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lines. The linear arrays of HRP patches Finally, we have found (15) that simi- 6. D. H. Hubel and T. N.

. D. H. Hubel and T. N. Wiesel, ibid. 146, 421

have dimensions similar to the deoxyglu- larly organized intrinsic connections oc- 7. J. C. Horton and D. H. Hubel, Neurosci. Abstr.
cose stripes (a repeat distance of approx- cur in other species and may thus consti- 6, 315 (1980).
8. A. L. Humphrey and A. E. Hendrickson, ibid.,
imately 500 ,um) (11), and both patterns tute a basic feature of neocortical struc- p. 315.
seem to follow a generally posteromedial ture. The relation between this anatomi- 9. J. K. Harting, I. T. Diamond, W. C. Hall, J.
Comp. Neurol. 150, 393 (1973).
direction from the lateral border between cal framework and other reported pe- 10. D. H. Hubel, Brain Res. 96, 41 (1975).
areas 17 and 18. The possible correspon- riodicities remains to be established. 11. A. L. Humphrey, L. C. Skeen, T. T. Norton, J.
Comp. Neurol. 192, 549 (1980).
dence of the two systems raises interest- KATHLEEN S. ROCKLAND 12. A. L. Humphrey and T. T. Norton, ibid., p. 531.
13. We cannot'rule out that a contribution is made
ing questions. Perhaps the HRP pattern, JENNIFER S. LUND to the orthograde terminal label by axons rising
for example, constitutes an anatomical Department of Ophthalmology, into layers II and III at the injection site. Such
axons would have to have widespread horizon-
substrate for the orientation-selective Medical University of South tal collaterals terminating in register with the
system. In this instance, what appears as Carolina, Charleston 29425 intrinsic periodic arrangement of neurons and
their collaterals.
a strict morphological periodicity may in 14. A. Schoppmann and M. P. Stryker, Neurosci.
fact subserve a functional continuum, References and Notes Abstr. 6, 314 (1980).
15. K. S. Rockland and J. S. Lund, Assoc. Res. Vis.
with orientation determined by the de- 1. R. Lorente de No, in Physiology of the Nervous Ophthalmol. Abstr., in press.
System, J. F. Fulton, Ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, 16. We thank I. T. Diamond for kindly supplying
gree to which single neurons enter into New York, 1938), p. 291. some of the tree shrews used in this study and
the widely connected system. Alterna- 2. V. B. Mountcastle, J. Neurophysiol. 20, 408 G. G. Blasdel and R. D. Lund for helpful
(1957). criticism. This work was supported by NIH
tively, the deoxyglucose columns may 3. D. H. Hubel and T. N. Wiesel, Proc. R. Soc. grant EY03321 and a postdoctoral fellowship to
not actually reflect the orientation sys- London Ser. B. 198, 1 (1977). K.S.R. awarded from South Carolina State ap-
4. , J. Physiol. (London) 195, 215 (1968). propriations.
tem that has been identified physiologi- 5. , M. P. Stryker, J. Comp. Neurol. 177,
361 (1978). 8 July 1981; revised 8 October 1981.
cally. In particular, can we be sure that
during vertical stripe stimulation, the

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columns correspond to groups of verti-
cal-selective neurons, and the nonla-
beled interspaces correspond to horizon-
tally selective neurons? In the same tis- Behaviorally Conditioned Immunosuppression and Murine
sue, therefore, stimulation with horizon- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
tal stripes should result in an exact mir-
ror reversal of the labeled and nonla- Abstract. Development of autoimmune disease in female New Zealand hybrid
beled spaces. In combined physiological mice was dramatically modified by classical conditioning of immunosuppression.
and deoxyglucose experiments in cats, Groups of animals received each week a solution of sodium saccharin (conditioned
lesions marking the locus of vertical se- stimulus). One group of conditioned animals received an injection of cyclophospha-
lectivity apparently corresponded to mide (the unconditioned stimulus) after half of the weekly occasions when they
peaks of verticality induced deoxyglu- received the saccharin solution. The rate of development ofproteinuria and mortality
cose patterns (14), but no direct evidence were significantly retarded in these conditioned mice relative to untreated controls
is yet available to confirm the phase and nonconditioned animals that received unpaired treatment with saccharin and
shifting of the deoxyglucose pattern after cyclophosphamide. pelo menos 2 grupos: com condicionamento e sem
stimulation with horizontal as opposed
to vertical lines. As the HRP pattern in Several converging lines of evidence On the basis of observations that im-
the tree shrew appears to illustrate a implicate the central nervous system in mune responses can be suppressed by
fixed anatomical locus, its correspon- the regulation of immune processes (1). conditioning procedures, we hypothe-
dence with the pattern produced by Of relevance here is that behavioral con- sized that, in conditioned mice, the sub-
deoxyglucose orientation suggests that ditioning procedures can be used to sup- stitution of conditioned stimuli (placebo
the deoxyglucose pattern is also fixed press humoral and cell-mediated immune treatment) for the immunosuppressive
and thus might not be directly related to responses (2). Conditioned immunosup- drug would delay the development of
the orientation aspect of the stimulus. pression is accomplished by pairing con- proteinuria and mortality relative to non-
How literally should we take the image sumption of a novel drinking solution- conditioned animals treated with the
of a cortical column as a functional en- the conditioned stimulus (CS)-with an same dose of drug.
tity, designed to segregate out different immunosuppressive drug, for example, Individually caged female NZFI mice
submodalities? We might rather enter- cyclophosphamide-the unconditioned were maintained under a 12-hour light-
tain the view of multiple repetitive struc- stimulus (US). When subsequently treat- dark cycle and given free access to food
tures intrinsic to the cortex, which may ed with antigen, conditioned animals that and water. A chemotherapeutic regimen
be adapted to fulfill a variety of func- are reexposed to the CS show attenuated was initiated when the animals were 4
tions. It may be useful to consider the immune responses. The present study months of age. Once each week for 8
vertical radial component of the cortex was designed to examine the impact of weeks all the animals were administered
as enmeshed in an elaborate horizontal conditioned immunosuppression on the a 0.15 percent solution of sodium saccha-
laminar organization, possibly in a multi- development of systemic lupus erythe- rin (SAC) by pipette (up to 1.0 ml).
ple lattice-like design. Although the in- matosus (SLE) in New Zealand mice, an Cyclophosphamide (5) was injected ac-
fluence of each lattice could be translat- autoimmune disease for which the fe- cording to the following schedule.
ed through the cortical depth, this con- male (NZB x NZW)F1 (NZF1) mouse The standard treatment group (C100)
cept stresses the primacy of a particular has become a standard experimental received, once weekly, an intraperitone-
lamina in elaborating a given function model (3). Treatment of NZF1 mice with al injection of cyclophosphamide (30 mg/
and underlines the importance of dynam- cyclophosphamide prolongs survival of kg) immediately after they received the
ic interconnections throughout the hori- animals that would otherwise develop a SAC solution. These stimuli were pre-
zontal as well as the vertical extent of the lethal glomerulonephritis between ap- sented at the same time on the same day
cortex. proximately 8 and 14 months of age (4). of each week. Results derived from this
1534 0036-8075/82/0319-1534$01.00/0 Copyright © 1982 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 215, 19 MARCH 1982
conditioned group defined the effects of 100- A
traditional immunosuppressive therapy
administered for 8 weeks. The dosage
and duration of treatment prolonged sur- I-%(
vival but was insufficient to prevent the
ultimate development of SLE. 20o- a , s AN5
C 50
Another conditioned group (C50) re-
140 0 Ciontol
ceived, two times (in random sequence)
in each 4 weeks, an intraperitoneal injec-
tion of cyclophosphamide (30 mg/kg) af- 10 ~4000 10 20 30 40 50 60
ter they received the SAC solution. For Time after conditioning (weeks)
the two times in each 4 weeks that they
did not receive the drug they received an Fig. 1. (A) Rate of development of an unremitting proteinuria in NZF1 female mice under
different chemotherapeutic regimens. Group CI00 (N = 25) received weekly a saccharin drink-
intraperitoneal injection of saline follow- ing solution (SAC) followed by an injection of cyclophosphamide (30 mg/kg); group C50 (N =
ing SAC. 27) received weekly the SAC followed by an injection of cyclophosphamide (30 mg/kg) two
A nonconditioned group (NC50) also times in each 4 weeks or an injection of saline; group NC50 (N = 34) received weekly the SAC
received cyclophosphamide injections and an injection of cyclophosphamide (two times in each 4 weeks) but the SAC and the drug
were not paired; control mice (N = 14) received SAC weekly but no cyclophosphamide. (B)
after the SAC presentations two times in Cumulative mortality rate in NZF, female mice maintained on different chemotherapeutic
each 4 weeks, but these stimuli were regimens. Symbols as in (A).
administered on a noncontingent basis
(that is, on different days of the same
Control animals received no immuno- striking when one uses as a reference instances. The interval between the de-
suppressive therapy. They did, however, point the rate of development of protein- velopment of proteinuria and death was
receive the weekly dose of SAC solution uria for the initial 50 percent of the also relatively constant (ranging from
and injections of saline on a noncontin- population developing the disease [F(3, 14.4 ± 1.2 to 16.7 ± 1.2 weeks). There-
gent basis. 47) = 18.29; P < .0011. Animals in fore, although the progression of SLE Adesenvolve
doença se

Group NC50, since they received only group C100 developed proteinuria later followed a similar course in all groups, da mesma
50 percent of the cyclophosphamide that than any of the other groups (P < .001 in there was a clear difference in the onset forma, mas
o início do
group C100 received, were expected to each instance). The nonconditioned ani- of disease that could be attributed to the desenvolvim
ento é
manifest symptoms of SLE and die soon- mals (group NC50) did not differ from differential treatment of the groups. atrasado
er than animals treated weekly. Group the untreated controls (t = 1.78), where- These differences were consistent with
C50 also received only 50 percent of the as the conditioned animals in group C50 the effects of cyclophosphamide in re-
drug given to group C100. However, to developed proteinuria significantly more tarding the development of SLE. The
the extent that reexposure to SAC (the slowly than the untreated controls results were also consistent with previ-
CS paired with cyclophosphamide) is (t = 3.86, P < .001). The critical com- ous observations of conditioned immu-
capable of eliciting a conditioned immu- parison between groups C50 and NC50 nosuppression (2) and with predictions
nosuppressive response, it was predicted revealed that group C50 developed pro- that follow from the application of such
that the animals in group C50 would teinuria significantly more slowly than conditioning within this biologic model.
show a greater resistance to the develop- group NC50 (t = 2.38, P < .05). The mechanisms mediating these con-
ment of SLE than the animals in group There were also group differences in ditioning effects are unknown. There
NC50. mortality [F(3, 85) = 10.49; P < .001] are, however, several possibilities. An
At weekly intervals, proteinuria was that were especially dramatic when one elevation in adrenocortical steroid lev-
measured on freshly expressed urine considers the rate at which the first half els, for example, might be invoked to
samples with tetrabromphenol paper of each group died [F(3, 44) = 15.67; explain the observed differences. Novel
("Albustix") (6). When autolysis was P < .001] (Fig. 1B). Nonconditioned an- stimuli (saccharin) can elicit an adreno-
not extreme or when moribund animals imals (group NC50) did not differ from cortical response, as can an injection
were killed, glomerulonephritis was ex- untreated controls (t = 1.62). In con- of saline or cyclophosphamide (7). Con-
amined histologically (and, in all in- trast, group C50 survived significantly ditioned and nonconditioned animals,
stances, verified). Ten animals died longer than untreated controls (t = 4.24, however, received the same number of
without showing proteinuria and were P < .001) and did not differ statistically such stimuli. Moreover, since combined
eliminated from the experiment. from group ClOO(t = 1.28), animals that environmental stimuli are not additive
As expected, the weekly cyclophos- received twice as much drug. Again, the (8), it could be argued that the noncon-
phamide treatment delayed the onset of critical comparison is between groups ditioned animals (group NC50) exposed
proteinuria and prolonged the survival of C50 and NC50, which received the same to SAC and intraperitoneal injections at
NZF1 mice in group C100. Considering amount of drug: group C50 survived different times received twice as many
the total population of animals that de- significantly longer (27.6 1.5 weeks)± "stressful" experiences as the condi-
veloped SLE, there was a significant than group NC50 (22.1 1.7 weeks) ± tioned animals (group C50). A differen-
difference in the onset of proteinuria (t = 2.42, P < .05). tial adrenal response (that is, a condi-
(values consistently.- 100 mg/l00 ml) [F Differences in both the rate of devel- tioned elevation in corticosterone level)
(3, 96) = 8.28; P < .001]. Since the mice opment of proteinuria and mortality can is possible but unlikely. It is possible to
in aQl groups were likely to develop pro- be traced to the variable onset of disease condition an elevation in steroid level in
teinuria and die, the longer the disease among the groups. Within-group correla- fluid-deprived rats (7), but 30 mg of
was monitored the less likely it would be tions between the development of pro- cyclophosphamide is insufficient to in-
to discern treatment effects. Differences teinuria and mortality ranged from .66 to duce an aversion to a flavored drinking
among the groups (Fig. lA) become .84 and were statistically significant in all solution in NZF1 or C57BL/6 mice (9).
19 MARCH 1982 1535
Several other endocrine- and neuroendo- (1968); A. D. Steinberg, M. C. Gelfand, J. A. 7. R. Ader, J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 90, 1156
Hardin, D. T. Lowenthal, Arthritis Rheum. 18, 9 (1976).
crine-immune system interactions have (1975). 8. S. B. Friedman and R. Ader, Neuroendocrinolo-
been described (1), and these physiologic 5. Cyclophosphamide was generously supplied by gy 2, 209 (1967).
the Mead Johnson Research Center, Evansville, 9. R. Ader, unpublished observations.
processes may be subject to or influ- Ind. 10. Supported by a USPHS Research Scientist
enced by conditioning. 6. There is a correlation between proteinuria and Award (K5 MH-06318) to R.A. and by research
immunologic and histologic manifestations of grants from the USPHS (NS-15071) and the
The present study does not provide disease (3, 4). Therefore, in order to minimize Kroc Foundation.
extraneous manipulations of the animals, we
direct evidence of conditioned immuno- obtained no additional measures. 22 September 1981; revised 24 December 1981
suppression, per se (for example, de-
pressed autoantibody titers). Nonethe-
less, the results are consistent with pre-
vious data (2) indicating that the pairing Endogenous Opiates and Energy Balance
of saccharin and cyclophosphamide en-
ables saccharin, acting as a CS, to sup- Abstract. Increasing the palatability offood has two opposite effects: it promotes
press immunologic reactivity; they are overeating and provokes caloric output (energy expenditure). The increase in energy
also consistent with the hypothesis that expenditure is too small to compensate for overeating and, as a result, obesity
such conditioning might thereby delay occurs. Repeated administration of zinc tannate of naloxone, a long-lasting opiate
the onset of autoimmune disease under a antagonist, completely abolishes this diet-induced obesity in rats. The drug accom-
regimen of chemotherapy that was not, plishes this not only by reducing overeating but also by increasing energy expendi-
in itself, sufficient to influence the devel- ture. This suggests that endogenous opioidpeptides encourage obesity in two ways-
opment of SLE in comparison with an by stimulating appetite for palatable foods and by reducing energy expenditures.
untreated control group. As such, these
findings constitute an elaboration of the In our Western societies the average weight, which then stabilizes at a lower
biologic impact of conditioned immuno- adult gains about 13 kg between the ages level (1).
pharmacologic responses. The present of 20 and 50 years. Replacing a laboratory animal's usual
study suggests, further, that there is Certain animal species, such as ro- monotonous laboratory food by a large
some heuristic value in analyzing a phar- dents, follow a genetic program for an choice of highly palatable items ("cafete-
macotherapeutic regimen in terms of increase of adipose mass with age. This ria" diet) induces overeating and an in-
conditioning operations. Based on the does not seem to be the human situation, crease in weight (2, 3). When cafeteria
present paradigm in which conditioned since in non-Western societies average rats are given more exercise, their over-
stimulus presentations (placebo treat- weight remains stable throughout adult- weight is diminished, but not to the level
ments) were substituted for some active hood and decreases slightly with old age. of controls (3). Tail pinching, a stressor,
immunosuppressive therapy, it may be This has led to a general consensus that provokes overeating, obesity, and an in-
hypothesized that the prescription of a the weight gain observed in modern soci- crease in plasma ,B-endorphin (4).
noncontinuous schedule of pharmaco- eties is essentially due to environmental We hypothesized that the overavail-
logic treatment in contrast to an analysis conditions. The three main factors usual- ability of various palatable foods acts,
of the effects of continuous regimens of ly mentioned are the availability of a like a stressor, through the endogenous
drug (or placebo) would be applicable in great variety of palatable foods, the de- opiate system, which in turn modifies the
the pharmacotherapeutic control and crease in energy expended, and the mul- two components of energy balance-in-
regulation of a variety of physiologic tiplication of stressors. That three fac- take and expenditure.
systems. tors usually occur together makes it diffi- We have shown that short-term injec-
ROBERT ADER cult to appreciate their individual effects. tions of opiate antagonists suppress hy-
NICHOLAS COHEN The only available experimental dem- perphagia both in genetically obese ro-
Department of Psychiatry and onstration in human subjects concerns dents (5) and in cafeteria rats (6). We
Department of Microbiology food choice. Replacing the usual varied now report that the repeated administra-
(Division of Immunology), meals by monotonous free feeding, in tion of a long-lasting opiate antagonist
University of Rochester School of subjects whose physical activity and drug prevents obesity induced by. the
Medicine and Dentistry, stressors are not modified decreases cafeteria diet by diminishing overeat-
Rochester, New York 14642
References and Notes 150
I. R. Ader, Ed., Psychoneuroimmunology (Behav-
ioral Medicine Series) (Academic Press, New Fig. 1. Mean body
York, 1981). weight gains. At day
2. and N. Cohen, Psychosom. Med. 37, 333
(1975); ,L. J. Grota, Int. J. Immunophar- 30, the group given a 0
macol. 1, 141 (1979); D. Bovbjerg, N. Cohen, R. cafeteria diet but no co
Ader, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 583 ZTN (0) had gained c 100
(1982); N. Cohen, R. Ader, N. Green, D. Bov- significantly more
bjerg, Psychosom. Med. 41, 487 (1979); M. P. 0.
Rogers, P. Reich, T. B. Strom, C. B. Carpen- weight (analysis of
ter, ibid. 38, 447 (1976); E. A. Wayner, G. R. variance, P < .05)
Flannery, G. Singer, Physiol. Behav. 21, 995 than any of the other 0
(1978). groups, none of which
3. A. D. Steinberg, D. P. Huston, J. D. Taurog, J. >X 50
S. Cowdery, E. S. Ravechd, Immunol. Rev. 55, differed from each 0
121 (1981); A. N. Theofilopoulos and F. Dixon, other. Symbols: 0,
ibid. 55, 179 (1981); N. Talal, Transplant. Rev. cafeteria-vehicle; 0,
31, 240 (1976).
4. T. P. Casey, Blood 32, 436 (1968); B. H. Hahn, laboratory-food-vehi-
L. Knotts, M. Ng, T. R. Hamilton, Arthritis cle; A, cafeteria-
Rheum. 18, 145 (1975); D. H. Lehman, C. B. ZTN; and A, labora- 0
Wilson, F. J. Dixon, Clin. Exp. Immunol. 25, tory-food-ZTN.
297 (1976); A. D. Morris, J. Esterly, G. Chase, 0 6 12 18 24 30
G. C. Sharp, Arthritis Rheum. 19, 49 (1976); P.
J. Russell and J. D. Hicks, Lancet 1968-I, 440 Day
1536 0036-8075/82/0319-1536$01.00/0 Copyright © 1982 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 215,19 MARCH 1982

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