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This work has been read and approved as meeting the requirements of the School

of Administration and Business Studies (ABS) Department of Public Administration

Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, for the award of Higher National Diploma

in Public Administration.

______________________________ __________________
Mr. Date
Project supervisor

______________________________ __________________
Mr. Date
Head of department

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External Examiner Date

I certify that the entire work is my effort and that no part of this work has been

copied or lifted from any other research project or textbook, as all the material

consulted have been acknowledge.


This work is specially dedicated to the Glory of God. To my parents Mr. and Mrs.

__________________, who also contributed to the success of my education, my

brothers, Mr. _______________________________________________________


Title page - - - - - - - - - -

Research approval page - - - - - - - -

Dedication - - - - - - - - - -

Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - -

Abstract - - - - - - - - - -

Table of content - - - - - - - - -



1.0 introduction


Today in Nigeria, the need for Social Justice in our today Nigeria, the need Private

lives have undoubtedly become one persistent issue of discussion. This implies

that social justice has come as far cry to many that seek it. In many instance

injustices often affects the lower classes of the Nigerian Society. It is for this

reason that successive pressure groups have since the period of colonialism in

Nigeria, sought to fight for one basic right or the other.

It is best to say that demands on issues of justice have more been on the increase

following the attainment of independent that in the past, and many Nigerian

governments facing increasing challenges to provide justice have enabled one law

or the other at ensuring such.

One such example took place with the setting up under the Obasanjo Regime

(1975) of the Public complaints commission. It was enacted by Decree No. 31,

which established the public complaint commission in Nigeria, was promulgated

in October 1975. It empowered the commission to among other things: -

All commissioners (including chief commissioner) are responsible to the National

Assembly, but the chief commissioner, coordinates the work of all the state


Decree 31 of 1975 further provides the chief commissioner and the state

commissioner the power to investigate on their own initiatives or following

complaints lodged by any person, any administrative action taken by:

(a) Any department or ministry of the Federal or any state Government.

(b) Any department of any Local Government authority set up in any state in

the Federation.

(c) Any statutory Corporation or Public institution set up by any Government in


(d) Any company incorporated under the company and Allied matters Decree

No. 1 of 1999 whether owned by the Government or by private individuals

in Nigeria or

(e) Any officer or servants of any of these bodies.

Pursuant to sub-section (2) (a) to (d) above, the commissioners have the

following: -
(a) The chief commissioner has the power to determine the manner by which

complaints are to be lodged.

(b) Any commissioner has absolute discretion to decide whether or not and in

what manner to notify the public of his action or intended action in any

particular case.

(c) Every commissioner shall have access to all information necessary for the

efficient performance of his duties and for this purpose may visit and

inspect any premises belonging to any person or body mentioned in sub-

section (2) above.

(d) Every commissioner shall ensure that administration action by any person

or body mentioned in sub-section (2) above will not result in the

commitment of any act of injustice against any citizen of Nigeria or other

person resident in Nigeria and for that purpose, he shall investigate with

special care, administrative acts which are or appear to be: -

i. Country to any law or regulation.

ii. Mistaken in law or arbitrary in the ascertainment of facts.

iii. Unreasonable, unfair, oppressive or inconsistent with the general

functions of administrative organs.

iv. Improper in motivation or based on relevant considerations.

v. Unclear or inadequately explained; or

vi. Otherwise objectionable e.t.c.


The idea of redressing the grievances of citizens against administrative injustice.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the function of the public complaints

commission since it was founded in the 1975, the Primary function of the public

complaints commission is to provide impartial investigation on behalf of the

citizen who feel they have suffered injustice through the actions or in actions of

Government Ministries, Local Governments, Incorporated Companied in Nigeria

and officials of these bodies, on a daily basis, decisions are made by these bodies

which affect the lives of the citizens.

Majority of these decisions and actions are just and reasonable. However, errors

do occur and when these happen it is duty of the commission to indentify,

address and commend the rectification of these mistakes amicably. The

commission is independent of Government bureaucracy, and at the same time, it

is given extensive power regarding disclosures and access to all Government

information including the production of documents which aid the commission in

its investigation. The commission is empowered to enforce compliance in order to

obtain the necessary information.

This power is vital to the commission in facilitating impartial investigation in order

to arrive at a fair and equitable decision.

Investigation of complaints is provided at no cost to the citizen as well as non-

citizen resident in the country and they are treated with the confidentiality they

deserve. The commission has able staff to handle all the complaints speedily,

provided there is cooperation from the respondent. The commission puts high

priority on being accessible to the citizen and to fulfill this commitment, the

commission not only has offices in thirty six (36) States of the Federal and Abuja

(the Federal Territory), it also has five Zonal offices located in Local Government

Area in each state of Federation.

In addition, ‘complaints Boxes’ are placed in strategist locations in the local

Government Areas throughout the Federation. This arrangement facilitates the

case by which complaints could reach the commission as well as it possible for the


Among the problem that necessitated the need for this research are: -

(a) It has been noted that in-spite of the long existence of the public

complaints commission, issues of injustice still pervade within a large

spectrum of the Nigerian Society.

(b) Another problem that has caused the need for this study revolves round

the fact that part of the re-currying issues of injustice may well have to do

with the probable ineffectiveness of the ombudsman. These are the need

for study.

(c) Red-Taped (Undue delays) inaction and other abuses of power which are

targets of the commission still abound in the public services. This is borne

out of the experience of the researcher who has been in the public service

for about Ten years.

(d) Another fundamental reason why the researcher is interested to know

whether complainant have been getting any good attention of the staff of

public complaints commission. And also to know whether their claims are

settle since the major objective of this organization is to settle dispute

between two or more people be it public or private organization.

(e) Finally, in-spite the existing of this institution public complaints

commission, injustice in the nation is in the increase day in day out, know

what is the solution.


It is hoped that when this research work is completed, administrators should be

able to appreciate or realize the fact that to play a good role as an administer is

the key to success, which ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

It is also worth mentioning here that administrators should able observe bother

upward and downward responsibilities, which their position is regarded as that of

the supervision of optimum good or objectives of an organization is to be


Some of the basic aims and objectives of this study are as follows:

(a) In the above section we discussed the problem of the ineffectiveness of the

commission. The question which we seek to answer is the policy to

established the public complaints commission as an alternative to other

means of redressing administrative injustice or with the problem of

implementing the policy to provide remedy for administrative injustice in

the society.

(b) Another major aims of this study is to enable the researcher to come out

with prospective means or ideas so as to improved the existing functions of

the public complaints commission. Or with the implementing institution

itself or was the institution established because similar institution have

succeeded elsewhere? Especially were the target groups of the policy to

establish the commission.

(c) And the environment into which it was imported put into consideration

before its establishment? Providing answer for these and other question in

order to detect the sources of ineffectiveness of the commission is the

objective of this study.

(d) Since the establishment of this organization in 1975 here in Nigerian, a lot

of masses suffered injustice even at the detriment of that same

organization public complaints commission which way ward?


The significant of this research should not be over emphasized. The writer is

wisely as everything has his importance, the same goes to this project. Mostly
with particular reference to this topic: An evaluation of the administration of

social justice as general, narrowed down to this establishment.

Among the significance are: -

(i) To introduce readers some fundamental concept/ principles of the

administration of social justice in this management as a whole. To be

precise, there is not organizations that can stand without a designed

policy. After the policy is made, the next moved is the implementation

of the policy. So, the role-play by administrators is the brain behind the

success of this policy. Apart from that, the reader have to bear in mind

that. There are machinery concerned with the major goals of the society

and the development of resources for achieving these goals, within the

context of rapid changing political environment. For instances if the

management decided to make proposal for the establishment of Zonal

office of Public complaints commission at Pankshin. The decision

appears to be purely administrative activities. If the machineries has

been set in motion for this job, then it is also same decision of the

administrative body that is being implemented, has started manifesting

itself in practical form.

(ii) Despite that, the significance of this study is aimed at finding everlasting

solution to administrative problems. More that, it is aimed at finding

proper and efficient means of administration of social justice set up. At

the top tail of this project, problems will be revealed in the

administrative set up so these cannot be left in suspension. That will the

same as leaving a traveler in the field. As a result meaningful suggestion

will be offered for these constraints to enhance efficiency in the

administrative circle after necessary amendments.

(iii) Furthermore, this research work is to provide raw materials for future

writers, and my colleagues in this profession as well as others who wish

to write on the same topic, can replicate the same to suit their

environment under study, because administrative principles from one

establishment to another is the same at all phase.

Many researchers may however, wish to transform this case study into other

writing, articles and several texts. That is why the writer is emphasizing as the

sources of references at any future date, when the need called for it. Apart from

that, the author bear in mind that his project is coming to serve as prestige in the

eyes of his children as time goes on. As part of contribution to this, Mr. Joel
Dawang a Principal personnel officer with public complaints commission was

quoted saying: -

“By researching, it enable you to come to certain conclusion, in which that

conclusion will be in a form of data which will give you a kind of quite reference to

the data on the topic you are researching and due course. The conclusion maybe

in form of suggestion/ Solution to the problems you are researching on”.

The quotation has been from Joel Dawang from Public complaints commission


The author to conclude here that, the significance of his research work is to make

discovery of new facts which will serve as guiding principle to his career as

administrator. He added that, throughout his period of study, he only succeeded

in learning the theoretical aspect of administration. Obviously, now that we has

set the machinery on motion to find out what administrative of social justice is all

about in the organization.


My research work covers the activities of administration in public complaint

commission Jos. In this organization I will be focusing my attention on the

personnel section or administrative section. For this reason, the administrative

staff are going to be the subject matter in the course of my topic under

consideration. I will grant priority attentions to the secret registry and the open

registry. To make this research meaningful one, the top managerial officials are

not going to be left aside meanwhile, I trust by restricting myself to this

organization, sources of getting the materials is not going to be a difficult task,

because I was once a staff of the organization working in the open registry so

cooperation of mu former colleagues is the only element needed to make this

beautiful assignment, that the author so desire a successful one. The staff

involved will be form the laborers to higher officers for the information required

from the beginning to the end of the project and also to the end of submission to

the school authority.

The writer could get all the necessary information needed due to the fact that

volumes of work made the people concerned to be very busy so, lack of their

100% attention granted to me. For this reason, these had made me to look for

other means of obtaining the necessary information from other similar

organizations on the topic under review. The writer purpose is to cover many

organizations, but due to reasons, I choose few and made used of other wire up in

the field and the uses of library. In view of the above, the findings cannot be
generalized as true organization covered includes higher courts, and court of

conduct Bureau Jos.


In a study like this, we cannot presume that justices prevail to the subject matter.

For this reason, the author has been limited to several areas. One of the

limitations is that the writer is restricted to survey only one place/ area in Plateau

State. Only one prominent establishment was taken as a sample within the state

due to financial problems, the writer cannot afford to cover more than this but I

hope that the study will give a fair image/ picture of what is found in other

similarly establishment.


For the purpose of clarity, the terms and concept used in this study are defined as


Effectiveness: Adopting Peter self, effectiveness in conceptually defined as the

achievement of policy goals, if possible at minimum cost. So, as used in

connection with public complaints commission to bring about the intended or

desired result specified in the policy establishing it. In the case the desired or
intended result is to ensure that administrative actions do not result in the

commission of act of injustice.

Power: It is defined as the ability of person or bodies to impose their will on

others. A major indicator of this effectiveness is compliance or in the event of

disobedience to the persons or bodies exercising the power, the body can impose

negative sanctions.

Environment: It refers to both external and internal conditions and influence

under which an organization operates. It includes social, political and cultural

variables in this study, the environment of the commission is divided into: Social-

Political environment: Which included external factor such as the system of

Government Population size, government policy and infrastructural facilities.

Parliament: It includes legislative or National Assemblies and congress.

People: The Nigerian People.

Public: The Nigerian public.

Public Authorities: Federal government department, State Government, Local

Government authorities. Public Corporation and all other bodies that take part in

the policy process.

Policy: Policies develop by governmental bodies and officials.

Red tape: Over-stretching of procedural rules and regulations laid down to guide

the conduct of public business with resultant delay.


The role of administration is of great importance in any working system,

administrators should always put in mind that without good administrative role in

maintenance of peace and justice, organizational goals and objectives cannot be

achieved. Therefore the study is based on the following:

(i) Administrators should recognized the role to create efficiencies and

effectiveness which through good supervision directing controlling, e.t.c.

(ii) Administration is achieved through the accessing of the targeted groups

to carry out those policies.

(iii) There is also a relationship that exists between the politician and the

administrators, as they are involved in policy making.

(iv) Furthermore, it is an attempt to put down something for the coming

generation to guide them into future research and similar topic of this


Corey, G, et al., (1984). Issues and ethics the helping professions. Monterey, Calif:

Book/ Cole Publishing Company.

Anagbogu, M.A. (1992). Fundamental of Guidance Counseling. AWK: Ikenga


Lewis, E.C. (1970). The Psychology of counseling. New York: Holt, Richard and

Winston Inc.

Maisamari, J.Y. (1993). The nature of Guidance and counseling. Being a paper

presented at the workshop on guidance oriented continuous assessment at

primary school level held at education resource centre, Zaria Kaduna State.


The purpose is to review the related literature. However, if this is done, the

researcher will provide the theoretical framework within which this study is



One of the major contributors to human relation movement is Douglas Mcgregor.

He advanced the theory ‘X’ and ‘Y’ theories. He categorized such items as

category ‘X’ which he called the traditional view of direction and control.

Some assumptions of such traditional views or theory ‘X’ are:

(i) An average human being has an inherent dislike for work and will avoid

it if possible.

(ii) That they dislike for work means that most people must be threatened

with sanctions to get them to put forth the efforts necessary to achieve

organizational objectives.
(iii) Another assumption is that people generally, prefer to be directed

attempt to avoid responsibility, have relatively little ambition and want

security most of all.

Mcgregor believes that recent research in the behavioural science has shown that

the assumptions of what he calls theory ‘Y’ may be more valid than the precept of

theory ‘X’ he sees man in a more favourable light. The assumptions of theory ‘Y’

as described by Mcgregor are as follows:

(i) Employees are seen as liking work which as nature as rest or play.

(ii) Employees do not have to be controlled and coerced if they are

committed to the organizations objectives.

(iii) Under proper conditions, employees will not accept but also seek


(iv) More rather than less people are able to exercise imagination and

ingenuity at work.

The theory “X” have made their major impact in the managerial world rather than

in the academic world.

But according to Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. Abraham Maslow’s need

hierarchy theory is one of the most popular and widely known theories of


According to Maslow, people are motivated to satisfy five categories of needs and

that a need has been satisfied it ceases to be pressing need.

(i) PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS: Physiological needs are the most primitive and

fundamental of all motivating forces. They are indentify in man and

primarily instinctive in nature. They are most obvious and the most

easily observed of all human motives included in this class are out needs

for food shelter, a sleep and so on. In essence, they are the needs that

we take care first. They quite obviously in the world of work, because

many of them, like food and shelter are mostly easily satisfied with

money earned from gainful employment.

SELF-ACTUALIZATION NEEDS: The designation refers to the need to become what

we are capable of becoming. It is the need to develop new skills and meet even

more difficult challenges, a need is never really satisfied. In a work situation,

supervisors would do well to allow individuals to achieve expertise in a given area

and to develop their skills and capabilities to the fullest. Another good techniques
are to give employees opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their work

in the organization.

Maslow held that these needs are arranged in hierarchy of ascending importance

from low to high. He contended that a “lower” need might be satisfied before the

next “Higher” need could motivate behavior. For example, a person’s level. This

sequence of increased satisfaction, decreased importance, increased satisfaction,

decreased importance, increased importance of the next higher need” repeat

itself until the highest level of the hierarchy (self-actualization) is reached.

Maslow suggested that a person could progress down as well as up the variety is

need levels. If a lower need (safety for instance) were threatened at some later

point in time, it gain would become dominant assume an important position in a

persons total motivation system. Thus, sudden unemployment or loss of a loved

one could shift one’s concern from a pursuit of a personal recognition to a pre-

occupation will providing for home family.


The existence of human organization is phenomena but the scientific study of

organization has been seen in different perspective by different Scholars.

Also in all Administrative organizations whether Public or Private, the role of

Management are crucial and decisive. No organization can achieve any measure

of success over a period of time if it has poor management techniques. This fact

was well known and emphasized by Scholars in the management of sciences who
have over many decade attempted to construct models of management

techniques and decision making process.

According to J.D Williams however, carry out his research work, the subject

matter in his book written in 1980 public administration: The people business and

was able to come out with the above definition of administration.

Beside that, we also authors that were able to do their homework very properly

and arrived at the definition of the concept administration. The jointly effort of

Felix a Nigro and Lioyd G. Nigro came out with this definition. “Administration is a

comparative group effort in public setting and it covers all three-branch

executives, legislatures, and the judiciary together with their inter-relationship. It

has an important role in the formulation of public policy and their part of political

progress. It is different in significant ways from private groups and individuals in

providing services to the community. From the above definition given by these

young Scholars, in their book modern public administration fifth edition 1980.

They try to make a clear distinction between public and private administration.

But one should not throw into the bag that both public administration are all

trying to arrived at something common, that is providing essential services to the

community. Moreover, Harold F. Gernor. Says, he should not be left behind in

contribution toward administration. So in his effort to filled in his quota on this

special topic, he has this to say:

“Public Administration involved the coordination of al organized activities having

as it purpose the implementation of public policy”. This author made this known

in his book Administration in Public Sector Second edition, 1981. His area os

emphases is center on the implementation of public policy. This alone proved that

administration has been chosen as the machinery for carrying out the sole

responsibility in any public set up.

Despite these beautiful definitions rendered by some writers, more definition of

administration is still following ling drinking water.

Among these is the one given by George I. Gordon in which he said,

“administration may be defined as all process organizations, and individuals

association with carrying out laws and other rules adopted by legislative,

executive and the courts. This definition should be understood to include

considerable “administration involvement in the formulation as well as

implementation of the legislative and executive orders”.

After careful consideration, the author left no stone un-turn just to arrived at a

suitable definition of concept, Administration to satisfu the demand of his

readers. This is real in his book, publish Administration in America (second

edition, republished in 1982) in related development Grover Starling defined

Public Administration as: - “Activities which concerns with the accomplishing side

of government. It comprises all those activities involved in carrying out the

policies of the elected officials and some activities associated with the

development of the policies. The public administration is in short all that come

after the last comprise and elected might cheer”. The breakdown of this definition

of comrade Grover Starling in the book Managing the public sector second edition

1982 shows that, he is of the view that the three organs of Government namely:

Legislative, Executive, and The Judiciary see to it that the laid down plans and

Principles reach to the people at all levels. One cannot talk of Government

without mentioning the three arms. These three arms alone made up the

government itself.

Furthermore, in his contribution to this concept administration, the collective

effort of Marshal Dimock, Gladys Dimock and Douglas Fax emerge with this

definition quoted:

“Public Administration can also be defined as the production of goods and

services designed to serve the needs of citizens consumers”.

To reserve comment on the above definition, the writer want to bring down the

suitable definition from Fritz Morstein Mark in his book: Element of Public

Administration Second Edition written in 1968 says: “Public Administration is the

Marshalling of the available labour and material in order to gain that which is

desire at a lower possible lost in energy, time and money”.

The definition of the earliest writer Fritz Morstein gain credit from the view of the

author of these book. They further argued that a good administration be able to

beat cost at lower rate at all times.


In this chapter two which is literature review part of the project was able to give

us or show us member of authors who devoted their time to write books which

enable organizations to achieve the goals objectives through the efforts of those

noble authors. However, we also saw how an administrator can be diligent in

delivering his or her responsibility so as to meet the targeted goals and objectives.

Olayinka, M.S (1986). “Oganising of Guidance sources in tertiary school system

Reading in Guidance and Counseling 35-11.

Ujo A.A (1989). Administrative law in Nigeria Kaduna Ojo Press Kaduna.

Thompson, et al., (1972). For who cares: Ways of Relating to youth Columbuc:

Charles: E. Merrill.

Ipaye, T. (1983). Guidance and counseling Practices. Ile-Ife: University of Ife Press.


This chapter will consist in research method to be used in gathering all the

relevant information to this work. This is very relevant as it enables people know

what the researcher is doing and given information about the public complaints

commission her in Jos, Plateau State.


The idea of redressing the grievances of citizens against administrative injustice

through an Ombudsman-like institution was one of the recommendations made

by the Udoji Public services Review Panel set up in 1972 by the federal

government to examine the organization, structure and management of public

service and recommend reforms where desirable. One of the recommendations

of the panel was establishment of complaint commission, which the federal

government accepted.

Accordingly, the enabling decree 31, which established the public complaints

commission in Nigeria was promulgated in October 1975. The establishment of

the commission is also entrenched in section 273(5) of the 1999 constitution of

the Federal republic of Nigeria. The decree has been incorporated in the 1999

laws of the Federation of Nigeria as Public complaints commission Act cap. 377.

Broadly, the decree, now act, provides for: -

(i) The establishment of the public complains commission at the Federal

level and in each state of the Federation.

(ii) The appointment of chief commission by the National Assembly or the

highest law making body in a military set-up to co-ordinate the activities

of the state commission.

(iii) The appointment of state commission for every state of the Federation

by National Assembly as in (ii) above.

(iv) The power to receive complaints, to investigate such complaints and to

recommend appropriates actions.

(v) The power to issue reports.



In the interview questions are presented verbally. In this way, information was

obtained directly from public complaints commission Jos.


In the questionnaire, question papers were given to the staff of the public

complaints commission to fill and information were obtained directly from the

staff. The questions are base on Yes or No

Consultation of official documents:

This was done in the office of the director of investigation public complaints

commission in which the researcher was able to get the relevant information,

which includes the historical background of public complaints, commission

comprising different departments in the office and their hand.


Hon. Commissioner

Senior Assistant Officer Director of Investigation

Personnel Officer Chief Investigation Officer

Fin. Personnel Officer Investigation Officer I

Personnel Officer Investigation Officer I

Personnel Assistant Senior Investigation assistant I

Pankshin, Langtang, Bassa,

Bokkos, Wase, Ryom
Typing Pool and Record Investigation
Senior Financial
Investigation Assistant II
Finance Assistant

Department in the office and their heads.


Population is the entire number of items or group of people under study. It can be

seen as the number of young and old, male and females, old and disable people

living in a country. Population here refers to the number of staff working under

the public complaints commission Jos.


Sampling on the other hand can be defined as a fraction of population. In the

course of random sampling to ensure that all categories of staff were



The chapter was able to reveal the methods of research used in collecting

information, which is very important in any research work.

The information gotten was through the staff of public complaints commission

Jos, Plateau state.


Maxwell R. J. (1989). “The Public Sector Management and RLPA.

Karmer F.A (1977). Dynamic of Public Bureaucracy: Winthrop Publishers



As earlier read from chapter three I made mentioned that I have chosen two

research interview and questionnaire methods. In the course of my research, I

received different views about the topic in question. What the library research

gave me interalia as the problem of the Ombudsman institution are: -

(i) Socio-cultural belief of the people.

(ii) Nigerian Political culture.

(iii) Lack of finance (funds).

(iv) Lack of qualified personnel.

(v) Corruption.

(vi) The environment.

(vii) Lack of publicity of the institution.

(viii) Absence of Ombudsman in specialized areas, the press, the police and

the Army etc.



Fig. 1








1 2 3


1 During Civilian Regime

2 During Military Regime
3 No difference

The public complaints Commission operated under different regime since its

establishment in 1975. This figure is meant to identify the regime in which people
were more hostile to the commission. The representing opinion shows that the

people were more hostile to public complaints commission during the civilian

Year No. of case No. of cases No. of cases No. of cases outside
received disposed pending terms of references
1976 679 504 175
1977 200 162 38
1978 251 145 106
1979 203 155 48 14
1980 127 58 69 3
1981 147 34 133 1
1982 173 41 132 1
1983 137 88 49 -
1984 166 43 123 -
1985 122 37 196 -
1986 334 39 195 17
1987 331 130 201 28
1988 249 17 232 13
1989 227 73 154 9
1990 198 67 131 10
1991 1665 43 122 2
1992 166 141 125 6
1993 120 24 96 5
1994 145 24 121 3
1995 215 120 78 20
1996 184 15 138 9
1997 163 33 177 8
1998 384 24 206 7
1999 205 20 215 5
2000 117 19 128 10
2001 148 37 94 3
2002 284 28 78 4
2003 453 30 258 9
2004 133 63 562 3
Total 2717 578 2276 92
Researcher field survey
1. Total number of cases received – 2717

2. Total number of disposal cases – 578

3. Total number of outstanding – 2276

4. Commission terms of reference – 92

Total number of cases pending from 1976 to date.



Fig. 3









1 2 3

1 During Military Regime

2 During Civilian Regime
3 No difference

The result of our analysis of the responses from 42 members of staff of the

commission indicated, as shown above that the people cooperate with the public

complaints commission more during the military regime in the implementation of

its decisions.

If you observe carefully from our discussion is drawn now that because the

military government is autocratic by nature, the people respond more favorable

to it and its polices by virtue of the socializing influences they have been

subjected from time to time. From the forging, it is clear that the method of

public complaints commission is incompatible with the attitude of Nigeria is

illustrated by the findings in our study in which about 67% responses conformity.


State No. Respondents Yes No

Plateau 10 5 5 50

Researcher field survey

Source: Interview with members of staff

Public: Complaints commission in plateau, 2005 percentage

Yes 5 50

No 5 50

Total 10 100%

Researcher field survey

The above questions viewed equally or have equal representation whether or not

the commission’s recommendation are faithfully implemented.


70 Fig.

60 5






1 2 3 4


1 There is no section for implementation

2 Sanction for non-implementation is effective
3 Not enforce the sanction properly
4 All of the above

Really as you can see that problems of implementation of the commission

recommendation is at stake because no force is being introduced in the system

thus non-respond from the parties involves. I would want that the powers of the

commission be increased by the say 100% so that the commission can perform its

function effectively if not the red-tape cannot be eradicated once and for all in

the public sector generally.


In this chapter, data collected by the research is presented and analyzed in an

effort to answer the basic research question and to test the hypothesis earlier

processed in the study.

During the research. Five hypothetical question were asked of which they are

proposed to arrive at a dependable solution to the problem.


In this hypothesis respondents were required to answer “Yes or NO” to the

question ‘No administration No (organization) public complaints commission

management do you agree? If Yes or NO, give reason for the above, give 70% of

the respondents said Yes reason is that the concept ‘POSCORD’ alone has answers

the question. While 30% of the respondents said No, their reasons is that,

administration cannot without the cooperation of other professionals.




Yes 28 28 100 70
x =70
40 1

No 12 12 100 30
x =30
40 1

Total 40 40 100 100

x =100
40 1

Researcher field survey:

From the table overleaf, out of the total 50 respondents, 28 give positive while

the remaining 12 people give the negative answer. Source: data collected during a

research process for the purpose of the study.


The respondents are expected to answer yes or no, no with reasons for each. The

question is the concept administration is power are in this establishment and any

similar: Do you agree if yes or no, give reason.

Question 1: Is administration a popular concept in your organization?

Question 2: From the above 30 people were consulted out of 28 responding was

positive while 12 people responded negatively. The reason was that

administration concept is a subject for discussion even at the bear parlor. For the

two, no genuine reason given.





Yes 28 28 100 93.33
x =93.33
30 1

2 100
x =6.67 6.67
No 2 30 1

Total 30 30 100 100

x =100
30 1

The respondent are require to answer Yes or No to the question “Prevailing

problems in the management brought about in effectiveness and poor

cooperation in establishment” Do you agree? Yes or No, with reason. From the

above question, out of 31 staff contracted, 25 or 80.64% responded positively to

it while the balance of 6 or 19.36% response was entirely negative. Most given

the reason as to that of finances, which is backbone of all business.



Yes 6 6 100 19.36
x =19.36
31 1
25 100
x =80.60
31 1 80.60
No 25

Total 31 31 100 100

x =100
31 1

Researcher field survey

From the above table it can be seen that 31 people consulted, 6 people response

was negative while 25 was positive all with well convincing evidence.

Hypothesis IV:

The respondent is required to answer Yes or No. the question is “Administrators

are likely to face problems within the circle of their performances”. Do you agree?

Yes or No. In response to this question, 26 members of staff were contacted all

responding was positive. Most of them opted that problems are common

phenomenon in any practical or any set. So administration organ cannot escape




Yes 26 26 100 100
x =100
26 1
0 100
x =0
26 1
No 0 0

Total 26 26 100 100

x =100
26 1

Researcher field survey

The table shows that all respondents for yes. Automatically all the 26 staff

contacted are of the same view.


This hypothesis, respondent were required to answer Yes or No to the question

‘Policies has been fully implemented by group in the establishment. Do you agree

upon this idea? Yes or No give reason. However, in respect to the hypothesis, 34

staff were contacted, the response of 32 or 94.12% was positive while one

responded negative and the remaining was enable to say something. Some

supported their points that since the aim and objectives to the organizations has

done their homework well. The negative respondents buttressed that, the prevail

obstacle in the affected policies of the organization.

Yes 33 33 100 97.06
x =97.06
34 1

1 100 02.94
x =02.94
No 1 34 1

Total 34 26 100 100

x =100
26 1

Lewis E.C (1970). The psychology of counseling New York: Holt, Richard and

Winston Inc.

Newsone, A. Thorn, B.J. and Wyid, K.L. (1975). Student counseling in practice

London: University of London Press Ltd.

Blocher, D.H. (1974). Developmental counseling New York: Renald Press.

Dr. J.Y Maisamari et al., : Effective counselling of complaints and respondents by

the Ombudsman.
SOURCE: Researcher field survey

From analysis of above table, 32 responded positively to my question while, one

(1) negatively and one (1) neutral. Source: the data analyzed for all the five

hypothesis was collected during a research process for the purpose of this study.

In conclusion however, from the analysis of the five (5) hypothesis, a total number

of 151 were interviewed. The response were like this, 139 responded negatively.

So from the analysis data, the positive clearly out weight hypothesis are fairly

right. In percentage, 87.61% positive against 12.39% negative. The difference is



The study that public complaints commission is making impact on the

Nigeria society and plateau state in particular, as illustrated by the settled cases in

which justices was secured for the citizen or in which the action of the bodies

complained against were confirmed to be just by the public complaints

commission. But because of the existence of cases of mal-administration, left

unsettled or investigate at or which the commission has no power to investigate

but no remedy secured, the cumulative effect of which is cage on the wheel of
good administration. The public complaint commission should be put on the path

to maximum effectiveness.

It was with this aim in view that a detailed study of the institution was undertaken

to identify possible constraints on its optimum path and make recordation for

their elimination. The factor militating against the effective performance as state

in previous chapters and numerous.

(i) The organization structure of the commission with many levels of

authority has not only made the commission operate like the civil

service organization with their attendant defeats of red-tape and lack of

free flow of communicate between the lowest levels and the apex of the

administrative hierarchy.

(ii) With the exclusion of the army and the police in respect of anything

done under the Army, Navy, Airforce acts and the police acts, the

jurisdiction of the public complaint commission does not embrace all

segments of the society. Yet the excluded things done under the said

Acts are found to be armed force but also to any citizen outside the said

(iii) Although legal qualification of it personal was not found to be a

prerequisite for effective performance by the commission. It was

established there is need for the training of investigation officers in acts

of investigation and this is found to be lacking at present.

(iv) That the public complaints commission is a servant of the executive arm

of the government whose department are the target of the commissions

investigate activities has made the commission more of an internal

means at the disposal of executive for investigating mal-administration

in his department.

(v) The stringent provision of the decree establishing the commission

requiring potential complaints to have personal interest in a case if the

complaint are to be entertained by the commission of genuine cases of

mal- administration in the society.

(vi) The socio political culture of the Nigeria which prevents the people from

being committed to government as its policies has cost the public

complaint commission the needed cooperation from the people who do

not as a result. Willing comply with the commission recommendation.

(vii) The public complaint commission is not wide publicize in spite of the

absolute power given to be commissioners by the enabling decree to

publicize their activities.


This study was motivated by the need to have effective means of controlling the

exercise of bureaucratic powers in Nigeria and plateau state in particular. The

growth of activities in the recent years has led to the emergence of many

organizations for the fruition of services such as health, education. Food

transportation and recreation. The establishment, expansion of organisation for

the said purpose has led increase in bureaucratic powers, abuse of which had been

controlled in the past through the existing framework for the maintenance of

justice. Included in the existing machineries of justice with special reference to

their inability to provided remedies for abuse of bureaucratic powers resulting in

delays, in action and other forms of mal-administration has led to a search for

another avenues for redressing grievances against administration. This is

background to the establishment of public complaints commission in Nigeria. In

spite of the existence of the commission since 1975, there is continuing prevalence

of cases of delayed action; inaction, and abuse of power in the public service and
because of the restrictions on the cases, which the public complaints commission

can receive for investigate, some cases of mal- administration do not yet the

attention of commission at all. Such are the cases rejected on grounds of lack of

person interest and cases of administration injustice in areas such as police and

army which are excluded from the commission’s jurisdiction where cases are

brought to the notice of the commission does not investigate them properly and

efficiently if investigate at all. Where the investigation is carried out, the complaint

may not get the needed remedy since the commission lacks the machinery for

enforcing its recommendation. It is against this background that this study was

concerned with a search for solution to the problem of ineffectiveness of the

commission., with problem of ineffectiveness of the public complaints commission,

we discover that ecological variables among other factors may be responsible. The

main assessment of my research is on the effectiveness of the commission against

the background of socio-political environment.


The study revealed that the public complaint commission is making impact on the

Nigeria society and plateau state in particular, as illustrated by the settled cases in

which justices was secured for the citizen or in which the actions of the bodies
complained against were confirmed to be just by the public complaints


But because of the existence of cases of maladministration, left unsettled or not

investigated at or Tallish the commutative effect of which is dog on the wheel of

good administration. The public complaints commission should be put on the

path to maximum effectiveness

It was with this aim in its optimum path and make recommendation for their


The factors militating against the effective performance as stated in previous

chapters and numerous.

The organizational structure of the commission with many levels authority has

not made the commission operate like the civil service organization with their

attendant defects of red tape and lack of free flow of communication between

the lowest levels and the apex of the administrative hierarchy with the exclusive

of the Army, Navy, Airforce Act, and the Police Acts, the jurisdiction of the public

complaints commission does not embrace all sequent of the society. Yet the

excluded things done under the said Acts are found to be capable of resulting in
justice not only to member of the armed force but also to any citizen outside the

said forces.

Although legal qualification of its personnel was not found to be a prerequisite for

effective performance by the commission. It was established there is need for the

training of investigation and this is found to be lacking at present.

That the public complaints commission is a servant of the executive arm of the

government whose departments are the target of the commission‘s investigators

activities has made the commission more of an internal means at the disposal of

executive for investigation mal-administration in his departments.

The stringent provision of the decree establishing the commission requiring

potential complaints to have personal interest in a case if the complaints is to

entertained by the commission led to the rejection by the commission of genuine

cases of mal-administration in the society.

The socio political culture of the Nigerian which prevents the people from being

committed to government as its polices has cost the public complaints

commission the needed cooperation from the people who do not as a result,

willing comply with the commission’s recommendation. The public complaints

commission is not wide publicity, in spite of the absolute power given to the

commissioner’s by the enabling decree to publicize their activities.




This chapter is the concluding part of this project. All is to summarize what has

been written in the four other chapters. It also includes some recommendations,

which are the opinions wished to be carried out and the ways to be done. This

study was motivated by the need to have effective means of controlling the

exercise of bureaucratic powers in Nigeria and Plateau State in particular. The

growth of activities in the recent years has led to the emergency of many

organization for the provision of service such as health education, food,

transportation and recreation. The establishment expansion of organization for

the said purpose has led to increase in bureaucratic powers, abuse of which had

been controlled in the past through the existing framework for the maintenance

of justice. Tribunals, administrative inquiries and public service commissions. But

the short coming of those machineries of justice with special reference to their

inability to provide remedies for abuse of bureaucratic powers resulting in delays

in action and other forms of mal-administration. This is the back ground to the

establishment of public complaints commission in Nigeria. Inspite of the existence

of the commission since 1975 there is continuing prevalence of cases of delayed

action: inaction and abuse of power in the public service.

And because of the restrictions on the cases, which the commission can receive

for investigate, some cases of mal- administration do not get the attention of the

commission at all. Such are the cases rejected on ground of lack of personal

interest and cases of administrative injustice in area such as the police and the

army, which were excluded from the commission’s jurisdiction. Where cases are

bought to the notice of the commission does not investigate at all. Where the

remedy is carried out, the complaint may be machinery for enforcing its

recommendation. It is against this background this was concerned with a search

for solution problem of ineffectiveness of the commission.


To sum it up, the administrative role is greater process of organizing people in

order to achieve particular organizational objectives.

While it includes this process, the challenge is to manage the change by leading

and inspiration and people. By so doing this has shown how important

administration role is which lead to great effectiveness and efficiency in any public

organization. We have seen in spite of the existence of the commission since

1975, there is continuing prevalence of cases delayed action, in action and abuse

of power in the public service. And because of the retractions on the cases, which

the commission can receive for investigation, some cases of mal-administration

do not get the attention of the commission at all. Such are the cases rejected on

ground of lack of personal interest and cases of administrative injustice in area

such as police and the army, which were excluded from the commission’s

jurisdiction. Where in cases are brought to the notice of the commission does not

investigated at all. Where the investigation is carried out the complaint may not

get the needed remedy since the commission lacks the machinery for enforcing

its recommendation. It is against this background this study was concerned with a

search solution to the problem of effectiveness of the commission.

With problem of effectiveness of the public complaints commission, we discover

that ecological variable among other actors may be responsible. The main

assessment of my search is on the effectiveness of the commission against the

background of socio-political environment.


(i) The commission should be restructured to reduce if not eliminate conflict

among staff of the division and the lopsided nature of the present staff

strength should be corrected by employing more to investigation staff to

replace others necessary for the effective performance of the institution.

(ii) Special commission should be created for the army and the police in view

of their functions, which touch on the security of the staff.

(iii) The process should have its own special commission that would try erring

journalist in our mists.


It is evidence in this research that, there are various views about the inclusive role

of administration of injustice in the organisation. Some were positive views and

others negative. However, the positive outnumbered the negative, because

majority respondents, both in and outside the organisation were accepted, as the

role of administration is the brain behind the commission (organisation).

However, in view of the vital role played by the administrative organ, more staff

should be compulsory send for technique, since it integrates well with other

discipline and its practical value in life.


Anaglogu, M.A. (1992) fundamental of guidance and counseling, Awka: Ikeng


International Ombudsman institute (1993) Guideline for investigators of pacific

Ombudsman “The Dawson Lif” Produced in part from a workshop for

investigators of public Ombudsman.


Questionnaire for public complaints commission


I am a Higher National Diploma in public Administration student of plateau

state polytechnic Barkin Ladi, Jos, Campus. I am making a research into public

complaints commission as an effective tool for checking the excesses of

administrators. Public complaints commission has been chosen for the study.

You are therefore; requested to please complete the following questionnaires

for purpose of the study. All information supplied by you shall be treated in

confidence. Counting on your anticipated cooperation.

Fill in your response where specs are provided and mark

“X” in boxes where alternative answers are provided.

1. Sex: (a) Male (b) Female

2. Age _____________years.

3. Marital status (a) Married (b) Single (c) Widowed (d) Divorced.

4. Highest Level of educational attainment

(a) Primary School

(b) Secondary School

(c) N.D/HND

5. How long have you been working in Public Complaints Commission?

6. Have you been sent on any training/staff development since you joined

Public Complaints Commission?

(a) Yes

(b) No

7. What was the duration of the course?

(a) 1-3 Weeks

(b) 4-9 Months

(c) 10-18 Months

8. What certificate was awarded to you at the end of the course?

9. For how long have you served before you were sent on course?

__________ years (S)

10. Have you done course (S) on your own since you joined public complaints


(a) By correspondence

(b) By purely reading at home

(c) Through attending evening classes

11. Is the course you attended on investigation or administration and would

you say it is relevant to your job?

(a) Very relevant

(b) Had little relevant

(c) Had no relevant

12. What are responses to the people about the commission?

13. How effective is the mode of treating cases received by the commission?

14. Are there cases that are found to be outside your terms of reference?

(a) Yes

(b) No

15. What suggestion would you make to improve the public complaint

commission in her effort of checking the excesses of the administration?


Mary F.M. (1988) Element of Public Administration second Edition P.H

Stransman J.D. (1985) Public Administration Drychen Press P, 54.

Siman H.A (1947) Administration Behaviour

Fredreickson H.G. (1977). Public Administration and Public Policy Publish by

Charles R. Wise copy right by Wealth Company London pp.53-60.

Stiiman N.S Public Administration: Class concept third edition.

Mary N.S (1964) The Fundamental of Management Published by George Alien

and Unwin pp.46-57.

Stransman I.D Ibid PP. -61 137- 138.

Starling C.G (1982) Managing the Public sector second Edition.

Mr. Joel Dawang. Principal personnel Officer Public complaints Commission


Stillman Ibid PP. 283- 300.

D.C Rowat, the Ombudsman (Toronto 1975) Viii.

A. Adeoye. Principle and practice Administration on Nigeria (Chriechester: John

Willey and Sons 1981).

Public Complaints Commission Decree 1975.

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