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长安 汽 车 国 际 销 售 服 务 有 限 公 司


中国重庆市渝北 区黄泥塝五 红 路 1 9 9号
No.199 Wuhong Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, China
Tel:0086‐23‐67599888 Fax:0086‐23‐67852882

Changan International Corporation Dealer Bulletin
■ 普通 Normal

□ 机密 Confidential

文件号 Document 日期 DATE :2012-12-12

传送: ■ 总经理(GM) ■ 副总经理 (Vice GM) □ 销售部 (Sales Dept.) □ 市场公关部(Marketing &PR Dept.)

■ 服务部 (Service Dept.) □ 物流部(Logistics Dept.) □ 财务部(Finance Dept.) □ 项目部(Project Dept.)

□ 行政部 (Administration Dept.)

文件来源 (Originating)
部门(Department): 服务部 Service Dept

姓名(Name): 林文杰;王金凤 Wesly Lin; Jessica Wang 电话(Phone): 67599888-8031

第 55 期长安技术公告
Changan Technical Bulletin No. 55

公告主题:新 CM10 发动机(4G13S1-THA)维修手册发布

Subject : Release of new CM10 engine(4G13S1-THA) service manual

Department Manager Approval
Frank Lei

Director/Vice Director Approval


Vice General Manager of Changan International Corporation

Michael Chen


General Manager of Changan International Corporation

第 1 页,共 2 页
长安 汽 车 国 际 销 售 服 务 有 限 公 司
中国重庆市渝北 区黄泥塝五 红 路 1 9 9号
No.199 Wuhong Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, China
Tel:0086‐23‐67599888 Fax:0086‐23‐67852882

Changan International Corporation Dealer Bulletin
■ 普通 Normal

□ 机密 Confidential

文件号 Document NO. 日期 DATE 2012-12-12

To: All dealers

长安 4G13S1 发动机为四冲程水冷汽油发动机,排量为 1.3L,采用了 L4 16 气门,多点电子喷射,

SOHC 等技术,而且达到了欧 Ⅳ排放标准,最大功率 73.5KW,最大扭矩可达 113.5N.m,目前主要配
备于星光 4500 2012 款(新 CM10)车型上。
1. This engine (4G13S1) is a four-stroke, water cooling, 1.3 L gasoline engine. It adopts
advanced technology such as L4, 16 valves, MPI (Multi-point Fuel Injection) and SOHC, and it
satisfies EuroⅣ emission regulations. It is mainly equipped in Changan star light 4500 2012
(New CM10) with the Maximum power 73.5KW and Maximum torque 113.5 N.m.

为满足海外经销商售后维修服务的需求,提供 CM10 新型发动机的主要维修技术参数,我们编制了此维

修手册,内容包括了 4G13S1-THA 发动机的主要性能参数,材料规格、零部件规格、扭矩规格以及拆装
2. In order to provide the main technical parameters to the oversea dealers as a reference for
daily repair, we compiled this service manual of new CM10 engine (4G13S1-THA). This manual
mainly contains the following information: New engine general specifications, Material
specifications, Component specifications, Torque specifications, Assembling and
disassembling procedure and so on, please refer to the attachment for detailed information.

3. This manual is compiled by service department of CIC, and it is highly appreciated if you
feedback your suggestion or the defects of the workshop manual, it would be helpful for the
manual improving. Also, please don’t hesitate to contact with our technician whenever you
have difficult in repairing this engine, we will try to find a solution for you as soon as possible.

附:新 CM10 发动机(4G13S1-THA)维修手册

Attached: New CM10 engine(4G13S1-THA) service manual

4G13S1 Engine
Service Manual(ea

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