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Sector-business Occupations – Accounting Level

Year-3 Program-(Regular) Entry-2012 Academic year-2014

Unit of competence: process pay roll time allowed 2:00 hr

Name: -------------------------------------------------- Id: -----------------------------

Part I, say true or false (1pt each )
1. The basic saving account sometimes called passbook account.
2. A money market account is a type of bank account which uses check to withdrew your
3. The users of saving account include individual account.
4. A money market account pay more money in interest typically you have to more money.
5. Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time.

Part II; choose the correct answer from the alternative given below (10pt)

1) Actual saving tummies estimated saving it gives result of _______.

A/ Estimated saving B/ Income C/Total income D/ Actual saving
2) ------------Is maybe limited to how money withdrawals in a month.
A/ withdrawal B/ Saving account C/ Money market account D/All
3)------------- All are users account except,
A/ AND account B/AND OR account C/Basic saving account D/ Individual account
4) The actual income less actual expenditure it gives _________.
A/ Actual Saving B/ Estimated saving C/ Income D/ None
5) 5) which of the following is needs to minimum balance required.
A/ Pass book B/ Checking account C/ Saving account D/AII

Part III, Matching (1.5 pt each)

“A” “B”

----------- 1) other deduction A) regular e a r n i n g

2) Net pay B) disturbance allowance

3) Payroll taxes C) To pay health

4) Basic salaries D) the excess of gross earnings over the total deductions

5) Hardship Allowance E) levied against the employer on the payroll of a firm

Part IVShort answer

1. Write the four functions involve Payroll activities: 4 pt
1 ----------------------------------------, 2 --------------------------------
3------------------------------------ 4--------------------------------------
2. List the Possible Components of a Payroll Register 6 pt

------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------

----------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------

Part V Work out

Xyz Company pays the salary of its employees according to the Ethiopian calendar of Tir 2014.

No DESCRIBUTION Actual income and Estimated income and

expenditure expenditure

Additional information

1) Getachew Desta and zena melaku agreed to have a monthly Br 250 be deducted and paid to the
organization’s credit association as a monthly saving.


1) Calculate the total gross earning (3pt)

2) Calculate total deduction (3pt)
3) Calculate total net pay (3pt)
4) Calculate payroll taxes (3pt)
5) Calculate total pension contribution of employee (3pt)


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