Rat and Rat Trap

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Rat and the Rat Trap

P.K. Kurian

That day the farmer came with a card board box in his hand, when he returned home from market. The Rat watched from the dark, hoping it would be something to eat. B after hi But f dinner, the farmer opened the box and showed his wife what he had in the box. Th R t felt frightened, it The Rat f lt f i ht d was a rat trap

A Rat Trap

Rat Complains to the Hen

What of it for me; You deserve to be trapped. You are of no use to the farmer, but on the other hand you destroy his y y crops. Go away

Hello Mother Hen, the Farmer , has bought a rat trap. He is going to lay it for me. My life is in danger. Please help

Rat Meets Complains to Pig

So what ?????????

Hello Pig Mother, the Farmer g , has bought a rat trap. He is going to lay it for me. My life is in danger. Please help

Rat Complains to OX

That is your problem and what of it for me?

Hello Oxen Brother, the , Farmer has bought a rat trap. He is going to lay it for me. My life is in danger. Please help

The Rat returned to his hide out

He blamed his fate fate, but continued to hide. hide Next day the farmer laid the trap in the compound.

It was past midnight

The farmers wife heard the sound of the rat trap. She went out at night All that she saw was a tail in the rat trap. trap It was a snake, with its tail trapped inside the cage.

She thought it was the rat, but it was a snake with only it t il t k ith l its tail trapped i th cage. d in the The snake bit the farmers wife. farmer s She was taken to the hospital She Sh was pronounced t b out of danger. d to be t f d She experienced a fatigue somewhere deep inside her. She was discharged and brought home g g Neighbours advised the farmer to prepare chicken soup and give to his wife, so that she becomes strong and healthy again.

That night the Mother Hen was butchered b h d to prepare chicken soup hi k

The Rat trap could finally cause a harm to the Mother Hen

Two days later, the condition of the Farmers wife worsened.

Lot of visitors came to meet her and console her They needed to be fed with good food food. The farmer ordered the pig to be butchered d b t h d and served t th visitors. d to the i it The Pig also became a thing of the past, the rat trap playing the villain

The farmers wife died shortly farmer s

The farmer organized a prayer and commemoration service for his wife. Lot of friends and relatives arrived arrived. A feast was laid. The Oxen was killed and cooked and served for the mourners mourners. The oxen also fell to the Rat Trap.

The Rat watched the drama unfold.

The Rat said to himself I warned them all and begged them to help help They did not see the larger picture Some Rat Trap purported to be laid for me could also bring harm to them. They ignored my plea for help and paid a p price with their own life.

The Morals
If we think we would be affected by things think, we see directly ourselves, then we may go wrong. wrong Indirect and distant aspects/ those that we think irrelevant and inconsequential can also cause us harm. Th f Therefore, we need to be vigilant always. d t b i il t l We can not be passive and careless

Elie Wiesel (1986 Nobel Peace Prize)

The Opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference h t d b t i diff

Thank You One and All if You read this.

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