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PBG short notes made my AbdulRehman Nizamani.

1. Plant Breeding:

○ Definition: The science of intentionally changing plant traits to

create improved varieties with desired characteristics.

○ Goal: Develop crop varieties with unique and superior traits for
various applications.

2. Objective of Plant Breeding:

○ Purpose: Enhance crop productivity, quality, and adaptability.

○ Aims:

■ Increase yield.

■ Improve disease resistance.

■ Enhance nutritional content.

■ Adapt to specific environments.

3. Breeding Material:

○ Definition: The plants or genetic material used for breeding.

○ Examples: Seeds, pollen, or specific plant lines.

4. Plant Introduction:

○ Meaning: Moving crop plants from their original sites to new


○ Purpose: Establish crops in different regions.

5. Pure Line Selection:

○ Concept: Identifying and isolating homogeneous, non-heritable

genotypes from self-pollinated plants.

○ Process: Choose the best individual plant progeny.

○ Use: Common in self-pollinated species.

6. Mass Selection:

○ Method: Selecting desirable plants based on overall performance.

○ Application: Used in open-pollinated crops.

7. Bulk Breeding Method:

○ Approach: Mix seeds from multiple plants to create a diverse


○ Purpose: Maintain genetic diversity.

8. Heterosis (Hybrid Vigor):

○ Definition: Increased performance in hybrids compared to their


○ Use: Exploit heterosis by creating hybrid varieties.

9. Back Cross Breeding Method:

○ Process: Cross a hybrid with one of its parents.

○ Goal: Transfer specific traits from the parent to the hybrid.

10. Mutation Breeding:

○ Technique: Induce mutations (genetic changes) to create new


○ Application: Used to develop novel varieties.

11. Parts of a Typical Flower:

○ Components: Sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.

○ Function: Involved in reproduction and seed formation.

Remember, these concepts are essential for your test/mid, and I wish you the
best of luck! 🌱📚🌼

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