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Volume 4 Number 1 (2023) E-ISSN: 2656-4491 Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora
July-December 2023
Page: DOI:

The Title of the Manuscript (Palatino Linotype-12 Bold, Maximum 15 Words, Center)

Author1, Author2, Author3

Affiliation; Country
correspondence e-mail*, email1, email2, email3

Submitted: Revised: Accepted: Published:

Abstract The abstract is written in English, containing elements of the purpose of
writing, methods, results, and conclusion. Written between 200-250 characters
with the formation of one paragraph that includes all of these elements.
(Palatino Linotype 11, Justify)

Keywords Use Palatino Type 11; write 3-5 words; arranged alphabetically

© 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the
terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License (CC BY NC) license

INTRODUCTION (Palatino Linotype 11, Space 1.5, Justify)

The introduction is a background problem that describes academic anxiety, the irrelevant

between ideality and reality, theoretical and applicable. In the background of the problem, the

author must explain the latest research relevant to the topic to be discussed along with references.

Then, in this sub, the author can define the position and significance of the writing to be addressed

with research that is still relevant before. Furthermore, the writer can explain the purpose of the

research and the significance of the study theoretically and pragmatically.

METHOD (Palatino Linotype 11, Space 1.5, Justify)

It should be written in paragraphs. It explains the approach of the research, the kinds of

research, the data collection technique, and data analysis. They should reflect on and describe the

purpose of the study appropriately. In the next paragraph, the author must display the research

framework in a concept map or diagram.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Palatino Linotype 11, Space 1.5, Justify)

Published by Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo; Indonesia
Accredited Sinta 6
Al Mikraj – Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora

Inform a number of important data (original) fields which obtained from the

questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations, and other data collection

techniques. It can be completed with a table or graphic to clarify the result.

All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively. Tables (refer to

Table 1, Table 2, and table 3…) should be presented above the table contained in center alignment.

A descriptive title should be placed after the table title (refer to Table 1, table 2, and table 3…)

above each table. The source of the table should be placed below the table in the right alignment.

Table 1. Table Description
No Description Description Description
1 - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
5 - - -
6 - - -
7 - - -
Source: source description

Figures (refer to Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3…) should be presented below each figure

and followed by the description of the figure. Example:

Figure 1. The Mountain Picture

Discussion is the most important part of writing a journal article. At this stage, the author

must present the thesis and research findings systematically, scientifically, and factually. Explain

the impact of research findings and their impact. Then the writer must compare the results with

previous studies relevant to the topic of discussion.

CONCLUSION (Palatino Linotype 11, Space 1.5, Justify)

This summarizes the evidence of the main points or findings of research problems that are

by the research objectives. It consists of two paragraphs (maximum).

Title of the Manuscript (Author, et al.)

Please do not restate findings and discussions. Provide a meeting of the overall scope of the

article and a concluding remark

REFERENCES (Palatino Linotype 11, Single Space, Justify)

References must be cited both in the text and in the list of references and must be in

accordance with the Turabian 8th edition (full note). It should be listed in alphabetical order.

Please ensure that all information in your manuscript taken from other sources is supported with

in-text reference citations. A minimum of 80% of sources published in the last 10 years is required

for each submission. Articles in Al Miraj Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities are suggested

to be used as references.

Please note that your references must follow the style of the Turabian 8th edition (full note) the

editor will return your submission for your correction if you do not format your references

correctly). Author(s) may employ Zotero, Mendeley, and Endnote.

Reference Management
Articles in Periodicals, for example:
Budiwan, Jauhan, Furqon Hidayatulloh, and Asrowi Yusuf, Munawir. “The Profile of the Public
Junior High School Students ’ Character Values in Ponorogo.” Procceding Iconsme 5, no. x
(2018): 243.

Dewey, John. Education and Democracy and Introduction to the Philoshopy of Education. Iskandariyah:
Library of alexsandria, 2010.

Meidawati Suswandari. Sosiologi Pendidikan. Semarang: UPGRI, 2016.

Montessori, Maria. Absorbent Mind. London: Kazi Publication Inc, 1949.

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present. New York: State University
of New York Press, 2006.

Curzon Press, 1996.

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