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QATAR FOUNDATION Commissioning and Tum Over 1 SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMIRC) i JEBUCATION CITY - GaTAR Contract No. Document Wo. EDUCATION CITY - QATAR | STomrepasiara | $8 (rena Form: | Tite Page Reva ae Project Specific Quality Control Procedure for CONRAEK voft on 'ecuments and SeringsmurailMy Cocuments\MuralhMureh Project Specific Quality Control! Procedure for Commissioning and Turn Over SURCPOPPOP r2 New Logotsr 8 CL Copy of CL forms Rev (Paedtai + | QATAR FOUNDATION | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) _| [Contract No. | Document Ne. | cation |__ EDUCATION CITY - QATAR I | Tae GTCMTIEPHSIQFA | -3618-9R-00-00007 | i Page [Rev No. PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY jofilz] 74 CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | tof iz so | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER L L BP#9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | Youssef I T | Revised isu incorporating OPT RED” <_<. STF" Rug 7] i | on 2 | Chababi_| Hans | JM Cane | j | Comments noted on rev: oye __| | Revised Issue incorporating OP KEO [26 say} ee i { Comments noted on rev 0 2008 { Murali8 | Hans kK | jv. Cano_| | Tr oF july | | Yousser T Lo | opine issue 2008 "| wuraiis | Ghabass_| | Jit Cano 4 Rev. | Description | Date “| Prepared | Checked | Reviewed | Approved | | { | | | fect fea | QATAR FOUNDATION SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMIRC) CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | Tot 12 + CONTRACK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | ! Location ‘Contract No, Document Ne | ___EDUCATION CITY- QATAR | arcio7mepesara | s9618-pR.00-00007 | i Tite [Page (Revi HL PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY [ Tojr fa] BP#9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMIRC) PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER I Youssel I T | Revised issue incomorating OPV KED” aos \] 35" Aug | 2 Gonmensntedonrevd ot UGS | fee 8_| chabe_| vane | sm Cano, | Revised Issue incorporaling GPY KEG 728" July t ; 7 1 1_{ Comments noted an rev 0 { 2008 ___| Mura. | Hans x _| Lum. cane | [or say | Yousse? | | o_| onginal issue 2008__| Murai's_| chabapi_| JM. Cano | Rev | Description | Date | Frepared | Checked | Reviewed | Aoproved | Location [ QATAR FOUNDATION SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC)_| ConiractNe. | Document No | GTCHOTIBPHOIOFA "BoYBrPR-o0-00007 | Tie PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | | | | | EDUCATION CITY - QATAR t 7 Page I Rev No, Pofajal | 2of 12 Ret Reply to QP/ KEO Comments noted on doc. # 1864B-PR-00-00007, rev #4 S.No. [Spb omar | | | QP/KEO Comments | Pope Logo Fama cocamris ate oe SBS ine wt he reer of Rie 9000 aes | Document Identifeation procedure at: OS" Mees bece Fale: KES leterrf.# KEDICWOKL.CONBPS 18618/0139-08 dt: 2s" July 2008) Cine 5:3 8 too genet te Tal Sana raked 0) he comments ror 0 of he de Eaborge liner a fo ow ine acne eee | alte see bong ratte. Tas eapmaaie aes s | commissioning procedure. Is uecertons a pe Shout teaoy rave at esta commesonog ace | ot ach sytem being montoned tee een | in “in aecument the ensnnee ay ete Correspeningschogules fare © ge me ci | Glearer picture of how this procedure works. JV is | se Sees "Cony ute aes 2 | brouson tha sce ose MEP wots ae ot ied Pe SRST | Prowse sare Poses wz {Uogo/ Format changed on al sheet! fone akachrnents JV Reply Gammissioning Procedure fom oir Spedlay wuBaTadar| MS KV ie QF/KEO for approval, Page # 12) I enclosed, wnich wi! be suomites separate to | Iniar to Section # T of the sbove procedure which | gies the tots! description of various commissioning thet wil | be done including susbsyetemes) ‘Alaa Oe Seen PTS Te POP 1 & | QATAR FOUNDATION eee | Seance Location EDUCATION CITY - QATAR i Tie C PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY { CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR i | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER } Page 1 | | | | ( j TABLE OF AMENDMENTS I 1 1 | Rev.# Description Of Amendment Reason for Amendment f (0 iar ea Tar SESE | | eon soprval : [ 1 Foliowing sede unde sumose Rot sppieaae j | Cantinisd —imsreverant ot eT | - Seneral conditions of Contac: (GCoc) | secumant and i neemserote Ge) Kes | | | comments i I Case 255 conecied oa 7B) r { SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) [contract wo. Document Ne |_—Sonttact No | Document No. | 1 i t Amendment Details eee [Section® | TN Page # Wot appicable hese poe [Peeeeeeeeeeeeree| eee | itivaen crangea as Raat i z | tiem’ i i i | | | | i | | | j r 7 [Third Party inchiged is Fom) T i { | ‘Conmesionts ‘Patles aru Top i i | | volvement in Commissconing Process! | | | L (tac | I I T | I SH PHIEEEEPEE Pee Pee i | | acuta wy! QATAR FOUNDATION | Sartor SSS | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) OW ee EDUCATION CITY QATAR STCiO7IEPRBIGFA | +96%6-eR-00-cc00r 1 | | Contract Ne. Document Ne | | i | | Title | Page | Rev No. em =| PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY I je] | comnemcr | CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | 4of 12 h t COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | | CONTENTS SNe] Description Page # iz tiaae [4 (ao (Poros co it Foeencoe Z soca a Define end Reinvent Iiairaton = (eaters near toma feeesete| [2277 Retevant infomation eer ir J" Senaral Deserpton [ieee ee) 0 [Commissioning Phases occa racecer} 78 (-Gommisoring Reser a} a [[Demenstttion Taming i 0 [Maintenance 1 | 0c Sefety Aspects, it a | Cita aacrments C2 ptm hy | QATAR FOUNDATION | | S i | Barisn SS | spre MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | J [Contract Ne cue EON een Contract Ni Document No fee |__EDUCATION CITY-QATAR | GTCi7/IEPAgIAFA [18816 8-0-0007 | | 7 Tite 1 Page [Reve] | gm, =| PROJECT SPECIFIC QuaLiTy r | |e | CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | Sof 12 rs ie |_SONTRACK | CONIMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | Paddy 10 scope aoe igas procedure! guidsine apply to all systems in construction projects and establish methodology for @) Identifying roles ofall parties involved in the commissioning process 5) Verifying and documenting the actual performance of system 2.0 PURPOSE Moves are Saline provides the metned for documenting and verying the periormance of systems provided at the SMRC so that ‘systems operate in conformity with the design intent, + These guidejines are intended to formulate procedures for: a) Translating Client specified needs into tangible requirements in the form of drawings, documents (material submittals, method statements, ITP's, Shop drawings eic.,) for usa by JVI subcontractors! Vendors! supoliers, users and © & M staf Bi Fanetional Peformance testing and documentation necessary for evaluating both indivcuel systems and the intemelated pertornance of the project systems for acceptanos Opalsumthe systems to meet actual Client needs within the capabifty of each individual system and the interrelated performance ofall systems, d) ‘The end result is to have a fully functional and coordinated project system. * To ensure compliance tothe contract requirement stated inthe following documents ° ‘Section # 11 of QGPC doc. # QSP-QAC-09, rt © Project Specification © General Conditions of Contract (6CoC) 3.0 REFERENCES © QGPC Doc. # OSP-QAC-08, rev 4, Issued as Attachment # B in Appendix A, Part 1 of the contract documents, © Project Specification, Issued with Appendix A, part 2 of the contract document co OHL-Contrack Jv's QMS 9 QCS 2007 49 DEFINITIONS AND RELEVANT INFORMATION 41 Definitions * Aczeotable Perfomance: A component ar system being abe to meet property and specified design parameters under actual load/ or other properiy developed simulated Operating conditions. Commissioning goes beyond the normal quality assurance role of ‘Snsuring contract compliance, by identifying and correcting design and construction defects which ere revealed only by the commissioning procsduree * Commissioning Procedures: The overall document, which sutlines the organization, Seheduing, allocation of resources, instumentation, operating perameless, text oe eears [ieee tes QATAR FOUNDATION | ie) | eincoee Se | we |_SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC)_| : \ set [Contract wo. | Document No | EDUCATION CITY-QATAR | GTcno7epasiara [_18818-PA-00-00007 | Vie 7 L Page I Rev No. { 3 om | PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY | fefrjz] [4 | i CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR i 6 of 12 re ace L_SORTRACK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN Over | Efe eed H/F eee Gualfications of testing personnel, petformance and acceptance orteria, documentation, ete ‘equied '© perform the functional testing in accordance to the commissioning provedure, * Gommissionina Team: The qualified persons that wil pian and camry cut the ove commissioning procass. * Eunctional Ps ance Testina: That iull range of tests and checks carried out systems function in accordance with the design intent, as stated in the Client's Spscifisd needs. “Function” includes all modes and sequences of contro! and Speration. ail interlocks and conditional control responses, and ail specified Fesponses to abnormal emergency conditions * User End User The combined organizational group made up of QF, QP and EEG restonsible for providing ‘ectties, perform facity operation and martorerce ond perform actual missions at the SMRC. 4.2 Relevant information * Client (QF) ‘Qatar Foundation for Education, Science & Community Development * Client's Representative (QP): Qatar Petroleum + Consultant EO Internationa Consuitants + src Sitra Medical & Research Centre * Contractor Obrascon Huarte Lain / Contrack JV (OHL-Contrack JV or JV) PM Project Menger of OHL-Contrack JV 5.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION * The following system shail be subjected to commissioning at the SMRC Project 0 HVAC System, Electrical Services Fire Services Plumbing & Drainage Services Building Management Systems IT and Extra Low Voltages Systems Medical Equipments and FF & E its and Escalators Water features and irrigation system * The Av Commissioning Team shall consist of the following people who may attend to the Faoraissioning works, elther jointly or individually, on a case by case basis depending on the relevance of the commissioning activity: re ; [delish a | QATAR FOUNDATION [Eee |_SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMIRC) __ | KE tae Contract No. [7 Document No, KEOW | voce }_—Sertnane.—T ment EDUCATION CITY - QATAR GTCIO7IBPHSIQFA | 1861B-PR.00-00007 | | Tite: je Page I Rev No. 3 OM PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY | lel+faf Ty jetraee | __ CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | Toll a [_CORIRACK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | © Design/ Technical Manager © Manager - Medical Equipment and FF & or his designated representative © Mechanical Manager or his designated representative © Electrical Manager or his designated representative © Construction! Section Manager or his designated representative © Subcontractor representatives), where applicable, for each discipiine as above \Vendor/ Supplier representative, where applicable metiod statement All commissioning procedures shall be supplemented wity checker forms, as Fepipable for recording bservations during commissioning, athe time of submital aera * Fo the extent avaliatie, the JV shall use standard manuizeluron’ sonuer supplier supplied! the JV cheat sims and procedures for commissioning works, Where Such forms ate ret see, the JV shall develop forms! checklists for recording observations uring commissioning in aoproval os wan, QPL_REO. Such JV developed forms shall be put up formally o OP) eee fee proval as part of the commissioning procedure. * The WV shall provide prior intmaton of all commissioning actviies to QP! KEO formally by raising the Conte eetUesl or by way ofa letter, for participation in the commissioning seats per the Contract requirements, "The JV may carry out inspections, test runs and adjustments, 2s necessary prior to inviting QP/ KEO for the final commissioning, Tis hall not be responsible for © & M Manuals for Medical equipment and FF & E supplied GSatly by QF regardless of whether it was JV installed (Extracted from Contre Document, SOW Clause # 3.2.3 (2), Page # 55/ 80) * Summary of fequrements for demonstration, taining, O & M Manual, Extra materiale spares and ‘00's a5 per the Project Specifications, is enciosed as an attachment 6.0 COMMISSIONING PHASES eesaemssioning process can be broadly categorized into the follwing four phases for the SMC, which is ilustrated in the following Row diagram: BIASED Phebe L—2! passa] BASES: Conmcton ! po Acceptance ‘The sequence of activities und ed in the following passages. tH PHASE 1: Pre Desian: 2h activity prior fo Design Phase has been carried out is ongoing by the Client and may briefly be summarized as below: © Guthorization. selection and Inclusion of Commissioning requirements into the Project brief and Contract requirements. © Gent's engagement! nomination of a commissioning team te carry out the following tasks: - Developing commissioning objectives : Developing commissioning requirements for design stage 7 Develop conceptual designs for each system fulfiling requirements of facility objectives. | derattnt he | QATAR FOUNDATION | | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) L Feeea [contract Ne. | Document Ne] EDUCATION CITY-QATAR | GTev7iBPssiaFA | 18615.0R-00-00007 i Tie [Pave Reve | | PROJECT SPECIFIC QuaLITY | foltfe | | CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR i 8 of 12, Perec ec ease SONTRATK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | feta) eee : ogress areas of intereystam operation and dependency inthe concept design Define space requirements for equipments}, - Working closely with the JV during Design Phase : mocumenting the design assumptions and performance standards’ot proposed systems, ‘most appropriate conceptual approach anc spatial requrements ofthe systems PHASE 2: Desian: Introduction: The objective ofthis phase of commissioning is to outline the scope of design requirements for Fra ater tose Pariormance isto be verified, wih a detailed commissioning meee The arse all be performed by the JV Design Manager wih input fom the Chon and JV Fupstional Menegers Mechanical, Electrical and Medical Etuipmect ang cio E. The TRennical Manager will rovide his input to the Design Team when recuestea Scope: The Design Manager shall be responsibie for © Reviewing design intent on commisionabilty © Bevelopment of commissioning specifcation/ pian and revising the same incorporating ee Csel with Clint! Owner! End User/ GPY KEO to translate the Cllent needs into {ngible requirements expressed in the form of design drawings and commissioning specification’ plan, 2 Gewina clanfication o queries raised by any party related commissioning iesues ° Coordinate development of the commissioning procedure with the mameors functional managers and subcontractors vendors) suppliers COMMISSIONING PLAN: The commissioning pian shall include tne ‘ollowing detais: Design criteria and assumptions - Pescrinton of each system and subsystem, and the intended operation and expected Berformance at each level. Local conditions, if any, that may afiee the caeae system performance. - Testing & Verification Detail: Testing requirements, procedure, if any specific to Corea eee requirements for instrumentation = Interns of ype and lecadcr: - Commissioning documentation required - Operation and performances requirements. PHASE 3: CONSTRUCTION: Introduction: The JV Functional Managers - Mechanical, Electrical Medical equipment and FF & & and GP? KEO may at their option designate full time O & M Staif on ste during the installation {esting chase for better understanding of the system Scope: aye OY Functional Managers as listed above under introduction shail be responsible for the following: © Preparing! Reviewing and commenting on submissions and documentation on Cammisionabilty by self or from subcontractors! vendors! suppliers 2 Condueting commissioning meetings for scope finalization © Development of Commissioning procedures QATAR FOUNDATION i SIORA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | Sin | Cae Contract No Desument No __ EDUCATION CITY-@aTAR | cTow7mpssiara [ seete-eR-0000007 | [ie [Fe 3OHL =| PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY fell] I CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR Sof 12 a L_SONRACK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER LT Developing and revising pre-test checklists as necessary Performing pre-tests Reviewing and commenting format for © & M Manuals COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE: The specific commissioning procedure shall include the following details > Brief description of the system subsystem 7 Installation schedule: Make; Model: Quantity installed : References - Drawings’ schematics, if any, relevant to the commissioning activity Parties involved and their role > Commissioning Team 2 Testing! vertication requirements including the sequence - Acceptance criteria 2 Corrective action, adjusting and retesting - Operating data to operate the system to specified standards : Forms/ checklists to be used in the commissioning process - O&M Teams - Sign of sheet for all attendees CONTENTS OF © 8M MANUALS: The content for © & M Menuels, generally, shall be a¢ follows: - Brief description of the Project . Description of the system/ subsystem > {nstalletion schedule: Make: Model, Quantity Installed: Locetions - References Equipment data sheet where applicable + Operation and maintenance instructons > Maintenance schedule 7 stof recommended tools/ spare parts with supplier! cantact details > Warranty’ Guarantee as applicable - Commissioning report - O&M Training details, # applicable PHASE 4: ACCEPTANCE: introduction: This section defines the acceptance procedure for the commissioning process. The JV Functional Managers shall be responsible for the following. Pre-requisites to functional performance test © Jo ensure thatthe physical system installation ie substantially completed and inspected 3g ABproved by QP KEO progressively in accordance to the contact requirements © [he following shail be inclutied in the above: Component testing, startup’ ncivaren of seaman Systems, compietion of testing, adjusting! calibration’ balancing and testing of automatic controls, General Requirements: © Use “commissioning checklisis/ forms contained in the approved commissioning procedure, © Perform functional performance test to each system/ equipment and use separate checklists specific to each equipment! system, : \ Seine "=* | _SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) 19 QATAR FOUNDATION ue EC) Locatior [Contract No. |___ Document No. Ei cation —Becument Ne _| Se | EDUCATION CITY - QATAR | ereiormesorara | vacte-n.cocmar | Page | i PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY [oj | _ CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR CT | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | Tite © Operate systems! equipments trough all modes of control and sequences of Ceerations recommended by the manufacturer’ vendor) supplier and contract requirements, COMMISSIONING REPORT. ation! documentation’ acceptance] As each individual test or check is accomplished progressively, the commissioning team shal observe the Ehyseal Tesponses of the system and compare the same with the speciied requirenene far compliance, All [RGR inspections’ tests shall be shown to QP/ KEG representative and recorded on « Bey T formally. The final athe Commish confitms instaliation as completed with respect to the Contract requrennente srok become part of the Commissioning report 2. Verification of the testing, adjusting and balancing report shall bo an integral part of the commissioning report SPEKEO tepresantative shall be requested to witness the above by raisina o Rell Sopies of the report shall mapmantded to OP! KEO representative at the end of the test fo be attached 6 the Bennet formalizing the 4. Deferred Functional Performance Tests TEStS/ checks that cannot be periormed on accaunt of seasonal reasons! lack of occupancy etc, shall ~ Every ‘check! test for which acceptable performance was not achieved shall be repeated after peor co mective Measures are put in place, and the test’ check repesied uml satistactory performance is achieved. ~ PORRECTIVE MEASURES: Where acceptable performance cannot be achieved necessary corrective measures shall be carried out The WV Functional Manager shell assess the nature of defciency jointly with representative of the Keo mraetet! vendor! supplier and QP/ KEO (where applicable, Under pretext conditions the QP/ © Pe Ar eamimisioning Repor that willbe submited to QP/ KEO, which wil also be 2 part ofthe Ceremeeartl, shal be made ofthe following documents. Signing of By all rerine orere sens commissioning ceport shall constitute accentance of the sysizmy equipment 7 Description of the system equipment under check’ test > Location > REV T as described under Point # 1 above RFUT with test reports as described under Point #2 above * Commissioning checkists/ forms as descrited under Point # 3 above | QATAR FOUNDATION —_|_SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | OF | Locsin |_—Centrst Ne." Socument No. Li EDUCATION CITY -QATAR — | GTCIO7IBPHSIQFA | 18618-PR-00-00007 | i | | Page Revie, | PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY [ eres Peseta eee | CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR 11 of 12 SONTRACK | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OVER | Lite | 8.0 20 10.0 DEMONSTRATION/ TRAINING © The JV snail provided demonstration! training to Client representatives as per the requirement of the Contract. Summary of demanstration’ training required for venous systems sauipments st ke Suan attached. The JV will provide prior notice to the Client of the training by way of letor! REL T SSEECell during startup of equipment, testing, adjusting and batancing and during the entre tunctons) performance testing process Demonstration! Training shall provide an overview of all equipment, components and systems with emphasis on the following items: © Descnpiion of the 0 & M Manval © How to use the O & M Manual © System operational procedure for all modes of operations © Acceptable tolerances for system adjustments in all operating modes, 2 Procedure for dealing with abnormal conditions and (or) emergency situations © Alatiencees shall be requested to sign ff on the altendance sheet provided by the JV, which wil be Te Og Mantes © QPF KEO for information and records. This sign off sheet shall deseo suse the 0 8 M Manual MAINTENANCE * Maintenance shall be carried out by the JV of the buildings and associated systems 2s per the Provisions made in Contract # BP # 3: SMRC. * Aticie # 3.12 of the Scope of Work and Article # 13.1.1 of the General Conditions of Contract define the extent of Guarantee. * The JV shall engage personnel to carry out maintenance of systems/ equipments as ger the ‘maintenance schedule attached to the O & M Manual within the guarantee pevion, * The Construction! Section Manager, Safely Oice and the Garage shall maintain ¢ copy of the 0 & M [Repair of such constructon/ equipment/ machine toos wil be undertaken by cualfica personnel under the Oe terete Garage Manager! Sub contractor-Logistics Manager in the JV garage 7 SSM Manuals with details of the execution method ane the vHA shal be submited to OP! KEO for approval, for all Project equipments! machines/ tools, * Alyestha, commissioning, maintenance end servicing actives pertaining tothe Project materials shall be Shall conan i, 2 NV authonzed person who will be responsible for molementing the LOTO precede he Shall cary out surveiiance inspections as necessary, during the testing, commissioning, maintenance and servicing activities, © [is Gulhoraed perscn for maintaining the LOTO procedure shall receive taining as necessary, from the Seen a, feaercing the associated hazards and the required control measures, These chal ose ne documented in the method statemeni/ JHA and O & M Manuele * The LOTC procedure shall have the following steps QATAR FOUNDATION ee SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | =| [cto [contrac No, | Gacumant No |__EDUCATION CITY- QATAR —_ GTCIO7IBP#9IQFA | sseve->R.00-00007 | 1 Tite: [Page RevNo | PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY Jofafef"]7 4 CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR 412 of 12 cto | COMMISSIONING AND TURN OvER | Lett ft] ~Breparation of Isolation Permit (For details please refer to the HSE Pian) ~Shut down of the system and (or) equipment Fixing of waming signs to the equipment system that has been shut down -Fixing of danger tags at points of isolation, ~!s0lation of the system or equipment and de-energization Locking of isolation points “YER locking, and issue an isolation permit and authorization for werk activity ~Fixing of personal locks at points of isolation for each work alement ~Completion of each work element and removal of personal locks *Checking of completed work siements Verification of completed work activity 7Removal of Isolation point locks and authorization for re-energization -Re-energization and system testing ~ Removal of warning or danger tags Closure of isolation permit 11.0 ATTACHMENTS Sommissioning pares anc their involvement in the commissioning process ss Stn Bey of Inspections/Tests/ Demonstration/ Training/ O & M Manual/ Spares... (Att # 7.8 \ of the POP) tots \ + Commissioning Procedure of MIS KVC End of Document— BP #8: SMRC COMMISSIONING PARTIES AND THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMISSIONING PROCESS Commissioning Phases Parties Responsibilities FreDesign 3 Deine he vera son, esiabisnig operaonal Goa ze Parties: a,b, @ Owner/ Clients End User Management of snsirucion erasess and to eraute a conmadionna ties are compieted on time includes Intrections wath a stake poise, D PM CM (QP/ KEO) [OveratBesiga, Consinscion and coordination wih all wate holies ta commission the bulking as per the approved consinseion scheuie(nciuding Third Panty testing where applicable as per JContract) Design © Patties: 2, b,c, d,f JObrascon Huarte iain/ Contrack JV a Subcontractors [ontract requirements incuding performance iste and proveing trsning/ documentation, as applicable, (including Third Party testing where applicable as per Contract), Construction Parties: a, b,c, d, 2, raion! Teshricians: Provides feedback lo Clent on any Design efeiency, instalation cefeency and tkes pat in the © & M Training fana performance testing, (Including Third Fary eating where applicable as par Contract) e © & M Professionais (Client nominated) 7 ‘Suppliers! Vendors S:priving odode! components’ equipreenis ela, as per ther canaal ws te JV or ts Subcontractors m sonsisionce with the approves [eonsiruction schedule, Also they conduct factory sie peremmence tests, specifec, anc provide © 8M cock ‘Acceptance Parties: a, b,c, 4, ¢, ff | QATAR FOUNDATION | ‘SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | i = fet Contract Ne. | Document No. | | | | EDUCATION CITY ~ QATAR | pasiie6r |. 18618-PR-00-c0020 | [Tier ] aa ar | o I = | RACE | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE HEH yy On Beet |< | Page 1 of 1s LETT | CONTRACT NO.BP #§ -SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE | | tin! Becament | 13.082008 eon | | J.M. CANO. PA_| Bateson py t + aoe ' os | fa | Prepared | Checked =p ae | pone { 2 bins | | kve Kye { | CONTRACK | cONTRAGK | | QATAR FOUNDATION ee | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) i | Pesation [ernst | omen. | =+ | EDUCATION CITY ~ QATAR | BPas:teer3 | Te6iB-PR-00-00020 | vi: ae COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE I PTT Page 2 of 5 | if ff fri I | | i Reply to QP/ KEO Comments noted on '861B-PR-09-00920 | | | S.No, QP/ KEO Commenis ] Contractors Repiy_ | I NUA NTA | I | ie [ [ i t t — SIDRA MEL QATAR FOUNDATION ICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) Contract No. j BPH:18618 [_18618-PR0G-0020 | me | TABLE OF AMENDMENTS Reason for Amendment |_Amendment Details moncimes T i Description Of Amendment Amendment | | | | Page # | Section | 'dentication | | | i Joo | Not applicable ae Not Not eee | | Not epplicab | Not applicable ‘applicable | applicable | Net applicable | / T T Ee | | Li | | | | | | iH i T T 1 | | | i — | | | I | | | \ i i | | | | | | - 1 } | | | i L _| ] | 1 I } Ht L | es ] | | t | | | aut | | 1.0 2.0 40 50. 60 7.0 8.0 3.0 OBJECTIVE... SCOPE... REFERENCE....... DEFINITIONS... PROCEDURE, COMMISSIONING PROCESS OUT LINE A SYSTEMS TO BE COMMISSIONED... Set RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMISSIONING MANAGER... COMMISSIONING PROCESS... QATAR FOUNDATION IL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) TABLE CONTENTS | ee | QATAR FOUNDATION ] E ao Ee | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | : | ontactio. | Bocument no | oo ——— | SPH | \2616-PR-00-.00020 | 1 | = 1 =r ae | CONTRAKK | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE | {| j Page satis | | er j 2 Sv | 4.0 OBJECTIVE 20 SCOPE This procedure is applicable for all the slecirical and mechanical installations under the scope of the contract. 3.0 REFERENCE ‘This procedure shall be read in conjunction with the following documents: 1881B-PR-00-00009 Project Quality Pian 1864B-PR-00-00010 Project Document Control Procedure 1861B-PR-00-00014 Control of Non-conformance at site Procedure QAP-QAC-09 Quality requirement for Projects 4.0 DEFINITIONS Client - Qatar Foundation Contractor - OHL-CL JV ‘Sub Contractor ~ KVC Vendor ~ individual or company approved to Stiely equipment or materials to the Cemp Contractor Project Management Team ~ comprise of Project Director, Deputy Project director, Engineering 5.0 PROCEDURE * This Commissioning procedure outlines and describes the commissioning process that will be used for this project, QATAR FOUNDATION I eee [__ SRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (smc) | i | Contract No. Document No, | ee i | SP#8618 | IesiBeR-co.0020 | | Rev N' I Pe ee pS | Page 6 of 15 | 8.0 Commissioning Process Outline 84. Design Phase 1. Commissioning objectives are developed, 2.4. Commissioning pian is finalized 3. The design intent/basis of design is compiled. 4. Commissioning specifications are created 5. Design review of design develonment (OD) submittal, 8. Design review of construction documenss (CD) submittal 82 Construction Phase 1. Commissioning scape meetings are held. 2. Submited Operation & Maintenance manual are reviewed, 3. Equipment submittals are reviewed, 5 Equipment needs incorporated into job schedule (6.8. @ section ofthe buicing is to be conditioned On & specific date, than the commissioning of all the Pieces anc the system must be listed 2 a 8. Startups scheduled and witnessed, §.Functional testing and verification Procedures are developed and implemented ac systems become ready for demonstration, 63 Acceptance Phase 1. Execution of remaining functional test, 2. Training and Orientation of client's Personnel is scheduled and conducted, §. Final summary report is issued 64 Occupancy Phase (Post-Acceptance) '- Of-season functional testing is scheduled artis performed, | f | QATAR FOUNDATION |aontes ES | sora mea! AND RESEARCH CENTRE (Suro) | | Gir Pobaam 7" r feeeaet |_Semact Ne, | Desert No, | | KEOW | EDUCATION CITY ~ QATAR [owen [arena] i ae ani [Ree = | | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE PH 2. System performance monitoring takes blace, 3. Final walk-through held with Facilities ‘management fo coordinate any remaining Warranty/construction, 7.0 Systems to be commissioned following is a list of systems that KVC cereiGets for commissioning. The project specife list of equipment Inclided in the construction specifications Major equipment associated with each sysiem is Identified. Commissioning of euch System includes all major equipment, uniess note otherwise, HVAC Systems 1. Chilled water system feat inG: Pumps, heat exchangers, meters, and variable speed drives 2, Heating hot water system » jcibing, pumps, heat exchangers and variable speed drives 8. Air distribution systems + jit handling units, duct systems, and air terminal 4. Exhaust systems ° Fans and duct system 5. Automatic temperature control system * Control a 7. Fre Fighting System system . Panels, devices, interface with other systems (HVAC, Fire Suppression, Remote Monitoring) 8. Emergency power system Electrical Systems 8. Lighting controls 10. Electical power distribution system * Meters, circuit breaker setting, transformers Plumbing & Fire Suppression Systems 18, Domestic water supply system (hat & cold) * System pressure booster pump, hot water heating generation, and meters QATAR FOUNDATION SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | Toeation [contract No. | Document No. EE Cees Tena | Bese:te6te | 186t8-#R00.c0020 | t am Itt | Heid a COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Cee eeeeeeeee ey reece | Pages otis | hi] | | 14. Fire suppression system, 15. Medical gas system 16. Steam generation system 8.0 Responsibilities of Commissioning Manager The CM develops the commissioning plan * Ths Commissioning Manager develops the project Specific functional performance testing procedures and forms. ‘The Commissioning Manager issues the final commissioning report. Works with Project Director / Deputy Project Directors 9et commissioning requirements into specification. * Presents design intent to Facilities management Personnel who will be involved in commissioning on this project, * Make periodic site visits fo assure that installation of wide spread systems (Le. duct work, condut, wiring, and piping) are meeting contract requirements, Notional testing along with the involvement of Faciities Management personnel Contracts a thd party to perform commissioning duties i necessary ° 8 & g 8 a 2 g 2 a g a EY g a zg 5 Communicate al discrepancies found during Commissioning activities to Project Director/Deputy Project Director. * Attends progress meetings to discuss commissioning issues as needed, 8.0 Commissioning Process This section sequentially details the commissioning process by task or genera) activity. 9.1 Design Phase Overview of ‘Commissioning During Design | seat 7 & | QATAR FOUNDATION [ (eens SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) j | Location ] ] | | | Contract No. | KE | -— eee | i CO |} EDUCATION cITy - QATAR [ eeeesners | | | ; , =| [fe COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE =f TTT Phy Page 9 of 15 it | ~ Provide commissioning focused design review. { Ensure that the design and operational intent are clearly documented. "Ensure that commissiening for the construction phase © adequately reflected in the bid documents, 8.1.1 Commissioning Pian {he Commissioning Manager develops the project SPecific commissioning plan based on budget, current Staffing, and input ftom the KVC. 8.1.2 Gesign intent and Besis of Design Documentation The design documentation differs trom ‘Specifications in that it provides a more narative description of the building systems, In general, speoiications detail \whattis to be done on a component ievel wivie design Cocumeniation exoiains why something is done and, In generel terms, how design and operating objectives wil be accomplished. Design documentation Consists of two dynamic components: design intent end the basis of design, Design intent Hat se Considered io be very important tothe cent ic initialy the cutcome of the programming and Schematic design phases. This document will be provicie ‘rom the consuttant at the completion of the Schematic design phase. genditions and methods chosen to meet the intent, This document will be provided from the design engineer ‘at the complation of ‘the design documentation phase, 8.1.3 Design Development Review [The design devetooment review is documented in \writing and submitted to the Project Director / Deputy Froleet Director, who forwerds the information to the Commissioning Manager. The Project Director / Deputy tector wil compile any comments/comrections to the documentation and forward to the client. The fina! draft of the design intent and basis of Sesign documentation will be avaliable at the end of construction Sccuments design ohase, $14 Commissioning Specification Development The commissioning Specifications. for inclusion in the construction bid documents, are developed by the ; Proj Commissioning Manager, Project cinactor and members of the design team as part of the commissioning process during design, Purpose i | 1 | jt & QATAR FOUNDATION | ‘Oster Paria ‘SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE, (SMRC) i | jaan Contract No, KEOW) Fea eeeeeeeeeaaEEEEEEe { | | BPHS18612 | 12618-FR-c0-00000 | feceesae ae eee He a | Somme | Page pee | 20 | | CONTRAC | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE F | | Ly Tq baa | Peeeiwors | | | | | SSB _ tii id || Specification Content {28 commissioning spectications shall provide the bidders a ‘Siear description of the extent of the verification testing required, including what Components and systems will be tested and the documentation, reporting ane scheduling requirements. Details of the extent of {esting and whe is responsible for writing tests, sper ants. witnessing and siging-off on tests shall be ineurlea ye specifications shall aiso detail the Sperstor traning and the O&M documentation and any O&M plan recur 8.2. Construction Phase This section details the commissioning process and activities during the construction phase, §.2-4 Constraction Phase Commissioning A tivities The folowing is an outline of commissioning accion during the construction phase. The topics are Sescribed in detail in this section, 1. Kickoff Meeting 2, Prefunctional Checklist and formal startups * Contractor commissioning meeting * Startup Request Forms * Client's site inspections *

} BPM 18618 PR-06-c0020 | COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Ia aaa | Page 13013 ! i {iit | $4 Occupancy Phase 8.41 Off-season Functional Testing 8.4.2 Performance Monitoring During the warrantee period of the building Operational Management personnel will evaluate the HVAC atoms through performance monitoring using the as evstem, The Commissioning Manager will assist Operational Management team in this tack Any remaining open contractor ise time. 3. Eculpment has been installed properly 4. Functional performance status of sac, system 8. As-built documentation, and 8. Operator training was completed, Any Non-compliance issues remaining shall be referenced to the QATAR FOUNDATION SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC} EDUCATION CITY - GATAR oniract Ne, Document No. EDUCATION CITY - QATAR GTonmaprsrara | “VS nlemai Forni | 3 OML ide Page RevNo a cone. Project Specific Quaity Control Procedure for Close Out toft ! i ty t / Project Specific Quality Control Procedure for Close Out SAGeaaenis ar Setargstraraitly CecumensiMuaniurah- SMRCPCPLEGP £2 New Lgolsr 8 CLICeey of Came Rev Pigectae T | Sead &l QATAR FOUNDATION | | baron ESSE SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC)_| KEOWN | vcaton [contact to tsar SStez EDUCATION CITY-aaTAR | rcm7rapye/ara | 196tb-PR20-0018 | Title I Page $-OHL PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY eae Jofal TT | CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | tof 13 anna (cetera ‘CLOSE OUT i | i | | i | I | i | I | BP#9 | DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF | SIDRA MEDICAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SMRC) | PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR | \ CLOSE OUT j } i | | { | | | | \ | | | | © i 1 i { I | TAC | J | [ I I [Ae | [ { | Raised sue incorporating OPTRED ZT aag | 5 — yar 1 1 1__| Comments noted on fev #1} N 2008, jMuraiiB / Chabad | Hens kK | JM. Cano. | j [28 aly i | orginal issue Tees” [urate | nonsk | Lum. Cano |

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