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The Official Magazine of the Business and Economics Forum

Around the Globe
Economics Behind Israel-Palestine
The Effect of the Middle Eastern
Economy's Transition from Oil to
Renewable Energy

Exploring the lush landscape of
green bonds
Special Purpose Vehicles
Inequality and Economics

Economics Behind Israel-Palestine War

While Israel and Palestine are at war, its Palestinian citizens seeking refuge
ripples can be felt miles away by nations and job employment in other nations
not directly involved in the war. The also extend funds to the social wing of
catastrophic situation may result in a Hamas. Countries like Turkey have
negative impact on the wallets of Indian also joined the League of International
citizens as well, despite India being Bodies, providing funds to Hamas.
located 4500 Km away from the war Moreover, Iran also provides military
zone. This is because war-like situations aid to Hamas. International
foster instability, followed by rising supporters have openly claimed to be
volatility in the international market. funding Hamas through
cryptocurrency as well. From the year
To delve deeper into the Economics 2020 to 2023, cryptocurrency
behind one of the greatest wars of the accounts associated with Hamas have
modern world, it is essential to raised around 41 Million Dollars in
understand how Palestine musters the terms of funding. However, it has
arms and ammunition to fight a war been claimed that the funds collected
against the most militarily advanced for providing social welfare facilities
country on earth, although Hamas has to citizens undergo mismanagement
been recognized as a terror outfit by and diversion, landing into terror
United States, United Nations, and funding. Qatar has helped Hamas with
major international bodies. Palestine 30 Million Dollars per month for the
could garner funds to the extent of past five years. The people of Hamas
being able to trespass nearly 1,500 of its have used these funds to establish
terrorists across the Israeli border. their weapon factories.
Hamas has two wings: a social and a
military wing. The military wing of When major global economies get
Hamas is recognized as a terror outfit directly or indirectly involved in a
by other nations, while it's easier to war, its impact on the global economy
pass funds to Hamas through its social is evident. Thus, the impact of this
wing, which claims to provide social war on India’s economy can be felt in
services to the people of Hamas, like the following ways:
education and medical services. Iran a) Trade disruption
provides 70% of the funds to the social b) Inflation
wing of Hamas. c) Uncertainty

Trade disruption: Uncertainty:
The Israel – Palestine war will hamper In a war-like situation with global
trade ties among nations. While the leaders directly or indirectly involved,
Middle-Eastern nations back up for uncertainty in the market prevails.
Palestine, Western countries like the Investors speculate greater risk is
USA are on the side of Israel. If the concerned with the value of their
Middle Eastern nations join hands and investments. Thus, they hold back
become indirect participants in the war, from investing their money in the
then this will also lead to a trade war. stock market. Foreign Direct
These OPEC nations have nearly 30% of Investments and Foreign Institution
the world’s oil reserves. If they hold Investments undergo a correction.
back their oil supply to counter-party This again casts a negative impact on
nations, the global economy will the economy.
experience an oil shock. Oil and trade
routes of other items, such as During this war-like situation, the
agricultural produce, raw materials, and global GDP growth rate has been
machinery, will also be disrupted. Trade predicted to be as low as 2.9% by the
partners will experience delays in trade, IMF. The global economic growth is at
alternative trade routes causing levels lower than what it should
increased transportation costs, rise in ideally have been. The increasing
the price of goods, and, thus, tension between the nations will only
inflationary situations. add to the miseries. Only if nations
act diplomatically and a solution to
Inflation: resolve the tussle between Israel and
Trade disruptions will lead to supply Palestine is sought would the global
crux followed by a rise in the price of economy be saved from the ills of a
items in the domestic economy of the trade war.
impacted nation where consumption of
an essential commodity depends heavily
on imports. Oil price shocks, as
discussed above, will further heighten
the inflationary situation. Though in the
long run, economies may seek
alternative sources of fulfilling their
demand, in the short run, these shocks
together will cause high inflation in the
nation's economy.

Rithika Singh

The Effect of the Middle
Eastern Economy
Transition from Oil to Renewable Energy

The Middle East is a region in southwest Brazil, and China emerge as the three
Asia and North Africa. It is home to the countries employing individuals in this
majority of the World’s largest oil sector. Notably, around one-third of
reserves, and oil exports play a vital role all jobs in energy are specifically
in the economies of the majority of related to the point, which is
Middle Eastern Countries. Oil and gas experiencing rapid growth. To
account for over 70.56% of exports of accelerate the transition towards
Saudi Arabia. energy production, it is crucial to
focus on markets. This necessitates
The growing shift from oil energy to the implementation of policy
renewable energy is because of the frameworks that prioritize worker
following reasons: Climate Change, training and ensure that jobs offer
Energy Security, and Economic pay, high-quality standards, and
Competitiveness. This shift from oil to diversity.
renewable energy sources will hurt the
economy of Middle Eastern countries Renewable energy can lower
because it will reduce the resilience of consumer expenses
the export of oil products. Renewable energy sources like wind
power are more cost-effective for
ECONOMIC IMPACT producing electricity than fossil fuels
In the area of economic impact, there like coal and natural gas. This is
will be cases of both positive and because fuel prices are acceptable
negative. The positive impact will be on with energy. As a result, consumers
the countries importing the oil may enjoy electricity costs thanks to
products, and the negative impact will energy utilization. For example, based
be on the Middle Eastern countries on research conducted by the
International Renewable Energy
POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY Agency, renewable energy could lead
to a 15% decrease in electricity prices
Renewable energy adds more jobs: by 2030.
Globally, there is a rise in the number of
jobs within the energy industry, with
Asia responsible for about two-thirds of
these positions. The European Union,

NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY However, although having differing
skill needs, this change also opens up
Reduced Revenue from oil and gas new work opportunities in developing
exports industries like technology, renewable
Based on the forecast for oil exporting energy, and others. The rate of
countries in the Middle East, Saudi change, governmental actions, and
Arabia's GDP growth is expected to the Middle East's capacity to adjust to
experience a decline this year, reaching the changing energy market will all
3.1%. For Gulf Arab economies, a impact employment in the region.
significant concern is the decline in
revenue from oil and gas exports. Conclusion
Government budgets are under strain, Positive effects of the Middle East's
which results in budget deficits and switch to renewable energy include
lowers their capacity to fund social and the development of jobs and cheaper
development activities. Gulf Arab power. However, it has drawbacks,
nations must diversify their economy to like decreased oil revenue and
lessen their reliance on exports of oil employment losses, which call for
and gas. This is difficult because the economic diversification. Middle
GCC's private sector depends mainly on Eastern countries should strategically
government-funded initiatives and diversify their economies to lessen
spending, which are ultimately reliance on oil and gas exports for
sustained by income from oil and gas. long-term viability as they struggle to
balance these consequences.
Losses of Jobs in the Middle Eastern
There have been employment losses in
the Middle East due to the economic
transition away from oil to other energy
sources. Global initiatives to lessen
reliance on fossil fuels, prevent climate
change, , and diversify energy sources
are the main forces behind this
transformation. Oil extraction, refining,
and related services are examples of
historic oil-dependent businesses that
are currently going through downsizing
and restructuring. As these sectors
contract and change to reflect the
shifting energy landscape, jobs are lost. Gokul K.

Exploring the Lush
Landscape of Green Bonds
Various articles like “Why is India sustainable energy sources,
baking in February? Is it a sign of early environmentally sustainable &
summer?” and “India should brace for friendly transportation, sustainable
dry and hot spring-summer, El Nino” water and waste management,
made headlines in the summer of 2023. adaptation to climate change, and
As we face climate change, it is energy efficiency (green building).
important to acknowledge that extreme
weather events are becoming more Green bonds can potentially to attract
common. new investors who are conscious of
ESG issues. When compared to
The green bond market has grown in conventional bonds, increased
recent years. Green bonds are the debt demand for green bonds is anticipated
securities issued by any sovereign to result in increasingly beneficial
organizations, inter-governmental terms and a better value for the
groups or alliances, and corporations to issuer. Issuance of green bonds also
raise funds for projects that are has a significant positive impact on
environmental and climate-related. In the reputation of the issuers, as it
Budget 2022, the Union Finance reflects their commitment to the
Minister proposed to issue green bonds environment. Issuance of green bonds
as a part of the government’s total also has some downside; the issuance
market borrowing in 2022- 23. India will and operating costs of green bonds
likely borrow about Rs 20,000-22,000 could be higher than those of
crore through sovereign green bonds in conventional bonds. The issuer bears
this financial year, higher than the Rs the additional cost of tracking,
16,000 crore in 2022-23. The largest monitoring, and reporting processes,
green bond issuer in India, Greenko as well as an upfront investment to
Group, funds hydro, solar, and wind design the bond's green criteria and
power projects in several Indian states sustainability objectives. Additionally,
with its green bond proceeds. issuers may also have to encounter
penalties for a green default.
The Securities Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) has defined where the funds
raised will be used for projects and/or
assets, which includes renewable and

There are various standards and
guidance sources for green bonds, such
as Green Bond Principles, Green Bond
Indices, and the Climate Bond
Standards. Investors have different
priorities for making investments in
green bonds, such as issuers' credit
rating, environmental objective, price of
the bond, third-party assurance, and
overall business activity of the firm.
In recent years, sustainability and
The green bond issuers must report on climate change have become
the environmental and social value significant global challenges. The
created from the projects regularly (at extent to which companies are
least once a year) during the life of harming or doing well for society and
green bonds. They should plan to the environment has received much
monitor and evaluate the process and attention from many quarters. India is
incorporate data collection techniques among one of the fastest developing
and key performance indicators (KPIs) economies. Therefore, its efforts
to track the environmental outcomes towards sustainability and climate
over time. Sometimes, issuers face change are going to have a major
accusations and reputational risk of impact on the world’s sustainable
‘greenwashing’ while issuing green development. The future of green
bonds. The greenwashing accusation on bonds will rest on good governance
the issuer may be due to various and political stability, developed
reasons such as unsustainable core capital markets, and investor demand.
business activities of the issuer,
proceeds are allocated for activities not
considered ‘green’ by investors, and
proceeds are not monitored and
managed properly. Issuers may avoid
this allegation by being transparent
with the investors through reports,
having an efficient measuring and
tracking process for the allocation of
proceeds and environmental outcomes,
and external assurance.

Abhishek Mandapaka

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) or Special Banks hid the more risky mortgages in
Purpose Entity (SPE) is a separate legal a less risky one and ensured to get
entity created by an LLC or LLP to hide AAA ratings from the credit rating
the financial risks associated with the agencies like S&P, Moody’s, etc. To
organization. The creation of these keep certain assets and liabilities off
assets helps the organization reduce the the balance sheet, financial
workload of acquiring several permits, institutions became more keen to
and it is easier to make than all the legal take on more leverage and risk. This
formalities. resulted in a lack of transparency, and
impossible to assess the true financial
SPVs played a very important role in the health of these institutions. This
2008 financial crisis. It started in 2007 resulted in the collapse of not just big
when banks started giving out house investment banks such as Bear
loans to fulfill the American dream of Stearns, and Lehmann Brothers that
buying a house. What started as a good had to be bailed out and acquired for
task turned out to be very ugly. Seeing pennies on the dollar but also the
the demand for loans, banks decided to entire stock market crashed.
give out more and more loans to people
even with low credit scores. They Despite the major financial crisis,
ignored the financial and employment SPVs remain quite relevant even after
situation of the individuals. They so many years. These are still used to
granted them loans at a minimum rate create MBS and CDOs. These help the
of interest that multiplied several times companies to keep bankruptcy at bay.
when people could not pay the interest. It also helps in creating a pool of
investments and bundles into one for
Many defaulted on their payments, easier management and distribution.
which led to the ceasing or foreclosure These are required at times for
of numerous homes. Banks started certain tax or regulatory standards.
selling these risky loans in several Unlike the 2008 system of rating
bundles, such as mortgage-backed these vehicles, this can attract
securities (MBS) and collateral debt investments and can be beneficial if
obligations (CDOs) to the investors, the ratings are true to nature.
transferring the risk of defaulting.

Nobody had predicted the 2008 carrying out their normal functioning
financial crisis to be caused by SPVs rather than going after the
despite it being legitimate. Lack of defaulters. The Securitization and
transparency still exists when it comes Reconstruction of Financial Assets
to SPVs, which could put the investors and Enforcement of Security Interest
in the dilemma of buying or not buying (SARFAESI) Act, 2002 allows the
them. It is a complicated structure for a ARCs to acquire such assets. ARCs
common man to understand and make a have not deteriorated the SPVs as
calculated decision of risks associated they both have specific different
with them. roles. SPVs still have significance in
the finance world and will continue to
Higher returns can lure investors if they impact the functioning of banks and
are not well acquainted with the nature other financial institutions. To avoid
of the SPVs they are investing in. Lack another major financial crisis, we need
of quality SPVs can incur huge losses to to make sure that our mistakes are
the investors that would result in a lack not repeated. The businesses of these
of trust in these financial institutions. institutions need to be carried out in
Fraud and economic changes across the an ethical manner, otherwise, it can
globe can negatively impact the quality end up crashing the stock market,
and performance of these assets. once again.
Therefore, it can still create a debacle in
the future if not operated in an ethical

An Asset Reconstruction Company buys

bad assets from the banks and other
financial institutions to clean up their
balance sheets. These help the banks in Preksha Anchalia


In the realm of economics, such as wages, taxes, or materials

hyperinflation is a term that strikes fear push prices and lead to
into the hearts of policymakers, hyperinflation.
economists, and citizens alike. It Unstable political environment:
represents an extreme and rapid Hyperinflation can be caused by
increase (monthly inflation rate of 50% political instability, as
or more) in the general price level of governments may be forced to
goods and services, leading to a loss of print money to pay for their
confidence in a nation's currency. debts or to finance wars.
Hyperinflation is a rare and very curious Low confidence: Low confidence
economic phenomenon. It's like a in the currency or government
runaway train speeding out of control. can lead to a rapid withdrawal of
Prices rise so rapidly that people can't money from the economy and
keep up. Their savings are wiped out, increased prices.
their businesses fail, and their lives are War: War can cause
upside down. when it occurs, its effects hyperinflation due to the cost of
can be catastrophic. In this article, we financing the war and the
will delve into the current trends and destruction of production. This
global effects of hyperinflation, can lead to high levels of debt
shedding light on the causes and and an increase in the money
consequences. supply.

Several factors can contribute to Hyperinflation is currently a

hyperinflation: problem in a number of countries
around the world due to a
Increase in money supply: An combination of economic and
increase in the money supply can political factors, including
cause a rapid increase in prices, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Sudan.
leading to hyperinflation. This can To provide a comprehensive
be caused by a central bank printing overview, let's enumerate countries
too much money or governments leading the list:
spending money they don't have.
Cost-push inflation: This is when
increases in the cost of production,

Financial instability
Hyperinflation can lead to financial
instability in the global economy. As
investors lose confidence in the
currencies of countries with
hyperinflation, they may withdraw
their investments, which can lead to a
decline in the value of those
currencies and make it more difficult
for countries to borrow money.

Increased poverty
Hyperinflation can lead to increased
poverty around the world. As prices
rise, people's incomes lose value,
Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF) making it difficult for them to afford
basic necessities. This can lead to a
While hyperinflation is currently a decline in living standards and can
problem in several countries, its global increase the risk of social unrest.
effects can be far-reaching. It can lead
to an increase in global inflation, as well In addition to these economic effects,
as a decrease in global economic it can have some social and political
growth. This can have a ripple effect, impacts. For example, hyperinflation
impacting other countries and leading can lead to a decline in government
to a decrease in global GDP. Here are a trust as people become frustrated
few of the most notable ways in which it with the government's inability to
can affect the global economy: control inflation. Additionally,
hyperinflation can lead to an increase
Reduced trade in crime and violence as people
Hyperinflation can make it difficult for struggle to meet their basic needs.
countries to trade with each other. As
prices rise in one country, imports from
other countries become more
expensive. This can lead to a decline in
trade volumes and can hurt businesses
and consumers in both countries.

Harsh Jajodia

Inequality and Economics

The economist John Maynard Keynes effective approach. Is it best to earn

once wanted to eliminate most money and contribute to charitable
economic inequalities. While this idea causes while providing opportunities
may sound appealing, the practicality of for others through education,
achieving such a goal becomes more training, and employment? Or should
complex upon closer examination. we restrict the free price and profit
system or abolish it altogether?
The notion of liberty and equality,
encapsulated in the French To address this issue, we must
Revolutionary slogan "liberty, equality, consider both practicality and
fraternity," can seem contradictory. morality. Are income disparities
Liberty allows individuals to make determined by the free price and
choices that lead to different outcomes. profit system arbitrary and
For example, if one person saves while inequitable? The answer lies in the
another does not, disparities in income fundamental economic principles of
may arise naturally. The question then supply and demand.
becomes: should we forbid such
discrepancies, and if so, how? Our incomes, whether large or small,
reflect our utility to society and how
History provides examples of societies easily others can find substitutes for
that attempted to enforce equality us. While some may argue that
through government intervention, such humans are not commodities, our
as the Soviet Union, which led to the labour, unlike ourselves, can be priced
rise of privileged enforcers and severe like any other commodity. This is not
human rights abuses. The pursuit of unjust; it is the reality of a market
equality has sometimes resulted in some economy.
of the darkest episodes in history, such
as the Khmer Rouge's massacre of Government policies aimed at
educated individuals in Cambodia and mitigating the commodification of
Stalin's extermination of the Kulaks. labour often backfire. Minimum wage
laws, for instance, can deter
Most people agree that helping those in employers from hiring and training
need is a moral imperative, but the young workers. Guaranteed
challenge lies in determining the most government income or free services

like housing, food, and healthcare may investment, and oversight. Wealth
discourage people from seeking can be eroded rapidly through
employment, eventually straining the taxation, particularly estate taxes,
system. Effective worker training can which liquidate carefully chosen
only come from honest work, and even investments, often made by
the best education cannot replace real- experienced and successful investors.
world experience. This trade-off is detrimental to the
economy because private investment
Luck plays a vital role in life, impacting drives job creation. Further wealth
factors like intelligence and wealth. taxation could lead to market
Economist Thomas Sowell emphasizes collapses, with no alternative but
that inequality is far more profound government ownership of assets, as
when born with disabilities or into witnessed in communist regimes.
abusive families. Equality of opportunity
means no societal discrimination, in line Milton Friedman and research by
with a free market where businesses David Dollar and Aart Kraay from the
facing consequences for discrimination. World Bank suggest that countries
limiting the free market tend to
Pursuing complete economic equality exacerbate wealth inequality.
can be challenging, raising questions Therefore, achieving total economic
about what aspects of life should be equality through government
equal. For example, should everyone intervention is complex, and it may be
have the same level of medical care? more effective to provide
Medicine is complex and ever-evolving, opportunities and assistance while
with diverse opinions on treatments and maintaining a free price system.
approaches. Attemptso enforce equality
may stifle innovation and progress.

Economist Arthur Okun proposed a

compromise between complete
economic equality and economic
efficiency. However, manipulating
personal incomes, which function as
prices, will likely lead to unintended
consequences, such as wealth
destruction. Wealth is not something
that can be readily redistributed; it
must be created through hard work,
Ghanendra Singh Ashia


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