Media Literacy Presentation Grade 6

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With Ms. McKeen
What is Media
➢ It provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in
a variety of forms - from print to video to the Internet.
Types of Media Literacy
Keywords related to Media Literacy

➢ Intended Purpose
➢ Target Audience
➢ Overt Messages
➢ Implied Messages
Intended Purpose
Intended Purpose
➢ What is the Intended Purpose of Media Literacy?
○ It is to ‘sway’/sell or interest someone in a product, event, idea
○ The end goal is to convince you to act the way they want you
to (e.g., buy something, “like”/”share” something etc.)
What kinds of Purposes can there be?
➢ To Buy Game, Toy, Clothing or Accessories
➢ To go see a Movie or Special Event
➢ Political, Social or Economical
➢ To Donate
Does the presentation match the Purpose?
➢ Depending on the presentation of the object, it can make
people more interested in it.

➢ Is the purpose in the following example clearly presented

and interest you in it? Why or Why not?
Intended Purpose
Who makes Media Literacy?

➢ Anyone!
How do certain groups fund their projects?
➢ Backing from third parties or shareholders
➢ The Government
➢ Individual Organizations
➢ You, the buyers!
➢ Anything Else?
Target Audience
Target Audience
➢ Who or What is the Target Audience?
➢ Definition: The Target Audience is the specific group that a
media piece or item is targeted at
➢ The Target Audience includes but is not limited to:
○ Age
○ Gender
○ Interests (Music, Books, Sports, Games)
○ Political Views
○ Pet Owners
Who or What is the Target Audience?
Responses to Media
➢ Does every person or group respond to all
media the same way?
➢ Yes or No? Why?
How do I Feel?
➢ Group 1:
➢ Group 2:
➢ Group 3:
➢ Group 4:
➢ Group 5:
➢ For the following activity each group will be given a certain type of
Target Audience and must determine whether or not they believe
that Target Audience is interested in the following video.
Video 1
➢ Group 1: Pre-teen/Teen
➢ Group 2: Elderly
➢ Group 3: Children
➢ Group 4: Parent/Adult
➢ Group 5: Young Adult
Video 2
➢ Group 1: Young Adult
➢ Group 2: Pre-teen/teen
➢ Group 3: Elderly
➢ Group 4: Children
➢ Group 5: Parent/Adult
➢ What is the intended purpose and who is the target
➢ Poster
Review! - Compare and Contrast
➢ What is the intended purpose and who is the target
audience of each product? Are they the same or different?
Your Opinion
➢ Looking at the following image and answer the questions in
your English notebook;
➢ State the Target Audience and the Intended Purpose
➢ Explain your reasons why.
➢ Intended purpose
○ It is to ‘sway’/sell or interest someone in a product, event, etc.
○ The end goal is to convince you to act the way they want you
to (e.g., buy something, “like”/”share” something etc.)
➢ Target Audience
○ The specific group that a media piece or item is targeted
What is the intended purpose and who is the target audience?
Does the presentation match the purpose?

Video 3
Overt and Implied/Covert Messages
What is an OVERT Message?
➢ An overt message is a message that can be clearly identified
by anyone watching or viewing media literacy
➢ Example 1
➢ Other examples?
What is an IMPLIED/COVERT Message
➢ An implied/covert message is a hidden message that can be
found in some media literacy.
➢ It is not openly stated and people have to pay close
attention to notice the implied message.
➢ Example 1
Assess it
➢ Watch the following commercial
➢ In your English notebook answer the 2 questions.
➢ What is the overt message?
➢ Is there an implied/covert message?
The Effectiveness of Media Pieces
in Media Literacy
What makes an effective Media Piece?
➢ It can be based on anything, posters, movies, commercials,
games, etc.
Keywords related to Elements and Techniques
➢ Characters/People/Items
➢ Scripts/Words
➢ Settings/Backgrounds
➢ Sound/Music
➢ Movement/Speed
➢ Colours
➢ Pictures/Images/Special Effects
Elements and Techniques of Media
An Effective Media Piece can have...
➢ Different Colours
➢ Sounds and/or Music
➢ Different Images/Events
➢ Famous People
➢ Different Types of Speed
➢ Special Effects
➢ Well-known Objects and Items
➢ Well-known Company/Author Advertising
➢ And Much More
Critique it
➢ Watch the following video
➢ In your notebook, using the elements and techniques that
were learned, explain what was effective about this media
piece and what was not effective.
➢ Intended purpose
○ It is to ‘sway’/sell or interest someone in a product, event, etc.
○ The end goal is to convince you that you need this ‘item’
➢ Target Audience
○ the specific group that a media piece or item is targeted at
➢ Overt Message
○ The message that is clearly identified
➢ Implied/Covert Message
○ The hidden message(s)
➢ Watch the following video and figure out:
○ The intended purpose
○ The target audience
○ The overt message
○ The implied/covert message (if any)
➢ Watch the following video and figure out:
○ The intended purpose
○ The target audience
○ The overt message
○ The implied/covert message (if any)
Media Analysis 1
➢ Watch the following video and answer the questions on the
Media Analysis
➢ Media Analysis Questions:
○ The intended purpose
○ The target audience - Explain why
○ The overt message
○ The implied/covert message
○ Was it effective? Give 3 reasons to support your
Media Analysis 1.2
Review - Elements and Techniques
➢ Characters/People/Items
➢ Scripts/Words
➢ Settings/Backgrounds
➢ Sound/Music
➢ Movement/Speed
➢ Colours
➢ Pictures/Images/Special Effects
An Effective Media Piece...
➢ Can also draw or lose the interest of someone based on
what is appearing in the commercial/ad/image, etc.
➢ What are some things that catch your attention?
➢ What are some things that lose your attention?
Different Examples of Media Pieces
➢ Have eye-catching images or colours on the cover to attract
➢ Have a summary on the book designed to draw people in.
➢ Certain eBooks allow people to read the first chapter to see
if they would like the book.
➢ Some authors give the first eBook in a series away to help
draw more attention to it.
Elements and Techniques - Practice
➢ Examine the two versions of the same book. Discuss in
groups which cover is more effective. Support your answer
with the elements/techniques you learned about
➢ Use famous people to promote different products.
➢ Use animals to help promote animal products and food.
➢ They play themed commercials at specific times of the year.
➢ They use different kinds of sounds and music to keep
➢ The settings or background may help with the appeal.
➢ Can use figures of authority to deliver their message
Elements and Techniques - Practice
➢ Examine the following example of media and think about
what elements/techniques are used
○ Are these elements/techniques effective?
➢ Example 1
Elements and Techniques - Practice
➢ Examine the following examples of media and think about
what elements/techniques are used
○ Are these elements/techniques effective?
➢ Example 2
Social Media
➢ Allows you to follow, like and post/discuss about things,
people and events that you like or do not like.
➢ Is often used as free advertising for certain events and
products to get more attention.
➢ Allows people to express themselves in various ways.
Elements and Techniques - Practice
➢ Examine the following example of media and think about
what elements/techniques are used
○ Are these elements/techniques effective?
➢ Example 3
➢ Often use famous people to play major and/or important
➢ Use various types of sounds and music to draw attention.
➢ Have a multitude of colours and special effects.
➢ Use different types of speed (i.e. slow motion) to highlight
important parts in a movie.
➢ Different backgrounds/settings to keep attention.
➢ Words are pre-written to suit the characters.
Elements and Techniques - Practice
➢ Examine the following example of media and think about
what elements/techniques are used
○ Are these elements/techniques effective?
➢ Example 4
Video Games
➢ Use different sounds and special effects to attract people.
➢ Use popular/’appropriate’ music to keep attention.
➢ The settings are always made to suit the purpose of the
➢ The characters are there for a reason (most of the time).
➢ The story (or script) plays an important role to keep
Video Games
Music Videos
➢ Gives the artist a chance to show off their new song.
➢ Allows the music to have a setting that can help people
visualize the song.
➢ Has colours that attract attention to the video.
➢ Can have special effects that give illusions.
Clothing and Accessories
➢ Often use well-known characters and their phrases to draw
attention to the product.
➢ They create one of kind products designed to attract
➢ Often use well-known images/pictures from movies/games
to draw attention to the product.
Clothing and Accessories
Review - Elements and Techniques
➢ Characters/People/Items
➢ Scripts/Words
➢ Settings/Backgrounds
➢ Sound/Music
➢ Movement/Speed
➢ Colours
➢ Pictures/Images/Special Effects
Compare the following Images
➢ The setting: You are looking to purchase a birthday cake.
There are two images there. In your opinion, which one is
more effective to make you want to purchase the cake from
this shop.
➢ Explain why and don’t forget APEC
Practice - Identifying Elements/Techniques
➢ Identify 5 techniques/elements that are used in the media
○ How are they used?
➢ Is the media piece effective? Support your answer with 3
techniques used in the media piece
➢ Example 1
➢ Example 2
➢ Example 3
➢ Example 4
Media Analysis 2
➢ Watch the following video and answer the questions on the
What kind of Media can You find?
➢ Using the chromebooks you will find a piece of media and
answer the following questions.
➢ What is the Intended Purpose?
➢ Who is the Target Audience?
➢ What is the Point of View?
➢ What is the Overt Message?
➢ Is there an Implied Message?
➢ Complete in a google document with the piece of media
Extra Practice - Identifying Elements/Techniques
➢ Identify 5 techniques/elements that are used in the media
○ How are they used?
➢ Is the media piece effective? Support your answer with 3
techniques used in the media piece
➢ Example 1
Create your own product
➢ You are the creator/seller of a product
➢ On a blank piece of paper draw the product as how you
would ‘sell’ it to other people
➢ Give a brief explanation to your classmates on your product
➢ If you had the time and resources would you have chosen
another way to present this intended purpose?

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