the opportunity to explore their comprehension while

having fun.


The approach used in this study is student-centered and

encompasses the learner, teacher, and e-material. Teacher will only

facilitate learners.
IV. Action Research Methods:

a. Participants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information

This study was conducted at Bayugan Central Elementary

School SPED Center. This is a public school located in P-2 Pomelo

Street, Poblacion Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur.

The researchers started conducting the study upon the

approval of the evaluation committee. The implementation of the

intervention will be from November to December 2023.

This study included 30 learners as participants. These

chosen learners are in grade 4 section Ruby. The parents of the

students will be notified and requested to consent to their children

taking part in the study.

b. Data Gathering Methods

Pre-testing will be administered to the Grade 4 Ruby. It is

necessary to assess the participants' abilities before implementing

the intervention. The assessment was given inside the school. The

intervention with the used of e-material will be done three times a

week. Then, posttest will be used to assess the effectiveness of the

intervention after the learners had completed it. This will be done

after the selected pupils have completed the intervention to assess

their learning performance.

C. Data Analysis Plan

The quantitative method will be used to interpret the learners'

performance. The researchers will use the mean and the percentage

to analyze the results of the study prior to, during, and after the


The T-test will be used to determine whether there is a

significant difference between the learners' pre-test and post-test


V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines:

(Table 1 shows the work plan and timelines of the study.)

Timeline Activities Focal Persons

Making of proposal Researchers

Administration of Pre-Test Researchers

November 2023 Reading comprehension Researchers

activities using e-


Reading comprehension Researchers

activities using e-


Administration of Post- Researchers


Analysis and Researchers

December 2023
interpretation of data

Finalization of the study Researchers

Printing of the research Researchers


Submission of the action Researchers


VI. Cost Estimates:

(Table 2 shows the cost estimates of the study.)

Item Quantity Cost Total

Bond paper 2 reams 200.00 400.00


Ink 4 Bottles 300.00 1,200.00


VII. Plans for dissemination and utilization

The researchers will notify the study's findings to the

principal, teacher, and parents of the said respondents so they have

the opportunity to adopt the strategies that the researchers


To further the discussion and dissemination of the study, the

researchers will also present the research findings to the research

adviser along with the other researchers in a research conference.

VIII. References

Alkhalaf, S. et al. (2012). Assessing the impact of e-learning

systems on learners: A survey study in the KSA. ProcediaSocial and
Behavioral Sciences, 47, 98-104. Available at:

Alsayyar, A. et al. (2021). The impact of augmented reality on E-

learning systems in Saudi Arabia universities. Computer and
Information Science, 14(2), 1-50. Available at:

Cresswell JW et al. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed

method research. 2nd Sage; Thousand Oaks, CA.

Duke, N. K. et al. (n.d.). Effective practices for developing reading

comprehension. Retrieved December 28, 2005 from,

Dwiastuty, N. et al. (2018). The using of readutainment as e-

learning to improve students’ reading comprehension skill.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 154, 03007. Available at:

Janice T. et al. (2023). Effectiveness of Contextualized Learning

Materials in Improving the Reading Skills and Comprehension Level
of the Students

Snow, C. (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D

program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: Rand

Quimbo (2021). Contextualized English Reading Proficiency Toolkit

(CERPT): Enhance Learners’ English Reading Proficiency.

Van Dijk, T. A. (1983). Strategies of discourse comprehension. New

York, NY: Academic Press.

Zul Astr, I. W. (2018). The Effect of Reading Teaching Material For

Different Learning Styles in Improving Students’ Reading

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