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Sample paper of chemistry (043 )

Q1. Define common ion effect.


Out of FeCl3 and HNO3 which will get hydrolyzed? What will be
the nature of solution?

Q2. Define solubility product.

Q3. Define atomic mass unit.


State modern periodic law.

Q4. What are isotopes?

Q5. Define bond enthalpy.

Section-B (2 marks each)

Q6. How many significant figures are present in 0.0025 and 2500?


Define aqueous tension

Q7. What is the calorific value?

Calculate the pH of 10 8 M HCl solution.

Q8. Give two applications of Hess’s Law.

Q9. Give two points of difference between s and p block elements.

Q10. Write four important properties of cathode rays.

Q11. Calculate the number of molecules present in 2.5 moles of


Q12. Give the geometry of XeO3 and BrF5

Section-C (3 marks each)

Q13.What is buffer capacity? Explain acidic buffer.

Q14. pH of a solution is 6.8. Calculate H+ and OH

ion in the solution

Q15. Explain Huckel’s rule of aromaticity with suitable examples

Q16. Write the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene.

Q17. Give the composition of each of the following: Limestone,

slaked lime and

washing soda.

Q18. Give three postulates of VSEPR theory.

Q19. In a process, 764 J of heat is absorbed by a system and 269

J of work is done by

the system. What is the change in internal energy for the process?

Define state function. Give examples.

Q20.Give limitations of octet rule.


(a) Mention 2 anomalous properties of carbon.

(b) Complete the following reactions

Q21. (a) Write a note on green chemistry

(b) What is photochemical smog? Give example.

(c) Give an example for secondary pollutant.

Q22. (a) Define pH. A 0.02 M solution of pyridinium hydrochloride

has pH = 3.44.

(b) Calculate the ionization constant of pyridine.

Give oxidation numbers of (i) S in H2SO5 (ii) Cr in CrO5 (iii) N in


Q23. Give three uses of borax.

Q24. Give three differences between Classical Smog and

Photochemical Smog

Section-D (5 marks each)

Q25. State Markownikoff’s rule. Give the mechanism of addition of
HBr to propene.


(a) Define geometrical isomers. Write geometrical isomers of CHBr

= CHBr.

(b) Classify the following substituents as ortho, meta and para

directing groups.


Q26. (a) Describe the structure of diborane.

(b) Convert following in basic units: 35.6 pm and 34567 mg


Account for the following:

(a) c

onc. HNO3 can be stored in aluminium containers. Give reason.

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 M

(b) orthoboric acid is monobasic acid.

(c) CO2 is gas, SiO2 is solid

(d) Graphite is used as lubricant.

(e) Borazine is more reactive than benzene

Q27. Give FIVE Differences between Ionic and Covalent bond


28. What are allotropes? Discuss structure of crystalline forms of


Calculate the number of moles of carbon atoms and hydrogen atom

in three moles of ethane.

29.Out of CH3 COO¯ and OH¯ which is stronger base and why? 1

30 For an isolated system, ΔU=0, then what will be the ΔS? 1

31.Which electrons take part in bond formation . 1

32. Why is graphite used as a lubricant?

33. Which of the two O2NCH2CH2O¯. Or CH2CH2OH¯ is expected

to be more


34. What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for the element
with atomic 1

number 120?

35. Write down Vander wall equation for one mole of real gas? 1

36. A sample of NaNO3 weighing 0.83 g is placed in a 50ml

volumetric flask. The

flask is then filled with water to the mark on the neck. What is the
molarity of
the solution? 2


37.Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of iron which has

69.9% iron and

30.1% dioxygen by mass. 2

38.What is the difference between a quantum and a photon? 2

39. Among the second period elements the actual ionization

enthalpies are in the

order of:

Li<B<Be<C<O<N<F<Ne 2

40.xplain why:-Be has higher ΔiH than B.O has lower than ΔiH
than N and F.

41.Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing ionic

character in the molecules:

LiF, K2 O, N2 , SO2 and ClF3 . 2

42.for the reaction:

2A (g) +B (g) →2D (g)

ΔH˚= -10.5KJ and ΔS˚= - 44.1 JK-1 mol-1 Calculate ΔG˚ for the
reaction and predict whether

the reaction may occur spontaneous

44. What is meant by conjugate acid base pair? Find the conjugate
acid/base for the following:


45.We do not see a car moving as a wave on the road. Why? 2

46. Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of O as

positive, more –ve or less –e than

the first. Justify your answer. 2

47. How many electrons in an atom may have the following

quantum numbers:

1.n=4, m= -1/2

2. n=3, l=0 1+1=2

48. In sulphur estimation 0.157 g of an organic compound gave

0.4813g of BaSO4. What is the

percentage of sulphur in the organic compound? 2

49 Although geometries of NH3 and H2O molecules are distorted

tetrahedral, bond angles in water is less then that of ammonia.

50.. (i) Density of gas is found to be 5.46g/dm3

at 27˚C at 2 bar pressure. What will be its density at

STP. 3

(ii) Critical temperature for CO2 and CH4 are 31.1˚C and -81.9˚C
respectively. Which of these

has stronger intermolecular forces and why? 2+1=3

51. Calculate the enthalpy change for the process:

CCl4(g)→C(g) + 4Cl(g)

And Calculate bond Enthalpy of C-Cl in CCl4(g)

ΔvapH˚ (CCL4)=30.5 KJ/mol

Δf H˚(CCl4)=-135 KJ/mol

Δa H˚(c)=715.0 KJ/mol

Δa H˚(CCl2)=242 KJ/mol. 3

52.Equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) at 500K is 0.061.

At particular time analysis shows that composition of the reaction

mixture is 3.0 mo/L N2 2.0

mol/L NH3. Is the reaction at equilibrium? If not in which direction

does the reaction tend to proceed to equilibrium and why? 3

53. (i) Find the oxidation state of P in NaH2PO4 .

(ii) What is the function of salt bridge in electrochemical-cell? 1+2


Complete and balance the following equation.

MnO4¯ +H2S → Mn2+ +S (acidic medium) 3

54. (i) Write IUPAC names of following:

(a) Cl Br

(b) CHO

(ii) Write bond line formula of isopropyl alcohol. 2+1=3

55. Arrange the following :

i)CaH2 , BeH2 and TiH2 in order of increasing electrical

conductance ?

ii) H-H, D-D and F-F in order of increasing bond dissociation


iii) NaH, MgH2 and H2O in order of increasing reducing property?

1+1+1=3 5

56. Carbon monoxide gas is more dangerous than carbon dioxide

gas. Why?

57 1. Draw the resonance structure for CH3−CH=CH−CH3

Using curve arrow notation.

ii) Name the best and latest technique for isolation, purification and

Separation of organic compounds.


58. (i)State as to why:

(a) Aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline.

(b) BaO is soluble but BaSO4 is insoluble in water.

(ii) Draw structure of BeCl2 (vapour).

(iii) Complete the following:

a) KO2 + H2O →

b) Na(s) + H2O →



(I) What happens when:

(a) Sodium peroxide dissolves in water.

(b) Gypsum is heated to 393 K.

(ii) Account for the following:

(a) Lithium salts are commonly hydrated and those of other alkali
metal ions are usually


(iii) What do you understand by the term ‘autoprotolysis’ of water?

What is its

significance? 1+1+1+2=5
59. (i) Give reasons for the following:

(a) Concentrated HNO3 can be transported in aluminium container.

(b) Atomic radius of Ga is lower than that of Al.

(ii) What happen when B2H6(diborane) is heated with excess of


(iii) Describe inert pair effect with reference to 13th group. 2+1+2=5


(i) Give reasons:

(a) Which is the most stable form of carbon?

(b) Lead is known not to form PbI4

(c) B-F bond length in BF3 (130pm) and BF4

¯(143pm) differ.

(ii) What happened when:

(a) Borax is heated strongly.

(b) CO is being heated with ZnO. 3+2=5

60. i) Arrange the following : HCl, HBr, HI, HF in order of their


reactivity towards alkenes.

ii) How ethylene can be converted into ethane?

iii) Define heat of hydrogenation?

iv) Why is wurtz reaction not preferred for the preparation of

containing odd number of carbon atoms? Illustrate your answer by


an example.



i) What effect does branching of an alkane chain has on its boiling


ii) Define Ozonolysis Reaction?

iii) Define cracking?

iv) Why benzene is extra ordinary stable though it contains three

double bonds?

v) Why Nitro-benzene doesn’t undergo Friedel-Craft alkylation?

61.Ni atom’s electronic configuration is [Ar]18 3d8 4s2. It will lose two
electrons from the 4s orbital to form Ni 2+ with the electronic
configuration [Ar]18 3d8 4s0.

62.The Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to the

transition from n₁ = 2 to n₂ = 3,4,… This series lies in the visible
region. Calculate the wave number of the line associated with the
transition in the Balmer series when the electron moves to n = 4
orbit. (RH = 109677 cm-¹).
63.. According to de Broglie, the matter should exhibit dual
behaviour, that is, both particle and wave like properties. However,
a cricket ball of mass 100 g does not move like a wave when it is
thrown by a bowler at a speed of 100 km/h. Calculate the
wavelength of the ball and explain why it does not show wave

A pure substance which contains only one type of atom is called ——


(a) An element

(b) a compound

(c) a solid

(d) a liquid

Ans: (a) An element

Solution: An element is made up of only one type of atom.

64.The smallest particle that can take part in chemical reactions is —


(a) Atom

(b) molecule

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these

Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Solution: The smallest particle that can take part in chemical
reactions is both an atom and a molecule.

65.. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

(a) Mixture of soil and water

(b) Sugar solution

(c) Mixture of sugar, salt and sand

(d) Iodised table salt

Ans: (b) Sugar solution

66.Solution: Sugar solution is a homogeneous mixture. A

homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is
uniform throughout the mixture

4. The significant figures in 0.00051 are ————–.

(a) 5

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 26

Ans: (c) 2

67.Solution: The significant figures in 0.00051 are 2.

5. Formation of CO and CO2 illustrates the law of ————–.

(a) Law of conservation of mass

(b) Law of Reciprocal proportion

(c) Law of Constant Proportion

(d) Law of Multiple Proportion

Ans: (d) Law of Multiple Proportion

Solution: If an element forms more than one compound with another

element for a given mass of an element, masses of other elements
are in the ratio of small whole numbers.

68.. The number of significant figures in 6.02 x 1023 is ————–.

(a) 23

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 26

Ans: (b) 3

Solution: The number of significant figures in 6.02 x 1023 is 3

69.The prefix 1018 is ————–.

(a) giga

(b) exa

(c) kilo

(d) mega

Ans: (b) exa

Solution: The prefix 1018 is exa

70.The mass of an atom of carbon is ————–.

(a) 1g
(b) 1.99 x 10 g

(c) 1/12 g

(d) 1.99 x 1023 g

Ans: (b) 1.99 x 10 g
Solution: The mass of an atom of carbon is {12 / (6.02 x 10 )} =
1.99 x 10 g

71.A measured temperature on Fahrenheit scale is 200F. What will

this reading be on the Celsius Scale?

(a) 40 ℃

(b) 94 ℃

(c) 93.3 ℃

(d) 30 ℃

Ans: (c) 93.3 ℃

Solution: The relationship between Fahrenheit and degree Celsius is:

(0F) = 9/5 (oC) +32.

72.. Which of the following pairs of gases contains the same number
of molecules?

(a) 16 g of O2 and 14 g of N2

(b) 6 g of O2 and 22 g of CO2

(c) 28 g of N2 and 22 g of CO2

(d) 32 g of CO2 and 32g of N2

Ans: (a) 16 g of O2 and 14 g of N2

Solution: Divide the given mass by its molar mass to get moles, then
multiply times 6.022×1023 to get the number of molecules.

73.Neutron was discovered by ————–

(a) J.J Thomson

(b) Chadwick

(c) Rutherford

(d) Priestley

Ans: (b) Chadwick

Solution: Chadwick (1932) discovered the neutral particles Neutron.

74.The nucleus of the atom consists of ————–

(a) Protons and neutrons

(b) Protons and electrons

(c) Neutrons and electrons

(d) Protons, neutrons and electrons

Ans: (a) Protons and neutrons

Solution: The nucleus of the atom consists of protons and neutrons.

74.The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of————–

(a) 10-10 cm

(b) 10-13 cm

(c)10-15 cm
(d) 10-8 cm

Ans: (b) 10-13 cm

Solution: The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of 10-13 cm.

75.. Isotopes of an element have ————–

(a) Different chemical and physical properties

(b) Similar chemical and physical properties

(c) Similar chemical but different physical properties

(d) Similar physical but different chemical properties

Ans: (c) Similar chemical but different physical properties

Solution: Atoms of the same element which have the same atomic
number but different mass number are called isotopes. So they have
Similar chemicals but different physical properties.

76.Which of the following pairs represents isobars?

(a) 3He2 and 4He2

24 25
(b) Mg12 and Mg12
40 40
(c) K19 and Ca20
40 39
(d) K19 and K19
40 40
Ans: (c) K19 and Ca20

Solution: Atoms of different elements that have the same mass

number but different atomic number are called isobars.

77.The atomic orbital is ————–

(a) The circular path of the electron

(b) Elliptical shaped Orbit

(c) Three-dimensional field around nucleus

(d) The region in which there is a maximum probability of finding an


Ans: (d)

Solution: The region in which there is a maximum probability of

finding an electron is called orbital.

78.Principal, Azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers are

respectively related to:

(a) Size, shape and orientation

(b) Shape, size and orientation

(c) Size, orientation and shape

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) Size, shape and orientation

Solution: Principal, Azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers are

respectively related to Size, shape and orientation.

79.. The electronic configuration of chromium (Z=24) is:

(a) [Ne] 3s2 3p6 3d4 4s2

(b) [Ne] 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1

(c) [Ne] 3s2 3p6 3d1 4s2

(d) [Ne] 3s2 3p6 4s2 4p4

Ans: (b) [Ne] 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1

Solution: The electronic configuration of chromium (Z=24) is [Ne]

3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1.

80. According to Aufbau principle a new electron enters the orbitals


(a) (n + l) is minimum

(b) (n + l) is maximum

(c) (n + m) is minimum

(d) (n + m) is maximum

Ans: (a) (n + l) is minimum

Solution: According to the Aufbau principle a new electron enters the

orbitals when (n + l) is minimum. So the 4s orbital filled first then
the 3d orbital.

81.Which of the following is not permissible?

(a) n= 4, l = 3, m= 0

(b) n= 4, l = 2, m= 1

(c) n= 4, l = 4, m= 1

(d) n= 4, l = 0, m= 0

Ans: (c) n= 4, l = 4, m= 1

Solution: The value of the Azimuthal quantum number always lies

between 0 to n-1. If n=4, then l= 4 not possible.

82.The significant figures in 0.00051 are ————–.

(a) 5

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 26

82 . A measured temperature on Fahrenheit scale is 200F. What will

this reading be on the Celsius Scale?

(a) 40 ℃

(b) 94 ℃

(c) 93.3 ℃

(d) 30 ℃

83. Principal, Azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers are

respectively related to:

(a) Size, shape and orientation

(b) Shape, size and orientation

(c) Size, orientation and shape

(d) None of the above

84. Which of the following electronic configurations of an atom has

the lowest ionisation enthalpy?
(a) 1s2 2s2 2p3

(b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

(c) 1s2 2s2 2p6

(d) 1s2 2s2 2p5

85. The smallest ion among the following is

(a) Na+

(b) Al3+

(c) Mg2+

(d) Si4+

86. For the reaction C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)

(a) △H >△U

(b) △H < △U

(c) △H = △U

(d) None of these

87. Considering entropy(S) thermodynamic parameters the criteria for

the spontaneity of any process is:

(a) △S system + △S surroundings > 0

(b) △S system – △S surroundings < 0

(c) △S system > 0

(d) △S surroundings > 0

88. The strong conjugate base is

(a) NO32-

(b) Cl–

(c) SO42-

(d) CH3COO–

89.The oxidation number of Cr in Cr(CO)6 is —————–

(a) 0

(b) +2

(c) -2

(d) +6

90. The most powerful oxidising agent among the following is:

(a) H2SO4

(b) H3BO3

(c) HPO3

(d) H3PO4
91. The structure of 4-Methylpent-2-en-1-ol is:


(b) (CH3)2C=CHCH2CH2OH


(d) CH3CH(OH)CH-CH=C(CH3)2

Dry ether

92. 2CH CH Br + 2Na --------------- ?

Write the by product of this reaction?

a) CH4

b) CH3CH2

c) NaBr

d) CH3CH3

93. The oxidation number of Cr in Cr(CO)6 is —————–

(a) 0

(b) +2

(c) -2

(d) +6
94. The pH of a solution of hydrochloric acid is 4. The molarity of the
solution is:

(a) 4.0

(b) 0.4

(c) 0.0001

(d) 0.04

95. The addition of carbonyl compound to HCN is an example of

(a) Nucleophilic substitution

(b) Electrophilic addition

(c) Nucleophilic addition

(d) Electrophilic substitution

96.. A miscible mixture of benzene and chloroform can be separated


(a) Sublimation

(b) distillation

(c) filtration

(d) crystallisation
97.. Which of the following compounds will exhibit cis-trans

(a) Butanol

(b) 2- Butyne

(c) 2-Butenol

(d) 2-Butene

98. What is the Noramality of 1 M H3PO4 solution?

a) 0.2 N

b) 0.3 N

c) 2.0 N

d) 3.0 N


99. Show how hyperconjugation occurs in propene molecules?

100. (a) Write the atomic number of the element present in the third
period and seventeenth group of the periodic table.

(b) Out of the elements Cr (Z = 24), Mg (Z=12) and Fe (Z =26),

identify the element with five electrons in the 3d subshell.

101.. Calculate the mass percent of calcium, phosphorus and oxygen

in calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
102. Explain the shape of BrF5.?

103. Write Lewis structure of the following compounds and show a

formal charge on each atom. HNO2, NO2, H2SO4

104. The value of ΔfHӨ for NH3 is – 91.8 KJ mol–1. Calculate

enthalpy change for the following reactIon:

2NH3 (g) → N2 (g) +3H2 (g)

105. The value of Kc for the reaction 2HI (g) ⇋ H2 (g) + I2 (g) is 1
x 10-4. At a given time, the composition of reaction mixture is [HI] =
2 x 10-5 mol, [I2 ] = 1 x 10-5 mol. Determine the direction in which
the reaction will proceed?


106. What is Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity? Explain by taking

an example of nitrogen.

107. Professor of Delhi University found that some scraps emit high
energy radiations, which harmed a large number of people. There are
certain elements like Co-60 that emit radiations on their own and this
phenomenon is called radioactivity. There are three kinds of rays.

1. Name the ray which is used to treat cancer.

2. Give the source of γ-rays used for treating cancer.

3. Discuss the values not possessed by people disposing of
radioactive waste materials

108.. Balance the following equation by the ion-electron method

Zn (s) + NO3– → Zn2+ (aq)+ NH4 (aq) + H2O (In acid solution)

109. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O, and the vapour

density of that compound is 45. Then find the molecular formula of
that compound.


110.. 1.0 mol of a monoatomic ideal gas is expanded from the state
(1) to state (2) as shown in Fig. 6.4. Calculate the work done for the
expansion of gas from the state (1) to state (2) at 298 K.

111. In DNA and RNA, nitrogen atoms are present in the ring system.
Can Kjeldahl method be used for the estimation of nitrogen present in
these? Give reasons.

112. Draw the possible resonance structures for CH-O-CH2+, and

predict which of the structures is more stable. Give a reason for your


113. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

The attractive force which holds the two atoms together is called a
chemical bond. A covalent bond is formed by an equal sharing of
electrons. A coordinate bond is formed by unequal sharing of
electrons. An ionic bond is formed by the transfer of electrons from
one atom to another. Octet rule, although very useful but is not
universally applicable. According to valence bond theory, a covalent
bond is formed by overlapping of half-filled atomic orbitals resulting in
a lowering of energy and more stability. Bond order is the number of
bonds between atoms in a molecule. The higher the bond order more
will be stability and bond dissociation enthalpy but the smaller the
bond length. The polarity of a covalent bond depends upon the
difference in electronegativity. The covalent character of a bond
depends upon polarising power, smaller cation and bigger anions have
higher polarising power. VSEPR theory helps to predict the shapes of

(a) Write the electron dot structure of N2O.

b) What are the ions present in CsI3?

c) Out of CN+, CN–, NO, which has the highest bond order?

(d) What is the correct order of repulsion bp – bp, lp – lp, and lp –



(e) Draw the structure of XeOF4 on the basis of VSEPR theory.

114.. Read the passage and answer the following question:

The existing large number of organic compounds and their ever-
increasing numbers has made it necessary to classify them on the
basis of their structures. Organic compounds are broadly classified as
open-chain compounds which are also called aliphatic compounds.
Aliphatic compounds further classified as homocyclic and heterocyclic
compounds. Aromatic compounds are special types of compounds.
Alicyclic compounds, aromatic compounds may also have heteroatom
in the ring. Such compounds are called heterocyclic aromatic
compounds. Organic compounds can also be classified on the basis
of functional groups, into families or homologous series. The members
of a homologous series can be represented by general molecular
formula and the successive members differ from each other in
molecular formula by a –CH2 unit.

In these questions, a statement of assertion followed by the statement

of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following

1. Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is

the correct explanation for assertion.

2. Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is

not the correct explanation for assertion.

3. Assertion is the correct statement but reason is wrong


4. Assertion is the wrong statement but reason is correct

1. Assertion: Tetrahydrofuran is aliphatic compounds

Reason: Sometimes atoms other than carbon are also present in the
ring known as heterocyclic.

2. Assertion: Hydroxyl group (–OH) is a functional group.

Reason: The functional group is defined as an atom or group of

atoms joined in a specific manner with characteristic chemical
properties of the organic compounds.

3. Assertion: Non-benzenoid compound is a classification as the

alicyclic compound.

Reason: Aniline is a benzenoid compound.

4. Assertion: H2C=CH2 is a condensed structural formula.

Reason: Condensed structural formula is represented by omitting some

or all of the dashes representing covalent bonds.


115.Draw Newman and Sawhorse projections for the eclipsed and

staggered conformations of ethane. Which of these conformations is
more stable and why?

116. The intermediate carbocation formed in the reaction of HI, HBr
and HCl with propene is the same, and the bond energy of HCl, HBr
and HI are 430.5 kJmol−1, 363.7 kJmol−1 and 296.8 kJmol−1,
respectively. What will be the order of reactivity of these halogen

117. What is meant by hybridisation? Compound CH2 = C = CH2

contains sp or sp2 hybridised carbon atoms. Will it be a planar

118.On the basis of the Le Chatelier principle explain how

temperature and pressure can be

adjusted to increase the yield of ammonia in the following reaction.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇋ 2NH3 (g) ΔH = – 92.38 kJ mol-1

What will be the effect of addition of argon to the above reaction

mixture at constant



119.. Calculate the work done when 2 moles of an ideal gas

expands reversibly and isothermally from a volume of 500 ml to a
volume of 2 L at 25°C and normal pressure.

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